. . - . - - . _ . T-- - - - - . ( USTfR COUNTY R PUBUCAn ) . . - . By D. M. AMSBERRY. DUOKE DOW , ' - . NImnASKA , - fNews i Bdef I :11 : - - : - - I .Johll 1It'hel1 wt:1 : 1101 talw 1'1II11'gO of the strl1\1' In Colorlldo , : \llIrlln D , WOlwho ( \ fol' thlrty.l1\'o ' of the \\'Ist , fI'l\.l'lI \ WIUI 1111'111 1lI111111Cl' ! ' ' ' lit } , "II' rll Ulllull 'I'l'1I''Illlh \ ( 'O\11ll1lny \ mil City , lo" IIled of pI' lll'lIls , I1gell 50 yem'ft , Allolher' mlllhill'1'llIl ( 'I'lsls 1ft Imml. tllP 1lI'wnt coall. 1It'lIt : 111 Chill' , 111111 BOil oC parlll1 ) ! In the enhhH'tII \ proh. IIhly give way to a III'W 11111'1) ' , fOl'mocl ' . ) C the IIherlll elemelll , . Hellul'ls hI0 \ heen 1'1(1 a : ' ] ' 0' 1,10 from PIli ! ; Yllng to the ef1'l Ihat. \l'hOI1 \ the Jnpnnell' ! ! H'quls t'ntel'd Wlju Oil SUllda ) ' last the ) ' fouIIII the lown Ilusort1 ! hy the HUSBlIlI1H , At Scho\1wtnc\y \ \ , , y"lIght. . hun. red emlllo'cli of Ihe Gl'lIeral 1 le'trl ( ' /'om / 1'1\11) ' ' st ruclt he'auw the com pliny refullcel to IIll1chnrgo \nlon mnll who had boon finqd for \'Iolntlon of a union rulc , : \Injor , John 1" nlUlngl'r..cormer COli' ul general 10 "Iolltrenl , Is RcrlouRly III at hOYllltll1 \ In St. .J0501Ih , " 10 , Ho IIIHlerwent a slll'Slcal olJeration IL few :11\'s : ago , whl'h haH lcft him In a \rentl \ : ) . exhllustUtI cOllllltlon , 'I'ho sccretary of war hils 11Irected Ihnt porml510n ! he grallted to the IIrmy Young Ien's Christian nssoclll' tlon to eBtahllsh Its worlt at the varl. oUS 110stll or the l\I'mr In the Unltell States anll In the Philippine Islands. Burton nlatloon , formcrlr stnh. ! : Jenatonnel extreasurer of the Wator- ton Sa\'lngs IHlnl' , 1)leadell guilly In the sUllI'cmo court al Wlnsted , Conn" to fou\ \ ' charges of malt1l1g falso. en' tries In lho hoolls of the savings hanle. 'fho Sllprenw court of Ohio has af. l1\'med \ the nmllcts of the Lucas coun' t ) ' court In the cases of Albert and Den Wade , hrothel's , who are lindoI' f Ontenco of death for the mllrdor ot Kato Su1l\van \ at. Toledo sevcral : , 'ears I ' ago , Alread ) ' AIton D , ParleeI' has 233 Ilelegates to the New Yorlt state can- \'ontlon to select delegates to the na , tlonul democrntlc convention , 'fhls Is a. majorlt ) ' of the state convention , which will bo coml10sol1 of 4 O I1ele , 1ates , In thc course of the budget 11ISCUS' cion In Calcutta. . the viceroy , Lord Curzon of Keel1oston , In an offeetlvG speech , reviewed the last five years'of 111I1Ian administration nnd declared It was hlH eXIH'OSIl Intention to return to . Inella , "Dr , " Dowlc's Zion Cltr Is profiting hr the strllw now gOing on In the 1I1g printIng and l1\1bllRhlng hOllscs of Chi , cagofho omlloyors ) a.ro . senlllng helr boolthlndlng worlc to outsldo owns , and a grea.l quantllr Is going to Zion , 'fhe result. of the vote In the varl- NI9 1\tlC'hlgan locals of the United MlnQ Worltors of America Rhow that \ho \ 11roposltlon of the operators won 'Jut h ) ' a la\'ge \ majorlt ) ' , ' { 'he result Insures harmonr In the l\lIchlgan dls- trlcl' for two : , 'oars , i Senator Simonu Introduced a hll1 to create a )1ermanont ) commission to In' \'estlgato the sevornl executlvo dopart. monts of the governnHmt. It lrovlde9 for a commlR310n of five persons , not 11101'0 thau three to 110 memllors of the sa11l0 llOlItlcal purty , Among the many generous I'osponses whleh are coming to the CountosR CIIB' Alnl for thc fall' to be held In Wash , Ington onIny ! G , for the honefit of the RusRlnn Hell Crolls , were two cheelts which came from Now Yorlc , ono for $1,000 nnd the ether for $ OO. Prosldent Hoosevolt aUll Represonta , tlvo Hull , chalrnll\n of the military af , filiI's commltteo of the house , discuss , cd a bill which provides hllhor raule for arm ) ' challalus , In which the pres , ! tlont Is Interested , It Is urod ! that ' 3ufilclout 11I'o\'lslon Is not made In the Ilrosont law for rewarding an ) ' arm ) chaillains for meritorious ser\'lces , A letter was recol\'ed h ) ' 1\Ia'or WeUs of St. l..ouls from CommllndO ! .10hn Huhbard of the gunhont Nl\sh , vllle , now at PcusaC'ola , 1 la. . Rn'lng thut ho had heon authorized to un , nOnce to the 1\l\I lOrltleR or St. Louis thn t the I a V.r department hnd decillcd to send a torpedo hont destro'r to St. Louis under escort of the Nnsh \11I0 , The warshllS will roach St. Louis I\hout April 23 , 'rho prestlent ! hns Ilardo\1'll Leonard Alverson , Wnlter , HolTmlln nud Will , 1am " 'nderninn , con\'lctl'd In New Iex , 2c0 of llOstomco l'olJhfjl'Y , uUII Rt'ntenc cd to ten : , 'el\\'I \ ; ' Imprisonment , 01 which the ) ' ha\'e sen'cd ull II\I nlnu months , These pllrllonR 111'0 grnnlc on the earnest roC'omml'ndllllon of thu governor of No11exlco , the Wl\rdOlI of the ponltontlary IIlld the 11It > tl'lct I\t I torney nlld trlul jude , , hCCI\1I80 of tlH unusually good conduct of tlle 1II'IsoII era. era.At At San Francisco , Geono HarlOl surrendo\'cd \ himself to the IIOUCt' , sn ) ' I hi ! ; that ho was wantell In 1.lleas COIIIl 1 tt , Ohto , on chuno of emh zzlemen of ' 1,100 of the collnt : ) " " fllndl , III was formerl ) ' county olerle nnd ! ! 1l'S h- - left' 'I'oledo on Ol'taiJe27 / , coming III rect to SlIn } . ranclsco , John P. Whlto , Irostlent ! of the lowl 1\11110 Worlters , and Chl\rles II , lIlor\'l \ ) ) resldent of the lowll Opl\'atonf a 111 > 11 claUon , ha\'e called a second confol . ence , ' 1'ho conference Will : ! asled fo h ) ' , the minors and Is talten to mel1l thllt the IItrlkors : will submit Ilml th , strl1eo bo settled soon. - - . FIGHT AT SEA RUMORED ENGAGEIV"ENT OF THE RESPECTIVE SQUADRONS. - HOTHItIG OFFICIAL IS KrmWN. . - Believed Japanese Fleet Is Covering ; Arrangements for a Ncw Landlng- British and- American Newsp"per . Correspondents Held Up , - PAllIS-'I'hl' SI. Petel'shllrg COITO' sponllent of The I < 'I\C \ ) 110 Pnrls snys thnt Admtl'l1lInltnroff : wont olll from Port Arthlll' Satllrdll ) ' mornIng , a JUI' ) lUll'Sslluullroll hu\'llIg been slSlIullod liS In Iho olllng , It Is rlllllorcll , thc' eorresll0\1I1cllt \ sn 'n , that It SCIl fight. loolt 1lace , , hilt nOlhlng ( 'ollcornlllg It 1M ollldally IOIOWII , Looking for New Landing , LONDON-A cOr\'cspolI(1cllt \ ( of the "rl/11ell / at Wol 11111 Wol. cahllng IInllor PI'hIIlY'S Ilnte , Rn'S that the I'csllit of It week'A CrUIAI' IlIuls him 10 hC'lIevc that the .JIlIII\nORe fleet It ! ell gaged In l'overlllg lll'I'allgl'nH'lIls for It new Innel' IlIg of the troolls recellt1y mohlllzel ! . A dose hloc\I1lll' ] of Port Arthllr Is 1I0t. 1IIl1ll1tallll'II , III'OslI/11nhl / ) ' hecallso of Illformutlon rogardlng the stnto of the chalillcl. COI'talnly 1111 to the Iros- Cllt no , Japallese tral1flol'tt ) ! ha\'o ell. tcrl'd the gllif of Po Chi } I. Correspondents Held Up , SgOUIr-The Rteamer Sl\Jnlllo \ 0 1\lnl'll \ culled III at Chemlllpo to tnlce 011 h ard 300 lIIeli bolonglllg to the FlrRt dlvlRlon , 'rhe newslnper ) corre. RlOlldolltR ) Oil hOl1l'el the SlIl11lnoye 1\Ial'lI W01'O 1I0t IlCrmltted to lund allt ! . Al.L IN WAT.RV ! GRAVES. Threc Men Drowned While Returning from i1 Hunting Trip , 0\IA1IA-J. : W , j'elllloll. W. M , lIullltlllK ullel Bm\l \ < 'y Baxlel' , ul1 of Council Olliffi' ' ! wpm drowllOl1 In Laltl' ! \Iunllwlt 10'1'1111 ; ) ' ( ' \'l'lIlng h ' the o\'cr , tlll'lIll1of / I hll 1'01IHlat. . In whleh I hc ) ' hlld SllClit 'hl' ' urtm'nooll hllntln/ / { , 'I'he ) ' 1\1'(1 rl'IIII'nllito / the IHL\'llIon whl.'n theh' houl wu caught 111 the trollgh of I hl ! high \\'a VCS'I1lseel hY the tc/'l'IlIc / whlll Ihat swept ncrosl ! the IlIlw. 