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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1904)
. " " . , , . , . , ' ' t ' $100 Reward , $100 , 'J'bll ruder of Ihl rnrer " ,111 ho rl nl d 10 tUI1I that Ihero Ie al leallone drendcll1l.oue Ihat IclenclI 11 , , " Lren ahlo 10 cur ; ) In all III Italtee. Il\lllhAl1I CAlarrb. l/YII' . Cat rh Cure . . tbo anI , pmlll'l ! cure now kllllITD 1'1 Iho medical traterully. Catarrh belnIC a oonrtltul/ollal / dlleu , tOQI > Ir.1 II conilltll' I/onl' / ' Itektmenl. HaU' . Catarrh OUI1 II laken In. ternall" acllnlt dlrecU , upon tlll1 1110\11 anll mucoul lurr.ce. of tbe .yllolll , Ibereby deltroylnlr Ibll foundallol\ Ihe dl.ealo , an'l IChln" Ibe ra\lrnt Itrenl/th lIy blilldlng lip Ibe conltllllllon and lIulll. Ing oalllrl1 In dolog It I worle. Tbe rroprletort hno 10 milch hllh In III clirallfO powera Ihat they otter One lIundrell 1I0llara for IIn , cale Ibat It 1IIIa 10 . cure , HeDlI for lIune IPltlmanlall , . " . < 1:1roa : r. .1. cllmn-y : ' " CO" Toledo , O. Hold by IIlIlJrllltltlaU , 'i e. Taka 11111'1 J'-mlly 1'1111 for conl\lrl\lOo. I . It fs no slJIl tent n mnn Is rllling , to heaven bccallso he fs drfvfng others . there. 't Storclceopcrs report thM the oxtrn . .r quantlt ) ' . together with the superior Quallt ) ' oC Defiance Starch makes ft next to fmlQsslblo to sell nny other \ brand. ) The elevator bo ) ' Is pOQrlY lJald when ono considers the fool questions he Is asced ] , Ur"lnaJow'A ! 'Ioothlni'yrnp. . For cblldren teelbln , lottonl the Willi ! , roduee ! III > , J1a.mmatlon , allaYI rain , Cllrel wlnll collu , 25cn bolUe. , , ' . - ' . , , ' lIon't sit down arll1 wait for somethIng - . : thIng to turn up ; turn up ) 'our sleeves I , ( _ : llId gut bllsy. ' " I" : , h : , ' , , StoP" the CC > IIRh nml : , . , . ' 'VOI'JCH 011' the Cold 'I " " , Lautivo Dromo Qulnlno 'fablcts , PrlcoZ : > c. , , . , < ' . ; That which Is useless cannot be harmless. fiTS f'rmanentJ , . rtll't'd , Nn n ol' neJ'T < ' : l1IDe _ . attet' itret d"Y'1 DM ! of Dr , KIIM' . nrent NCr > 'e Itt'tltOI' > fir , Rend ror F'UEE .2.00 Irlal bottle nnd treaU _ UE.1L 11. KLDf , Ltd. , 0:11 Arch 6tnet , l'hlla:1elph1a.l'a : Dogs and porous llasters are fre. , , quenUy attached to mankind. ' All creamerfes use butter color. II Why not do as they do-use JUNE TINT BUTTER COLOn , The reformer never thlnlcs It neces. sary to practice on himself. . DON'r fJPOIL 'YOUR cr.OTDn. . US8 Red Crosti Da.n J1lU8 , nnd keep them wbite 8 snow , All grocers. 50 , 0. packqe. Lived on Milk and Sugar , Emlle Brazeau. who recently died at Monlreal. while a child was medically Iluced upon a mIl ) , : and sugar dIet , and this he continued unchanged to bls death , presumably from choice , Hfs dnlly rations were three pInts or mlllt and one pound of sugar. AI. though solid food was thuG a thing unlmown to him ho Is said to have been physicall ) ' robust rend suffered from no Ulness until tQe attack of croup which ulUmntel ) ' proved fatal , Venom Collecting as a Business. For a rfsky and exciting aud profit , able mode oC earning a livelihood. n new AustralIan Industr ) ' can be confi. dentiy recommended , It is the collec. tion or snake venoIr. a substance that. like radh\m , Is valued by the grain. A lJOund of It fs said to be worth $25. . 