Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 31, 1904, Image 6

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    - - - -
. . - "
. . .
. .
" - - ,
W'oVou1d t h tl10
who hOIS.
' number on \
is an extrl1ctJo
or whc:1t wed ; to stir.
' ( on" clothes' whenl
! JIUndcrcd. Moat
. .tnrchcs in tlmo !
\w \ I rot the
coed b II ) '
nro used to
lhey ( XJntil
'Dcllnncc Sl.t1r
fA absolutely poro.
It gives new lifo to
linen. It ives mtisfae. :
, tion or JDonoy b4Ck. I
. , ella IG onnces for 10 ccntn
'at nIl grocers , It iJth _
( icry bost.
The [ fJANCf ST RCII CO. ,
OMAIIA. - . . N (
As lloon as a man Is goo enougll
bo Is no longoI' an ) " Iood ,
Hope for Apple Growers.
ANlio growera In I'ocent 'earll have
noticed largcl ) " Increased damalo by
the codling moth , ' 1'hls pest nl1llenrs
In the form of smnll brownish moth
Roon arlcr the young npples hnvo set ,
Its eggR , laid on the side uf the fruit
or even on the leaves , glvo rlso to
tiny worms which cntor the young
up pies and ( llJ\'elop Into full grown
npilio wormA ,
' 1'ho nnnual loss to npplo growcrs
In the Unlte Slntes from , this pest
I110no Is cnormous , Such II. llOst could
not long cscallO nltcnt'ton from the
BclonlUlc sleuths uf the ) ; : xIIOl'lmcnt
fjtatlous , ' ) 'hese worlerE ! have traclted
1ho benst to Its 111.11' . , watched Its 1mb-
lts oC lIfo nnd devised weallOns for
Its l1estructlon ,
A. recent bulletin by the Delli.-
ware Experlmcnt Stntlon shows that :
ncarl ) ' all dnmngo by the codllnc
1II0th can be cheelmd by slll'n 'lng
with a certaltl nrRenlcal Burn ) " called
} ) Istlnl'eno soon aCtor the blossoms fall
from the trees , Appllol1 to trees
It volsonR the 'ounJ ; Insects In
Infancy nl1l1 prevents further damage
to ilio crop. It has nlso been found n
complete and efrectlvo remedy for the
cRnlcor worm , curcullo an ether In-
J10cts that attncle orchards an worle
& ; rollt havoc therewith.
In his bulletin. gntomologlst Snn-
dorson or the Dolnwnre Stat.lon , Hives
lho result ot II. careful sorles or ex-
porlmonto In which ho snrs , "Dlspa.
reno Jlrove to bo very much suporlor
to parlB crcen , and (1elltro 'ed a larger
Ilorcontago of codllng moth larYno
than hns over been done In any slml-
11\1' experiment. Ono thing which
800l1lS to mo to mnlte Dhipnreno of
epeclal value IB Its a heslvo quail.
tieR i In splto of vel' ) " heavy rains It
rOl1U\lned on the treeH all summer.
'l'ho rcsults which wo socurell from
1IIsilareno were both sUl'llrlslng and
gratify I nc , "
ProfoBRor J. n , Smith , Entomologist
of the New Jersey Experiment Sta ,
tlon. adds his endorsement In these
words , "Dlspnrene has provell lhor :
Ollghly satlsfnctory an safe wher ,
over uRed , My expel'lenco with II
has been so Batlsfactory this real' I
have recommended It wldol ' _ "
l I'u1t growers are to bu r.ongratu : ,
l"te thnt at last a clleap an.l . orrec
tlvo romed ) ' for the codling moth hm
heon founl1. The free lIIustrnte
IJl\lIlphlot on Dlspal'eno IJUt out b ) ' the
Bowltor Insectlcldo Company of Dos
t.u and Cincinnati Is a. mine of 1I5e
tul tnformlltlon nnd shoull1 bo In Ill (
hn.c1B ; of every proy.resslvo fruit grow
or. Wo understnml the l\1lssourl Val
Jey Seed ComlJnuy. St , , loseph , Mo ,
are now In n position to Sllpply till
western tl'llde wilh Dlsparene unci till
ouUoole Is that throuHh the Heneral us ,
of this Insectlcldo the n\lple \ crop 0
tbo mld1110 weBt. will be much Il1rge
of a hettor qllaltty tb ) 'CUI' thai
ror several 'ears' lJUst.
