Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 24, 1904, Image 8

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    h " . .
_ . . .
. " . . . _ . _ _ _ . 'M' - ' : . . , , 'HH'- . . . " . _ ! - . " ' _ _ ' " " . . . . . . . .
! : I. : - ' 4 > J ! : ; ; - ' ! " ; ; J : : = - = : "UA.- :
is the
Most Important
. . No one can tell good baking powder
from bad merely by the appearance ;
The price is some guide , b t not an in-
. ' . . faHible one' ; '
, . , Some cheap brands may raise the dough ,
i. . . yet c ntain unwholesome ingredi nts.
' " . There IS one safe , sure way , 1. e. ,
' , . to follow the recommendations of the
. . ,
. ,
, ' . ROYAL ,
ABSOLV"'ii'Ei ' : , } ( PULf1E :
= - - - - -
- . . . - . -
. ' . . . . C-I.I.'V" " .
I Dr. A. L. Matbews was ca11ed to Bro.
ken Bow on Tucsllay of this week.
Sberiff Richardson was looking after
official uties in this 'city on Monday of
this week. '
George B. Mtlir , clerk of the courtl
was a Ca11away visitor on Monday ot
this week.
Several famiHes from this' section of
tbe country are planning on g01ng to the
R sebud reservation as soon as the land
. is opened lor settlement.
'Rev. ' ] . Holdeman , who has been' in
charge of the E\'nl1gelicnl church in this
city for the past two yenrs , departed with
. his family 011 Monday for Lincoln , to
which charge heVns assigned by the
'lite conference which was held here.
Revival meetings will begin at the I. tonight. The services were
to have b en opened last night , but Rev.
Woodson of SUUlner , who wns to conduct -
duct them , was called away on account
of a funeral , and as a consequence the
opening was postponed until tonight.
Willard Twist of Over , has purchased
11 tract of land just on the west of the
\ railroad consist1ng of ten acres , and will
erect a good house on same in the near
future. The : tract has changed hands
three times in the past two months. Ira
Graves sold it to H. L. Doxsee , Doxsee
to V. A. Van green and now Mr. Van-
green has sold it to Mr. Twist.
, It Ijnvcd HI. I.elC.
P. A. Danforth of LaGrange ,
Gn. , .Buffered for six months with
a frightful running soreon his leg ;
'butJwrites thnt Buc1den's Arnica
.Salve wholly cured it in five days.
.ForU1cers. Wounds , Pilesit's the
. best salve in the world. Cure'
, guaranteed , Only 25c. Sold by
Lee Bros. , druggist , Broken Bow.
The Callaway Roosevelt Club went into -
to permanent organization on Friday
night of last week week. Cbas. Hum.
phery was chosen for president , John
Smith , vice.president ; R. R. Barnard ,
Secretary ; I. C. Shupp , Treasurer. The
sole objp.t of the club at present will be
to promote tbe re.nominatioa of Theo.
dore Roosevelt for president of the Unit.
ed States , and to support him after nomi.
nation. "
While driving two calves one evening
of last week , O. C. Murphy had the misfortune -
fortune to loose them both. He had
tied the-m together for convenience in
driving , and as they were passing the
railroad bridge just south of town , they
became entangled with a brace which
slanted from , the ank out toward the
middle of the bridge , and as one was on
one side of the brace and one 011 the
other , the rope raiSed their front feet
fr lm the ground and they were choked
to death ill a very short time. Mr. , l\1 r.
phy had changed clothing just before
leavin home and bad left his p'ockel
kinfe In the clothes he took off , and as
a consequence had no way of freeing the
animals from the rope. The calves were
valuable , one of WhICh he had paid $100
for and the loss is a great one.
- .
Ruben Sanders and E11a Day tlrovc
down to the Bow andT tnessed th
Anderson and Lindley wedding last week.
A number of the I.O.O.F.'s of this place
were present at AnselUlo Instituting
Lodge , and did not get home until nexi
Geo. Hughes , like the Arab , quieti }
folded his tent and stole awny last Mon.
da } ' morning and will make his hoUl (
with Ed. Day of Eureka , this year.
'Palace Barber Shop
For first.clals ! work , cnll at the Pal act
Barher Shop. Everything up-to-date
LEO DEAN , } ) roprietor.
