Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, April 28, 1904, Image 5

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    I. v. . . , ' , . . .
, . . . . . , , " " ' .
If your blood is thin and impure -
pure , you are miserable all the
t time. It is pure , rich blood
that invigorates , strengthens ,
refreshes. You certainly know
, ' I Sarsaparilla
I the medicine that brings good
health to the home , the only
medicine testcd nnd tried for
ao years. Adoctor's mtdlclne.
. . t owe 111" lire , wllhout dolt" ! , tn' .
lIaruparllln. 11 h the IIIO.t "olillorrul ro.dl.
clnll III UIII "nll,1 for lIel vou.lleu. : II , . cure h
perwanellt. , , " ,1 I call not tI.all"'Olt . enoUllh. "
: Ult ! ! . UKLU. . : lIuWKLL , Sewark , N. J.
111.00 a I.oottle. . J. ( ' . A YKII Co. ,
. . . . . . .
All d.llllllilt. Lfw"lI. : Ita.
for :
Poor UealthI I
Laxatlvo doses of Ayer's Pills ench
nlaht greatly aid the Sarsaparilla.
1't' chlug Agl'lellltul't' .
[ Paper real by . Supt. J , n. W. I.t'WIK at . the .
t .te Tlachc. III tltute. hl'hl at Au..o..a.
Not many years ago we ha
the pleasurc of being a farm-
haud OI { the farm of the man ,
, who later as a Nebraska legisla. .
tor was probably the most instrumental -
trumental in placing among our
school laws the one referring to
teaching glements of Agricul-
ture. Later we ha the good
fortune to preside over a district
school , of which this man was a
director. 1i'rom his many needed
lectures to his veryordinar.r farm-
: band , and from his too ineITect-
: u l counsel to a sef-sufticient )
school teachel' , may be gained
the spirit of this one legislator ,
t least as it pre vades the law.
'I' man wh ile a 1110st success-
fnl farmer , follows the calling
somewhat as Horace Greely U5l U
fo-because he is in love with it.
'While the financial si e of the
business is not lost sight of. it is
ubmerged far beneath other
tranS ending features. He verily
believes that the farmers life ,
free from the cares of the business -
ness world. without the exacting
requirements of ocial usage ,
offers the best and most attainable -
able promise of contentment an
happines for men upon earth.
lIe believes that if the young
i l could see some of the beautie
and 'grandeur of a close communion -
ion with the visible forms of na-
tUrt . therc would be less crowding -
_ ing .to the dty , l s poverty and
les ! ) 'cl' ' nle.
' ' mentioned" i
1'liis man before " ,
a veri table ad vocate ofthe "hOUle
U autiful" on the farm. Bj' hi
care and work even in a senIi-arid
- - -
, -
. c anl1ers
l II
Why remaiu in the North
IUlll : ; : tay in doors six months In
the year consmning whut yon
raise uring the other tlix
tnontbs ?
- Go South whert you cun work
out oors every 1II0nth in the
year , aull where YOIl are pro.
duciug : iomethiug the yeur
I roun . If yon are a stock ruiser
_ you know your stock rt now
"eatlug tluir he(1I19 ( off" UtilI.
besides , have to he \ > rotected
from the rigors of wmter lIy
expensive shelter.
Economical stock feclling reo
\uircl } 1111 : combination of hoth
tltsh.forming uUll fat.forming
foods in certain } > ropor1 ons.
Alabluuu nnll Flonl1a produce
in abul1l1ance the vel\'et hean
uud CIUIsava , the tirlit a tlesh
producer , and the latter a flit
producer , lind UItY are the
cheapest and best fattening materials -
terials known to tbe worIll.
More money cau be made aud
with les llabor , iu general farm.
ing , fr it oud berry growing
and truck gardening along our
roUtI in th South than in any
ot1l1 r section of th Union. .
If you ar intereshd and de.
/lire further information ou tb
, lJubject , addres3
. attJ\'t. Immlwratlon and Iln-
utitrlQI Awent : , LoulBVI 10
& Nashville R. R , Co. .