'I'he drowlling OCCI\J'I'elt \ u shmt. ( lis. tallce olT 1 he IlOlnt of lallli oPllOslto the lIlv\llon. ) \ Uohel'l Bl'own. who lI\'es alllInuwII : Iml' " 111111 who HlW : the 1IIl'II III I he watur. ) lilt 01T with It hOllt 10 tlll'lr reSCIIl' , Ho fOI\JIII \ 1'111' 1ll'1I IIl1d Baxter cllllging to tholr O\'e/ / ' . 1111'1\1'11 h01l1. J Il1sl < II\H Ilnel hel.'n swclt ) nWII ' hy the WI1VOS , Ill'own fOllnl1 It IIl1pOH\lhlu ! \ toIt. / . clther Illto Ihe heat wlthollt dangur of H'IIIIIllnglnd ) be. gllll towing 1'IIIIIell to Hhore , Plnncll cllnglllS to the sl ( > 1'11 of UrowII's hout. Abollt fc.l'ly feet fl'J/11 / the lalldlllg Plllllel ] , chlllcel by lho Icy watNs , slllllUll ) fl'Om Ihl' IlOat IInll sanle. He did 1I0t rise , IIl1fl IIrter' It Hhort Rearch Drown rowed hncle uflcH' Bnxlel' , 110 , 1.00 , had IIIHnlllUm'cd. ) I . VIEWS ON STATEHOOD BILL , - Majorlty nnd Minority ReportG Are Submitted , W ASlIINGTON-Mujorlty allll mi. n01'lty views 011 the Htlltehood bill , I'e. cently I'elol'ted ) 1'1'011I the hOllso com. J1lltlee 011 tI/'rltorICf / , wore filell by HeIH'CSl't1t.nllved-IIamllton of lIchlgan and Iooll of Tellllessol. ' , l'eslJectl\'el ) ' , . . ! OIE IN A WREGK I ROSEBUD SIOUX'KiLLED IN , 'A II AILRO D CCIDrNT. I MAIL AND EXPRESS COLLIDE A Number Killed Outright and Others So Badly Injured that They Will Die -Accident Si1ld to Ee Caused by a Fog , ClICAGO-Two ! 111Ulongl'I' ! ! ImlllA on 1IH' Chl'ago & Norlhwoslem l'allwll : " ; l'olllrl'el hptween .lIell'osc llIll'lt and I 1r1)\\'IIOII 'fhursdn ) ' , A'cordlng to ropol'ts I'ecol\'ud at the 1'1'11 l'1'II I HupOl'lntl.'ndonl's ofll'o In Chi. cngo I ho , vrcl'l'a call/1cll / h ' the fog. Tr'alns NOH , G anll 10 wore In I ho wreck , . Thl' tmlntl which l'lIlIIded WCl'e the Ol''goll expreS9 an(1 the fast mall on the Chlcngo & Northwestern 1'I\lIwn ) ' , Thl' OXJll'ess tl'/lin / was run Into h ) ' II\ ( ' mall \1'lIln \ , Both trnills wm'o east- hounl ! . l'h 'sll'Inns WOI' ( ' IH'omptl ) ' hurried to I tile scene , As soon as ) losslhle the 'Injured ' were talwn 10 In'wood and Chlcagc , All the victims or the wreclt were IndlanR , 'rho dead arc : 1\11I eel Head , sltllll crushed ; Philip ll'Ontall , , II' " body erllsholl ; Thomas Come Lllsl bOllv crushed , The Injured arc : Big Chief Whlllhorso , bodr crushed and legs brolwn , will die ; Luther SI ilndlng Bear , erllsled ] , abollt bOlly and head , will die' Annlo Go03eface. crushed - ed alJout bodv will die ; Mrs , 'fhomas Come LaFit , wife of one of the 1\1l1ed , cuI. about head and shoulders ; ' 1'0111' mlo Come Last , ( j rellrs old , son of I THE EASTERN BATTLE GROUND , , . , \ : = , . ; . . \ O CO , BA. . . . . r/lOopr- . . . . " K CJiv.r.rJ.4iY 7"h'QO.Ar0000 a. . COl'l'CSllOndent who was hero wailing to go forward with the .Japanese t rOOlls < < was rofusoll permission to embnrlt on the steamCl' , A dlslatch ) from 'roltlo , dated April 1 , sllirl the first llarty of con'esllOml. ents , conslstlllg of sixteen 1110n , most. . I ) ' British /lnll Americans , had lefl I 'roltlo that da ) ' fo1110 \ front , and that I tlor ) would sail from : \lojl , ,1al1n , on