Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 31, 1904, Image 7

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. ' " - . . .
t.- .
EIGHT "r EARS OF " "ORTUm " : . .
1\0 sufferlnJ ; mor
lWI1n than Iddne ) ' aut.
C'rlng ! , Slclt kl.l.
Ile 's malw bad blood :
calise weak , stlrr anti
aching hacks : caUMO
blind , olclt and IIlz.
f . . . . zy heulaches , lacl ( of
( . : ' nppetlto anti loss of
I : ' . ' , sleep : keep ) 'OU nil
I " " tlreel out und spoil
, dIgestion.
, I , To hn..o perfect
: p " ) ' henllh , ) 'ou must
I ( " 1- , I cure the Iddneys.
I , ' . " , . . - . . Read how ono man
11 wns cured by Donn' .
1ldner 1'111s arler eight ) 'ears oC tor.
ture.Henry Soulo of Pllltne ) ' st. , Ham.
mOlldaport , N. Y. , 8a's : " } or eIght
years I suffered constant ngon ) ' from
. 1ldney : complaInt. 1 en ured the
worst torture from gra..el and the
Idllney secretions were excessive nnel
contained sedIment lIIto brlclt dust. I
hllll to get out of beel from ton to
twenty times a nIght and the loss ot
r.leep were me out. IndIgestion came
on anti the dlstresa nfter entlng was
terrIble. Doan\a KIdney 1'11111 effected
n complete and Instlng cure , nnd after
the symptoms of Iddney trouble were
gone my stomach began to worl { as
it should. ThIs ] asllng cure , especIally -
cIally in a person of my ago , proves the
sreat . . . .aluo of Doan's KIdney Pllln
moro con..inclngly than cOlllel any
words of mIne. "
Doan's KIdney Pills sold by nil IIrug.
gIsts : prIce GO cents per box , or mall.
cd on recelilt of prIce by Foster.MIl'
burn Co" Buffalo , N. Y. Wrlto foJ'
tree trIal.
' 1'hero Is just as lUuch wrry oyer
tnOI : y as over the luck of It.
The Saskatchewan Valley Very Highly
An Interesting feature of 'Vest rn
Canada Is Its climate. ' 1'hoso who
have made a study of it speak hl hly
of it. The Canadian Government
Agents are sending out an Atlas , and
at the _ ! lmo time giving valuable In.
tormation concornlng rallwar rates.
etc. , to those Interested In the country.
As has been said , the climate Is ox-
cellent. The elevation of this part ot
Canada Is about 1,800 feet above the
sea , about twice that of the a'erago
tor Minnesota. n fs a verr deslrablo
altltude. ' 1'he country has a vert'
equable cllmllte taldng the seasone
through. The winters are bright and
the summers are pleasantly warm. R
P. Stupart , director of the meteorologl-
eal service for Canada , says :
"The salient features of the cllmato
or the Canadian northwest terrltorlcs
, . are a clear , brr.cfng atmosphere duro
' ! Ing the greater part of the yo aI' , and 11
medium ralnfal1 and snowfall. The
mean temperature for July at Winnipeg -
peg Is GG , and Prince Albert G2. ' 1'he
; former temperature Is higher than at
any part of England , and the latter Is
, "ery similar to that found In many
parts of the southern countries. "
" " , At Prince Albert the average dally
. ' maximum In July Is 7ij and the mini.
'I mum 48. Owing to this high day tem.
peraturo with 1I1uch sunshlno , the
crops como to maturity qulcltly.
Moisture Is ample In the Saslmtchc-
wan val1oy , bclng about 18 Inches an.
nually. n Is notable that about 7
per cent of the molsturc falls during
the crop months. Thus , 'Vestern Canada -
ada gets as much moisture when It Is
needed and with several hours moro
snnshlno dally than land further Bouth
gets during the growIng season , It Is
not difficult to understand why crops
mature quickly and yIeld bountifully.
