Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, April 07, 1904, Image 8

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. . . . . . . . . . _ .1
- - - - - 11
- - : - : - T ' : A- = = = ' ' ' - ; l : "
is the
Most Important
. .
'fhe manufacturers of Royal Baking
Powder . have had forLy . years of scientifi
eX\Jenence. \
-Every method of bread-and-cake raising -
ing has been exhaustively 3tudied in this
country and abroad.
rfhe l esult is a perfect product in Royal
. Baking Powder. There is no _ substitute
i for it. The purity and efficiency of '
Royal Baking Powder have been com. .
; , . Inended by the highest authorities.
l' These facts mean two important
; i , : things to all housekeepers : .
i Firs1 : tha.t Royal Baking Powder is
: healthful a.nd maltes wholesome food.
Second : that Royal Baldng Powder
; ' malcs food good to taste.
:1 : ROYAL t , . ,
. . . _
, . ' " . . ' - - - , . - J - -
, ARNOr..O ,
( Too late for last week , )
I. P. Mills took a load of rye
, to Callaway Monday , returning
, Tuesday.
( Walt Mitten and family leave
. Wednesday morning for Buckley ,
Wash. , their future home.
Emery Parsons was to Call.
aay : Monday , returned T esday
I with a load of merchandls and
creamery cans for Parsons & Co.
Lem Gunter and family ( will
leave for California in a few clays
to try to find a place more congenial -
genial to their mode of Iving and
method of farming.
John H. Bail of Logan county ,
went through Arnold with a load
of hogs for Callaway market
Monday , returning Tuesday with
a load for Arnold merchants.
Ja9. Judkins has rented his
farm to Bert Morris. Mr. Jud-
kins will live on his , farm and
take care of his ho s and milch
cows. He will build a fine barn
A. TbouKhtfalltlRU.
M. M. Austin of Winchester ,
Ind. , knew what to do in the
, hour of need. His wife had such I
an unusual case of stomach and
liver trouble , physicians could not
help her. He thought of and
tried Dr. King's New Life Pills
and she got relie ! at once and
was finally cured. Only 2Sc , at
Lee Bros. Drug Store , ,
this spring and make oth r substantial -
stantial , improvements.
Arthur Steele of Powel Canyon -
yon , was in town Monday. He
has had a well put down on his
farm. J. Samuelson did the
work , therefore . it is a good 14C
The M. B. A. 's organized a
lodge at Arnold Monday night ;
with eighteen charter members. ,
This makes seven secret organi.
zations in the small town of
Arnold and but one church or.
ganization , that feels able to pay ;
a pastor support enough to justl.
fy them to take up the work although -
though there is three organized l
churches in the pla e withchurclJ
buildings.II A Qurrie. " WhJ
is it so ?
A naud , . .or .ouruy.
Dr. Bergin , Pana , Ills" writes :
III have used Ballard's Snow
Liniment ; always recommended I
it to my friendi , as I am c nfi.
dent there is no better made. 'Ii
is a dandy for burns. ' Those
who live on farms are espcciall )
liable to many accidental cutsl
burns , bruises , which heal rapid.
ly wben Ballard's Snow Linimenj
is aPIlied. ? It should always be
kept 10 the house for cases oj
I emergency. " 2Sc , SOc , $ t.OC
bottle. Sold by Ed. McComas
Broken Bow and Merna.
- - - -
FOUND-A pair of leather mit
tens. Call at this office.
H -
, Mrs. House k '
( I. . I
Facts are facts and can
not be denied. The quaIL -
: L f : ity and price of our goods
go hand in hand. We
, know what the qual tJ
" ,
" r" . : iSj you also know the
' , quality because the roof
. is in its eating quahties.
\ \ - , Our class of eatables are first-class iu every re-
" , " spect. Nothing in them to give you the sour
, . , ' ' stomach , stomach troubles , etc. , but good , clean ,
pure whole ome foods is what we sell you , and if
properly used will make a child grow strongman -
, , man healthy and the fair sex beautiful. ; e..Re-
member we have a fine linll of wall paper , and
that our trade mark is Pure Old Cider Vinegar.
Yours for Pure Healthy Fooel Products ,
lardea , FJeld and Flower See'ds , Sell Your Cream to J. C. BOWBn
L. .
Clnu'cb tter"ICt ! ' "
Serv les Sunday as usual.
