Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 31, 1904, Image 1
Lib II J I 0 1.:1) : ' 5\6\0 \ U\Bt \ ' . , , ' USTER OUNTY EPUBLICAN. , . . . . . ES'l'ABI./ISHED 1882. 'l'IlE OIi'FIUIAL PAPER , OIi' CUS'l'ER COUN'l'Y. T4ARGES' ! ' CIRCULA'l'ION OJ ! ' ANY PAPER IN 'l'IIE COUN'l'Y. c _ , , , L - VOL. XXII. ' BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , MARCH 31 , 1904.uEIGHT . PAGES. NO. 42. - f - , Off with the ol glasses of , I . nnno 'auce ami imperfect , 'ision , . on with the IIt'W-\1 ; \ ' I IN 1)- Riving east' atlli comfort an r . hef. Many n person stum les on through life with ill.fitting frames an cheap ecentered lenscs , never knowinl' that perfect - fect vision may be gl\'ell them , by m } ' thorough metho s ill ex. umiuation , anll sn 5equent tit. tlug of pmpe' & 1. . , , , , i " Jp---- i I - - - - f . . - J Schoo 1 Books , Tahlets --ANlI- School Supplies , -AT- J. G. Haeberle"s : - _ . n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l d. Davis of Sargent , was iu attendance at the assessors mcet- I ing Tuesday. \V. S. 'l'umhull , a seRsor for' ' . Cmtcr , was at t hc a'\sessors tllt'et- ! ing'l'uesday. J , HeShetler lias returned from It his trip to Iowa and wi1l holel- I regular Easter st'rvicc Sunllay in his church. , , Scott Met-haw and F'rank ' , : . , Leisure left 'I'nesda ) ' morning for Seattle to try their luck on the Pacific coast fot' awhile. 'fhe I Kl'UUI.ICAN wishes the young' mcn snCCl'SS in their \'t'n- ture. Owing- the lUlUtmal amount of work in the otlice of county clerk this week he was unable to I furnish the copy of the board proceedings for publication.Ve hope to give them c mplete next I week. Geo. Palmer's father , who resides - sides in Pennsyl vannia , and who . . visited here a year ago died on ; the 13th of March in his 78th year. It was 011 the 13th of March a year ago he left. here and a singler coinstance it was on the 13th day of March he died. : "lOVED. J I have moved-nj' ; otlice just I acres ! > > the street , in the rear of . the Broken Bow State Bank , I where I "ill be pleased to meet allm \ ' old customers as well as I new nes. I do abstracting onlv and am free to answer any < ) ues- \ tione concerning real estate. J. C. MooRu , I 35 tf Bonded Abstracter. I - : : : : : : : : : : J. Spain shirped a car load of sheep to thc Omaha marl\Ct last week. ' ( ' 0111 Wright of Ansie ) ' , attended - tended t hc al sessors meeting 'l'ues aj' . Hoose\'elt 1-4eague meeting first and third 14'rida ) ' night , of each month. Jas. g , Wood is huihHng quite a fine bam on his city property west of the depot. 14'rank Engles has sold his interest - terest in thc Richardson Ih'cry and feed barn to Ed. 1cCormick. Miss Mae Smith , a teacher of this vicinity writes to havc the address of her paper changed to Hot Springs , S , D. Will 'Worth of thc west table , was a social caller at thh ; oflice last week. Mr. 'Worth tells us that he will plant fifteen acres of potatoes this spring. J. Y. Whitney called 'l'ucsday and ordered his paper changed from Broken Bow to Hoosier. rr. Whitney has homesteaded land in Hayes township. John and Myrtle Lyle will put iu a tock of groceries 111 the Haeberlc building recently \'aca- ted by A. g. Andersoa. ' [ 'hey expect to have their stock opened up aboul April 15 , ' 1'he H.l\PUIII.IC\N ofiice ac- Imowledges the receipt of Nos. , I and 5 of Vol. 1 of lI rhe Mes- ' , enger , " and eight page quarto I paper publishcd by l ev. Phillip GraH , D. D" pastor of the Firt ! Baptist Church of Nebraska City. Nc George and wife of Cmnro , were in the city Monday visiting' lheir son , 