Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 05, 1904, Image 1

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VOL. XXII. BROKEN , _ _ n _ _ _ _ _ _ , , , 51190lhuEIGHT _
, -
. . . " .
. . . .
. . . - - - , . _ - - -
- - - - - - - - ' -
Call YOII l'l' . ! btillclly cadi
llillc of tYPl" or cach Icttl'r ill II
III hook lll' 11epapcr ? If lIot ,
, YOllr cyl' IIcl'llthc IIs.i.tsIICC of Y
Glnsscs. $
'l'o f lit1 Oil. the stn'lIgth havc II
test tIIallc. It will costllothill .
GIIiSSCH 1111111 ( ' frolll thc jllcHcrip-
lioll of nlll' opliciall \I ill illl-
pro\'l' : \1111 IlIc1' > cn' { ' thc sight ,
alld III C\'CII t he:1I : hwhcH. Oil\ '
chargcs an' lIIolll'rah' . } lIOIII
" , . nltr stOllof ] ' : \l' It. : . . . { . " UII. . !
pcctncles wc ( ' ( IIi i l nnliltary
, . , , , , , , , .1 " " , , \I \ " ' ' ' . ' , '
, t
. I \ .
1IW'e evGCM .
- - - - .
Sr11001 Books , .
' 1'
' 1 .
' '
. 'flIt' ) s ( ' .
< *
! f'
i 'T' 1
< . ; T't t School Snpplic : ,
.ljl'A'r .ljl' : -
t'J. '
J. G. ' :
' 1'
r . _ . . . - - - - - . - . , _ . -
, If you want an ( 'leg'anl r ( , ! i-
dence , L. lVilson l iR alTering a
rare hargain. Also a snap ill a
. line parlor rabin'l nice hcd ,
dresser allll commodes , dinillg-
table , ctc. 4c/.1 i
, . . . .
- - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Gooel f-lister for Rillc. l nquire
al Sam Dorris' blacksmith shop.
' " . - - - - - -
1' Go to h ackcl--f : Ol'f ; 1n
ginghamR and chambrays. 'Ihif .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I t1suralce ] tha t itHH1rcs.
3Slf I . U. .l\fooHH.
- - - - -
As W ( ' go to prcss this ' 1'hurs-
day morning rain is slill falling.
It commenced to rai n 'eueselaj'
afternoon and it has been rai n-
ing mosl of lhe time since. At
7 o'clock this morning lhe tOll
precipilalton since 'l'ucselay wa
l.fH inches.
HIII'IiI lllil HUllt ! ! lIC'r 'l'l'lt.
' ' mail No.1
'I'he rural roule ,
thal was to have slarleel oul from
l h is city' 1'.1 ay 211c1 , has becn elc-
fcreel to 1'.lay 111.
_ . - - - - . . _ - -
A'IIIIII ! ; l'ullllin HIIII A\\'IIY.
A young mall by the lIame 01
Oscar l.'riburg , who has heel1
stoppillg' with hiB Uncle Will. Ii' .
Stanley , a few miles soulh p !
Alwley , was atTested at I\lertlr
lasl week hy Constable Forne )
auc1 hroughl to Broken Buw lasl
'l'hunclay andloc1ged in jail 01
. lhe charge of chilli stealing. Jl (
anel a lhirteen year olel girl 0
h ohl. l oods of Wk Creek hac
become infaluatell with eael
other. ' 1'he girl , Nel1ie , wen
o\'er to Stanley's and from then
the two left on horse hack for llH
wesl , proddeel with pro\'ision
for lunch. It was theRecond dal
of their journey th < . ' ) ' werc al
preheneled al l'rna anel hot !
arrest'c1. ' 1'11C' gi rl was sen !
hack to her parcnts alh1 thc bo.1
is heing held for trial. IIis lria
will be hael toelay beforc Juclgl
I ( : : : : i : : : : : ! :
. .
1'.1. E. V andenhurg of Sargent
was friencl1y ca1ler yesterday.
J. D. Haskell of } , I itldalc was a
business ca1\er \ al this ofiice 'rues-
14'o ] { SAT.H-House and 2 lots.
l nquire al Slar Grocery of Conan -
an non. ' 4748
S. L. Glo\'cr of Dr'a11ey was :
among the social ca1lers al { his :
ol ice yesterday.