Prcaeh 'ng at 11 a , III. and H p.
111 , Slt.\day School at 10 a. m.
Junior L' . Y. P. U. at 3 p. m , and I
Senior B. Y. P. U. at 7 p , III.
ComlUunion services at 11 a. 111.
Evcning session will uc devoted
to a Sabbath School service for I
which an interesting program
has becn prepared , but reached
this office too late for publication.
'rhc Y. P. S. C. E. at 7 p. m.
M. U , CHURCH. .
'Locl&lcd in the block west of Court
House. Preaching services 11 a. nt. and
7:30 p. nt. Sunday School at 10 u. m.
Junior Epworth League at 3 p. UI , Ep.
worth League at 6:30 : , It is our effort to
make these services attractive and help.
ful , We give you a cordial welcome ,
Gee , P. Trites , pastor. ,
We would be pleased to have you at.
tend these services once aud continue if
you can find something helpful in such
attendance. Sunday School at 10 a. m ,
Scnnon and communIon at 1 I a. m. y , .
P. S , C , E. at 6:30 : p , m" followed by 11 I
practical discourse al 7:30 : p , m. Prayer II I
meeting at 7:30 : each Thursday evening ,
Special music by church members is a
pleasant feature of these : ! erviccs ,
Jesie R. Teagarden , Pastor ,
U.D.CllURcn , I
Owing to the quarantine there
has been no services for two
weels , but next Sunday all the
regular services will be held. F.
C. Marquis will have charge of
the preaching services. Subject
11 a. m. "To Live is Christ. "
Evening subject , "Tbe Spirit
'Vitnesses to the truth , " Junior
Y. P. C. U. at 3:30 : ied by Mrs. .
Soper. Senior Y. P. C , U. 6:30 : , ;
There will also be services at I
Custer Center at the usual hours.I I
All are invited.
We will publish the county
treasurer's statement next week.
A. HellBntlon.
There was a big sensation in
Leesville , Indiana , when W. H.
Brown of that place , who was expected -
pected to die , had his life saved
by Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption. He writes : "I
endured insufferable agonies from
Asthma , but your New Discovery
gave me immediate relief and
soon thereafter effected a complete -
plete cure. " Similar cures of
Consumption , Pneumonia , Bron-
chits and Gri p are numerous.
) It's the peerless remedJ for all
throat and lung trouble : , . Price ,
L SOc , and $1.00. Gua.ranteed , y
Lee Bros" Drugglst. I rial
bo ttles free.
. '
t . . . . . . .
J. C. Moore , abstracting. 2tf
Wyandott eggs 15 for 7S cents.
'Phone 178. MRS. WnISUNRUDItR.
Dr. Headrick , the specialist of
. Omaha , will visit Broken Bow ,
Saturday ; April 16th , at the
. Grand Central Hotel to see his
; patients now under his care. He
will give a free consultation and
_ examinatson to an ) ' others that
t vill come and see him at that
r Before buyipg your spring
, palOts be sure to see ,
- 38tf Lun BROS.
P. J. Simson handles the Iowa
f Separator for the Iowa Creamery
) Co. 43tJ
, FOR SAI.u-Good 8 room house
well and pump , 2 acres ground ,
Three large pastures , 1600
acres for 400 borses and cattle.
$2.00 per season of six months ,
50 cents per month. Six mile !
from Broken Bow.
When you decide to paper yoU ]
house go and see Lee Bros. ' fine
line of samples. 38t :
Insurance that insures.
38tf R. G. MooRn.
See Kay for furniture of al
kinds , toves , tinware , granit
ware , queensware , stove pipe
dampers , coal buckets , shovel
pictures frames , frames made tc
order. JUD KAY.
South Side of Square.
Wheu in need of an Auctione
see or write him.
Drs , Davis 'and Farusworth 0
Grand Island , have ill their oilic ; : ,
all the latest apparatus used il
the treatment of Chronic diseases
includigg' Static , Faradic , ani
Galvanic Electricity and X-Ra'
instruments. Vibratory Mas
sage. Hot air baths for treat
ment of Chronic Rheumatism
Kidney aud Liver diseases. Th
Minin Violet light for treatmen
of Chronic Skin diseases ani
every other instrument requirel
iu making a scientific examin.
