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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1904)
- - . , - f . - . . . - - . . - . - - - - REACH THE ! SPOT , ' 1'0 Cill'O nn nch' . . . . . . l" .H InJ : bacl ( . o N t UtI Ie ' . " . rori 1' ! till _ Tllo p n In 9 of J ' . . . ! rlu'.UIJlntlfll11 , f ' ' : " ' , ' Thf' t I I' e l ! Ollt ' ) : ; ; 11'J , . . . ) t. l rI'ItIlJ ; I , 'r. ' i , > 1'011 1\lII \ t re3ch ! ' Iho IIllot-let nt f h t' ( ' 11I1 H. In IIIOitt C3SNI 'tl3 Ihn 1.1,11\9 , \ , Don 11'1 I\ltlne , Pilla nro Cor the IIIlnC''tI. ! C'ha3. ! lllerhnch , H tOil 0 contractor , II \ ' III I ; nt. G : ! C'hC'Rtllut St. , grle , 1'.1. . , flaY ! ! ' "l"or two rl'nrl I 111111 Iild. IIlV ! Il'Imlllo nnl ! lhnro wa ! ! Rlleh n JC ' ( 'I'O Ilain throlll\h \ II1Y loIns nncl Ilrlliltl lhat [ cOlli II 1I0t stoop or Rlrtl h'l'lI ' 1111 wllhollt great /10111 / , hnd dJI1II ully In feltlnl ; ; nhnlll nnll wait IInabh 10 reat at night , nrlslng In lho ruol'nln UrNI and worn onl. 'rhe Idlilley HccrotionH wore lI'I'I'lIlur ; unci rltlollt.1 ( ! a heavy sellhlH'ul. Vo'lors t2ntell : me ( or rhelllllntiRlII , hilt fulled I to hel/l / lI1e , 1 loat 1\11 coulldlmce In 1I101llcino nlld h'lnn to fel' ! as If IIfo were not worth IIvlnl ; , n0l1l1'S 1\1.1111' . ) ' ptllR. however , rellevlc ! lIIe HO quldly ; unll RO thoroUlhl ) ' tliM. I glHllr : IIIucle Il"Rtatotncnlto Ihnt. ( 'lTect for IllIhllcl\ ' l.ion , This was III 18J ! , und durlnl ; the RI' ( ) "ClrR which Ituve olallHcll I lIavo never Iwown lJoan's Kidney Pills to rail. 'l'hey cllrod my wlfo of a severe CIlS of hnclcl\C'ho In the SUIIIO tltor. 011111 manner , " 1'HIm TnT AT , or .tlsI4 ! great Ihl' ney 1I10tllcill0 which curell Mr. Bier. bll\h will ho nmlled all uppllcntlon 10 nny part of lho United Slate ! ! , Ad , drCRO l oster.l.lIlburll Co" Bllffalo , N , y , 1"01' Ralo by nil druggists , prlco 50 C III1. : tJt.r box. t' ' 1'h confldenco a woman hus In he ! l1uYbl1l1cJ lIIay bo lho reHult or his ver ) holllno\ : , AI" VOIII' DlJnlol' For AllIIn' , . . powdc : , II rests the ( aet. Cure ! ! Corns. Bunion' ! , Swollcl1 , Sore. IIot.Callolls.Aching S'NCalil1 ! ( Feet and Ingrowing Nails. Allen' . lrootgasc makesllcwor lilht ; shocs easy. AI All Drn lists ; nnd Shoe'Rtorcs , 25 cenls. Ao c < ' ! pt no lIub11 1ute. Sample mailed FRKK. Adllrc5s Allen S. Olmsted. Lo Hov. N , Y. 'Tho mnn who rcalsts a tendonc , wl,1I novol' have to regret a hahlt. . IUenanco UU'cn IB ( ; Ullranteed big Ht Rnll hest or money rerunded. It ounces , 10 centa. Try It now. , ' - An Asiatic DowIe. , .John AI'xIIllCler Dowie , the Chlcn c . "lii'Ophel , " Ita : ! hlR cnllntel'llUrt In In \ 111I"cleed , lho Oriental product In fil'mo ways olltdoeR the lI1an who , ac cording to 1\11 nccounls , ha'i made 11 oo , ' lhlng out of It In Chicago , ' 1'he Hilldoo's IInlllO 18 Mirza Gheclan Ah. iliad , heall oC a distinct sect of Mo' halllllll'IlnnR , I\nll ho lI\'cs In the Pun , IIlIIh , III Illilicarunec. donunola- lIon I\nll pr\lllllccluR ho 11I01'0 than 011111\11 ; Dowie but AO far ho does lIot fHlH ! I tn have develope:1 : the sOlllul llllHlnelHRenHo' or , Tohn Aloxnlul ( ) ( ' . HfI IIvcB hurnlJly an only altrucled olllnllli I\ttentlon when ho hogun to foretell the death or cerlaln oppo. ' 1I0nts , r.Un a was "Induced" to alJan. lion lhls feature of l ts pe'forUlance : , HI ! It conlr'onell It. soctlon or the 1)lIal code , Ho Is ( [ j yonrs old and hili Ilboul 10,000 followora , God , the otomal light of mcrcj' , the bloIIHlng Bcatlered lhrough all the In. fnILII.l ! R--lho : hope that \'Ihrates lho ulIIAlu of lho SphOl'CH-tho 10\0 { hal WOOH to IICo Che humhlo flowel's or the \vrltl ( ; Brllt rolls the sloue rrolll BOI'- \'ow'u sctlulcher. I II rllla 'I'llIIes-Un. lUll. . \ Whcn , \ woman too frellIenlly ollters 11\111\ \ her hOIlHehold ( Iutlcs with an all' : , ( , rcslgnal'on ' , her hURhlull1 Is 1IIolr . InIVIJ ! : Ut ) his job also with an all' or , tHllnlllon.