000. It is fn active demand by cbem , ists. It fs obtained from tbreo spP- cles-the death adder. the brown , ad , der and'the tiger snalw. The reptiles must bo caught uninjured , and It goes without saying that the industry "de , man s conslderabe , : Imowledge and skill In capture. " 'rlger snaKes are the b :3t : , for ther : carry most venom. .J 3nahes are still numerouo In th9 Aus. J rallan bush. A Wonderful Discovery , Broadland , S , D. , Iarch 28.-Qulto ' sensation has been created here by lhe publication of the story of G , W , Gray who , after a slleclal treatment for three months was prostrate and helpless and given up to die with . , Bright's Disease , Bright's Disease has ' : I.lways been considered Incurable , but evidently from the story told hy Mr. j 3ray , there fs a remedy whIch wlll I cure It even In the , most advanced I stages , This fs what ho says : "I was helpless as a little babe , My wife and I searched everything and rend everything we could tlnd about Brlght's Disease , hoping that I would be able to find a rti1Jedy. After many failures my w1e fnslsled that I should try Dodd's Kidney Pills , I praise God for the day when I decided to do so for thl3 remedv met evel'y phase of my case and In a short time I was able to get out of bed and after a few \\'eelm' treatment I was a strong , well man. Dodd's Kidney lills saved my life , " A remedy that will cure Bright's DIsease will cure an ) ' lesser Kidney DIsease. Dodd's Kidney PlIls ILre cer. talnly the most wonderful dlscoyery which modern medical research haa given to the world. 1 . t l olltlcll clubs are used chiefly to put opposing candIdates out oC busl. ness , I I J , ( I For Rheumatism Neuralgia Sprains Lumbago Bruiscs , Bo.cJtachc Sorene. . Sciatica Stiffness u.h old r lfabl remed7 StGJacobs Oil Prica , 5c. In d , Oc. ! 11\ \ NEBRASKA ST A TEN WS I , NEWS IN BRIEF , A lIew ! tnvlngs bnnl Is about to be orgnnlzed at l rel11ont. The Ilemocrntlc state central com. mltteo will lIIeet In I.lncoln June 1. CItizens of Dale al'o taldng ncllve fnterest towal'd securing a now dOllot. The honl'd of Illt'ectors of the lIeat. I'lce Commerclnl club elecled H , V. IHoson secretnry to suceeell A. I. , Green , resigned , Mrs , Havens , an eltlm'ly Inly oC tlndcn , while crossing the U , & M. track was hit hy train No , 2 I1Id : died wltbln a short time , 'fhe congregation of St. James lOpls , copill church. l remont. has received wHh regret n communication fOl' Hey. 111. ' 1' . Moore , now at 811n Anotnlo , 'I'ex" resigning the charge lit this lliace , At a special n1Cellnl ; of the \'otm's of the S'racuse school dlslrlct It was decided to add twelfth grade worlc to the course of study and mal < o S 'rL : ' cuse a fully nccredHed school In the state un\'erslty. ! Elmer Jacson. ] a bollermalcer at Harvard , toolt his two small sons Ollt hunting west of H velocl . and 8UC' ceeded In shooting two of his own toes , He was sitting on a bnnlt waiting for ducls when the gun went off. The Lang broom factory at Beatrice fs turning out about seventeen dozen brooms per da ' at present , These are nil made by hand. but as soon as the new machltler ) ' arrives the output ' will be Increase to over 100 dozen IJer da ) ' . Servants or Uncle Sam In Lincoln will petition for two shower baths tor tbe postomce help and will ask that