Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, April 21, 1904, Image 5

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    I :
Impure blood always shows
somewhere. If the skin , then
boils , pimples , rashes. If the
nerves , then neuralgia , nervousness -
ousness , depression. If the
stomach , then dyspepsia , :
biliousness , loss of appetite.
Your doctor knows the : ,
remedy , used for GO years. I
. .ltcturlllll frllm tle , t'"hall war. I "a II
( ' \leck. . 1v [ 111011,1 , WM had. IIIII [ my I
reroct , "n I\'on. . . IIlIt II ( ow hottlc of Ayor'5
Satiaparllla COIIIIleleIV clltc.IIIIC. "
II. t' . 1101.:111.1:11 . : , Scrallton. I' " .
fH 00 II bolll. . . . , . ( ' . A YElt 00. .
All chlHt > 1lsU. ) .1 > \.11. Mn. . .
fOt- BUa. _ _ . " ' _
Impllre Dlood
Aid the Sarsaparilla by lco lng the
howels regular with Aycr 9Pills. .
- - -
CU.IIf.O. .
Sab" " > ath School was rcorg\llilcll Ht thc
Dowllcy School Housc SUIllIH ) ' . '
Mr. and l\1r ! ! . II. 1\1. Wheelcr wcrc
Brokcn Bow visitors Thurs a ) ' .
Rev. Barrett of Svracusc , N. Y. ,
p rcache at the Baptist church Sunda ) ' .
C. B. Nichols is havin the lumber
hauled from SUl1lller for his lIew house.
1\1rs. W. R. Wheclcr and daughtcrs
II werc callcrs HtIn ! ; . Charlcs Bowcs ,
, . Wcdne5day.
. Byron Morgan sf.artct ! for NOtth Plattc
t 10 visit his grandfathcr , J , . D. Georgc ,
. last Thursda ) ' . . . -
: \Ir. and 1\Irs. Waller Curtis of Sumner ,
were- visiting her parents. 1\r. [ 1\1111 Mrs.
Nc Georgc , SUl\la ) ' . .
A mceting was called last Tucsduy thc
I:2th : to talk ovcr thc progpcctg of a rail.
road on thc South Loup. Aboul 40 of I
the 1110St prominent lII'n of thc township
wcre prcsent.
c , , \ 1. . , , , . " , . .
1\1rs. Joilll Fre crick is reportcd n ar
death's door. thc rcsult of somc . . . fClllalc
we/lknes / ; ; .
1\1r. and 1\Ir9. \\111. Tyson departpl !
last Friday for Omaha , whcre the In" \ r
\ wcnt to rcccivc treatmcnt in enc of. the
hospitals. i
Curtis Douglas , who is holding a position -
tion on thc Itcacon , returnc to his work
ut Droken Bow , on ' 1'hursday last. after
having spent a fcw days with his fricnds
at this placc.
The St. Paul Creamer ) ' company is
erecting a ncw station in this city. which
rnccs thc eat side of Gratal A vcnue.
Thc building will be rcady for occupancy
by thc last of the week. !
Jamcs Grfcr , who went to eastern
Oregon 50me thrcc wceks ago , has decide
ed to locatc thcre , and has scnt for his
family. who will depart for thcir ncw
home thc last of this weck.
John Hancock , manager of thc Beatricc
Cream station atthi. , place , was a passcn-
I ' gcr onl\Jonday's train for Lincoln , wherc
he wcnt to he in attcndance at the IIIcct.
ing of H ) ( ' rcprcscntativcs of that comp-
John lcDonald , who cxpcctcil to depart -
part this wcek for his future home in
Oklahoma. has hccn detaincd , owing to
the sickllf'sS of his SOli , Sa1ll , who is COli.
1 ned to his hlld with a bad case of thc
Thc J.adie's Guild. of the Hpiscopal
Church gave 11. chicl en supper in th
t _
I Farmers Q.- OJ
Why remain in the North
} and stay in doors six months in
the ) 'ear consuming what yOIl
. t raise during' the othcr six
mon ths ?