' 1' . J. Wooel and Hoht. Wal1er
of Mason were social ca11ers al
lhis ol1ice yesterday ,
A n ton Dobesh of Mason City ,
callcil yesterday and had his name
( 'tlrollec1 for the RHI'UBT.TCAN.
l e\ ' . 11 1the vs of 11 t'I1a will
prbdl in 1. g , church Sunday
: \lay xlh morning ancl cvening' .
' 1'h ( ' Hcpuhlican acknowledges
.1 lril.ltdly r.d ! 'y slerday from A.
l 'ot1Cla and C. W. l edfcru of
Ch aRt Blakeman of Merna , and
Poctmaster Updikc of l est , were
welcome ca11crs at this ice
Swi fts Pride Soap lessens lann-
( lry labors. It is the vcr ) ' best
possible laundry soap thal can be
made. Order it- for Monda v's
'l'he O. g. S , Kensington will
me l with Mrs. C. 14. Gn tterson ,
Tuesday 1\lay 10 , 11)04 , at 2:30 :
o'clock. All members of the O.
g. S , arc invited.
.J ud g'c Heese returned 'l'uesda. } '
mortling from a visitloVashing -
ton D. C. , New York and Chica-
go. He was at Washington
when the Kinkaid TIomestead
la , , , was passed.
'I'he new city counci1mel at the
adjourtlt11'nt of the old conncil
. 'L'uesday nighl and organiztil
with U W ; Apple , Mayor ; l oss
Pickell , Clerk ; P. 1\1. ' 1'owsle . ) '
' ' ' " " - '
was ppointNI n 'arsl all nd
street commissioner ; Dr.V , g.
'I'alhot , health ofiicer and J. H. .
Dean cil ) ' allorney.
\ lAHHIHnMr. . Hurl McDonald
anel1\lrs. f40uisia McVay , bolh
of Callaway , were married at the
Baptisl church in this city on
1'.lay 2nel , l ev. S. P. Morris ,
ol1iciating. l\lr. and Mrs. Mc-
Dona leI wi 11 malc t hei r home in
Soulh Dalwta to which place
the ) ' \\'nt on thc conclusion of
the c'ret11onv. \liss lWa 1\lc-
Donalcl ane ( l\lr. Julius Gaver
camc O\'cr from Callaway to al-
tenel the wedding" ,
E\'cry housekeeper should know
lha t iC the ) ' wi11 buy Defiance
CollI Water Starch for laundry
use t hc ) ' wi 11 sa vc not on 1) ' ti me ,
heclIuse it never slicks to the
iron , hut because each package
contains 1 ( , O . . one fu11 pound--
while al1 other Cold Water
Starches arc put up in % pound
packages , ancl the price is the
sam ( ' , 10 ccnts. ' ( 'hen again be.
cause Dctiance Starch is free f1'0111
a1l injurious chemicals. 1f yOllI
grocer tries to se1\ \ you a 12.0 .
I packagl' il is because It ( ' has .1
stock on hallel wltil'h he wishe
to clisposc of hefore he puts ll
1 Deliance. He knows thal De.
fiance Starch has printed on every
paclage in large letters ane1
tigmes " 1 ( . o s. " Demand Dc.
f anr , auel save much timc ane"
mOlter lnel the annoyance of the
iron sticking. Deliancc ne\'e ]
- -
) , uh' "Clnc'o lc. .
" 011 ( ' of Hr. King's New 14if (
Pills ( 'aC'h nighl fOt' two weel , !
- has pnt me in IItY 'tN'ns' again
Writl > S D. H. 'L'urner of Dempsey
to\\'n , l'a. 'I'hl'y're the hesl il
lhe worlel for f4'er , Stomach anc'
JJo\\'l'ls. llurel'egetable. . Nc\ '
er nrip. Only 25r al f4ce Bros.
Drug" Store.
- - - - - -
- - - - -
. .
: sttttJ'tttttt'ttttt't1'tt'tttttttt' ! ' , , ' ' ' ' ' tt1tttt tft'ttttttttt'ttttttttt'tt1' ' , ' ' '
.Protect Your Cattle.