such a provision be made In the new federal building , Federal nuthorHles there thlnlt the request will be grantell. At a pl'ellmlnary , hearIng before Justlc Gladwish at Seward. Burt 1\t.eym.s was bound over to the May term of the district court in the sum of $1.000 , on the charge of rape , preferred - ferred by Mls8 Llvoula Egolf of Cor- dova. Neb , The retail clerlts of Uorfolk have organized themselves and have applied - plied to the officIals In Omaha to' he Ildmtlted to the union. This action on their part Is caused by their dl\ , ' like to the prevalent Sunday trading which Is carried on In Norfollt. Sixty farDlers assembled at the court houe ! ; ! in 'Vayne and passed res- olntions requesting that restrictions be placed upon the automobile of Dr. I.clsenrlng , whom. It Is snld. has caused many oC the farmers much uneasiness when passing a team with his now aulo , A test will be had , Dr , J , H , Crabbs , the oldest practic- fng physician in Dodge county and one of the oldest In the state , is se. riously ill wHh 11 complication of diseases - eases and his I'ecm'ery Is doubtful. He is 77 years of age and has been engaged In his profession for fifty years and fOl' thlrtfive years In Ne- lIraslm. . 'I'he Odd Fellow and Rebeltnh lOdges of Table Rock aro" making arrangements - rangements fOl' the celebrntlon on April 26 of the elghty.fifth annlver- 1 9ary of the American Odd I-'ollowshlp. I Committees haye been appointed I from each of the lodges to complete I the arrangements for Its proper 011- , servance. I In the county court at Seward ChaB , , Watgen was bound over to the 1\1 a ) ' term of the district c urt on the charge of wIfe abandonment , 'l'he section oC the criminal code under which this prosecution was broughtt Is a new one , being passed at the Inst session of the legislature and Imown as house roll No , 329 , Deputy Food Commissioner Thomp- ; on has ordere returned to the , vholesnlo n erchants slxtyfiYO barrels ) C vinegar thllt analysis proved to bo t ululternted. The vinegar was Ills- C : overed In stores In these towns : Co- umbus. Madison. Norfollt , 'Va'no , merson. Pendol' , Uancroft , l.'ons , ) akland and ' 1'elmmah , 'fhe Indian Uureau Is engaged In pre , 18ratlon of plans and specifications for , he Imllrovemcnt or the water SUllpl > ' It the Indian school at Genoa. and Iill advertise for Ilroposais fdr the , .ork It Is estimated that the neces. , ary work cnn he accomplished for ; 4,000. This sohoolls now drawing Its valor SUPIJl ) ' from the cHy of Genoa , rhe proposcd water s'stem contem- Ilates the sinking : oC severnl wells , the ! rectlon of tanlts and 11 water tower. Evangeltst Sundny. who has heen wIding meetings In Stertlng the last , Ix weelts , hils had a remnrlmble re , 'ival , about 1O 6 people being con. rerled. The collection for the minis. er the last SundllY amounted to t.ho mm of $3.000 and the women made Ip a purse of tGO for his wife. The team of mules , harness and Hlggy which was stolen trom Lois nglverson In Cass county have not ) Con found. They were traced to \\'eoplng \ Water , then to the wagon ) rldgc which cl'osses the PlaUe river It Louisville , Inglvol'son valued the eam and harness at ' OO. While engaged in hauling wood for , Vllllam I oreman , a farmer IIvfng lOrtheast of Beatrice. John Rhinehart 'ell