. . . L. : - . < ! ru ttr ( ! to. J\tpubUcan \ I PIIbllahed oory Thureday 1Iho Oonnty tCB& ! . I - - --I D. M. AMSUEHltY. . . EtJltor I Bntfred ! I\t the poItomeo at Ilroken 1I0w I Neb. , u eooond-8IM mattet tor Irl\n ml. lon through the U. . "altJI. 81'til ' < nltll'TltJN I'HIU : Jne rAal 11dVllllce ! . . . . . . . II II ( ) ; . ' 11" . . "lInollll .Ilrl.k. rOllltli " 'YO . " ADVRIITI ISO IIA1' B. j 'lie colnmn , Ik r o'Olilb. 7 00. On".halt eel allln. \ U m.tll. 5100 'luI& " Cl column , pOll mobth , ro ( " , pp Iball qua tcr c..lumD , CJJ ( COI.t. p"r lueh per Inllntll Carda OD IIrei 1)0 ) 60 cent per Inoh , par lIIonlb LocaladorUptulr fI CeD. per 11'.0 ' each I"or. Uon. Uon.Nottce ot rhnrell 'alr , oclable. . and Dlorl"ln' IIIPUU wbero moo. r I. Cllllrl/l.t ! one.lmlt rnlep. tIocloll hOUCCI IIn. . ' 'cr"mtlon. , ollll'JIIII' rlltc . We.lrllug , . , tlcre ( tV" . bait l.tlcl. ' tor pobU' IIlug lIet o ( IlIc..ut. VOllth nOlicOP tree , h,1t plco ( or pobllrhlllil obttullr ) ' lIotiCti. "lid Cllrls , O ( thllllks. u-IIIIIIOtlC' " at rliLlP pruThlcd b , I' atutol ot Nebrllolka. - - Thurs ay , April 21 , 1 04. Tbe republicruu of nine states bnve eclared in favor of Gov. 'VnnSapt : of Minnesota , tor vice- president. His firm stan and sdcessful \ war against tbe J as. Hill & Co. railroad syn icate nkei ! bim popular with the west. Senator Dietriech has been vindicated by the Senate Com- nilttee and we are inclined - ac- cF.pt the findings as just and con- sistant with the evi ence , but that oes not change onr opinion that Congressman Burltett should b bis successor and tbat the state . . convention sbould settle the question. . Tbe contention between Hearst and Parker for the democratic nomination is growing interest- i ig. ' 1'he total number of delegates - gates tbat will be in the St. Louis convention is 1,000. If New York state instructs for Par1mr it will give him 547 to start with or 120 short of the re- qui red two tbirds majority. As \ Olney , Cockrell and Wall each have a few delegates , Hearst will lack a hundred or two in having enougb to control the convention to say nothing of the requirp. two thirds majority necessary to secure tbe nOlnination. This makes it.1ook very much as the Qleveland clemen t will con trol tbe nomination of tbe next democrat - crat convention. Land Commi:5sioner : Follmer has reported to the. board of edu- cationallands and funds that the 2OOO appropriated by the last legislature to defray the expense of reappraising school land bas increased the annual rental of Bcboo1'1ands by S69,365.12. In addition to this , the value of I state lands , and its selling pri e , has been nl'arly tripled. 'fhe old valuation was S623,735.34 , a ridiculously low estimatc , and the value as found by the appraisers - praisers is Sl,776,600 45 an increase - crease 01"S1 , 156,584.57. This increase - crease is not confined to any particular - ticular section of the state , but appears to be uniform tbrougb- out. Commissioner Follmer explains - plains that thcre may be instanc- s in wbicb injustice has Qeen done to tenants and prospective purchaser by the new appraisement - ment , but he believes tbat in tbe main it is correct and as nearly fair to a11 as a work of tbat agnitude can we11 be. In ivid- ual cases may be taken up later by tbe commissioner and corrections - rections made if any should be deemed necessary. . Tl1xea an(1 the Tarll . "Wbat does it matter if , 'Our taxes are nearly doubledr e have the tariff : yet.-Beacon. Just what anology exists between - tween tbese two statements , the Beacon does not attempt to ex- plain. In fact no logical explanation - nation i:5 : possible and such demo- goi.c statements cannot mislead I - = , ft F. w. HAYES , Jeweler and Optician West Side Square , .raken Bow , I Nebraska. I J " . . , - nonc but the blind an in the ultimate both fall in the ditch. "We have the tariff yet. " we are proud to sta te is true. I t is true from tbe fact tbat we ha\'e a republican prsi ent and con- gress. 'rhey al ways stand for a protective tariff for the American pro ucer and Inanufacturer and it is largey ] hcc.tuse of that fael that we can boast of a republican administration at the helm of statc today. We had tried four years of free trade emocracy , for which the Beacon is again sighing , ( that it may replel11isb its exchecq uer with sheriff sae notices , ) but the peopJe who remember - member tbose days of poverty and misery are not anxious to return - turn to the wallow. All there is of prosperity that exists today over the free trade days of Clevc- land and Bryan democracy is due to the protective tariff policy in- auguerated an maintained by the republican party. 'rhe Ru- PUDI.ICAN is proud to note tbe favorable comparison. But what bearing bas that upon - on our taxes in Custer county being - ing "nearly oubled ? " If , as the Beacon insinuates our taxes are linearly oubled , " on the same valuation of former years the republican party is not responsible. 'fhe taxes of 1903 was levied by a populist county boar . It is true we bave bad a majority of republicans of one on the county board since January 9 , 1904. But that board has made no levy and cannot until the assessors have ma e their returns - turns this year. The expenses of last year and the tax levy of last year were incured by the populist board of last ye r. The same board tbat awarded the county printing to the Beacon and Chief last year is the board that incured the expenses and made the tax levy for 1903 , tbat is past due and being collecte ' 'so ' effectually by county treasurer - er , W. A. George , a republican official. . If upon tbe otber hand it is found upon investigation , that the levy is no higher tban tbe previous years , but tbat property has linearly doubled" in value , the r publican party pleads guilty of having caus d tbe increase - crease in value , but it is not guilty of putting the levy up at its former rate on a double valua- I. . t10n. F or that crime t h e populist - list board and its supporters are wholy responsible. Tltis year (1904) ) we have a republican - publican board , a republican revenue - venue law , republican assessor . And while we anticipate an as- sessed. valuation of tbree or four times of tbat of 1903 , we venture that tbe taxes will be less , on the dollar , based on one fifth of its valuation tban tbey were in 1903 , when tbe Beacon and a pop board were in control of the county finances. Republican PrlmllrlCN. DROKItN DOW. The Republicans of Broken Bow Township - ship and City are hereby called to as. scmble in caucus on Saturday , April 30 , 1904. at :2 o'clock p. 111. for the purpose of selecting thirty anI ! delegates to at- tent ! the county convention and for the transaction of such other business as ma } ' regularly comc before the cnucus. Alpha Morgan , Committeeman. WOOD RIV1tR. The republican electors of Wood River precinct are hrreby called to meet in Oconto Saturday , April 30 , at :2 o'clock p. 111. for Ihc purpose of electing II dele. Jates : to thc county convention at Broken Dow , May 3rd , 1904 , al1l1 for the trnns- action of such other business . as mny come before said meeting. Dr. Wade , Committeemau. M\'RTI.It. The r publican electors of Myrtle township nre hereby called to meet Ilt the Kinght school house , Saturday , April 30 , 1904 , to elect 7 delegates to the county - ty convcntion at Broken Bow , 'fuesday , May 3rd , anti for the transaction of such other busines3 as may. regularly come before the caucus. W. D. Brynn , Cqmmlttcenllln. . CUSTRR. The republican electors of Custer lre. clnctare hereby notified that n caucus will be held Saturday , April 30th , I\t :2 o'clock p. nt. in the River Side school house for the purpose of elcctlng lIine delegates to the county convention to be held in Broken Bow , May 3rd , and for the transaction of such other buslnes as may regularly come before the caucus , T. C. II. BaycrhoIcr ! , Cow. - DOUGLAS GROVIt. The Republican Primary election fOI Douglas Gro\'c township , will be .held al . the Anthony School hOUie on Saturday , . . . . . . " . . . April 36 , 19 < > 4 , at : z o'clock. 1' . tn. for the purpoe of electing 8 delegates to the Custer coullty convcntlon to he heM at Droken Bow on May 3 , 1904 , and to el. ect 8 delegatcB to the Supcrvisors con. vcntion for Supervisor District No. I ( Time and place not yet namcd , ) ami to trtltlsdct fin ) ' other busincss that IIII\Y properly come beforc the mceting. H. D. GIJ\'er. COlli. - CJ.IFF. The Republican Hlectors of Cliff township - ship 'Ire hereb } ' called to lIIeet I\t the lIick's School Honse. Friday April :19. 1904 , at 3 o'clock p. 111. to elect 7 dele. gatcs to the COUllt } ' convention to ue held atl1roken Dow , Tuesc1ay , May Jrll , 1904 , and for the trnnsaction of such olher business as lIlay ngulurly come before cuucus. W. J. Rice , COlli. Itcllubllcall CfllI\'I'ntiOI/ / . Pursuant to the action of the County Central Committee the Republicans of Custcr Count } ' , Nebraska , are hereby called to mcet in elegate convention at the Opera House in Brolten Bow , Nebraska , on Tues ay , May 3r , 1904 , at 11 o'clock a. m , for the purpose of placing in nomination a can i ate for County A Horney to be vote 011 at the next gencr- al election to be hcM Novcmber 8th , 1904 , also to select twenty delegates to attend the Statc Convention also to select twenty delegates to attend the convention - tion of the 15th District Sena- tonal Convention to be hereafter called , also to select twenty delegates - gates to attend the Convention of the 56th Representative District - trict , to be hereafter called , aud for tlte transaction of such otber business as may regularly come before tbe convention. The basis for representation is one delegate for each ten votes cast at the last general election for Hon.V , G. Wbitmore for State Regent , and one delegate at large for each Township. 'fhe different Townships are entitled - titled to the following representation - tation , towit : Allrcrnon . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Ansley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Arnold. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Denvyn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Brokeu Dow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Cliff. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 CuRter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f ) Dellll'ht . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 DouR'las Grove. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Ellm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Elk Creek. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Garfield. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Grant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 5 IIayR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Klttoll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Lillian. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 LOll p. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Myrtle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ 7 Sargent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Triumph. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Victoria. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 'Vayne. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 'Vcstcrvlllc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 'Vest Union. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 'Vood Rlv lr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .230 It IS recommended that caucU ! ; cs for the seection ] of delegates be held on April ? 9th and 30th , and that townships comprising , Supervisors Districts Nos. One , Tbree , Five and Seven select tbeir delegates at tbe same time for tbeir respective conventions to be bereafter called. It is re- commen ed that no proxies be allowed , but tbat tbe delegates pre8ent be autborized to cast the vote of their respective town- sbips. Dated at Broken Bow , Nebraska - ka , tbis 6th day . of April , A. D. 1904. ALPIIA MORGAN , Chairman. D. M. AMSBURRY , Secretary. WEMJ DO E. The Klnkali ) nllllassci ) the 1I01/se. / Congressman Kinkaid has secured - cured tbe passage of his Section Homsstead Bill in the House. It is a great victory and fully proves bis ability as