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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1904)
, - WOMEN DRIAK DOWN. . Sometimes w 0 men drift Into n conditioner or "hair Invalid. " Con' tlmal : Inn g u 0 r. nil tired out , run down , haclmch , nol'vos shnt. tered , headacbo , torrl. ble paIn , no allpotlte , poor digestion. In nine cases out oC ten It's be. cause the Itldne 's Call to do their worle or filtering the 1I0lsonous s 'stell1 waste Crom the 11100(1. The kldne 's are weale nml need the - - strengthening help ot Doall's Kidney Pills. Read how these pills' repaIr n wealccned ph 'slcal con. dltlon when this condition Is cnused by slcle Itldne 's : Mrs. Sadlo Meltles oC : W.I W. 4th AvC' . , Columbus , Ohio , sa 's : "Prior to the year ISJS ! I suffered conshlerabl } ' from bllcl\3che , 11IIn : In the hend. Ian. guor .and depression and wealmess ot the action oC the 1ldneys. ; 'l'ho IlI\ln was alwllYs WCI'SO III the morning. and I felt mlscrable. I was Induced to procure n box of Doan's Kidney Pills and 1 began tholr use. The } ' proved prompt and effaeth'e. 'rhey cured llIe and there has been no retul'l1 of the trouble since tal\ln { ; them. I owe 1111 the credit to Doan's Kidney Pills. " A I"RIm 'l'IlIAl. . of this great Itld. ne ' medicine which cured 1\lrs. Met. tles wfll be mnlle < I on nppllcatlon to any pnrt of the United States. Ad. dress Foster.1\lI1burn Co. , Duffalo , N. Y. For sale by druggists , price 50 cents per box. That which Is within one's grasp , yet unobtainable , malccs our greatest sorrows. . AtE YOUR cr.OTlTi S FADED' . U O Hcd Cross Dall ilIuo nnd ! 11lllw them . : : whlto agllin. Large 2 oz. JlaCk3g. " 5 couts. } - - 1. ; l"ew men can argue about religion r ( lnd l\Cep cool. J _ Superior qunllty nnd extra quantity . must win. This 18 wh ) ' Defiance ! Starch Is ta.ldng the place ot all others. I One way to dodge the divorce courts Is to stay slugle. : lIrA. \ . ll io\V'fI oothllll : Syrnp. For ehlll\rcn tcethln ! : , oftcns the ! ( ums , rodueo ! It : n4mwatluD , alla's pain , curCd wind eollu. 2.ic n 1 > ) ltlo. If 11 man Is satisfied with one meal a day he can afford to write } loetr " 1 We 19 DOlUJCILAS I $4.00 , $3.50 , $3.00 , $2.50 UNION ' " \ nCST IN MADE SH4'\ES THE WORLD. , y.r. . . . Douglas shoes I . are worn by moro men than any other mal\O. 'rho reason iR , they hold their Rha 1) ( ' , ltbetter , wcar longer am1 hayo , . . . greater mtrmslC yaluo than any other shoes. ' . . . ' " . ' . . . t Sold Everywhere. Xl. At A : I.uuk flr 11011I" n'1 JII' ' ' ' ' ' " . . hult"lII. \ ) \oUllnl\ C" Corol1" ( 'oIlRklu , whh1h IR , J . . .\ \ 1111It l'uh'lI\ j . I. < 'nl hc\ ' , , , . , . Fast Corer Eyr/elsl/scd. : ihotOS II , : 1111.25 rrnto rlm. WI 1111 rOt Catalol ( . " ) V. L. lJOI1HI.AS , Urocltoll , JUnu. lOr , OILED CLOTHING Made III tk or yellow for all kinds of wet work. On sale cvefjwhm. Look ( or the 51 n the name TOWER n the buttons. 10 . . ' . " 1 _ ca.'OITO. . " " "u , 10 Tt.u un. . " " co. . . , ' "ONTO.UN , Looking for a Home 'I I . Then why not keep In view the fact that the farming lands of We.stern , i . FREE Homestead Lands I easily arcessible. while other lands may be purchased - chased from HnilwR ) ' and Land Compnnies. The era/I ! and erain ! : lands of Welern Canadn are the "rsl on the continenl. producln ! : the best erain , and callie ( fed on erass alone ) ready for markel. 