: n ! ' frl : : : rQI : " f" " " ' ' ' ' ; ; ri : ; : . . f.1JItiit . : : : ; . 1rio : ; : . .rIrt.i : : J ' : ti .
( 'Ip ' . 'i.JiliJ ' mtJrJe flJ.iJt.mJi : ii.Y .trr.i.tJi tJJtL' : fjiiJ.l : l
, r. p
. " of' : , : : . .
. . fbS8 :
. ' . ' \ i 6.\1 ; of90A a ; . . .
. . . . . . . ' . ,1'f'I' ' I . f ; . ' , . , . . . . . . .
I . .
. . . : ' ' t . . Bu'O' Your 'P.l , .t . . . . . . .
t . oF ttt.J fN J
, Fish of t ! t : ty iSh HouseI
: ' " Fresh and Salt Fish , Oysters and Cel ry
I ; j,1
' . FOR _ LENT. . Ji
. ;
1 Mackrel , '
! fi1 ; Clams , I : ,
! Whitefish , i
' : i ' Co fish . , . I"
iii . 4 H nhbut i' '
' ' 0:1 :
ir. Lobsters , J
Salmon . , f : ! # .
c.1. u. H errtng , . .
J Bloaters ,
Sturg on , j
: \ 1 ' \ Snrdlnes.
I 00. I ft !
. . . ' . ; : : : : -
, . - , - . . \ . n
- : = , Our pickled codfish is delicious ,
Trade Mark-Pure Old Cider Vinegar.
: : Yours for Pure Food Products , ft
; , . . l' ' . . , f . . a . - 'r ! f . tf " ,
.J..f . . ; . . . . .Jt ! _ : Jr.r..fl : -
. , J C a-OWEN ' .
' - : : ' . . . . , : '
" ; ' , ii'l , , ' : : . " _
. - . . ' ! , . H.i \ " . '
. . ' . Il . , \ . ' . .
. .
: l B ro k en B ow t - , - N eras k n. \
fJ.I 2f.t.J.r \ : ; - : ' I ; : t1rrn. Y1r : Il : ! fII : ! fJ.Il'j . t. .
. " , . ' . . ' . '
* : : ' : i : vJiJ'.IijiJti3JJoi ; ; ; o. : I'i' ! ;
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' . - ' J , - . . - .
. : . : r
Willie Wilson , Crom near AmoM , has
mtved onto tbe Dutler place for this
year. He is son of J. O. Wilson nd
W S raised iu this township. We extend
o welcome to him and wife.
Walter Day bas moved to tbe V.
Miller farm which be purchased last fall.
M. Hill WRS laid up ROllle tlaYl last
week1 from the effects 01 stepping upon
a noh , but is now able to walk.
G. T. and ] o11u Davis huve vocateJ the
G. 1 . Deal home. l rec,1 Anderson and
wife will moVe in aud faml the pla'e the
coming season. 'fhe community .Is 1I.
Ing up with young married people and if
the fjgns do uot fnil , tbere will be an.
other wedding in a couple of weeks in
our midst.
Rev. J. W. Embree of Osceola , Neu. ,
came up on Friday , to visit relatives in
this , county. He spent Sundaj' at the
home of F. C.'s At the request of old
friends he preacbed # at the "Chapel"
Sunday momin . And at the evening
service Pastor MIller invited him to fill I
his place , whicb he did. Owing to the
disugreable weather tbere were only a
few present at either service , bnt those
were well paid for ! heir attendance.
Brother Emoree is one of the bright
young ministers of the M. E. church.
1U. . . HON CI'I'V.
( Too late for last week. )
Rev. Yale closed 11 :2 : weeks meeting at
Eudelllast Sunday night week. There
were 9 conversions.
John Meeks and family commenced
housekeeping in the Bert Darrow building -
ing , Friday of last week.
Larson bas located in Herley and
Warrington store , where he is selling the :
goods which he saved duimg the fire.
W. G. Jones sold 6 hogs here Wednes.
day week that weighed 2050 pound ! ! , only :
8 months old. They brought him $96.35.
] . N. Greenlee and family moved to (
Howard Emsons last week. They will J
make their home there for 11 time at !
least. .