, Winter ends quickly , sowing Is done
during April and sometimes In March.
i Harvest comes In August , about the
nllddle. Cyclones , blizzards , dust and
sand storms are unknown.
There Is more In being worthy of
great place than there Is winning It.
Secrecy Is the best soil for the
worst sins.
Mother Gray's Sweet Powders tor Children.
Successully used by Mother Gray , nurse
in the Children's Home in New York , cure
Constipation , Feverishness , Bad Stomach ,
Teething Disorders , move and regulate the
Bowels : md Destroy \Vorms. Over 30,000
testimonials. At all dru ists , 25c. Sample
FREE. AddressA.S.Olmstcd.LeRoyN.Y.
I Consldcr'ng - a dut ) . IS often ox
plalnlng It away.-Robertson.
n Is sometimes beUer to stay where
, you are than to jump at conclusions ,
rlso's Cure tor Consumption Is an fntnl1lblo
medlclno tor couchs nnd colds.-N. 'V. S.UIUJU. ,
Ocean a rove , N. J. , Fcb. 17 , 1000.
Endurance Is nobler than strengtb ,
and patien f ) UHlIl beauty.-Ruskln.
You cannot malw clouds for others
and live In the clear 'ollrsolf.
Keep them whlto with Hed Cross Dull Blue.
.111 grocers tolliurgo 2 oz. plltltnge , 5 cent& .
Out of suffering have emerged the
strongest souts.-E. H. Clapln.
Meelmess Is slmpl ) ' the sIlence 0 :
Wo mllst bo as careful to lwep
[ rlends as to malto them.-Lord Ave.
. , .
. . .
Duflance Starch
I'hollllhI' In every household , none 50 !
10011 , bl'silleli 4 oz. more for 10 celltl' th/III / '
UII ) ' other brand at col 'n\tcr stul'ch.
Hlghteollsness Is the only recom.
ll1endallon that goes to heayen.
One who loves right cannot bo In.
different to wrong or wrongdolng.-
The Best Results In Starching
( 'un be obtatnel1 enl ) ' by uslllG' Dt'llance
Stl\r'h , bf'sldl.'lS RHtlnc 4 oz , more tor
111m" money-no . cooking . . - required. .
. ,
' .
, . ,
A barn belongIng to Clyde 1Ia'llllr8t ,
\.ho lives three miles southeast of
8hol1 > ) ' , waH burned. A One Kentuclt '
jack lost Its lICe In the lIal11os.
'rhe SIxth Nobraslm dIstrict CO\'en. ) )
tlon unanimously renomlnatod Congressman -
gressman Moses P. Klnlmld Ilnd named
W. P. 1\IIIes and IiJ. C. 1Iarrls as dele-
gatell to the natIonal convention.
Polk count . hils lost b ) ' death an.
other of Its oldest cItizens , .Jncob 11.
, Jones , Jr. Ho wus olght . .two 'earn
nnd ho was u soldlcr oC the cIvil war ,
belongIng to Company G , of the G1st
Ohio Infantl' } ' .
} . 'Iro near I"l11e ) ' destro'od the large' '
barn of , J. W. WrIght with nil Its con.
tents , Inchllllng thil'ty tonn of hny and
grain , Nine head or horses nnd mules
Ilerished In the lIames. Loss , $3,000 ,
lIartially covered b ) ' Insurance.
1\11' . and Mrs. 'Vll1lam lIousewQt'th
celebrated theil' golden weddIng annl.
versary at the hOl11o of their duughter ,
1\Irs. C. B. 1\1urphy , In Plattsmouth.
'rhey have resldell In Nebrallim for
nineteen years nnd In Platts mouth
eight ) 'ears. ,
' 1'wo weelts ago Wl11lam O'Dell , a
farmer who three miles west of
LeIgh , shipped n carload of cattle nnd
a team of horses to South Omaha. Ho
has not returned to his family up to
this time , and It Is rel10rted here that
he does not Intend to.