a legislator. A greater work could not have been done for the Sixth District which he rl'presents. The bill now goes to the Senate un er the management of Senator Dietrich. This will give the Senator an opportunity to raise himself in the estimation of the pcople of western Nebraska. The \Vash- ington dispatch says : "So pleased was Congressman Kinlmid over the success of his : bill that he entertained at luncheon - eon to ay in the house cafe , H. M. Grimes , judge of the 'l'hir- teentb judicial district of Nebras- 1m ; Attorney Wesley D. Wilcox of North Platte , Judge Reese , receiver - ceiver of the land office at Bro1en Bow , Congressman Burltett , Hin- shaw and McCarthy. CUrtH' Cou l1. . uUIl CohlK. Mrs. C. Peterson , 625 Lake St. , Topeka , Kansas , says : IIOf all cough remedies BaUard's Horehound - hound Syrnp is my favorite ; it has done and will do a11 that is claimed for it-to speedily cure a11 coughs and c.lds-and it is so I sweet and pleasant to the taste.1 : 25c , 50c , S1 00. Sold by Ed. Mc. t .Comas , Bro ten Bow , and Merna. I 'rbree large pastures , 1600 acres for 400 horses and cattle. 52.00 per season of six months. 50 cents per month. Six mile from Brolen Bow. 43tf 'VILLI9 CADWItLL. - . . . . . , JtlhItRKRn. --J COFJf rAN-RuNYAN-At the homc of tbe brides parents , near Mason City , ' 1'hursdn.r evening , Harry Coffman and Roscna l ltn- yan , HcJ. . R. Woods , officiat- ing. 'rhe bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Hunj'an , who arc amol1ng the highly respected - spected and progressive citizens of the vicinity. 'l'hc groom is the oldest son of 11. ' 1' . Coffll1lln an wife , pioncers of that vicino ity. Harry is 110t 0111)an industrious - trious young farmer , but is well equipped for good citbcllship. : He is a graduate of the Mason City High School and afterwar s atlenned college at Omah for Ll year. ' 1'he wed ing cCrCI1o lj' was witncsseti by a large number of relatives. A finc suppcrVa's served in which all participated. 'l'he contracting parties were the recipients of a ] argc number of useful prescnts , 'l'hey will ] \-e on his father's farm north of Mason , his father and mother. having built ill lason. where . they ill rcside in the future. The REPunr.lcAN join in extending - tending congratulations. - - SAUNDItHS-DAy-At tbe home of the brides percn ts , Ortello , Nebraska , on April 13th , George I . Sauders and Ella F. Day were united in marriage by Rev. 'V. E. Iathews. The ceremony took place at 8 in t.he evening" wben thc house was crowded wi t h rclat'cs and friendg whl bad come with smiling faces and kindl } ' words to chee the young couple on their way. About a hundred people sat down to supper - per after the we ding. The presents - sents were numerous , costly and beautiful. It was long after midnight before the last guest departed witb pleasant memories of a l\appy evening. Good wishes - es follow tbe ) 'oun'g couple. Stuckll's Barn Ihm ! tJ. Last Saturday morning A. H. Stuckey's barn , balf mile north of tbe city was burned to the ground , including its contents. Just how thc fire started is a mystery. Mr. Stuckey thinks it must have started from a match tbat must have' been dropped some time previous in the bay in tbe manger. ' 1'he boys had but a few minutes before taken the borses out to water. Tbe fire started in the manger and shot up into the hay mow and ignited the hay. Mr. Stuckey was near at hand an saw it soon after it starte , but it was impossible to pre\'ent the destruction. 