) " LoultivllleI'Y.
. . . . .
7 J
, . .
region , he h s wade his prairie
farm to blossom as thc rosc.
Hundreds of trees have been
transplanted bj' him and under
his magic hand havc grown and
thrived whilc thej' would havc
died for his neighbors , and cver ) '
fall hc scnds to these peoplc in
in the way of fruit , substantial
rebukes for their doubt an
He never uscd to begrudge a
day's work with man and team to
help the mistress ma1e ! lower
be s , nor after the- hard da's
worlc was done did he hesitate to
lend a hand to water the flowcrs ,
It is to thesc features of agriculture -
culture hinted at in tlw foregoing
that we heticve mostof the teaching -
ing should be dirccted. If this
study is enl ) ' to ma1cc men morc
intent upon their pursuit of the
mighly dollar , and only more
successful in overtaldng it , no
reason exists for the study. We
are enough interested alread.r.
li'ar too many of us now , life has
come to mcan mcrelj' the get ting -
ing of a living. 'l'here is a story
current of one of these farmers ,
who e\'er revoh'ed in his yearly
cycle of raising more COrti , to
feed more hogs , to buy more
laud , and while perhaps not
authentic , yet the story is not
impossibe. One day a stranger
alled to see this man who was
all intent upon his merenary
occupation. "Where is your
husband. good woman ? " > aid the
3tranger to the farmer's wife.
"He's out in the hog lot witl1 the
hogs. " said she. "you will know
him because he's got a hat on. "
All of us depreciate the increasing -
ing materialty and commercialism -
ism of the age.Yhat brandl of
our school course has it not usurped -
ped ? Geography by many is regarded -
garded only as adjunct t trade.
Grammar is either unimportant
or good to assist in business cor-
respondence. Even mathematics
which as a science is purely
metaphysical , is taken only to
represent acres of lan . bushels
of wheat or dollars of. interest.
The strictly utilitarian view
may be an right. It may be that
the brief gpan of years wlH re
each chases his f vorite phant m
is the sum of human existence.
But it is more probable that we
shall all one day awal\t to the
fact that we ha\'e been busying
ourselves with a few bright pebbles -
bles on the hure of the i11illlit-
able ocean of being while we
havc failed to penetrate into its
in tin i lc a nd more real su bst auce.
\Ve ma ) ' cultivate the hand to
tIlt' exclusion uf the heart , we
may suostltu.te culture f the
soil for culture of the soul.
'l'wo men from the eabt ! were
walking togethrr at the close 01
one of our perfect Nehraska d ys ,
'l'he cyes of one of them wert :
fixed upon the beautiful scene of
a Nebraska sun et. 'l'he eyes 01
tile other were cast upon tlH
ground. When the tirst coul <
remain quiet no longer , lie eX'
claimed , "l ook at that beauti.
ful sunset picture , painted by tht
master of the uni\'ersc. " "Yes , '
said the other , "but what geol
does it do you ? How much con
wil1 it raise for you ? How lon
will it 1\l'ep t he wolf 1'1'0111 thl
door ? "
Possibly , between these tWI
extremes we could strike a goMel
mcan. 1-4et our study be practi
cal euough to remain sOlllewha
attached to the earth. yet uot t ,
grO\'el in the URt. it no
IUnkCH A Clean Hweep.
' [ 'here's' ' nothing like doing
thingthoroughly. . Of all th
Sah'cs'Ou e\'er heard of , Buct
len' : > ; Arnica Salve is the best. ]
sweeps away aud cures Burn !
Sores , Bruises , Cuts , Boils , Ulcer !