111I1rktts , Schools , ItnllwnYIi nlltl nll other ( 'oruIUlolls llll1lto " ' ( 'lIlorn C/llllulil un on\'I- 8hlo Spltt for thu lIutlltr. \'irile to Superintendent I mmliratlon. OUawa.Con' ada. for II "e.cripllvu Atlas. IInd other inforlllalion. or to the Ruthorized Canadian Government Aeent- W. V. lIo/lnett. 801 Ncw Y rk Lie lluiidiDI : . Omaha. Neb. IJEWBS1SJIN6LE TKE8tSTQUALITY BINDER I t IEN tJ. . ! : Jgl J t 1 ! : ur .El elu IL1TI. I . . ' . . , Kites &IS SC&lpego 113. E\'eryhod ) ' 11I10ws the fonl1n08/1 / ot the adult Cllinose for Itlto n 'lng. The l\.orot\n , hO\\'o\'er IIIIS this 11I18t11110 to n use alloSl'ther lIO\'I1. When the time of gooll roolutlons ! ( ' 01110S nrounll nt the lIOW 'enr the Korenn writes on Il lelte nil his faults , "g\11 I11SllOsl. tlon. Il1IlmtlonC'l' , lI'ld words , streol fights. " otc. "It wns so dnrle , " sa ' OUo Amerlcnn roshllng In Ioren , 1'0' Inting such IIn Inst:1I1'e : , that no lelte could be seen , hut when ho had run the string out .to Its full length ho cut It nnel lot Il go , 1I1Iaglning thnt so ho hnd rid himself of his enomles nnd could bogln the new 'ear with uew courage. " A Cnllfornln. seUator , who recently returned to his h0111e from n. Europenn tour , hns been telling n stor ' of his ad\'enturos which redounl1s to the credit of till' London bus conductor. On 11 VOI' ' raln ' da ' . the senator got Into nn onmlhlls. Verr soon he no. tlced thnt d\'ops oC water were patter. Ing down upon his hed fr0111 the roof. At thnt moment the condllctor entered to collect the fares. "Whnt's the mnt. : m' with the roof ? " snhl the damp sen. atOl' ; " < Ioes It do this alwa 's ? " "No , 11311' , " repllod the sensible condllctor ; "onb' when It rains. " Prophet .10seph Smith. of the 1\101" mon church , sars thnt f'l1' n. mnn to 11\0 with bllt one wife. Is nB bad as to ho an IntIdel , as polygam ' wns com. manded by God < Ilrcct. If a. mnn hns a. wife. and Dhe objects direct to n second , or 11 third , slle will bo de. stro 'ed. Now will the womnn be good ? Death Is one thing thnt never fnUs to como to the mnn who walt.s. It Is the Interest of every memher of the ST A 'I'E FAlt\IER'S : 1\1 UTUAL INSURANCE CO. to help It along. The COmlll\nj' helongs to the memhers. The oflleers are tlll'lr servants. Ench ml'mlJel' Is only lIable for his share of losses und expenses , accOIing \ to the amount of Insurance ho carries. Members arc assessed at the end of two j'enrs , nftor the Insurance WIlS I1I'st written upon all their policies for the time Insured , and assessment follows e\'ery t.wo voars. We have paid Olr members \'er $00.000 In losses. Cannot you help some of 'OUl' nclghbors to Its bene. fits ? D. R. STOUFFER , Sec'y. , South Omaha. Nebr. A woman's Idoa. of mutual pleasure Is to spend the money her husban < I carns by the sweat of hlB brow. To the housewife who has not yet become acquainted with the new things of ever'day use In the marleet nnd who is reasonably satisfied with the old , we would suggest that n. trial i : Defiance Cold Wnter Starch be mdo at once. Not Illone because It Is guaranteed by the manufacturers to be superior to an ' other brnud. but because ench IOe paclmgo con. talns 10 ozs. , while all the other Idnds contain but 12 ozs. It Is safe to say thnt the lady who once uses DetInuco Slarch will use no other. Qualltr : nnd quantit : ) ' must wIn. How mnny things ono could do it conditions were different ! Unml Power Day PrclI5 8:8.00. : Greatest. simplest. best Invention of the ug'e. A