-Now ! Yorle ' 1'olegrnllh , 1" ' - EMPTY NOW. , - " ; , How ' One Woman Quit Medicine. "While 1colTeo user my st0l11aCl1 trolllllcli mo for years , " sa's 11 hldy of Cohllllhus. 0" "and 1 had to taleo medl. cine all the time. 1 hnt ! what I thought wl\II'the heat Htomach mOlllclno I could Jet , hud to IWOI ) getUnlIt. . fillell11 : ' the t.1ruo at 40 cents u bottle. I did not hnow what the causu of my trou. blo wiln hut JURt draJell ! al ng rrom < lay to day , sufferln ! ; ! lnd taltlng 1\10 \ l- < : :1110 : all the lime. to A llIt IIlx months ao I Iult tea and corteo autl began drlnl.lllg PORtUlII Qnll I have not hall 111) ' l'l'l'scrlllllon illicit 8111CO , which Is a grC'at surln'lse to I1\C ( or It proves thut correo was the cause of nil illY trouble although I no\- er Husllectod It. "Wheu my ! rl'nds aRle mo how I recl since I ha\'o IlCen Laltlng Poslum 1 say , 'To toll the tl'uth I on't feel Ilt. all only that I get hungrr nnll ont cvorythlng [ want al1ll lots of It n11l1 It n/\or hurts 11\0 and I am hallll ) ' and well Rnd oont'nt'd all the lime , ' "I could noL got my ramlly to drlnl , PostUIll for Il whlto unlll 1 mixed It In 8. IIttlo colfoo and \tOIlt \ on reducing lhe nlliollnt of correo unlll 1 got It nil Pos , tUI\1. Now they ull lIItu It and the ) ' novoI' bGlch It up IIko cortee , "We all Imow that PostUIlI Is n sun , shlno malcor. I hnd It heIrH. one STeat. Iy ror wo do not have to thlnl , of uches and palrlH nil the ttmo nn can uslJ our IIIlnllli tor ether t.hlllgs. " Namc ' Ivon oy PostUIU Co" nllttlo Creole , Mlch , The one wno has to hother wltli coerce aches and 11:1Ins : Is badly handl cJ.pped : In the race for fame nnd for. . tunc. Po llitn Is a wondQrful re l1l1d < It , Thore's.R renson. ' [ ' olt In 'each IJacle lo ror tho..ram OilS Ilttlo 1J0uk. " 'rhe IT-oad to Well vl . " , " u. . . .t , > , . . - - . . , " ' - - - - - - - - - - " -0 { " ; - . , . . ; - - r . ; ' ; : : : ; - ' * : / zi : 'f u.r : : r 1. III.t , u , u 1I11I,1'/ , 'IT ? ' . ifi'1.i \ I. / rFr } , 'I.Z/'ifl. . . ' 1 1 .1./111.1J./L" , - , - . , .tvc : . " - - - . - - - . " . t = " . " , 1. , Mf . ' Canndll1l1 Cheecc Inspection , 'r'1O lrt'vln'p , or Olllnrio haJ 1,000 cheese factorII'H , Sixtel'n trapIIng elleNit' Infltl'uctorH nro ell1ployed. ' 1'hoy fillll thl'J IIlImher InNumclent and un. satlffnctorr ; IIIHI wish 10 Increase It. T ach of those InslructorR go Is from $ j\J \ ( lo $1,000 for the senson. 'I'here , lho t'avplllll ! ; cheese Inslructor watches a group of from 20 to 30 factories , SOIllO of lhese he , ' ( sit ! ! hilt once In II Reallon , olhers a ! ! orten as once a month , lho nUl11hC'r of vlslt depondlng ullon lho necessities of the fllctorleR. Ho gives counse ! . seeR lhnt lilt' Caclory 19 Iwpt clean 11I1d lJy re. IJlJrtlnl ; 10 the vroprlolor ! ! or farm ownora Is ohIo to weed out the 1'001' choeso-malcol's and encourage and stlmlllalo the worthy on os , Ho Has 110 ahsolulo 1I0wer , his worl , belllg strlcUy advisory. The provlnco of Qllehec hns ahoul O of these traveling Insh'uetors. 1Iero the dalrYlllen 111'0 largely of French descent anll lho cheese factories are smaller than these or the provlnco or Ontario and relntlvely 11101'0 numer. ous. Hero IL dlfferellt 1I1an Is fol. lowed from that of Ontnrlo , The cheese factorIes are allowed 10 form syndicates , so-coIled , that Is , twentj' to thlrly factories nenr together are allowed to form nn association for hiring a tI'a\'ellng chcoso Instructor. IC lhey hlro olle allvro\'ed hy the gov. erllll1ent. lho government will 1m ) ' to. ward his salnry UII to lho limit of $250 , but not more , alld not 11101'0 lImll hulf hla salnr ) ' 111 all ) ' e\'ont. The IlIstrllclors receJ\'o from $ GOO to $8QO for the senson. 'rho dlCterenco he. tweon the government allowance and the totnl nmount of the snlary Is met by the factorIes thomsol\'es. 