Hon and givini proper treatment
The Doctors makt' 110 charge fa
tirst cousultation , 34t
: . . _
.toclc UI Mew RUct Hccoud-Hltud
Good. For " , tic.
Due to the fact that my time
and my attention is needed in
othel' business , I will sell my en-
tire stock of goods. See or write
me. JUD KAV ,
South side of square.
' \V ANTItD-Men witb families.
'l air price and good houses.
34tf West Union , Neb ,
Money t9 loan ou improved
brms.-R. G. MOORR , Gleim
Block , 41tf
Dr. Barnes will be at the Grand
.1 Central , \Vednesday , April 13.
.FOR SAI.E OR 'l'RADu-One U.
S. cream separator. .
40tf A. H. STUCKHV.
W ANTED-Senral lndu trlous orson , In
each etate to travel for house established elenn
'ean and with n 13rll'e capital , to call upon
merchauts and all'ents for ! ! ucceesful and profi.
table line. Permanent enll'all'eme.t , Week\ \ } '
cash salao' of 4 and all travellnll" expenses
and hotel bill. advanced In cash each week ,
-experience not essen tlal , Mention rQference
nnd Qnclose Relf addressed en"elope , ' .rHE
NATIONAL , 33 Dearborn Street , Chlcall'o.
Physician & Surgeon.
I omco III rear ot Ihl ! Dank or Commlllco. nosl.
donco 6tb boose we8t at tbo daptlt ohurch ,
Drokon Dow , NI'braka.
Dlt . n.lJ. & W. . TAtBOT : ,
omoo ovcr nlloh rl"'rI Drllg Storo.
8rolnn Dow , . . Nehralu ,
aDd Duroo Jers07 HOK bred and 801d. 8eat luood
oftbeirclull. Addieu , G. E , C DWElL ,
Jlrokeo Dow , NebrMka
- - - - -
Heal oltAte aud loaD broker. OlUce ID lelm
Ulock , Droken Uow , Nebraska , '
O . lI. OONRAD ,
. . . . . .I > ealer In. . . . I
Pumpa , Wind , Mill" , 'I'anks , l < "lttlnK8 , Gl\8ulln !
Eoglnell , oto. etc. .
Drokon Dow , Nebraska.
. Up-to-date Photographs.
First prize winner at state as.
sociation 1903.
- - - -
J. , T. SNYDER ,
. .
, ANI )
tII . Il I ' . " . . , OTA"Y
ao Ju stlco of the 1 > 88co. Sp6clalaUontoD lI1 ol
to collectlon8 Coposillon8 t.U.fn , penllon vouch
fII neaU7 executed anllnU klnda of legal paporl
wrlthm. O ! o In the rl'ar ot Dank ot Commerce ,
Ihokon ow , tiobrnaka.
IIIgho t marlltt prloe paid for Uutter tat
Light Running. . . . . . . . . .
Empire Cream Separators
Per Hlle. 'I'boue No. 206.
, D. msnop , Ollerator ,
Broken Do1Nebra.ka
Wid ; Bum ; 11''IHi
'rwo blocks north ot Grllud Central 1I0tOlI. I'al
rouago eoUalled. Prlce8 roasouable.
DR. W. H. COLE ,
V eteri narian.
! ' clal aUontjon given to colts , eal ea alld Jllg
tllat a.rc In "n unthrlty condition , ' .1'010
I1hooo No 201. Uesilloaoe , two hloc'ta ' ! "ust c
Bouth Side School 1I0DIO ,
alace : Barber Shop
For first.class work , call at tli Palac
Barher Shop , Everything
I.EO DEAN , Proprietor.
- - - - - - - -
R , 8. . MULLINS , M. 0 ,
Mnke" a Hpeolalty or Drowli and Drld" . . W r1
l'lot's rellsonublu.
All work gUatllntee < I ,
( 'all aud 81'0) 1110 b.rorlljColnlC III tlwherl' .
. OWoo-ln Ihollen lJow lilat" lIank lIolldlnt ,
lIrokonllow , Nebrnab ,
. C , I. , MUI I.ENS ,
_ DR.
. Physician Surgeou.
2nd 8tairIYay"row \feu Imd Iu ltealty II10c
N61deoce , Srd Wtllt 1\1. E , chorob , on 118m81d
ot "reet. I3rlJroken 1I0w , Nebralkl
- - - - - - - - ' - - - -
1f0tt 0Y 8 U9ce1l01'
ItlllllUB .n,1 U , lCulllty 1IIuck , lholloh tillW , Nell
f Il ' " ' . I , ! i'AHNHWOH1 lJ ,
. - um"11 In IiUI tljlI t c..uIr 1I111111y Uh k ,
_ _ , . . .