boy can make regular sized 14x18x48 In. bales l1 ! < e fun. and two boys can bale three tons per day ea51l ' . BEND ' 1'1119 NOTICE TO-DAY to the John A. Salzer Seed Co. . La Crosse , 'Vis. . with ! it' stamps for mail- Ing. and get their hi ! ; catalog , fully describing - scribing this great Hay Press , AO also hundre EI of tools I\nd thousands of varieties - rieties of Farm and Vegetable Seeds. ( W. N. U. ) "Sardou relJI'CSents a. distinct type of the drama. which he originated , " said IL pupil n Brander Matthews' dramatic lIternture clnss at Columbia unlversltr. "Whnt descrilltion of that type do 'ou offer ? " aslw1 ! Professor ,1\Iatthews. "Theatrical pla 's closely pncl\C1 ! with Interest mark the Sardine drama , " relllled the j'oung man , Ilromptl ' and earnestly. "Yollng man , " Illughed the professor. "with a can opener YOIl may yet e\'olve the great American plar. " r\o clromos or : : : heap premiums , i but a. better quality and one.thlrd I more of DetIanco Starch fur the sumo prlco of other stnrches. At nn "at home" a 'ollng man cnmo In nnd made hll'l ' way to the hostess , greeting her nnd nllologzlng for his lateness. "Awfully glad to see 'ou , 1\11' . manIt , " snld the hostess ; "so good of 'ou to come. Dut where Is 'our brother ? " "I am commissioned tc tender his regrets. You see , we Ilre so busj' just. now thnt Is Is Impossible for both oC us to get awny. so we tossed up to see which of us shoull come. " "How nice ! Such nn original Idea. And 'Oll won ? " "No , " said the young man. absently , "I lost. " Waiting for ( 'hances Is npt to pro- duco. Indlfferenco to olloprtunlty. w . _ . A Bad Fbc J When one w:1kes up aching from head to foot , And with l' the liesh tender tQ the louch. when . Soreness and Stiffness makes evey mellon of tl1e body painful. Iho surest And qWckest WJY cut of the trcublo Is to use S1o : Jacobs Oil prcnptly : , 11 warms , reines , ClJes. Price , 2.5c. and : SOe : . ' - , ' ' . . . . . - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ENE\V : . I - N BR IA . - - - - - - NEWG IN DRIIr- ' . Charl's 11. Hl'am , who has been 1101'lIly shm'lre and jallel' In Dalwtn Clt . fOl.'thl' last thl' < , e j'onl's , I'lal ! nett his posltlun last Wl'eli. Shol'lfC II. C. Hamlin will do all the WOI'c ! nlollo. ACI'o\lIng \ to the r < , port uf SU\lel'ln' \ tendent lIn : n wi'll of the I < oal'nl'j' 111' dusll'lnl school. the total onl'ollment dllrlng the last 1IIonth was 1 [ j0. 1\1111 at the end of the mOllth It WI\S Hi 1. W. H. SlIerJ'Y of Woo\llllg \ Wilier was III the \'ll'Inlt . of I'allll\lon \ 1001 , . IlIg fOI' n stoll'n tenlll. llIoodhollnels had t1'l1C'ed the thle\'os to the Bufl'nlo orhool house , where the trail 111\11 , Jeen douhled hnde to Lou hv ; III e. 'I'he IlIIrs s were foulld tied UC:1I' : Wooplng Water In a thl\I't. \ ; . . Dr. .1. II. Crabhs , one or the oldest IlIlj'slcians In thnt 11111'1 ul' the stnte , dlod at I"l'emont of gonel'lll d'lbillty nt the gO f 7G. 110 was natl\'o of Ohio. Ho Ilrnctired his II1'ofoslllon : In thnt 8tate for IIbout ten j'l'al's find III IS0.1 came to ohrllsll\ , locating lit Fontl\nelle. A 'I'al' 01' so latOl' ho came 10 I"l'emont. " The now ralll'oad YOllng IIcn's Clu'lstinn nssoclatlon hullrllng at Chad. , 1'0n wns dedicated last Sl1IlIlny. ' [ lie new structmo Is n. fine t hroc'Htol' ' hrlcl" nnd when the Ilnlshlng toUl'llOs have been ) lIIt 011 II will hn\'o cosl , about $12,000. It Is the finest nsso , clatlon building In lhe stato. cOllslder. Ing the size of the tOWII. 1I1al'Y A. Manzer of Lincoln filed n $10.000 damngo suit In the IlIstl'lct court a nlnst n I1IlInbCI' or Lincoln saloon mon. She clnlms that the 11. quor lIealers are 'financlnll ' reRponsl. hie for the allogell ( ' 1'IWlty anll 110' haucherr of hpr IIiHihanl. ! I ugono N. "tnnzer. against whom she rccentlr brought n suit for divorce. HoY. . 1\1. lIowle. l\stor of the United Prcsb .tel'lnn chl1l''h uf Alii. nnce , IIled of III g'I'IIIP'l. after an ill. ness of bu t ton liars. agell fiS 'ears. Defol' coming to Alliance Hev. Howlo olIlclatoll In New YOI'I" Chicago. SC- attle , Lawl'enco anll Gnrlanll , Kan. . III all of which places he leaves be- 1lnll : monuments of his IIntlrlng ? oal as n fnlthful Ilastor , ( 'ovel'lng a ) Ie' rJod of mol'o th:1I1 thirty rears. County Assessor 'I'eegal'llon of Cass county Is engagell In securing a list of all mortgages on file III Cass county. lIe estlmntes that the total amount of ul1l'olca 1I mortgages will he close to $ fiOOOOO. It Is safe to Ray that mnllj' have hoen ) mld. hut throllgh lIeglect of the hollieI' have not been release ! ! . Unless they lire released very soon ther will be assessed - sessed as 11 tax against the IIl'opertr. It Is requr ; > stell.w all horsemen who expect to mnlce an oxhlblt at the St. Louis ( > xpositlon anll wish to tnlo alt- vantage of free transportation from Llncolu to St. Louis and rotUl'n. fill'- nlshell by the commission. that they file their alJpllcatlonR for such 11rovl. slons with O. E. l\Ilclwr , secl'otarr. at Osceola , Neb. , slating breell , sex Ilnd age of each entl'j' . 'fhe Commls. slon and Live Stocle association will endenvOl' to proville n commtltee to examine anll pass upon the avallabll. Ity of these entries as soon ns liaS' sible. Mrs. O. S. Ward of LlnC'oln wns snved prohably from n. horrlhle denth by the presence of mind of her 1 Q- year-olll daughter , Gertrude Reh , laender. 1\lrs. Ward wns lighting' n gasollno steve when the sulphur on the match flew off nnd Ignited the bottom of hm' sl\lrl. Almost IJlctant , Iy the hlnzo' tIare1 ! UIJ nnll she was enveloped In flames. 'fhe daughter , who wns In an ndjolnlng room , IlrOll1ptly threw a pitcher of water on her mother nnll then followoll the deluge with n. cOllllle of blanltcts , smothering the fire. Hev. Josellh Unllerwoo(1. ( whose step-daughter statell that ho was tl10 father of her chilli. has reccl\'ed n complete vlnilicatlon nt the hanlls of the girl nnd at the hands of his floclt , COmlJoslng the momhershlp of , it. Zion church in Lincoln. 'l'he report of the llome for the Frlonelloss lIIed with the secretar ' of stnte shows that during the last montlJ there was recelvcll $74 anll there was oxpenllell $100.31. The homo ah'ead : hall $105.45 on hand. so It Is still to the good $79.14. The hodj' of Corlnnee .1annln , the I 15-year.old daughter of W. J. .Jnrmln 01 Fremont , who was drowned In the Platte river on New Year's Ilaj'vas found last weelt h ' Carl , the fisherman - man , and Luther lIot'mnl. They were out In n heat on Ihe riveI' nnd saw something just underneath the SUI' . face of the wntel' that appeareel to he statlonnl'r. 'fhoy Imineillatol ' rowed to It nnd fOl HI It to ho the hod ) ' of the 1I0ad girl. It was In nbout three feet of water on the hot- tom nl1l1 not more Ihan :100 : feet from where she dlsaplleared thl'ough the ice. State TrellsUI'II'lortenRen ! has Issued - sued a call Cor $ [ jO.OOO warrants num. hered 98.272 to ! ! 