April G for an unlmown destination , Whllo the departure of these news. 1)11101' men from Mojl has not heon I'e. ported , Ilosslhl ) ' hecause of the Jal1n. ese censorship , It Is posslhle that the correspO\lIlonts roferrcl to In the ahovo 11IsIJlltch Ilre these who were I to hnvo left lojl last WodneRda ) ' . Chonl1lll10 Is Ilbout a two days' run fl'om Mojl , It has been snlrl also that correspondents - spondonts who attel1111tell to go forward - ward contrnry to the wishes of the Japanese nuthorltles would not. he af. foreled the fnclllties , ; Ivon to writers who walte < < lunlll thc authorltlcs wel'o ready to have them 1110ve , BANDIT'S SWEETHEART DEAD , Girl Who Refused the Hand of James Younger Expires In Oklahoma , ST , PAUrr-Word hns heen I'c'ol\- ed In this city of the Ileath In Olda. homa of Miss Allee .J. Muller , a(111 Imown newspaper writer alld Iluthol' . Miss MullCl' was : ! ! ) 'cnrs of nge and had sllCfered fl'ol1\ consulllPtlon for some time , At the time of the sulchlo of .Tomes Youngel' , the former bllndlt , It was stnted thnt 0110 of the < < 'nsuses lealllng to the act wns his Inllhllily to Illarry IIRSIullol' : , She at one time ( 'on. dm'lod weold ' ' In Los , a ) 1)11101' Ango I los and was later on the stalT of a Salt l.alw CIl ) ' nO\\'SI11101' , She was the nuthor of several hoolts , Princess Edward Passes Away. BI HI..I--Prlncess 1 llwllrd f Saxe. Welmur dlell hero Sl1IlIla ) ' of nCllte 11\1 \ oUl11onla , Deet Sugar Made In 1903 , NEW YOU K-'fhe annual ml'etlng of Iho stocltho1tlers of the An1l'I'll'an IIm.t SUgnl' COI1\IJIln ) ' was hold 'I'lIes , [ ) dll ) ' In , Iel'soy City , 'l'he 0111 ( lh''C'tOl'R I' werl' electell with tilO excoptloll that. . . 1 r. Hlol11nll Duval WIIS ( 'hosoll to ! ! uc. : \ l'O,11 , J. AI'chlbalcl 1\I11\Ta ) ' , The re. llOrt of Prcshlont HOllr ) ' to Oxnard " showed Ihat during the season of IOa..1 ! ) [ ) the romlll\n ) ' producell 81.11 3- ) O ( pOl1\1l1R of refilled sugnr , 'rhe ( 'qmlll1n ) ' OWIIS faelurl f ! III Ca1lfol'l\ln , Colol'lllio alill Nehrasl < n , Ilnd Is l'1I111- tllll ( 'd II t $20,000,000 , \11' , Hamilton reviews the provisions 1 ) f the bill at length and urges the 1 11OCOSHIty IInd justlco of admlttlllg the 10111' terrltor'les as two stlltes , 'rho mlnorll ) ' vlows arc slglled by I [ { epresentatl'e8Ioon : , J..1o'd , Hohlll' , on (11111. ( ) and 'fhnyer , After a lengthy discussion of the bl1l the mi. 1IOI'lIly conchllied with this expression : "Should the ropubllcan Inl't ) ' pass this hl1l , wlclted as It Is , In the deliial Jf ellual rights , In reprosentatlon and 1IlII'lIsan In all of Its mntel'lal details , It will but ufford another Indecent ox. I\mllie \ of the SUPIresslon of Inlllvid. lilli , tel'l'ltorlal and nntlOlllll rights to subser\'o lIarllslln ends , E\'en more than that , It Is a surrelldor of the j Ilowel' that so\'erelgn states would ex. OI'clso In the unloll If the constltu. tlonal methods were followed In the ndmlsHlon of states , It minimizeR the Inl1l1ollco of the west alld southwest In tho. cltadol of federal 110wor-tho United States 8011\\te , " GREET STRIKERS WITH GUNS , Armed Citizens at Telluride Violate Court Injunction , ' { 'gl I UIUDE , Colo-1'ho dele lltlon of 'fclhrl'ldo minors , who have bt'on 1I\'lng at Oum ) ' , returned hel'C , At lho atatlon the train was met 11) ' a cOl'don of troops and 200 nrmell cltl. zens appeared on the scene and su I'ounded the troolS IInd tmln , ' ) , ho unlunlsts were Bepl\mted from the IH\Ssongors as they allHhted senr1lOd IInd IIl1ed UII nlollg the stll'tlon pillt. 