Skin l ruptions and Piles. t
enl ' 5c. and guaranteed to glV
sah faction by Lee Bros. . Dru
. . _ H-
ller IIIIU'VelotIS growth i
' HISTORY l fly ycars frolll first ! idU
lIIeut. A true IIml iutcres
illK hook of q4 pag at
U\'er 20 iIlllstratious
\ . . ' ( lI1I1. . . . . , " " \ ' 1"iI\lIlIIIIlUIIIUI\ ! \ II wlm ulllll the tut . 'l'h cover i iu t1blls lieu'
1'1 W \ III 1\11 " \ ' " " " ' " 111,1 uUrnctlllc l1cslgu priuted in three colors , justl > '
. , ,111\ , ' 1l1i ! 11111'1"1"1" " \iu \ lc COI' ) ' , 1'0ltl'uhl,5OC : ; or free with a ) ' nr'll su
I'II IIIIIIIII \ N'II"Ij ; ' 1I , t"IU\r.r \ IAI fCII.I'111' ' llrlc , 1.0lI. Write for tcrms ? uudhow ,
6 : flH llill l" Ih. . Wuti1'"It ! "I I. ,011111. NJURAtU { : } RMltR Co. ,
4 , I" 1505 1uwl&rd ! t" OI11"hu , :
. , ,
. .
. -
be so ultrn-scientific ns to reduce
all the bcautieli : and wonders of
nature to protoplasm and laboratory -
tory analysis but let it rather
ta1ce views of nature as a whole ,
increase \'cneration for it and its
creator , and stimulate pupils to
con\'erse with what has been the
inspiration of poets and philosophers -
phers of ages past. Why couhl
not our study take the form of
Hewers in the school house yard
or trees upon the grounds ? ' 1'his
would surcly be a good und ample -
ple field f r beginning. Why
could not 110wers be Idade to
grow in the school yard as well
as in the gravc yard ? Why
should the school yard at the
beginning of school present a
wilderness of weJds ? Wou1l1not
the teachcr of agriculture to the
neighboring farmers , do well to
present a neat litth farm at
bome ? 'l'his spring is the very
time to set out rose bushes , plant
some bulbs and make some Howcr
beds for the beginning of next
Possibly the boys in school , instead -
stead 01 being permitted to bestride -
stride and ri e to the ground the
few trees that happen to he on
the school premi ! ' cs. could be in-
uced to dig a little around those
trees. Instead of carving their
names and tlleir swee heart's
name in the bark of the trees.
( whi h trees l nally died slow but
sure , ) both they and their Hweet
hearts might be encouraged to
plant a tree and to water it and
care for it as a memento of their
school day affection. Perhaps in
place of indulging the savage
aboriginal instinct of girding
trees , these 1atne boys could
search out and protect them from
their enemies , Quite likely ,
" "hen grown to men these boys
could lift A hand against the
wholesale destruction of our I
majestic forests and could say' '
with that poet who was once a
boy :
" \Voodsman ' tree
, spare't1tat : ,
'rouch not.a 'single bough ,
In youth , it aheltered me.
And I'll protect it now. "
In concIusion-Wber teach
agriculture ? li'irst , in your own
door-yard. 'Vhat can be taught ?
'I'he life-lor g 'habit of oliserva-
tion. 'l'be love of nature. A
glimpse of the greatness and
wonder of the universe. Why
teach it ? Because no oue can
love nature and be a bad man.
He can not love uulure arid hate
his fellow mortal or God.
Urlgluim C 1s6'C lltinuetl ,
Came War'den Carter was a
city visitor Mondiiy. He camc
up from 14incoln to attend the
preliminary trial of A. E. Brigham -
ham of Oconto , who was under
: bond to appear on the charge of
having shipped prairie chickens
to t c Chicago market , in viola.
tion of the law. 'I'he case wai !
I continuer1. Mr. Carter filed an.
other complaint against the de.
. fen ant Brigham charging him
with having in his possession ill
. the month of February , 13 ( ,
1 quails and 39 prairie chiclcelH .
' 1'his is in addition to the com.
plaint formerl ) tiled. Both l'asm
were continued.
Ballard' . . 'oretiuuud H'UI ) .
Immediately relieves hoarse
croupy cough , oppressed , ratU
- ing , rasping an chfficult breath ,
ing. Henry C. Stearns. Drugg-
ist. Shul1sburgVis. . , writes
May 20,1901 : "I have been sell
_ ing Ballard's Horehound Synq
for two yellrs , and have ne\'e
had a preparation that hui : givel
a better satisfaction. I notice tha
t when I sell a bottle they coml
; - back for more. I can honestl'
: t recommen it.1I 2Sc , SOc , $1.06
Sold by Ed. McComas , Brokel
Bow and Merna.