.1 Go SOItlh wherc you can work
. Ollt doors e\'cry 1II0nth in the
, ycar , and where you arc pro.
ducing : 'iomething the ) .ear
. round. If you arc a stock raiser
you know your stock are now
"eating thcir hcads off" and ,
hesides , have to hc protcctCI )
from the rigors of w\llter \ 11) '
expcllsive shelter.
Hconomical stock feeding re.
the cOlllbinatiou of hoth
! I \ esh.fonning and fat.forming
, foods in ccrtain proportion ! > .
. Alabama uud Flotilla prod lice
1 in abundance the vel\'ct hcan
Ilnd cassava , the lirst Il flesh
, producer , and the lattcr a fat
I' producer , and they arc the
cheapcst and hest fattcning ma.
terials known to the world.
\ More money can he Illude ClIIII
with less labor. in gencral furm.
ing. fruit and herry glowing
IInd truck gardcning along ollr
road in the S\\th \ than in any
othcr scction of the l'nion.
If you are intercsted ami desire -
sire further information on the
liubject , alldrcss
: G. A. PARK.
1\ \ . .
, " . ,
Oen'l. Inunurntlon : nnd Inn -
( > n \ dustrlnl Agent , Louisville
& Nashville R , R , Co. ,
II I Loutsvlltely.
I , r 1 ,
- _ . . -
, 1
t1inlllng rool1of \ the Pad ic hotel last
Frida ) ' evening , ulIlluotwithltondiug ! the :
inclemcncy of the wether ! : a very lark ! ;
numbcr of hungrj'l > coplc werefcd , wHich
nettc a ncnt sum or thc Indies.
Notwithstan ing the fact thnt a rain is
badly nccded , the farmers arc all bus\ '
thcs a's prel.'aring for n big croJ ; .
Much snlnll gram has been sown , ntl
the nCteagc of corn will be larget this
ycar than c\"cr heforc.
' 1'he Callawa ) ' ball team has rc.organ-
ized for the season by clccting Harvc ) '
Mahan as manngcr , and Edwin ConI ) '
captnin. 'rhc boys expect to begin proc-
; icing in a short timc , and prepare thcm-
Rcl'cs to mcet nll comers during the
summcr. A gamc has alread ) ' been
matchcd with the Artlottl bo's , and will
be playcd at this place April 30th.
It is reliablstatcd thatnnmerou9 new
bnil inls { arc' bookcd to go up in ( his
cit ) . tht ! ! coming summcr. Callawa > '
madc a good growth last ycar , atul it ts
thought that lhe carpcntcrs will have
morc than they.cnn do thh year. Building -
ing has becn gOlllg on all wintcr , 01111 the
carpcntcrs who tlcsircd to work ha\"c not
lost mnn ) ' days for the past twclvc
months. Hma ) ' be that Callaway wi1\ \
bc a county scat yet.
Chestcr E. IInff visited thl' Collcgc last
Thursda ) ' .
Sallic Norcoll was a visitor ntthe Coll.
egc Friday afternoon.
1\11' . Garrct. formcr Professor of the
public school at litis placc , callcil at the
Collegc " [ Ollila ) ' . rccluires'CI' ) ' little timc now ,
thcre beitlg so fcw here. conscqucntly we
ha\'c morc timc for stlul ) ' ancl work.
"Ii"s Zahn ; is g'ing gatisfacl on to her
employcr at Oconto. She will rcturtl to
Brokcn 1Iow , Friday. IIer latet ! specd
record is wriling s. lcttcrs , addrcssing
lhc cn\'elopes and doing a lot of fo1c1in
in enc half da ) ' .
Gco. Xanclcrs intcnded to take the
" \.j ] service cxamination at Grand Island
thc 18th inst. . but rece'cd a telegram informing -
forming him that the datc hatl becn can.