1'01'111 , 'fhey were marched ullder es. cort. of the l1'oOIS to the opem house where the ) ' WCl'O given SUIIIIl'r , At ! ) o'doelt they were returned to Ilw train. Comll\lllllled b ) ' Geneml Uell , a detail ot' thlrt ) ' SOItIlC1I's IIlso bUllI'eled the tralu , which starteel for Hldgoway , the first RtaUon Ollt. The IJIlI'tclplltlou ! of lll < ' cltlzonR uf Tol- lurhle In tUlllght's IIffalr hrlngs them III 1III'OCt vloilltion of the Injllll't\ulI \ Issued h ) ' JUIlge SlonH of Ollra ) ' , John q , S , Harrison Dead , INDlA APOIIS , Ind-John Clevos Short lIlll'l'lson , fOl' mllllII1rs a wol1 Imown citizen of InlllallalJlIH , strlclt. i en wllh pnl'rll'sls : oI\l a ) ' , Apl'lI 0\ \ , I IIII'll at Los Angelo ! ! , CII1. lIe WIlS ho\'l1 at Vlnl'ennos. IlId" 1\In ) ' 7 , IS2 ! ) , the (111) ' ehlld of Benjomlll IInd Louisa Smith ( Bollllor ) Harrison ulld grand. HOII of Preslc1ent'l1l1l1m II on 1' ) ' liar. risen , 110 was ml\llo a gm'l'I'limolit ( lh'cC'tor of the Union Pl\clfio railroad lo\'ell ! ) 'ears 11Ildel' Proslllol1t O\'l1nt \ Ilnll one ) ' ( lar under President Hn'os , the ( Icld : , head bumped and believed to have been made temlJor'arlly Insane fro\l1 \ fright ; Samm ) ' Lone Dear , head cut anll body hrulsod ; . Abraham Good. crow cut alJout head ; Blind Eagle , cut about head by fiying glass ; I.IHlo Ellt , head cut and brulsl ; Chnrge the Enemy , head cut and hody hrulsed ; Hell Chief HIgh Benr , at the head ot the dolegatlon of Sioux , severely crushed about the bed ) ' : \VllIlnm Sitting - ting Bull , son of Chief Slttlllg Dull , 27 years old , sorlollsl ) ' Injured , ' 1'ho ' each ( ' ntalnng tito Ilidiam was 11 IIChl 11a ) ' car. It was com- Illetol ) ' wrecl\Cd , The roar end of the coach ahead was also damaged , Aftel' ' 'lhe collision the IHlssongers III the other conches of the two traills hurried - ried to the reHCUe , Ilnd after a hard struggle pulled thom from heneath the wreclage , Chief Whitehorse , In charge of the Indians on the train , was fntnlly In. jured , 'fhe lJolllos of t'he Indians who had llOCII Itllled outright were laid on thOo 11I'1\\1'le \ beside tht' tracle Chlcf Whltehorso being carried willi them. lIe snld ho lenew that death was near , and l'eCjuosted that he lie placed nel\r his dend coml1l1nlons , Tho' chief was IH'olJped UI ) and sat stolclllly while Ihyslclolls worl\'el over his Injuries , lIe smolwd a plpo qui 011) ' allli showed no signs of the llI1ln ho m\1st. hllvo heen HUfferlng. Ono hy ono the ether Injured Indian ! ! were slowly talwn from the sllllntored cnr find 1)lacell on the grJund near theh' dying chief alHI dead comrados. The physicians hurrlell from one to anothelof the Injured. administering to the wants of nil , whllo amngementR we1'o being lIIallo to taltO thom to the nearest hos lilt ai , ' ! ' 11l ! Indians were from the reSOl'\'a- tlon IleaHushvlllc \ , Noh. . and Iholr journey enst was 1J\'lmarll \ ' for show II\I'IIOSOS \ In Europe , Persons who WOl'O ou the tmln Raltl that the collision unquestlonahly W:11:1 : the result of Ihe dense fog which strelchl1t1 fl'om Lal\O lIchlgan mnn ) ' miles westward , Sugtr Fnctory Moves West. DlNGIIA II''l'ON , N , Y-Tho welt of Illsmnntllng the Dlnghnmlton bl'ct sugar factor ' , willch Is to ho remo\'ed to Blllcllfool. nlnghllm county , Idaho , wll1 ho hl'gun wlthlll a few days , The change Is mOllo hocauso It hall been dllI1cult to IOrsul\lle the fllrmers In this locllllty to mise enough beets to succ03sful1) ' OlCrnto the plnnt. The Il1l1ho 6011 I\nd climate 11.1'0 well alln1)t. OIl to 1J ot culltu'o I\nl1 farmora there 111'0 ener to mnl\O contmcts to ralso enough to suppl ) ' the ( nctor ) ' . WORK ON DIETRICH r.EPORT. genator Platt Now Engaged In Writ. Ing the Findings of Committee. W ASIIINO'J'ON.