A number of tbe farmers living east of
town came in with shovels and wagons
and , helped clear A. O'Brien's lot last
1\1onday week.
A lnrge force of men are working on 1
the new lumber shed. The work is be.
ing pushed very rapidly. The sheds will
be much larger than the old ones.
Meek's and O'Brien are waiting for the
brick to commence work on their store
building. We understand it will be one
large building and will contain both
William Sharpless is building a house
on his farm near Eudell. He will com.
mence housekeeping as soon as the the
building is complete. Wonder if he will
batch ?
Messrs Burrows , Fraizer and Warrin .
ton , wh6 have been confined to theIr
homes for tbe last few weeks , are again
able to be do\vn town during the warm
Geo. Runyan returned from Omaha
where he had taken a car load of cattle
of his own feeding. While in Omaha he
visited with relatives there , and at Waco
on his return' ;
H. T. Coffmnn is building a new house
in the east pnrt of town. He intends to
move to town as soon as the house is
complele. His son Harry will ten the
farm the coming season.
Rev. E. A. Hayes of Ohi , .closed a
series of meetings at 1st Eudetllast SUII-
day week. Rev. Hayes has 1Jecn called
to the paStorate of the Ansley and :2
Eude11 'churches ' for the coming year.
. . .
Church Her"lcc. . .
Located in the block west of Court
House. Preaching services 11 . m. , and
I 7:30 : p. m. Sunday School at 10 6. m.
Junior Epworth Leabrue at 3 p. m.Ep -
worth League at 6:30. : It is our effort to
make these services attractive and help.
ful. We give you a ordial welcome.
: Geo. P. Trites.pastor.
" . - -
We wet d be pleased to have you ut-
: tend these services once and continue if
: you can find something helpful in such
attendd'Uce. Sunday School at 10 a. m.
, Sermon and communIon at II a. m. Y.
. P. S. C. E. at 6:30 : p. m. , followed by 6
. . practical disco rse at 7:30 : p. 111. Prayer
meeting at 7:30 : each Thursday evening.
. Special Ulusic by church members is a
pleasant feature of these services.
Jesse R. Teagarden , Pastor.
. Dible school 10 a. m. Divine worship
11 a. m. Theme , " 'rhe Conservatory of
! God. " Junior B. Y. P. U. 3 p. m. Under
the direction of Mrs. D. M. AmBberry.
S nior B. Y. P. U. 6:30 : p. m. De 'otional
hour. Gospel service oT song and sermon -
mon at 7:30 : p. m. 'ropic , "The Foremost -
most Question. " Wednesday 7:30 : p. m.
' prayer season. Thursday 2:30 : p. 111.
'Ladies Aid Society at the church.
Next Saturday and Sunday will occur
the second Quarterly meeting ( or this
conference year. Presiding Elder. J.
Mnson will be present and will conduct
the services. The' quarterly conference
will be held at the church here on Satur-
< Iay evening nt 7:30. : All official members -
bers will take note of the change. Fvery
offieial member is expected to be present
and bring in a full report. 'rhe Sunday
services will be held as usual. The
Elder will preach at Custer Center in the
aftcrnoon. L. L. Epl , " ' , Pastor.
A. FI11tbfnl1UI1D 60ne.
J. B. Empfield , postmaster at
Ryno , died yesterday noon ,
March 23 , after severnl weeks of
suffering. For a number of years
he has been one ot the most
faithful correspondents we ever
had. His life of 72 years has !
been one of activity and usefulness -
ness where his lot has been cast.
The bereaved family nnd community -
munity have the sincere sympil-
thy of the RUPUBLICAN. We
will publish his obituary next
week. -
. .
TrnK'cd ) " ' . .crted ,
"Just in the nick of time our
little boy was saved" writes Mrs.
W. Wntldns of Pleasant City ,
Ohio. "Pneumonia had played
sad havoc with him and a terrible -
ble cough set in besides. Doctor8
trented him , but 'be grew wone
ever ) dny , At len2'th we tried
I r l'
) r.lings .New Disco ery for Con. ! 1'1 ;
mmption , and our dnrHng was
laved , He's now sound. and well. " t I
verybody ought to know , it's the '
> DIy sure cure for Coughs , Colds , "
md all Lung dlseases. Guaran-I
: eed by Lee Bros. , druggists. 1
? rice 50c and $1.00. 'l'rial bot-
; les free.