'l'he North and East Omaha 1m.
provement assocIation of Omaha has
filed articles of Incorporation. The
capital stocl Is $2GOOO. 'rhe assocla.
tlon wl11 worlc for the Improvement
anll betterment of those parts or the
city Inchlded III the corpol'ution title.
Must Nebraslm pa ) ' taxes on green-
bacls ? This Is a question that Attor.
ney General Prout must answer at the
request of the state board of equaliza-
tion. Several members of the boaI'll
thlnle that the greenhaclcs are not tax-
able. The gl'eellbacl\S are the treas-
ii\'Y \ notes of 18G3. 'rhey j1re part of
the public debt.
1'.11' . and 1\1rs. H. P. Hansen brought
their little daughter to Grand Island
in from the country for surgical attendance -
tendance , the little one having been
severely lacerated by a hog , und she
narrowly escaped n most horrlblo
death. She was playing about her fa-
ther's farm and wntchlng n pen of JIt-
tle pigs when she fell In and was at-
The farmers of Hltchcoclc and Ha 'es
counties , Nebraslm , ha..o talten up the
co.operatl..e proposition. and will sell
nnd ship their graIn and livestock dl.
rect to marltet In the future without
the Intervention oC a middle man. The
Palisade Grain and Llvostoclt com.
pany of Palisade has filed articles of
Incorporation. 'rho capital stock Is
The supreme court has decided that
extra pay contracts for county officials
are Illegal. In the case of 'Vflson
against Otoe county a former ruling
Is reversed and the legaJlty of the contract -
tract denied. Wflson was county -
torney anll the commissioners promIsed -
Ised to pay him for extra litigation.
'rhe agreement was Illegal , declares
the court.
Quartermaster John 'I' . .Johanson ,
Jate of the Unlt < > . d States nav ) ' , is In
Oaltland on a visit with his cousin ,
Mrs. Alex Hamll1arstrum. He has
been In the naval service tcn years ,
and servcd on the cruiser 1'.larblehead
In the Spanlsh.Amerlcan war when
that craft was sent with II. crow of
volunteers to cut the SIJanish cable at
Another dama e case went against
the MissourI Pacific Railroad company
at Papl11lon In district court. William
Jones brought suit ngalnst the com.
pany for damages to his CrGI1S , resultIng -
Ing from an overflow of water caused
by the grade of that road banlclng the i
water. The case was tried hofore i
.Judge Sutton , who rendcred a decision
glvln .Jones a verdict wor 3375.
D. C. McKillip , a prominent lawyer i
of Seward , the fIrst law'cl' In Seward I
county , died last weele.
The Standard Cattle company has
leased ullwards of 1,020 acres of land
nround Amos and Leavitt to twenty.
four tenants , tal < ln a lion on theil'
crops , In past yeaI'll , up to 1903 , the
com pan ) ' farmed It , ) wn land , but It
prefers to l ( > t the tena.lls raise the
crops themselves and buy from them
whatever the land produces.
John Haurlgan of Fremont had a
narrow escape from drowning In the
Platte river a few lIays a o , Ho
was out hunting with l.'rnnk Hhoades
and brol\O through a piece of slush
Ice whel'O the water was deep and the
current swift. Fortunately , his gun
rested on two plecCfI of solid Ice 01'
ho would have been swept out of sight.
In the case of the state yersus Gee ,
Boslough , at Yorl. , charged with gamb.
ling , the altorn ! ' ) ' ! ) for the defense attempted -
tempted to have the case dismissed on
the g'O 11 nd that Attorney.Gonoral
Prout had given his opinion In the
same Itlnd of a case that the law gov-
emlng such cases was Invalid. .Judgo
Good helel that the law was valid and
the case will bo tried.
After un extended trip throughout
the United States , W , J , Bryan con.
cluded 0110 of the longegt lecture tourr.
ho has m'el' madf' , and returned to
Lincoln , During his absence Mr , Br ) '
an visited cities In the fnt. north aUlI
also In the east. Ho encountered al.
most over ' brand of climate.