--SC'IIIIIOl' Platt of one'lIcut hegl\n writing his 1'\101'1. \ Jr Iha Dlelrlch I'UH' 1"1'1111Whllo :110 : rOjlol't hils hell elhll'ollntecl In "Iew : , f the cvltlPIH'e hl'OlIght Ollt at tht' trial o ( the /'ase , In/'I'cst. / ho\\'e\'ol' , contel's In I he'orillng of the docu- ment. JIISt. how far the cOllll1lltll'o will go and wholhl'I' It. will clIlI lit. ton lion to the falllll'o of Sllml1r's \ 10 prove llr hh ; WltIWlRlS things which he Sllllc(1 ( that Ill' l'oulel Iro\'o Is IlroblelllutlclIl , Un < ) uestlonnhl ) ' the \'erlilct will I'olle\'o Senatm' DI"OI/'kh of responsibility , although occasion mn ) ' ho tlllll'n to Indkate the cOl1lmll. ' teo's views re al'dlng the l1Ialdng ( II' .eases and I1Il1ltlng 0 ; postmasters as vell , It Is I hought. that the cOlllmlt. ; 00 wilt hl\ve It moetlng early next . ' 1eelt to hear Senntor' Platt'H report. The llrOCehll'e nftl'l' the l'eporl has 'Jeen ) Iresentoll to the senate Is the Game as any olhl'I' report , differing "Illy " In IIml. It Is not attllched to 1\ bllt , hul reports to t he senate find. Ings of fact. which the sennto will : ulopt nnd the Dietrich case will be a closet ! Incident. SENTENCES RALPH. BURTON. Knn&.1S Senator Given Six Montl1s In Jail \nd Fine of $2,500 , S1' . LOUIS-United States Senatm' J , Ralph Burton of Knnsas was on Wel1nesda ) ' scntenced to six months' Imprisonment In the Iron county jail :11111 : ! 1ned $2,500 , after havlllg bcen onvlcted of IIslng his Infiuence before the postofllce department In behalf of the Hllllto Grain and Sccurltles com- )11111) ) " of Sl. Louis and having received ll(1)'ment ( from the compan : , ' for his sOl'\'lce8 , Senatol- Burton , accompanlod b ) ' his leading aHomey. .1udge Chostcr II : 1\rul1l : , came Into the United Statcs district court at 12 : 30 o'clocle. A case was being trlod and Judge Adams granted a rccess In that case to take UI' the Durton ( 'ase , Judge A ams summonel1 Durton to stand up , and then slJOlw of the notlons that had been filell for a new trial and for 9.rrest of jUdgment. The court , aftel' hrlefiy rovlewlng the motions , over. ruled thel1hoth , 'rho court then said . to 'the ' defqndant : "Havo ' .ou an'thlng to say as to why sOl1tonce should not he passed upon : "Oll ? " Trembling Ilnll evl enth' suppress. Ing his omotlons with a strong effort , Senator Burton stood leaning with hoth hands on the bac1t of a chair as 1:0 said : "Your honor will please allow mete to I'espectfuliy Ilecllne to say an " thing , " CHLOROFORMED PASSENGERS , Pickpocket Arrested on a Hoek IGland TraJ'n , DES MOINES , la-One of the most original plclepoclwts ever to operate In the west was captured on a Rocl , Islllnd passenger truln 1eal' Center. vl11e , With a. rag and cotton wOllnd around hlll : forefinger , as though it wore Injured , 110 saturated It with chloroform and sat down hy the side of a drowsr IJIlssenger , Opening a paper he became Interested In a story and soon . warl < ed his I1llgzr near enough his victim to cause an unnatural - ural stuIOr , l1e hll11 vlctlmlze ( } several - eral passengers when arrested hy de. tectlves , In his grip was 10llnd Imol'I- out drops and otheprof03slonal \ ma. terial. President Fires Hawali"n Judge , WASHINGTON-John W , Kahm , Uulted Stlltes judge of the Second c\1' \ . cult of Honolulu , on 'l'hUl'8day was l'e1110ved from olflco by President