Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, April 21, 1904, Image 3

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r " ( ; f' ' < i' A I I
f try t I
Naboth's VIneyard.
ry nellIhor ! 11I\th D IItt ! " l1eld ,
Small stOlt ! of wino Its l'ress1 ) 'Ield ,
Alld trul ) ' lJut n IIleniler hoonl r lll' : I
Jls hnr\'est brln , ; ! ! for hnrll , I' : ' ' onrd , \ ; I
Yl't tllOuJ.h IL hundrcd 1It'lIls ot' ' mine ,
I'cl'tllI' wllh oll\'c , curn , nnll vIne :
'fhouch autumn Jllles 111) ' gn"nel J high , I
HtllI for , I hnt IIttiu lIeltl I sl h ,
FOI , nhl lIIC'thlnks IIn otherwher
Is nil } ' lIelll SO cllod nutI flllr , t
Small thouh ! It he , 'tis better fnr
'fhRII nil my fruitful \'Ineyards al'e ,
Amid whoso ) Ient ' Rnd I pine-
"Ah , woulll tInt little lIeld were mlnel"
, I.nro IUlowled e " 0111 oC pence nt1l1 rest ,
U Allel wenlth with pltllng ( 'nre t > n' ! lesRed-
J 'rhese by my ( el'Ule lanlls ore mcallt. "
Thllt little lIt'ltl Is col1t'1l Content ,
-Hohnl'JQU 'l'rowbrlll e , In Scrllmer'lI.
t t
- - = : : : : : = : : : .
\W \
: : = . . : _ : : . . : = : - . = = : : : = - = - : =
( Ur ; ASIIUY nEIClu a ,
cop llV story J > U tl " COl/lpanv ,
' \ . - . . . . ,
- - , .
Onl ' after he had spilled a handful
of good wheat over the ! Jare planl ,
11001' did I un Cl'stand what the old
man had In mind when ho would run
- the grains through his fists , 1I1co sllnd
t hrongh an hour glass. and talk In a
: loalologetlc monotone aJout ! the
wealth of the marshes ,
} hope no ono will think me a sordid
I , VOI'Gon ; I sl1eal , of his whim ! Jecauso
11 xplalns his last wish and his last
act. 110 dill not own a foot of the
Jalldsrope end the shanty was no more
than a squatter's claim , But some.
how his vague Intonllons had Instilled
In my hcal't a longln , ; . without hope
01' reason. to Inherit the Ilreary acres
of reeds , pools of salt water and plies
of s'.eol1lngs. emlltlod from gmln cors
on the Y , and God willing , I shall llvo
(111 this forgotten estate as long as I
may ,
It Is no'w IlCrfectly clear that my
gentle. senslll\'o ! Jonefactol' had
thou ht an heiress would ue hapillet'
fur from hero with the lo\'e of a
" "Jl'thy ! Jrldeg'Oom , who on co holonged
In a clt . , Ho showell this uy I'nuto
, I us when ho hln1Helf went out f'Ol1I
t he rule habitation novOl' to come
a'k alh'e ,
For how many 'ears I can110t tell. 1
I'lfted the waste of the l'Uln cal'R that
came down from the mills a till ole-a-
tors , 'f ns and tons of. sweepings are
run out OIl this little ! Jranch of the
railroad and are unloadoll by the
IJI'II\ClIlan with huge sho\'elH , The
mll'Ond peollle call It the dumll. bnt
my guardian tolll me Ion ; 1110 the
l\1lme of the statIOn Is : \ IarshlIn : ( > , Ho
it wag who dlsco\'ered whllt the ! e '
11l1r'r ] heaps contained , lie In\'onted
a slftel' and taught l1Ie how to sell'
m'ate Ihe dust from the wheat.
At tlrst It was wild ) llay to Gec the
chaff and fi 0 III' dust nylllg 11I , ( ' fine
snow In the wind , J was a lIltle girl
then , After , a while I came to Iwow
it was work. but dill 11 ( ' cOl1lllalll ) , I
, f OthI' poor ) leoplo foulld out the mine :
" alld worloel It for their Ially ) ! Jl'ead
and soniethlng more hesldes , nut
the Idea of vast wealth grew Ullon
I1IY a ed fosler father ulltl1 he hegan
, to fall , about tumlng thl' sacls of
wh'at Into sacls of Il\lre \ go III hy some
'slerlous \ meaus , 'fhls hi ! said he
cou)1I ) do , his thin face-pal1111 as the
110111' lIust-starlna at the hOllr glass
he malle with his hOllY hanlls ,
As we sat together hy the peat fire
In the shant . and waited the long will-
tel' e\'enlngs for wOl'11 of a IH'W sdlng !
If ral'H \HHlhl I ast- : the olr ! lIIan manv
( , Illy lIue3tlons , hilt always w'en h
dill not wish to speak his III It III he
was listening to the Wltll ) I'ushlt g In
"I'om thl' sea over the salt nHlI'sh s ,
Anll his answer was e\'el' the same :
"Ah , my little girl. It will ho tine to-
mo'l'O'at the mine , "
Afterward the tmel ; : walk < , r would
Itt\ock to te1l us the cal's were cllle to
cOllie down hy Ilayhl'eal" lie WOIIIII
seldom entf. > I' nnd sCldolll stay 100g ,
hecause I thlnl , he WIlS nfl'ald the ral1-
1'00111 spies wOllld hear he was gl\'tng
Information and have him discharged.
thollgh hl' I1 < 'Yel' salcl so ,
He was a fine fellow fOl' taldns the
At first It was wild play.