The ether day 'whlle a Union Paelfic
freight train was passing through 1'01"
tal at filII s } > oed a man rolled out of
a hex car and strll < lng the grounl\ \ ,
bounced down a steep embankment
Into a pon(1 ( containIng three feet of
wator. Ho was dragged out and found
to bo unhurt.
ObJcct : to the Wording of the Gover.
nor's Cattle Proclunatlon ,
LINCOLN-Uy the ISIHlunco of his
Ilroclamation cOnpel1ln cnttfemcn to
dl11 theil' cattle In a sulphur tI\1l\ \ \ limo
dIp Governor tlc1\C ) ' culll'd down the
wrath of the dOllo 1I1al1llfncturers uJlon
hlB hcad , SftlCO thl' IlI\bllcation \ of the
11rocll1ml1 lion a lIU1l1 bel' of relll' ( ' en t a-
tlves of houses thl1t. manufacture lIuro
elll'es for lIce , mango and such tlls-
eal:1ell 11ll\J called Ullon the g'O\'el'l1or
to protest. And , Inchlentall ' , It Is
saId the proclalllatlon Is YCI'y thwleas- !
Ing to the rullroads for the reason that
VeterInarian 'I'homas advlsl'll users or
the tlp ! to huy the HU II Ih Ill' and limo
and mix theil' own dip , and thu8 SI1YO
eXIIl'oss or freight on 111111101'01111 1 > ar-
I'elll of water to a yery little d0110.
Governor tlclw ) ' called upon Attorney -
ney GClll'ral pI'OUt fOl' 11Ih'lco as to
whether the IH'oclamlltion could he
modllled , and WIlS Infor1l1ed that to
modify the 11l'Oclamlltion would nullify
It ; therefore It statHIs , und limo and
sulphur will bo the official dIp.
D. E. Thompson Surprised Operator
with Appointment.
l..INCOLN-WlIllam D. Pittman , for.
merl ) ' of Lincoln , now night agent for
the Burlington at DeWeese , Neb. , will
go to Brazil with D , E. 'rhompson , the
UnIted States mInister , and will occu.
p ' the posltfon of legation secret11.r ) ' .
1\11' . Pittman wns 'called to LIncoln
and wall offered the pluee by 1\11' .
Thompson. 'fho yonng man was Bur-
prlsell and pleased , anll , of course , ac.
cepted , 'rhe posItion Is ono any 'oung
man might be glad to aecme.
Pittman was emplo 'ed by the Western -
ern Union 'releraph company In Lincoln -
coln IIntil December , 190 : . ! , Later ho
became a messenger and a short time
ago went to DeWeese for the Burlln -
ton. IIo will leaye for Now York In
n few lIays where he will lIIeet 1'.11' .
and 1\1rs. 'rholllpson and sail with
them for Brazil , April G ,
Wealthy Ranchman of Sioux County
Accuced of killing Neighbor.
SCOTTS BLUFF-Sheriff Campbell
has arrested , James Connollr for the
murder of H. H. 1\IIIler which occurred
at the Connollr ranch about twenty
miles north of .here , Connolly had
sent word to the sheriff of Sioux county -
ty that If he was wantet ! he eould bo
fOllnt ! at his home at thIs place. Later
Sheriff Campbell received n mellsago
f'Om Sioux county to place Connolly
under arrest. Accompanied hy his
deputy and Constable Surnsey , he
went to the Connolly homo and arrested -
rested him and toolt him to Gering.
1\Iuch Interest Is l hewn In this mur-
dol' as hoth parties werc old rancherH
In this part of the state and were
woalthy. Details of the Bhoollng ,
which resulted In the death of 1\111101' ,
cannot be secured.
Miles Will Case Again.
LINCOLN-The allo11ees In the
1fles will case have flied an additional
brlof. It Is nrgu d that there Is no 1'0'
lief for the appellants , who complain
of an adverse ruling In the district
cOllrt , because the application for a
new trIal should haye been made In
the county court.
To Start Model Farm.
LINCOLN-Arnold Marlin of Du.
