Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, April 28, 1904, Image 1

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    "lIJI"\ (
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,1USTER OUNTY . EPUBLICAN , " : , : 'y
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ThS ; -tl fte 'Id-e- h--l-
iH used cousiderahlc , hut it. it-
lustratcs the wa' sOUle see a
: mer
pcrson beforc : lifter we hll\'l'
, lIIadc a good puir of
t .
The griuding of the 111uss is
the lI10st hnportant , shll , lhe
: fitting should hl' eureful1) ' done
us it is here. You can ha\'c
, IIny kind of clips ) ' 01\ want hut
we reC0ll1111CI1Il tIll' .Auchor for
. .
mo , [ poople.
f I
. , \
. . " . . W"W 8\t4I't4llitv8l ' e
- - - - - - - - - - -
School Books ,
School Sllpj)1ies ) ,
J. G. Haeberle's :
. .
- - - - > - -
If ) 'ou want an elegant residence -
dence , 14. g. 'Yilson is olTering' a
rare bargain. Also a > sual ; ill ; 1
, fine parlor cabinet-n ice ueds ,
dresser and comu1le s , dining
taule , etc. 4-47 ,
- - - - - - -
, r - - -
" Hll IIOR-l BA IN.
Your spar time will he spent well if
) ' 011 willllse it ill makillg u trip to this
lIew I rigated countr ) ' , The l'u tcl (
Stutes willllot he long' now ill getliug
IIUller irrigalion aU llll' luml thlll is SIl -
ject to this duss of farming , as it is he-
coming the most popnlar wa ) ' to farm for
snrL' rcsnlts. 'fhis l'ollntry is yet in ils
infllncy , and hOllleseekers should \'ail
themselves of this opportunity to get a
farm in the Dig Horn Basin. Just now
you can get tJ1e choice of this land at II
very lOW price , and you will e surpriiJed
what u delay of a few days will do for
you in the price of this land. '
Post yourself on this country hy writing -
ing for booklet descriptive of the Big
110m Basin and an ) ' other informalion
, } 'ou may deiJire.
We will make very low ronnd trip
rates to this country the first and thinl
'fueiJlIlYs in 1\1ay. ] .lRA-lCIS ,
Genera ] Passengcr Agent ,
llurJington Route ,
46-47 Omaha , Nebraska.
- - - - - - - - - - -
I : : : : : s : : : : : : m
I repltblican precinct cancu ! > at
the Court Huuse Satunlay at 2
li'oH SAT.H-HouRe and 2 lots.
gnquirc : ( t Sar Groccrj' of Con-
cannon. I
E. N. Bishop of GateR , waR a
friendly caqer at this office
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Wahl re-
turned. l'uesday morning from
their wedding trip. "
l obt. 14cdwich has co'mmcnced
building' house on hiR propcrty
latcly purchased , caRt of the city.
l . R. Chapman , agent for the
Chicago'relephone Supplr Co. ,
was a social ca1lcr at 'thiR ollice
Allcn Heyner shipped a car of
cattlc to Omaha thc first of last
wc k and went on to Iowa on a
short visit with rclatives.
No more bluc Monda"s after
you usc Swift's Pridc Soap.
Uood in hard water and. good "in
"oft water. Order todaj' for
Monday's wash.
' 1'he 1\1. B. A. lodge indulged
in a strawberry and cake supper
last Friday night after the close
( 'I the lodge. 'rhe attendancc
wa , ; large and a sociable time
was enjoycd by a1l.
Mr. and Mrs. g. 1L''V right ,
father an mother'of' Charlcs ,
Newt. and Harry , wh , have becn
Jiving in Lcavenworth , Kansas ,
for scveral years , ' arrived herc
ast Friday to remain permanent
Iy. 'l'hey willlivc 011 Charley's
farm , six miles southeast of the
citj' . " . ' . I .
V / r'
J. L. Couh , ' fortIled ) ' rcsident
of this citj' , who has beCI ! res ill-
ing in California for the past
t wch'e or Hftcen years was in the
city thc firRt of the week visiting
with his unclc , G. ! , . .Nr , 'Rawson.
Mr , Cobb has ! J.ol.l ! out his uusi-
neRS iwc.\Odifom'ia and is' ' now 011
his way to Chicago as National
delegate to the Socialist conven-
tion. TIc will go from therc to
St. 140uis and may drift back to
Broken Bow.