8.817 ! for April 19. When this hatcli Is gathorelt In It will wlnll lip nIl wnl'l'Iluts that henl' a lIato earlier thnn .Juno 9. 1902. maldn ! ; tlw outsh.ndlng wnrrants less thnn two I : eal's 0111. I An ofllclal. 111 ellsC'usllln the al110unt of wOI'I , turnoll out h ' the nnrllngton ( 'ar shops nt PIllttsmollth. fltat ll that the I1rOSllecls were favohlo \ fOl' the emllo ) 'ment of an alllltlonal ( numhor of mon durIn ! ; the eomlnt. ; 81111111101' . ospeclally In the freight car devnrt. monte . - - - - - - - - - , - - - - ' " I\IIN GET Tim MOGT MONEY. - - FJJur03 011 S ' : trles of Tcnchcr In the State. 1.I : : C01.NlIl11'g the mal\ \ leach or 1) ) ( ' < 11'a htel' Rnlarthal \ the wo. Iltnlt'achbl' \ who l1um" ihl ) SIlItIO wOl'lt ? 'lhcbld of hl'rpl\Ht' fOl' the h\st six 'enl'S , ns III'fllmrl'll ' h ' Stnto SUllorln. telll1pnl ) . 'owlt'I' . Rhows that. the lo\\ ' . est 1I\'oragl' Hnll1l'Y 111\111 the IIInll IClH'hol' eXl'eedHIll' \ hl hl'31 0110 Ilnl'lf the WOlllall hm < 'lll'l' hy $1.77. mill thnl the hlghost snl\t' ! ) ' 1m III the III an to:1l'hol' : oX'l'HI8 t lIP hhdllt 11\111 : the WOlllnll hy $11.1 ! ) . -lkl-\Ilh' ) ilw 111' ere : : ! ! " , In lIallll'lt's. till' 11 II 111 hl'l' of IIIl'II toach'll'j ! has Rtl'\llIly : 111'1'1'\113 < ,11 , In 190:1 : tht1 d'I'caso or 1II1'tl'l'ht'rs ; Ulld I hI' 1'0I'\'e81)otllllll \ ) InC'I.t'aHI' 111 WO. mt'll lench'll'U nlllllllllied 10 11101' ( ' lImll 1Ii Pl'l' I'l'nt. 0111' of t lIP t'l'aHnIlS , IIthl'l' I linn flnan. clnl. gl\.t'n fOl' the ,10ft'rllllll , of t.ho mOil 11'1 ' that it In f01ll1l1 Ihnt wnnlt'll a'e lIIuch 111111'0 sUl'I'essflll 111 tilt' low. ' mlles thnll ' ' . Tht' ' ' 01' ! ; al'l ! 1I1t'1l. 111'0 nlmoH ! . hl\'al'lahly 11I01'0 Ilatlt'nl. ) wr. se\'eI'llI ! ; nlltl tUl'lfll1. VIIIIt'II tl'nch. el's fil'O now 111 dumalld fill' th ! ' ( ' 01111- tIT R'hools of tll < ' Htato. alld 1111'11 nro 1101. It Is ( 'lnl1l1 < ' 11 Illat L1)1 " 'OI lI'II thl'msl'lves 1\1'0 III 111\1'1 to hlllllll' for I hell' 8lIl1tr wa os hm'\\Iso : tht' ' (10 ( 110t IJfCIJ:1I' : ( ' 8111I1'lelltl . for tholl' wOI'I < to enahlo them to II I'ltl 1\1111 nl1eqllnlo llIl 'lIIellt. But tltlH UHSOl'tlulI dot's not hold good 111 IIInllY cnROS. Novol'lhe , less. Supel'llItondellt l.'owlm' dcl'lnl'eR that It Is In the Ilowor of the women teachel's of Nebraslm 10 ralso t ht' nv. 01'1\/0 / wngo or tholl' Al'X 1'1'011I $40 to $ [ jj [ slmpl ' hr. Ilrelll\'III : \ fOl' ! t a 1111 thl'l1 domnndlllg It. CLUB WOMEN OF NEBRASKA. OHiclal Tr&lln and He dCJuarters at St. Louie. r\otlC'o Is sent oul to cluh IJI'oslltents by11's. : . Boolo flolllenhol'ouhg of Plattsmouth , Rccn'tnl' ) ' or Ihe Nehm8' 1m l1t'neral I"ellemtloll of "Volllell's Cluhs. that for the seventh hll'lIl1lnl metlIg ! of the G < 'Ilt'I'al lo' < , domtlon of Womon's Cluhs , helel at St. Luuls. : \lay 17. : : ! . the oXI'cutlve honl'el has chosen Iho BIIl'llllgtoll as the olll'lal rOllte for the Nohmslm , lcleglltulI. ! 'I'I'aln s ( > 1'\I'o will ho as follows : Lea vo Omaha : : : ! [ II. III. , Il'n vo Lln. colli . : : ! I ) . III. . 