from his wagon , which passed ) vcr him , breal lng three rIbs and ) rulsln [ ; his bodr hadly , The attend , ng physician thlnls he will cet along Lll right , - : - 'I ARBOR DAY APRIL 22. - Governor Mlckey'llsues His Proclam" tlon Rclatlve Thereto. Governor l\l1cl\l' \ ' haR issued a proc. lamatloll seltln ! ; nRllle I rhillr , AIJI'1I : . . . : A l'b:11' ' ' ' , 1\8 : lIa , 'I'he Ilrot'lnmntlon follows : ' 1'he most sublime object. In the vlgetable ! Iingdom : 19 a beautlrul l reo , It eOlnmntll18 our ndmt'atlon not boo cautle of Hs 1II'IIcticai vallie ullllll' . but becnuse It tnllfles sturdiness , persist , ene ' , antI In.ogress , I or 1l111n ' ) 'ears. lJerchunc < " It has defied the fill' ) ' ( ' ! the winds , the rush of the tonents , the l'xtn'mo of suml CI"s hellt IInd wlillel"s colli , ' and It slands as If In consl'lous II rill t' of the VlgOl'olls hnt. tIe wllh the clonlt'ntn which It has ! fouGht und won. From the slundpolnt ( It sentlmenl we cnn all apprclato ! the thollght which a well Imown poet has eXllressed In the followln verse : " 'oodman , spnre I hnt tree , 'I'ouch nol a single bow. In 'oulh It sheltered me. - AnI ! I'll } Iroleet It now. 'Twas t1I ' forefather's hand That IJluced It near his cot : 'rhnre , woodmnn , let It stand ; 'fh ) ' ax s1ull ! harm It nol , a Is a well Imown , ct that 0111' nat. ural forests have been enuded unUl serlollS climatic changes arc threat. ened , It is to correct this e\'lI. as well as to encourage the system'atlc II1anting of trees In a prlurle country , to emhelIIsh our pUblIc and private prollcrtles and to Inculcnte a love for both lhe llrnctlcal and senllmental features of forestr ) ' . lhat Arbor day has been established In nearlr every stale III the union , NebrnRlm taltos moro than ordlnnrr pride In the day because the idea orlglnnted here. nnd probnbb' no other state has I'ocelved so milch benefit from It , In harmon ) ' with this honored cus. tom 1. John H , l\Jlcl\C ' , governor of the slate of Nebraslm , do hereb ) ' appoint - point and set apart I.'rldar. AIrll 22 , 1904 , as AI.bor day and reqllest that the true spirit of foreslry be observed In our pUblic schools b ) ' appropriate exercises amI the planting of trees. and that. nil societies and indlvillunis assist In general recognillon of the da ' , . , GRAIN DEALERS IN ERRO . State Board Insists Law Does Not I Provide for Double Taxation. LINCOI.N.-The charge that Sect , Ion 6G of the new revenue law. provltl- Ing for the assessment of grain braIt , erst Is double taxation. In the opinion of the State Bonrd of Equalization , will not be sustained by the courts shonld an attemllt ho made to prevent - vent Its enforcement , This secUon pro\"ides that grain brolwrs shall , nn. der oath , at the time required hy the act , determine the average amount of capital Invested during the year , ox. dusl\"e of real estute or olher tanglblo . ( IrOpert ) , Ullon which the brolcer shall lIe taxed. A numher of elevator nml grain men have for some time contended that this act enforced a double taxa. tion and It has been rnmored for some lime that it would be tested In the ourts , So man ) ' inquiries have been received by Secretary Bennett from ountry assessors. that todahe Bent JUt this explanation , which he thinks ! hews conclusively that the section