- -
Hogs $4.40.
An Ordlntnce : to aulhorlze tbe Cily o ! Drcken
] o ' , County ! \u'ter and Slate o ! Nebralkt : ,
o luuc III bomb' In pllunallce of the Inllruc.
Ions of tile IClI'al VolerR o ! lhe CllY o ! Droken
] ow , Nebraska , a'i expreRre < \ at a Ipeclll : eJec.
Ion clllcd : by a re oJutlon o ! thc mayor and
: Ity council o ! stld : cllY I'lssed : and odoplcd
, nd approved Jauuary .1903and pUblished
, ccordlng to Jaw.
Whereas , at : t special electlou held In thc clU'
, ! Brokell How , Nebraska. on the 3rd day o !
. { arcll , 1903 , to votc upon tllc ! ollowlnll' pro.
) Osition. lIamely :
"Shlll : tile CllY o ! Drokcn Dow IlInc bonds to
IC knowu aft 'Waler 1Iondll' lu the slim o ! '
l'hirtecli Thonllnd ! : Nlnc Ultlldred ( $13,900) )
) ollarB , for tile purpose o ! purchaslnll the
Jrokeu Dow Water Worles SystCUl , tOlrether
\'Ilh all credits dlle said water workR company
or 'aler renlal under the conlracl uow In
orce between laid Water \\'orles compauy aud
laid CllY.
'rhlrtecn o ! slld : bonds to be Iuued In tile
lum o ! One Thousand ( $1.000) ) DolIlrs : each , and
lIIe o ! said bond" In tile 811m o ! Nine llulldred
$900) ) Dollars , all o ! $ ald bonds payable to
, eorer aud to become dU In twenty (20) ( ) years
'rom the date of their Issue but payable at any
Ime aHer five years from t ! Iclr date at the op. , .
Ion o ! said city , said bouds to draw five per
: ent Inleresl per annUln , payable annually.
rhe prlnclptl : and Interesl of laid bonds PlY' :
Lblc at the fiscal alrency o ! tile statc o ! Nebrts. : 1
ca , In thc city o ! New York , stld bonds to be .
lold or excllllllfeLl : ot not le9s thln : par for the .
) urchtse : o ! said , vater worJs s'slem ; and ,
Illall there be levied and collected etch : ) 'elr :
Ipon all taxablc property o ! said city a Ileneral
ax to an amonnt sufficient to pay tile Intcrest ,
Lnd principal o ! said bonds al the lame ma.
ure. " Wllich salLt rcsoilltlou wts dilly passed , (
luthorlzed and' approved and ado pled as afore' .
.ald . by the mtyor : and council o ! thc city of
! Jrokcn Dow , at the said regular session of the
: Ity council on the said 2 th day of Janutry : , 1
1903 , and pubUslled accordlnll to law as afore'
laid , aud , - ]
Whereas , It lias been ascertained by canv s .
) f thc votes at'sald election that Ule proposl'
: Iou submitted by laid resolution wts : carried
y a votc of 132 votes for bondfl and tax and 31
otes against laid bouds alld tax. the same bc.
Inll' a majority o ! all tile votes csst at said clec. (
lion , therefore ,
De It ordaln d by the mayor and council of !
lhe city o ! Broken Dow : ,
SectIon I.-That tile City o ! Droken Dow ,
ounty o ! Cul ler. State of Nebrasta , be and Is '
l1ereby outborlzed to l&9ue Its coupon bonds In
lhe snm of $13.900.00 as hereinafter provided.
13 o ! . : tld bonds shall be o ! the denomination of
$1,000 etch : and shall be lIumbered cOltecutIYC-
Iy from 1 to 13 Inclullve , : lnd one ot said bolllls
shall be o ! thc deuomlnltlou : of 900 and sllan ,
be numbered 14. Said bondl , han be dated
December 1st , 1903 , and shan become due aud I
ptyable DecC'I 1ber 1st , 1923 , but. payable at any
tIme after five years from tbelr date.