1Il'1'I\'e SI. . ) oseph 9:3r : ; I ) . m. The delcgatlolls thnt trl1\'ol fl'OIll an.1 vln. Llllcolll will bo com. hll t'd with the delegations thnt trnvol frolll unci vln Olllnha at St. .10S0)lh , I1nd will IIse the same tmlll fl'oltl St. Josl'ph , al'l'l\'ln ! ; at St. LOllis the next. . mornlllnt / 7 : 19. ' 1'hero will ht' through Hleeiling cars , Lincoln to St. LOllis , anll Omahn. to St. LOllis. The ofl'ers ! Ilnd clelegntes or the stnlo fl'd- eratlon OXlOct ) to leave for St. LOllis 1\lnr IGth. nI'I'ivlng In St. LO\lls 011 the morning' of the ] 7th. The dnr or 'celobratlon at the rail' grolllltIR will Ie May l1th ! , ImowlI ns "Loulslnha.i i Purchase Dar. " On this tIny there will he reccptlons nt all the state lJulIclllIs. ! The heallCullt'tol'S } for the Nehraslm club WOlllell will bo nt "The Odeoll. " Nebr < 1sl < a Girl DeLld In Wyoming. SHERIDAN. Wyo.-1\Is ! Stol1ll : \1001'0 of lIel\'ey , Neb. , died sllllllenh' whllo on route from the depot to the home of her hl'other In this city. She wus tnlten ill at the dOlot ) and was Illaccd In a haclt , hut ( lied before reaching home. Will Argue for Exemption. LINCOLN-Tho Ho 'ul 1llghlnlldcI'R will argue for oxemltlon ) of Iho securl. ties of fraternal societies fl'om taxn. tlon when the state honrd of equnlln. tloll meets In Iar. ' It Is lIulto 1)'Jssl. 1110 that the SIIIII'Ome ( ' 0111" will bo aslted to pass on this sUhject. Going Into Potato R llslng. SCO'I'TS JiJU1"F-T. C. Bottom of Ihe ( 'ommlsslon firm of T. C. Bottom & Co. of Kansas Cltr arrlvod here the fiml of ! hI' weele with a gang of mon who will 1ll1t In 300 all'es ! of 110' laloes 1111 1IIIIIIs ndjolllln the town sll e. The potllto InllIstry ! Ilromisos III be 1l1'OIIIu1llo to the' farmers of the \'I\l1o ' . SI'\'l'l'al lhommn1 ! 11'I'e8 will he Jllanted thh ; RIB'lng. 'I'hls will cl'e' ale a gOHI l1Iul'l\Ct. Buys Land for Feed Yard. I"HgMO 'I'-A IJIgIlInll Ileal In\'ol\- lugn ( 'oI1RIc1cl'ation that will I'lIn e he- tWI. ' { > 10,000 [ ; anll $ iO.OOfl hllH hl.,1'om -'ll ) ) ( ' 1 W 1. ' ( ' II lIt J. .10hnHon ot , \m'H un-J Ihe Stlllllllll'li l'aUII ! ( 'om- pnltit thllt pi II 1"1' . Wh { > I..II ' JohnHon hl'C'omlm ' pUI'rhIlHI'I' : , of ion IIITeR or hlllil. hll'hllllng 11\'l\l'th'lIlIy II ) ! ' ( 'nUr\ ' to\\'IIHlle of AmeH wllh 1111 IIIIPI'O\"I'- 1I'l1t ! ! . Yutan Depot S 1fe Cracked. YUTAN-'I'ho 1I01lol at this plll < 'o was Imrglul'lzee'hp \ \ safe was hlown OIICn alII I the ( , olltonts talwn. Th lJooly waR not lano. M < 1Y Go to Fedral Court. I.Ir\COI.N-ln II IJOlitlolIod ( \ ) Ih lho slllJl'pml' ( 'OUI.t the \lIssolll'l , .a- dlle denies that It IH n statl ! ( , { ) I'JlOI'II- tlon. I hE : ! 1111SWOI' oC thll l'onlllllllY to I the 1'(1)1I0si ) of the Co'oJlel'Uth' ( ' ShIJl- Ilss01'Iatloll of VII'gllllu. Nell. . III" In ! ; hed. 'I'ho C'ompnllr allies thai the vaIII1ty of the Hnmser hili hp tl't-ted In the fOllol'al ( ' 0111'11 Thl' fal'lnN ! ! hllilt 1111 010\11101' awl the HlI'lIl'llIl'e was hul'llO . Anothol' was ( 'I'UI" ( ' ,1 a shol't dlstnnco fl'ol11 the fOl'n ) ( > I' Hllo the l'allroatl reCused to pxlenri 11 ! tlldo trncl. , I o _ _ _ _ , _ _ u , . , _ . _ _ _ _ , . _ _ _ _ _ . ; . . , . . . I . . . . " . , . _ . . - . .1 . , , , tor r . ' 1 : . fI'"r ' 1f ' " ' I . 'V ' , . t < . . \ \ I 1t-i ( . . W f' r ' 'lE\v'4jI , . . . ' . \ ' ' . . \ 1'1' ! " : 4 ; : ; V. - . . " . . . . 'i ; : # - . . . . , , , { ' ' . * ' . , ' ; : ; ; . jl.i \ , , ) ' ! . . . . . . i tJI' ' ' 7" . , , , ! ' .o. . , . . ' r , \ . > .li" , . , : s t : . ' , . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ ' \ - < . J j. . J . i } ; " . ( . . . , " , . ' . . . . ' . . . . . . . ' y. ( "j. ' . . . . J . . ; / . 1 t. : ' . ' ' I ' : I ' t . , t11 f/ : : I " : " " ' . . \ \ \ : . ' \ . ' . . r" " " " ' : . , , .J. $ ; ' . . Ii : . . n.rJ'l..v L. " ' " . : , , .r ! . . , it' : ' ; . l . . : ; 'i ( ' J't ' ; \ ( . , "f-i : : ' .ij\ \ . , 1 . \ , . - : ' t. , ' " " , f , ' , I . . , , . . . ' , " ' ' ' ' ' - . I.1 I " ' ' ' \ " " : ! ; ; \f i " , \ ' lt ' " " \C J. , t. - ; V" " . . tt , . , . . 0 . . & ' , . jl \ . " I ; , -1' . J . ; " . , ' 1 I . I , . "I' " ' ; ' I . ) . . ' * l"'Y : { . . :11\ : . ' ' . ' \ . , . . ' \ II \ , . - . . , . \ : \\J \ \ , \ 1'I . \ tl , 1 I . . ! i n ,1 , . IJ . ! J , , & . ' ( fj . , i ; t . ; r ' " . . . . ' " . , ; t . . . , \ / \ : . " . ' : . , .1 : . ' . . . . . . . , .ii11 : ! , , , ; . . : . . .Jl ' . \ , " . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . /j . : . I . . I' . : I , " i. . ) . . . . . . . : . \ : \ , ! ' ' -.h. : ; 1 0).h. 1 : ' . ' i t C . . . , . . ! . . . . . . . : , ! I . . ' ' . ' : : : ! : . . . ' . . ( . . . . . . . . . & , . . . . " . ' . I" : . ' . . . ; . { . , . " . . ) . , : , , . . . . . . . . . . . : : . . . ; . . : . ' . . . . . . \ " . ! . , I. . ; 'I. . { \ . I. . s. . ' " ' ' ' - . . v \ ' t. . : # , , . , . ! " . " . : 't/\\ : / \ l..f. 'J.- \ \ fi } , I ( I , ! i. . , . . . . i' .i : I ! . ' : b " . ' : hl' . . . . . . . . . i . , ' : 1' . ' . . . ' . . \ . ( . O : , ' . . \ ' . ; . ' . , ' . ' . ' . ' . 'd . ! : . ' : . ' . I. . . . . . . . . , , ' . . . . . . .J . ; ! . , ' . ' . " . ' . ' . ' . ' . , . . . . " . . ; ' : ' ; ' " . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ' , : ' ' ; = . ' r . . . 't . " : . : , ' ) . : . ' ' . . ' . : . I } . . . ' . ; , . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . I. . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . " . y" . . . 'l' ' ) ' : . . . " . ' . . , . . . . ( : ; : > . . . . . , . . . , . ' , ' . 't. . \ . ' , ' , . ' I . : . " . . . . , . . ' . . . . : . ' . . . . . ' . . . . . , . . ' . . . . . . . . \ . ' " . ' . . . , , . . . . . . . : . ( ( ' . , ' . . . . . . " . . . \ . : ; ; . . . . . . . .T. . ' . : , . " . , . . . . . . . .h .1 ; . . ' " ' . ' H. . ! . : . . ! . . . . . .1. . ' , . . ' _ ' . . ' .i.\t.t . . . . . . . , : . . . : . : . . . ; { f. .f : ' . \ ' " ' ' ' ' . ' . , ( ; : , . . ; " . ; . . . . . . . : . . " . .11\ . . . : . . , . . . . . . , . . . . . . . , . : . . ; i . . \.h . : ; . . . . . . ; . \ : . : . . . . . . , . .n..r , . . ; i , I . : ; . . . . . " . ' : . I : \ . , . : :7 . ' ; . " . . . . . . . . . . \ : , . .1.:1. . / : ' ' . ; " 'tI."I' , . : " . .2. . . . . , . . . 'A prolninent Southern lady , Mrs. Blanchard , of Nashville , rr enn. , tells hov she , vas cured of backache , dizziness , pain. . ful and irregular periods by the use of Lydia E. Pinkham' s Vegetable Compound" "DCAR 1\ns. \ PINKHAMGmtitudc compels mo 10 nc1mowledgo the grcat moriL f yom Yegctnblo Compound. 11m vo sun'ercl for four yeal'fJ with irrcgular nnll painfnlmcnstl'uation , also dizzil1e ! ! ! ! , ] mil1s in the Imck nd lower limhs , Ilmi fitful slecp. I dreaded the limo to como which wOl d on1r mean suffering to me. "Bettor health iSIl1l1 want } d , nl1d cure if pORRihle. LylIn E. PinI , . . ] mm's Veget.ahle COIllIW\JIul hrought. mo health amIlmplincRs in a few shorb months. I feolliko Imother person 110\\ ' . l\ly \ ncheH and pains have lofb 1110. I.ifo seems 110W and sweeb to me , and ovol'yJdug ( seemB plonsant and easy. II SL" { bottles broughb mo health , and wnft worth more thnn monUI1 ! under the doctor's carc1whieh rcally did 1I0b 1Jl'I1eHL mo uLall. J 1U1l1mt- : isf1ed there is no medio no so good for side women as your Vegotnblo Compound , I1.m1 I mlyoelltu it to my Indy friolJls in need of medical kolp..Mus. . B. A. llrANoTIAUD , 422 111'o\d : St. . , NashviHc , ' 1'enn. Whn women n.rc trou le with irregulnr , Impprcssc(1 or palnlulmcnstrun- tlon , wcn.lcness. louco rl'h n , dlsplnccmont 01' ulcc1'I1tlou or the wom , tllll.t . bel\rlllg' ( oWIl lcotlng' . inf1unmnton ! of the o\'al'l s. aclmchc , loatlngor ( ZIotulcnce ) , gcneral rlc 11lty , hllllg-cstlon , anll ncrvous prostl'lltlon , or are beset ' . with such S ' 1I1 ptmns us dizlncMI , faiutlll'ss , ] (18- . l'w/ ; ; , allude , cxcJta hilitr ; , h'ritu ilit . . Jlcrvot1/incl > I ! , , f I.Jj slclplcssncss . , mclancholy , to nli'ono [ II null , . I I ill : I. , .1 II fecllngs , blucs an ' " . . . . I hopelcssness , they shoulll renellllICI' thcl'o Is 0110 " trlcllu1Hl trllo rcmcdy. J. . 'c1la .Il . } "lnJelmm'f'J V { ' cfable OOIUIOUJlll lit ollce rcmo-c : ; uch troublcs. RcIuso to uJ. nny other mcdiclnc , for you need the hest. A Sevcre Cnse of 'Yom } ) 1'roublo Oured f I In l hl1llelhin. - "DgA It 1\Jts. \ PINI\1IAJlf : - I 111\YO been . . t cured of seycro fOlllalo t.roubles by " the use of LydJa E. ) ! 'inlemm'lJ ) J'Vegctahlo COJ11IJOuncJ. I wrw . , nearly ready to giyo up 1mb seeing 1- . . . . . your advcrtisoment I purchnel ! : ono bottle of your mmlieino , and it did me so much good that I purchased another , and the rcsult wus so timb I bought six moro bottles , und mn now fccling' 1ilw It mllisfllc\ory \ I shal1 never bo withoub it. I hope that my tcstimonial wiJl convince women thab your Vegotn.blo Compound is the grcatest me ieino in the worIll for falling of the womh or any other female cOU1plaints.-lUns. MAy CODY , 2000 Birch Sb. , PhillUlolphia , Pa. . . Remember , evcrywnmnn , is cordially invltCII to writ.e to ] Irs , Pln1rJmJll : : If there iR an 'thin { . : about her -nltU1H Hho JloCIJ not onderlJtund. Her uddl'CIiS is J..YIUl . , 1\o.S9. , Iter nd"icn 1s free nnd . cheerfully given to evcry nl1ing , , . .oman who asks for it. . . . " .j , " . , . ' . . . 'I > ; , , ; ( . : " . . . . . . , , . GET A GRASP ON OUR TRADE MARK. I GET TO KNOW IT WHfN YOU SEE IT AND TIIEN NEvtR BUY ST ARCi WlTtlOur IT. DEFIANCE ST MCI1 IS WITtIOUT EQUAL IT IS GOOD. IT IS BETTE . IT IS TIlE BEST AND f.\ORE \ OF IT lOll TEN CENTS TitAN ANY OHleR STARCII. IT WILL NOT ROT TIlE CLOTltES. YOUR GIOCEI { liAS IT OR WILL GET IT If YOU ASK FOR IT. II II II . . U SATISfACTION Ot ! f.\ONEY BACK. MANUfACTURED BY The DEFIANCE STARCH CO. , mwlA. NEB. . PORTRAIT AGENTS : : 3 1y : OurllKIIIM tllO 1" . . , . I'rh , . . , "n 101\\ " " . ) 'rulIIl" .IIlp , Inel.I . 111'11"0' ) of nilI':1"1 / : " : : < ' " ' 011I)1' ' ' ' ' OUII r"ll , > tr. . . . , " 'lId rp. 0".1 , rul'.hlre. . . ADAM 1. KnOLL.CO" New Er" DUlldlnOhicano \ , . , ; . , : : l ! ! 1 illilT IiUlkS ! HkU All Wik 'AilS. ' ! loot COUjlh byrUI' , 'l'WI\t'a OOOlt. UI'C . In lime. ola hd.IIIIIIM. . . . I . - - ! FerRee , . Ir' " . , \ \ II' , . . IIUln , ' IIt l.q , r. It. III' ' , . . ! > \ . . . " " " ' .o-"rcll..olOIiI. ) , ! ' I" n ' ' 11'.1. I" " , II r ) ' . .nil holl' . . _ 11 III.t. ; ' , ,1'111 . " 11'1 ; Huitt ! lor _ , . o'llIIluI" : , . . f . . lllul'rlcn Iron udlIrt " oriS . -J. . . . , , " I II A } ; IW VI. I-J. U. . Omi1ha. No. 16-1904 I I BEGGS' BLOO D PURIFIER CURES catarrh oi the stol11llcb.