-cllcd. Ill' wcntto St. Louis Sund(1) ( ' to
'lccet ) position as enc of. the Jeffcrson
I 1\1rs. G. O. Joyncr was ill the last of
the wcek.
Rc\ ' . Miller filled his appointment ,
; nn ay cvcning.
Mallic Embrcc is qnite sick with a
fC\'crc cold and fcver.
lIarr ) ' Ashbaugh was quitc sick last
week bllt has rccovcrcd.
"Irs. 1\1. J. Deals , P. L. and Silas Heals
went to Droken Bow last wcek.
1\11' . nnd Mrs. Saundcrs drovc down
from Anselmo , Sunday aftcrnoon.
1\1r. and Mrs. Hcmpstcad spent Sun.
day with thc former's parcnts ncar Dro-
ken llow.
'rhe 1\Iis cs lIunt camc up from Droken
Bow last week to attend the Saunders-
Day wcd ing.
Miss Lucc returnc to Droke t Dow
Thursday , having rcmaincd for thc Saun-
ders-Day wedding.
Mesdamcs Wind and Dlair of Aurora
find Stockham , Nebraska , are visiting at
the hOllle of J. 1\1. Podge a brother of
l\lrs. WinlI.
The literary will meel at the home of
E\'a and : \Iinnic Johnson Fridayevening.
Arrangemcnts arc being ma e to give a
public program in a short timc.
A prctty wcdding occure last Wedn -
da ) ' cvcning at the home of Mr. an Mrs.
C. D. Day , when thcir youngcst dnugh-
tcr , Ella , was ttllill'll in lIIn'rriagc to
Gcor , . : " J { . attlHlcrs. "liss Ethcl Ash.
baug1 ! :11\11 : Frcil Day acted as hrileslllaid (
anll blt man. 'l'hc hridc was pretti ! ' . ) white wooiliaiutl ) ' trimmcd in
o\'erlI : ! ' ' I1t11) ) lacc. Allont ninety gucsls
witl1c "cd thc ccremony and partook 01
a Ilcli'IOU" mcnll which was : lcl'\'et1.
. . . .
- - - - -
AUo..I.f : . ) .
1\1 r. autl Mrs. Henty's children
aJ' ( sick with scarlatina.
Uncle Swait li'inch was in town
MOllda\ . ' . Home trale is his
mot to.
Dan I1a I\ 11 of l ildalc , was in
town Saturday. TIe was on his
way to his White Water l anch.
H. I . Allen shipped a bunch
of steers to Omaha \ ' a Callaway.
Fay Fi IJrh drovc them to CaU-
A. D. Daily. who a few
w'ls ago sohl off his personal -
al propertnlHl went to Miss. ,
where his' wife lJad preceec1ed
hi 111 , retur ll'd with his lamily
\ . ' . .
1\lntlay. (
One dOl ) ' last week ? \lr. C. C.
abloc1 { and 11 railroad man drove
into tOWII antI viewed the 140ur
Rin'r in the vicinity of Arnoh !
in onll-r to locate all glectric
plant for it railroad frolll Amah !
to North Platte.
'I'he children oflr. : . antI 1\1rs ,
: " lhc . " Cicon thvttc.'I ) .
' ' ' . lilc '
'I'herc's nothing. , tloing'
thing thoronghly. Of all lIH
Saln's'on ever heard of , Buck
len's Arnicu Salis the best. I
swcep. ; aw\y and curCR Burns
Sorc 1. Bruises , Cntg , Boils , Ulcers
Sldn Eruptions and Piles. If
enl ' 2.l. , and gnaranteed to g \ "
atJsral.tilln hy liec Bros. , Drug
gi"t. . .