Clubbing Proposition.
'fUe CUSTl\ll COUNTY Rl\PUBI.I < : ; A :
offen } 'ou. Ii liuap. We ho\'e complete
arrang ments which enables us to given
on Illustrated History of Nebraska fc
II tbe past fifty years and the Nebras1 :
" Farmer for 1 > 1.60. Or hll1tead of tb
tHistor ) ' of Nebrasku , all estimate on tb.
d paid alhnisslon to tbe Lousianna } Ju .
) f chase xpositlon at St. Louis to partic
'y ' pate in thr : $75,000 cosh prizes offercd f (
1tbat purpose , or the Nebraska } 'armc
: ! . Wall Map Atlu , or we will giveaubscril
:0 : tioa to both the IU'UHI.ICAN ! au
NeQrl4ska FatUler , ILIlI.1hc cbolce of ilu
, two abo\'c uun d prca i U1. fet $1.1Q.
- . - - ' - - . _ - " - . . . ' - '
. . . _ = - < : : : : y : "jr- . fC.'C _
- . - . .
It's SlIfe Go' ' O'I"'I"V "V n :
a O'I"'I " , I , , , , , , , , ,
. IH'el' ac oUIII oC :11Ihe \ lIaUl'N 1'1'(11111 { '
vutell al Ihl ! ! It II 1'1' 1111111 the ) ' 1':1recI'h' :
. ' . . . ell 100 vott ! , Ihell Ih , ' ) ' will bell\hll h1.
COlllnll IICIIIgMouda : ) ' , M y 2nd , alld cOllhnttlltg uuhl 1"0110\\1111 : ' :11'1' Ihoo , ' "l'ceh'llIlt'cr 1l'Q :
Saturday , Ma.r 7th , we willlt ve a Specitl Sale every day , lIallllah 1'IIIIIIIIIIIA. : ell ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41:10 :
and we are gOing to makc prices that wIll move thcm out Mary Ma'lolI. ell ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :120 :
. . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; Z ( ,
, . 8hlllll. clly.
.UI d C 1 e.ltl up our o ( 11 slU 1 elll I' , WI .tl I a grca t. ' lug t 0 tll e Nt.llit"l'a.lorMehtt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IK
, ' , . . . . . . . . . lW5
lucl\ ' 1'rlueIM WulsbcrL
lucllHrchashers. . I'earl : Jewell. llllluu clly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1110
. Hertha Koozer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . 1l 9
" " ' , , , . , ' , Ml1rlll'r'CallllllltlIncorltclowlI. KIlo
. 'ond M 150 pO\l11l 1 1 I allcy . J. p 1 Xlce ; , reg- . Allrnlla ) i.'mllt" , ell.\ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . ZSI
ay W y , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l
, . ular 10cscl1cr ' . . . . . . . . . . 1III1I1\L'pl1 1.lunJilco : ! lIllJr > crl.cll . ell ) ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
150 pOIttHh .lap Hlce , regular PJje sel1er , at. . . . . . . . . . . . .4/c Claa KIIII'I ; OIlcll oll. ) . . . . ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . j
' JI'8Rh'SI1IIIIJ , ell ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - .
Ma.Uah..clt . . ) . . ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hues
T d M 3 \Vc ha'c placed on a bargain 1 lclrtlIce'l.ho.tcMIII.cIlY. . . . . . . . . . .
ues W y ( i4/ / y ! ; dlla Hockwr.lI. cltr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -I.
, cuunter 1.,5 varl I ! ; No. 40 1ianc ) ' ClaraJelTonIB.I'It ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "l
Necl . l . . . I'bboll , for , . " ' 1 ' , . . . . , . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 611- , 1.lllaZackel'.l\Icrlla. . . . . . . . . . . . . . : \ . -
\ Illel prtce ; JCI 10\ v. /2C 1\1I11111tlInotll.cll ) ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : \41
Gertie II rewer , elt ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Ilia 1'1'1'1'.1\11'1'11\ : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . : \1. .