- - - - - - - - - - - -
. - W A , 1'1101\1 PBOlll ,
. ' ' ' ' .
. CON'I'tAU'l'OIt ! & uIJIt.IIKI' '
1'\1' : ' . allli eatlmatll. ou shouoollc" .
I'mkuulluw , Nobraska.
, . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
DH. C , B. JOD ,
J pNJu . . lui- .
OWe" , III lIulilly Ullick. IIr.t flalu ' .IOUI II
.1411 , .uhlrllue a ,111' fiulpllal.
. . . . . . . , . I . " . , " . . " . . I ,
. -
. ' : . " , " .
, . ' , " . " , ' . . . , " ' . . . ; .
- . . . . : . ' . . . , ' . . ' . ' . , ' . t . . . , ' " , ' ,1' ! . ,
. . , - - .
\UI i : . . .ni"m msJ : J :
is the place to buy Velvets , Velvetines , Laces and gmbroid-
eries-they are elegant aud will please ) 'ou. We also have a
, fine line of 'l'oil-du-nord Ginghams , Percales , and Pebble
Che\'iots , and Cream Cashmere dress goods , See our , line of
I Shoes and Overshoes
ll'or men , women and children , before buying elsewhere , and .
let us save you money. We bave a fine line of
tow Shoes , Slippers and Oxfo : ds ; . (
OU1" notion dep1rtment ! is complete. You will' he satiR-
tied when you see thcm and pleased with the pricc'\ they are
! iold at.Ve have a lot of ,
Men's W 001- nts
that we will sell at a discouut of 10 pcr cent. 'l'be highest
market price paid for eggs at
E. REYNma & COlt ,
q--t/ . i
I - - / . 1-3rok. n Bo\.v , Nebraska. .
1&ii : rtms : : i : : &m ) ; I ( ; : : i : m ! li1 ! : m r {
_ . . . - - - - - - - _ . . _
- -
- - - - . -
Legal Notices.
All I\dortheIDont uod r this head will be
chnrgell tur nt IWI\I rate , vlz : 81.00 ppr IIqullre
tor IIrst In ertlon , IInd 60C per Iqoaro tor 6ach
subseqoet InerUon.
A "square" Is ten IIn08 or traction thereat.
In Connty Court , Within anll forClIsterCoUnlY.
In the matter of.1he eslate of Ueuben Gonlmi'
T , the creditors alld heirs of said estate :
YOIt are hereby notified , That 1 will sit at the
County Court roe III , III IIrollen Bow , In said
coullty on the 7th day ofJay : , 191H , the 9th da ) ' I
of July , 1904 , aud on the 8th day of '
191H , each at 10 o'clock a. m. of each dt october'l
celve anll examine all calms ! : lll"ailist said ee ; .
tate , with a view to their adjultmellt aud '
lowance , and that allowance of widow be hearll
f'n first date a"ove. 'l'he time limited for al'l
llresentatlon of claln18 against salLi estate Is six :
months from the 8th day of April , 1904. allli the
time IImltPll fOl' pa'ment of Llebt' ! Is one year
from saILi date.
Datcli Ihls 6th da ) ' of April. 190-1.
43-46-36 [ SEAL ] J. _ It , . ARMOUR. ConllO' Judlle.
' 1'0 w bom It way concern.
A petition having been fileLi In tue ofiice of
the Connty Clerk askln ! ! " for the vacation of a
road commenclnll' at the corner between sec.
tlons 7 & 8 'rownshlp 17 , Ranll'e 22 and rnnll-
Ing sOllth on section line > 5 mile tllen cast on
sectloullne > 5 ull1e to } corner on the BoUtu
side of Section 7 , Township 17 , Ranll'e 22. AI.
so section line road commenchlll" at the north.
west corner of Section j , aud runnlnl ! " east on
section line nll1e , same Township and Raugu
has reportel1 In favor of the vacation thereof ,
and all objeCtions thereto , or claims for datu.
IIl1'el , must be flied In the CounlY Clerk's offic. !