People who borrow trouble are a
WI\3 reaay to len u'lce ,
g Lincoln. UobrnBka I
g German ( oach.I I
g Pen/lerons / ,
g ( DqUsh Shire
g french Drdlt
g \ . ( dnd el ldns.
o o The LARGEST Imrorlcu 01 FIRST.
o CLASS ltallions 01 A"y COliCIN' In All Ih.
o PROM. On Arrlvlnl : III Llllcoln lakl Ih.
o StAI. FArm I\rUI car . . . .l.Iclru , , " dlllCtl. , 10
o our bAm. .Come And Ice UI or write.
o LI' Dlat. Tel _ 676 A , L. Sullh.n , ntr ,
. ,
, ,
Miss Alice M. Smitb , of Minneapolis -
neapolis , Minn. , tells how wo-
man's monthly suffcring may
bc pcrmnncntlYl'clicvcd by Lydia
.Pinkltam 's V cgctablcCompound
II DI An : Mus. 1'1 I/I..U ( : -1 have
ne'/er beioro givcn my cndorscment
for any medicine , liut IJydln. J .
Plnkluun's Vcgotahlo COIllfoun(1
has added so much to my IIfo nUll
happinc6s that I fcel 111m making' nn
exccptlon ill t.hls ca5C. JJ or two yenra
cvcrj' month I would IHJ.vO two days at
Gcvere pnfn , nn conld find no relief. but
ono dny whcn visiting' n lrlend I rnn
across Ji ' ( lIn. E. l > > lnkhum's Ycge-
13olJlo COUlpoundsho had used
it with t11l bcst rcsnlts Bud n vIIJcd
me to try it. I found thl\.t it worlccd
wonders with me ; I now experIence
no pain , nnd only ha to use n lew
botUca to bring nbout this wonderful
change. I use it occaslonnlly now
when I nm exceptionally tired or worn
out.1lIs8 ALICI 1\1. SmTH , 80,1 ' .rhfr
Avo" South 1\lIunellpolis , Minn" Chairman -
man ExecutiveCommfttce , Minneapolis
Study Club , -$6000 forfDlt If orIgInal 01 aboo.
letter proolng g"luln ness cannot be produced ,
Lyc1la. E. 1 > > lnkhum's VCJ'ctablo : ;
COUlpound carries women safely
through tllo varIous na.tural .
crlscs and is the safc-guard of
woman's health.
The truth about this g'rcnt
rncUcillc fs told in the letters
from women IJcln pu1Jllshed in
thIs lJUlor constantl ) . .
Sin IH al\va 's a grenter wrong to
the sluner than to an ) " other _
Oot ROll Cross Bnll BlIIO , the best Dnll DIne.
LIU'oJ : oz. ll1wkl1O only conts.
- -
No man fully realizes how much
nolso ho Illnl\\s whell ho comes home
about 2 n , m ,
Do Your Clothes Look Yellow ?
' 1'hclI IIHf , "IlI1I1Cl' Slarch , It will keep
them whlle-16 OZ , for 10 COllts ,
Let grace and goodness ho the principal -
cipal Ioulstono or thy affectlons-
Dl'yden ,
: llr . , ; Inlllo/l oothllll : riyrup.
For blldrcn : , lIoHI'DI the gUlU , ruoluc l ( Do
l1amwaUull. alla1 pI \ n , curol wlnol collu. 111n U8.
Srmpnth ' Is the safeguard or the' '
human soul agalnsL solfishness-
A faint henrt Is more apt to win the
fall' lady than a faint bnnk account.