Dols will start an experimental farm at
College View. lIe claims to be able to
raise as much on twenty 11.cres as Is
the geneml yield on 1GO acrcs , Dy a
sYlltem dovlsed by himself he claims
he cnn raise three crolls In one seas.
son on the same gl'Ound.
Man and Wife Arrested.
RA VENNA-After several da's of
walt and n pursuit of oyer forty miles
Depllty Sheriff Walter Sammons of
Keal'l1e ' succeeded In returning' to Ra.
vonna Herman Boltz and Mlnnlo Doltz ,
his wlfo. 'fho former Is charged with
as.mult ! with Intent to Itill by striking
at Frank Caclwra with II. hoe , proced.
Ing this physical temonstratlon ! with
the threat , "I will 1,111 you , " according
to the testimony of the complalnlnJ. ;
witness 111111 an eye witness. The lat.
tel' III charged with Illaln assault.
Track Walker Olson Killed.
OMAHA-Hans Oillon , a tmcl. wall-
er for the nurlln ton rend was run
down anll killed Monday evening on
the tracl { near the foot of .Jones street ,
by Burlington swItch engine No. : : :18 : ,
Olson was on his way to his supper
when strucl { . Bo wall cut to pieces ,
lIe leaves a wlfo and three children ,
Boy Killed by Cornsheller.
EDGAR-A IIttlo boy , Karl Strecht ,
three I1nd a haIC years of ag'o , son of
Henry Stl'echt , residing In the south
llart of town , was Instantly 1lIled by
helng run by a corn IIheller
Japan After Guard Officers.
A : lumber of omcers of the National
guarll of the state haye recolved let.
tel'S from rin agent of the .Japaneso
J'oyernment or some one Interested In
the sucoss of , Japan In Its present war ,
to join the .JapaneIHI ! army , 'rho offer
Is that the recipient will recelvo a
I'anl. higher hy ono grade than he at
present holds and hIs aalary will he
$1,200 a 'Cfir , Company B fit Stanton
III the first to report receIpt of the of ,
fors , Adjutant General Cui VOl' be ,
1I0ves It un1lleely that any member ot
the gUfird wll ! accopt.
' H
. _
_ _
, ' "
. llato of January 10 , 18111 , Dr.
IInrtmlln reeeivetl t.ho following
lo ter :
liMy wlfo hall been sufforlng from u com-
pllcntlon of tllsonses tor the past 2 < i years.
"lIer cnso bad baflled the skill of Rome
of the mORt notCll physicians. Ono of her
worst troubles wns chronlo constipation of
several yoars' stnnllln .
"Sho also was pnsslng through that
most critical perloll in the lIfo of WOIIIl\lI
-chango of lIfo. In , TUllO , 181i ! : , I wrote to
'ou about her caso. You udvlsell a COUl'SO
of Porunu and Mnnl111n , which wo at ,
once conuneneod , aud jUl\'e to say It COIl\-
cllred her. She firmlv bello\'Cs
hat she wOllld have becn lIelll ) enl ' fOl'
these wonderlul remedlos.
"About t.ho l > : Imo time , I wrote ) 'ollabollt
my own case of cntarrh , which had been of
: ! 'oars' 8t:1IlIn : . At times I waR almost
past goltlg. I commenced to U ! , 1'c1'III1I1
according to : rour Instrllctlons aud can-
tlnlled Its U80 tor about a 'car , and it hll8
completely cured me. )
"Your remcd/es do 14/1 tlllt YOII cl.'llm
( or them , and even marc. Catnrrll
cannot exist when' Pcruna Is taken
according to dlrect/ons. Success to
you Dnd your remedies"
Jol1D D. Atkinson.
In letter I1I\tOll , Tl\nul\r ' 1 , 1000 Mr.