1-4. D. George , of the firm of 'V. A. George & : Co" and olher relat'es and friends of the city , lr. George is deputy assessor - sessor of Lout > township and was in ttendance at the : tssessors IIlceli ng Tuesday. ] " While at AlIiance last week , w ( ' cal1C'C ] upon S. K.Varrick , ca : > hicl' of the First National Bank of that city. Mr. Warrick appeared a nuich at home in charge of his new duties as he does al hem here. He has a line bank buildiug , well arranged. HiR firm i ! ; cdl'n tly doing a thriII hu i1Il' ' s and is recog- ni7.ecl IIY all to be the leading bau ] , of Alliance , Mr , " 'arrick I for till' prt\scnt will stay in Broken - ' ken Unw lI1Hla\ ' ' . Monday and 1'ut'sdaj' : , and : 'Il Alliancc the four fol1owillg Ilays , Owingto thl' train sl'n'ic ( ' , the trip he- tWN'11 here and l1iance can he m 1l11 at night. so hut little time iR lost from husiness hours , . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ; Unrt "lutPf , nistl1rhances of strikers are I10t nearly as grave as an 1111i\'idual diso\'ll \ ref the system. O\'t'rwork , loss of sleep , l1en'Otls tension will be f ol1ow ( ' ( ] h ) ' uUer colla pse. tln- less a reiiahle reIlIl'ly is imI1ledi- ately ( 'mployetl. ' 1'lIl're's nnth ing so c/licit'nl / to cun' llison1ersof the ' ' ElN'trk Hit- Lh'pl' or Kidneys as - ters. Il's a wonderful tonk , and effL'clin' nernc and tilt' greatest all aro\l nc I lIIed ici nt : ' for run down SJ , t m , It dispels Nl\f\'otlsness , I HIH'UlllalislII al1l1 Neuralgia and CXI't'IH : Malaria germs. Onl50l' , , ! a11l1 bat isfadion g-llarautt.'cd hy Lcl' Hros. . llrug'gi ts , Brolcen Bow. _ t"t"t"t"t"t"t"t"ttt"t"t" " " " " " " " " , " " " 't"'tt"t"t"t"ttttt"t"ttt" " ' , " " " " , , " " , " 1 , = = , " ' ( r " : : : : C > C > I = g = I Look Herell - - - - = = We willlg'e the following' l'rix's ' fur tlat' pcrsons :3 = = bringing us the largest amount oj , 'gghl'twl't'n tlais auel :3 : : : : the first of May : : : : : : - - E 1st prizIOO pounds gTllIlIlatt ; > d sU lr. :3 : = 2nd prize-IOO . pounds 1).1 11(1111' . : : : : : : - - - : : : : : 3r d pnze-one case ton 1:1 t Il' . : : : : : , : : : : 4th prize-to pounds COnn' . . : : : : - - . .0' , . : : : : I prlze-onc ' ( 1. ; \ 1'01'11 , : : : : - - : : : : And we will also give th OUL' paying' ns the most = = = - = money on account , or for goods or hoth , het ween now and : : : : - = = the fi Irst of July , $10 In cash. : : : : : = = We also have a lot of nice Quccnswal'c in transit , that : : : : - " - = = we are gOllIg to give away to our . l'ustOl1ll'l'S , : : : : - - = = Y ours f or Imsmess , : : : : : - - The Star Crocery Co. ; ff1'il1111'11111'11111il1il1111il1111itfl111'1 ' ' ' ' ' 11111'11l111111il1'liilil111 ' ' Judge l eese was a Lincoln visitor - itor Sa tnrda ) ' . John Govier of Elton , shipped a car of cattle to the Omaha market - ket ) 'eterday. ! ' 1' . D. Deulsch shipped a car load of hogs to Omaha last week off the Hunter ranch. II. H. Andrews aud W. F. Zumbrum of Ca11awaYvere county scat visitors 'l'uesdaj. . \V'morc of Ca11away , was a city visitlr l'uesday. ' 1'h is 0 f- lice ackuowleges a social ca11 , J. G. Lem tIg' left Sunday morning wcek for the mack Hills to look after his mining' property. Mrs. Peter Rapp of Bcrwj'n , called Saturday and had her subscription - scription account a(1\'anccd on the RHPUDI.ICAN. Jol111'Wehling of the west tahle , cal1ed ] i'riday and had his account with the I Hl'UIlI.ICAN credited a year ahead , Hiram Palmer and wife of Granll Island , came up Saturday morning to visit his brother , lieo. Palmer of this city. All the candidates having withdrawn from