A Hard Question.
The following tale Is told of the
IIlsholl of Lon on , Uavlng Indulged
that llrecarlous pastlmo of asldng any
slllall 1JOY or girl In the audlenco to
ask him a question , Dr. Ingram was
met by the following : "Pleaso. sir
why did the anels ! wnlle lip and down
.Tacob's ladder when they had wlns ! ? "
It Is sad to record that even the blsh.
op or l..onl1on was driven to make the
usunl humiliating anll mlsorablo os'
capo retlll'nillg" , "What little boyer
or1'1 & \ would 111(0 to answer this ? "
No Femnle Angela.
A minister on Lon I ; Island has dc ,
clarel1 that there nro tlO female angel
In heaven , As ho does not disclosE.
the source or his Information , the
statement may bo O\1on \ to argument.
Ho Is reportel1 to have said to his au ,
alonce :
"Most Ileople's Idea or an angel is
or n bellutlful , , ; raceCul , whlterobed
femllio flguro with 1wltlg ou elthor
shoulder , peacefully fioatlng through
the all' . I wallt to I5I\Y there are no I
female angols. "
For Growing Girls.
West Pembroke , ! \ to"tarch ! 21-
Mrs. A. I. . Smith or this place , Bays
that DOlld's Kidney PIlIB are the beHt
remedy for growlllg Ilrls. Mrs ,
Smith Ol1lIhaslzes her recommenda.
" tlon by the following oxperlence :
" Iy daughter wns thirteen years
old last November uml It Is now tWIJ
) 'ears slnco ahe was first talten wllil
Crazy Spells that woulel last 11. weet ;
ntHI would then pass oft , In a menU :
she woull1 have the SpOUR Ilgaln , A1
these times she wouM ( 'at vel' ) " littlE
aud WIlS "el'y ) 'ollow. evcn the whltm
of her eyes woulli bol1ow. .
" 1'ho doctors guveIS no encouragement
agement , they 11.11 . fJll1l1 they cOl\ld no' '
- help hcr. After taldll ! ; OliO hex 0
Dodd's Kl llc ) ' PUb ; , she has 1I0t hal
one 1.III s\lell \ , or COlli's ! . ' , wo contln
ued the treatment \lntll Hho hndlBOC
In 11.11 . about 11. dozen box's , and WI
still Jlvo them tu her occnslonallJ
: : when sbe Is lIot feeling well , Dodd'
11o Kidney Pills are crtalnly the bes
g medicine fogruwlng girls , "
o Mothers should heed the advlco IJ
g Mrs. Smith , Cor h ) ' 80 doing the ) ' ml\
o save their dllughtel's much Ilain eng
g slclmess and lOsuro a healthr. haplI
o future for thom.
g The man who hi nCrllhl of hl\l'I1ll1 \
o . . uo ) lIs wlel. nced not hOllo to brl&hte
. the world.
10(0 I n a I n t \\0 1IIlIl'hJl'Ic enollilb 15 rean RjO In ! 1l1t on ablo-
ID , , ,
lutely pure boule pllnt . . on Ihl ) , lIIarkrluIII , , wOD J
\ ftllll\elllVUI'IUCk . . '
. . .
, , . .
, I onul1ll1 10 Itl1ar.l1teo II AIe ) 'lIl1rll..I..r tor It.all"
; "rlto UI tor 'poelal color 110slgn tur ) 'our bou.o-
- tree. Lincoln PaInt 11& Color Co , . Lincoln. Nebr
. " ,
- . . . . . -
- -
Duylng Milk by the Test.
Prof. n. A. Pearsoll , In an addreflfl
recently tml : Mille for the marltol
should bo bOllht , from the prol1ucora
on n hnsls of Ita fat content nnd It&
sanltnry condition i Itn value ns a
salable product depends upon these
two thlllgs. I1veryono ! Icnows that 4
lIeI' cent rol1le Is worth moro than a
Jler cent to the dealer , and milk that
Ilns hoou llrefully handled Is worth
mOf' t1mn that which has not , Why
should not these two doslrnblo fac.
tors ho paId for at a fall' rnto'l AI.
most o\'ory argument In fnvor of pay'
Ing for milk l1eJlvered to a factory , on
a fat Imsla , applies with oqunl forcG
to marl < Ot ro11Ie and there are just.
as strong arguments In favor or hav.