lees not impose 1I0ubie taxation : "For example. the elevator that be , ; Ins bUliiness with : Cash. $5,000 ; value ) f elevator ' 3,600 ; the average capl. , al Invested 11urlng the year , $8GOO , 'le returns to the assessor his tang. hie IJrOpert ) ' as follows : I lovator , i3GOO ; cash In banlf , $500 ; grain on land. $2,000 ; toal. $6,000 , KIcked to De < tth by a Horse , LEIGH-Sunday aftemoon Em ! l. , he 12.year.old son ofIr. . and l\lrs , Jeorge Nlt. : . who live seven miles iOllth oC here. met with a l accillent \'hleh cnused his death , He was lead. ng a horse home from a nelghhor's , IUd In some'manner It Idclcll the boy n the loft temple. from the cffecls of \'hleh he IHed , Both Horses Killed. BEATRICE-Two horRes hitched o a disc IlIIlverlzcr on the fm.m or , Jilt Zimmerman rnn aWllr and were 0 badly cut hy getting tangled in the nachlne that they hhd to he sllot , Waugh Gets Four Ye < tra. LINCOl.N.-Eclgar Waugh 111f'adell ; ullty to ombezzllng $2,000 of the mon , ! ) ' bolonglng to the count ) ' ntHl was ; enton'ed to four ) 'ears In prison , Paid $2,000 to Relatlvel , LINC01.N.Mrs.Iargaret : Clasm ! mid over $2,000 lo her niece , Augusta ) ruhs. 'I'hls slim was fixed hy a jllry 01' Injuries which Augustn. who Is 1 'ears oC agc , claims she sustained at ho hands 0 : her aunt. Horsethlef Escape : > . Pl.A TTS\IOUTH.-Louls : \ Ingwm' on , II. fal'mor reHIrUng neal' 'Vecplng Vater. reporled to Sheriff : \tcBrillo he other dlly that a vnluable spun of 11IIIes , tOI ) buggy anll n set of harness , 'ere Htolen from his IJI'emlses the IrecelUng night. Upon hearing of the obbery' the oCClcers at once proceed. d to send out descriptions of the stol n pro pert ) ' . anll extenslYo use of the elophone w 1s made In noUtylng the Ulcers In nearhy towns , No trace of he thief or stolen property has heen btahied , . . " . _ . , . , . - . - . - - . . . NO APPETITE-EMACIATED NERVOUS ' \'l Many Women Durillg tile Spring Months Suffer From Extreme Lassitude , Loss of Appetite slId Ner'vousness- 1 ey Need Is Pe-pu-na. . the Gpeat Tonic Miss Bortlm M , Rush. Ci435 K1ncnrlle street. PittsblU'g , Pa" SUllorllltellllent Junior Soclet ) ' oC Methodist PI.otestant Church and lendlllg Soprnno of the choir. writes : "Words cannot lIe crlbe my thandulncss ] to 'Oll for Pm.unn , I WfiS n RufferOl' from s .stC1l1c ! catarrh for : rears and was III Il vcry milch I'un. down condition. I wus extremely nero VOlIS atHl hnll the motit foolish fenrs over nothing. I was thlu Ilnd oma. clnted , "l\r Ilhyslclan II\lvl8ed mo to leave this climate , bllt liS It was not con. venlent td do 110 at this time. I toolt the advice of a friend to use n bottle of Pel'unn. } look It fallhfull ) ' 11I111 when the first hottle wns gene I felt so much better that I hought six more and toolt them falthfull ' , after which I 1001fed l1lw a new woman. "I gained in fIeh ! ! , my appetite returned - turned nnd all mr old srmlltolUs bnd dlsapJ1enrcll , I am more than thnnl. . ful to Pel'una-Mlss Bertha M. Rush. - - I AM TIRED. Everybody ill Tired - Spring Weather Does It-Every One Should Be Cautious. Depression of the nervous s'stem nt the approach oC spring Is th : ! cause. General lassitude , dull. heavy sensa. tlons. conUnunl tired feeling. with ir. regular appotite. and somotlmes loss of sleep , Peruna