. . . . . .
- -
- -
- -
: : : : B VACCIN'A ' TION' ' . : :
- -
- -
E : W have just received a fresh 1ine of Parke Davis' : :
: : : : nlackl'goid. . allCl Pasteur Bladegine. : : : :
= = ttf-\ ; . . Mail orders promptly 1 11ed for anylhing in the : :
: : : : clrng line. : :
E : L.EE : : I3 C > S.
1111111111111111111111111111111111il1111111111111111111111 1111111111111
.T. l . 'l'eagardcn's school n t
Prairie Center closes lhis week.
Joe IIeafTc1e of McKinley Idnd-
lr remcmbered this oOice 'l'ues-
da ) ' .
T4u Haumont of Elton , was
among l he friendly callers at
lhis otlice 'l'uesday.
Sam Swensen of Georgetown ! ,
ca1\ed \ 'ruesday and had his fath-
er's subscription aeh'anced.
G. Hiser of Mason City , was a
ci t . y visitor Monda \ ' . He rchirn-
cd .home on the moWrning train.
Supervisor J. n. MaGuirc of
A rnold was among the welcomc
cal1ers allhis ofiicc yesterday.
W. E. Hess of Anselmo Idn ly
remembered the Hepublican ol1ice
with a fricndly call yestcdday. !
Otis Fessenden and wife are
the happy parcnts of a 1)6 ) pound
boy that arrived al their home on
'l'aylor Flick returned yesler-
day morning hem a two weel < s
\'isit to Ol < 1ohoma where his sC'ns
George and \Valter reside
S. , V. 'Vilson of Pennsylvania
has accepted a position , vilh II.
B. Drake which will add material-
Iy to the sales force of this popular -
lar store.
J. E. Myers and S. S. : KlJCon-
nell or Georgetown were among
lhe delegates who attendeel the
county convenlion from Loup
D. C. Konkel , eputy rcvenue
c01lector , was down from Cha -
ron the l rst or the week and
spent a couple days visiting with
his family.
Deputy Slate Supt. McBrian
lectured al the courl house 'l'ues-
day night on Great Men. His
leclure was well received. He is
a splendid speaker.
W. II. Daly of lhe Callaway
Courier , made this office a social
cai1 'l'uesday. Mr. Daly was a
dele gale to the county convention -
tion from his precinct.
J as. Pierce of Somerford , kind-
"kincll\ ' remember lhis ot1ire with
a so ial call yesterday. Mr.
Pierce was a delegate lo the
county conventiort ' 1'uesda ) ' .
\V. J. Wallac of Wesl Union ,
cal1ed Monday. He sa's thal
the sma11 grain of his vicinity is
looking tine and that he h s
forlyacres of c9rn just coming
through lhe ground.
Dr. H. C. 'ralbot went to
Cedar Hapids , Towa , lasl li'ri ay
morning. He will attend the
1I1celing of the State Medical
Association at Lincoln , now in
session , before returning h01l1e.
G."T. . COX of Almira New
York arrived in the city yesler-
day morning. Ile will remain
awhile looking aftc'r his property.
lIe owns the Wheeler re idence
property Southeast of the U. B.
l ev. D. AUJustus Sheller and
family left 1i'riclay 1I10rninJ { for
l ockwel1 Cily , Iowa , where l\lr.
Shetler has been cal1cel to the
pastorale of lhe Presbyterian
I church. 'l'heir man\ ' friends of
lhis cit \ ' wish thcni success in
lheir n w home.
John Conway , formerly of
Dunning , and well known in this
county as a ranchm ln anc1 caltle
, c1ealer , has moved to Omaha and
will tale aClive parl logether
with l\Jr. Iman in se11ing caltle
for lhe Nehraska f.4'e Stocl (
Company at South Omaha , 01
which linn he is a member. Mr.
Conway will slill ho1c1 his inter.
( 'sts here and wi11 always be glac ]
to meel his friends whenevet
they are at Ronth Omaha.
II. J. I dington of gasl Cnster ,
is one of lhe farmcrs of the coun.
- ly that made it pay by feelling
cattle last winter. lIe fell 2.t
yearling steers , which he com.