_ . . . . _ - -L1
- - -
N EBRASKA'S H ISTORY lIer fifty ) IIInrvelou 'cnrs frolll first rowth settle h
lIIent. A truc and interest
- ing book of 144 pages ant
ovcr 200 illustrations 0
scencs , public institutions and t en who Illude the Statc. 'fhe cover is in heav :
paper with an appropriate and attracttve design printed in threc colors , just rublish
eli b ) ' the Nebraska Farmer. Single COP ) ' . postpaid. 50C ; or free with a y Lts sub
IOcription to Nl'1wl"ka Farmer at regular price , fLoo. Write for terms .andiow t ,
get II. free tnp to the Worl 's Fair at St. Louis. Nn RAsKA FAR utR , CQ'I
) - 6 1505 HQw'rd ! 'St'l Ot la , Ne rv.kll
- . .
. . - .
" .
W m. Belty has been sick with
Scarlatina. Dr. R blson in ord'r
to keep it from spreading , quarantined -
antined the family. 'Vill has
been puting his time in fishing
with good success.
Mr. anti Mrs. Hoffman left for
Lin oln , Monday morning , to be
gone a few days. Mr. Hoffman
will attend the Creamer ) ' Association -
sociation and Mrs. Hoffman will
visit with frie'nds. 'Villis Tubbs
will assist Mr. Geo. Gorden in
the store in their absence.
' 1'hursda.y evening Mr. and
Mrs. Wise gave an entertainment
at the parsonage to the church
mcmb rs that were married.
Sixty invitations were sent ont.
A line program was rendcred , an
excellent snpper sen'cll. A short
time was spcnt in gamcs and
music , a good and happy timc
was enjoyed hy all. Mr. and
Mrs. Wise are finc entertainers
and the ) ' enjoy the confidcncc ,
estcem and love of not only thcir
pastorate , hut pf all the people
of Arnold.
, \ l'm'lolls fo'I't'nk ( lr ntm'I' .
A. D. Bangs was cxhibiting-
the city a few days ago , a pig
with 8 legs and 2 'perfectly formed -
ed hodies with but one head.
The sccond body had grown out
from the shoulders of the other
pig. There were twelvc pigs in
thc litter. 'l'he other eleven
werp perfectly natural and tcn of
them h\'ing and d01I1g well.
IJI" n.
WARHING-'l'nesday night ,
Aripl , 19 Hachel 'Varring , age
7G years , 11 months and 16 days.
The deceased leavcs four sons
and one daughter to mourn her
dcath. 'l'hrec of the five child-
rcn live in this county , viz :
: ) amuel , l ichard and Lambert.
Jamcs li\'es in 'Visconsin , and
the daughter , Mrs. Susan Sifford
I \cs : in 'Vymore , Kan as. She
came up last night to attend the
funeral. ' 1'he fu eral will be
held today at 1 o'clock at the
Goheen school , housc. _ 'l'he RE-
l'UDIICAN ex.tends the symp t4y ,
of the community to tbe rclatives ,
in their bereavement.
EOlltern Star EII''b omcel' .
At the regulat : meeting of the
Eastern Star lodge of this cit.y
Tuesday night the following officers -
ficers wer elected for thc ensu-
in.3 year : a.tron , Mrs. J. G.
Brenizer ; Pa'rpU ' : , L. H. Jewett ;
Associate M _ i..X:9n : , . Mrs. J. G.
HaeberlejConductrcss , Mrs : Alpha
Morgan ; A s09iate C 't 'ductress ,
Mabel Willing ; Secretary , Mrs.
A. R. Hm > hre'y ; Treasurer ,
Mrs. D. V. Joyner.
UlIlIurd'slIorellUllud H'rUI ) .
Immedi3t ly relieves h..oarse ,
croupy cough , oppresed ! ? , rattling -
ing , rasping aitd difficult breath-
ing. Henry , C. Stearns , Druggist -
ist , Shullsburg , 'Vis. , writes ,
May 20 , 1901 : "I have been selling -
ing Ballard's. Horehound Syrup
for two years , and have never
had a preparation that haj given
better satisfaction. I notice that. .
when I sell a bottle they come
back for more. J can honestly
rccommend 1 t.II 25c , SOc , $1. 00.
Sold by Ed. McComas , Brolcn
Bow anc1 Merna.