the race GO\ ' . Mickey will ha vc clear sailing for the nomination for go\'ernor. T-4ewis Kimberling , deputr assessor - sessor of Arnold to\'rttship was in the csty Mondar attending the assessors meeting. IIc made this ofiice u social call. Lh zie gdmunds has retumec1 to the city after pendiug' a few wecks with 11er hroth r at Calla- way , whu is in the restauraut business at that poiut. Judge Armour and wife were g-iven a pleasant surprise last Saturday nigl1t weck by a large number of friends , in honor of ! their twenty-second wedding an- niversary. A very pleasant time is reported. 'L'omVilliams of Ansley , was a social ca11er 'l'uesday. 1\11' . Wil1iams am1 wife returned tvo week ; tg'0 from a trip t'a t al1 _ ! outh of several months. 'I'hey spent most of the winter in 'l'ex- as. He reports that the ) ' enjoy- ( 'd a pleasant trip. Mr. Carter , thc state game l'ommissioner , was a city viRitor' 'ruesday : and Wednesday of this week. He plallted a few thoug- and fish in Spring Creek on A. K Humphrey's ranch yesterday. He has heen making a tour of the norlhrrn part of the statc with his fish car and had the car stop here on its return. MARRIlm-At thc home of Mr. and Mrs. Teagarden of this city , Wednesday evening , March 23 , Ii'rank G. Hall of Mason City and Miss Dora Lybarger of Kingston. l ev. J. R. 'reagarden , officiating. 'rhe RUPUIIT.ICAN extends con- gTatulations to Mr. and Mrs. Hall , and wish them many years of prosperity and happiness. J as. S , Kirk of Alliance , has recently located in our midst and assumes the position as te11er in the Broken Bow State Bank , in place of .T. M. Kimberling , who has filled that important position so long. Mr. Kimberling will look more after the executive work of the bank in the future at Brolen Bow and Mcrna. Mr. Kirk is a man of experience , having - ing been deput ) ' county treasurer of Nance county for a year and a half , which position he rc\igned ! to accept a position in the First National Bank at Alliance , July ] 1)03. ) ' 1'he RnpUIH.IcAN extcndR a welcome to MI' . Kirk in hehalf of the ci tiens of Brol < e l Bow and hope his residence here may prove agreeabh. ' and prol tablr. 'rhe annual meeting of the Woman's Baptist li'oreign lIs- , ionary Society wi ] ] meet this : I year in Omaha , April 2J , 27 and 28. Free eutertainment will he furuished the delegates by the ladies of Omaha and Council Bluffs. Anyone desiring cnter' tainment is rcquested to send hel name to l\Irs. 1' ' . W. ll'oster , Jj ( ) North 24th Street , Omaha. fair of on aud one third for th ( round trip may be secured on tht : certificate plan. ' 1'hat is whel you pay fu11 fare to Omaha tak ( il reccipt wl1t n you purchas ( your ticket and YO\1 will hc soh a return ticket for one third tIll regulDr rate. Many nllssionariei wi11 be present. Dr. Edwar ( Judson , sou of the noted Adonir am Judson has been invited t4 e'h'e an address. I . A. Hunter went to Omaha last 'l'uesday week with the ! special stock train. B , W. Blair wcnt to Grand Is- I 1 11(1 Monday in thc il tercgt of I Ills real estatc IinIl. C."T. . Bowmau went to the eastern parl of the state Mouday looking aftcr real cst a te denls. H. II. lIiatt , editor of thc Sar- gent Leader , was a city \'isitor I 'l'uesday , ' ! 'his oflice ac1mowlcd- ges a s cial ca11 , Ira W. Smith was in thc cit ) , Monday , makiug tinal proof on his homestead beforc the Clerk of the District Court. 'l'his ol1ice got out 3,000 circulars - culars the first of thc week for Blair , Bowman & Blair. 'L'his firm is doiug a fine business in I'cal estate. 