'I'hus It will bo seen thnt the Prm'lnclal 00'0" ernment oC Quehec IlI\j'S ont more than $12 , OO annunlly for these tra\ ' . ellng Instruclors , whllo the patrons of the factories themselves must llaY at lenst $20OOO-J. Q. Emery. In Buying a Cow. Some of our dalr'men have quite olnborato rulen they follow when they go out to huy n cow ; j'ot It Is the opinion of the writer that about all the rules will lJe found to lJe nt fault now and then , 0110 wrller on dnlry sulJjecls snys thllt In huylng a cow wo should beware of the easj" 1001101' , or , mther , o ( the cow that looles easy to loep , aA Hlle will tnlm care of herself ! Jeforo lro\'ldlng for the mlll ( nnd crenm her ownel' wllnts , Th13' may bo a full'ly good I'ulo , hut wo have certainly Heen most excellent cows 'thnt were easy.lwellcrs , It depends - pends a good denl on the Indl\'hlual- It ) . of t o cow. Ono cow will be sleel , I gJ\'o a good mess of rich mill , IInd 1)1'0\0 a continuous m l\1e \ 1' , while another - other thnt 1001s exaetlr 111 < 0 her will pro\'o a fall' mllleer for only a few months , How shal1 ono lell whether a cow wlll mill , for six months or for lwtlvo months ? After all the Indications - tions are heeded , there Is stlll l1Iuch uncertainty In regnrd to the cow. Not . till she has becn lcpt n renr cnn we IUlOW what Idnll or nn anll1lul we ha\'o and ovcn then we mar not. IUlow , If f le cow bo : roung , As milch as 1I0s , 'alble the farmers should raIse thclr own cows , ns ani ) ' In thnl case will they bo nlJle to ltnow for a certalnt ) ' the renl value attaching to them. Where to Sell the Milk , Sometimes dnlrrl1len are too an.I01lb ,0 ship their mill , und the ) ' send It to the retail mnl'lwt. when It011111 glv ( ' thol1l better retlll'll If disposed of In :111Othor : wn ) ' . This reslllts In tholl' own loss as well ns depressing the mille mnrl\Ct. 'rho ) ' should I'emomher thnt they can tl\l < o n lowel' Ilrlco fl'om a cl'eamel' ) ' thnn from a sh\Jllllng \ sta. i tlon , and ono of the chlor reasons Is : thnt th y mn ) ' 1'otaln the sldltll1led. . mille which Is valued h ) ' lI1unj' au' thorltles at from ono.hnlf to ono cent PCI' qunrt , as .feed for j'O\lllg stock : It It cannot be used for 1I11s 1II\I'lIOS ( , It hns some vnlue ns a fel'tllIel' . Fur , thormore the same extl'emo cal'o docs 1I0t have to 1J0 exorclsell to I'c\'l ( nt Lhe growlh of lnctlc nclll 1Iactll'In In mille for tbe lJutter ot' eheese factol' ) ' ns In mlll ( for the I1Inrlwt. 'i'll ( I n , too , the dah'j'mlll1 mny 1J0 nttl'llete h ) ' a temllorar ) ' high } Irlco off l'ell fol' 111 n I" l\Ot mille allll h commences tu Rhlp , ani ) ' to fitlll that 111 a Rhort tlmo tile 1)'lco ( Is reduced to all unlll'ofilalJl ( ' Iolnt. Unless mill , shllllllng Is lInn I ) ' eBtnblishod In a locality It Is a SOl'I. OilS I1Ilstnlo to close up over ) ' othel' outlet for the mill" But where th ( ' huslncss Is well estalJlIsheli and well comlucted It Is gonel'l1l1) ' 11101'0 II 1'0 ! ll. able to the dalr'man thal1 any other of the usml1 wnj's of dh lIoslng or mt1\-R. \ A. Pearson. Good Cream Necessary. It was once SUllllosccl h ) ' u few )11'0' ) ! : rosBlve creamt'I' ) ' mC'1I thnt n IIl'st. clnsR hullOl'mnlwl' u'.tght toJc \ ahle to mnleo good hutter from haIr ! 'Otten crOUl1l , Later on oxperlence taught UB thnt lhel'o If ! no motholl h ) ' which wo cnn rono\'nto old , o\'el'-rlpe ( ) ( 'cam or mille and II1nlo n deslmhlo 1IrOlluct I frol1l Rall10 , 'l'hel'efot'e It Is or the utmost Imporlance thnt the mille or I CrOll111 rurnlshell the CI'CIUIIOI'Je \ In II , cleun and swect. condition and ! I' ( > ( , frol1l 1111 flll' ( > lglI mlm's , In olcr ( to I , rea'h this rellull It Is necot/sur ) ' for , the huttcrmnler to gliin SOl1l0 lufhlencl' 0\-01' his pntl'ons so that the ) ' will reclvo his I.\strllctlons and feel that . tno ] ' IU'O honofilod-M , l\lol'tenl\n. 