I Qn or before noon of the 6th day of Juue , 1901 ,
or such road will be vacated without reference
thereto , lu Witness Whereofl have her ullto
Ret lilY h\IId and seal of said county , this 1st
day of April , 190-1. GEO. W. DEWEY ,
County Clerk.
43-46-31 [ SEAL ] Jos. 1'lOllAN , Deputy.
Unltcd States I.and Office. ,
Brokcn Dow. Nebraska , April 5 , 190-1. I
Notice Is hereby Iflven that the followlnll" .
named settler has filed notice of hlslntentlQn tu
. walle final proof In sUlport of his claim. and
that said proof will be wade before Relflstertlld : .
Receiver at Broken Dow , Nebr. , all May 17,190-1 ,
vlz : AI.MON COI.E of Merna , Nebr. . for the
U. E. No. 993 , e see { , s swo ! { S cUon9'l'owlI.
ship 18 North , Ranuc 1 'Veat. lIe names the
followlnll' wUneues to prove hili COUtltlUOUS
n"hlence upon alld cultivation oJ Raid land ,
\ 17. : Sallluel VtnDusklrk of ; \ Iernaebraska ,
lIll1c ) ' G. Swlth ofJerna : , ebraktlIutlr :
) fr. Snyder of Broken Bow , Nebraslca : Sherman
Reedy of Broken Bow , Nebraska.
43.48-35 JAMBS WnTlUlBAD , Rell"lsler.
United States I.and Office. ' .
I.lncoln , Nebraska , March 30,190-1. \
Notice Is hereby II"lvelt that the followlnu'
named settler has filed notice of his .Iutentlon
tc make final proof lu support of his claim ,
aud that said proof will be made before J. A ,
Armour. County Judll'e , at Droken BONe. .
braska on May 19 , 1'/.1. / , -Iz : GEORGE C.
STAN rON , for the northwl'st quarter of Sec.
tlon 8 , Township IS , North Ranae 19 , W st , ll.
E. No. 17SU. lIe namell the following witness.
es to prove his conthluouS residence upon and
cultivation of said land , vlz : James Miller of
Berwyn , Nebraska : 'l'homas'Meslerof Berw } n.
. Nebraska ; Jesse Hopkins of Berwyn , Ne.
. braska : lIulbert Haycraft ofBerwyn , Nebra'Jka.
43-48-3 W. A. GREEN , Rell'lster.
In the DIstrict Court , Caster Coullty Ne1.rallka.
Je8ge C. McNish , Plaintiff.
VL _
Charles A. Betz , el ai ,
, Defel.dauts.
I The defendauts , Charlee ; A. l.Ietz. Alburt I. .
Betz , Elizabeth J , Detz , 'rhe Phonx In nr\llce
_ Company and Mrs. P. n. Plumb , take notice
that on the 28th day of March , 190-1 , Jessie C.
McNish , plair-tiff hllreln filed his petltloll In
the District Court of Caster Count , . , Nebraska ,
all'alnst ! laid dcfelldants and each of them , tile
object and prayer of which petition are to fore.
close a certain Inortlrage executed by the de-
fenllants , CharieR . . - \ . Detz and Elizabeth J.
Betz. . to one 'rank A. Dwinell as payee and
mortla"ee thereof u on the followlllll' descrlh-
ed premlscs , to-wit : w of the ne4' , the se of
_ the ne aud the nd of the se of Sectloll 24 ,
' .rowlIshlp , North Ranae 18. 'Vebt 61h 1'I. ! .
In Custer Connty , Nebraska , to liecnre the payment -
ment of'one certalu promlsClry nOle daled Allrll
2nd , 1889 , for the sum of $100. allli .Iu anl pay.
able lu live years fconi the .Iate thereof. 'l'hat
there Is now dnu npI.n saId nOlc :1.nl1 mortll"al/e
the 6nm of : ; 806.25 with IIIIere8t tllereOIl from
the let day of Jnne , 1904. 'l'hls plaintiff pra'c'l
for a decree thai defendallts be required to pay
the same or that said premlscs above debcrlbed
may bl ! sold to satisfy the allloulit thereof.
Plaintiff here III for a valuable . : onslll r ltlon
has purchased Ihe said note and the morlgage
given to liecure the same and Is now the owner
and hol < ler thereof. The defendants abo\'c
named are each reqnlred to answer said petl.
tlon 011 or Iwfore the 15th day oflay. ! . 190-1 ,
Datcd till' ! 1st day of April , 190-1.
43-46-30 A , R , UU II'JlREY , Att' ) ' . for plaintiff.
The State of NebraRka , l _
Cusler County. r > ; b.
_ To all the Devisees aud I.ellatceb , "nl1 all
persons Interested lu tile Ehtate of Orson 11
Galusha , deceas d. .
Whereas , Mary J. Galusha , ot. Peoria city
and Peoria County , state of Illinois , has filed
In m 'oflice an Instrument purporting to be the'
last will and testament of Orsoll B. Galusha ,
deceased. late of said Peoria County , aforesaid ,
and a petition praying to han the same ad.
mltted to probate , whlcb wilt relat < ! ls to both
renl and.pereonal estate. whcreupon I ha e p.
pointed Friday 'he 6'h day of M"y. A , , D 19H ,
a 10 o'clock a. m. , at ; y office In 'said Custer
county , Nebraska , as the time and l te you
: J.nd all concerned mny appear and contest the
probating of said will. It Is further ordlred
thnt the deposition of Miriam R. U. Maase ) ' ,
one of the sub crlblull' wltnsseo thereto be
taken before competent autborlty at the office
of Sanford Drother& , AttorneYII at law , In the
city of Morrl& , county of Grund ) ' and Hate of
Illinois , on Thursday the Ist , da ) ' of April , A.
D. 1904 , at 10 o'clock In the forenoon.
- Dated this 26th day of March. 191H , at "roken
Bow , Nebraska , J. A. ARMOUR ,
COltnty Judlle of
11-44-26 CUllter County , Nebraska ,
To whom It , nay conceru :
The Commissioner appointed to vlcw a 10al1
pe\ltloned for by J , A. Deitz cowmenclull' on
section line between Sectlol's 1 and 11 , Town.
ship 17 , Ranll"e 21 , about ' 10 rods south of sectloll
_ corner between Sections 10 : J.wJ 11 anl1 and 3
tbence In a lI'enICal southerly dhectloll fOllow.
Inll' the road aa now traveled 'till It 8trillell the
a'orellald &ectlon IIl1e about 23 rods north of
t. &ectlon corner between sect lOlls 10 ani ! 11 ; alld
14 and IS , all In townsllip 17 , ranlle 21 , wellt ,
and to "acate road 011 section IIl1e frolll where
the aforesaid road lea\'es the section IIlIe to
where It Illtersect8 the section 111115 all'all' , haR
reported III favor of the establishment tbereof ,
and all objectlouli therelo , or claims for dam.
all'ee. must be filed In the county clerk'8 office
ou or before nooa of tb. 31st day of May , 1' > 104 ,
or snch road will be established without refer.
enCe th'RIO.
In wltne. . "hereof , 1 hne bereltllto set illY
haad aJld ICII of said connty , Ulis JOth day ut
.t : .larch , 1904 , . 01'0. W. De"e , .
4H 2W [ SEAL ] Can'ler1. . : ,
- ,
- - - - - - - - - -
- - - - = = = - =
J.WAD NU'l\lC1 .
' 1'0'holll It ma ) ' COllcerll :
The commissioner appoinledlu \ IeII' , :11111 If
deemed for the Pllbllc 1C00d , to locale a road
Jotltlooed for b ) ' 11. G. I.ullc al\ll "tlJ"r , com _
menclnlf at Ihe Bonthweit cornel of hectiO/l No.
, township 17 , ra/lC'e : " , ) , 1'1lllnllll ( thellce s'utb (
about 90 l'Od&i the lice \\'c lt'rIY abont ' ; 0 rods ,
thence I'outbea'llerl ) ' tII ge.\loll lIul' IIe'plnit
011 east of draw. rllllnlllll' 1I0rih anLl . .unlh to a
polut about rod'l west of the nll\1theaet corner -
ner of sctlon 30. to\\/lehIP 1' ; , ran ! : ! ! 22 , Ihence
sOllth on sectlull line 01le IIIl1e ; Ihcnce west
abont 90 fIIls , tllellce sOllthwei ! a"onl 30 rods
to IIltel'bect with 1Old No. .li19. at a point about
30 ruds south of tbe lIorthweH cOlllcr uf 'Iec\loo
6 , to\\'nshlp 16 , rallle 22 , ha repollel III favor
of the establl hmellt theleof , anl all objections
tbellto , or claim ! . for dalllall"es. 11I1101Ie flied'
In tbe count . clcllI's ofiice en'or hdore UOOII of
the Jlbt day of May. 1'/.1 / , ur r.uch ro:1I111I be
established wlthuut rcfelCncc thereto ,
In wltne's whereof. I lIa. , he1'tHIIIIU sct m ) '
hand anll I'eal of uhl COI1l1U' . thlR 30lh day of
Marchllj)4. GfO. W. 111,1Conllt ' Clerk ,
4 ' : l5--27 [ SI > Ai.J Jos. 1'1 ( : IA : ; , Deputy ,
United StateR OIl C" . ,
orth Platte , Nebral'ka. March 2ud. 1901. r
NolIl'l ! Is hereby I"lven tnat the followlull
natuell.settler has flied notice of hi. . Intention
. to make fiual proof In support ut hi. . clalm.'and
that said prool will b mad. . before Clerk uf th
District Court of Cuater Couno' . at Drokon
Bow , Nebraska , on May 4th , 1904vlz : JOHN
REESE , who made houlestead entry , No , 17759.
for the sw } nwX nl\ ' swJ { I.ot 4 , Section 1 ;
I.ot I , S ctlon , Township 16 , North Range : ; r ; ; :
. . West. He name ! > the follolvlnll' witnesses 10
prove hll contlunons re"ldeuce upon aud cll1u-
vatlon ot Raid lalld , vlz : Ner llartlo'of Broken
llow , Nebraska : Daniel Harrett of Broken Bow.
Nebra8ka : Charlesll. Jeffords of Broken Bow ,
Neb. . John R. I.onll"flIow of DrokellBow , Neb.
41-46-19 GRO. E. lo'RJjNCII ; , Register.
Unltel ! StateR l.anll Office. ' .
Broken Bow , Nebraska , March 14 , 1904. I
Notice Is hereb ) ' II'lven thrt : the following.
named settler hils filed nutlce of his Intention
to make final proof. In Rupport of , Ills claim , No.
1341 , aOlI thAt Raid proof wl1be 111"de before.
R lrlster and Hecelvcr at Broleen Bow , Nebrali'
ka , on April 22 , 1904 , vlz : CHARI.I S S. 'r0014.
RY , BrokeliBow , Nebrasla. for the nw , , Sec.
tlon ? , 'l'own hlp ISQrth , Ranlle 20 West of
61' . III. lie names the followlnll''ltneSe9 to'
prove ! hili conthluous resldonceupon and cult ( .
, 'atlon of salLi Jand , vlz : Robert B. .Dethrell'e
of Broken How , Nebraaka : MUCUB J. Chris.
man of Broken How , Nebraoka : Jarne9 H.
SlollC'ett of Broken Do'Nebrallka : Ena
Jcffrles of 'VI'"t Union , Nebraslea.
4fJ.4S-2 ; ! JUIES 'VJIITElI AD , ROIrI..ter.
In the DI'itrict Court of CII..ler CnllntyIr. .
r.dward J . lIartlett , Plaintiff ,
John N. Bartlett , : \Jrs. John .
Bartlu , hIli wife whos. Jlest
nnd 'full lIame Is unknowu ,
John N. llartlett and Mrs. Jolin . Ilartlett ,
his wife whose fint ; lIld full name Is unknowlI V
will take notice tbat on the 22nd da of : .larch . . .
190-1 , E.lward E. Bartlrtt.1'lalnllff herein ilel .
his petition In the District COllrt of Custer
County , Nebraska. aJralnst said defendants ,
the object and prayer of which arc to foreclose
a certain tax lien dilly Ie'iued b ) ' till : treasurer
of Custer COllnl ) ' , Nebraska , for th laxes ot"
the ) ' . . .arlJQ . 1 ' 15 aud 18')6 tOlrether with sub.
sequent taxe. . ( laid II ) ' the salll plaintiff for the
years 1&4j to 1')02 1II1'luI\I\1" upOU the lollowln/ '
descl'lbeLi preUlI eh , to.wlt : 'I'h. ! norlh halt"
( u , of the uorlheast 'Iuart r ' 11111 ; I , Ih. . sollth-
west quarlcr ( nortlJeasl'llIarhr ue ) / , till.