SectIon 2.-Sald bonds shan bear Interest at
the ratc of five pr centlPIf annum from tbelr
date , payablc : u 1 llyon the ht day o ! De-
cemberln each'year. and the several Install-
meutli o ! Interest Ibal1 be evidenced by coupons
attached to said bonds , and botb principal and
Internt shall be payable as tbcy become due at
the fiscal agency of the 'state of Nebraska. In
the city of New York , state o ! New York.
Section 3.-Sald bondli and COUPOUI .hall be
Illrned by tbe Ma'or and countersigned by the
Clerk of laid city , and tbe bondl ba'Te affixed
thereto the leal of said city.
Section 4.-The Mayor aud Clerk o ! said clt )
are hereby authorized and dlrccted as soon aa
practical to prepare and execute u.ld bondli and
couponl. therein pledgluQ' the credit and rev.
enue and all the real and personal property o !
said city for tbe prompt payment tbereo ! . and
the proceeds o ! the lame , wben they shal1 be
dlsPoled o ! accordlnll' to law , shall be applled
to the payment b ! said Water Wurks Snlem
under the dlreciloll of the 'mayor ' aud council
of said city as authorized by re.olutlon and
ordlntnces : o ! said city andfornootberpurpose.
Section 5.-Tbere sllal1 be levl d and col1ect.
ed annually.taxel on all taxable propertyoCthe
said city In addition to al1 other taxelsumclent
to pay accrued Interut and to "apply. at 1110. ; .
tnrlt ) . 011 the prlllcpa1 ! of said ooutl. . . which
Ilxew 1It1l be pa1al > Ie In Ihoue ) ' < 11111' aud . . &
exprellily provlded by law. no money I 110 ob'
talned shall be'llsed for any otber purpose tban
the paymentbf the Intere't or debt for tbe pay.
meut of which they Ihall have been railed.
Section 6.-Thll ordinance Ibal1 be In force
and dUct from and after It I paSlalre , approval
and pnbllcatlon according to law ;
Paned and approved thl $ 23rd day of Marcb ,
1904. and ordered publlshed.
41-26 [ SBAL ) Jo ; PIGMAN , Clerk.
. . . . . .
J. C. Moore , absiract ng. 2tf
Wyandott eggs 15 for 75 cents.
'Phone 178. MRS. W1tISUNRUDUR.
Money to loan on improved
farms.-R. G. MOORU , Gleim
Block. 41tf
FOR $ ALn-Sows' with pigs ,
enquir of , V. H. Concannon , at
Star Grocery. 4ttf
When needing anything in the
.1ine of black-smithing call and
see S. M. Derris , cast of the
Realty Block. His sbop is
equipped with power machinery
and he is prepared to do fir5t
class work in short order. Satisfaction -
faction is guaranteed. 'l'bank-
ing old customers , he solicits
their continued patronage as well
as new onei. Remember the
location , cast of the Realty
Block. S. M. DORRIS.
FOR SALu-Early Yellow Dent
seed coru 75c P9r bushel. Also
eggs from Barred Plymoth Rock
fowls 50c per
NItLS L1tu , Broken Bow.
W ANTuD-Horses and cattle to
pastur , $2 per head for season ,
May 1st to November 1st. By
month 50c. Steers in separate
Thursday nnd FridaYI March
31 , and' April 1 , nre the dates for
our Easter Opening of exclusive
Millinery goods. An exquisite
assortment of street and dress
hats at prices to suit all classes
f trade. The ladies of Broken
Bow are cordially invited to inspect -
spect our goods and compare
prices. 'Vest side of square.
Currie & Cummmgs are offering -
ing twenty head of cows and
heifers , all will be fresh in the
spring. at $20 per head. This is
a bargain , . Will give time on
good p'aper. Telephone them at
once lf you desire to 'buy.
Sar ent , Nebr.
' .
. .
. . , , , , . . . . , .
' . " . ' . ' . . . .
. . . . . . -A- _ J _ _ " , , - - - " ' ,
, -
- - - -
WIHN Q iI Jl : i : > > Ia : "IJG il2 : lil SiJ1
I is the place to buy Velvets , Velvetines , Laces nnd Embroid- I
: eri s-they are elegant and will please you.Ve also have a I
fine line of Toil-du-nord Ginghams , Percales , and Pebble
Che'iots , and Cream Cashmere dress goods. See our line of
! 'I
' Shoes and Overshoes j
! li'or men , women and children , before buying elsewhere. and I )
' let us save you . mone ) ' . We have a fine line of
I )1
I. Low Shoes , Slippers and Oxfords. :
, . ( I
Our lOtion department is complete. You will be'satis- , . . !
fied when you see them and pleased with the price they ar
gold at. 'Ve have a lot of , I
ivlen's Wool Pants
tbat we will sell at a discount of 10 per cent. 'rhe highest I
market price paid for eggs at f
. .