W e d. nes d M 4 31 packages C" ruto. Orace'l'a'lnr ) , ell ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . "
. w y W y 1l ' h ' ell . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . .
- > " It'r )
, forlller lrice 15cIIOW . . 8' Clara : ul. S\\lcI.t..lI"II. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fSs
13 packageR 1\1 alta Yi tat former pricc 15c now. . . . . . . . . . . Sc J\.lal\l \ N"lhlIlI. : Arllnlcl. . . . . . . . . . .
. ' . \lIIeCIIIII.hell.clI \ ) . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . - '
.1 pOII'II I pac 1 mge Breakfast b 0011 , former prlcc 25c , IIOW. IHc JI RMln Watmhllr ) ' .'II. . . . . . . : !
) ) , Call ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Illa : nlll a " ' :1)
" . . ' , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I. .
' HostII.1HoCll'K ! rlty.
'l'h urs d. y 11. [ y 5 15 pieces 1i'r . ltch Gingham. 1 \ "a.c:1Ywtlml ) . , . . 0:11) . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I. I .
, . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
formcr prIce lOc , now. . . . 6c l II\lIIII lIa\\'al'll. . . . . . 1
XHII ' , I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
( lO Corsets , inclnd 11r 1\abo.l : . C . C . C , 'and others former 1,111) Ualr. r. ell . ; ) : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,
lr'ICc" 50" " . . to < . : , . , .1 . l ) ( ) , 110.It . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . . 5c glllllllI1I1I..dt I' l\r I U ! UU'I ! . . C .11' ) . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 IUl U
. . nnra ll'C , HOIIIIlI.allo . . . . . . . . IO
glIth : ) . . . . . ) . . . . . . . . . . . .
Frld.ay May 6 000. pOllnds dri d pears , choice . . . . : ,
, 1 ru I t , at. . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . He
500 pounds dried pruncs. choice fruit. . . . . , . . . , . . . . . . . . . . .5c The Pumpkin Conlest.
Saturday May 7 Beginning' at 7 o'clock Sa1lfr- Only a short timc ill which
, day I1ig'ht , we olTcr you to to obtain frce sectl rOI' the
swecten , up on for Sunday , 30 elegant l'hocolate cream candy , c ntcst. Can at OUl' store
20c tluahty , at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . , 15c and register at oncc. If
25l'l'eam lDonglas Hpecials ) chocolae , SOc qualitj' , at..3Sc ) 'oll raise , the largest pnmp-
5 boxcs elegant seedless oranges , regular price 30c , at , . . . 20c kin from th t > c secd , it will
cn t'tl c 'ou t 0 a. . " , ' 5 PstCj'
None of the aho\'l' items will be on sate until MOlH1Rj' ou-
I ) ' at the regular price ; and only on the daj's mentioned will Organ 1i rce.
be sohl at the ritl l'ulously low prices named above. Wc are sole ag-cntH.
McCalls Patterns :
- - - - - -
- - - . _ - - IIJ- - -
- - - - - - -
'L'o 1eeep pace with and ahead of the dcmands of our. customer ! ! w have added another
convenience for the shoppers at our store , which you will not fail to appreciate whcll you are
in need of samc. l ecent1y we completed arrangemcnts with t.he McCall Co. , whereby we
have the sole agency for and have now in stacie. their complete line of patterns at the popular -
lar price of 10 and 15cnothingbetter or more complete.
Yon can also obtain the McCalls MagazllIe one year and anyone pattc1'l1 for SOc , making -
ing \'irtually cost you 35c. Send us your subscription by mail or otherwise.
'tV e sell u heap and sell it cheap. Come where you can buy everything.
Ryerson-George Co.
F\\ l > " " 'RPr. ANDYEJi.E.OW : IS _ _ 'rUE OO&OXt. : .12.
. .
. . . . . . . -
- -
J.cnc. ' I.IHI.