'rbe fire alarm called out the fire companies - panies , but as the building was out of the water limit they could do but little as the fire was too we l aong ] to get near it with bucltets. Mr. Suc1mey ha a lot of bailed hay and about 500 bush- - - - - - - ? rry ffir llea th : , 222 South Peorin St. ' . ' CUlCAGO , ILL. , Oct. 7,1902. Eight months go I was so ill that I W S compelled to Iior : sit . : down nearly nil the time. My ! IJtomach was BO weak nd upset that I could keep nothing on it nnd I vomited frequently. I could not urinate without ErI'.Cat . pain nnd I coughed IJO much that my throat and lungs were raw , and Bore. The doctors 'pro- ' . nounccd it Dright's d scase and . others Baid it was consumption. It mattered little to me what they called it ana I had no do- aire to live. A sister , 'iBilctl mo from St. Louis nd asked lI1e If I had evcr tried Wino of Cardul. I told hcr I had not nd ahe bought n bottle. I believe that . itstlved mylifo. I believe many , vomen could seve much suffering - ing if they but knew of its value. .4 < i- > . Don't yon want freedom from pain ? Take Wino of Cardui I and mnke ono sJpreme effort to I bo well. You do not need to be n weak , bel pies ! sufl'ercr. YOIl can have n woman's health and do n woman'lI work In liCo. Why I not oooure n botlle of Wine or ' 'I ' Cardui from your druggist today - day P I , WINfEo.QRtStUl { 1 . _ . . , . . " Jtd' : . . . . - d'0. . - ' . . . cIs of corn in the barn , out a large per cent of the lntter was s vcd but not until most of it was wcll schorchcd , but it can be used for hog fced. He estimates his ] ofises at S500. 'l'here was no insurance. . \ ( JII ! II'I' > ( ( , ' . , lIut ) " III ' . \Vc print bclow it clipping from the Nebraska State Journal. Mr. lycrs , who is mcntioned as a member of the Acadcmy Debating - ing team , is doing his work pre- parilory to the Un i vcrsi ty a t the f4incoln Acadcmr. 'l'his school is strictly pre pari tory to thc University - versity and has an cnrollment of two hundred and fifty pupils. 1'1' ] . : Myers was formcrlya student in the I3rolrcn Bow High Schoo ] , 'l'he Journal says : . . "A ebate was held last night in the Y. M. C. A. gymn sium bet ween tcams from the Lincoln academy and the Y. M. C. A. debating - bating club. 'rhe academy had the anirmath'e of the question : I'Resolvcd , ' 1'hat it is for the best interests of both Crnada and the United States for Canada to e annexed to the United States.II Two judges decided in favor of the aca emy and one tor the Y. .M. C. A. 'fhc debaters were : , Academy-Millcr , H. P. DeYoungl and H. G. Myers. Y. l\I. C. A. I club-Earl Denny , Harry Willis : and lfred Swan. The judges ! were E. R. Buckncr , d. A. Lce : and N. 1\1. Croin all of state university - versity debating famc , " S.19.80 Culuurn'a Ulul Ulck. ( April :13 to May 1st , inclusive , tickets on sale via the Durlington Route to San Frnncisco aud Los AlIJlcs : aUtl return at $ .19.80. This is less than the regular OUl' wuy mte. No more c1ihtful ! { outing can be itn- ngined. The trip is mnde at the time of year when travehn is a pleasure and the climate of Califorllla at its best. Atlrnctive diverse routes are offered as weB CIS liberal stopover privileges IInd return limit. Folder giving details mailed free 011 request. Our ngent can give yon an ) ' further information that may be desired. J. FRANCIS. General Pas enger Agent , 45"46. I Omnha. I..cUc'r : 1.'Kt. ' .rhe following is the dead letter list for the week ending April 19 , 1904 : Willie Osborn , Mrs. Laura Ricbardson. Parties calling for the above wil1 please say advcrtised. L. H. JEW 'l'T , P. l\I. Uobhed tile Gra'c. A startling incident , is narrated - ed by John Oliver of Philadel- pbia , as follows : III was in an awful condition. My skin was almost yellow , eyes sunken , tongue coate , pain coninually in back and sidcs , no appetite , growing weaker day' by day. 'l'hee p11ysicians had given me up. 'fhen I was advised to use Electric Bitters ; to my great joy , the first bottle ma e a decided improvement. I continued their use for three weels , and am now a well man. I know they robbed the grave of another victim. " No one should fail to try. tbem. Only 50 cents , guaranteed , Llt T-4ee Bros. , drug store. - - - - - - - - - - \V ANTUD-A competant girl to do general house work. 45tf MRs. JA\fJ\S T4JtDWICH. - - - - - - - - - Iodd 'Vood. l ddVoorl , the Hamiltonian stallion wi11malte the season at Moore's barn , east of the ( Jepot. li'or particulars see Francc Moore. . HloelL ' " : OCcv und Mccond-Ilund GoncIH : For Mule. Due to the fact that 111) ' limc and my attention is needed in other business , I will sell m ) ' entire - tire stock of goods. See or write me. JUD KAY , 36tf South side of square. . . . _ - - - - " - - : - - : : ! ' - - ' - - - . ( ' . . , :1 : , ' . . ' . , , . . . . " . . " \I \ . ' " . . . " , . . I , , . . . . . . , - . II . i . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - Good ' Yeast " . I 'fo make good brend , you t must havc JJOd YCllst. ! l's : , tbe first requisite. You never saw a sweet , well- . raised loaf without it. l vcry loaf made with Yeast 110al11 is swcet aud well- raised , good to look. at and I hetter to tnste. + . , The root of indigestion is , sour. beavy bread which forms ucid in the stomach. The cure is light , dicst- iblc brend raised mtl1 I j I I , I rcul ma e with thb wholesome , vegetable yeast rctains its moisture , freshness - ness aud wheaty flavor until the last of the hatch is gOllc. The rcason is si'mple : Yeast FOllm leavens per- fectly. e.pandingand bursting - ing thc stnrch cells und permeating cver ) ' particle of dough. Tire secret . ; ' , tire yeast Each package contains cnou h for 40 loaves , and \ sells for SC at uU grocers. 'fry a pack.age. ur famous - ( mous book , "How to Make ; read , " mailed/yct' . f NORTIIWESTERN YEAST CO. I CHICAGO , i-- iI . _ - . I \VAN'rED-Men with families. Fair price and good houses. \VEST UNION l\lILLING CO. 34tf \Vest Union , Neb , . Drs. Davis and Farnsworth of Grand Island , have in tbeir office all the latest apparatus used in I the trcatment of Chronic iseases , inclu ing Static , Faradic , and Galvanic Electricity and X-Ray instruments. Vibratory Mas- sage. Hot air baths for treatment - ment of Cbronic Rbeumatism , Ki ney and Liver diseases. 'fbe Minin Violet light for treatment of Chronic Skin diseascs and every other instrument required in making a scientific examination - tion and giving proper trea tment. 'l'he Doctors make no charge for first consultation. 34tf , Farm Lease , Chattle Mortgage " ( ( and Warranty Deed blanks at \ this office. ! . tI I t ! , . ROEN ! EOW NEBRASKA. j rc12 ; ; ' : > < : r ! 'r' c' 2:2:1:1J.I"riJ : : ; : : : ! ' . , . . . t : : : : " ' 'A' - - - , ; f frJ 1 = ' r = J Sf ; 53\ ? ! i ; ; ; 1' ' 1 IllI ! rrmmnn ' , , = JE ! rrmtm = mrmrtmrnmmi'fitrT ? ) } " iC'mml11m\'F.i'i11T1I1"mmmmmmmrnmm. \ IJI ! I Befo e YOLI , . ffiJ eoCi : PapI..n.eau. : . , : _ Contractor and Builler. Estimates IffiJl = } i'urnished free with plans and specifications. 11it19 'UUlUJlJJtJJt = U.uIJ/t,1l,1LL1JJl/t,1-Jll3JJ' / ! / ! : 1. \1W.IIJ..JotJUJ.L.wl IJ.IJ.W.WJJ ! rE = ' : , I ; " ( ' E ! ; ! g rJ S- - - - - - , . . . . . . . " . - - - - - / 'oo. " . . . .t.J"'j. : . . . . . . " : . ; . . I.'l6f. ' . . . ; : . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . : _ . ; . : I..j. . . : . . . . . " : . . ; . : . . . , , . . . . . . " . . : . ' " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . " . , . . . - . " ' . , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . , . ' ' . . Ii : . . " ' . . . . . . . . . . , _ " ' ; . . . .1. " . . . . . . , " ' . . . . . . .o . . . , : . . " ' " . . . . . , ' . - - , ; . ; . ' " . .1. ' , ' . " " , ' " ' . : " ' . . . . . . . . . , . : . . . ( .m.-'f /i..J. . : : : : . . ' " . . . . " . : . _ _ : . . . : .1..1. . : ; . . "I' . . . ; _ : . . : . / . ; . " . . . " . . . . ,1. . . _ : . . . . ' .t" . ' . " .L. ' _ . ' . . . 1' . ' " . . : , . ' . ! . : .L.P.:1 : , . [ .1 > , ! . . - ' > I ' . . . , ,1 . ' . ( , : . . . ! . . VVJBI. , 1\ : ' : . 1 " . . . . . u I i j t . > , I 'REEZEVHEN YOU CAN BUY W,1f t I I . J l ! ! . , . . . . . . . . . . . J i'i . l' .A. ip . , p 'j'HA'l' WII-4L KE ] P YOU ' \V AI M , ai : : t : ii n 'TJ le. L . T urner L lun 1 ) er C 0. , rj I ; ' ! ! ( Successors to The P. D. Smith Co. ) 1 f Agent for the Neb. Central Building & I-4oan Ass'u. . I . ' :9' : . : . ' . . . . . ' . . . . .a. ! t . : ! . . .iJ J.m.11 < . : ! ' ; " . ! . . . 'T4 . : . . : . i.tiJ. i't. ! : 1rTm. ( . ' .1I14. . : . ; . ! I.1' . , . . . . ! . . . . . 111 " . . . " ; ; " 'I : oII."e ' to. ; : ! . J. " ; " ' 1U i. : : toi' . . . 111 : . ' : . ' "t. . "I4 . . . . ; ! . . _ : , II . . ! ! , . , . . 91 " . . . . , " / . - . . . . . . . . . . .