Clubbing' l'1'oIIOHltI.OII.
offers } 'OU a snup. wi- have completed
arrangements which cnables us to give
an Illustratec ) History of Nebrasklt for
thc past fifty yellrf ; and the Nebraska
Farmer for $1.60. Or instead of the
History of Nehraska , an estimate on thc
paid admissiou to the Iousiaul1a Pur-
chasc Exposition at St. Louis tl ) partici.
pate in the $75,000 cash prizes offercd for
that purpose , or the Nebraska Farmer
Wal1l\1ap Alla ! , or we will give subscrip.
tion to hoth the RIu'unr.lcAN an
Nebra ka Farmer an the choice of IIn ) '
two aho\'c nltmetl prcmiums. f r $1..70.
CU10Dhtt II.IItCB.
During March I1n April the Burlington -
ton will se ) ) oueyay ticket to the Pacific
1 coast at ver ) ' low rates.
Herc are some of thel11 :
> .
$27.40 to San Francisco am ) I.os
- Angles.
t 125 to Portland , 'facomu and eatt1'c.
$25.50 to Spokane.
I $20.00 to Butte and IIelenlt.
$16.75 to nig 1I0rn Basin , W'oming.
Proportionally 10. . . . rates to hundreds
of other points.
These rates offer all excellent oppor.
tunity to see the Ireo.t : , Northwest whid ]
presents nnusual attia tipns , to the home ,
f'eeker. ' It possesses the iron an lumbel
of l\IichigalJ , the wheat of Minnesota ,
1 the wool of OhiQj the filsheries of Ne"
_ Englandatltl u seaboar rivaling the At.
. lall tic Coast.
If you will tell me. where you are goin
I shal1 he gla to give you fu ) ) inforum
1Ion a out rat "fl. trAin 5ervi e aUl
_ send you vc ; t\'shig I11 fter des < ; ri'p\iv \
of these wonA..rf" . } sectiona.
] . . JhL . . iCI J ,
Geuet"loO tJt etAg At. ,
I. 38 ODH1hl .i < Ncbraw.
. . . . . - I
> J : ; > , _ _ . .
. - - - . - - - - - . - ' . " . . .
Advanoe 1If \ For
: : : : : lVlC C a II s P a tt erns :
- - - - . .
- - - - --rnn- (
- - - - -
' 1'0 lcep pace with and ahead of the dcmands of our customers wc have addel another
convenicnce for the shoppers at our storc , which you \ill not fail to apprc ate when you are
in nced of same. Recently - we c.ompletcd arrangemcnts with the McCall Co. , whereby we
have the sole agency for a-nd ha'e now In stocl { their complete line of patterus at the popu.
lar price of 10 anc115c-nottting' bcttcr or more complete. .
You can also obtain the McCalls : o.Iagaztnc one year and an } ' one pattern for 50c , nmk-
ing \'irtnally cost ) 'ou 35c. Send m your ! H1bscription by mail or otherwisc.
In our Dress Goods Department , 'yon will
see the newcst and most up-to-date patterns
obtainable. ( because we have all ncw goods. )
Samples gladlr submittcl 011 reqllc ! ' . 'L'hcsc
arc thc t11O ! t popular :
Poplaiu or Eolicnllne ( silk mi'tcll ' ) blacker
or white , delicatc blucs and pinks. . . . . $1.00 ,
? \lohair shirt waist s\iting } ( ver ) ' stylish )
black , black and white. . . . . , . . . . . . . . . .50
Woolen Voiles , black , red , brown , bluc. . .50
'V oolen Voilcs gtaminc , black. . . . . . . , . 1. 5
Grecian Voilcs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
Grecian Voiles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . .20
Crepc DeCj'/nc / , black , whitc and rcd ,
dclicatc pinks , greens and blllc . . . . . . 1.00
'l'afIatasil1s , ( soft finish ) 3 ( , inch. . . . . . 1.25
Pongee , Gloria , Peau-dc-soic nnd 'I'af-
fatas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' .75
. .
ice assortmcnt of shirt waist sllitings in
the New Champagne Color.