meets every fndlca. tlon anll proves Itself to be perfectly adapted to all tll ( lr vnrled pecnllari. tics , Perunn Invigorates the system. rejuvenates the feelings , restores the normal appetlto and lroduces regular sleep , Thnt tired foellng wblch Is the nat. ural result of the depressing effect of warm weather fmmedlately after the Invigorating cold of winter , quieti ) ' dlsappeal's whe:1 Peruna fs talton , 'fhousands are dauy tesUf'lng to its prieoless benefit. Mrs , H. Kassalt , 1309 West 13th street. Des Moines , la" writes : "I am bappy to give my endorsement for your valunble medlclno , Peruna , 8S I consider It a valuable medicIne to talto when the system fs run down from overworlt. About two yeurs ago I felt .that I must talw a long rest as I had been unable to work for ever a month and could not regain my strength. I could not sleep at night and was In a very nervous. high strung , condition. I decided to tr ' what Peruna would dote to bund up my strength. and am plensell to .say that I began to fmprove very shortly , and fn less than two months I was able to talw up my worlt. aud fell better than I have for . yenrs , I talw It now twice a year and find that it Ieeps me fn porfcct health , " Mrs , Kassatt was for o'er ten 'c r : ; the manager of a plant furnishing - nishing ] adles' weal' and employfng bundreds of wOplen. He gives but an empty band who withholds his heart. Hundreds oC denIers say the extra qtanUty and superfor quality of Defiance - fiance Starch fs fast taldng plnco of nil other brandl ! , 'Others say they cannot sell any ether stArch. Though the world may owe all oC liS a IIvfng. onh' a few are IJreferl'ed credltorfl , Teoslnto DOtI nUlIon lollar GrDIS. The two gref\tcflt fodder planta on earth , enc coed for H tons hay 'and thel other SO tons green fodder pel' a re. Grows everywhere , so docs Victoria Rape , yielding 60,000 Ibs , IIheep nnd I > wlne food per ncre. JUST SE : > 100 IS STUIPS ' 1'0 T D John A , Salzer Seed Co. , La'Crose. ! . WIll" nnd receive In return their big catalog nnd lots ot farm seed samples. loW. N. U. ) lIe wh will not be u servant can not be a saint. $500. . : Alnb.Unc denIer for full partlculnrs nnd Pree samplu card of i1\t\"n&\\ue THB SANITARY WALL COATIN . Destroys dtsease germs and vermin. I Never rubs or scales. You can apply it -mix with cold waleI' , lIeautiful effects , on walls and ! n whlto nnd delicate tints. NOT n dl&ense - breldlnR' . out-oCdate bot. water 11110 preparatIon. Kalso. / mines bearlnl { fanciful names Rnd mixed willa hot water Rrc stuck on wilh I glue , wlalch rou , nourishing genus of deaaly dt eases , and rubbing and scal. Ing. , pnllln , = wnlls , clolhlng nnd furn ! . i tllre. IlY Alobnstlnc In Ib , pkgs , . properly lnbelled , of paint , hardware I and . . drug dealer1 ! , eanet of tlnt Hints on Dceoratinl ! ' , " nnd 0111' artists Idenq free. Al4BASmE CO. . GradlaRIIIlIltL ! , or IOS Water St. , ! ! , r. NORTH.SOUTH EAiT'WE5T ' , 'YOU Wi. . . . , 'Nit ' ' , : - , eV WATt.JtPItCCr" : , .ILE : , CIaOTHIN < 4 J r. r.R : W"'IU , . , The btt lI't.tcrio1) llt4l'oOl"r.en to"/ : ! . , iAty..1t\'MtOr , ) eJperim.e IT\C. & : TOWfR'Ick ! < : rl 13 oM tbb ft I ft.I'IJHt worl4 . .er TIYJ Are rrt4eln ' - buk or ycllor/for All kir.d ) w = t work , TOWERS Ur1MrlWWUr.r tl\eJ'GNOt ' TMe t"1 H