Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, April 14, 1904, Image 1
. . I . G . . . J. . _ . . USTER 'OUNTY . EPUBLIC N ' . ESTABLISHED 1882. THE OFFICIAL PAPER OF CUSTER COUNTY. LARGES1' CIRCULATION OF ANY PAPER IN 1'HE COUNTY. . _ . . VOL. XXII. BROKEN _ BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY } APRIL 14 , 1904.--EIGHT PAGES. NO. 441 1 - I . - . Eye troubles Qre best Q\'oided by the use of roper glasses. These can be ha here in quick. I , est tiwt ! aud at taoderate cost. I . EYE TESTS are 1 1ade free. Modem scieu. I tific instruments are used. This eliminates all possibility of er- rors. Headaches caused by eye train give much trouble to students - I dents and school childreu. The use of lasses of the ' right strength will generally . . giye immediate relief. We sell r i th e .tFd I * f' , I . . , . . . . . School Books. Tablets -.1.NO- School Supplies , . . ' -A.'f- J , Q. Haeberle's ; _ . . - - - - - - - - I bave $1,500.00 private mone to loan on well improved .farms J at'a low rat of , interest. 44-45' E. C. HousH. - For firs t-c1 ass decoratingpaint- , ing or paper banging , call on A. . C. Hapgood at Grand Central . . , . [ . Hotel. All . work guaranteed. FouND-A child's purse. Call at this oOice. llanks CIOII Ar1Jur Da ; . 'l'he Banks of Broken Bow will be closed Arbor Day and the public is requested to be governed - ed accordingly. Collc2'C NC'VH Virgil Stroud , a member of the busi- % 1C5S department , hils left for his home in Wyoming. Misi Read , instructor in the shorthand dttpartment , was absent Thursday on account - count of sickness. Kathryn Moore has bee working in the office of Mr. Cameron during the absence of Miss Z6hn. Pearl Zahn is absent from college , hav. ing gone to Ocouto to work in the Ocon- to Bank for about a week. J. D. Pinnel , oue of Custer county's most prominent teachers , gave the Coll- ege'a pleasant call Thursday morning. He was on his way \Vj'oming , wbere ( we wish him every success. Jl1s. nirtwell , our congenial janitor fo [ the past month , ended his college course last Friday , and has gone to accept a p sition in a hote1at Loup City , Nebr. Mr. Birtwell is 11 rustler and always makes a success of whateyer he under. takes. Mr. Bass succeeds him I1S janitor at the college. : : : : : : : : - Roosevelt League meeting first and third Fr flay nights. of each munth. Warren lang of' the West Table , was a social caller at this office Saturday. Elmer Bass of Anselmo , was in the city Tuesday , the guest of his brother , Dr. Bass. Monday was another windy day , but Tuesda } ' was fine c ough to make up for the bad. The sour must be endured with the sweet. John H. H. and Oliver Cross of Ansl y , were city visitors the latter part of last week. The EPUDI.ICAN acknowledges .a .w lcome call. . 1 , G. B. Bouder has sold his grocery store toT. . L. Phillips , who recently came bere from Omaba and bougbt O. H. Con- rads tank factory. \ S. A. Runyan and Harry Coff- tllan of Mason , were city visitors Tuesday. We understand that Harry transacted important business - ness with the county judge. Mrs. Mary Gandy called 1'ues- day and had her subscription advanced - vanced and ordered the REPUDII- CAN' sent to her sun F. .0. Gandy of Little Rock , Washington. Mrs. j. H. 'Valburn of McKinley - Kinley , went to .Hastings last Saturday to visit rel tives. She accompanied her sister home , who has been visiting with her for some time past. Mrs. 'V. D. Grant and children arrived Saturday morning from Illinois , where they have been temporarily located for the past two or three years. Their many friends are plea2ed to welcome the prodigals. At the close of J. H. Walburn's school at McKinlev , two weeks ago , the patr ms of tbe district visited Him 'at noon with well filled baskets and a pleasant picnic - nic lunch was enjoyed by all. A fine program was rendered In th afternoon by the .scbool and a good time was enjoyed by all. Mr. Walburn has been honered witb the position . of postmaster at McKinley. Dr. Brenizer has been doing a , good cattle business since tbe first of I.he year. He has sold fifteen registered Short Horn bulls. Mr. Brenizer makes a speci lty of breeding the best strains the country affords and his cattle enl } ' have to be seen to con vice the prospecth'e purchaser - , er that he has what he wants. He only has a few left but they .are good ones. A number of the Masonic Fraternity of this city want to' ' Mason Sunday to assist iu the the funeral -of Ee1. 