' E , REYNER & CO. , I
Broli : . Il Bo . Nebraska. I 1
m m mm m , I ,
- . . . . . . - - - - - - - - , . . . , . . - - - - - - - - - . . - - - - - - = - . . . "
- ,
Before quying your spr tig
Jamts be sure to see
38tf r-iU BROS.
. . .
- - - - -
FouND-An I. O. O. Fpin ,
vhich the owner can have by
: alling at this office.
\Vhen yo ecide to paper Jour
bouse go and. see Lee Bros. ' fine
line of samples. 38tf
ItlCJ.ttt Fnr renfe. . . I
- -
Blue Baxred : Plymoth Rock
ggs , 50 cents . for 15. Ringless
: train. W. M. V ANNICU ,
H 43 Broken Bow. Nebr.
See KaJ : . for furniture of all
1 kinds , stoves , tinware , granit-
ware , queel1sware , slove pipe ,
dampers , coal buc1 ts , sho\'cls ,
pictures : frames , frames made to
order. JUD KAY.
\ South Side of Square.
\Vhen in need of an Auctioneer
see or write him.
The Ladies of the Christian
Churcb will give you a fine dinner
or supper for 25 cents , Saturday
April 2nd.
F ur h"c.
Three acres of ground , s x room
house , barn , out buildings , well
and wind mill. Also 160 acres
two miles from Broken B w , 75
acres in cultiyation , 40 acres pasture -
ture , fenced ; well and windmill. 1
36tf . M. K. HAGADORN.I I
4tock or New ' ' ' 10 t1ceond-H..nd
( oOI" For . . . .Ie.
Due to the fact that my time
and my attention is needed in
other business , I will sell my entire -
tire stock of goods. See or wri te' '
me. JUD KAY ,
36tf South side of squarc.
Sofa Pillows , sunbonnets ,
slippers and aprons of every description -
scription will be on sale at the
Easter Market.
Insurance that insures.
. 38tf ' R. G. MOOIU .
FOR SALn.-Tow.1 lots and a
. few five acre lots in this city.
. -Allen Reyner.
! ,
1 FOR SALn-Black mare , 6 years
I old , perfect1y ound , weight about
1,000 to 1,200 pound . Cheap.
40-43 MRS. A. W. GANDY.
FOR SAL " : " ' : Large black m rcI
or will trade for cattle. Phone ,
40-41 A. T. SUYDOLT.
S. cream separator.
40tf . A. H. STUCKUV.
If you wish a. dish of good ice
cream or some delicious home
made candy , attend the Easter
Mnrket. ,
For Hale ur ' ' 'rude ,
Higb grade , new piano , tow 11
lots , farms and ranches. Will
trade above for hors"es , cattle ,
cash or good paper.
W ANTUD-Men ; with families.
Fair price and good ho ses.
34tf West Union , Neb ,
Drs , Davis and Farnswbrth' 'of
Grand Island , have in their office
I all the latest apparatus used in
! the treatment of Chronic diseases ,
: includi g Stat c , ' Faradic , and
Galvamc Electncity and X-Ray ,
I instruments. Vibratory Mas-
sage. Hot ; l r baths for treatment -
ment of Chronic Rheumntism ,
KidneY' and Liver diseases. Tbe
Minin Violet'light for treatment
of Chronic Skin diseases and
every other" instrument required
in making a scientific examination -
tion and giving proper trea.tment.
The Doctors make no charge for
first consultation. 34tf
WANTED-Several Indultrioul penonl In
u\b \ IItate to truel for houle establlibed eleven
yean and with a larll'e capital. to call upon
mercbantl aDd all'entl for lucceuul and proll.
tabl.llne. Permanent enll'agement. Weekly
calb lalary of t14 auc1 all traveling expensel
and hotel bill I advaoced In casb each week.