- ml'nced feeding in October. lIe
, shipped them to Omaha lhe tirst
of lasl week , selling for an aver.
age of 45.)3 a heall. 11e kepl 5 (
head of hogs with his ( 'altle al
winter and fatted tltcm withoul
fc'clin" " , them an ) ' extra corn ,
None of hi corn cosl him ovel
2 ( , cents b'sides he raised the
most of it himself. As the steen
alone hrought him O\'er $1,1J ( (
and the hog" are worth al icasl
half of that SlllU therc could nOI
help to he good money in tilt
deal. ' ( 'he steers wou1c1 not havI
been two years old until 1\1iY ,
lIe estimates that he fed then
about hO hushelu of corn to the
hea .
1\1rs. Ii' . I . VanAIJtwerp of II
Cadi , is spending a few clays in
the city. I
'L'om Wrighl of Ansley , attended -
ded the connty convention 'L'ues- ,
day as a delegate.
'l'he railroads have decided to
relurn to lhe 0111 rnle and
shippcrs of stock return lrans-
W. B. Bryan , the t'elmh1 can' '
township 'Committeeman of
l\l.Yrtll' , was a social ca1ler yesterday -
day at this ofiice.
M. "Tarrington of } 'Iason
City , was a city \'is tor this
mOrtling. 'l'his ofiicc acknowledges -
ledges a friem1\y \ call.
.T. A. Amsberry and .1ohnl\lul-
\'aney wcre of tlie nlllllhel' of delegates -
egates from l\Iason City al tIt ( '
counly convention 'l'llcsday.
W. S. Malley or Ansley , who
was one of lhe delegates to lhe
county com'ention 'I'uesllay was
a social callcr at lhis ol1 ce yes-
'l'01ll Noble , who has been
clerking in a store at Burwe11 :
for the past year is visiting in
the city with his parents and
many friends of this \'icin ly.
Joseph Giddings , an old lime
friend or the HHl'UIIJ.ICAN callcd
e yeslerday and -had hts snb-
scri ption ad vanccd. Hc was a
deleg'ate to lhe county com'en-
'l'his ell ce acknowledges a
friendly call froUl J. 14' . 14'ox-
worthy of Ouster , one of lhe slal-
worl republicans who represented
his township in the convention
A road case in which C. W.
Willis and others are interesled
was before Judge Armonr 1\lon-
day. ' 1'he defendanl was held
no guilt ) ' of deslroyltlg .a fence
. of mclosure as the fence In 'lues-
tion did not enclose.
'rhe assessor or Lancaster
county has l xed a valuation of
$225,000 upon the properly of lhe
bi coln 'l'ractiou company , tlt ( '
valuation of lasl veal' being$125 ,
000 or slightly tilOre lhau half
thal of this year. Iu fixing the'
valualion the assessor wenl behind -
hind lhe statements made by the
com pan } ' , and based his esli ma te
npon a bona fide hid upon lhe
properly made by an castern syndicate -
dicate a few monlhs ago.
H'llIIhllc'l1l1 VItIlCmfl.
' .I.'he republican caucus or Broken -
ken Bow township was held in
this cily Saturday afternoon.
was called to order al 2 p. m.
G. II. 'l'horpe was elected chairman -
man , and E. C. Pickell secretary.
On motion the nomination of
candidates for township ol1 cers
was defered to a later elalc , subject -
ject to lhe call of the lownship
comm i l tee ma n.
Onmoliou D. l\f.Amsherry waS
electeel township committeeman
b ) ' acclamation ,
Moved thal the nominees for
delegates to lhe counly 'conven-
tion bc placed on the bl ack board
and thal the po11s hc kepl opel1
to Jive o'clock.
'l'he following is a lisl of lilt :
c1elega tes elected :
Geo.Vaters , li'red Arlhur ,
Chas. 14uce , P. A. 'Valton , K C. .
Pickett , Chas , \\Tright , I d. 'l'ip'
ton , Ii' . 1Hublee , T4. , Cole ,
W. J. \ \Vindnagle . A. George ,
T4. Cushman , 'V. B. Alhey , Ceo
Palmer , John Hobinson , Aarotl
Pool , J as. f4ed wicl1 , 14. F. Ox
I ford , S. D. SIt pardsoll , RViI -
cox , Ioht. . Skinner , Ira Gla c ,
A. J. Ell ioU , H. D. Pickett , Jos
Pigman , , V. II. Osborn Jr. , J. S. .
