. . . . . . - . - . - - - fr t' to rw , nty..r-Ive Lttaics. . . . .hl' Dofll\nc ( ' Rtarl.'h Co. will rlve tl lntll ( ' . n l'OIllHI tl'llI Uckc'l to the St. I.OIIIA l xIJOlllllnn , 10 11\0 1I1111tJ , lit onch or lhe following MtntlS : HII. lIull" . lown , l'ohrlllillm. ; Kanllns ! nntl I\IIJ 18ollrl who will I'Icnd ' In thp Inr\l'Il ' n'lInllul' ' of trallo 1II1I1'lw ClIl fronl II t'n cent , 1G'01l1l'U 1llIl'Jmgt ! or Deflnnco' ' cold water 1ll1ltllr : ) " IItlll'cl1 , ' 1'h13 , IIlcnnn frolll ) ' 0111' own hOlllo , nn ) " I \\h'rc ; 111 th < , II lJo1' 111111I1'11 statC4.I ! I 'l'hr.flc tra o tIInrlll'l ' tIIUNt 1) ( ' 11I11111'11 to I II.nll rcc'lrotl Ity lh I > I'OnIH'11 Htarch eo. , Umnhn , Nohr" h'uforlJ : : ! CJltl'lIIhcr Ill , ] ! 1lI.I. Ol'lohel' IIlIcI Nov < 'lIIhnr 1\11I 111) the host tWill I hs to \\I\l \ \ ' .ho ( : XI1ll 1I1l1I. Hlltwrnher ! tlml DI.flnncu In ( fllo oltly sIOt'1I pili 1111 1 G oz. (11. ! ull IIOUIIII ) to the IlUcJugc. : YOII gOl mothh.tI 11101'0 Htlll'ch fOl' Ih GalllO ItIUIIC ' of ' other klllll thnu un ) , IIn 1)iJllnc ( ' lIovor stl'llfI 10 the 11'011. 1'Ho tI'lwtll to lIw B : < polltloll ! will ho Kl'til by rog3tcrud ! mull 8npt mher , 6tl1. Starch 101' slllo hy 1111 dOlllorll.i i . I llIlIr n man who iliai'll ! ' ! > ! 1111 holt. . n : , IIv'I1 10'u \ t'et lIIulllI' , 'III with IL l't rll'h.qlllcll gUlIl' ! . , - - 1 ' : ' I'rt'\"Mnrntir C'1rtr ! ! . Itn mOllr I1rl'V'a nr. . flrtO. If ; l'S 1.1 : IIn1.'II 111 < 0 or IIr. KIIto'oUt..t , r > . 'r , , ' H."nto nr. ' IIJI rnr ' .Iua : 6'OC ) trlnll"Wn " , , , I t."IIoI' . Vn. U. U. KldNII , LtlL , DJ1.lrcb Elreot , l'tlllldul1 > l.llII' t.OIl CIIII ens II ) ' 11I111 ; ( ' a IIIl\n hot hy 'lIl blllJ ; hllll the \ \ ' 1'11111lnr. . I , Ido not bcllevn Plno'R ( ' 1I1' ! ' ror Consumption tt"J nn e/lutil rur COUjlhll 111111 CIlI S.-JUIlN II' Uo rtm , Trinity 8p'IIIIS , In . , I"cb. " Iii , I\1Ol1. WOIIIOII clln 11I\'ClIl oxcnHOS wllh a : /lrclt ) , call dol' . It YOIIvlr.h lIonlltfful , denr , , blto clothes t1 110(1 Cro'j HaIL Uluu. LarguJ : os. { Hlclago , li CUll ts. , , It's a case of quick 1J01ISIIIIIIIlon ! Wllh the mun who holts hlJ : footl. . , al'IIOIH cnn ho colot'IJII on the noor . tlllh I'U'I'NAl\1 PADl.I SH DYI 8. ( 1o"10I''ncn , lalel ) ' , one of s'verlll Jtatlun latlles who wel' ( ' entortulnlng ! \tall ; Twain , tlslell whnt was t hu AIJH'I'lcm : natlollnl I > lIn1 ( ' . " 1'01 < ( ,1' , " ho I' ' 111111nllell. WlwlI she laughlngl ) ' IH'O. tl)1tell that. IIIJ was ft'ellolls , ho gm ve. Ir I'ellernlctl his slntellll'nl , mill lulel. (111 ( : "Madllme , 10 I ho game of pOWI' ! Iht ) AlIIl'llcan IJeOlllc OWl ! the IIIOSt' " :41I1ahlo leHson a IInlloll can learll : orel' glvo UI' , 0\011 aftcr 'OU Jmyo lost 'Olll' last chllllce. " Mrs. Vnn Henllsehwl' CI'u er 1l'lIs a r.lory of u. WaHhlllgton hosteHH who III' yltt ! ! 1111 attache OOOIlC of the forul1n Il' uthIllR to ( line with her. 'L'Ie ! InYI. tatlon was fortllllllr IH'CeIICII ) , 11I1t. on the 1II00'lIlng of till ! apJHllntcl1 du ' 1\ J\J e , WI' ( lion hr I he forclgllOl"s'alol. . wn.s recti\'ud , which rUIIlI : " \J' \ . 1lI11nk r / \ I'UIH'Ol'r IIl1leh thal ! Io w\1l \ 1101 ho alllo 10 he III'esenl alII's. . Swlfl'.i : din. 1101' tonight , as he Is dead. " I'I I \ It ! the HUll thnt hntches t IO ftllWUI'S of tiHJ HOU'l'ho \ fllce , which reUccia nil the 1111101' selllhncllts or 1lH ! 11I.\I't , hetrurs the loof IlII O\\'IIUI' , 11I111 IJ hellulICu\ \ . It'n a case of love's : ' ' ' ' lost when womnn Is cOllllleliClI to tallO In wllsh. ing III ol'der to SIl111101't. wOI.thlcss : . 11ushalld. ' 'I'ho 1han who Is vain tnl < es prlelo III Hhowlll It 011 the mnullost. III'O"U' catloll. Artor fmying eXI\ol'lonce' \ 11. lIIan Rol. 110111 hoaHl or hIli hUI'galll. Dlgl'esRlons 1\1'0 urton the IJI'lghtest llnshlno of lire. A spolle child III allllolit us had liS 0110 thllt III too fresh. A , mil u consumclI 11I01'0 OJ' lesR tlmo wh n ho Is catlng ellltC8. ARMY TRIALS. I _ An Inf < 1ntryman's Long Siege. ' 1'hls sullllcl"s talc of food Is Int l'ost- In ! ; . DIIl'lug hIli term of sen'lco In 17th Infllnh'y lu Culm alld 1'hlllIIIIIIlO < 3 , au Ohio soldlcl' bor cOlltractol1 a dlseaso of the ntolllach Illld huwels which aU