EJperlence : Agt Cllenllal. 1I1eollon rderence
and enclO1o Ielf adc1relled tnTelgpo , 'Xu. .
N.a.nolifu.Jn : Jurbon , Jitreet. ClUc..o.
Bring your beef cattle and :1 :
poultry to P. J. Simonson. 37tf
L ,
Legal Notices.
- . .
. . . \11 advertisements under tblR hcad wlU be
charged tor At leval ratlP. vlz : 51.00 Il l "quare
tor Ilrslln erllon. and CUc per qnllre for each .
.nbscljuo - , In urtlon. ;
A "lqnltre" 18 Lon Ilne 'or traction therl'o" .
United States Land Office. l
Norlh Platte , Nebraska. March 2nd. 190-1. r
Notice Is hereby II'lven luat the follo\vlnQ' \
named-settlcr has filed notice 'of ' Ids Intoutlon
to makc filial proof In support oC his claim. and
that said proof will be made before 'Clerk of the
District Court of Cusler COllnty. at Droken
Bow. Nebraska. on May 4th. 19lJ.1. vlz : JOHN
REESE. Who made homestead entry , No. 17759.
for thc sw nw nw sw } Lot 4. Section 1.
Lot 1. Section 2. Township 16. North Range : u
\Vest. Ue names the foilowlnll wltnessell to
provc his contlnu us resldeuce UPOIl and cultl.
vatlon of said land , vlz : NerHartle'oDroken
lIow. Nebraska ; Daniel Barrett of Droken Bow.
Nebraska ; Charles U. Jeffords of Droken Bow ,
Neb. . John R. LOllgfuUow of Droken Dow. Neb.
41-46-19 GEO. E. FRENCH : , Reilister.
United Slatel Land Ollce. t
Broken Bow , Nebraska. March H. 1m. r
Notice Iii hereby ! rIven that the 'foUowlng.
named settler has filed notice o ! bls Intention
to make final proof In support of his eJalw , No.
11341 , and that said proof w1l1 bo made before .
Relrllter aud Receiver at Brokcn Do , , ' , Nebraa-
ka. on April 22 , 19CH. vlz : CHARL1S : : , ) . 'roOL.
EY , Broken Dow , Nebraska. for tbe nw Sec.
tlon.9 , Townsblp 111 North , Range 20 West of
6 P M. Ue names the foUowlnll' wltne55u to
prove his contlnllous rcsld'IIce upon and cultivation -
vation of said land , vlz : Robert B. Detbren
of Broken Bow , Nebraska ; Marcus J. Cbrt. .
man o ! Broken Bow , Nebraska ; Jameli H.
Sloll'rett of Broken Bow. Nebraska ; Ezra
Jeffries of West Union , Nebruka.
40-45-22 JA I:1i WU1TE EAD , Rell'lster.
In the District Court of C"ster County , ebr.
Edward E. Bartlett , Plaintiff.
John N. Bartlett. Mra. John N.
Bartlett , his w1e whose first
and fuU name Is unknown ,
John N. Bartlett jlnd Mrs. John N. Bartlen.
bls wife wbose first and full nane 19 unllnown I
wlU take nollce tbat on the 22nd df\Y of March
1904 , Edward E. DarllPtt , PJalntlff herein fUed . )
his petition In the District COUrt of C"ster , I
1..01lllty , Nebraska , against said delenLiants , , _
tue object alld prayer of , vltlcll are to foreclose ,
a'certahl tax lien duly Issued by the treaSlrer ; I
of Custer County , Nebraska , for thc taxes o !
the year , 1894 , 1895 and 1896 tOlretber , vlth , nb.
sequeut taxes paid by tbe said pJalolllI for Ufe
years 15'i7 to I902lnelllsle UpOl the toUoW'la ! "
described premises , to-wit : l.'be north , harJr
( n > of the northetst qllarter ( ne ) , the santI ! (
west quarter Iswn northeast quarter ( uen. the. '
Southeast quarter ( se ) northwest quarter
! uw ) . the eut haU ( e > 60uthwest quarter
sw ) and tile West haH ( w ) of Ihe southealt
quarter ( se ! ) cxcept fIheen ( IS ) acres In a
squtre formlnlloe southeast cornerof the said
west half ( W , oJ : the soutbeast qrtrler : ( Sft )
aU In Section twentfour (241 ( In Township sixteen -
teen U6 > In Hance tWf'ut-one (211 ( West 6th P.