Benjamine , Juel Morton , W. J.
. Wooels , S. l . l\f c\Villiams , D
M. Amsberr\ ' .
'I'he total"yote casl was 12' ) .
. .
- - - - - -
Gro11I1C Ach H" IUII-nIIiH.
Mrs. Josie Sumller , Bremonel
, 'l'exas , writes , April 15 , 11)02 )
"I have used Ball anI's Sno , '
f4illiment in my family for thre ,
'ears. I would nol be witlton
Il in lhe Itonse. I ha\'c nseel i
on my little girl for growin
pains and aches ill her knees. I
cured her rig'ht awa ) ' . I haYI
also used it for frost bitten feet
, with good success. 'It is till
hest linimcn t I ever used. ' " 25c
SOc , $1.00 Sold h ) ' I' d. McComar ,
Broken Bow andl\lerna.
, tttttttt't"t11't1tt1tt1tt'tt1'11't"t1tt't"t"t"t"'t"t"t" , , , ' " ' ' ' ' " ' " " " " " ' " " " " '
i Bargains ! I
E : I havp u fl'w.Hiding' rultivntot's rfil'riocl :3
E : OVOl' rl'OIH laH ( ; Yl'Ill' in g'ood hnl1c , hut a little :3 :
, wentI\lH' \ hpu'u ( ; , whieh , [ will ofro1' you 3
' : : : : : as lon nR tlwy lnst uti. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .z ) 12 . 00 : : :
: : : : : . : : : : :
: : : By tIll' tinw yon hnvo l'ond this ; Twill hav < . ' 3
E : 1'oeoivt'd n enl' lend or Cl nng and Rulk'y Plows : : : : :
= = rl'o h rl'OIll I' Ill' rwOl'Y : ( ; whi ( h I : n III going' to soIl = =
E : you n t It IH'iet , th:1I' : wi II mn ko yon wondo1' how it. . = =
= = eun hp 11011 ( ' . = =
- -
: - : : 16-lnch High Lift Sull < ey Plow. . $35.00 _ -
: : : 12-lnch High Lift. Gang Plow. . . 49.00. : : :
= = 14-lnch High Lift Gang Plow. . . 50.00. : :
- -
- -
E : 'rhose plowH al'e equal to lllY made and : \1'0 f.ully :3
E : g'I1Ul'tllteml. : Ahut ( the 10th of : April , .I :3 :
will loud or . ' .Listel's und theE
E : get n car .Hiding' : , = =
E : pl'ieo on tlwlH wi 11 hn r01' :3 :
- -
- -
= - = 2-Wheel Sulkey Lister. . . . . . $35.00. = - =
E : 3 or.4 Wheel Sulkey L ste.o. . . 36.00. :3 :
- -
= = : : : : : :
, "The Dcaler That Saves You Money , "
= = -AND DEAL1m IN:3 :
- -
= = A N'I' l-rr I lJSrr GOOl"S. = =
- -
111111111111111111111111111111111111 + 111 11111111111111111111111111111111 S :
l as Ianderson boughl 200
cres or land of IT. G. l ogers ,
1\londay , jusl norlheast of lhe
cIty. Consideration , $5,500.
. . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " - - -
Have your work donc anel have
it done righl hy a com } > elant
decorator. A. C. Hapgood docs
l111s work and g'uaranteeR.
IIeadquartl'rs , Granel Central.
_ : : : : r :
} 4'arm T4ease , Chattlc Mortgage
audVarranly Deed blanlcs at
lhis ofiice.
- - -
1\1. SlI ,
J .
) ' ! JlItB
. \ WIDM'l1t@Jro
or thirty Yl'at" , ltlOd : satcd ant. ! lualio.
" BI'octalt ' ) " or IIlIct olllJlJrlll ! : IIr IOU oIaodo. . Call
011 or wrlW IIIU lit IIroluHI ! tow I Nebraska.