Vote Contest - 011'1111 : ' to nllr 1111111.1 \I\el' \ . we will l < eCII neec\1I1I1 nft.n the 1I\I1Ieli :
relel11I1'OIl'Kt.t Ih , ' tnre lintll thl' ) ' 1Il\'c : reeol\11 to. ) 'l'otIR. Ihl'lI
Ihey 1'1'11I bCllubll"ht.1.'ollnwllll \ \ are tllO I' I''c"I\11I1f 1)\1'1' tOU :
Halluah ItlllllllltIR. : cit ) . . . . . . . . . . . J3. J ( erti , . IIrc " . . . . . l'ily. . . . . . , . . . . , : . . . . 3t3
1\1010' 1\Ia'lolI. city. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2'10 '
IlIa l'crr.1\ItJllI\ . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312
1\I1IIule . 8hlllll. . elt ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 'I4 ' ( 'rt.yor. ! elt ) . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . m
Ncllc'l.n.lor.\terlll. ( ! . . . . . . , . . . . . . . 11'1 Clara Swlcl < , GateH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
} < 'ralleIH lIIIIOII. W'J ( scrt . . . . . . . . . IS : ! ; ; ! \tt.ul" Needham. Arlloht. . . . . . . . . . 240
l''arl Jewett , city. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t ( ) . J.Ilic : ( ' : t.I1IIhl'll. city. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 2'1 '
Hertha Kooxel' . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I " JeRHlo " 'atcrhllry. I\IrwYII \ . . . . . . . : lOO
1\arller'Camlbcll.t ! I'OrIlCOWII. . . ) It To"l. . l't.llller. elt\ . . . . . . . . . . . , . . ' ISH
AllrcllaPQhcc. elt . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . 1 : > 1 .
) ImaJ > l.III.CI\lIall'ay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ti\1
gnlllla I.anlbert. elt ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( , Hosella HOlfers. elL ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
Clara Klluchou. elly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5) , I\t. Ca'wno , [ . city. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
J.'lorellee 1-lIurlloll. : ell ) . . , . . . . . . . . . . 555 l mall"e I1a.wanl. . , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . IIS
I'lorelleu ' 1'ho le8oll. ell ) ' . . . . . . . . . . ,503 Ma \Vatel's. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II3
l\Ja'HaIIlH.elt ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 49 1ltlyllalccr. elty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113.
Jt' slcSlIIl1h. ell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 _ .
) 1 lIIl11a : lUlieI' , elt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
ClnraJelTonlselty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411 l'earll1l1uler , elt , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 ,
1lIla Zael < ery. Merrill . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dora Roulld Vnll } ' . . . . . . . , . . . 101
Eltnn Ho kwcll. el t\ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . &lIlth Sio Illlctt. elt } . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lOt
Muule [ Doots. elt } ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34t
. - - - . - - -
- - - - -
WJum Y01.ecide \ to papcr your
house go and see 1-4ce Bros. ' fine I
line of samples. 38tf
FOR SAIu-Tow.1 lots and a
few five acre lots in this city.
-Allen Reyner.
1I'ouND-A pair of leather mit-
tens. Call at this officc.
Money to loan on improved
farl11s.-R. G. MooRn , Gleim
Block. 4ltf
S. cream sl'parator.
40tf A. H. S'l'UCKItV.
See Kay for furniture of all
Idnc1s , stoves , tinware , gran it-
ware , queens ware , stove pi pc ,
dampers , coal buclets , sho\'els ,
pictures frames , frames madc to
order. JUD Klw.
South Side of Square.
'VheIl in nced of an Auctionecr
sec or write him :
Insurance that immres.
38tf R. G. MooltH.
- - -
Before buying your spring
pamts be sure to see
38tf T4HH Bnos.