I ) .meedtlove , ! ; .oOVl , ) . fdlctl. All reliOble < < aim ! r tlref\ . , UTOTrU , , . tAU an ' . CQB03TOIIM.W.U1A , AU OJlf'lr.t TOFU UJWWf ( Q.limjtd.TORCSJ : ! ( At ( - - - - " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , " I , , , , , , II I I II I I I . , MISS BERTIIA M. RUSH-PITTS BURG. 1\1189 Rush Suffered with Systemlo Catasrh-W : : 9 Nor. vo'us. Had No Appetlto. Grew Thin and Emac ated She Now Looks LUte a Now Woman After a Courac of - - - - - - - - . - - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . I Tired. Nervous Women. ' There lire thollsanua of them ev ry. I where. few bottles of Peruna would 'do ' them untold benefit. As n tonic nnd nerve fnvfgol'ntor It has no equal. It builds up the nOI.ves , it gives strenth to the circulation nnd at once restores the 'uppotlte and lUges. tlon. No feehle woman should bo I without Pcrunn , -4. . . . . 1 . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . t /I you do not r celvc prompt nnd Fst/sillctory resulta from tha use 01 Perons. write at once to Dr. , IInr/- mlln , giving If full stllcmclJt 01 your case , nnd lie nollJ be pltllSed to'IllVtl . you his vnlunbl Id-/cc grilt/s , Address Dr. IfnrtnJlfn , PresldcDt 01 tle llnrtmlln San/tllr/um. Co. lumbus , Oil/a. . . . . _ - . . . . , r , ' 1 . \ , ' ' - ' ; ' , ' 1'd" , , t' 'J' , .1 THERE'S NO USE ARGUING ' . . , , \ , , 1 . Dtnanu Swtb It the Witf Iat : Stmb maQ \ , ' . . . j . . , ' " . , . f.a.ct. . , . , , . " ) ' " ' , I " , , Hundrc4 , wi1J taUfy to . . r. . ) it , .T ITry It onu , ours I. . l .J wt1J : 1 We cuuant e . . - . , LecII _ ' : . : . . VrAJ can't lose. ' . . I . _ . Dclw1ct Stuch . . absolwJi rru.FriiftL . II maka tbe c1otba,1ook buul1u1 and wID DOt rot them. ,1 t Get II of your uocq . , ' , Ji I 14 CJC11IaS { " , 10 M'IIeu-thItd mere . , ; fOU gct of & 111 ocha Innd. . ' ! 'I { ' i' , d THE DEFIANCE. STARCH CO. , , : I : OI.JAUA..NLD ; 1 : , : . ' .J ' 1 00000000000000000000000000 g TIIf LINCOLN l tPORTING IIORSf CO g g Lincoln. Uobrllska g g German Coach. g PmherOfiS. g , [ ngUsh ShIre g g. . \t . Fi / } frenh Draft g i g . , " 1.Ii.r- r.d . Relqlans. g g , Thr LARGEST Imr , lm , , ! FIRSTg o ( LASS . , , all''nl 01 .1(0) ( 'on' un 111 , all Ih. WUh OV1R ! 50 IIEAD 0 o TO SILICT o } lRO.1 , On . "Ivlng ' " I fnc ! ulrt It.r 0 SI.1t flarr.l , . 0 IIUtl CAr wll.h o rona ( I'rclIy : 10 o our b.n. Comt , an < l , U , ' or wrlU 0 o 1.1 ( , Dll. Ttt ( j , ! ; A I. lIlIh'un , nlr 0 0 DOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooo BEGGS' BLOOD PURIFIER ClH ? tS cntn.rr IIf the stomach. Eltab" WELl ! . DRILLING 'I' ' ' JI : : 'ld MACHINERY. : ' ! I } 'UHTA UI.I' : a",1 aI,11I any drru. , . . , . , . . . . . ; I.yI.un u I..e I'ow"r. ' ' . . : : UWI'ImNT : STYLES. / , , \ . . , I.a\l. , , . " . . "III..lIlIon. . . ' 4 t. . r.r I.r . 1II.'fra'.oIl"II. ' , . . II. . t. If 1 > 1'1.1. ' . \ ' 'l'ASInULL ' ( I C.t..I..uL "t. , n. . . . . . . ' ) " , I. " . . . ; \ ; PORTRAIT AGENTS : : ; : Y : : ; ' 01 Our oodl ' 100 1" , , , . I" . ' . 1 lop 'OIIVI' ' . ' . I'rompL Ibl , . . 01'011 , Ueh ) .ry or . .1I1'c'rlr..II""III " "tt'cd. f : JlaIlL 'I . 1111I1" ' " IIDI , . . , , . 'II' ' " " "IJ fll' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Ad"r . . . J iDAJ/t T , KHOLL-O. . N..w E a lIulhliul , CblC.l.go. ' 'j . J , ,