arlllY doclol's wltu treatcil him 11m. 1I01lllCOII IIICIII'uhll' , IIl1t whIch Grapo. Nuts food alollo cllrt'd : "rn Octoher , lSH1 ! , when III ) ' olltlst. JIIUllt expired , I waB dl chal' ed from the army at CalullJte , Phlllppltll's , : nul l'etlll'lIelto thu States 011 the IIrst a'altahsteamer \ thut left : \uulla. ! When I got hoUlo 1 was u tolal wreele IlhYHlcally nlld my _ Ioctm' IllIt JIIU to hcel flayln ! ; l o cOIIHll1ul'IJlme ( the wurst hl'lllwlI. own man of my Il O he O\'er Haw alld afl'I' 'trlatln mo H mOllths he consldm'ed In ) ' Cr.HO hu 'otlll lIIedlcal I1hl. " 0111'1111 : ; the fnll anll wlntl'r of ] ! JOO roml ' 01 1 was'uIlmltl < Jl1 to the Bal'lIl's IllIspllal In Washill/\toll. / \ D. C. , fur treatuHJnt f r chronIc InUalllnmtloll of the . : utulllueh uUII bowel II IIl1t IIftcl' 5 lIIonths returned homo as hael ns u\pr. " "I cOlltlllued tul" " medlcillc until FollrHlry : , 1902 , when rl'lHlIlIg a nows. 11:1lle1' : olle day I n'ml allout OI'ape.Nuts alllt was so lIuIH'eBsed 1 sent out tUI' U paclage rIght uwu ) ' . " 'l'hu rcsnll Is qUlcklr tolll tor I have u81'\1 Grape.Nuls colltlnllllll : ' c"er slnco wIth the hest. 1'JRUlls , III ' health If ! sO I CUll do a fall' Ilu"s hili'll wurlt , slomach nnd boweltl : UJ'O III gooel con. dltlon. IIl\\'e ! ; nlnud 40 11011I1111:1 : In \\'o1/ht / aull I fcel lIIll ! a new 1111111 ulto. ether , "r owe m ) " prosenl good health to :1ralio.NI\lS \ beyond nU douhl for modi. eai Hclellco wns exhullstel1 , " Ntuno Iv'u by Postllll1 Co. , Dattlo Crcult , . Mich. ' . Had ho conslIllo/l / any. one of Re\ ' . ol'll ! thll\l \ aud IIhyalchUlH wo kUIut uhl have cl'ihCll : Gfan - t ott w IIr . . ' . , ' Nl al'lmmedlate ! ) ' . . IA\oll'lli \ each III : & . for. the " fnll ols ! 1H1lo heel ; , " 'I'ho ! toad to Woll\'lIIo : ' ' - - ' - ' - - - - - , - - - . US ! ! "qr : A COMMON TONGUE , Enol/sh / Language Now Used hy the Moat Pcrlons. , With lho I1Jel'ol\Rlnn illl"I'l'lIlIr " "I th nf\lIollfol , the 0111 (1111'1111011 ( of a 11111 \01'11111 ) l1.ngllaKP COli ! ! ! ! ! 11(1- ( at le'UI-I1 In the Onl'man II1lnll , IIITol'llIlI a toI ) ( ( ' of cllscnRHIl\n , lIa1I the IlIellllllllpoliH r-l'WA. The tCllcIIncy towal' " II COIl1- mon ton lIe Is nnel hllH hewn fc,1' : "PIII'H 1I1)1'C stronl ! } ' II1nrnll ] ; hy I ho slll'I:1I1 . uf the Engllh ! IlIlIglla l' . Mlllhnll's sllLtllIllcs of n dmmn ) 'uurH 0111 ( \'Ill/ \ / ; Ihe IntnAt I\mllnhlo ) flhow the 1I11I'uucI of In11 lIllges for till' 111'1ct ! nllll'ty Y < 'III'II of the laHl cOlltury. At lite heglnnlng of the l'cntur ' the Illnglillgos of EII- rOJle1'0 8IJOII.1II ! hy 111IOOOOOO 1),0' \lIp. \ JII 1890 thu ) ' were SIIOIII'II hy I ,101.000,000 , an IIICI'CI\S ( ' of IH'al'ly 1GO 1101' ( 'ent. 'l'ho four 11I'llIclJlIII lan- J.lIageli In 1 SOl Wl'l'O FI'clleh , Hlissla , ( Jprman nnll SJlalllsh. 'rho French 111I10llnterl 10 ] H..I 111'1' cent , anll the SJllLnlKh to 1 G. : ! . ElIgllflh'Rlealdulj ( peoJlI < ! 1I amullntell to 0111 : . ' 1 : ! .7. Dllt In 1 SCi t.ho stancllng was : ElIgllHh , : ! 7.7 1101' ccnt ; HlisHlan allll Om'I1l1n , each 18.7 Jlor cl'nl. : Frollch , 1.7 : ! per cent : Spanlllh , 10.7 Jlel' cent , IUHI the rcmalnllm' dlvhlcll hclweon Italian I1.nrl PorllllIuse. ! 'rho numhor of gn lIl1h'swultlng : people hl\el Irown fI'om : ! O.r : ! OOOO to 111,1011,000 , Oer. man ntHI Hlls8Inn'IIJlPnltlnIleolle / ! from ahout 30,000,000 to 75,000,000 each , Ilnd 1"I'ench'slllaldn Ilcople ! r'OIl1 : J1.4iiOOOO to r 1,200OOO. 'rho I ngllsh langlillgo hllcl I'lson f'Om ! nfth to IIrst. Illuco , ancl wnll 111101 < l'n hy at Icasl fiO Ilel' cOllt more IllJoplu than any other Ellrollean tongll ( ' . Of the Iner'oaHo orhont 91,000,000 I < :1I lInh'sIHJal < lng Iluollie ahollt 70,000,000 were In the Unltod Status. Somc ProvcrbD of the Japanee. ' 1'he man who Iwows , Jupan was slleuldng the olhel' evcnlllg of Ils Iu'overb > : . "Wo all Imow , " he salll , "the pro. verh nhOlll 'mOl'o hasll" le5s Rpecd , ' hill the .Taps put Il : 'If In a hlll'ry , o roulld0 say , velT CI'IHIl'l ) ' , that 'uccillunts will huppon In the hest. reg- ulalell families , ' bllt the , Jupanese , wIlh a view 10 muldng the phrase morn Illcturesque , SUY : ' 1'"on n mon. liC ' EOlIIl'llmefi falls