Roosevelt , Rdcently an Intimation was conveyed to JUIge } Kalua that on the explrallon of his term ou , Iuly next ho woulel not he l'eappollltel1 , A few dnys ago the judge practlcaJl ' SIlS- pended the work of his COIII't by a- Journlng a1l pending criminal ( 'rUles until June G , the da ) ' aflm' the l'X , I1lratlon of his term of ome/ ; ' , Strike Becomes General. LATROBE , Pa-Headed hy a brasH banel , strllclng miners of the LO 'III Hanna. Coni and Caito ( 'ol11pany marched to the points about Latrolll' today and succeeded In malln , ; 1I1l' strUto Innugumte on l\londny eu , 0\111. \ It Is estlmatod that : I , OO men are out , All hut three miners of Ihe Saxman Interests ! \l'O \ Idle and the worltlng forces of the others ha\'o been crlpplee } . So aggressl\'o ha\'o the strllwrs hecome In theil' efforts to Indllco mo I\to Iult ) WOl'I , that Shor . , Iff Trechol' , , ; a8 allilellied to , Hanna Memorial In Ohio , COI.H\1BUS : , O-1'ho joInt leglsla , tI\'e committee on the Hanna 1\1emo. 'rial day excl'clses hns annollnced AI\11 \ 20 as the date fo\ \ ' holding the l'XCI' , elses , Senntol' Dicit wl11 tell\'el' : thl ! momorlal ornllon , Russians Along the TUl11en HiveI' . SEOUI-Tolegmms have heen 1'0' colvod hol'o sa'lng that the Uusslans are OCcuI'lng six of the Inrgest hol" del' towns on the Tumen rlvol' , 11\ northeastern Cort'a , A Corean Ill'efect has Eent In 11. I'e. 110l't that the Hussluns and Chhll'fit' , who were at YongamlJO , Cm'clhl'o \ withdrawn to AntlllH , across the Ynlu rl\'er , Onl ) ' a fuw mcrchants remnln at the formel' ) llace , 'fho , Iallal\eso a\\tIlOl'ltlos. ha\'o 110 confirmation of a reported engagement between HilS , slanH and Japunoso at Keml Sung' , , . free to Twenty-rive La ies. The DefJa.nce . Starch Co , will 111'8 ! 25 Indies n round trip tlclot to the t3t. Louis ExpoBltlon , to five Indies In each or the following states : 1111. nols , Iowa , Nobraslen , Kansas nnd Missouri who will send III the la'Lcst. number or trade marls cut { rom II. ten cent , ) G.ounco paclcnge of Dofillnco cold water lnundry stnrch. 'fhle menns from ) 'our own homo , an- . where In the above named ctntes , 'fhoso trade marltR must 110 mnlled to and rocol\'ed hy the Defiance Stnrch Co" Omahn. , Nebr" before September , 1st , 1904 , October anl1 November win be the bCBt months to'IBlt the Exposition , Hem ember that Defiance ' \ Is the only starcn IJIlt up 1G oz , (11. ( . , ( fun pound ) to the paclcngo , You gel \ I onethlrd moro Btarcll for the same money thnn or nny other lclnd , nd Defiance nOVel' sticks to the Iron , 'rho tlcltets to the Exposition will be Be.nt by registered mall September 6th. St.nrch for sale by an dealon. I " 'omen of the world ne\'er use harsh exprosslolls when condemning tholr 1'1\11.10 , Lllw the savage , they hurl elo- . ' 1 " gant arrow , ornamented with feathers : of purple and nzure , but with poisoned , ' ( I polnts-Chamfort , I J It's funnv how much more extravagant - gant It seems to talto your own sister to a 25cent lecture than nn ol Rchool , chum to a champagne dlnner-New York ! ) rcss , , A ear of mntrlmony often gives , poor little Cupid a bllde case of paint- er's colle , But even poor Matrimony m:1Y : not be as bal1 as pain te , Women who wish they could swear wonder why men laugh at them , The frontrsplece of the Aprl1 St. Nicholas Is a half.tone reproduction from a Copley print or "Dorothy , " as I wlnsomo a little lass as ever sat for her picture , The original portmlt was by L 'dla Field Emmett , Temple Ballo"s stories ahvn1's please ) 'oufig