AtldmQn sa ' 8 , alter five years' oxpor\enco \
wi th 1'01'11111\ :
"I w/ll CJ'cr contlnuc to spcak n good
1VOrd ( or Peruna. In my roumls as a
travel/ng man I Qm a walking adJ'cr-
tlscmcnt ( or Pcnmn and hnvc Indt/ccd
mllny people durlllg the pnst year to
use Peruna with the most snt/sfacto ? ;
5//1 cured of cntarr/J. '
results. I nm ( / .
Jolm O. Atkinson ,
Dox 272 , Indcpend ncc , Ala.
' \'hon old n"o COttlOR UII , cntarrhal dls.
eases como nlslI. Svstmnlo catarrh Is nl.
most \l1Ilver8alln ohllll'ol110.
ThlR ox plains wll ) ' Purnnlhns 'becomo
so Indlspollsahlo to ohl peoplo. Porl\nll
Is their 8afo. lIal'l1. Pc I'll I IlL Is the only
rottlel1y yet tlovise thnt 11100ts these CIIGCS
l : nch l'aRCS cannot bo treatl'll 10cal1Yi
nothing bill. 1111 elToctlvo systemlo rcmcdy
co1l111 cllro thom. ' .rhls Is eXllctly whllt
Porl\lIn Is.
Ir YOll do not receive III'oJnl1t nml 8atlsfl1c-
tor ' 1'osults from the 1ISO of Perllll , w1'lto
at once to DI' . IIl11'tman , glvlnt ! 1\ full stato.
montof ) ' 0111' case anl1 ho will ho ploll..ed to
give 'ou hlR , 'aluablo ndvlca l' tls.
Address Dr. Hartman , Presltlont ot The
Hartman Sanltnrlmn , Colmnbus , O.
W ff' ' :6t C
Laundry Blue
Wlnnlc-Stlch : JAUNUItY nTUP' won't 8plll , brl'fllr , frec7.IJ nor spot clothes
Costl100 ! anl1 ellInls 201' worth of anv othot' , hlnln ! ! , 1f vOllr IlrOlm'l1o'Sllot. : keen
it send 100 for samplc to THB LnUNDHY LIJI3 e ( ! ) . . ! IJ 1I11chinan 5t. . ehlecgo.
- - - - - - - . -
- -
These brands wIll guarantee you a good shoe for men :
Star and Crescent E. Z. WaIJ-ter
Comet Cock of Walk
Our PRAIRIE QUEEN leads all others in Women's anti Children's Shoes. '
Src float our 11mnc , "s 011 flit ! sllOiS you buy. I
I F. P. KIRKENDALL & , CO.MAn8 'A ? In
- - - - -
- -
All things como to tholle who walt ,
but ) 'OU might save tlmo by golnl ; out
to meet them.
Inslat on Getting It.
Some Jro ( ' rll 1111) ' Ihey don't I'op De.
fiance Sturch , 'I'hiB Is bccliu80 they have
Ii Btock on hand of othel' 111':1111114 : conllllll-
InK olily 12 OZ , III 1\ knlc , which they
won't he nble lo 1'1' IJuc I l , ; , lH'cHut-u Ve.
Unlleo cOlltnlrl14 ] oz , fo\ ' the flam ! ' money ,
Do YOII wallt It OZ , hlfltelld or 12 oz , tor
lIame nlClley' ! ' 1'1) ( > 11 buy De/lallce / Starch ,
Hcqulref ! no cooking- .
Never judge It mun's character hy
tllO hIgh standing of his sillt hat.
Alk Your DenIer For ' " :
Allen' " Foot-1"I"II ,
A powder. It rests the { eet. Cures Corns ,
Bunio:1S , Swollen , Sore , Hot , Callous , Aching
SweatinrFeet ; and Ingrowing Nails. Allen's
Foot-Ease makeo ; newar tight : .hoes easy. t
all Druggists and Shoe stores. 25 cents. c-
cept no substitute. Sample m'liled Fllltll. .
Addr80s Allen S , Olmsted , Lc Hey , N. y ,
Slandcr Is the cl'lmo of sa 'lng what
other people thlnl .