fl'om a tI'OO : The su'ln nholll cdgell tools anl1 Cllt fin- gl'l'II , the peoillo of lhe I.'lowoI'Y Kingdom - dom vl\ry thuH : 'U olle plaYfi with tigers one Is 1II < oIy to have t'Ouhle , ' whllo ' 'oil and ' ' ' 0111' watl'r won't mix' the ) ' Imow an 'yo II can't. I'i\'et II uall in 1custard. . ' Where we IInr 'oul or 0\11 good ma ) ' come , ' the : . ' sU ) ' 'the lotUH springs f'Om the muJ.Irs. ( : . Parlln ton's attcmpt Is III .TalH1n , 'scatterIng fog wllh a fan , ' 'hulllilng bridges to the CI01HIs , ' 01' ' 11111111ng UII the ocean wllh 1IIhell , ' Allel when the IICrson maldUl ; : .iuch all attollllJt hUH falloll the Jupaneso sn ) ' thut , lifter aJl , 'thillo own hcarl malws the wo1'111PhlladoIrlhlll PI'CSS. - - - - - - Why Not. Ir fl'l'lf I II IT woulll IlI'lp , wlll'lI II' ! ! wet ' 1'0 Ilr ' III' tl1I' 11IIcllllo'H. I'll U'I't. AIIII If nIKhlru. ; wouill 111'111. wll"11 II' ! > ! dry 'I'll mol"11 ! the II\HIIII'C ! ! , I'll High. Ir ! > ! rIl1l1lu woull1 111'1whl'lI \ I'm 1'0\11. \ ' 1'0 mule thl' IIUII Hhlt. . . . I wOlIlII ! > ! clllll ; 11' mom'lIll11 : woulll h"111 till' fOl'lol'1I 'J' " 1111\0 jo ' 111111 gonel 1'01'111I11' . I'd 111011I'11. 1t rrln\'ln : wllulcl 0\1' " I"IlIc1\1' ' 1'11011' blll'll1111 who ! ! 11l\'C' . I wllulcl Itl'le\'c ; It WI'IIII11 : WIIUIII IIhm'lell thl' HI"I'II \\0) ' 1IJ1 10 RU ! ' ! ' ! ' ! ! ! > ! , 1 woulIl Wecl' . nut III f/'llwlI 01' tll Heolcl III' In fl'l1t " : " ' ! II 11 b' to 11'1I lhl'lI 11gl'el : WIn1I0t 1:1\0 III' ! ; l'lc\'IIi/t 1I\\'hlh' Ami II'Y Iho hn\\'u helll't IIlIcthl' \ Hl1\l\l' \ ? H. Jo : . KIHI'I' . - - - - - - Writer ! : Who Were Pedestrians. "Christopher Norlh" ( Prof. .John i Wl1son ) , 11. giant 0\1' six fcet hlh ; , whoRe "trolld seemed almost. to Hhul < o the strccts , " thollght nthin ) of IJ'IIIIII'- In forl ' mllcs In eight IHHII'H , 01' of waJltlng from 1 1\'I'I\Uol II ) Ellem ) ' , a cIlBta Clef elght . mlll'H , III II duy. \VOI'dsworlh. thullgh hl' coulll 1111\'er' ' have llOpt pace wllh'lIson's swlllg. . III11l1'llle / , Wl\8 IIlwarR gooll fol' a t\\'oulr-mlle stroll. lIull meel ; to boallt that he hUll wal1\Oll six tlllles ' 1'011I111 the Clu'lh. Charlell DlclwlIs waH al. wa 's at his hrl htl'st aull hallllleHt when ho wns stl'hJlII ga 'lr aloll ( oIllJtr ' JInes nt 11 guotl 11\'e IIIl1l's an hOIll' . 011 I'IIIC meIllOl'ahll' o'caliion ho ( , o\'l'roll twcnt . mill's "fail' IICol ! l1l(1 ( tou" In n shlllo ( O\'l'r 1'011I' hOlils. mill "Ol' ' In'mlll hl' was of hlH Ilcell. ProFII'l'elt \ , hlblll thollgh he was , lJ'al1llltJel his thirtr IIIl1l'S ml\u ' 1\ liar OVCI' Call1hrhl n roallH : aUII In 0111' owu liar , \1I' . SWlllhul'lIl" II' . lIn'cu 111111tl' ! . , Iohll Da\'hlwlI. thn l'ZJOt , mi ht well he matehl'll agalllsl tin ) ' olho1' three IWllt'strann ) of t'1111111 'oars In EnlanlJ.-Westmlulstl'I' ! Oa1.t'ttl' , - - - - - - - - - Admlr < 11 Urlu at Annapolis. "then AII1\111't11 111'111 of thu .laIHIIIl'sO l1aWIIS a 11111 at J\lIuaJloliH l1\\'al a'all'm : . ' hl' got. a gooll hazlul- : all 11. stoo(1 ( It JI\lIcltll \ ' . Latol' . as all 1I1111el' dasH mall. h ( ' hl'llll'll 111\1.1' 01 hl'l' 'Ollll - Slt'R. ) nnll alwarH IlIslslull 1I110n ll\'lu 1111 to AunlllJlh ) , II'allllloIl8. OIlU da ' hI''ali tlrHsllI ( IJoWII (1'or l' F't'III' ; SOIlIIIIW 1111 aSHlstallt I.'l1glIl'I'I' ! lit. thl' 11l'UolI1I bl'hlgl' . 1.'I'I'IIROII ; was them , anll dOllbtlosH Is 1I0W , IIhollt I wl'o lhu .11111'11 Hbl''hllt's 'Olll' lIallle ? " IIn. mallll'll 1Jrlll. " ' ' . . . " ! "Jo'el'gIHHlII. sil. . "SJlell Il , " "F.e'I..g'II's.ou , sir , " " JlI'II Il 0\01' agaIn ullel l'I'IIWlllhpl' thM 'UII'I'O lul. IIres8111S 'Olll' SIIIIUI'101' , " " , . ' , sil' ; 0 , IIII' ; I' , lilt. : g. I'll' ; u , Rh' ; s. sll' ; 0 , sll' ; n , sir. \ > ' ( 'rgIH1OII , lIiI' . " - . , Sardcu's Dr < 1matlc Po'sltlon. " 8a1'l101l 1''III''SlIlIH II Ilist 1I1I.t trllO of the dl'Ul1Il1 wllioh ho III'lgllllltlel. ( " 811111 II IIIIJlII III Bl'allll1'atthews' : \ \ III'al11atl ( ' lllul'IIllII'u l'JIlt > ilit Coillmbia 1I1I1\'eI'HII ' . What 1Il' . . l'I'IIItoll ! IIf that Inw 110 rUIl oth'I' ' ! ' ' asl\l'11 Prof. llIt. thows. " ' \'III'atl'l'al \ Jlla 'h l'luBol ) ' \ III 1.1 < l'll with IlItul'us ! mal'l < t lo 8\I'IlIno : Ih'unHl , " I'l'JllIl'lI thl'(1111" \ " ; IIIUII , IIIOII\PP \ ' U1111 uru'uellitl ' ' : " " ) . 