'Villiams , Sunday afternoon. The deceased - ed was a member of the Mason City lodge. He was the father of Mrs. F. A. Amsberry. A large crowd was in attendance. Rev. Wagner preached tbe funeral in the 1\1. E. church. His remains were laid to rest on Frank Ams- berry's farm three miles west of . Mas'on , beside his wife who had : prcceeded him. Those that went , I ( own from this city were : A. . Morgan , J. T. Wood , Joe MoIV- neux , M. K. Hagadorn and D. M. Amsberry. - - - - - - - - " " "t"'tJJ"t"'ti""t"ttt"tttt'ttt""tttt"t" " " " " " " " " " ' " " " ' " " " , " , ' , " " , " " - : : : : ' " , --II' " , . . . " , , , : - : : : B'.Lo k- 8'rell - - - - \ - - E 'Ve willi give the following prizes for the persons :3 bringing us the .largest amount of eggs between this and _ the first of May. . ' . ' _ - - = = 1st prize-lOO pounds granulated sugar. :3 : : : : : : : 2nd prize-lOO . pounds best flour. = = , - - e. 3d pnze-one case tomatoes. = = _ 4th prize-l0 pounds coffee. : : : : : = = 5tb prize-one dozen cans of orn. = = , And we will also give the one pa ing us th most = = money on account , or' for goods or both , between now and :3 : = = the first of July , $10 In cash. : : : : " = = We also have a lot of nice Queensware in transit , that = = . . ' e we are goingto give away to our customers. :3 : . ' 'E ' Yours for business , = = ' \ : : : : : : : : I , , I ' . L The Star Crocery Co. . . .t. ' . . l11111111111il111t1111111111111111 11111111111111111il111111111t1i1111 ! . . Leo De3n was an Ansley visi. . tor Sunday. Attoney R. A. Moore went to Mason City Sunday. J. F. Bryson of Georgetown , was a social caller at this office Monday. H. W. George has bought the Kirkpatrick property west of the 1\1. E. church. 'l'he wind last Friday played havock with a numb r of windmills - mills in this vicinit } , . 'V. H. Jones , proprietor of the Dunning hotel , made this otnce a business call Tuesday. 1\1cWarrington of 1\1aso11 City , was in the city several days last 'week as witness in the saloon case. Swift's Pride Soap l ngthens the life of yourc1othes. It keeps them fresh and clean. Order some for Monday's wash. A. C. Hapgood of Boston , painter and paper hanger has located in the city to work at his trade. His headquarters are at the Grand Central Hotel. Robt. Led wich , who recen tly moved to the city , we understand has bought nine acres of ground adjoining the city on the east of Ras Anderson and will build in the near future. The pubhc schools will give an entertainment at the opera house Friday evening , April 15. The proceeds will be used for library purposes. All are c rdi- a ly inited. : Admission , adults , 25c ; chddren , 15c. A. R. Humphrey and J. , R. Dean were elected members of the school board. la 't week. They being tbe o ly ca'n ! d'ates there was no question of the result - sult and we failed" to geB' the vote , when the vote was canvassed - sed by the election bo\td. ! Jobn Reese left TJesd y for WashinRton , D. C. He will.visit his daugbter , Mrs. W. Q. Chapman - man , at Chicago ont his return. The Judgt ? 'hopes to be ame . t give tbe Kinkaid a lift while in W Bhington. He has leave of absence to May 5. , \ , . , . J. E. Adamson has im1tal1ed a a lead cable , contai'ning ' 100' ins - s lated wires from the telephone office to Anderson's corner 011 Fifth Avenue. It t kes uf about half tbe wires on that line. He hopes in tbe near future tJ extend the cable to corner. Miss Mabel Hall writes thai Mrs. M. Morris , preceptor of thf Chicago Baptist Training Sc40011 died suddenly recently. Mrs , Morris has been connected wi tl1 this school for a number of year ! and her death will be mourneC : by many wbo have known of hel faithful work in the scbool , We republish the statement oj the Bank of Commerce this wee ! to correct an error made las1 week by the bank clerk. It wm a new blank on which he mad ( out the report a1,1d instead "Tota' deposits , " was the printed line "Due to state and private bank ! and bankers , " which made th report show an indebte 1ess thai was not warranted by t1le facts , The County Court w s occupi ed last Friday and Saturday iI trying the Mason City saloon case which bas been on the dock ct for some time. The complain' ' was for running a saroon withou1 legal license ; for keeping gambl ing devises ; for sellinl ; to minors The question of keepmg gambl ing devices was tried' by jury , The jury brQught in a verdict 0 guilty. A jury was secured tc try tbe question of selling t < minors , but was dismissed as thl prosecution found that if the' succeeded in proving tbat tb license granted was not lega that tbev - had no case agains them violation of