P. J. Simson handles the iowa
Separator for the Iowa Creamcry
Co. 43tf
BltOlJ N BOW , NI B.'collI , ncnvcr ,
Olunblt. Ilt ICJln ,
CUh UJlo. UllttC ,
ht JOIIICIII. I-urttund ,
ICUIIHAH CIt" " "nit Lalle Clh' ,
Ht. LoulH. And HltlllrrltllCIHCCI .
All l-olntN It.Ult AI..1 All a.uluh
Alul fOulitU 'VCH\ .
No. 42-VMttbuted npreu datly ! LIncoln , 011I/\
ba , t. J08ep liaDsas CUY. t. Lonl . < . ' 111
OAIO and alt pol'l < .00t nlld routb. . . . .101' \ : a , III
No. tl-Vesttbulod expr" 8 daUy , Hole"o , 01\1
\10 nutte , } 'ortta:1I1 nd ult I'lIcltlc UOIIM
IlolnlA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64 1\I1
: llooplnl { , dlLlng ! lnd rocllnlng cbatr CArs (80M (
tree ) on tbroUlCb traIn" . ' .l'lcke8 aold And lIa .
galoe cbockl'lI to any potnt In UI United tilutt.
and Canada.
larorlDaUon , mo , Itmo I8ble. &lId IIckn
taU on or "rUe to U. 1. . Ormsby , AgeuL. or .
I l"ranolt. " O. P. A. , OID"b J Nobraska.
u. L. OIU ( UfL'IIIII. .
o _ _ _ _ _ _ - - . - . ' : : - '
ty ! ' : Jla and esttmatea ou ehortnotleo.
J1rolt6n Dow , Nobraeka
Hul ellAte llic1loan IJroker. OWcu . In tull
Block Ur""kclI. UqW.Nrllfa.h ,
Whilc the mcn o not necd McCalls Pat-
terng or dress goods , yet they Do need to in-
spcct our stylish and moderate priccd clothing
before the ) ' can be assurcd that we havc the
uobbiest and newest linc to be found any-
whcre. We are showint { ( lressc ) ' patterns in
summer weights of
All wool worstcds at. . , . . , , . . . . , . . . . . . $15.00
II II \I II. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.00
II II cashuleres at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.00
\I \I cheviots at. . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00
" \ \vorsted at. . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.Q.0
" II che\.iots. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . 7.00
Fanc ) ' mixed chcviots. . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . .4.50
Bo's an childrens clothing with ncw' 'Styl-
ish material to plcase the 1110st exacting . { ) (
. -
" "Ve sell a heap Hnd sell it chenp. Come where you ciln buy everyth Iig.
Ryerson-George CO. ;
- ; .
_ _
_ " -lIIIIiIIIIE'Ier- ! : I
I b.- I
. . _ - - = . - _ . . . . . . - - . . . _ - - - " , _ . , - -
-------------'P _ _ _ _ _ _ _ p. _ _ . _ . _
- - . - . .
ItS. It U. & W. E. TAIJ O 1' , I
, .
OUlO o ; r iIllohorlb'lI Drug IHoro.
IIroh)1I Bow , " N8hra. . I
nnd Duroo .Tor oy Jfng1 tired IInll lold. IJelt Iliood
IIflhrlrcluRI. Atldll'e. , O. Jt OADWnLL.
llrok611 How , Nebrll8l1a ,
I11lhCBl IDllrleL : Ilrlco 1111111 for lIullor l"AI.
I [ iiiht HunulnR. . . . . . . . . .
Empire Cream Separators
Yor H410. ' [ 'hollo No.r ! .
R. D. BlsnOt' Operator ,
IIrokun , Jew , Nohraka.
O.II. . CON.Hf1D ,
, . . . . . 1I01llcr III : . . .
I'UIIII' ' & . WtuII , MIIt , TUI" " " . 1/lutnKI , ( Jll/lolln.
KnKin ( ' " , otc. etc.
Brololl lIow , Nchr "kll.
- - - - - -
Up-to-date Photographs.
} i'irst prize winner at state as.
sociation 1903.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Physician & Surgeon.