- - - - -
FA R M E n S
1 IIlIrness , Collars lAnd Saddlil
aB tt : le mark : are mad.rom / th.
0d.l ! d1loned tanned CaUlorni luther.
@ With car , . . .HlI..1 .1 Jlletlme. Aak : yC" r
Jutu II they do not handle our 11'00.-11.
Send 2."nl lUmp lor Catawl 01 our
HAWUI and Sacldlu , which aho'll you &
way 10 buy Ihem.
DVCltSOrA 1'1" IIttOH. , ' ) 'he 1111rnru l\Iell ,
Lincoln , Nebr sl < u.
: . : EXICA ,
Mustang liniment
cures Sprnina uml Strnhlti.
No ,
The Genuine TOWER:5 :
u R ) " nOIHING.
Ill ) rn.d ( of the h t
IIAtcrillb , In blAck or 'ycllow.
fullY u antccd , And old by
rch blc dt4lcr cyc(1l'1hcrc ,
Tov R CANADIAN co. . t' ' . , d. . OSJTOT"O'-sA. U.CI : .
. . .
TOIOWTO , CAN. " . . - . . . .
- - - -
6' < ' "
i 'A TY'S"
Tn Oiliohom'Ity : IIn < 1 OI1'hrll'l now-open ,
Frum Kant-nN elt } the "Iuly" 1'1 tile hhort
IIl1e ; from Chll'o/o , } I..rt . ot Iho . .hort IIno ,
ulIlI trom Ht. 1.ou ! ! ; . lacll ! ! hut n tew miles
otfJlm \ : the IIIn t dlrl'ct ronlC lo tbls pllrt
ot 01dllllolllD , 'J'lIo nounlr ' trllV'rM'hont !
or the hl.-t : - tarmlll' " ( lItrkl ! ; III Amorkll ,
Eupportlm : IInmller ot tllrlvlm : toWIIN ,
wblch will Irow In Ilrnmlllerll'H ralIII ( ' with
the IIdvC'nt ot the rallrollil. JII'ro tllo prall.
IX'ctivo flctt ler nnrt In\'l'lIlur wlllllnil nn ex.
ccedl lIuly rlclt opportunll ) ' ,
l or cOnlillcto 1U1I1 ot Oklahoma nnrt
Imllan ' 1'nrrltury 111111 Intcr.
" c'lllII : Inturlllllllon , wrllo
U ! ! .lIi"
. . n. J' , do ' . .to , )1" KI. T.IIT ,
Katy Dlda" ST. LOUIS , MO.
TrIlSlWOU " Indy or cenlJeman to lOanlllO busi.
ness in this County an,1 adJoinlll\ ! territory tor well
uldtavorably knrwra hou o of 501111 tinanclalltand'
Inl : , 6:0 , ( ) ( ) strai ht cash SUlafY IInd elpen.ea
Plaid each MOllday by check direct trom heaclquar-
er. . lll'enle , , '
IIIOIltY aJ\'anced ; Iosltlon purma'
JeQ Experience 11CI1''henllal. Addre. .
T. .I. COOPER. MnnllKer.
: ) omo . Block. CIIUJAGO. : LL.
. .
tt I ; : ' ; f Yhompson' . Eye Water
from Pimples
to Scrofula
From Infancy
to Age .
To those , vho have s f' ;
fcred long and hopelessly
fronl Hum 0 r s of the
Blood , Skin , and Scalp ,
and , vl1o have lost .faith
in doctors , medicines , and
all things human , CUTI. .
CURA Soap , Ointment ,
and Pills appeal with a
fOI'ce hardly to be realized.
Evcry hope , evcry e"pec-
tation awakened bytheln
has been more thnn ful-
filled. More great cures
of Simple , Scrofulousund
Hereditary Humors are
daily made by them than
by all othcr B IODd and
Skin Remedies combined ,
n single set , costing but
one dollar , being 0 ft e n
sufficient to cur e the
1110st distrcssing cascs
when all else fails.
Solcllhroohoul tb. world , Cull.ur. n..ol..r. lOG.
( ! n lor" , ul ( : buo : ' . . CUlt. " 1'11I. , , . I' " ,1.1 01 001 ,
0".1 , Me" " " .p , : ! .I , . 11'\1"111 I.mel" " , 21 lh.r1U : _
houM 81.1 I'll" . 6 H" . . " J. r.1r I JloI" " . UT Cutbile
" " : : ir : d : t'i : ; : 'Jki . -
Looking for i21 Homa1
Tllon why not kcclJ In view the
foot that ti10 farminG lands of
lire 6ufficlont to &upport IlollulalwlI ot 5Oroo.OOO
or over ? Thn ImllllKrolJon for tile l'as ! ail ) Cllr.
IIIIS been phenomenal ,
fREE lfomEstead ! Lands
oo lI ) ' accessible. while olher 11111.18 ma ) ' ba IHIr-
chased from HnllwRY nnd 1.on,1 Cf1I11I'l1nics. Thn
Iralnllncl\rnzhll : lands ot "VII.n Cllnncla lire the
lIeU on Ihe conllnellt , Ploll1c1n Iltu heal & : rllln ,
Rnd caltle ( led on IIralS nltllle ) read. , for mar.e ! .
: \llIrltcts , 8..hooI8 , JtlilhvII3'H "nd u11 oth'r
Indltlon" mllke 'Ve8t..rn Clumd" nn em"l-
lhl" slwt tor the settler ,
Write to Superlntendenl ImrnlnatlonOltawnCan- '
ado , tor a desclh.tlve . lla . and olher Intorlnllilon ,
or to Iho nuthorlzed Canadian Go , crmn"nt Al1enl-
W. V. Bennett , 801 New York Lila Dulld1nl : >
Omaha. Nell.
W. lm DOUet.AS
$3.O & $3 SHOES rlOO
'v. L. nOll 1 s
shoos hnvo 1Jy th011'
oXI'C,1I0IlL IItylo :
cusy.llttln . It n ( i
6 IIpOl'lo l' woarllll ;
(1IIUlltlcs , nchlo\'olt
the ! Ingest /talo / of
nny BI1008 in t1 0
They : \1'0 just as oed
liS these tfmt cost you
IH to Sri-tho ollly
dllIorenco Is tlto IIrleD.
80ld EU"lJwhere.
[ .oak tor nuno : nr' "
Ilrlco on bottom.
nOIl/lu. . 118"11 Coronn. .
Uoltlildu , which tll nvnrywhf'ro cORl'NlclS to
) otho tlllrllt 1'lItCllt l..uthnr yet Ilrn.uccd.
' , : , t Color Eyeill. u , d. Shfp by tIIalJ. 6".txtrn. "
WdtotorC tllloll , W.I , . ouIla .llrod1wn. > > . . . . .
Lartnt sttd potat" trower' iiI /IJ , world I
1 1l'&lmt stock. Trewpndol18 yields.
1'/om 400 to 1000 lIusbcJ I'cr acro.
FOil " 0 CElti1fS
an < 1 this notice WI' pnd ) 'OU 10lR or rarm
eOI'd 811m pIe. ami blr catnlOlU8 , telllnr
alllSbolltT lnle.Bpelt2 : . I'I'Mal. , trf"
nd llArley , 2 > l carnnl Wheat. JlroluUB ,
IarllOlt ! : ( "ano , elc. Dd for I5I1mo today. . " ,
PORTRAIT AGENTS : : ; l r t : l :
Ourllood. the belt. l'rlen Ibe Inwell. J'rolDl" . IiiI' "
III nl" , lIellnry ot pnrtraltllUaralltl'ed \ , Joluaut , :
' .1\11"81110,1 , rOil. tree "end rUf ealah'j\le . "ddruu
AI > AM 1 , KROLL-CO. . Now Era BulldJnr , , >
When Answering Advertls i u - ,
1 < lndly Mention This Paper.
CURES catarrh of the stomach.