011111- ; wan , Inuglll'd the jI'OfOIiIWI' ) , "wllh" 11 ( 'a 11' olwll'r ! 'Oll IIIl1r n't I'\'oln' IIIC' great . \IIWI'lcnll IlIa > . " - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ u _ . I . . , Dainty Decoration for Dinner Table. In tahlo Holllllg t.here Is alwnys sOl1wthluJ ; now. At recl'nt IIlnnl.'r lhe hOlltess surprlsod her guesls h ) ' dccoratlllg the center of hol' tahlo with n. cloth of1I1I'e \ gol11 thr ad , sol. Idly wOl'lwd , the hordeI' 1\ lace desIgn of while sill , nnel fine gold l11esh In ctlamondshape stitches. The green fOJ' thc tl\hln WIlH small ferns , set In an oml dlllh of dnrle hltlC chinn , witi1 nglll'es 111 relicI' ropresclltlllg peasanls In hondllY eostllllle. At each corner of t.hls geM cPlIlor'nB 'ancllestlcle In dull sllvel' of ( 'olonlul deRIn ! , fur. nlshod wllh a shade of Iridescent Iass , whIch grndualed fmm tones or light yellow lo llarl , Ul'I\lIge , and then to rell. Eton ColI\1r8 for SprIng. The } ilon collar Is noticed on 50mo ( lrlng sulls. It Is II. welcome chall o from the collarless effects of formel' seasons. It gl\'es 11 girlish , not to say ho'lsh , 1001 , to the wearor. It hus already bl'en seen on the English tennIs - nIs sulls pf whlto dllcl { and sen green II110n In Florldn coul'ls , I\nd now It comes along nB 11. tOil dl'esliing of the bolero 01' juclwt.shl\llCd ! Jol1lces of sllrln sulls. It Is of linen IIsuallr. but Is made mOl'e hecomlng and softly fcmlnlno h ) ' a fl'l1Ilng of soft Valenclcnnes lace sowed 1111 the way aroun . 'fhe open I1I\\Ce \ betweoll the collar } lolnts Is thus filled In allel finIshed with a how. - - - - Menu Card Idcas. r-othlng is prellh1' for a dalnt ) ' hmcheon than the I'lhhon menu. 'rhls consists of a nlne.lnch lellgth of broad satin 1'1Jl1oll ! , wllh n 1I0mi emblem - blem and the \Vol'll "Mellu" Jlalnled on It. Anothcr tllen Is the swan 11Ienu , whIch Is cut out of decleled cardboard. The tnll feathers nJ'O fil'sl clIl. and the word "l\lenll" } ll'lnted at the tOil with the 1IllI o [ faro undcrneath. The head and wlngB of the hiI'd lII'e then cut sellarately , alld a IIlece of huby I'lhbon In the Rhapo of n loop attached to the head and o\'CI' the tall feathers to IWOll the dllTeI'ont pUl'ts of the allutOIl1 : " to. gether. I Eton Jacl < et. Eton jacl < ols al'o lo he noted amollg the most. fashlonablo coats 1\1111 al'e jUlintr , hecomlnJ ; und generall ) ' I\l- ll'nctlvo. ' 1'hls ono InchHles Iho tiny \'est effocl that 1I11\I'IIS the latest do. sl nR with full sleeves amI the dl'uII sholllders thut give the broad line of fashloll. As Rhuwn It III made of wood hrown bl'oadclolh with Irlmllllll of hl'own and whlto braid , the vest. bolug whlto cloth bl'Ulded wIth brown and tan , hilt nil sllltln matOl'lulli UI'IJ all' prolll'llIto IInd the vest can he olle of munr things. OJ'lontal nll1hrodcr ( ' Is much IIlod , hrocadcs IInd luce nt.o seen anel wide hl'l\nd is usetl. ' 1'he jl\cl\Ct III IIIl1de with fronls and hacli : and Is lilted h ) ' 11Ieans of slnglo dnl'ls , shoulder and under.arm Rcamll. 'rhe llllle veRt cl\n ho aplJ\1ed \ over the etlge IInll IInlRhl'd with lilt ! hmhl , or the jacl\Ct cl\n ho cut away and lhe edge of the vl'at al'rlngetllillIeI' H , then Rlitched to llOilllon. 'rho slueyes arc gllthol'l'd and are joined to the 46BG Rtull Jacl..l. 32 to 40 bust. drop shouldl'l' ! ! . Ihl' ! ; palllS IlI'ln con. ( 'l'aled h ' the "mitl und nt.o fllllsholl at the wrllt ! ' ! with tlarc cuffR. ' 1'hu IIUl\nlllr of 'mateHal l'o'IIIII'CII ' fOI' the 1II0dium size Is , I ' ( \I'ds : ! 1 Illches'hle , : : ) ' 1I1'lls : ! 7 Inches wltlo ! II' : ! : rnl'ds H InchR , w 110 _ wllh : J 'III.tls of H'stlul ; , ii r\I'I15 : of hm1c1 IInll : : . .nt'dtl : of Ilicu 10 tl'llII aR I1Il1stmtl'l1. 