Ing the value governed also by the
sanitary condition , The Dabcocle test
showfl the fut content qulcltly nu.d ac-
curately. An occasional examination
of the producing promlsos supple-
mente hy tasting an sme11lng rho
mille when delivered and the slmplo
acid test or the fermontatlon test ,
clearly shows the sanitary condItion
of the 'nllle. A few m11lc l.Iu 'ors n 'o
now pUl hnslng m11le on the baslA of
Its fat content and , roughl : ; we may
say. its sanltury condition. It Is to
the dairymen's own Interest to have
this practlco cxtended.
A western creamery has built up a
very Il1rgo and successful business of
Dlal.lug butter from hnn separator
cream which la shl\1ped \ from all dlrec ,
tlons and from some points 500 miles
distant. ' 1'he ! pay two cents more per
pound for buller fat that comes In
good condition than for that which
comes In bad condition. They malee
butter _ The
high-class , prize-winning
datry Industry Is rapidly doveloplng
In their SCCtlOll , showing that thaiI'
methods are wise. 'rho president of
that company told mo recenUy that
most lJUtrons deliver the higher prlco
cream , or BOOU patronlzo another
creamery. where there Is no discrimInation -
Ination between gool1 and bad. If n
creamery finds It Ilrofltablo to d tere 1'-
entlato between good and poor cream
at the rate of G to 10 cents lIeI' hundred -
dred IJounds of mill" the buyer of
marltct mille woul nn It prolltablO
also to adopt such a plan ,
- -
Old and Dam < lgcd Milk C < lns : ,
What Is moro disgusting than to see
mille that Is to go Into a thousand
homes currle In mille cans that bear
e\'ery marl of filth and neglect' !
Cans that are rusty aud dlscolol'cd
within and without , bruised and bent
till ono would wonder if they had
been In a railroad wrecl" 11.1'0 often
found at the stutlons at which milk Is
dellvere for shipment to the city as
well as at the eroameries an cheese
fuctorles. Such canld glvo the Impres.
Ilon : to the beholder that the mill.
ey contain has not been well cared
! or. and they speak the truth. AI !
\lve- : ; one Imows , It. Is Imposslblo tl )
clean such cans aLter the llrst layel' ! >
of qnnlng have beeu brol.en and rust
. . : lOtS have ap\1eared \ ,
At a fnctory In Illinois wo saw n
wagon drI\'o U\1 \ with two rows or such
cans. How were they unloaded ? 'l'be
driver slmpl ) ' pushed each can over
lho slllo aud permitted It to fall to
the ground and Into the mud. bolng
enUrel . careless whether thj can I'e-
cel\'oll Injury or 110t. He may ha.e
beel1 only a hired man and apl1arenlly
did not feel n ersoual Interest In tbo
matter. A close Inspection of such
cans woul show thom utterly unfit
COI' use In cOl1ve'll1g mllk. They
might Indeed bo used for the carrying ,
Imcl. to the farm of whey nnd sltlm- '
mille , but are almost certain to be not
so used i for most farmers do not
want to carry two sets or cuns to the
creamery. Ono might say that the
outsldo of the cans 110es not llro\'e
what tbo Inside Is , but the mall that
: stops to mnl.o an Investigation llnds
that there Is a strlldng lIItoness. 'rhe
managers of mall ) " of our cheese factories -
tories alld creanwrlof : ! will do well to
Hlvo the mattm' morc attention than
It hils so fill' recelvel ! ,
- - - - -
Screens In Creameries.
Screens arc now being oxtenslvely
u : > ell In the creameries managed by
the most progresslvo creamery mon.