Soulheast qllarter ( en } nUllhll'est 'Iuarler
( nwIhe / I'ast half ( e > 5 , I\nllthll' . : 1 'lualler
( sw } , ) allLl the West half ( w ) of till' houtheast
quarter ( beX ) except IHteen liS , acrl's In it
square forl11 lu the suutheast corner of the 9ald
west half ( WH ) of the "oulheaht III'al'ler ( se } , '
a1In \ 8ecllon twent.four (241111 ( 'I'owllshh , six.
teen'H , ) III Hru. . . . , twelltyolltJ (21' ( ' W'C'It 6th 1' .
M , in Cusle. . . .
Count ) , Nebra..ka , all,1 Upoll
\I hlclJ there I. . now Llue the ' > UIII of $331.00 , tll'
"ethar with IlIlcl'CRt thcreull at 10 Ir cel1l for
which . .1111I with IlIlenst frolll' the 6111 day of
June , IIH. ( IllalnlltT lrlYs fnr a IIeCI I' that de.
frllllanl bl ! re'llllrello pay II. . . . salll" IIr tbat
1f'.11.1 Irelllise. . lIIay b hohl III batlsfy the
allloulit fmllulhllJ thlr"oll. YOII arc 1' < "lull'e < l
to all'WI'r " , I"II' tltlon UII ur.ocCor. \ . . IheItliliay \
of1 : a \ . 140-1.
1I:11 .1 thl . : :111 : Ila ) ' IIf Allrll , I'm.
I o\\\/u E 11\11 rI.h'r r.
43.411 24 By C , II. IJOLCOIII. III. . . \1\ " ) ' ,
- -
- -
JWAD O'l'ICJ. : .
' 1'0 wholll II ilia ) ' concern :
'rhu Comll1l loner aIIJlohllt,1 to , 'I Ia
petltlollell fur by Joe llaul11ont , et ai , a load
commcnchll ( ahcut 200 yarde nortlJwelit from
the : south east cornt'r of the 8\V ' of Sectloll4 ,
' 1'own811Ip IB , na"wu 20 , thence to run In the
canyon thence o\'er the dlvlde and down callyon
on old travelel road IInllllt ( clchcs the sonth (
east corner of thu swJ { of Sccllon 23 , Tow/lslIlP
18 , Rallll'e 20 , ar.d to vacate the roal11ald on Ih. .
secUon IIl1e rUllnlu north and 80mh betwedn
eH and w > 5 of aald Section 23 , Township I ,
Ranlre 20 , ha reporled III favor of th . . _
tabllshlllcnt theleof , and all objection ! ! thereto ,
or claims Cor daml1l1'es , must be flied In th , '
COltnty Clerk's uffice 011 or before noon of the
25th day of Ma ) ' , 1904 , or such road will \.0. .
established without rll erellcr. tlluetu ,
In Witness Wherdof , IJla"c berennto set 111) '
hand and seal of said conno' , this Ist da ) ' lit
March , 1904. CIW. W. DEWilY ,
41.44-23 ( ,
SIALl Coullty Cll'rk ,
- .
- ' - -
Ea : . : " 1-'or Hale.
Ulll Barred Ply moth Hock
eggs , 50 cents for 15. Ringlet
strain. \V. M. VANNICE , '
41-43 ' . . Broken Bow , Nebr.
r --1
. . . . . . . . .Uerd JI Rdect By , . . . . . , ,
( JrlUilou liroll , Nil , 177,035.
- . ;
, .
, "
. . , 'f
J , ( ; . BRENIZEI , Breeder of
I'urll Scolch "oIl Scotob ' 1'oppel ! Shcrt Durn Cat.
till. AtJ' hI cd nUlulollr. O cow. . Will cowpare
In br "lllnl ( and quallt ) ' with allJ' "est ot OlilcalCo.
rtly experl8nc8 hia hUKh , lOe Ulilt to 1:1'0 MOO\1
811't.CtlQII , hreeltlnl ( clltt'e IQU't he ralflotiln
this altllutie. 1 e1pect to rale" them
her _ no..Qual of IIUJthlll1C rahud lu.b , 111
8 , III w 'bate 2 bulh IUUabie for tlili. iUI
uut J'ell.r' lenlce. Wy cow , wI11(1I frolD 1400 J
. pUluld. . Com. 11111 les tlltm ,
. . . . . . . . - " ' . . . . . .