'I'ho IH1ltl'l'I1,468G Is cut In slzol ! fOl' a : \ : ! , : : I , : JG , : IS and .10 Illeh hust meas- lII'e. - - - Pot1to ; Salad. m ht colll bollell 1I0tatoea , 011(1 ( hnn'h of ( 'l'l ( ' I' ) ' , two while oulolls. olle heall or Il'ltllco , Sll < 'e the Iwtu. to)8 , ( JUt the ( 'ull'l' ) ' fllle 01111 s\1'o \ thl' onlol11:1JI'r : thlll : tulo ol'f the ; ; I'IPII Icu\'cs of lho Il'ltuce. wnsh ( 'aJ'cfllll ' and draIn 111111 11110 'Olll' solnll IIl\wl wllh thom : hl'l'ali : 1111 thu ( 'l'lIltI' of the Il'ltm'o 1111\1 mix wllh thc flIlall. Wh n roadr tll HOI'\'e mix the 1I11 ; 'nll' nnlso throllgh hlfnro IlIIttlllJ ; In ) 'nlll' Hnlllci howl. GUI'IIIsh with olives lUll I hal'l ! hollell eggs. - - Smail Mutton PIes , POIII' cllollgh hnllln watcl' IlIlon hale n 11011I111 of clal'll1'll heM 1\1'1\111111 \ \ > ; 1'1' upon till' sumo (1IIIIIItIt ) ' of ollalll'.1 anll cl'ulll lcll mot tll lIIoll It tJ I1lt' conllllitollC ) ' of IIII'd. : 'lale ; \ ' hollow In lwo 1101111115 ( : sifted nour to whIch YOII have ndtle n IItlle Halt , and ' In } lOlli' the nJ'llo dl'lpping. addIng 1II00'e wntol' If 1'0 ( IIllred. Wort , wilh lho hand unlll I' Is a III1100lh paste , IInd thcn 1'011 out Lillo sl11al1 tins with the pnstc , Pllt It thn ment , cut 8 111 all nnel 11I\rholled , place n "lid" of 11I\sto on the tOIl , IIrCS5 the sIdeR nnd lop to elht. , cllt a smal hole In lho top and balw In n < IUleli oveu. - - - - Seven Gored Skirt. FilII sllrls 11I'0 railldl ' hccomhl gellel'al IUIII 80mo fresh varlutlOlH ) are shown each wuelt. 'rhls one is ol11i 1I0nll ' 1l'I\ceflll : JIIII sllits the 8casol1'l : fahl'lcs admirably well. As shown II is made of 1I0vcJl ' sage green volle wllh lJ'hnmln of ecru lacp , hut there nro nUl11herless othCl' mnlerluls that IIult 1l eqllallr woll. ' 1'ho comhlned plaits and tuchs are notahb' smar' ' but when IIlwel sh1l'rlngs can ho slIb stltuled for' the lattCl' . In elthCl' cus - 4087 Suvon Gorol1 Skirt , 22 to 30 wnlsl. the lines are good and the sldl'l fall ! : ill becolllin foldR below the stltchillge whIch conIIne the fulness o\'el' the hipR. 'rho sl < lrt Is Cllt. In se\'en gores , there heing a hex Ill lt at. the bael. ( 'dgo of each with tllcls hetween that nJ'U sUlched with cOl'l1celll sllli : . 'rhe plaits In the center hacle mcel and be. nenth thom the In\'llIlhlo closing is mado. The qllantlty of l11uterlal reqnll'ed 1'01' 1IIedlllll1 sl1.e Is ! Jr yards 21 Inches wIde , ! lYJ. ral'ds 7 Inches wlelo or ! jhyal'Cls 4.j Inchcs wldo with fiJ , rure1s of lace appliqnc. 'rho Ilallern 4687 Is cut In sl7.es lor a : ! : ! , : ! , I , : ! G , : ! S and 30 Illeh waist meaSllre , A French Salad. i TaliO : one Clip or lima heans , one CIII ! 01' celery. eut In small pieces ; one Clip or lleas , one Clip of hrllssels SIII'Ollts , onu.half of n call1illower , thl'ce medllllll.sl7.ed potatoes , two slI1all calTots and one chopped onion. Boll all these sepal'utel ) ' . When cold , mix in a salad bowl and season wilh Rail alld popper. Dreale Into small pieces ljlO cenler of ono head o ( let- tllce IIlId mix wllh the salad. Let all stund l111tll reud ) " to SOl'\'O , then mIx t.hrough It a mayonnalso suuce. - - - The Coal Scuttle Bonnet. ' 1'he qunlnll'st of all challeallx for litt.Jo Ill'ople Is a coal sClllllo honnet In while Balin trlll1l11ell with roscs and othel' while 1I0\\'el's , 'I'he Rldos of this honnet nre sOlllctimes folded O\'er after lho mannel' of Dl'l'ton CIIIIS. For the little fanc ' coat anel wrap , whllo cluth Is the ( mol'l\l favorite. 'rhere are mallY IHffcrellt 11eslgns for these ! ; lu'lI1pnts , hilt t.ho Grl'tchell shape , which III sll11pllclt : . . itself , seell1s to bo the IIInst IIOll\llal' . - - - - One Style of Sailor Hat. A hal Oil the Brclonno salim' order that Is selling , veil In London haR the brim I11nlle or grcell yedda and the crown nf a gl'eclI and whllo Illuld Rllli : hmtel , IIJ'atuel IInd stnJlllins on ell e , A hnnd of ememlcl gol'cen vel vel rlh. hCIII 1\1'0111111 thu crown is OJ'lIanwnted at oadl sldo wllh stcel IlIwl < 1es. 'l'h lHJ buddcs huld Il/Ilrs / of dllinly slI1all wings , shad eLl from grcen to whlto. The Summer Sleeve. Slce\'es 111'0 still fnll nJiLl'olumlnous holow the elhow , lIut In the slimmer Ih'eSRe : the ) ' will ho half ln lh , anLl fme will fall in fUI1 IIIeat5 f'Om ! the elhow. New Fabric for Spring. A nl'w0110. . somcthlng of 11. cross hotwcun ( 'loth all\l l'l'l'IO ) do chIno. Is I\mon the latest fabl'ics for slll'lng ( , ol > tumes. - ne\llers : or Ihls paper ( ' : m I'C\lro nllY Ma , Mnnlon Il llcm IIIU > > lrutcll nbo\e by UlUng OU u\llIluuk..11I \ cuupon. nUtl nltulltl : , wl\h 10 cents , to 1' : . 