011. Saturday of this weck com-
mcncing- 2 o'clock in the afte'r-
noon the High ; : ) chools of the
county. including Ansley , Sar-
I gent , Callaway and Broken Bow.
will holll thcir Sccond Annual
mcet a t the South Sidc School
HOUSl' in tit is cit > , . All
kinds of sports , such as JlUnping ,
running. polc'auHing' , etc , will
uc tlullcll . 00' . Don't fail to see
, it. I n the cvening" of. the sallie
I day at the court housc at 8
, o' lock , arrangemcnts ha\'c been
made for a declamatory contest ,
to take place betwccn the high
chools of A nsle ) ' , Sargent an l
Brolcn Dow. Be surc and hc
present and hcar somc of the
hcst talcnt the high schools of
Custer County can produce.
I _ _ . _ _ . _
' : . : - " " ' : .w--- - =
IV- ' . c' ) jj ; " > 1'n\\u. ; m v
rGali ; he ;
'Vl' nced thc room and must han' it g-o 011 the 1'lIn to
get the bargains- must go and g-o quid < . 'l'ht. stoc1 of
Oueensvvarc' China
. . . . . . . , ,
and Glass\ Tare , " !
Will be sold regardless of cost. We are going out .of this
linc of our business so as to give thc room and Limc to our
Growing Grocery Business. ' 1'0 convince . you , note these
prices :
OI.l 'Clu illif Qnl
Prlcu. l'rlclJ.
Wash bowl and pitcher. . . . . . . . . 1.20 $ .1)0.
7-inch W. G , plates , per set. . . . . . .W . -t5.
CUpR and saucers , pcr set. . . . . . . . . ( ) .50.
ot-piece glass set. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75 _ .60.
J gal10n glass pitcher. . . . . . . . . . .1S .12.
Glass sauce disheR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 .IS.
'l'hese are but a few of the ridknlously low prices.
.1 I emembcr these good. . are al1 r ngli h goods aiul IirRt-class.
, Come on the run. Do not delay-canllot last long. Partics
wishing to HniRh their RCts wil1 please comc at Ollce , ueforc
stock is gone. I
y our , > for busi ncss ,
J. C. BO 'TjJN ,
Broken ] Jew , Nebraska , North of l ai1road 'l'rack.
John McGraw of Gates , made
this ofl ce a busincs call 'l'uesda ) ' .
'rhe Crete Nurscy had a large
dclh'ery of fruit and ornamclltal
treeR here .the past weck.
Ph : ; 'Vymore and Jas. Shroads
of Callaway , were city \isitors
Monday. 'l'his ofl cc ac1mowled-
gcs a friendly call.
T04conard Hersh , S. E. and l ay
l\tcWilliamR wcnt to Dunning
Tuesday morning to. look up thc
prospects for go\'ernmcnt land.
Attorney II umphrej' went to
Mason City ycsterday to look
aftcr a law suit , 011 which a
charge of'enuc was taken from
Ncr Hartley left. Ionday on a
\ ' sit to the 'Vorld's Fair at St.
f40uis. He will visit his old
home at Ehmh , Illinois , beforc
Chas. Jenkins call < , d 'l'uesday
and had his namc enro.llcd for
thc RHI'Um.lcAN and ordered the
paper sent to Jesse Danie'ls of
I ssex , Iowa.
Hev. Oeo. P. 'rrites left Monday -
day morning for Los Angles ,
California , as as a dclegate to
thc Ouadrenial . . . . l\L g. confcr-
ence : Hc expccts to be gone
about a month.
Clydc Carlos , Henry Cramcr
and II. B. Calder went to Ravenna -
venna Monday morning to put ill
a tclephone system for the Ccn-
tral Nebraska 'l'elephonc Co.
C rl Burdick and ' 1'011 Morris
' ' from
rcturned 1'uesday morning
Omaha whcrc nle ' shippcd thcir
l'a t tIe. John Hi U111son wen t 011
to Sioux City to visit a fcW' days
with his spn R Ib
neo. I . Carter , Chief Dcputy
C.ame 'Var < ! en , callcd 'rucsday
morning at this ofl ce in compan ) '
with County AttorneJ T-h\1n- \
phrcy. Having continued thc
g-ame cases he returned to 1 i n-
coIn Tucsda.y on 42. -
Oco , A. Ogle & : Co. , are de-
liveriug" their Atlasscs of Custer
countj' in the city thi ! > week.
While they are very convenicnt
hooks for referencc , the mechanical -
ical work , except on the maps is
not first clas ! > . l.'he map ! > are
finely printed.
Earnest McWilliams' school in
the Holcomb settlement closed
last Friday. Ernest is now contemplating -
templating filing on a section
homcstead in the sand hin country -
try to stock with cattle. A good
illca for any youug man that
wants to provide for the "rainy
day. "
Mrs. E. A. Bullis of Pasaic ,
New Jcrsey , who has bcen stopping -
ing in the city for the past two
or three week ! > will leave tomorrow -
morrow for her eastern home.
She had been out to the Pacific
coaRt and stoppcd ofT here to look
a fter her real estate interests.
Shc advanccd her subscription
account to the HHl'UBI.ICAN lo
1 C)05.
A man by the name of Chas.
11. 'Wright was brought in from
the CliO' Table the first of the
week hy Supen'isor li'cnnimore
and \Vyddymal1 , charged with
insanity. Hc seemR to have no
home , but his relativcs in Cincinnati -
nati will be notified before any
further disposition is made of
him. He is a man wcll informed -
ed , about 48 years old , He says
his wife is dead and that he has
one child , 12 years old living
with hcr aunt in Cincinnati ,
Ohio ,
O. II. 1\levis is ha\'ing the
Walton Store room , he rccently
purchased , fitted up uew with
shelves and counters , new paper
and paint for occupancy. fIe
will move his stock of goods into
this room and let the Star Grocery -
ery ha vc the room he now occupies -
pies to usc in connection with
thei r store in ordcr to accommo-
datc thc increasing tradc. Mr.
Mcs will ha\'e the second 11001'
of the \\Talton build111g parlioncd
suitable for oOhc : lUviIlS. W.
A. 'I'hompson is doing the carpenter -
penter WOr1i.
A ThUIli'IUfu. JUun. '
M. l\f. Austin of Winchester ,
Ind. . Imew what to do in the
hour of necd. His wife had such
an unusual case of stomach and
livcr trouble , physicians could not
help hcr. He thought of and
tried Dr. King's Ncw I4ifc Pills
and she got relief at once and
was finally cured. Onl ) ' 25c , . .t
I4ee roR. Drug' Storr.
HCJmblican count ) ' convcntion
ncxt l'uesday.
John ' 1'yson of l\1iIburn , was a
city visitor yesterday. I
John Comstock of Ansley , war. :
in the city yesterdaj' mOl'ning I
hetwecn trains.
J as. Prettyman went to Halsey
'l'uQsda.r I oruing to look up the
govcrnment land prospects.
'l'he old walk in front of thc j
Healty block has bcen rcmdvecl
and replaccd with a ncw onc.
r ev. Pickncy of Sargcnt , will
preach in the Methodht church
May 1 , morning and e\'cning.
'L'hc Brokcn Bow Band wiIl
give a conCCl.t in the parle Sat-
urdar e\'ening. at 7 o'clock.
] vcryuod ) ' come ont and hear the
lint concert of the scason.
Leonard Hersh and h is crowd
uf land inspectors returned > 'cs-
tcrday morning from Dunnlllg.
'l'hcy report prospccts gOOlI for a
uumber of section homcsteads in
that vicinity.
' .L'he Sixth Congrefsional DiR-
trict has reason to he proud that
it ha ! > a representative in congress -
gress in the pcrson of Ju ge 1\1.
p , Kinkaid , who has done something -
thing fOl' his constituants besides I
draw hiR salary.
' ' ' ' ' '
'l'he 'l'hirt-1'hird Annual
Session of the Baptist Home
Mission Society com'cucd in
Omaha 'l'uesday , for a three days
session. A largc attendance is
reported and an II1teresting as
well aR prol tahlc mectings are
being held. Many of f.hc prominent -
nent leadcrs of this as well as
foreign lands arc rcporlt.'cl pre-
On 'l'ueslla > " 1\la ) ' 3rd , Deputy
State Supcrll1tendent , J. I"
McBrien will , 'isit our count" .
Wc IHlve , arranged to have hitn
address teachers , school oflicers
and friends of education in the
evening. Will you malce a spcci-
al cO'ort to be present ? Mr. Mc-
Brien is a good speaker antI good
tm nk will be provided for thc
c\'t\ning. Court HOUHC S p. m.
J. G. 'V. 14HWI : > .
No Lack of ClllHlldlltf %
'l'he republicans are nol likely
to be short of candidatcs for
for legislaturc timhcr iu this
'l'he Chronic1e-Citi en annonn-
ces the candidacy of A. II. Cop :
scy of Westcrvillc , for re-elcction
to the house and 1\1. L. Frics of
Arcadia to the Senate. ' .L'he
Argorsy of 'Vestcrvillc , wc arc
, told has brought ont thc name
of 'V. S. MattIey of Ansley , also
as a candidate for the Senate.
'l'he Loup Valley Queen st ggests
the name of Ira P. Mills of Ar-
noldI as a candidate for represcn-
ta th'e. 'l'here are dou bUcss
othcrs who would not decline thc
honor if ten ered them. 'l'hose
so far mentioned are among our
best citizcns and should they he
chosen doubtles ! > would uc ac-
ceptablc to the repuhlican voters.
. . ,
- - - -
UIHCURC u..tI Slcll.c. : . . . nrl"l : Olel
Ilerbinc , taken every morning
before brcakfast , will kecp you
in robust hcalth , fit YOll to ward
off disease. It curcsconstipation
biliousness , dyspepsia , fcver ,
sldn , liver and lcidney complaints.
It purifies the hlood anc1 clears
the complexion.frs. ! . D. 'V.
Smith , Whitncy. ' 1'cxas , WrItcs
April 3 , 1902 : "I ha'cuscdJIcr-
bine , and find it the best medicine -
cine for con tipation and livcr
troubles. It does all you claim
for it. I can highly recommend
it. 50tcs a bet tIe. Sold uy gd.
McComas , Drolccn Bow and
- - - - - - - - - -
OIl. TEJ.I.O. :
Jusper Beuls is working foro' ) . C. Hili-
hree ut present.
1\lrs. Day spent a Jew rIuys lust \\'el.k
with her daughter , 1\Irs. SllIIlIlers.
' 1'he A. I. . A. will meet this weel ; al
the home of lIlt' president. Hurry 1 l'lIcn-
' 1'he SUIIIluy Hcn'ict. werc not helcl 0\\ .
iug to the ruill which fcll all du ) ' . The
amount of lIIoi.ture ( both huil unci ruin )
falling \\'us .87 of nn inch. 'fhe J'rollllli
was white fur sOllie time , heing c'ereIJ
h ) ' fine hail. This moisture Jluls the
grollllll ill sJllenelieJ conditioll for farming.
: A. B. Cornish , wire /II1t1 sons , accom-
panelby \ \ the former'lI allnt , 1\lrs. I.owe ,
pellt Fridu ' night at Orlello. 1\lcstlames
Cornish'aliI I.owe were on their \\1 } ' tu
I Olllllhll to alten a meeting ofthe Buptist
, Womull'Fordgn / Missionary ocicties
I of the Wesl. James I1nll I.yle IIr \ ' ! \it-
ing rclati\'Cs dllrinJ their ahsence.
Arbor Duy was not generally observel ,
tllough mUIIY peopl lid It few trees. A
, " " " " " " " " " " " " " * , , , , , " " " " " " " " '
I Bargains ! 1-
( hUVl' n fpw Riding cultivators carried
= = O\'Cl' from lUHt 'car in oed shape , but a little :3 :
weather bcaten , which i will ofTer yon : : : : :
i E as long' HH they lnst at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \D 12 I 00
'E ' : y the time you have road this .l will have 3
E : l'oeeived u car load of Gung' and Sulkey Plows : : : s
= = fresh from tIll' - whieh T am going' to seli = =
= = YOll at a. priN' that wil maIm yon wonder how it ; : : : i
E ( n.J1 bl' dOlH' . ' 3
= = 16-lnch Hig'h Lift Sulkey Plow. . $36.00.
= = 12-lnch High Lift Gang Plow. . . 49.00. = =
E - 14-lnch High Lift Gang Plow. . . 50.00. = =
= = - -
= = TllOSP V1ow8 are equul to any J1H < le and fire fully :3 :
= = g'ual'Hntel'll. Abollt the lOth of April , I :3 :
= = will g'lt a cnI' load or HidiJ1g' Lisf : ] 'S , unc1 the = =
pril'l' 011 tlwlH will hn r ( r
= = 2"Wheel Sulley Lister. . . . . . $36.00. :3
E 3 or 4 Wheal Sulkey Li tel' . . 36.00. :3
- -
- -
- -
= = "The Dealer That Saves YOII Money , " :3 :
- -
= = -AND VI ALlm IN- = =
/\.N'I' I.-'I'.l l JSrr C100.l)8.
- -
1111111111111111111111il1Il1111111111111111111111111111111 ! 1tl11111111JiS :
mcctillg of thc Ccmctl'ry Associatioll hatl
heclI callcll hilt ollly six wcrc prcscut l\ul1
lIot ulOrc UIUII a 110l.CII trces pluutcrl.
l\1i H Re\'lIer's school ohsen'ccl the du ) '
with aPlropriatc ) exerdscs I1l1el n hasket
clillucl' hilt ollly two tt'CCH wcre set.
- - - - - - -
Havc your work donc and have
it donc right by a competant
dccorator. A. C. Hapgood does
tIll ! > work and gm 'an tee .
Headquarters , Grand Ccntral.
. -
. .
li'oH SAIJSOWS with pig .
l nquirc at Star Grocery of Con-
cannon. 45-46
. . ,
- - - - - - - - - - - -
1\1. ASH ,
J . \
. : m.Wo JIIJl1@ 1imnttl
or thIrty ye/lrll / experiunce. crlCD solC8 anll wakoti
II HI'QcIIlUy or I\uctloneerlll or . .1101801. \ . Oan
011 or wrllo 11I0It / IIrolUJIl ) low. Nebraska.
: oxr.r.r.I..o : : : .o : .o : .M .r..r.rJ.IJr. : #
. . . . .E. c. ROUSE. . . . .
Real Estate , Loans . Insurance
] have I'omc of the bcst larm in the county for salc.
S T have some of thc best ranches in thc tate fosalc. \ .
S I have threc good city residenccs for ale.
I havc ! > omc of the most desirable city lots for sale.
S I havc money to loan on good improvcll farm ! > in Custcr Co.
S I have moncy to loan on good city propcrty.
I havc the best elu.ipped Insurancc Agency in the county ;
S rcprescnting the stronge51 companies in thc world. I
8 hold it ccrtificate of authority from the Auditor of the
State of Ncbraska , autliori ng me aR agcnt to issue
and ounterRign policics for the following companies :
S J.iH'q"ol alld 1,01111011 alill 1.10111' . I.ahl. . . . . . . . , . . . . $1 ( ) ( ! I ) OlKI 00 III l1altllllUlIJ lire.
) Conlin.'nlal . .I' NYllrl ( allil < palll. ' ' 'lhHcrlllt'11 . . . . . . . . . $ . lnll . . . . . 1 . Iu . . hnffl'nJrll . . 1 UIIO O ) ( ) ( ) 01. . ) III Jlaltltllom lire.
AI'IIIa or lIallot'lll.all\ \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5utll 1 ( ) UO In l1altllllortJ Ihu.
. \l'llia or lIarlfonl palll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :1 : HS2 023 1M ) III Chlcallu lire.
R U "clll.\o [ J/arl ot'lIJ.all\ \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 6.15 U 7lJU III l10slull lire.
R I'rlllan , " 1I1I'rlcall paill. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1)11) ; 000 Uti In lIalllllwro lire ,
; . . ! Jnl'I'1I IIlHllrallc. ! Co. o ( Alllcrlcpalll. : . . . . . . , . . . . . . 5I ) 000 Oil III lIaltlmuro lire.
. . . . , . , . . . . . . . . . . .
NIllrara FlmlllHtlracclJ Co. Jt J O ( ) ( ) lll ) III lIaltlllluro 1In
: "aiel. !
R ' ( ' 1':1111'1'11 : or ChlclIullaltl. . . . . . . . . . . " . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . ) ( , IW J lll ) III 1I.itllllotn IIrl' .
If you will drop mc a card or call at my ollice I will I
save you from $5.00 to $7.50 on cach S1OOO insurance you
N want and plnce it with the abovc companies.
. = - C l
IJrokCII \ ' . J ? ! : braSka.
. : r..r"Or.I' : ' : ot'rJ' : ' ' . . . . . . . " . : " . . . . . . . : . . . . "
- - - - - -
. . " . . . . . : . . ; . # . : . . . . . . . . . . . . : : . .r .r. " # .r
i ! .
: - ,
I ann Implelnents I
is now here , and in wh ich R
wc have SOIllC. . . . . . , . . . . . ti
Grood. JBargoain.s ! Ji
COllie in and 100lc thcm OVCl' . I
lll-illdl High J41ft Hullccy PlowH , . . . . . . . . $32.00
.I-har , 30 'l'ooth Steel . -Scction TLarrpw. " 14.50
Culti"ators frolll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $11.50 up
I The Climax Three Wheeled lister I
.n'lt. ' " 'l'he listcr that pleases.
g Ag"oolll ' ! Tlarness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ ; ] ! .
R A g'oo1 ! 1. " . , ' IT amess of ficlcct stork at. . . . 20.00 r !
On stocl , saddles we are alway r ght. See our line
of ad < lles for spring. .I ane-wi ! I h. > Barhrd Wire and Grand
Island li'ield li'endrw.
Our Motto : "UNJJJ HHln.r. . It A
i c. . W. APPLE , i
'Vest Hide Slluare , - . - Brokcn Bow , Nebraska. Ii f/I
Qy .r..r. " . . : r.r..r.r..r.r..r.r.r.r..r.r..r.r.lQotd