M. In ClIslur Call lilY , ebra\ka. :10 III ! upon
which then IR now dne lhe sum of $331.00. . to-
! rether wltlt Interest Ihereon atO ] per ceUI for
which sum with lutereSI froll1 Lhe ( jlh day of
J1I1Ie. 1904. plaintiff prays for a < \ecreu \ tllat de- I
fenLiants be roqulred to pay tile . .aute 'orthat
said premises utay be bohl to satisfy tbe
amount foulIll due thereon. You are required
to allswer said petition on or before : the 2nd day
of Marcil. lW4.
Dated UII Z2ulllla ' of Mtrcll. 1904.
41-H-2 ' Dy C. U. 1l0LcoMD , Itls AU'y.
- - -
To whomll may concern : .
'l'lte COllunlssloller appointed to view .I lOad
pelltloned for b ' Jou lIaumont , < :1 ai , a road
cOllunencinll' abcul 200 yal'ds northwe t IroOl
tht. sOluh cast corner oC the S\l' of Secllon 14.
'rownshlll l . Hlnlre 20. thellco to rllll III tbe
canyon Illellce over lhe divide anddowlI an.on
00 1lIIIIra\'el J load . untllil n ach s the : outb
euH corner of thtl & \\.l ot Section 23 , 'I"H ) nSblp
18. RaulI'e 20 , ard \lcale the roaJ 1t1,1 , nil tb
sectloll line rU1l1l1111 : ' 1I0rtb and SOUlh uolween
e and wh o ! said Section 23 , Townsblp 18.
Range 20. has reporled III favor o ! the ell.
tabllslunent theleof , and all objections thereto.
or claims for damaccs , U1I1St be filed lu tbe
County Clerk's ofllce on or before noon of t11
25th day o ! MlY : , 19CH. or Buch road will b ,
eSlabl'shell wlU.lont referl'nce thr.leto.
111 Wltllcss Whereof , I have bereultLo set IllY
hand and seal ot said coullty , tbls 21st day of I
l\tarch.l904. G&o.V. . DeWEY. \
41-44-23 [ SI : L [ Count ) ' Clerk.
- I
III tbe Counl ) ' Court , Cusler COIlUlY , Ne\
To the heln Jlnd ncxt of kin of Ruben G ( L
don , deceased. I
You are herebynotlfied that Merit E. ( ;
son o ! said deceased. has flied bls petl"I'I' In I
said court. asking thtlt Rosetta P. Gordor. . tt. : .y
be appointed administratrix o ! the estate ct
Ruben Gordon , deceased. Said matter bu
been set for hearlnll' for arch 26. 1m. at 10 I
o'clock a. m. . at the coullly court room , lu Bro-
keu Bow. Nebraska , when aU lutcresl d partlew I
Olay appe3r and be heard. This nollce Is or.
dered publlslled for three Consccutlve weekilin
ne\vspaper , publlsbed and o ! aeneral clrculii- ,
tlon In said county.
Dated the 7th day o ! March , 1904. I
[ SEAL ] 1. A. n oun ,
39-41-:11 :
County JalOdu.
- - - - - " ' II
. . . . . . . .Herd Ilendcd By. . . . . . . . .
OrllIlion Bcolt , No. 177,035.
- - . ,
J. . G. BRENIZER. Breeder of
Fure Scotch nlt Scotoh Topped Short Dorn Clt. ,
tie. b11 hi rd nombl'r. 40 oow. . Will compaNt : '
III bruedln. . ; alld qUllll ) ' with aD1 we.t of fJhICIICO ; { " ,
lily ezperlo'Dee hall hUKIt mo that to 1/1'0 ROOIi't
.atl flctlon. breeding cllt'o ' mun 110 raised In" " ! "
this nltllude. r expect to rl118e .
here IIIU equnl of Ao'tblui lalalld lu th.m - .
I ! . 1 noW' baTe buill BlIllablo 'lif Ibis. an '
UIIXt Jear' . unlco. My CO"I "utah trom 49G 'IIi "
pOlUld.l. Coma .IUrlIOO them , '
. . - ' 1