'l'he county . board lasl Satur- da ) ' evcuing .completing a session of fivc days. uutil Junc when they mect ag-ain as a board of equalization. J. W. Hice of ClitT , was a frieIHl1ycaller Monday. Hc camc down to atlend the mceting of the deputy assessors held in this city 'L'uesday. I Swift's Pride Soap saves a lot of needless wash-day worr ) ' . It cleans anel softens without in an ) ' wa ) ' injuring the fabric. Sold cverywhere. .Rdwanl House of Oconto , a traveling' salesman for 'L'he Morotock 'l'obacco Works of Dan- vi1lc , Va. , was a friendly caller at this oflicc Monday. Mrs. 'rhanful ] Da } ' left Saturday - day morning for a two months visit with four of her brothers whom she never saw. 'l'hcy re- ide at Ottawa , Ka11 ! as , J. l . Adamson went to St. Paul , Nebraska , last week with th vicw of extending his telephone - phone system to that place. He is also going to put in an ex- dlange at Greeley and Havel1na. Mrs. II. B. IIogeland , who has Jk 11 ualdug her home het't 1'01' ome time called Saturda } ' aud ordered her paper changed to Grand I land , where she will makc her home in the future. She went to Grand Island Sun- day. ' ! 'he Platform 'l'cmperal1ce meeting held at the M. E. church Sunday night was largelyattcnd- ed and an intefesting as well as a profitable session was held. 'l'he speakers were S. K. Warrick , A. P. Johnson , 1-4. II. Jewett , C. T-4. Gutterson and Jas.Vhite - head. Jas. Cosner of Swart a , : Minn. , writes the 22nd inst. , that the snow was three feet deep in the woods after settling and that they had fo'ur inches of snow the night previous. He says the : lhermometer registered as low as : 45 degrees below the past winter , . but that it not did effecl him more ; . than the winters here. \Vm. Kennedy left last 'fhurs- day with his stock and ' goods for nixley , South Dakota , 'where he i williocate and engage iu the I stock business. Mrs. Kennoycr , : who had intended to have gone thc next day on the pascnger : , was detained by the sickness of enc of hcr children. She expects to go the latter part ofthls weck , F. M. Currie and W. P. Higgins - gins of Sargant , were in the city Monda ) ' , releasing chattlc morl- gages that had been satisfied , in order to clear thc records for assessment - sessment pnrpose. If othcrs who have cbattlc or real estate mortgages - gages of record that have been paid will see that thc ) ' are released - ed tile } ' may sa\'e themselves al ! : we ] ] as the assessors and l'ounty boarl ( trouble later OIl. ( ; I" 1i IlenUh. Vlacor nlld 'I'oue. IIerb111e is a hoon for sufrerers . fI'Om aneamia. lly its use the blood is quickl ) ' regenerated aud the color becomes normal. 'l'hc drooping strength is rcv'cd. . r ' ! 'hc languar is diminished. Health , vigor and tonc prcdomin. ate. New life and happy activit ) ' results. Mrs. Bclle n. Shirel , I M iddleslJorough , 1119. , writes. "I hu\'c heen troublcd with liver complaint and poor blood , tUHl htve , : found nothing to bcncfit me likc IIerbine. I hopc ne\'er to be s without it. I have wished tlla ! 1 I had known of it in my hus' _ band's lifetime. " 50c. 801d h ) : > I Ed. McCnmas , Brokcn How ant : M rna. ' 11111111111111'11'11'1111111111 ' ' ' 11111111111 111111111111111'11"1"1" ' " " " I Bargains ! I = = I hltn H fpw Hidingcultivutors ; enrried : : = = ever frOUl lust ' ( \ur in 'ood shupe , but ; u. lit.tle :3 : ' ont.hor beatell , which f will offel' you Cl.12 00 : : g UR longIlH they laRt nt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ij ) I : : : : By tlw tinll' you have reud this I will have 3 E : l'lH\ei\'l \ d H CHI' lend of Gang' and Snlkey Plows = = E : froHh hOlll ( ; Iw : whirh 1 : nm g'oing' to seli : : : z E : YOll at It Vl'iel' thn t wi 1 mn 1\:0 : yon wend 01' how it 3 : : : : en n lw d 01il' . : : : : - - 16-lnch Hgh ! Lift Sulkey Plow , . $36.00. = = J2-lnch High Lift Gang Plow. . . 