- - I
'I'he fol1owing" is the dead I
letter list for the week cnding' .
April 2 ( " 1904 :
Gene McKinuey , Abashia
Sauders , Aunie Simpsou , 1\1 r8.
Sarah Young.
Parties calling' for thc uho\'e
will please say ad vertised.
14. 1I. Jl\WH'l"r , P. 1\1.
During Match unll April the lIurliu .
tOil will sell one wa ) ' tickcts to the Pacihl'
coast lit \'cry low rut ! I. '
lIere nr SOIne of them :
27 .40 10 Sun Prullp.isco utilI I.os
/ 25 to 1'0rUull , 'l'UCOlllU atlll catlle.
$25.50 to Spokanc.
$ JOOO to 11ulte atlll IIclena.
$ ' lb.75 to llig 110m lluIJin , Wyoming' .
Proportionally low rutes to hUIIIlreds
, of other points.
'rhese rales offer Uti cxcdlellt oppor-
tnnit ) ' to see the gteut Norlhwcot which
presenttl unusual ultmctions to thc hOllle-
seeker. It posocsses UI ilon aud Inmber
uf Michigan , the wheut of l\l nnesotll ,
the wool of Ohio. the l lsheries of New
gnglUllll and u seubour liva1 ng thc : \ t-
lantic Coust.
If yotl will tell me where yotl are goitl
I shalllJc glud to i\'e ) 'on ftlll informu.
lioll IIhont rate a till tlain : ; ervice allli
setHI ) 'ou ud\'crtisin lIIaltcr Ilescrip1ivc
f Ihese wOllllcrful scctiotls.
Gencmll'assenger A ctll ,
3 ' 4 Omaha , NdJruska.
- - - - - - - -
I.I"culn , ICII'cr.
01\01.0 , uelcua. :
CblculO , unttc ,
. .t. .JOMcpll , I-U Unllet ,
IConHaM Clly. HoU I.ultc Cltv
tn. J.ouIH. A lid t..lfrnllcIHC. :
An PolnlM Ihu" Anet AU I-ollih
AII.1 Houlh , "VCH' .
Nu , .cI-Veetl\Jlil \ d tiSpndl IIull1 , Jncoln ! , OUlli
bl , W' . J0811pra KID..8 City. tit. 1.001. . Ohl
oago and , ,11 plllnt , ttllt "od BOUth , . . .10 II' : 11.1/1
No. U-VIIIUbuloo OXIre e dally , Hult" ' . . loRI : :
110 UUUII , 1'ortlllDd "nil ull 1'lIolllc COlli
1Ioln&8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .tltoUD
leeplDR , dlLIDg 100t rotllnlng cbalrcl1u (1IiJ1lt (
'ree ) OB Ihrough tralne. 'l'lck 1 80Id IIDd baR
gaRIl cbockad 1,0 , aDY point In Ib UDIIod tatc
and CaDlda.
Information , map' , IIwo Iablel Ind Ucko
nil on or wrlto 1,0 , 11. L. Iganl. or ,
Ffllnoh , G. P. .A. , om"b1l1 Nebrukll.
r , I. . OnK8ur. Allont.
- - - -
y- =
- - - - -
pr'liua : Ind eltiluaW" ou .hortnoIlCd.
Jirolleullow , NlltJrlllll" .
R ass c. l\100Rl ,
Attorney-at.Law. .
ODIc ! : lu l611
- -
I D IlB. n. u. & ; W. 11 : . 'l'A r.n 0 1' :
011I011 OVer Illioborl"11 Drug Slor. , .
"rokou Uow , . . - NuhrA'kl.
! Iud Durol > Joraoy Hogs brclll1l1l1 dold. lle.t Iliood
orthelrcla l. Alllreell , G. .It. OAUWIU.L.
IIrok6ullow , Ne\Jfluka. \
- -
JIIghe8t wllrk \Irhe : Ilidd tor lluttilr W-al.
1.lgliL Huulllu . . . . . . . . . .