_ . _ _ . - _ : . . .U. : . : . : : : "
- - - - _ . - - - - - . _ - - - - . - - - - - - - - _ . _ - - - - -
g 1
g"E. , . C.HOVSE. . . . . .
Real Estate , Loans Insurance
I have soltle of lhe best Iarms in lhe counl ) ' for sale.
S I ha\'e SOIllI' of lhe beRl ranches in lhe slate for sale.
S I have lhree gooc1 cily residenc'es fo1' sale. I
I have some of lhe mosl desirable cily lols for sale.
ii I have moncy lo loan on good improved farms ' in Custer Co.
R I ha\'e money lo loan on gooel cily properly' . S
1 have lhe besl .cquipped fnsurance Ag' . the county ;
8 represenllng' lhe slrongesl companies 111 the world. I S
8 hold a certificate of authority from lhe Auditor or lhe 8
Stale of Nehraska , alllhorhdng 111e as agenl lo issue
anel counle sign policics for the following companies : ' I
8 I.I'crpootllIt IOIl.loli :11111 CJohc : pail$1 \ 000 000 C10 III lIaHllllOre f1re.
" ' ( :11111 KllhscrlhcII . . . . . . . . . . $ . IIII . . . . . ) ' ) . . 10 . . . tlIffcrt'n . ' ; ) .
' ) OOt } C10 '
' 100 ( 111'1
! : i COli II Ill' II tat of I'Y lrl { paill. ilillallillwre : \ )
l . \I'llia of Ilal'lfonl . palll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . m ( ) Olllllllallllllllrc 111'1' , ; .1
o Al'tllaofllal'lf".ll'al.I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J 52U2JIM ) III lhlcalo lin' . ' 1
t't A"lIaof ! 11:111111I.1 "al. " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . I 1135116700 III 110.\1111 IIro : .
R 1.JrllI:1II ; AlIIl'l'lo'ali paltl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500 tM J IMI IlIlIallhllor. , Iho : ,
, . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . , .
l' : ( JII'II IlIkllrallcI' Co. of Alllcrica palll. ,50U ow m III lIaltlllllll"tl . IIn : "
' 1"lm ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 ClOO IMI III . . . IIn' .
Iallal'a " I II t1I I'acco : lo. palll. lIaltllllo. .
R 'J'Illh.I'"fChicallot : > aitl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WO OUO 1M ) 11I1I:1lt1l11omllr. : .
li'armers , if you wi11 drop 1I1G a card or call al lilY office I
will save yon frolll $5.00 to $7.50 on each $1,1100 insurance 5 !
, yon wanl anc1 place it with the abo\'e c01l1panias.
. C ? l !
; ; ;
1JrOkCI V' - ba'lca.
Qy.r.r..r. : : : r.I' . : ' . . / ' : / : " ' / ' . . : ' . . . / ' . " . . . . J )
_ . .
- - - -
: G' : . . / / : r-t.O' . : / . : / ' . . . . . / : . . . . . . . . . . . . . #
: I Fan11 In1plen1ents I
is now here , and in which ti
we have sOllie. . . . . . . . . . . .
l Groocl : : E3a1--gain.s !
Come in and look thelll over.
H-inch , High f41fl Snllcy Plows. . , . . . . . . $32.00
' ' 3-Section rrarrow . . 14.50
: 'I-ha , 30 'I'ooth Sleel - ti
Cnltl\'ators fr01l1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $11.50 up ! : i
' 1 The Climax Three Wheeled lister
lJ iI''I'he liskr thal pleases.
, A gooll I ! Harness at. . . . . . . . to. . . , . . . . ) ! ) .OO
: ! : A " , noli 1 Ii' Harness of : ' decl stoc1 { at. . . . 20.00.
011 stoc1 sac1l11es we arc alwaYR right. See onr line S .
t of saddlcR for spring. Janesvi11c Barbed Wire and Grand
t ! : Islanel li'ield Ii'eucing.
r " '
t Our Iotto : "UNmWHHT.T , . " R
: : Wesl Ride Rtiltarl > , . - - Broken Bow , Nebraslm.
\ : . . . . . " . " . " . . " . . . . . . . . / ' . " . . . . . . . . . . Jf".r..r..r..r..r..r..r..r..r..r..r.r. " " .r