'fhe'sllont watches or tlll ) nIght 1I1ust bo the f , WI fm'gl't tll "Inri " 11 , , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - When the lambs Come , As the ewes Inmb bring t.hem Into lhe warm stnble , where the liens hnvo already Iwon prel1UI'cd , examlno the tll1dor , draw Bomo ml1l ( , ao t.hnt tI'c lamh will Iot It 11I01'0 freely , clean all the wool nnd flllll awny from around It , so that the InmJ ! will have 110 trollhlo In goUlng hold or the teat , lJa's A , 0 , Gnmley of Manitoba , If the lumb Is slrong , don't he In too greut a hllrry to get him to suck , ho will soon tlnd a teat , and the less they are handled the hetler. It the lamh Is weal. , nsslst It to the teat , holding It 1111 for a few tlmcs or IIl1tll ho fillds hla lers. It loa weal , to sllcl ( , draw some mllle from the ewe Inlo n warm lea CIIII , feeding two or three spo'on- ful nt a time , until stronl ; enollgh to help Itself. If a Inmb Is chlllod an npparontly lICelesR , pOllr u teaslloon- fill of gin In u lIltlo warm water down Ita throat , nnd Hllhmel'go It once , ull hut the head , In warm water , or } lilt In It warm oven , 'rlw laller , the hot alt. cure , I think Is milch the surest 111nn. I have brollght round lambs In that , vay thnt ha\'o been plclwd Ul fot' dead. Novel' glvo up a Inmb that has heon chilled and no\'or suclccd , without. trrlnJ ; ono or the aforesaid methods for Its recovery ; the chances for that lumh 1I\-lng nro a good deal lJetter thal1 for an ailing lamb a few daj's or a weole old , As the Inmblng progresses , the shepherd wlll ha0 oJsoryed ! tltat some owes are much hea\'ler : ! tllIln other , and that the 11001' mill , . ers very often have twins ; IHlt one or the twins on It ewe with a slnglo lamb and a good mlllmr. The best and caslest plan Is to plcl , out. a ewe giving Indications of lJelng a good moUler , and watch fol' her lambing. . \s soon qs Rho has lamlJed , and be. lOre she IJets up , plnco the twin lamb heslde the now-lJorn lamb , and roll and rub them together , which wlll glye the same apwal'llnce und smell to hoth , and when the ewe turns rOllnd to survey lter progeny , she w1l1 never suspect the fraud , but w1l1 earn , mellco IIcldnl ; both lambs. I ha\'e never seen Ulls plan fall. It a ewe loses her lamb , mnlw her foster 11 twin. RootG ilnd Tubers as Horse Feed. On the quostlon of using roots and tuIJors as Il lIart of the food of borses , u government bullotln says : Car'l'ots , Swedish turnips or ruta- bngas , and other roots Imlll tUJors ! , grcon'ogetnbles. . and fruits contain n high 1I0rcentof water and small amounts of the , lIfferent. classes or nutrlonts , Oenernlly Rpealdng , the ) Iorcentuge o ( crlldo fiber Is smaller than In the green forage crops ; but sInce the lil'oportlon of nutrltl\'o IllU' torlal Is small In comparlHon with the total hulle , they al'o ordinarily referred to as coarse fodder. The use of these muterlals as food for horses bas ! Jeen uttempted nt dIfferent times with \'arylng success , \Jut \ It ia not followed to any gront extent. In this country , though lJuile ommon In Europe. I Tell Iiounds of roots hns lJeen sug' gested as lho ma.muUl quantity whlcb : nny be fpd without unduly dls , tendIng the fltumach or being too laxl1' lI\'e. "AI' .Ilhlltlon of or G poundb of carrots to the dnlly food ration or ordlnnry worlelnS' horses , " Captal11 M. , II , Hayes hellu\'es , "wlllalmost always : he of lJenofit ; nnll :1 : pounds a day will not be too much for I'aco horses , e\'en In the highest state of trulnlng , It Is safoRt to glvo canots sllcod long I. tudlnall ) ' , su that they lUay not sUck III the alllmu1' ! ! gllllot and thus chalco him. " In the opinion or a recent German writel' , aJout ! 12 llOuuds or raw pota. toe pm' 1,000 pounds lI\'e wolght may 1J0 Cell to horses with ad\'antugo and , If SUlllllemenled with Ilroper feed , lhero need bo 110 fear of physiological disturbances , When fed In this IIm0l1l1t the Ilotatoos should be mixed with 11 a ) ' 01Cllt straw to IlIsll1'o their bt'lng Ilrupel'ly choweIr ( \ Hmull , they may ho fell whole ; If lar ( ; ( ' . they I-1holild he sllcelIn \ Imy cuso only 1'lIe ( , heuHhy , IInHIII'outed tubers shouM ho IIsed. It Is said that horses sholllll lIot be watere(1 ( Immedlntely nClCl' a ration contulning potatoes. - - Wnter for the Cows , As R)1rlng ) Is nearly here , the farmer should lJe talilng Into consldoratlon I he SUPIII'ln oC 1111I'0 water for his cows , 'rho dirt ) ' hl'Ool , that runs throllh ; : s01l1e of the pastureH Is not a sultnblo drlnldng 111nce for the cows , It IH alwnj's Hu\Jjeet. \ to contagion bt'ollght to It hj' ether animals and II ) ' lJlrds , In the lh'j' time of slimmer F.omo or thc80 IJroolts so nearly run tlry that the water hecoll1es Rtngnant 1n tills wnter the cows stanl ! some. times for holll's II t u time , It lJecomes tilth ) ' unll a 5ultahle melHum fOl' the do\'clopnu llt of lliRense germs an < l also of genus thnt nffoct the mill , b ) ' } lroduclng ! JItter tla VOl'S , string ) ' consistencies anll 80 forth , l'el' ) ' pasture shollltl he IIl'o\'ldetl wllh troughs In which clln ho found } lure wutel' lit ( ' \'l'I'j' llUl't of + , ho Bummer Heason , " 'hpl'O there Rre IJrool.s , V I' ) ' CrC1lUl'lltl ) ' the hrools can ho dlvcrtld III' cUllt1'01l(111 In Il WU ) ' that will l11ulo Ihem help rertler thlA SOl'vlcl ) , A IIroul. rUllllln unller the cool ground th1'ourh tile 1IIIIes Is Il very 1IlfCer'nt thillfroll1 / a 1J1'001 , rlppllnl ; 0\01' the snrfl1ce anti becoming foule In a h 111111 rell wa's , Wltbout doubt the h ( ' , t wllter for 1I ! 3 cows In the 11I\sturo h that I1I111\ped from a deep w'l1 anll rl1n cool clean trollghs , sl1ch us :11'0 : to 1m se-II : on onr l\'\t \ \ rli. 'ms - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . - - - Walking Suits , ' There Is nothing slI1arter for a wnll , . Inl ; or trn\'ellr.I ; suit than hI licIt and whllo shephord's tarlnn. It Iloos not show wear or dust , and alwuj's looks trIm anrl Ileal. This lIltlo suit Is made wllh n full ) , Iulled sldrtthllt clenrs the ground bj' He\'oral ll1ches. It Is laid In l1eep IIlnlts that nt'o sUtch ell down n IIttlo way from the wnlst. It la nnlshed ut the bollom with a IlcC'hem. \ . 'I'ho jnclct IH II short hex cent , with colinI' 1\1111 cuffs of whlto hl'oudcloth slrnplled wllh haIr Inch wIde bands of Iucle Yel\'et.I'lhhon. 'l'hero nro 1I11'C'e } locleel ! ! 011 the cent piped 111'0111I11 with hlacle'e1'et , unl1 the flnpH decol'aloll with clolll covered buttons. 'I'ho ones which fastoll the : : oat nrc very 1l1rgo , an.1 haYo hlacle -.el\'et rlbholl on thom III n cross do- sign. 'rho jauntj' I1h' o ! this costume Is very strlldng , nnd It 'Would 1J0 a useful - ful suit to allY one. Pretty Weddings. Color effect Is gl'eally studied nowa. dOj's at wedding ceremonlos , and the reslilt Is often delightful. Rod and whlto weddings ha\'e hoen much in \'oguo dlll'lnl ; tlte l1ull willter months , with desirable result , and the 1I1l1e llUges with ! Jrlght-hued elouls slung over the shouldol' , ( )1' tin ) ' hl'llle- maidens In moh caps , flowered fl'ocls and muslin aprons , scatler'lng plnl , und red roses , have lent a charming 1)lcturesqlleness to the IJrlde and her surroundings. Consldel'lng the , number or fashion. nble weddings whIch ha\'e tulwn 111ace recently , the varlet ) . Introlhlced Into the functions has lJeen 1Itt10 short of surprisIng. One of lhe preltlest 1'0- suits WIIS achlevetl at a I'ecent cerc. many. when the snowj'.gowned hl'lde wus accompl1nled b ) ' a tl'Uln or ! Jrldos. l11alds attired In'er ) ' shalle of pin ! ; , I'I1nglng from the mosl dellcnto wild- I'OSO tone to that of lhe deepest cl'lm- 60n. r - - - For Fall' Golfers , - . . . . - I Golfing costUl110 or green une ! whlt I White cloUI stt'allplngs and grcen ! pipings. White hat with grccn'elvet : bnlul , Pale Tints to Have Vogue. AR ono noles carofull- the yarlous l1ew fabrleR a1ll1 1I10dC'R In s"rln - < 1'ls- 1)luys It heeollws II nutle'uhle fuet thnt the all.whllo fad IH heln III'eaell : , ; hard rot' IIrst Illace h ) ' the heuutlful pale tluts now HO a1'tlHtlcalloIn'eRented : In dulnt ) ' stun' ! > fot' It111nlll's IIIHpectlon , In the new trunSlll\l'cltt cottons , In the pineapple cloths an.1 . the \'rj' Hne ! Ja- lIsto and linens the dellcato plnl.s and hlucs , rt'(1l1s'an.1 lavcndorH 111'0 