their licen see Tbe question of legality 0 the license was tried before thj : court , but he will not pass UpOI : the question until tomorrow I I : I . . TbOUKlutul nan. i M. M. Austi- f WincbesteI : Ind. , knew what to do in tll hour of need. His wife had suc : an unusual case of stomach an , liver trouble , physicians could nJ help her. He tbought of an tried Dr. King's New Life Pill and the got relief at once an was finally cured , Only 2Sc. II e Bros. D i Storc. RtI'ORT : : 01" 'I'UE CONI > lTION , I 0. Tilt : I : Bank COllll11erCe , , ; O ( Broken lIow , Nell. . Chal1lr No. 700. Incorpor. ated In th State of Ncbraska , : It tbe closl IIf tln lness March 17tll , 191 > > : I KESOUMCUS : , Loaull and DI.count8. . . . . . . . . ' " . . . $ 13 I Overdraft' , 8t'cured and uusccured , . . 225 51 Stock..gecllrIUesjullaDlcnl. cl:111118.ctc : ; 163 16 Other allct'll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S4 31 Banklull' lIou'e furniture and U\tnreJ : SOO 00 Other real .ulale. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. ' < 1 00 Cnrrent espollses anl1 taxes l1all1. . . 8-14 91 Cosh ! teN' , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1110'1 Due from Natloual , State lIud I'rlvatl' ! Janka and bnnken. . . , . . . . $ 1S'1 Ib " Cbeck.andltelll'llofucllllnile 656S Ca. b. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 J 6 27 I TOlal . caah on h:1I111 : . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 U : ) I 'rota 1 . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 't 26 21 7 . LI.\BILU'lRII : Capital stock paid In. . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . ! 15 l100 00 I UndlvldelI1rfit8 , . . . . . . . " . . . . . , . . . . . . Q(1 ( , 2Q Individual deposits subject tocheck. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ . Ii 772 n Demand certifIcates of dl" po'lt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . 12U2t. 'l'otaldepoRlts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to UI518 1111111 [ I\\ble : , . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ 1 l\\J . - OU 'l'olal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 26 1121 .li STATR' OF CALIFONN1.l" . . COUNT\ Los ANORLR8II'I. I , 1M. . RUBLER , . preshlellt ofthe abo\ 1I:1l11e.1 : , tlank , do lIolemnl ) swear that the . above state. , ment I , orrect and a true COIl ) of the re 110 rt : made 10 tbo Stale Uanklull Uoard. , P. 1\1. HuuLlm. PI. : . , j C. J. STEVCNS , Dllcctor. , Attest. 1 F. M. RUBLES , Director. : Sutlscrlbed and "worn to tleforc me this 28th I day of March. 1m. W. N. lIAMAKEK , : [ SJJAL ) Notary Public. : , , 'rhe point of centention is that : but four members of the village board. voted to grant the license . and two of them were not eligible - I ible to vote as they . had signed the petition. A. E. Anderson has put ill a gas plant of bis own. It gives , e cel1ent service and is not expensive - , pensive to operate. : I . hou'd ' lIavea R llroad . - 1'he citizens of the South I LouP in the vicinity of Georgetown - town , are enthusicastic over the prosp"ects of a railroad in their 'community , The U. P. R. R. " has' ; . ignified a illingness to consld9r a showlUg the comu munit1. ; desires to. make advant- ag t the extension of th road froII11Pleasanton to Georgetown , a distance of thirty miles. , A meeting wai held Tuesday night. . at tbe Downey sch09l hJ : e to ascertain the Wish o I the people" and to gath r.uch . data as would be of material advantage - vantage to the proposed exte'n- sion. An orgamzation was effected - fected by electing P. F. Camp- I bell , chairman ; and Nc George , Secretary. Forty of \ the representative men of tbe community were present - , ent and the sentiment was unan. imous in favor of the extension. The estimate of resources show. ed that tbe 40 present own 4,500 cattle and horses , and 4,600 hogs. It was estimated tha.t the 150 tax payers of Loup township alone represent 15,500 cattle and horses , 16,000 hogs , and have not less than 30,000 acres of land under cultivation , and a flouring mill of 50 barrels capacity , besides - sides the cream industry , which would assume mammouth pro. portions. Not less than fifteen miles extending north and south would be tributary to the proposed extension. Fully two thirds of the territory is now best accommodated by tbe . & M. , but many of them are 20 to 25 mile ! ) distant from the nearest - . est shipping station. A road up the Loup on the proposed . route would develop a large increase - I , - crease of business over the present - sent and make it profitable