\ rlsl" But \\'hoe\'I' hlard 'If elllplc-
, CI'3 so selfish. so hearUess'f
From the t rael , wallter I learnell ul !
; the signals oC the t'alnmell nnll J
( ' 011111 answ'r tlwm wh < 'n I saw him
tar off sounding the ml1s of the malll
IIno anll stolplng now and then to ex-
Ilmlne a loosened holt , Dllt ho wonld
not come near the diggings oC ; 'olarsh
1\lIno In the day , Hllndreds of bags uC
hair wlwat ha\'o the 0111 man allll I
talwn out of the sweeilings from the
. mills , which are many \lilies a way ,
'rho worl , did not Slop In any season ,
wet or Ih' ' . warm or drear , slnco the
J11111s Derer Quit Jrlndln - . , At llst : the
I. I
old man bCcalno too feeble to carry _ I
the saclts of whCat on his ! Jack to the
shantj- , All he could do was tic the
full saclts with strhls of cotton. dam
holes In these that were emlt ) . and
unsaCe , and mend the sifters where
the wire netting Ilad brolen ,
I "er'ee ] , a " agon came and tool ,
awaj' the golden han'est. which was
sold to rich peollle on the highlands ,
They fed It to chlclwns and mixed It
In bmn for the co\\'s , Uut I neyer
suspected what 1)1'Ice It hrollght. nor
cal'ed ' to aslVO lIIade the halance
Into bread and had enough , 'fhe old
lIIan-no , I will call him a miser-used
to say that when the mine had cleared
up a hundred tlmCs as many snels as
his age , then he would dlo an I should
We would wave hand : ; to him ,
ho helrcss of the marRhl ! " I set no
store hy his ort-repeated IlI'omlse , for-
getting how man ' thousand ! Juslwh ; or
g-raln ore had gene to the malw-Je. !
lie\'o assayer , StiB I humol'ed his
whim and even said I would man' ) '
the nomad of the main IIno who rlslwd
his joh so many times to male us
Yes. mj' love had made his plea-
a Jllen without a plan , And that I
Iwow Is for lo\'e's own salw , But
< ; onwhow I fnnclell he watched a little
wlstfuBy at times the faces that spcl1
h ' at the windows of the thi'oug ! ! ox-
III" SS , And now I am afl'nlel It was
my anxious gaze down the track at
sunset that hclpell the old man to
thlnl , some riny 011I' tmclt wallter would
tUI'tl his face the othel- way nn wo
wlmld not see him again ,
1\1y henefactOl' became a watcllfr ns
wel1 as I. Orten aftcr a a "s worl , we
have cllmlwd up Into the sl nal towel'
h ' the Y ane } loolwd for 'the solltl1l'y
figurl' comlllg neal'C ! ' and nearCl' on
the double traclts , Then wo would
wave hands to him , shout good-night
wh'n he alllll'oached nnd passed , and
g-o home together-the old man and I
-happy as the wBd ducls that H '
OVOI' the marsh ,
"Ho's a gooel ho ' , " the old man
woule ! Bay simply ,
1\1y heUl't leaped to thank hll11 , ! Jut
some thhm helel my tongue , Perhaps
It would only have made the old man
bl'Ooll more deeply ovel' the 111\1'11050 I
was unconscious of ,
One ho ' ' the half-
day as limped O\'CI' -
fl'o cn ground I rememhel'ed that he
: mld. "Ah , my child , It Is a terrlJle !
thing to he old , "
I HhaB fIver fOl'gct the sadness In
t1l11t volco or the look In'thoso deep :
set eyes ,
One othe r time I ha'e Rcen him that
way ; his ( ' ( ) S willo open with 11. Caraway -
away stare , as If tl'j'lng to see where
thl : ' snow Hi\lws hegan their Interminable -
able jOI\1'l1ey ,
I am sure It was a sudden great
hlow to m ' gllal'llian"hen he heard
the tracl , wlllI\Or was dl chal' e , lie
came to tplI us how It happened and
to sa ' goodhy. Htopplng Hl'st at the
gl'uln CUI'S IIn the Y. which ho hud
novoI' donI' heforo , : 'IJy swel'theart : Is
' ( ) \ml ; ' UlIII hrave , so II ! ! only laughed ,
But I had no heart to go on with m '
HICtlng , I acrom)1tlnleel ) him across
the marsh to tall , It O\'el' with the old
man ,
For the first tlmo In wtrltcr the door
oC the 8hantjslood wldo open , creal-
! ng Its hinges 1II0urnfu ) ) ' on the sea-
, 'turd Hide , 'rho olel man waH not
within , A hate-measure of grain was
on the fi 0 01' allll umildo It a lIIeaHllre
hate full oC gold and sliver COhlfi paUl"
ell out of n anvas sack ; and Hca
tfil'ed ( 'VOl' the Cal'lOtlO\iS ) Illanlts I\'ero
1Cew grains of sound wht'at ,
His foot t racl\s lell off Crom the lonl : "
Iy llath Iota the IQoelier thicket , anll
i seine lIf the 1'l'ells were elton down
nA It IWl'rlng : through the morJld ! ,
whtstlln Jrowth , while on one of the
tallest cl\ttalls was caught 1\ strip of
coUon-such n slrlp a8 hoI ed to tlo
the sifted sacls of wheat-atHI It was
ueckonlns furiously In the winter
blast , \
- - - -
- - -
Peace Finally Secured by WearIed
Travelers In Korea.
In his nehool'l "Korea , " Mr. Angus -
gus Halllllton : ; Ives I\n Intol'csllng pIcture -
ture of the land which Is now aUract'
Ing the e 'es of the clvlllzell , , "odd ,
Here In his uccount oC u night IIllent
In the \'llIage of Wlta'dlng : "It was
ImlloHslJlo ! to stand ; It wns I1npos81 ,
! Jle to sIt ; sleell was out of tbo ques ,
tlon , Wo shool < our clothes ; we
uathed und washed and powdered ,
gvery effort was t\ tort me , und each
Ilrecalltion Increased the Ironies 01
the sttuatlon , To add to the 111agues
of thlA I1ccul'ued ) llnce , wo wel'o deaf
ened hy the car-splitting IlI antntlon '
of a HorCPI'CI' , who 1\1111 been hired by
tlw Ilrou'letOl' ) of the . . .lIIago Inn to
oxorclse tde'll that hud ! Jew Itched
hllll , 'Ve wonlh.'roll nfterwar s wheth.
er this accounted tor the censeless
uctlvlty among' the vel'lnl1l , Arter a
futile atteml1t to COIIIO to terlll'1 with
the mnglclan ! Jy ! JrlJory ! a till COrl'UIl'
tlon through the medium of my In'
tet'llreter , It was arranged that ono of
the groollls should represcnt the e\11
spirit , He paHSl'll out Into the desola.
tlon of the night and howlCd plnln.
tI"el ' , whl10 we , lIavlng collected the
eldel's nnd the necromancel' . sdlemnly
IIroll ollr revolvers Into the darlmess
at the depurtlng spirit , Unfortunato'
Iy. we did not convince the wlzl\I'd
that the devl1 1\1111 een eXIJC1Ied. It
was not until , losln ! ; my tcmper and
m ' reason together. I droIled ) ) his
gongH 1\1\11 s 'l1Ibals down n wol1. do-
Ilosltlng hllll In It anC ! , thelll , that we
were 1'111 of the agonies of this a lll.
tlonal nuisance , "
- - - - - - - - -
Flowerr ; In the Arctic.
Dr , Sehel , tlte geologist-a me 111 her
Ol the laHt S\'Crdl'up Arctic eXledltion )
-recl'ntly : dellvol'ed a lecture efm' ! )
the Geogl'lphlcal : Soclet . of Christi-
aula on t h'e et ahlo lIfo of Elle ! ' > -
lIIel'elanll , In'78'to ' 7J ! degrees of north-
( 'I'n latitude and sl'lIal'atod : from
Greenll1llcl by Smith Sound. Durin ! ;
the ' ' tmctR of the '
SUlllml'I' 10\\'landf are
rovol' ( > d with Arctic 1l0W\'S , A mountain -
tain e10)le ) of ono of the ! Jars was COlli-
plet < , ly covered with the . . .Iolet.col-
Ol'eel tlower stalls of the slecles ) saxl.
fl'llga olposltlfolla ) , In the roclo ; rom'
nant Ii of plants wOl'e dlscovel'cd. the
Hlocles ) of which today arc found In
much warmer climes-for Instance. In
Light That Will Not Fall ,
Tht' ) ' say that UH'Y' , , ( ! IIlsco"cl'Cd
A lI 'ht : that will lIot fnll ,
' 1'hl1t hlll'ns a thn\1RIUlC1 million ) 'eo.l'I
. \1\(1 ) 'ct oes nut gl'ow pale ,
1'11"tell ' IIs'that 11111'1 ' suhHtance
Is'tllw till' Ipnt' olet SIIII ,
AIIII wn cOlIl'luc)1' ) It woube ( \ nine
' 1'0 own II IIttlo 0111. ' ,
For tht'l : w ( " , ] tal ( ! thc meter
DOWII fro III the ( ' 0110.1' wnll ,
Ami tlll'n thl' h01'1'111 A"tlS man out
If lJVCI' he shollid call ,
Bllt wht'n WI ! ailk the prIce or
'I'hl I'IHllum they'\'I' faun , ) ,
' 1'ht'Y slIJllf' fllld allswpt' plc lmntly :
"FoUl' mlllloll plulI ) ' : : ! II pOlin ! ! , "
-Answers ,
Salmon Are Scarce.
On account of the depresHml conlll-
tlon of the salmon marltct , many can-
nedes In Alnslm will not 1.Ie olerated )
tills year. Other packing comlanles )
will go Carther north. where the ' will
catch lem ; plnl , and get more red sal-
mon. HNls are now selling at $1.25
on the const , while Villis are YOI' ) '
low , the minimum Iuotatlons heln 50
cents , 'fhls Is ! Jelow , the cost of l1ro-
I1l1ctlon anl1 there Is nO protlt fot'those
romlanles ) the b1l1l , of whose llacls
are lIlrllq , 'I'he calise of the IInfa"ol'-
ahlo cOIHlition of the marlwt Is O\'l'l'-
) II'od IIctlon Irlmarll ) ' , An offol't has
been mal1e to maintain 111'Ices , but
wlthont avail. '
- - - - - -
A Good Ix'use.
A wrlll1In J.llllncott's
\ ) ) 1\1aga1.ln 1
te1ls the f01l0wlng Htorr :
" 1\1j' coolt. an old dllrl , ) ' , Informed
me one morning : ' : 'IUss Annie. I Is
gain' to he married to-nIght. Is 'ou
got a IlI'esent fOl' me ? '
" 'Hut , lal'la , ' I salcl , ' 'oll've got a
hushand IIl1ve nnl1 haven't heen divorced -
vorced ; It would he ! Jlgamy. '
" ' \ YelIss ] ! : Annie. I don't care ;
he's done blgotted fust. ' "
- - - - - - - - -
Gift of Grateful Convict.
Gov. Doclwr ) ' of : 'Ilissourl carries a
Jlll1ln wa1ldng ( 'ana on the handle oC
which , Inlaid In tortolso shoJI Is his
fll1l nalne , "It Is 'n. gift from a convict
whom I pal'doned , " Hald 1\11' , Doel\CI'Y
In answer to II question , ' ' 'I'he man
hall served so\'enteon j'ears nnd I
thought that was long enollgh , He
) lromlsel1 to he1lave himself IInd ho Is
IWClIlng his wOI'd , "
Typical Southern Congressman ,
With hlH wide hat. coat of ample
sldrt and commanl1lng figllre. Helll'e-
sentnt1ve Claude Kitchin of North
Carolina Is nrcounted at Wl\shii\gton
a fine tj'le ) of sonthel'll congreHStnan ,
He hlal's 11 I'esemblanco to Senntor
Ballej' of Texas sllfficlcnl1y slron : ; HO
that II senate tloO\'Iol'Ip.I' ) recently mls.
tool , him Cor the 'I'exul1.
- - - -
Denver Mayor Loscs Relic.
MayOl' Wl'hht of Denver has lost
an al1ornm'nt of his office which he
\'allled vel' ) ' hlghl ' , It was IL , nl lwl
1)lated honeshoo won hy Crescells
when ho malh his world's recol'l1 for
II milo , Ills honor had l ho shoe hang ,
Ing on the wa1l oC IllH oUlce , hnt It
haH dlsallprnt'l'l1 : anrt 1\11' , WI'IHht Is
waltln ; : ; to I'arn just what Hhapo Ule
c 'yecled l.J lJ lu" ) , will tal\o.
- - - -
Gen , Miler. the Dlsco\'erernnd "P.trl-
otm" : : the' " Issue-Surely :1n Essen'
tl : lly Delnocr:1tlc Doctrine-Under
It They Ctfl Claim Iverythlng.
. . .
- - - -
At last an 151UI : ' for the Democrats !
ACtel''Ilnl ' caHtng ! ahout for
1I\0llths , nCter IIlIecomblng the recent
hlstOl' ' of thl' Hl'llIllJllcan lI\rt ' , arll }
I'xphll'lng the' l'ul1l9 of all llast national -
tional wOl'Is. the De1l\0crats ha\'e
IInall ) ' ot an Issue , Gen , Nelson A.
; \1Il's ) tllsco\'cl'pcI It. Where , when
1\111 \ how are cll'tallH not given , Let It
\lIl11c ( ' that the Ilart ' has tin Issue ,
t'\ow IncloOlI can It hll\'e somothln to
lall , ahout. IIn excuse fOl' holding n
con\'entloll ,
' ) he Issul' Is Patrlotlslll ,
Gcn , Nl'soll ] A11Ils : 10ratl'll It , Cal-
'ul'l'11 It , ancl ellt It ullcll'r a SIOCIIlI )
Ill'Il"t'r ' shunll to Gl'allll Hailids.
lIrh , } lo\\ ' t' m''I' calllo to select
thnt to\\'n no ono can slII'mlfln , Whut
\\'Ith 1I00ds , darlmcHs. wreclwd homes
Hili 11CHortcd factorlcs. Grantl HUlllds
'Incl trouhles of Its own , hilt a round ,
'at hUl'gher , ntlllWcI Doran. 1-t11\0 shel.
tl'r : to the r\\\-JOI'II ! IsslIe unci un-
1I0unced It to the wOl'ltl a 11I1 democracy -
racy , Patl'lotlsm Is the IHsuo , It Is
'Rsl'ntlnllr. IHcullnrl ' . hllU\'IHlhly and
itl'ul1l1r a DOlllorratic doctrille ,
Soulld the hugles fol' the past ! Do-
mocl"llCY has an Issue , I
Gen , ; 'oWes re:1I1 : t\\'o FOlI\'th of .Tuly I
31eeches ] , tl'o schoolhor oratiollS tlnd I
William AldplI Smith's 811'eeh at the I
nagrulH'lng nt SlI1l'ta ) Cl'nler heforo
h ( ' unllertool , to IlItl'llIlueo the Is sue ,
through till' medlulII of Grullcl Halllcls
( \111) ) 11 m'ghl : ' I' Dorun , 'I'he ? lWoH cl'eI I
l1 ( > ntlals to Doran and "G , Haps" ha0
the right rillg , Thpj' ought to get the
hanl ) at t'verr ) ) l'rlod ,
Hel't' . for Instance , l1I'e magic Ihws :
"The changt' fl'om ollll'cHslon ] to 1Ih-
erty Is wrought ! \'Iolonce. . hut the
change fl'Om tlomocl'acj' to cleslOtll1I\ )
Is Iulot. 1IIli1l1l0us , suJtlo ! tlnll fatal. "
Whither arc wo tll'Htlng ?
The Sllal'l , which Ih' d that line was
of the same fire which stlned Will.
lam , Jenllings BI' 'IU1'S l'ccent ) ll'olhl'c ] '
, of the t01'l'Ihle 1111)I01l1l1ng ) conl1lct ! Je ,
tWIP1clllltal ] and laJol' ! ,
Jndeed we neeti Imt rIots In thlt ;
rl'lsls , Patl'lothml , loglcallj' , Is the
lJantlllount ISHII ( ' ,
0111 Homo. Franco /11111 Jolaltl1o I
were scarched ! Jr 011. ? l11ICs 1'01' pow. I
cI'I' to shoot the 1.lI\trlotlHI1I rorlwt. I
The Del110cmtlc ) J rtr. It ts l'vhlent.
will clr.lm the lIag , the Ilpclamlion of
hlllopcndcncr. the contltutlon ! : and the
little l'ed s1'llUohollse-.ChlclIgo ) Jom' .
Railroads In the Philippines ,
S'cr'etary ' ' ) 'aft i'ecent1 ' ga"e the
: house commlttce on Imntlal' affalt's hlo ;
I \'loWI ! as to mllroad cOlIstl'nctlon III
the PhlllllIl1eS ] ) , ' ) hp ' ha\'e heon modIfied -
Ified sllghtlr liS the I'PRlllt of the Hec-
retal'Y's rccent conforencc at Ncw
lorI , with men who pl'oJahly ! will ) IUt
nlOlIey Illto mads In thc Philippines If
the ' can get a sulllciont g al'anteC ! ,
'rhe hili , cll'nftell ! Jy Chllll'ntnn COO- )
I' of the humlal' cOlllmlttel : ' attol' COli-
Hllltulion with' SeC'I'et/u'r / ' 1'lIft nnd for-
nll'l' Secretlll'Y Hoot. all I hOI'I PH the
Phllippillo gO\'ol'lImollt to IsslIo rail ,
road aid bOllds to n corlllill amollllt 01'
10 glvo a gllal'l\lItpo thllt clIlltal ) Invested -
vested shall yll'lll : a milllmlllll of .j
P'I' cent 1111' : annum. 'rlw secl''lal'Y
1I0W SIlH'StH thllt the I'hl1lppll0" ) / -
I'nn1tmt he authOl'l1.cII to guamllteo
lie I' ( ent Intel'lst 011 hOlllls 01' slocls.
t-lle total liability not to exceed $1-
JOOOOO. hut that If that ol't'PI' bo not
IIceelltell thc local /'o\'trnment / shall
110 authol'lwc1 to Isslle { j POI' cent
hond ! ; to 1111 UIIIOllllt not excPPllIlIg
$30,000,000 IIl1d Imild the I'oall ! : ! Itself
IInd olJOl'ate or leasH thelll ,
A pal'elltl . Sl'cl'ctary : Taft haR
learned that a , I ) Itr cellt gllamlltee
will 1I0t tellllt ) Amel'lclln caltnl. ) ! It
would If the 1'011liH'I'C to he COli'
stl'ucted III this coullh' ) ' . hut the 111111'0
remote the l11aco Wlll'l'O the call1tullHt
Illvests his U1011l1Y IIl1d the great ! ' } ' hi ! : !
ullfallllllal'Hy with locnl cOllllltiollS the
larger the Illterest mie hc IlIslsts Oil ,
It may hI' thut whell thc I'hlllppinc
hili hecomes a law that the mOIlPY
mal'lct will be III such Ahuo ) that a 5
pl'l' : cfmt gnamnteo will not he atl rart-
1\0 , lIml'e tile manifest wlHllom 01'
the nlternatl\'o ) u'oposltlon , which IH
not III the Cooper hill , that the Phil-
Illplne governmcnt HHef ] mn ' hu\h \ )
till ! roads ,
Halll'Or.dH ar hl1)INatin.'ly ) neellell.
They are thH ( JIJst of 1II1.slollal't's ! : . ! III
thl' al'chlJCugo ) , ' ' will ' ' '
) 'l'hey Sf'\'O to
civilize. pacify anll 1'III'Ich II\ ( ' ) Jeople ,
The ' will ha\'o g'l'eat stmtegle vallll' ,
They will II'HSOII the numhm' of so- ]
diNS nl'ded : , ? 110m thall that. the '
will cheapoll greatly the cost of tmllA-
110l'tatlon 1'1'011I the InlCl'or ! to the sell-
hOlll'd. I xtellslve IlIstl'Jcts where nothIng -
Ing Intended for eXlol'latloll ) ran he
mlsed prolltllJ ! ! ) ' will hecolllc .JIIII-
lous and lll'oductl\'o ,
If authOl'lty to hnlld railroads cannot -
not saCely he Intrusted to the Ilrowllt
Phllllpillo ) govt'r'UIIHnt new XlIPII
should he alllolllted ) to whom It. mm
be Intrusted , But as II mutter o fllct I
the meu now In olllco cun he dlpond-
el ) Oil to du the right thlllg If enl ) '
tlll'Y al'e given a chance to do It. COli'
' Hhoulll accclt ' ' ' '
gl'esH ) Secl'elar 'faft'H
re\'lscd cOllcluslons-ChlclIO ! 'I'rlJ. !
Porto Rico's Needs ,
Sal111101 GOll1)lel'S ) , hl'atof : \ the AmOl'-
Il'an Fe eratloll of Lahor , hUH 1'0-
tlll'lHd froll1 1\11 ( J\'g'anl1.lllg eXJle'lIt1on '
to Porto Hlro , allli pol ntH a gloomy
) llcturo or Illdustrial ancl economic
conflltlous III thl IMlaul1. whlr h he as ,
Sf\rt IIrt > wor ( I thall 'Jlldel' Slalll ) h
. 1
. 110. 1':01l0 } " .110 I qUHHUJor ! what
Porto Rico wns 1':101' to ISDS. rnd
what ] Ior rt'presOlltrtllol1 In UtO Bpnn-
Ish ImrllamCnt amounted to , wVI dig.
count 1\11' . G0ll1llor'8 conclusion that
the Unltod States gOYel'nmcnt hl1s
treated the Island Itnrnlrl ' , ant ! that
what her ] ICOlllo chlen ' noCt ! are 1'1.1\1' \
rOAonlatlon nl Washington 1\1\11 maI'o
COlllllluto S ' 8tem of homo rule. 'I'hC'so
things will como In duc time j but
what Porto Hlco I'I'Culros : ! moro than
I\n 'thln cIao-amI It Is hero that wo
nro at fault If at all-Is nltl from thIs
countr ' to tidE ) over' the IUstross
which Ine'ltaJI ! ' followed the chnn o
In her Ilotltlcal : lIul commerclat rola-
tlons , 1\11' , GomJ > 1rs has IlroJahl ! ) ' nQt
ovcrstatt'li the 1Io\'orl ) ' anll dopresslon
now exlJtln III the Island. hut the
Amerlcnn Ileolllc. or the g'O\'ernmenl
they hn vo pro \111011 for the Porto
Hlcans. cannot justl ' bo hlamCll . ' 01'
the situation. 'rho I'emld ' must ! Jo
found chlel1 ' hi tllo ' ' '
( mtl'I'III'lso and en-
erg ' of the Inslllal' ) Iollltlaton ! , and It
ma ) ' ho conllllc ntl ' aSRumeti that
wll/dover aid till ! Unlte1 ! Slntcs cnn
Ive will ho oxtCntlell whenever the
wa - la pointed with suUlclellt ctear-
- - - -
Mr. Bncoll and Trusts.
'I'rusl s , most Southm'n statosmln !
seem to hellevc. are to ! Je hwelghClI '
ngalnst In tlw lIJstmct. ! hut nllowed
to IIholtct' themselvos. when ! Jrought
to COlll't. tl\IIIC1' \ the acconuuodatln ! ; '
mantle of state rovel'elgnt : ) ' . Mr. Ua.
con. therefol'e. would not ho' too rash
In ) II'osecutlng comhlnntlons In 1'0-
straillt of trudo , Ho announces that
Oil the tl'ust ISSUD also the Demoerats '
"Rhoultl bo COIIIH1I'\'ntlve muleavI I
\ , and muleav-
01' III no wa ' 10 IlIjmo legltlmnto
! JushwsH Intel'eHI s whllo trj'lnI ; to
reach uuln wful ( mtel'll\'lsos. "
? III' , BIICOII Is tOl' consor\'ntl\'e
platform heca use ho beHoves In CtlU-
SOI'\'atlsm. Oth. . ! ! ' Democmts-man ) '
of them III Geul'gln-III'c (01' Icon -
Sll"'atl\'e Illntfol'l1hecnuso It may
win , not h'e11llHO It IH COIISCI'\'atlvo ,
'Wholhol' as a Gtnlltlng'horse ! Jehlnd
which to steal Illto I\\'CI' ( 01' ns a so'
.rJous I'ec/lstlng of Democrlltlc th'or-
10H , the Uacoll IlI'ogram lacs ] Iwlthel'
courage nOl' ctUldol' . But Inlttemllt -
Ing to I'ellliI gll\1IUO ( COIISOl'\'ntlSI\I
Illto Domocl'l1t1c 1H.lIefs anll nemo.
cmtlc lrHctlces Its tluthOm Ol't. I ) '
demonstrale : ! hln OWII call1\clt . fOl'
pn\ldox-hIH IlIahlllty to IIWIlt1II1'C' the
force : ! hcll hll ) Delll'r/lc ( ' 0to \ roco- ,
n17o : the historical /I'ounl1\"orl / ; : Oil
which Its achlovemlnts nit un Amm'l-
lll1't ' I'ost-.Ncw ' ' ' '
call } - YOI'I , 1'l'lullne ,
- - - - - - - -
Roosevelt Will Be the Issue.