49.00. 3 14-lnch High Lift Gang Plow. . . 50.00. - = - = ' .L'heso vlows are equal to Hny madr. and Hro fuBy :3 : = = g'uurltlltel'd. Aboll ( ; the 10th of Avril , 1 3 = = will get n CHI' loael or Hiding' Listm's , und the = = pl'iet' on tlwm wi II 1)(1 for = = - = = 2-Wheel Sui key Lister. . . . . . $36.00. = = E 3 or 4 Wheel Sulkey Lister. . 36.00. 3 - - = = = = "The Dealer That Saves You Money , " :3 : - : : : : : a C.S. MARTIN , MfJ.Agt = = -AND D AL lt IN:3 : AN [ , J-.l'R1JS"1' GOOT ) . : f7111111111111111111111111111111111111 + 11111111111111111'111111111111111111 ' . , - - - - - - - - , - Jas. McGraw of Gatc , kindl ) ' remembered thi ( ll1icc with a call Mouda ) ' . 'I'his ol1ice acknowlcdg-e a beckeI'0 P. Higgins of Sargent. A. B , H arUey of Sargent , has sold his interest in the firm of : Hall & lIal'tlc ) ' to Geo. ew- beckeI' . ' - . . , -0- r Judge H.cese rclurned from th l./illcoln ho pital ht 'rllursday morning wherc he was several days for treat1l1cnt. M. ASH , J . j'WJW ' 1HD > m 1I1'1L1I , or thirty , tara , , nlui 8&IUII 1U1IIII Il' a .1'uclaUy or IIlIct / oD orlll or all . :11\0101. O I 011 or wrlto 11I0 at lIrok 1I now , Nubraaka y War ! War ! Blow ! Blow ! War ! Blow ! 'l'le ga le .is 011 the ' ! . , , mowing onc's own ath . III h , w r l .lga1l1s , i't , horn may uot be mod- .Hul . ( oolls. , prtces poor \.o J'I. I . "tWt . . . . . . . . . , esl , hut it is the life and essence of business. We desire tl blow a little about our canned goods , of which we carry a fu ] ] line of fruits , vegctables , mcats , fish , etc. Bottled goods , such as catsup , pickles , mustards and sauces of all kinds. \Ve also haIllllc the best grades of coffee there is on the market. Also the best line of dried fruits-jusl try our package - age fruits and come a11d get your money hack if they are not a success. The Stranger is as Welcome as the stcady customer at our store , and they , as we ] ] as children , wi ] ] receive the same fair treatment that we are always on the alcrt to give to all of om customers. It takes care to prepare a good 1I1eal and the secret of success is in the selectiou of the proper place to buy groceries , so don't forget to ca11 at the EaJle Crucery aud lea\'e your order or call up No. 58 , and goods wi ] ] be de- Hvcred with ncatness and dispatch to allY part of the city. LAw - .A . - . : : . ' " . . . : . . ) ' : . . ; . : . . . - : . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . : . : . . . . . . " - . - . . Harnessl R We are now selling a Good 1 y Tnch l.i'arm Harness , made of weB selected stock , that other dealers would say are worth $28,00 , for the low prile of $19.00. . . . . . . . A Good 1 } ; Inch Harness , mad of eh cted stock. a big $25.00 value , but our price is only R I ' $20.00. . . . . . . 'l'hese TIat'lwss ha\'c not heen boughl to sell at these R ddiculously low priccs , bul 11ilbcen selected with a knowledge - I ledge of long' experience of lfarness 1-4c ther , aud with a posit - it'c Imowledgc that thc ) ' will plcase our customers. We arc 8 making' thesc swceping' reductions on 11 arness to protect our- I sclvcs ag'ainst hankrupt stocls , which we will do at any cost. Don't hclic\'c that we will allow anyone \1Iulcrsc ] ] ns in the I II arness linc , On Sadll.cH we are right. . I Hee our hue of Cow Saddles for thc spring trade , Our Motlo-"UNDtWSHI.I. . " il : . . West Rid lre I "Nebr.r'- - 'L ' \