Empire Cream Separators
Yor , ' 1'110116 No. llOU.
iI. D. ' Overalor ,
IJroken Jew , NebrMkll.
o.II. . OON ItAD.
. . . . . . ) )8111er In. . . .
I'UIIIII. . Wlud , Mille. ' 1'allke , 'IIUug. , OlllollDe .
Rn\hll'lI : , ulo. etc.
IIwkou ! low. Nehra kll.
- - - -
Up-to-date Photographs.
First prize winner at state association -
sociation 11)03.
- -
Physician & Surgeon.
om co In rear IIf Ihu IIlIlIk 01 CorUlUllrcu. Heel.
, Iencu 15th hou.u we.t IIr 11111 JI\IIU.L cbDrcIJ.
Urukolillow , 1.I/\rlllku.
D H. O. I. . I'll UI.ljENS ,
Physician @ Surgeou.
1I11 ! Hdrway froUl W..H end III Hoally lJIoolI ;
flJllld6l1CII , : II'Vult ' .1. K. chorcb. OD eIIwe 81d.
or .truot. c-rr"UrokcD Uow , Nebrluktl
- - - - - - - - -
f10r-90'y 8 U9cell J:1 :
e A'I' LAW.
; 1100mB ij Ind II. HeIU ) ' UlockllrokeD Uow , Neb
J Dlt. ' 1I. . . Ii'AHNSWOlt1'H ,
. rrolUcu III turUlWo.L COJoer 1IOAlty lllock.
- - - - -
_ DH. C. B. JOB. ,
_ 1L lrm mII . . . . . .
\I OUc 1i111oaUy Ulock. IIrl II.Ir > > 100111 Wi.
.ull. HeI1ileD ! ) " tit b. 1I0.pltal ,
- - - -
= -
- - - - - -
i&.lle" , RI. . ' NOTARY
. .
, , I'U1JJ.lC :
, 80 JQ eUce oC tht ! I'IIIICO. BII'le1I1II1UeotOD ! : :1 , ; , : :
to co'heUOD8 ' COllo 1tlorlR nJ , I.cnelon vooch.
1f8 DcatlT executed anllIII klllds of III"al pllpor.
wrllluu. UnJoo In Iho rear of lIank of COlOmurco.
Urokoll now. l'lohrnek. ' . .
, .H1I JJ3 IDw..ID : mDtJiI. : , ,
'I'wo Llocke lIorlb oC OretHI OOIlLlai lIotul. 1'11.
rollllg101lcllul. . } 'rlccli rOalllJlllllllo.
DR.V. . II. 'cOI-4E ,
Fveclal attontloo Klvoll to l'olla. caivol and IItie'
U.IIU lire III 1111 unlbrlfy loOlllllon. 'J.'olu.
pboull No 21)3 ) , 1I,01l100co. two 1 > lookl we.t or .
Boutb BII1I1 Bohool UOUIO.
l"ft1ace ! Barber Shop
For first.dnss work , cllll t th Palace
\lurh \ r ShoJI. Everything .
II O DI AN , l'roprictor. ,
- - - - -
MlkI Hl'ocillUY or OrowD .lId UrldKIf , W rk ,
1'.lo. . rea on blu.
All work auarunteort. , :
Call1lud800 100 bcroru Kolol : uI8twllorl ! .
OlUco-ln Urollen now Btlllt ! Uall" HulldllJlC.
Drokenlow \ , Nehruekl1.
S.1\1. DOHIU8 ,
lIDJlnnf3h anmjl 1n. !
AI. klnl1. or work III our line dODI ! prom I'll ,
"ad lu IrI ! lul8 order. lIed SboV 011 hu
eorullr oulbCllet Ot tbo bqullre.
OIVI ilK A. TltIAI. .
Uroken Hew , _ - . Nebraska.
H. o. nU'I"fON. Proprl6tor.
; Flrlll-ola88 work. Itoar ltoom or lJrokeo 1$01)-
. 8tale 11111111 , Urokelillow. Nubrlleka.
- -
I. . 'C1an.aUflal ' 4 ! mn'c&
. . . . ! ! : ar.
- - - - -
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