( ) II eo 10 fl'llr uf tht ! Blink 01 eUlumurco. Ho l.
, 'uueu ' 11th hon.oYc t of Lbo .llIptht cburch.
Brokuu Bow. NI"Jrlleku.
Dlt. C. J . M UIJLl NS ,
Physician Surgeol1.
: ! IIII MatWl\f ! IroU1 Wilit end 10 Itoalty Dlock ;
rl' hlullco , : lrd wo' M. It. cllnrch. on 8BIDe IItd
o ( trIlCI. C"o-llrollun 1I0W , NebraBka ,
- - ' - - - - - -
tllf rI ) y 9cell l'
A'I" LA W.
lIonm t ! alll n. nUllIty 1II0clo , lIroken 110w , N"b ,
on. ' ) ' . IJ l AHNRWtt'I'IJ ,
om , . In tlllthwc. cOJnur Itelity 1I1ock.
_ DR. C. B. JOB ,
IDbDfj ! J ! ln : } ] ) il 'IIIL. .
n OWCB In lIollLy 1II0cl : . IIr8t .tatu rOOIl1 11'111 ,
rnrt , Iuldvuco lit the II os 1,1111.
The Pumpkin Contest. .
Only a sbort time ill which
to obtain frce sced for the con-
tcst. Call at our store :111 < 1
rcgister at once. If you raise
the largest pumpkin irom
these seed , it will cntitle Jon
to a $75 Estey Organ Free.
We are sole agent ,
r _
. - . -
. -
- .
. SNYDID , . . ;
. . . . , . . . . AND
. . . . . . NOTAnt'
, , '
,1 PUD I , ! c'
IIO Juettce.or ; the:1'uce. : 8pl'ClalllUIIDCoD atnw
tQ coJleatiOIl" Ucpoelllona ta1l.'vo , pcn lon voucb _
.ra neaU , executed andall.htnd. . ot I"gal p"per.
"rUtun. 00100 lQ tbo rear ot U"nk of Oommerce. .
lIrokcu now. Nobraskl.
'HI1 i I mpll" . ,
Two blockH norlh or Orand Oentral Hotel. Pat-
roll/lO / eotJctJec1. I'rlc08 rClUlonable.
DR. W. H. COLE ,
V eteri narian.
fpeclal : attention 1\01l to cell . ( ' 111'011 aDd plK&-
tbat IIrB In 1111 nuthrlry r-andillon. .tel. .
ubone No 203 , Re.ldonce. t\Yo hlock. west ot'
Boutb SIde Bcbool 1I0nsD.
! : 'QIace : Barber ; Shop
For first-c.1a s work , call at the Palace : '
Darher . . .
Shop. Everything up-to-date.
I.EO DEAN , Proprietor.
: : ) ; ' " . : : : - .
H , B , MULLINS , M. O.
MllkeB a Hpcclally or Crown and rtdKIIV.nlr _
I'tloee rCBRonBblo.
All work gnarauteoll.
1'1111 andeol ! 1110 beroro nlDg cleewbere.
OlUco-ln IIrololl Jlow tllat" Jlank I1ollc1tu/ / : _
IIrokon Dow , NebrRBkn.
s. 1\1. DOIUUS ,
Al. kInd > > or work tn onr 1Ino , tone prolllpLt. '
J Bollin dnt-claBB urdor. riT"HOt1 ijbop on tb"
corner sOllthuet OIlbo .qnare.
GIVa ; ; 11H A TIUA ! . .
IIro\oli I\ow \ , . _ - - Nebraaka.
CITY BAlt EH snop ,
lJ. o. nUT'l'ON. } 'roprllltor.
; Flret-clBu work. Hoar Room of llrokln lJlIW
. Blllte Uanlr. llrokon Dow , N6brAeka.
18..e..t 1J..ear.
WITII Dr. King's
_ New Discovery
. - . OLDS Free Trial.
'uretlt an Q.u' ' keat Oura for a.U
t. ' "i..Ol'.JlONn DAOK.