Wo notlca that the dairy and food
commissioner In ono of our westet'D
states males 1repol't on whether
screens 11.1' . ) usel1 In the factories. As
yet no totals nro possible , but the fact
that the inspectors are asl.lng about
this Ilractlce will naturally call the
attention of creumel'y mnnagel's to it ,
The reports 11.1'0 . publlshel1 hi the bulletins -
letins , und the rellorts get buclc to the
creamer ) ' men b ) ' way of the press.
This shoulll bo IL stroug Incelltlve to
' -llpl'Ovement along thlu line.
'rho lIy Is not only a currier of dls'
ae ! , but ho Is also a carrlC ! ' of filth
lu many forms , It Is surprising that
. all creameries anI ! cheese factories
hn YO not heen long sin co Ilro\'ldel !
with tlCretJnH , Flies ! : ather b ) ' thousands -
sands whoro"er tllcro Is creamery
( } I' cheese factor ) ' and lIternlly swal'lll
11\'r the butter. cheeHo and Into the
mlll { and : ream. 'rho wrltor rcmem ,
hel's 1.Ieln In Il lIrst.cll\Hs dnlr ) " school
where flies were altogether too I1U'
morous for comfort. 1l00'e nnd thC'rc
they were to be seen swimming Itl
the ereum or butteI'm 111" In a "brlcl ;
cheeso" factor ' vlslte1 ! h ) " the wrltel
- tiles were llres nt h ) ' the thollSRIHh
aud were contlh uull ) ' falling Into tll (
hot whey and bcolng preRel : : ! ! with till
choese. 'rho men dill nothing to pru
YOllt this. It mlhe nssullled thai
the ) ' thought thnt It the IlI'Ollrletol
( 'a red nothing nhout tt , there was III
reason fm' them to worr ) ' 0"01' th ,
out como , e\'on I { the flies did reach :
I1nal tomb In the pressell choese.
An Exposition of Modern W onder5
- -
The World's Fair of 1904 Is the Greatest Educational Factor a.s
Well as the Most Stupendous Entertainment tha.t Was Ever Or-
ga.nized-No Words Can Describe Its Magnificence or Magnitude , . '
1\11' . B , g , Stevens , editor of the Mln-
nelLpollH Union. visited the Worlrl's
l alr at St. Louis a few lIa 's ago , and
the following leUer In the Union lIe5.
crlbes In 11111'1 what. his Impl'osslons
were :
To Headers of ' ' 'fhe UnIon" :
I have been through the Wor1l1's
1'alr groun s ugaln toduy for the
third tlmo since coming to St ,
LoulR last week , und every I1) ' the
wondel' wllhln mo grows , 1 hnd
Imuglnec1 froll1 the desct'lptlons that
the manugoment Intended to ecllp.lo !
un'thlng ever befOl'o attemilled , hut
1 hud no Idea of the tromendould sl7.0 ,
the mll nlficent designs , the splondld
ettlngs , nnd the artistic beauty of
the buildings , I was Homowhnt pre-
lJal'ed to see fomethln- : ! the ordl.
nm' ) ' , but my II1lnd had h ' 110 means
graspell the splendors which wt : ! he
O\lIl1 \ to the vlsllOl's to the World's
Fall' this summel' , Of course tile'
grounds and the hull lngs nt this
time nre In II. chaotic state , nnd the
wcather was unpropitious for pleas.
ant "Isltlng , but oven with these
rJrawbacls , and with , nothing but the
bare and In many cases but pnrtlally
finlshod buildings to be seen , the
to send his chlldl'en thern , as they
will lIever hn vo an oPilOrtunlt ) ' a aln
to see an 'thln1-t approaching It , ami
the ' might travel all theIr lives nnd
not see as lI1uch of the world ns they
will sco hero within the confines of
this m't'at lixllOsltlon : , Bvery nation
In the wol'1I1 will be I'epresentt'd , and
n. trl\l \ hero will he a. IIbernl ollucatlon
In It-wH. : I cel'tnlnly hope that evcry
l'cadc'l' or ' ' 'rho Union" will talw m '
all vice 111111 go to tIFall' , even Ir
the ' cnn spend hilt a fl.'w da 's there.