for the railroad company as well :1S : . . the people along the route. The territory between Pleasanton and Georgetown IS setteled with thrifty people and every community - . munity compares favorably with - Loup township. Many of the most extensive stock raisers and breeders live on the South Loup , . and the REPUBLICAN joins with them in hoping tbeir highest anticipations may be realized. R A.I.TH 18 'Yo'OUTIi. Dl eu.e and Bicknell. . OrlUIe 010 AlCe. Herbine , taken every morning before breakfast , will keep you in robust health , fit you to ward off disease. It cures constipation biliousness , dyspepsia , fever , - skin , liver and kidney complaints. It purifies the blood and clears tbe complexion. Mrs. D. 'V. Smitb , Whltney , Texas , writes April 3 , 1902 : "I have used Her- bine , and find it the best medi. cine for' constipation and liver troubles. It does all you claim 8 for it. I can higbly recommend d it. 50tcs a bottle. Sold by Ed. t I McComal , Broken ow and 'MerAII : " " " " " " "t"'t"'t"t""t' " " " ' " " ' " " " ' + " 'l't't ' ' ' t""Iltlltlltlltlttltt " " " I Bargalnsl I 1. luwe a few Riding cultivutol's curried = = over from last year in good shupe , but u. little :3 weuther beaten , whioh I will offer' you :3 E us long as they last at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 I 00 = = By the time you have read this I will have :3 = = received n car load of Gaul ? and Sulke t Plows 3 = = frcsh from the faotory wInch I um going to sell = = yon at u. price that will make you wonder ho\v it = = ean be done. - = - = 'G-Ineh ' High Lift Sulkey Plow. . $36.00. = = ' 2".neh . High Lift Gang Plow. . . 49.00. = = ' 4-lneh High Lift Gang Plow. . . 60.00. : : : : : - = = 'l'hee ! plows are equal to any made und are fully' :3 . lJCAbout the 10th of April I = = guarantee : : - , ; j = = , \rill \ get a cur load of Riding' Listm's , and' the = = pricu 011 them will be for : : : : : = = 3 = = 2-Wheel Sulkey Lister. . . . . . $36.00. . 3 = = 3 or 4 Wheel Sulkey Lister. . 36.00. = . - - E "The Dealer That Saves You MOlley , " :3 : - : : : : : : C.S.IVIARTIN , Mf ( ! . Agt -AND DEALElt IN- = = ANTI-TRUS'l' GOODS. - 11111111111111111il1il1il1111111il11 + 11111il11il1'111l11111111111t1111il1 ' li'OR SAI.u-M } residence and ] evervthing in housebold goods , : pian'o , etc. Big bargains. If house is lIot sold by June 1st , will lease it. Call afternoons. 44-47 L. E. WII.SON. FOR lots and a few five acre lots in this city. -Allen Reyver. n. I 11'arw Lease. Chattlc Mortga&'C and Warranty Deed blanks at tbis office. - M. ASH , J . &VWIOlWB II , or 'hi ' 1 feara uporilIeo. erlae salea and cake. a lpec1&jtr or aueUoDeorllut or .u . : la lo' . Oall OD or wrlto me at Urolleo HoW , Nebrtllka - ry War ! W r ! Blow ! Blow.l. War ! Blow ! 1'he Eagle .is on .the Blowing one's own w r-path agamst hIgb horn may not be mod- prices and poor goods. est , but it is the life and essence of business. . We desire to blow a little about our canned goods , of which we. carry a full line of fruits , vegetables , meats , fish , etc. Bottled goods , such as catsup , pickles , mustards and sauces of all kinds. We also handle the best grades of coffee there is on the market. Also the best line of dried fruits-just tl1.Y our package - age fruits and corne and get yonr money back if they are not a snccess. snccess.The The Stranger Is as Welcome as the steady customer at our store , and they , as well as children , w111 receive the same fair treatment that we are always on the alert to give to all of our customers. It takes care to prepare a good ml'al and the secret of success is in the selection of the proper place to buy groceries , so don't forget to call at the . Eallie Crocery and leave your order or call up No. 58 , and goods will be de- j ) livered with neatness and dispatch to any part of tbe city. ( brA A . .Mo' ' .ccrJ'.r .h' .ooocccc . OUR CAR OF I , Farm Implements . . . IS now h ere , an d. w b. h webavesome. . . . . . . . . . . . Greed : Bargain.s ! Come in and look them over. IfJ-inch High Lift Sulkey Plows. . . . . . . . . $32.00 4-bar , 30 'rooth Steel 3-Section Harrow. . . 14.50 Culti vators from , , , . . . , . , . , . . . . . . . . . . $11.50 up The Climax Three Wheeled lister J6-The lister that pleases. g A good 11l Harness at. . , . . . . . . . . . . , . . . .U9.00 ) l A good 1 Harness of select stock at. . . . 20.00 On stock saddles we are always right. See our line of saddles for spring. Janesvi11e Barbed Wire 'and Grand Island Field Fencing. Our Motto : "UNDlIKSll . " t.e.t t. Sid : e . ! Nebr..ka.