1 = : . lIurrl ell & CII" ( \ , PIYllloUlh Pluco , Chi. CUjo. ; l'ut\crn will 110 lIIullel1I1rolOptl ) ' . Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 1'0 I'I'n ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t ; I a t 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pattern r\o. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wulst McasureI ( \ ror : illrt ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Du t Mra url ] ( It ror'ulst ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IC ( lr child's or : nllc's pattern ) . . . . . . . , . . . . WrlJn pnlnI1. ] FlU out nil blanl1'DOlo : o 100. Mall to.l = : . 1 : ' ntoHl ol1 & Co. , 13.il > lYIlou'b ll M : , Chlcato. , , . . . . ' . . . UES [ TOO SfAART FOR HIM , They Found a Way to Get D < 1cl < Hone ) ' Tak.n . from Hlvcs. Ono oi our nelghhor hllll for n num. hel' of ) 'onl'8 IHUlt 1I0rl\'ed 11. vcr ' IInlis. Cactory rO\'enuo. fro 111 the Indnstry or his he'g , IJI farm Is 11. village lot GO hy 200 fcct. In It Aheltcred corner of whl'h ho l < Ol'IIS a few colollles of hees. With thn IHlm'I'OUS families hCJ hns alwaYR ) I\'ed III thl' most perfect hart mony of 111II'1I0S ! ' , 1\1111 cuch IndIvIdual seems to Imow IInll respecl hIm , how. e\'er wllr11l < o the ) ' mar Ulllloar to ; ; trnn o fucell. When all the boxo ! ! WCl'O nlled thIs scnllon thcy wore 1'e. 11101' < ' 11 h ) ' othcl's , aR Is tlJ ( usunl cus. tom. ThIs opel'l\tlon dId nocom. . nwnll Itself to the hees , ns It tnxeel theIr IH'O\'crhlal IIllluatr ) ' to too great an extent In a souson of few 110wel's , 11I < 0 till ! IlaHt. Secrnlngl . . a council was helel. ami i , the queHtlon of n WllIlel"8 , sUIIIII ) ' or foo(1 ( duly conslelered anll soon cllrrled Illto effect. Some WIRO hl'o founll u ! ! mall hole In the allie , wll're 1GO 01' 11I00'e } 101ll1\1s of honcy was stormlt At once nil the fOl'ccs of the colonies wore summonell , und wIth dete1'mlna. tlon that Imows no fullme the ) ' trans. felTel1 e\'cr ) ' IHll'tlcle of hone ) ' from the g-arrct. to the now hexes on the hl\'es. A few Ila 's agoo wten 011I' bee fa rmer wont to t hl ! garret for a slipply to 1111 an ordcl' , ho fOllnd he hud been I'ohhed. No , It wall not robber' ) ' ! 'rho hees gel hucl. what had been tnlwn from them. It was thell's.-New I ng. lanll Homestoad. - - - - - - - - TH E RETORT W CS APT. Pious Old Latfy ; Answered Fool Ac. cording to HIG Folly. After the opl'ulnft meeetng ! of the Hollglous Eelucutlon Asosclntlon's recent l'on\'C11tlon in Phlladelphln the Rcgl'aRtuS BlalwHol' ! . of Doston , en. tcrtalned DI' . Ft'ed'ric 'rl'Uc ' and Dr. HalsP ) ' Guli < 'k with stOl'les of his YOllth. "A I'l'len.11 of mine at collee. " thIs .Ical'llcd cllitOl' saill , "was Iad ) of sl < eptleul "lows. He and 1 mudo a wall < llIg tOIll' ono sllnUUOt' , and Inte on rt certain c\'enlng we stopped at a . lonely fal"lnhulIHO and asl.cll fot' shel. tel' l'OJ' the night. " 'rhe old woman who owned the farm welcomml UH. Site had a slm. } llc , } llous mind , and she insIsted on our tal < lng pl1rt wilh her in e\'enlng prn"ers. "At the prn'ers' : end mr slteptlcal companion allem'ptell to deride her (1let ( . . " 'Do 'ou : 'l'al1r helle\'e , ' he said , 'thnt men arc made or dust ? ' " 'Tho Good 13001. Ra 's so : there. fOl'o I hl'lIp\'o It : said the old woman. " 'How ahollt wet \\'e\lher \ , then , whcn there is no dust , when thf\IO Ig only m11l1 ? What Is done then ? ' saId my friend , , "The old woman looed ) at hIm and .allglwll. " ' \Vhen thl'l'e Is onlr 1111111 , ' she Haill , ' 1IIn els ami such IIIte truck al'o made. ' " Eally : Explained. A deal' son of New England ba\'lng plied a 11l'wcorner In the milling 1'0' giun of Nc\'ada with I"ery concei\ ' . able question as to why hc'IRftbd thc gold region , and hopes , melnH , prospects - pects , , etc. , llr all ' aslted him If he hud a faml\ \ ) ' . "Yos , " was the reilly , "I ha\'e a wife and sIx chlhll'en , and I nevcl' aw ant of thom , " Aftel' a hrler sl1enco the bore c m. ml'n'ed : " \Vero ) ' 011 e1' blind , sir ? " "No. " Anot her lIa IIlIl' . "Dill I unclm'stand 'Oll to SO ' that ) ' 011 hlld wife anll six chllllren 1I"lng III : o.eYOI'I" . alld bad ne\'o ! ' seen one . or them : " "Fact. " ! 'Uow clln thnt. he ? " "Wh ' . " was the I'epl ) ' , "one o ( them wns hol'l1 anel' I left , " - - - Thclr Hcads r.llke. .JuRI Ice , Iohll Proctor Clal'te ! of the SIIIH'ellle COlIl't was holdln ! ; COIII.t a few aftl'l'noolls ago 111 enc of the Imdl ) ' ventllatell rooll1s of the COllnt ) . Court I.Iollse. llefOl'o hll\1 was a la wy r whoso heall WOR almoHt as d J\'old < > C hah' as that of Ihl' .lllstl ! ' ! ) hlmsclf- .11\11 tlto laltel' cOllies prell ) ' neul' to holding- the rCl'ord 111 thal wny. "Ymll' honor. " I'alel the lawyer , "I ; nllst r'IlIeEt ' that the window over ,111 the othol' sldo of the room ho ; : Ioscel 11101'0 tightly. 1 foul the dl'aught 011 m ' heael , " " 'rho ( 'ourt a 'l1phasl7.esth : ) " 011 jJerfeell ) ' , " said the justico. ' 1'ho cOllrt bas the same l\1nd of a hcud-New York 'rlmeH. Life's "Scarecrows. " OIlCI' onI tllIll'I fl1l\ln > , . ' I1lIIl.It' A * al'l''I'IIW. 1I1'1'I'l' 1I1Il ! . IIIh ; : \ " 1\arl'II\\ ' . If htlll II I'll t. II , sail ! , "H lonl\ " ( I I'OZY. 1 ' 11'111'1 1I" 1111' \ ' 1'1'Iol'"t be 111I111,11 whl'l'l'lli III' Iolllhl n ncst. " " 1111 . .0 Itl' Wl'lIt 10 wOI'I : . 1I1Il ! soon . \ JI\'Itty \ hlll\ll' lUlll nmlC' . . \11(1 h ) ' 111111 lJy hi" l'Ilal'llllll mate Foul' 1'1111111111 : C' g ! ! hllil IlIh1 : . ' 1111 rllll\l \ that hlll'IlY ' IIr"t 0110 do ) " Six gll'l'C1I1 IIh'IJ ! ; Ill' ' ' ' ' ' fill' II WII ) ' . nut . . ( 't'O thl''I'nl. . till' 0111 hii'll . .a 111 , I ) ' l'hlhlrl'lI , nil Ih/'llllh 11tH Hl'n1l'1I11H'1' whlll 'nll 1\11111 \ : of thl" 01' thllt ht'hl " Ill'III'1' 01' "ll'lf ( ' ; . \ 1\11 1'\1'11 IWIl..I.I'OW. . jllY IIIII ' hl'lnff It' ono 1\1101\ how tll'h' \ \ ' II thinI : . - Ixun " ' :111'111\11. : : In " 'omlln' " lJotrr Compllnlon. . After.Dlnner Candles. The fashlln of l'atlng sweptmcntlt with dessl'l'l Is one that Is l'\'t'r guln. ing gl'oIllHI. I1l1el dalnt ) ' Illllo sliver lUshes of chocolalos , saltocl almonds , fondants , as wcll us III'CHI'I'\'cel gll1l'Jr nud drlpd I'n.1I s , aI'O no113 IIl'CCSS ) ' all lulllllluu tu 0\11' dcssel'l as fresh fl'lIlIs. Whe : e enl ) ' n : .ill1all dess < 'rt Is : equll'ell , both fl'l h fl'ult alld sweet- 1IIl'at ( ; mn ' ho tnstl'fullr arraut ; ( d In a Ilass 01' sliver couter dish. , Tree's Wonderful 'J Itallty. A curlolls Inchlen occurred durlnr ; the r,111o at IIansworth , 11. ahort tlmlJ ngo , sl\ya n Scotch Impcr. A Inrgu 'roc ' " ; UII blown down aCI'osa the rondo ' \0) ' . A number of mon were told ott to remove the ohstructlon , whIch th y ( , ( ) I1IIUl'need to elo hy 1011111n1 ; ofr some of 'tho Inrgl'r hrancheR , After abont hulf :1 ton had heen thus removed , the tree he/au / to 1Ifl Itself from the gl'OlInll. 111111 as soon ns n lItllo moro wol ht WIIS tl\ll'n off It Sllraug Into a vCl'tlcul position , which It retained de. ! IfillI' the subsequent rough weathor. Il wnR fOllnel that thl' reels hall been ntretchcd , hnt not IIrolwn , nnd were RllffiulfOntlrIasllc to 1)IJ1l the trlll1lc \ after It had been relle"ell of some 01 Its wcight. Dcafncss Cannot Be Cured lIy local al'l'lIcallnn , tIO Ihoy ( 'annot rrach Ihn dl. . II ( ' .I . IMlrtlulI ur Ihr I'ar. TherA , . ollly UIIO "ay (0 ' 111'0 dCnlIt'80. no.1 IlIlIt I by , , "nlIllItiollal romcllle. . lIearlH" " ' 0 "allpl'll by an ( nllnlllell condll'nn ' or tIft , . 'IIIICOU , IInlll ut the Jmlaohhlll : Tuhe. Whell thl. : uhn ' " 11111811I1'11 YOII Italo R I'll III hllll I ( 00111111 or 1m. ! , erfect Ite.\rlll . RII.I whl'n It I. ( 'lIl1n'ly clooed. lIoaC. 'JCO" Is Ihe 1'01111. 111lIllInh' . . Iho 1I11111111111nlloll clln hn ' , lIkcII out 111111 Ihf" tllllo r.'IIIrl'd to 110 TlllrtllIIl ( 'until. : Ion. hOlll'ln 11'111 ho . ! l.truyell fllrtJver ; nillo Cnol'M ut fir len IIrc Call1O(1 II : ; ( 'olarrh. which I. IInthllli : ) lIt 1111 Irlllnlllcd 1'111I1011 fit till' 11\111'011" \ " "rrllI'OO. ' \0 " "I ! II 1'1' OntO 111111111'011 . lInlllll' tur ony CII'O ot [ loorllr , " Ct'oll"I'II hI. ( 'al8rrhllhat COllllot he curc,1 ) y lInll's Cnlarrh ( : tirr. HI'n.1 . ft > r "Irolllllra. frel' . F. .1. clll : : mY & ; CO" 1'0ledo , O. 1' ' > 01.1 hv 1Irlll ! ! \ ' . i ( ' , 'l"lIke IInll's l'amllY l'II1M tor cun tlpntlon. Value of Carrier Pigeons. The best cal'l'lm' Illgeonli 111'0 worth 30\'eral hundro(1 ( dullal's In the mur- ( wt. IHul some cannot be 11II1'chased n t ! lny Ilrlce. During the annual Illgeou how In Now YOI'Ii : Inst ) 'el\l' $200 al1el 'l.J\'en $300 was refused by the ownl'rG fa I' some of thell' choicest Iwls. 'rhe wel'a o exhlhlts were value at $25 and $50. Pl'lces , howevo1' , do not stand In the way of the pigeon fan. , ; > Ier today. for l'xcellent homing pIgeons - , eons cun he pUI'l'hased for $ and less. Ono can start a 101'1. with half :1 : dozen - en bl'oedors , IUlcl wllhln a few seusons hl\\'o all the birds desired. . lVigglc..Stick JAVNIHtY I1Lur. ; I ) yon't spill , bt'calc , ft'C'l'zc IIOt' spot cillthcf. . I ( ) sts 10 CCllts OUII I'IIIal5 ) 20 CClltll wot'lh of ! tllothm' , blllln ! { . ] f 'Ollt. J.t'Ol'et' docs uo ; ; koul' it selld We fol' salttpll ) to The Lallllllt'\ . ' i31uc Co. , 14 ) l1chigan : : : itl'cct. Chicago. "I nm ( lIs runlled. " salll Senator I"oslor " reeentl ' "I'll ' ' ' : ne\'CI' gl\'o moner 10 a strpot hoggar agaIn aR long IIR I lI\'e. 'rhcre was a'ory pill. fu.Jooltlng' } beggoal' in the I\venue , a few mlnlltl's ago , anti , my hcart. going Ollt to him , I stopped to hand him n. few small coIns. I huel dl1l1enJty , I admit - mit , III IIndlnl ; my change. but. was thllt ' ' fOl' the ' un I'eason IJl'ggar to frown nt me and SIlY , impatiently : "IIurr ' up , sIr , I'vo losl sovernl ells- tomeI'S while 'ou'\'e been muddling , OVCI' them pennies. What a "Yeggman" Is. The word "yebgml1l1" Is now eligl- hIe t fJlcllonl\ry honors. It has court \1I1horlt . . In a rel'ent damage suit ! il Lynn , l'IaRR. , the plaintiff set. forth ihat. IIr calling him 11. J'cggman the tlefondunt meant "that the , ) llalnlJlY was 11 desperado , a ( 'I'imlnul , 11. night hUI'/lar / , a tramp burglar , a croule , 1\ ireobootCl' , II. mm'derer , u. man who llosed as a tramp in the daytlmo and was a blll'glal' in the nlghUime , " r 'V ' . A well lmown actor was telling his ' ) - 1 slxtecn.yeul'.old son , who he consld- CI'S vel' : ' Immatllre al1l1 young for his age : that. he ought to he doing something - thing for hIs glory and hlH cOllntr ' . "WII ) ' , whcn Geol'go Washlnglon Was youI' ago , my son , he waR sUI'\'e 'lng lhe estate of Lord Fairfax. " The hey lhought a moment , then ho replied , qllloll ' : "Well , when ho was as oltl ns : "OU , pa , hoas prcsldent of the Unltud States. " n Easy Way To Do It. 1\11 ne 1'\1 , Jdaho , AIJrll 11.-\11' : . D. S. Colson of thIs IJlaco hus lIomethln1 ; to say which will he of IntorqRt to many men. Mr. Colson clnlms to have found a Rlmple way to get rid or IHllns III the bacl. , ScIatica 01' Rheu- matism. lIe has clII'e hlmsolf IUIII so claims IJOrROnul eXIIOI'lence In Ilruot of hi' ! molhol1. : \1 r. Colson sa 's- : "I h\l1 : awful ) lalns In m ' hip. 'rhey got 110 heel at last that I could hardly wall < . I tl'l11 scvcral thlngH , but got no relief tll ! I IlCgan to lIS0 Do d's KlrJlIl'y Pills and I hall tal < en Il11t 11. few or these pillE t11l the } Juln left 1110 ( 'nth'I > ly "Dold's : Kleln'y Pills certlllnl ' did me lets of gooll l1uII 1 consider thol\l a reat meelclne ! , " 'fho I'emcdy that elll'ell11' : . ColRon Is the same Ihat hUH been making such sensntlouol curl'S of IJI'lght'fi DlHl'a1o. Dlahetes , D'OIIS ) ' and Rhell- matlnn ! all O\'er the countt.y , 'l'he namo. of the medlcillo Is Dodd's Kidney - ney P111s , Solf.nH\lle men gcncl'I\lIr ncl as UlOugh the ' wore Ilrotlll of tholl' joh. A man Is novel' satisfied IIntll ho attUlul1i his own fllnora1. 1\IBXICAl" Mustang liniment f CtU'CtI : Cutll : : , 13urnll : : , BruitlctI. : : f5 , 0 Oiven Away ; 0 ( ti1) ) Wr1to U8 or uk an , A111ba UnD dealer tor p&r'Jcu1t.1'I and IreD lample card or i\\n'\\Q.S'\\\0 ' 1"110 SBcltOI'1' Wall CJonUngo ntllro"sd e"'d genus , ! lull Tutlilu. liner rubooreclllea.'OI1ILIIBl'plylmlx "lib eold water. I1enu\ltul ell'ea ! tn whiLe Bud dcHCAteIna. ! . Not"dlllf'&M.br d' ' / ( , out. o ( < 1al'hot.waler , Rlue I > repluatlon. 1\u7 AI"bBlt\neln \ bib , P&r.kAA" I > rol'erlr I belled , or 1.(1\01 , hardwUII and arug d.alm. "UIDle on leoorst\DIf. " &II" uur rlll\jo' Iden tr\e. 'IA S1IN : CO. . fU. a.luIUc- ' , Cf ItS ! fIler SI. , II ,