It will be the event or a lifetime , and
no one shollid deny thomsl'lves thlH
much of the Illenures ! : ! of the worlll ,
oven If the ' ha\'o to deny themselves
In some other direction , B ) ' all mC'ana
malw up ) ' 011I' minds right now that
'ou are going to the st , I.ouls
WOI'Id's 11111' . nnd begin : -lIlvlnH for
thllt pUI'IJOSC right now. If necessar ) " ,
And on't fnll to give the hoys ntlll. .
girls IIn olll1ol'tunlLy to go. 'fhe ) '
will learn more here In a. . week than
the ' will In school III a ) 'ear ,
I wish I could millto thll:1 : strong
enough so that every reader of this
ImpCl- would malup his mInd to
see the 'World's FiliI' . for I am nuro
over ) " one who cOllies will agl'oc with
- -
New Yorl , . All are famous composers -
ers and theIr compositions ho.vo the
orlglnallt . nnd hlh , merit expectell
for such a sIgnal ovont. The several
111'ces will he played by the many
bands In their musIcal programs durIng - \
Ing the Txposlllon ! ; , under the dlree- I
tlon of the Bureau of 1\Iuslc. i
Dozens or Unique M < lterlals Used In
the Creation of World's Fall' Statu :
ary. .
gndurlng marble and temllornry
staff , which hnve mal'lwd the statu-
ar ' of ) lust expositions , 11.1'0 . not the
only lh1lls at the Louisiana Purchase
gxposlLlon , although moro worls or I
llI't carvcd from these mntol'lals nro
there oxhlblted than were over collected -
lected at one place In the hlstorr of
the world ,
Man ' odd materials have been
made up Into artistic figures thnt eloquently -
quently IlI'oelnlm the Idea or the do-
Blg'ner , SOIllO of these ulliquo stutues
fiI'O colossnl In slzo and largo sums or
money were expen ed In tholr mak-
llIrmlngham , Ala" has built 3.
Pal < lce of Mines and Metallurgy. I
Copyrhht. 1M ! . hv LOIII"lrlnn. Pllrl'hrl"e Exnn"lllon , ' _ _
_ _ _ " _ n _ " _ . _ _ _ _ uu _ _ , _ _ m _ , m _ _ _ _
gronnds are well worth traveling hundreds -
dreds of miles to see. oven ns they
arc. This belnH the case , what will
It be when ever.thlnH is completed
and when nature hils combined with
art to make this the fairest vision
ever seen hy mortal eyes ,
It would be presumptuolls on my
pnl't to altenlJlt to give 11 descrl\ltlon \
of the gl'Ounds or of the buildings ,
an when 1 nttempt a l1escl'iption I
am at a. loss ror worlls , and can only
repeat , " \Vonderful , wonderful , won-
dorful. " 'l'he grounds are a natural
beauty spot , and with the nddltlon
or the buildings , the statues. the
fountains , the lagoon , the cascades ,
anl1 nll the cunning contrivances of
art , the visit will be ono which will
ne\'er be forgotten , even If one should
not go Inside the buildings at al1. And
then the Inside of the bulldlngs-
buildings co\'el'lnl ; acres and acres of
ground , and stretching out fOl' what
seeI11s to be intermlnnble dlstanccs-
when these nre mleel with the worls
f nature , 0' ( art , of sclenco amI oC
91\11 \ from every pOl'tlon of the Imown
world , who " 'ould he so foolish as
to miss It ?
I would mnlw it compulsor- upon
every parent who can afroI'd to do so ,
, ,
- - -
Conductor Forgot His Audience In
His Earnestness.