real1ers , and "Tho General's Easter Box" Is seasonable and cheery , well worth the second reading It Is sure to have , Anne : \lcQueen's "A Work at Art" Is a quaint story of a quaint little mnl en of long ago , a tale good , enough to bo truo. Every girl and boy , of whatever age , will be Intensely Interested In the two Hobinson Cru. see artlelos , "The Author of 'Robinson Crusoe' , " h ) ' 'V. n , Northrop , an "Robinson Crusoe's Island Two Hun. dred Years Later , " b ) ' Francis I\rn01l1 Collins , Some people seems always sure they are right and then o the ether thing. Am 1 In favor or expansion ? Ever ) ' . thing that grows expands , See how thl\ State Farmers'Iutual : lnsuranco COlllpany of South Omaha Il11s grown , Jan , 1 ; 189G wo ha . . . . . . $ fiO,215O ( ) 1897 we had , , , . , . ,138,850.00 1898 we had , . . . . _ 2jG,1G5OO ( ! ) IS ! ) ! ) we had" , . , . 4,2 'I,375OO 1)00 ! ) wo had , . . . . . 7,538l73.0 ! ( ) 1)01 ! ) wo hall" . . . . 1 O,4S0,483OO 1)02 ! ) we had" , . . . 13,541,3G7OO 1)03 ! ) we had" . , . . IG,413,8GOO ! ) 1904' wo had , , , . . . 18,41 G,388.32 Don't : ron think yon would Hke to bel ng to a IIvo Company IlkI. ihls ? ' ' " WrIte the Secretary , D. n. Stouffer , - South Omaha. Nebr. There Is no 'merit In sacrifice do- voll1 of service. The brilliant manner In which the pUblishers or Ever 'bot1"s J\lagazlne have handle the subject of the St. Louis C'Xposltion afforl1s a clcw to the success or the publication. The April number opens with Iln article on "The Greatest 'Vorl 's Fall' , " and the two men most able to do tbe subject jus. tlco have treated It. David It Francis prosldont or the exposition company , furnishes the text , and Vernon Howe , Dalley , the distinguished ) 'oun" artist , has do no the illustrations , Ono Is toldlllld shown-In the most tnterootlng way just what to expect at St. Louis In May , an the prospect Is amazing. Lessons are for our learning rather than our lilting , For 51,05 lUoney Ordor. The John A , Salzer Seed Co. , La : Crosse , 'Vis" mall postpaId 15 trees. consIsting ot AprlcotR. Apples. Crabs , Cherries , Plums , Peachcs nnd Pears , just the thinE ; ' tor IL clly or country garden , Includln the great Dlsmnrk Apple , nil hardy " 'Isconsln stock. IlrB sent you tree upon receipt at $1.65 , AND rOR 1jo ( Ai1J TUlS NOTICE , you get sufficient seed at Celery. Carrot - rot , Cabbage , Onion , Lettuce , Hadlsb and l lower Seeds to furnish bushel" ot choice flowers and lots at vegcta1Jle9 tor a big Caml1) ' , together with our great plant Ilnd seed cataogW. ) N. U , ) , A IIttlo vim In religion is worth Q lot or vision , I Try One Package. It "Defillnce StlU'ch" doel ! not please you , return It to your dcaler. It It docs ) ' 0\\ get one-third more tor the same mane ) ' , It will glvo yon satisfaction , and will nol stick to th Iron , No good Is found' In 11. difcultr ! by the man who crawls aroun it , , , You ne\'er hoar nny ono compl.l ! ! ] about "Dofiance Starch , " 'fhcre I. none to OQulll It In qUllm ) , and quan. tlty , 1G uncos , 10 cents , Try It DO\ ! ' a.nd save your mouey , I Kindness Is lJom of our scnse of Itlnshlj ) to all , , I PI so's Cure CIlDDOt bo too hhhly BpollPD at as I'couch curc.-J , W. O'1I1m' ' : : ! , 32'J Tblrd Avo. . _ I : .11nDClpolls : , MIDIl..Jan. 6 , lDOO. , I Heart. Iccel1lng Is the secret of happy I houseleeplng , j ' Try me just once and I arn sure to como ugaln , Defance Starch , 'fho hnersensltl\'e ure upt to be wholly sclfislJ. , - - " ' . . . . . . " ' . " . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - .