I It" , " ' . . ' " ' . ' " . . - . , , . . , ' - 'f . . . , , , - - - I , . I " , 1 , , , " ! . . j , \ - . , ' ' " ' . , , 1 , ' : ( I' ' , ) , - . \ It. . , i . I , , j \ I 1n tbt 6u'den Jlfter tl't ' Resurrection ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - . . -I\ \ t ' l Drea.m of a.n Easter f40rn II I dreamed that 'ou ami I , hand In hand , passld to etlHH' from the little wa ' that WI. ! call life aUII that till' pOl" t.as ] of great light anll great Hlleuce closed behind us. 'Ve stood , two quivering. new horn spirits , still warm with the em'eoplng ] veils oC humanlt . , In etel'l1lty. We , wflO had uwned such a smull parl of the world , who hud lived such a smull } larl of I.\'en the IItt Ie thing CUlCI ! ] Life. wcre there In the etel'l1\t \ . of spirit , ours at last , the Imowledge of Immortality. Around us was ] lI1nlnous dlstunco , of I which Iwemed a IlI\rt : It was 1II < c the I ! soul of a ralllanec that one sometimes catchl's iu Infinitestlu1I\1 gleam In the : lleart of something CI'ystal. Wa'es of , hel\lIty unll truth palpltatell towul'Il' ' liS , each cfl'erlnIf ; with fresh and ovel' CreHh ecstlls ) ' . I\nd Wl' grew with each , mort' perfect Imhstance of the whoh' . Al d It seemf'11 that wlll'n we ] W31'11 the whlsllel' of t hlcllrtaln Itehlncl us , Hnll l\nothel' slooll ru\'ealed where we had Iteen. Shl' stili held ahollt hm' the garlt tlf lho little WilY we call Life. amI hl'l' face was pinched with requirements thut hall Iwen. lieI' elf on earth was tl'untIIII\'nt to us ; nothing' of all that hall Itcl'n was hid. den. Passion for attainment was the tl'anslucellt nH-'ntality. 'l'hIH woman hacl only wantecl that which sh ( ' had 110t , anll only wanted It hec.luse shl ! hacl It not. . 1110rlnllt . hacl hel'U ' ' . lIet. IIn m'el' IIn. folding defilrl' . Shhacl 1Il'1I 111\1. . nlng herself. and hll'illOlf had heen IHII'sllln the Truth. She hacl lIot felt I\'I ( ) , and she had not felt hate ; sIllhllli onb' felt hl'rseJr. She had IIvell In thn 111111st of ! lfl' 111111 novel' lI\'ell at all ; hel' da 's had IICen flllell with a thollmnd ! hmj ' ncts. anll stu hllcl neVl'r lllIIte anything at all. Jlot. nal1H ! hat ! heen Hta11l1H'd on a 1hOll81\nli achlcvelllenls. I\nll IIhlhacl neVel' ] mowlI the nllnt < ' . of anything In the world. We Ill-'al'll hm' 1110lln wllh the IlI\ln , . . . . of a great anll nU1I'\'elolls chung ! ' , allli " 1'.1' then the garh of eurlh tl'it'tell ! and ell bed 1WII ' fl'olll hel' . ' 1'hl' slllrit with hlltll ] e'es anll out. Htrf'telll'll hU11l1 stelllH11 Into the In. flmto. Again thl' whlHlJOI' of the cllrtaln-a mun was there. ' ] 'ho liho ] ) of his hllmanlty was flxocl ant ! cold and carven with donlas. ] HlR stiff , white hanllti J.raslJII ) clIl'l. t-'I t : ] OilS weells of ll\l'th , self.ltnII01.tance , Intolel'unce , Intl'lnslc vllllle : . ; " lie hat ! lied on hoth sitles of life , olltslcle and InHltle , the one c1en 'lng the othel' to the end. Whl're 11 ( ' had gl\'en he hall Ienled ] , and whel'o he had denied Ill ! had not glvon. His charit . hall IIC0n of this mate. I'lul. his 10\0 had heon the Hal1l0 cu'i. OilS flaw. Ill' had built 'hospltals and as .ltlms and IIchools , ant ! caret ! fOl' I mothm' . lilstel's , wife and chlldl'cn. Yet : he hall ne\'el' felt lhe sight of a crill' ' auswel'ell the of ' pIe 01' yearnln IIn' soll1Hh ohutlon ] In the e 'es of love. J lis Jlt'e was 11 11m' proceHHlon ot 1\'lng which hlH soul watehell wit h thin IlresHed IIl1s. lie hud denied hlmsclf , anll the sf'lf hall dl'nlell the man , and hoth hud de. nicil the Inllnlto Splt'lt. HI' nlglwll very gentlr IInll the shell of the IIttll' way multed fl'om him. \Ve HIl \ \ ' hl8 l'Y ! ' ! > slarln wldl' Into the III stance or Pnace and the ' wore 1II1C11 with tOIlI'S. Auln ! the whlsllel' of the clII'lllln-a ( ,1'outlll'l1 was there of h01'1'lhle and u w ful Ilellgn. ' evil IH'1I ' ' /IWI' / ! of g\'II. , was e'el'yIWI' thl' naturc that had lived ItHelf. Shl' had Iione nothing hellullfullr that she coulll 110 hannfully. She had ahsorbell the good to malc It hall , aU11 hel' Inlluence hllli Iwen stl'On/ / ; ' . Nevel' durln : hel' wholl ! l'xlHtence 11\111 the \'olce or the slllrit Hllolwn : It Heemed that there was none save a lhln or ( 'nt.thiy allurenwnt to slleal\ \ , und .P.t wo saw that the Hplrlt hud 11'en Ihel'e Illwa 'H lool\lng on with the gau' of a ch lid who Iloes not uIIIICl" slnnll thf' wlcll'dnt'Hs of the worll\ \ . And wo HIlW all that was tCl'l'lhle , loatIHwme a 11I1 pltlflll rail a wa ) ' as Hhl'I\'eled peta8 ] , and tillSOIlI. . Him. IIII ! . cll\mltle \ of Intlnltl' g'l'Owth. IIUHR slowh' Inlo the th'Rt wav ( ' ot' hallpl. nt'ss und Itl'l lty It 11\111 ( ! VI'I' Imown. Anll the curtain 1110\011 Iln a ' ( ) \111 1J'1 was th-'l'I ) . Hel' l'alllll'lIl hah' waH wet with leal's and In het' hundH HIcal'l'led twenty roses. The l'nl'old , In'ell of lhe IIttlu wur wus love\ \ ) ' be 'ollli wlIl'ds. It Hhono wit h IInsel. fish ] 0\0 IUIII 1II\I.It . of II\\I'IIOSI ) : Hho had IlCen so hrllvo anll RO sweet anll so lo 'al to all that \\'UR tnlC. What- evCl' Hho had done waR shnlly ] the eXln'usslon of hel' own truth. A 1111 tllero hall heon such neell of hOI' , hucl. thl-'I'H whm'u she hud raillated hope. \ ut Ilero IIho WUH , ancl ' 1'hol'o wus the - . - - - - - - - = = = - = need of her ; Il wlstflll hnman lo\'c Hholll' about hor. She smiled , and as Hhe stepped forth wo saw till' twenty roses drift hael , to grow again In the heart II or tllOSl' Shl' had lert. How many mol' { ' thousand came wo Illil no ! . ] mow. 'Vo saw men and woml'n mltm' wit h the deut ! lellves or vanity. Inslncorlty , Indlfforence , cruel. t . . hl'utallty stili shl'mllilng thom , and we saw these 11ead leaves full awa ' , disclosing only the Iltte ] perfections that hllil heen heneath all , nn these illumined slowlr In the light. 'rlwu , without n sou nil , It seemed the ( ' 1II.taln lifted. showing a narl'ow doorway hewn In Htono that led from the little wa ' , an through this we Ha w till ! old Jlfp-exllel'lencen , hates , aft'pctlons , 'Ve coule ! watch the men ane ! wom. I ) ! ) of nil the wo111 busily threading bac ] , and forth and nrbed In those eead ! , shrlvelell , feurful scnles heneath which the Immortality of goodness was uwaltln . gvery secone ! one of them turned \\'enrlly tOWUI'e ! us. Children clUno smiling , and no change wall ) lercelt ) Ihlo ml the ' IHlsserl. Tholl out of the st1'lln o , compact throng we Haw one move IIIa \ VCl' ' stm' . 'Ve Imw In o Ill' Infinlto unller. stanlllng tllIll the cloalt or IIfo had heen but a shining veil to her sou ] ; a veil that had grown thinner . . \'Ith the suffering of each da ' . lieI' love hae ! grown reat. with giving. 1IPI' hOle ) hud grown Infinltl with hOlln ) . hi selllef-s IlIltience she had Ii'ed ahovo her own SOI'I'OWII to hear the agollies of otlters. So nothing hud ! tepn too Hnllll1 III' too mighty for her cOI11II1'ehen/Jlon. Becuuse nothlnJ ; hnd heen given het. . she waH ovol'ythhl/ / ; , . Alon a llIlth of teal's she came to shine on through the eternal wouder. Ani ] where Hhe had IICOII on the litte ] wu ' of wo111 we saw a Illy hloom , lne ! lIuothel' . anI ! another. a1\l.1 whel'-'vel' ( ono hllll lived who avc his life 1'01' ] o\'u. Aud De 'OJ\I ] , hI tit ( ' ralliant sllene- ' , we RecmcI ] to sw' a 111 111 Ion Iillet > of 1111I'1. ! IIghl. anll the > Ilttlo Imth that ] el ] fl'OlII thl' IIUII ! way wo call life Illto the Inllnlto wall white 11 II I ! beau tlflll anll IIneti with thelle wonderful lIowers. A Volcn III'entholl throu h all tlmc IUlII SIIllCO , ' " am the resurrcctlon and ttw lIfe-\I ; ' Ilngdum : shall havtl ne cUll. " We tlll'IWII towure ! the mensureleHs 80ul'co of glor ' , Ilassing In lilies 01 light , YOIl 111111 I , forer Ulltl forever 01111 fOl'ovcr. I t was gaster morning. J , - . . . BUY EUROPE'S ' GOODS - - - - - - THE fJNITED STATES HER DES r MARKET. - - - ; : OlDures "rovo That Tariffs Hwc Not Prventcd Increase of Trade-Re. markable ShowIng of Otficlal StJ. tlstics. - - - - ThA Unltt'li States Is the A"T < ! ntest marl > ol. that gllrollofInds \ for her wares. 'rhe month I ) ' lIummnr ) ' of commerce nnd IInanco of the Unl tell States bll' rC.IlI ! of statistics shows thal the total Imllorts ( If the IIscal renr 1903 exceed. ell those ( If the Ilrevllllls relU' by mOl'o thnn $100OUOUOU. Tilt ) llI1)1orts ) of J1Ianllfactmod at'Uces ] tor the IIscal ) 'ear 190a wel'o 11101'0 tlllm $11 : JOOOOOO. 'rho high Illneo which the Unltet ! Statl's occllpleR In the luclllslt.y of l lIrolo ) shoWN that no hlC1'easo of tar. Iff can ) lrevent ElIrolo ) t'rom somllnA" liS her gool18 In evor.lncl'pnslnJ ; qllantl. t's. ! A Gm'man.Amerlcan ne\\'sllaIIOr eall,11 Colomhln , IllIhllshed In Berlin , cnlls attention to statistics hCllrln on tlliR Ilolnt , 111111 shows the rOlnllrlmhlo mannC1' In which forel/'n / countrlos hn0 luerpnf > ell their trade with u ! ! In sllile of tariffs. United Stales slatlHtlcl ! for the ) 'enr 1107 ! , COlllllUI'ed with IItatlstics of 1870 , show the Increase follows : 1',1' ccnt. 1 I'cnch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 GI'rnUIIJ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . , . . . . . . . . . .2.11 HI'I JIIII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 : : .1i Hllllnll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : .GO. . t R lllliRh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3 1Irltlllh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.1 When the IlrcHent American tarlft was lilloI' IIiScIIRslon , tl.lrtcen of the leading 11\11 Ufl t 1'1111 couut ries Ilrolestcil a alnst the measul'O. Yet , In RllltO of the law , the olltgolnJ ; buslncl1l1 of Ilt leaA ! . len or these countries with the 1'nllpll StatoH has gro"n EH1rIH'IHlngl ) ' . In lSII8 the hnJorlf. or the Ullited StnteR 1'\0111 Gct'nmny wel'O ahout $70.- OOU.OOO , while In HIO they were $ 1 02.000,000. l rom Fl'anco In 1Rns the United Stlltl'S I1nllol.tell $ Ei3OOOOOO worth or Qls ( : In 1J02 : the Iml101'ls were $ S3 , " 000.0(10. ( 'rhe Im1101.t8 fl'om Itlll ' In 18JS ! \\\I'P $20,000OUO : III 1tJ02 , 30- 000.000. Jvl.'rr ; ono of theRe ten countries sho\\'R IlrollOl'tlonate IncI'ease , am ] th ! ' Rllme Is t I'lle of s111a1l0l' natlolls In tltoil' dellllns with the UlIlled Stntos. The 11\Ilol'Ls from Great Britain , how. ( ' \1.1' . Hhow enl ) ' ! > [ IeI' cent Incren o mnrlnt , hut to 1,0(11 ] the \morlcnl , mnnurnchlrt'rs fr0111 tnlc1nA" the rltlsh colonlnl marhets awa ) ' from the British mllllufnctnrl'1'R thal 1\11' , Chnmhorlnln ur CH the adoption or our Ilolle ) ' . The thlns , which hn0 Ilro\'oJwd this nttltudo or Chnmhl'l'lnln 11\(1 the Sll- IIl'emnc . of the Unlloll StntIn manu. ! acturltlJ ; nnll the wonllcrfull'xlllulslon of Ocr1l\nn manufneturln nnt ! C01l\- \ merco as w'II , Bohlnd the Chamhcr. In In Ilolle ' th'I'O 18 no resentment at the tariff lllws of Olrmnll ) ' 1111\1 \ the Unltell StnteR : hut a rescllt1l\ent at the commercia ] aUll hllhlRtrlal expan. slou ot' buth cuuntrlos , which hl\\'o rClIII ct'et ! Oreal llrltnln'R Imlustrlnl alld c01l\1I\cI'cal ! IUllromnc ' a thlllg of the PlIst. It there IR all ' ono In this eoulltry who qllestlons the whHlO1l\ the tnrlff 1I0Ilc ) ' of the United Stlltos , which has t'rel\led the cOllllltlonR above outllnoll , ho cortaln ! ) ' cannot 110 founll In the ranles of the llrotectlonlsts , The wis. 110111 of om' polley Is lIIost heartily hI' dorsell by Chnmh-'raln ! himself , who .r-Ivcs It the hl hesl 1)RsIIIo ( ! 111'1\lso \ In his rccommelllntlon ] that It ho COIled h ' the British 0111)11'0 ] , Itl 01'1101' thl\t Greal llrltaln can save herself from 1I0ing IIrlven oul of the marlcls which her own coonles ] nfforll. There Is no longer the rOl1\olost thought In Great Britain of holn ! ; nllio to recallLuro the AmOl'lcan marlwts.-Sel\ttlo Post In. tolllgencer. OfficIal Salaries at Washington. 'I'hllt $ OOOO a 'ear Is an 11\1\110- qunto ! mll\r ' fOl' the PI'oHlllent ot the Unltod States hils long hoen recog. nl1.lJtl hy a ) ) ] ) OI'lIonll who 1\1'0 fl\mlllnr with the l'ellUlro1l\ents Imllosell b ) ' or. IIclal life In Washington at the II res. ont time. The $7 ,000 8ug estcd b ) ' Senator o alii ngOl' In lhe hili ho haR just Introllucell IR none too much , and sumclont re:1ons : ! coulel be fount ! oven fol' muldng the lIuro ! $100,000. When It comes to the other Increases - creases of sallll'leB IH'ollosed In the hili-tho VI co PI'esldont a1\l1 the cab. Inet OIllC01'S from $8,000 to $ l , OOO , the Rpl-'alol' of the 1I0URO or HepI'e. 8entatl\'cs Crom $8,000 to $12,000 , 1\1\11 sonlltorR 1\ lit ! rOllrcscnlatlves il'om $ EiOOO to $ SOOO-there will ho mOl'o \lrohahllll \ ' of 1\ctl\.o discussion. However - over , the salllo re1\sons that 1\pply In the Presldenl'R case \ \ CuontlonahIy ) alllly ] , ant ! perhaps with even moro lorce , In t.ho casco ! ( the cahlnet om. cerH. Cert1\lnly the Secret1\ry \ of Slate cannel begin to fulll ) ) hlH olllcial oh. ligation ! ! UllOn hili ulIal'Y. ] a 1111 with - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - VERY MUCH INCLINE D TO STAND PAT. , , TAR'rF ' ' V1ALLlCS' / [ - = II = " " , \ , _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ /w . " . - - - . . In thirty years. But It must he re. momhored that for many yeaI'll Great Britain hall the hut ) ) ot the huslnoH/ ! . She haR failed to hold h01' own. PROTECTION IN ENGLAND. A Cause of Infinite Worry to the Free. Traders of the United States. 'J'ho ' growth of the protectlvo tariff sentiment In Great Britain , under the vigorous campaign of Joseph Ch1\mher. ] nln , Is II ause of Inllnlte worry to a largo number ot the free trade nows. paper In thlR country. It Cohdonlsm loses hold In IOngland , what refuge will Its exponents In thlR country I1nd ? In endlll\vorlnA" to IIreac ] the moral effect or this abandonment of free trade In th" home or Its votaries , some of these free trade newspapers profess to he. ! leve that the haul ] ot Engand ] Is forced In the mattel' ; that she Is cm. : polled to turu to IH'otcctlon t be. cnuse It Is sOllnd In prlnclplo , but ns a matter of retallatkin ngalnst the Uulted States. ThUH 11 conspicuous free trade D6'9lS apOl' sa 's thal the Ch1\mhorldn tnmpulgn has allpllrentIy roused 1h man ' Inl11't.el'R [ of this coun. try fIr. Tague fcellng of distrust of the fjf , om of our own ] JOlIcy , which has provolwd this nttempt at rlt1\lIaqon. \ " This Is an oxaet cQnvC\/Jo of the Chamhoraln ] position. 1\11. Chamher. ] aln has nevcr fOl' a slnglo I1IHtant used the argument that protection should ho adoptell for the purposCt of compoll. Ing the Unllell Htates to open Its mar. lI'ts to gngllsh goods. On the direct contral' ) ' ho haH commendel\ \ tarIff policy of the United Slates and hed ] It \III as U lI1/el ] worth ) ' of BI.ItIRh adolltol101' ! the free trade hetwoen the stalci ! of the American \Inion , with IL tal.1ft agalnllt the outsldo world. ho prolJOses II slIhstantial ellul\'llient of I free tracle hot weell nil or the com. ponent parts or the British I mplre , I with tarIffs agnlnHt olllfolllorR , which Is as neal' an ullllivalent of the AUIOI'I , ean system or Ill'otectlon as tllo 11Iff r. .JUt clrcllmstnnce ! ! or the BI'IUsII gm. 1'11'0 ' will admlL allo\ltln \ . It Is not to hI' Into t71e Amol'lrtn - , the other memhers of the cnblnet the I Rltuatloll Is , though In varying degree , IIlmllar. It Is II perfectly practlcabo ] tiling for Cong'ress to ralso the lIalnrles or oxecutlvo omcors without m\lch trou. hln , when It sees reaRon tor the stel } . With the sularles ot Ils own memhers the caHO Is , however , VCl'Y different. 'rho first worl\ \ that 11'1 heard upon such Il proposal IH "grab , " and the record of the past shows that memo bet's of the ] ewer HO\lso ospeclally taw ] their official IIvos In tbolr hnn s when they vote for s\lch II m asuro. 'rheh' cOIlHtltucnla do not forget ! l at the next e ] tlon. While the Ib ltct 18 b n altated ! there Is another branch of the federal servlc& which sho\lld also como In for COh&1deraUon. 'fh t be the diplomatic 1'01'\'lce. Our ambassadors and many oC OUI' ministers abroad mUlil always sllend large sums from their prlvato Illcomes In order to hold their places without 1IIaln ] their J'overnment ap- Jlear ridlclllolIB to foreign eyes. With the torpign relations oC this country rwcomlnJ ; evol' more compllcatel ] , and with. the need or trulned dlpomats ] hf'co1l11l1g In conseClwnco OVel' greut , er , the Unlled StnteR can wcll aUorll to talce earl ' steps to place the dip. lomatlc sI''lcoIlon [ s\lch a hasls that the country's hest hraIJIR , even when unsupported hy Ilrl\'ato 11II1'seil. cun he made available for Its nl'CdH.- . Chicago Hecord'lIcmlcl , - - - - - - - - The Navy 8111. After a proonged ] fight the 111/\11'0 has IIUSHCd th nahili H\lhHtantlall ' aH It was reported b ' the cOlUmlttee. 1\Iany atlPlIIlIls were mal\o \ to mal\O a party Isue ! or It , and these wl:1 : douhtless he renewed In the Senatf' . 'rhe anSWf'I' to all s\lch attempt ! ! Is fO\llld In the hlstOl' ) ' of the countr ' , It the Democrats will read the oration of Scnator YoorhecK at the t : vellln , ; of the Fl1r1'ngllt monument , the ] ' ' , vlll gpt a Iliffel'ol1t vlowpolnt from that Iwld by those among tl101l1 wbo 11V(10S ( ! tile navy. - - ' " The nro r.h.t : 110c : ; no seed In guilty or much hn.m. TheTI.moro Clltarrh In thl8 .ecUonnf 1i1l1c'untry lhallan otherdl'nR80'Iut tOIl lhCr , IInd anllllho I. . , faw yoar. WM luppue,1 W ba loeurablo. For II lire. ' mallY r04 , . dnClure rollolllloe.l . It IIIOell dl' II'a Ilid pre.erlhcol 111I1 % rellledle..nn,1 by eonHIIII\I ) ' 111Uhll ( 10 curD wllh loeilirenllllentpronrouneed 1& Inolluhle. Bclence hM rnven Catnrrh 10 bo IIcon.ltllllonll ! 111. . . . .e and Iherotor. reqlllreH0D4II1I1UOIIRllrea1ml nt. lIAn'8 Clllllrrh CIII'I.1 mnlll.\clllrcd " ) ' 1' . J CheIlC ) ' ' " Co. , To\odo \ , Ohlo/I / Iho on I ) ' cOI\.IItIiLional curll 011 Ihft market. It'l ' IIIken InlomnUy In d08ea 1rom 10 drop. to a 101l1poo1l1111. It nell directly on Iho 1110011 IInd mllcoll. IIIrtace8 ot the .Tslem. The ) ' 1Irer 01111 hUlldrcd doUan 10r an ) ' eRlO 1& 1alll to curo. Soa4 tor cireillarll 11111 lesllr"onlll\ \ ' , Alt1rM'1 } o' , .1 , CIt"NI\ : 0CO. . , To1edo , Ohlo. flohl by flrllJlllto , 750. IWo 'i'aka Uall'l } ' ) ' 1'1118 10r oonllll'lIl1o. . . Wo Lcad In Divorces , The IlolJIIlatlon or the United Stnto , , bas tor forty ) 'ear8 boon nbout lwolvo lImoR thnt of Cnnada. : Rnd the numb ref of dlvorcos In the United StatoR. Ie that time has been 10,000 tlmoB tb ( numb or of Cannda. THE WAEASH I1AILROAD. Ei\st and South. Slloclnl rates on snlo dnlly to 11.:1 . Winter resortR of the South. ' Hnlt faro round trll } Illus $2.00 on first nnd third 'fuosdu's each month to mnny polntR South. 'rho only 11no with Its own etatlon at IImln entrance 01 World's Fnlr grounds. ' 1'ho Wl\bnsh ! 'Uns on Its own rallll trom 0111nhn , Knusus City , Des M'Olnos , St. LOllis and ChIcago to Toodo ] , notl'olt , Nlaarn ! Fans and Buffnlo with through connoctlons bo- yond. An agents cnn route you via tl10 Wabnsh. For World'o Fall' descrhl' lIve mnttor a 1111 all Inrormatlon nd. dress , Hurry I . Moores , G. A. P. D. , Omnha , Nobr , A FrIendly Estimate. "Sho hils UllIml11011 the nlghl of my lICe , " sighs the Iloot , who Is doscnnt , Ine n\1on \ tito heauUoR or llls fiancee to her srhool chum. "I'm sure 1 hl\.vo orton noticed It. but I navol' woud ] have hlntoll thnt 0110 Is 11I00n.facod , " 1'opllod the friend in I\ . IJ1I'l'lnyolco. / . Dut the 1I00t was wnnl1orlnr ; mon. tall ' anll wondering whether "high brow" nnll "oyellrow" would multo n smooth rh 'mo.-Judgo. Who docs the hest nls clrcul11' stancoR 1\1I0w8 , docs weH , acls nobly. -Young. Dlsappolntmenl Is not n. SI' IIclon ; roa8011 for dlscoul'llgogmont. Any old roon III a hotel is good enough for n. brldnl clHll11h r. 'I'ho OC , ; : upant8 never loolc nl the ru'nlturo anyway. Am I In favor or eXJ111111Ion ] ? EvcI'y , thin ! ; thnt growH expandH. See how lho Stnto I.'arl11C1'R' 1\lutnlll Insu1'nnca Company ot South Omnhn hns grown. Jan. 1 , 1SHi ! wo hllt ! . . . . . . $ O,21 , .OO II II lS ! > 7 wo had. . . . . . 4SS : ! O.OG " II 18 ! > 8 wo had. . . . . . 2GUGlG5.0G II "lS9 ! ) wo had. . . . . . 4,22.I,37 .00 " " 1900 wo hall. . . . . . 7 , aS,1 > 73.QG II " 1901 wo had. . . . . . 10,4S0,4S3.00 " " 1902 wo had. . . . . . l:1,541aG7.00 : " " 1903 Wo hnd. . . . . . 10,41:1,8G9.00 : II " 190,1 wo had. . . . . . 1S,410lSS.II : : : Don't you thlnlt you woulel 1I1w to belong to lL Jive Comlmny 1110 this 1 Wrlto the Socrellu'y , B. R. StonlTOl\ 80uth Omaha. Nobr. Small tall. often results In hiS scan. da.s. ] 'I'ho foal' of helng found Is of ton mlstnltcn tOl' the Ilrlclcmrs or con. sclonce. All Up to Date Housekeepers UD ! Denance Cot"Valer Stnrch , ! JCC:1USO : It III hCttCI' , uud 4 oz. more ot It tor 111111I0 mone ' . A man seldom forgets a. favor ho doefl anothor. It's a case of minority rule In : I lOURO WI101 < ' thoro's n. hnb ' . B"bcr' . llomo Dulldcr Corn , So nnmetl because 60 aCI'os protlucod 80 heavily that its procCC 8 hullt 1\ lovely home. See t3alzer'lI catalog. Yielded In 1993 III Ind. , 157 bu. , Ohlll iliO bU. , ' 1'enn. 98 hU. , nnd In MIch. 220 bu. per acre. You cnn bea.t this record In 1904. WU.A.T DO yOU 'l'1l1 J ; : or ' 1'UESJ : YUL1J9 l'En , Acnul 120 bu. Beardess ] Dnrll'Y per ncre. 310 bu. Snl7.el"/I New Nat. Oats-per A. 80 bu. Snher Speltz & Mnca.ronl Whoat. 1,000 bu , ! 'cdlgrec 1'otntoe6 POI' acre. 14 ton II ot rich Dillion Dol. Grass lIay. 60.00011.18. Victoria. nupo tor sheep-acre. leOOW Ib9. 'reoBlntc , the todder wonder. 54,000 Ibs. Snlzer'lI SUPlJrlor Fodder Corn-rich , Juicy fodder , lieI' A. Now such 'Ip.ld/l you can hllve. Mr. Farmer . , , In 1904 , It ' 011 will plant Sill- zet. " aecds. JUST 8E-IO ' 1'1118 NOTICR , AND 100 In stamps to John A. Snler Seed Co. , l.u. CrmlllC. " 'Is. , and receive their grent OAtnlo anel ! ots of fnrm sced JAmpol'l. ( W. N. U. ) About UIO Ume love lots lip on n 'lan rhoumntlsm takcs 11. fall out or clo. " "hat we have to rain I' " not ono ttle , but 11. weary 1110'S campalgn- Patmoro. free to Twenty-five Ladies. 'rho Dellnnco Starch Co. w1l1 give 1 ladle ! ! a round trll ticket to the ' Gt. LoulK BXlosltlon ) , to five la los In each of the following statoR : IIII. nols , Iowa , Nehraslm , Kansas and Missouri who w1l1 Bond In the ] argest numher or trade marls cut from a tOll cent , 1G.ounco 111Ielmge of Dellanco cold water laundry starch. ' 1'hls menllH frol11 YOllr O'1m homo , all ' - where In the n.hove named Htlltes. 'l'heso trudo marls mllst be mulled to and recelvod h ' the Dnllllnco Starch Co. , Omaha , Nohr. , Iwfore September 1st , H104. O'lohor and Novcmher w1l1 bo the hest months to vlsll the gXllosltioll. Homemher that Deflanco Is the enl ' starch pllt liP Hi oz. ( I\ . fuB Iloun ' to the puclmgo. You geL one.thlrd moro slarch Cor the sllme mono ) ' than of nny other kind , and Doflance never stlcls to the Iron. 'rho tlclwts to the Exposition will bo Rent h ) ' reglster\ : mall Soptomhor 5th. Starch tor sale by all dealer : > . 'rhe .pnn of lIfo was lcnt for lofty dlltles , not for cJtlsbnosa"-A. " do : \01'0.