'Vhat Is Imown as "tho mlllionalre's
( rain , " running Cl'Om Morris lawn , N. , T. ,
to Hobolwn , carries a number of men
Imown to the wol'lI1 of finance. The
: : ol1ductor Is David SandCl'son , to
whom his passengers , gmteful for his
uniform gool1 nature and emelenc ) ' ,
have just presented a handsome watch
: md 11. purse or gold. The ' Insisted on
his making a slloech and Sanderson
( lid so. winding up In this wnr : "Somo
peo\lle \ wOl1l1'r wh ) " It Is I ha\'o ha
' ! uch grout success In life ; why I hn\'o
hud no trouble with noboly ! , E\'en the
othC'r conductors don't undCl'stnllll It
11ml the ' often asl , mo how 1 get along
with the dl'lll11t8 on my train , an' I just
tell 'em- " Such n shout o { laughter -
ter went UII from the millionaires that
Sal1ll'r80n's speech enlled then und
there ,
Blmmelsteln Not Interested ,
On the cllr thn other morning 1 hnp.
pcncil to hang hy the stral } next to
IlImmelstl'ln'ri , Between hC'g'glng Po. "
trons of und grr.ntlng llUrdons to my
. .r
, rlshman Spoiled th Preparation by
His Addition.
01'\111(1 and Wilbur Wl'lght. the In-
"cntors of the most succ'seful fiylng
mnchltlo that 111lf : appeared thus : m' ,
live In Da 'ton , Ohio. where they con.
Iluet a blc'clo factol1' ,
n OH'el Irishman. a faithful om.
ploye of thelt'B for a numher or ) 'enfs ,
" , as lept at homo lust month h ) " Ill ,
nCES , 01'\1110 Wright- baNltot. on
_ _ _ -u.----- "
me that Ulere was never an.thlng to
equul It ! Ind that the one who misses
seeing It will never have another
' ' to Its .
oPPol'tunlt see equa1.
Sincerel ) ' ) 'OIll'S.
The Poet Stedman Has Written the
World's Fall' Hymn < lnd It Has
Been Set to Music ,
Western folk will be chal'med by
the beautiful hymn written by Edmund -
mund Clareneo Stedman upon the Invitation -
vitation of the World's Fair management -
ment , He calls It the "Hymn of the
West , " a. tltlo befitting so splendid a
production. It has five stanzas , and
Prof , John K. Paine or Harvar Unl-
vel sit ) " , has written the music , which
Is no less gran . The first Il11bllc rendering -
dering of this h ' 1U1l will be on the
open lug da ' of the great exposition ,
Saturday. April 30 , when a. drilled
chorus of GOO voices will sing it ,
Other musical compositions speclnlly
written Ullon Invitation of the
\Vorld's Fall' management are a
march 1Iy } o'ranl Vanderstulten , dl-
roctOl' of the Cincinnati orchestra ,
. an a wnU7. b ' Henry K. Hadley of
, _ _ "V' . . . . . .
near neighbors , I managed to read n
few pnragraphs In my neWSIlUllor.
One of them told of a remarlmblc
find by a NiplHU' expedition of the
University or Penns'I\'Unla , It was
nothIng less than a , well.presel'\'od
and thorol1ghly Itl1thentlcatl'll tallor's
bill nearl ) " 5,000 ) "ears old.
Since Blmmelsteln himself Is en-
; : aged In the clothhl ! ; business , I
thouHht ho would ho Interested In this
ancient relic , so 1 told him about It ,
but the stOl'y seeme to malte no 1m.
Il1'esslon on him ,
"Hang It. man. " salll I , "don't 'ou
\111110I'sta1\l1 ? It's a tallor's bill ahnost
5,000 'cars old , "
"Vell , " he answered. "vot Iss It
, ; oed for ? Dey can't gollect It-
Brool\1)'n gagle ,
Many Royal Visitors Coming.