Colollel 'VaUI'I'SOIl allli othel' Demo.
crat.s Ill'e sllyillthllt / the HOl1He\'ell
atmlnlstl'l1t1ol1 ) wll ) ! Jo tll Issue In the
clunlllllgn of 1JOI. { ' 1'he ) ' III'C 1'1 ' t. ,
' 1'110 nallonnl allmllllstl'tHlolI of. tllO
lIay Is usually the IHsuo In OV l'y ) II'Isl-
dcntlal ( 'nn\'IIHS , 'I'hIH has heen tl'UO
fl'om the time of the IIl'Ht Adams down
lo to-dIlY , excllt : ) Ilul'llIg the IIIHlllte.
gatlon In the JI l'tlcH IImlllglolII'oo'I ! ! :
pight yeal'H III oUlcc , Nlltlonnl IIat. ) :
forms 11111 lIot hegln to rnlllw tlll'h' al'
) ICIlI'anco Ulltl1 IL thll'll or .the itillc-
teent.h ClItlll' ' 111\11 oXlll'ed ) , 'J'hOl'o
was 110 lIel1 ! ! of an ' platform' hj' II
cOII\'entioll In the fil'st Adllms' Cllse ,
( ' \'n If IIntloulIl cOllventlonH h/III hCl'n
IlI\'olltell III thut IJay , ' 1'ho IIlIen and
Hellltioll lawli IInll the othel' aetR of
his tCl'm wprl' the ISSII118 In thp can-
VIISS of 1800 , 'I'ho thlllg ! ; which the
SCCorll ) AdlllllH did , IIl1d thoHe that his
enemies salel he IlIt'llIled 10 do. WCI'O
! the IssueR that WOI'O tlllwd ] ahout. In
thn camlI1lgl1 ) of 1828 , In whldl .Incl"
SOil WIIS el'ctell ) the Ilt'Rt , tlmo , , Jncl-
SOil himself flll'lIlshctl II1I1I1Y 18sue" , Ho
d leI ever ) ' othOl' stl'ong ) U'OSIIPllt )
I\H\'I1 \ ( to this hOlIl'--St. LOllis Glohe ,
- - -
Canadlnn Itcclproclty.
1'he mO\'Plllent ' " fa\'OI' of r1'clll'orl- )
ty with Cllllnfla will lIot flOWlI , At n.
Illtc Ilwotll1g" of the Bostoll Mer-
chants' association It waH'tsol1'11
that Wf' "I'el1l11l'1) } 011I' lwtll'l' In the
wlH' ) ) OlIt'y 01' I1nlcrlng Into reclproral
l'elationH wit h 01 hpI' commC\'cln I mal'-
hots of t hI' WOI II ) , espl'clall ) ' with Can.
11(1a ntlll Ncw fo 11I1111 a nfl , aH Inc'\paAIl1
lrallo with Ihl'l1I will ntld 1II'gl'l : ) ' to
the ) JI'OHpl'I'ltr or New Engll1nl ) , as
WfOP as to tllat of othol' Hectlons of
011I' < .Ilunt\ ' ) ' , "
PI'l1f1hlput Metlen of the Now Yorl"
N'w IIn\'ell & Jla'lfol'cl'oall lately /111. /
mltt.,11 thnt l'oclIlI'ocnl trade 1''lations
with Canlldtl woulll Incl' at u tllo uusl.
nest ! of Ow Now Enanel ; : ] Htnles. 111111
whatever Lnereases the hllsl1H'sS JlfOS'
11l11'1t ' 01' thee ! statoH woulll [ mlll'o\'o
the geneftl.1 . busilloss Hltuatloll ,
Wo nC.11 : the lumhel' , Il'On , steel and
I'a w mat el'lnl of Cllnadll and the Ullld ,
tlmo ) J\'O\'llIces \ anll they IHII the
Xew EugllulI ) marllets 1'01' thoh' mnnll'
, fnclUl"s- Boston Gloho ,
- - - - - - - - -
A Suggestion.
'rh. ! Dltl'Olt ' 1'l'lhllno clulms to have
hlll'nct ) much mldlll/ht / 011 In the proc'
O'iS of , evolving the following' hrlef
) ) lalCol'll1 for the Democl'11t1c Imrtj' In
the campaln : ; at 1JO-l ! :
"Whel'l'ase hll\'o hunteel fl'om
l\alalnllZtlo to , Jericho fOl' Issucs dl8'
tlnctl ve from thOHI1 of the neltIJllcan ) !