most daintily wroulht IJI' printed. and whllo of COll1'8e tile ull-whlto gown wl\1 \ bo n fa\'orlto III the tiummer II'I'8 ward. robe , It will not 1I10nopolle hOl' fanc ) ' as II did lust summer" Handsome Street Gown. A hnndfiomo street gown Is of mam'e cloth , A hip 'ClI\O formcll of slltchC'cl ! Jnnds or eloth tits snugl ) ' and fl1stC'nH with golll hul tons n trlflo to the left. ' 1'he 1J0cllco Is fashioned after the snmeIlea \ , the stitched stral1s gl\'llI effect , closing on thl' Hlcle to COI'l'HIIOIUI ! with shirt Ilocorntlon , 'fhc slt'e\'el are sl III 1131'1:0' : tl'l'l1lell anel the 1111' [ ; < > ' . loose puff which falls from ulbow IJ ! at. tlwhell to a nnrrow cuff , 'I'he collar Is also 11II1do of Rtilchod Htntl111 IInli rold. en hrown slllln , the latter h'lng usell ror the d01'11 ll'tlle nnd stlll'f , which Is IInlsheli with lll'Own Rill , frlngo , - - - Blouse Problems. The ( IImcnltios of the hlouso prob. 10111 are grenter thnn thu ) ' usell to be. for , unlosH of II vet'j' smart order , wo i do not. 1 > 0ell1 anxious to ha\'o much In I the wa ) ' or collars. The hour of the trnnRlmr 'I1 " 01:0 find decollete necl ( (01'1:1) ' Wel\r Is happll ' o ve , 1' , though . . - - , ' . therc are still a few womC'n who per. slst In fihowlng favor to thla most In. congl'nons fashion. High collars are dc I'lgenr now I1nd e\'n our cnpes and rnJlles ha\'e softening pllsso cfrocts hronght up high lit the IJncl o ( the IIccl ; , held In place lJy a bucl\e \ ; they m'e HometllneH c\'en finished with a wldoIecllcl collar. For Young Girls. With one white and ono colored o\'onl1ll ; gown II girl ma ) ' go to uno' lIumhel' of lIances throngh Il season , and 1001 , smartly gowned , for chnng. Inl ; the trImming of the wllist 'wlth lace hOI' j1a. chilTon tlchu , or dllTerent artlficlnl Ilo\\'OI'S , mnlws the gown 1001 , 111\0 now each time. 'I'he 11I'oson t fashIon - Ion of wide belts of dll'l'cl'ont colorR heltls ImmenHel : . ' , too , \\hallglng the appearance or n gown ; 1pulo IJluo holt InHlcad of pink and lJ\uo \ Hewers on the waist anll II lact' bel'tha In8toall of u Hchll worl , wondors.-lIal1ler's Dazal' . . , - - Rose ! ! for Hat Trimmings. "A gooll oHlI'lch fall malwH u good tlower sprIng" Is IIn old HUj'lng with milliners , and the sprlnl ; of 1104 { will henr out the tl'llth of this stutement. Hoses promise to tl1l\O Ilw lead. ' 1'he lIny lJutlon'nrlety , In slnglc and dou- hie gal'lands , ellgo the brims. enclrc1e the CI'OWn ! ; 01' othel"\vlse trim the hats. [ edlum slr-e ruses arc used as gurnl- tll1'e in single or double wreaths , and largo roses arc often used slnglo- : , When the large lIower Is omploj'ud tiny green leU\'OR 1J0rderln& ; the IJrlms l11alo a charmIng olTect. Dainty Maid's Stocl < s. A pl'elly device fOl' loeplng the tWl'nlieth contur . ' ' ' : gh'l's white stocks and Htarched collan ; Immuculate when not encirellllg her fall' throat Is made of a rounel haslet. Llnolth sJof \ \ dellcato hue , with an Intel'lInhtg of wad.llng , slll'lnlded with sacllOt po\\ " dol' . A circular IIlece of IInstelJoard co\'el'C'd IInd wnddell serves for a lid. and also as a cOII\'enlcnt I'esllng place for the fanc ) ' pins \01'11 at the front and lJacl , or the stocl ; collars. . . - - - Old-Fa hlol1ed Fancy RevIved. An olll.fu hI011C'd fancy which ltas heen re\'h'ell agaIn Is the darned lIet one , A IJI'Olty tahle co\'er was made from a ] llece or net. a ) 'a(1 ( ( square. A lIanow hem was turned UII all IIrollnd the edgl' 3nll cO\-or'od wllh a fiat lace hrald. Inside the hem was a simple dal'nell ho ( ' ( I 01' . ClIshlont ; of darned not al'o also pOllUlal' , us are ccntor' pieces , doilies , plana scarfs , cUI'tulns and pOI'tlOI'1'OS. Smart Little Spring Coats. TIlt' sln'lng coats are ! Jl'oadcloth or yol\'elcen. the longo , ] llaln sacquo st 'lo. single-breasted and wlthollt col. lul's , And the hnts arc 1110deratelr low. round comers and wldo IJrlms. and al'o often gardcns of tiny fiowers or fields of wa\'lng I'lhhon loops. Blacl , chll ) w111 ho much worn wllh all colors , of dl'essC's and 1'01' all occasions. Sailors - ors have the wldo , IIp'clIl'\'ln IJl'lm and aI' 1110st orton o ( line straw. - - - Styles In Sleeves. Th ( ' Rlpove , mnde or u thin materIal , nnll differing from that of the gown , iR se'n in the lutest Imported models. This Is sometimes the full sleeve of Jnco In a sill , or crepe gown , Ag'uln , It mar ho of net , spangled 01' plain , , ami of an enlh'ely dlfferont color from I that o ( the rest of the custume , lIang. Ing sl eves of chiffon Inside others or sme are \'el' ) ' stylish und elTecll\'c for hull costUlUOS , Dainty Unlined Waists. Yel'O' : dainty waists of pleated chiffon 01' cl'epe do chine 1l\'C' \ made 1n the \In- lined sl'le. ' 1'he pleutlng' Is set Into a Ileop ) 'ole , whl'h falls wol1 0\01' the top of the shouldl'r , Bodices or chiffon Illso huve the IJlented pnrt failing loose In holel'o Rt'le , nrlll the loweI' part of 1)laln l'hlffon , whIch Is almost. hId don hy the fl'J\\ \ \ , - - - Skirts of Many Patterns. Shlrt'l : ' are or mnll ) ' ImtternR , Some are smooth tlttlng round the hips , ! Jut In to others creeps the Ylctorlan full. \leSH. \ Some of these full sldrts hn\'o Ihe width hold In lJy plaits to the lI pth of a hll ) ) 'oll > , Some ha\'o a lIat ) ' 010 and front Imnel sot In , the full. ness sturthl on the sides at the lower cdge of the ) 'olle , A Novel Pen Rack , A 110\01 lIon l'I1el. . sulled for 11 hand. some 11111'111' ) ' tahle In IL hOllso lighted hy electl'lclty , Iii In the shape of IL low trough of Hlonna colored mnjollca. At the \Jilek \ oC the trough , on Its edge , m'e souted two hllnlhll ; UWIH , with lumlnouH oyeH , the IIht [ 1J0ing sup. plied by hidden oloctrlc bulbs. . Shaped and Stitched Bands. Shapcd nnll stltehod hnnds of the matel'lal maliC n slmplo but pretty fin. Ish for nn afternoon sult. 'l'hoj' ollt- lIne fronts , Cllrrs and cnpo of the bolero and the edC' s or the sl.lrt anI ) of ull tlollnces. - - - "Monster" Belt Pins , Some of the now holt pln8 show 1110nstol'S und g1"tesquo hoadR , SIIS' gesti\'o of lho Jup < tI1ese bronzes. ' 1'he dl'l1\ ' : : : : ; ; Is cal'I1ed out In gold anti some color oulitned with blnclc or sold , . ' : , . ' " . ' " . . . , . . . - . . . _ _ - I I ' How's This ? We n1'er ! OM IIl1ndre,1 Dollar n/'tfArd for " ' " C 'O or l.aturh tbat cannot be cured , 11.\1' . Ioatarrb Cure , F. J. CIn : r.Y & CO" TOlelo. O. WI' , the u"lculllnerl have Imol'/n . ' . .1. ( ; ene , . tn. till' IAH 13 3'onrUBi bolleve him perfl'cll1 hOb' orablo In all "u lnr UlnlacUona and t\nRnclall \ , aJlo : to carrl ou IIny obligations 11111 < 10 by hl Dnn. W.4LIII'III : , JCI : < r Al & IAJtV/N , WOO1elllio JJrtllljtIRl : , TlJlrll" O. 111111' . CAtArrh ( 'jure h takl'lI loterl111111 , Actio , IlIre"1I1 " u\on ( the "luIYI Rn,1 mucouo ourfACI'S ur the 'yoh'III , Tt tlmonlala Irnl free. l'rlco 70 CCD\.I par I , boHII' . Hol,1 , bl' RIIlJrUi1l1lat. , , 1"11(0 Ihll" to'a1l11111'1II' tor constipation. , Anywar. 0111 mnitls don't ha\'e to ' ; 0 ! down stairs at 3 o'clock In the morn- f ing to let In a man who tried to open the front door with a lruule lWy , . j " 'Ul1glcwStlclc IAUNUltY LUF : ' , "on't spill , bt'CIIfreezo \ not. s\lot \ clothc ! ! . Costil 10 cents and cquals o ccnts , vorth ot ! nny otllot. hlulllg' , If 'Olll' , ; roecr docs 110t . I Iwo\llt \ send 1\e \ ) fo'l' salUple to 'rho Laundry , Blue Co" H lIclllKlIlI Street , Chicago , "Hew to the IIno , let the chh1s fall wh I'e 1I1C'Y mu ) ' ! " When the dnys 19 done the boo\les \ on Iho IIno have ac. cumulated most or the chillS. V'wls' . . Slnftle Binder" Htralght 5cclgnr. PrIce to dealers : ! Ooo } IeI' 1If , 'l'hey cost Homu 1I10re thlm othm' brawls , but 110 mora limn a good lie citcar shoul cost. Lc"ls' . Factor ) ' , PeorIa , Ill. You have 10 hancllo some people with 1,111 g10\'e5 , othp.r with boxln gloves , other ! ! wllh hnre flHtS and the I'est wltlt nn old-fashioned ax handle. It you don't gel the biggest nnlt best