If all promises arc fulfilled , the
United Stntes will have ro'al vlslton
HalOl'o next summer , So far these
hnve announcell their Intention t (
vl51t the land of the fl'ee : King
pold of Delglum , King Monelo ] , 01
Ab'sslnla , the erown prlnco of Gel'
mnn ' , the crown prince or SwedC !
flttll the crown } Irlneo of China ,
. . . ,
his arm , visited the slcl , man oue at
t e I'll 00 n ,
"lIere John , " he said , " 11.1'0 . some
dainties 1 have hrought you. Here II
some fruit ; hero is jelly ; hero Is I
tonic. fine fOl' the t\god , hero Is SOWI
SUIICl'b heer tea , "
"Beef tn ' . Is It , ser ? " said the 01. .
mr.n , "Shuro , nn' It shu ho good
that beef tn ) ' . ' 1'Is n IIhrlnl. 01 nl\'o
tlnled hefure. 01 llJl\t1le 'O , SOl' , fo
' 111 YO'Qlrol1lht , but spcclall ) ' 0
thank ) ' 0 for the folno beef tay. "
statue or Vulcan. It Is 50 feet blgh.
the base constructed or coal and colto
and the statue cast In Iron. It. pOl'-
tra 's Blrmlnghnm's importance as I )
manufacturing conteI' . King Cotton I I
Is l\I1sslsslppl's offering , Cotton Is
the matel'lal used , and the giant is as
tall as Alnbama's Vulcan. The Spirit
of Utah Is manifested In an artistic
figure mo eled from beeswax , Idaho (
presents the figure of a Coeur "
d'Alene miner cast from copper.
Golden hutter was nsel1 by a l\lInn \
sota. artist as the approprlato ma.
terlnl for a. statue of , John Stewart ,
the builder of the first creamery.
Louisiana. presents two curiosities
In sculpture-a figure of Mephistopheles -
topheles In sulphur antI Lot's wlfo
carvell from a block of rock saIt _
CallCornia shows the figure of an ele.
phant built of almonds.
World's Fair Notes.
'fho exhibits will amount to twenty
thousand carloads.
A machlno will stamp the 1Ilenes :
of a. WOI'ld's Fall' hulldlng on a pen- '
ny for souvenir col1ectors , I
' 1'ho Insldo Inn , a hotel on the
World's Fall' grounds un er Exposl. '
tlon control. has 2,3 D rooms , :
Congressman Hardwick Mistaken for
One of the House Pages.
Congressman Hardwick. the boyish-
lool\lng mlln from Georgia. . , hns had
the experlonce that has befallen other
youthful statesmen. He was standIng -
Ing close to the spealccr's desle one day
when one oC the reading clerks , mis- I
taldng him for a page , Raid : "Rull and
hrlng mo that paper thnt Is lying on \
Gell , Gl'Osvenor's ( les ] ; : _ " Sml1lng at ,
the clerl's 01'1'01' , the Georlan , did as
relluestell , Half an hOllr later the
ehnlt" recognized "the gentleman from
Georgia , " and to the liurprlse and
mortification of the reading c1el'l" 1\11' ,
Hllrdwlcl ; : , the bearl1less boy , who
hnd lerformed messenger duty n shOl't
tlmo pre\'lolIs , arose nnd delivered n
long speech on the mco problem In the
SOli th ,
The Crinoline Is Coming.
The lIew ahlrts with theh' extreme
fullness , cspeclnll ) " toward the front ,
will be the mother of our ol curse-
crinoline. Nothing but the stiffen ell
petticoat wl1l throw Into shallo the
wide sldrts of the Immedlato future.
- ---I
In a weee or two the 1I'lshman was
hacle at WOl'I'fho \ dn ) " of his return ,
seeing him at his post , Mr , Wright 1- '
aslwll him with a. smile how he lilted
his beef ten.
"Shllt'e , not a bll , " saId the 0111 man ,
"Wh ' , " said 1\11' , 'Vrlght , "heef ten
15 delicious Ir ) 'OU heat It antI a Il a
lIttle snU and ) le\lpel' \ . "
"Well , SOl' , It ma ' bo good thot
wur , ' snld John , "Dut I put milk
and su&n.r to It-Lo Ansel : s , ftmes.