Jlartj' and railed to filld an ' on which
al1 the Democrats can tlllito exccllt the
tal'Ift' . which 1a choslntlt ; therofOl'o
"I , llesol\'ed. 'l'hat wo lire against
the 1l0lHihllcan 11tllty on genel'al pl'ln ,
clples ,
" 2 , Damn tllo llllHibHcan IIllI'I ) ' , "
Whethcl' CJI' not the JJI\rt . will ho
RatlHflcII with the prellmblo an.1 . Ilrst
) llanl" tho\'c Is no Ilotlht that the scc'
end planl , eXJll'csses the scntllllcnt 01
al1 DOlllocmls ,
Vle..ed from Above.
' 1'0 n rill. n 1111 n tl'eo It looks as
tltoll.l1 lho Dellloemtic ' '
: llI1l't ) wOlild
sl11lt open 110 wide on nlltlonal llOlItlcs
thlp p'ar that till' fOl'1II ( ' I' fisstlres In
I hat anrll'nt : st\'lIrtlll' ( > will 1001 , lilw
mere hall' lIncLo. . . Aneles ! 'l'lwcs ,
- -
" \1- \ " " A"lD
Somethlno Needed.
"Wo ere nJout ! to lJUt a now plana
) n the marlwt that wo arc sure wll1
tli longfelt wnnt , " said tbo manu.
! actllrcr.
"What will YOIl cl\lI It 7"
"We shall call It the Cozy Plat
Plauo , "
" 'Vh ' 7"
" 11ecallllo It'a nbollt twlco as high nl !
ordlnar ' Illnno , hilt only aJolIl ! halt
, ts thlclmess ; just right for n co y
jat. " _
- -
Graphic Description.
Llttlo Marglo hull bcon to the den ,
tlst.s to have n looth extracted , and
hls Is how she eXlllalnod the pro ,
ceClllu s :
"Tho lIIan grabJcII ! holtl with 1lolr )
: If bl tongs UlIlI Iml1ed his hest , and
Illst before It Idlcd ! 11I0 the tooth calllo
Hard Thouohts.
'feachCl'-I whlllled ) j'OIl for : rour
OWII good ; I reallj' hl. Now , tell rue
what 'on thlnl , IIJOllt ! It ?
Bohhy-if I told YOII what 1 thlnlc
you'd gl0 11I0 another IIcldll/ / ; ,
- - -
Poor Mrs. Woodby ,
"So 'ol1't'n IIttlo WlIllo WoodJy ! ? "
slllII the IIOW IIIlnlstm' after SlIndny
school , "I call111 to Hec YOllr mother
yostol'cay ! , bllt , unforlllnatelY , ahc was
lI0t at hOllie , "
"Oh. 'es , Hhe waR , " rOllelt ) ! the hay.
"Bllt I HUCHS ! lho tool , YOII fOl' the In.
t ahncllt man , You loolc sOl1lethlll'
! lite hllll , "
- -
A Foolish Move.
" ' ' ( I'estless this.
"Yoll seem nel'IIIRllld
morning , " salcl Ml'l'tJhllnt ,
"YeA , " replled hlH purtnel' , "I IIsltCl !
norrou ! hil to dl'O)1 ) In today and pay
l1Ie what. he oweH me , "
"Ah ! An 'on're ufmld he won't
como ?
" 1'\11 afmld ho will coltle and uorrow
0101'0 , "
Londers-Seo here ! lIow about
thut $10 'ou owe \110 ? YOII lu'omlsQll
to mall It to mo last Frida ) ' .
Slonders-Well ) , I'll toll YOII , I
gll1rtell to rnlso It hilt then I remero'
nered thut e\'en If I did scrapo'it to.
Eothm' I dldn't hnye a stamp. S I
: : ouldn't send It.
Jumped thc Bill.
"At what hotel did 'Oll Pllt lip when
YOIl were III thllt to\\'n ? " usl < o a CI1S'
:1111 : IICllllnllltance ,
"None , " rellled ) the deadbeat ,
"Dldn't RtOlllt ) 11 hotel , eh ? " ,
"Oh. yt's , I stopped I1t ono , but I
dldn't lJUt up , "
Didn't Need Help. ,
- - - -
nlwt1 wl1nt wOI'I"
PI'OII'letul'Whal. ) . can 'ou do' !
} ) ustNothln' ,
l'J'Olu'letOl'-Oh ! I do that m'solt.
- - -
Then He Kicked ,
Glass gater-The mllset ) Halel he
" 'IUlted'cl'j'thlng Hlllall. ' 1'ho amall-
st bed , the Blllallest rllils and the
unnlleHt c halr.
Will ) : \IIIII--Wltat Is he 1lclln : ! . ! Jout
now ?
GlaR8 Hater-'rho nianager gave him
nlO saulIlIest ! ! l1lar ) ' ,
> -
"I. . there mnrh IlIIvert ) ' here ? " aslt-
ed the tl'lIngel' , '
"I honlcl sa ) ' nol , " replied the i
"rl\l1l1l1as Carl1ler , "Wh ) ' , wo tool (
.lodt . cenSllli laRt mOllth , an' thCro wus
If ) IIIlIch liS half n shoat for eYel' ) ' Ulan
In the coulltj' . "
- -
On the Bathing Beach.
" , l1\1I ln ! ; h ' , 'e's costume , " h8
mill thoughtfull ) ' , "tho Garden oC Eden Q
11111 ! > t hnyc uel'u the ol'lslual : seaslelo
' sorl "