It's your own Cnult. Defirmco Starch Is for saIl } e\'erywhere nnd there Is positively nothing to cqual tt In Iluallly or quantlt ) ' . The only effectlvo criticism of a pOOl' religion Is the creatlqln of a better - ter ono , , , f The hlll-llOster acqulrcs n. grent many stucle-up notions In bls busl- nos When n mnn Is sntlsflod ho madl' a. l1lstalo lJy man'j'lng , he Isn't salls- tied , Goolis are among the least of the rewards for goodness , The 'World's Greatest Railway. Under the title of " 1'he Great SIberian - berian Railway , " James \V. DavIdson , 1 l" " . It. d. s. . Unlled Stales Consul at Antung , Manchuria , will give much valualJle Information In the Alrll Cen. tury about "tho greatest railway which the wodd has ever seen , " Trav- el'rs on the great SllJcrlan railway will find the many days on the train wonderully comfortalJlc. For It. , passengers - sengers the train do luxe plans to provide - vide brass bedsteads , prlvato tollet rooms , lJaths , g'mnaslum , electric fans and lights , sleam heat , and a hand. somelj' fumlsM.ed drawing 1'00111. 1\11' . Davidson estlmntes that ono may enjoy all this luxury from Paris to Dalny or Poldn for not over $280 , Including sleeper , food and all Incidental ex. penses. Before arithmetic was Invented peo- pIa multlpllcd on the face of the earth. , Physicians Use CarrIer Plgcons. Country Physicians In many. In- : : : tances ha\'o adcpted the use of pigeons as messengers. A physician ralscs a loCI. oC carriers , and when ho \'Islts a patient four or tlve mlles away ho carrIes with him It. lJasket containIng - ? ( ' Ing ono of hlB birds , If dnngerous sj'mptoms arise In the ! lIght or th" followIng day the 111geon Is roleasel1 with a message. Some physicians wIth Jong cOlin try rautio'S carry hall a doen or 1110re of these pigeons Oti their l'Ollllds and leave one at each place , A dally report of the dlrrorent cases can thus bo olJtalned by plgoon service , 1'hls sOl'vlco has also been extended on largo 'Vestern farms. Sarno farmers recel\'o dally ropol'ts of the marlwts from 1I10 city In this way when there are no telephone or tele- gl'al111 wlrp.s to send the messages. All that Is required Is a trip to the city once a fortnight to carry baele the IJlrds and some one In the city to wrllo 1I10 relJOI'ls and release the pigeons , How a woman does 111m to tall , about the dolllgil and the sayings of the man of wholU she is fond. In the Spring. ' IJowndell , 1\10" April 4th-1\rs , II. C , Harty of this place , says : . " 1"01' : rears I was In very lJad health. E\'ory spring I would ! ; ot so low that I was unalJlo to do my own worle , I seemed to lJo worse In the 5prln ; ; than any other tlmo of the year. I was very weak nnd miserable and hnd . much pain In my bacle and head. I , I SloW Dodd's Indne ) ' Pills ad\'ortlsod lal > t spring and lJegan trentment at I them and they ha\'o certainly llano mo I maI'o good than nnrthlng 1 have ever used. "I was all right last spring and felt J ! better than I ha\'e for over ton years. ' 1 am IItty years ot ago and am Btrong. or today than. I ha\'e been for many j' : and I give Dodd's Kidney Pills credit for the wonderful Impro\'o- U\l1nt. " 'l'he stalement ofIrs. . Harty Is only one of a great 111any where Dodcl'R Kidney Pills have Iro\'en themselves to lJe the very lJest spring medicine. They are unsurpassed as II tonIc al1ll are the only medicine used la thou. sauds of fa l1Ios , , I noUced a woman chewing gum once dlll'lng the progress of Il mlle race , 'rho ruro was run In 1 : .13 , She covered the dlstnnco In 1 : 40 lint. The United Iutual Hall Ins , Ass'n . " IR the oldosl , IB the strongest , Is the hest ; has llah $1C 9OOOOO moro for losses thnn the comlJll1cd paj'ments of nil other cOl11pnnloR. Paid $5:1- : 59 ,10 lu ID03 , lIns 1)l11d $200,911,80 for 105ses since lis organization. Wants good representatives In every pr lnct. Address Homo Office , llG I SO'ith lOth Street , 1.111001nlob , / . fl _ . . . . " , , , - , , > 0. _ . . . , . . _ " _ ,