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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1904)
- . . J01t RF./'I' on ATe 011 Onrp l'aJmcnht.,8F.VEkAL onOICE : rAmI' ' " fI'lieS ( II' 11" . . . . MuLllALL. Blow : cn."low. . Mark Twain. . Mare ] Twain docs not let his No" Yorle friends forget him , He recently 'Wrote from l < 'lorenM to one of them : "My house Is the Vllln Quarto. So 1 shall get up m ) autoblogrnllhy fQr quarto edition. Don't , sn ) ' , an'thlng to the fellows who ara writing their l1\"es In octavo. " DCllfncss Cannot Be Cure. : . b'locappllcatlon. \ . , a , Ihey unnot reach tbe 41. ' cued portlun of the oar. 'l'bero \ ( In I ) ' ono " , ay 1.0 cure dearne. . . and that la by cODilltutional remedle. . Dearnen cauaed b'an Inllamed c.ondllion of tba mucoI" IInlnlt of tha } ouUachlan'rube. ; When Ibl. tube II Inftamed YOU bavo a rumhllng .0ullIl or Jln. perfect bearlnlt. aiul wben III. pnllrel ) ' clo.edDeat. noul. tbe runll. and unleu the InnammaUon can betaken taken out and thl. tube realnred to III norulal condl. tlon , hearing "Ill be deHtt'elt fnre\'en nine ca. . out of ten are cau.ed b ) ' CBlarrb. wblch \ notblni but . anlnnamed condlllon of Iho mueoua .urtacel. . . . .0 will give One Hllndred Hollan for any c8la ot Doatne. . ICall'I'd I. > y catarrh ) that cannot , be curte ! lIy uan' , Calarrb Cure. ! 'end fet clrcula" . free. } . .T. CUENEi ' " CO. , Toledo , O. Sold by Drugll'U : , r. Take 11&11' . Family l'ml ! or conltlpatlon. , . . 'Vhen man 1narrles ho wants something - , . . thing clinging to cling to. " j The 'woman. who can tallt weU Is not always the ono who docs It. t.i I " Wiggle-Stick LAUNDRY DLUR r Won't. spill , brcak , freeze nor spot clothes. ' " Costs 10 cents and cqunls 20 ccnts worth of , ; 't' , any other bluing. If : roUl' grocer docs not " I , lccep It send 100 for sample to ' .rho Laundry Blue Co. , 14 Michigan Strcet , Chicago. When n. mar shows contentment be Is apt to bo regarded as lactlng ] in It Is moro profitable to read ono man than tcn booliS. . Thooo Who Have Tried It wID 018 no otber. Defiance Cold Water Starch baa no aqual in QU ntlty or Qual- Ity-16 oz. for 10 conts. Other brands con. t&iD only 12 oz. People whO' think themsel'\'es' "so " , 'Jood" are orten only hysterical. I ' _ A man cannot go .where temptation c&nnot find him. I StoP ! ] the Congh nnd 'Vorks Otl" the Cold Ltxative Brome Quinine 'rnblot.s. Prfce2Go. Bacheor ] girls Ure spinsters wbo refuse to admit it. Falt Is the secret o ! firmness. ttt\nn&nenUr eured. No tits or neM'cuB1lc8IaftP : . , fiTS nt day' _ UBa of Dr. Kline's O..tNene . ltelCOI'o . , . Bend tor I UEIJ : 1'2.00 trial bottle t > .nd t..II. . . . 1mUo1L Ltd. , 831 J'Ch Street , 1'1Il1&clolpllta , 1' . I It taws ] a wOUIan 'to ' carry ort a 110 : with a smile. ' 10,000 l'lAnu tor 100. 'I'hl ! ! Is a remarko.ble offer the .Tohn : A. Salzer Secd Co. , La Crosse , Will. , makes. They w111 Bend you their big plant and seed catnJog , together ; Wltb enough seed to grow ' I 1,000 fine , solid Cabbages. 2,000. delicious Carrots. 2,000 blanching , nutty Celery. 2,000 rich , buttery Lettuce. 1,000 splendid Onions. - 1,000 rare luscious Radishes. 1,000 gloriously brilliant Flowcn. This great ofter Is made In order to Induce you to try their 'Warranted seeds -for when you once plant them you : will grow no others , and .ALT , Fen nUT 160 POSTAGE , . providing ) 'ou will return thl. notice , and If you will send them 200 in P09t- ag ! ; , they will add to the above a pack. , , nge ol the famous Berliner , CaulUlower. . ' JW. N. U. ) ' _ . The Coreans use neither bedsteads nor chafrs. - Little Maple custards. Mata ] a plain cup custard mixture. adding a pinch of salt and sweetening , vlth a very little mapo ] sugar. Put a amall quantity of maple sugar or syrup over the fire and boll until It Is reduced - duced to cracJt degree wben tried In cold water. Stir while bolJlng to pre , \ vent burning. Pour a little Into the bottom of small custard cups and let It harden ; then pour In the custard mixture. Place the pups In a shallow , pan with water and'set In a mederate- ) y hot oven and cooIt until the custard \ I is set In the middle. When done tae ] ( t oUt and turn out the custards while . . liot ! , O that the maple syrup will run down over them , forming a sauce , , ! 8ervo at once. , . - Found Some of It. Uepresentatve ! Reeder of Kansas \ saw a five-cent piece on the floor of ) a Pennsylvania avenue car one nrter. noon , while he was on his way down , from the capitol. He plclmd the nick. I el up and said : "Is there anybody In the car who has lost a ten-dollar gold _ piece ? " Ten people , wblte and bacle ] , promptly said in chorus : "I did , " . "All right , " said Reeaer , as ho s1ld for the door ; "I just found a nickel ot It. I don't Imow where the otber nine dol. lars and nlnety.five cents went. " This Is Mlra uloua. Manbattan , Kans. , March 14.-0n of the strangest cases that bas overt 1 t been beard ot In Riley Co. Is that o ! the three.year-old daughter o ! Mr. , Jonas Brubaker at this place. Some time ago the lIttle girl took whooping cough , which was tollowed by pneumonia. When the pneumonia 113ft her , she was talcen down with malaria tever with at times symptoms \ o ! Spinal Meningitis. The famll ) ' doctor brought , ber sate- , ly tbrough these troubles , but arter the tever BrIght's Dlseaso set In and the doctors gave her up. Her fatber , , , tolls the rest o ! the story : . "We began to give her Dodd's Kidney - , ney Pills and arter she had talten ; about three and a balt boxes , she was \ ' entirely cured. Now she Is weU as ' ' : . _ , " any child , running and paylng ] as If nothing bad ever been the matter , with ber. The doctors said sbe wno beyond the reac1 : . a ! medlclno , Dodd's Kidney Pills certainly saved our lit. tlo girl's Ufe , when she was so fnr Into the chronic stage ot Bright's Disease that wo tbought nothlnJ : could sr.vo her. " Most of the good times wo have art not alpreclated until the next do. ) ' . " , IAt1S all grow lettuce , It prices an to continue at l1resent figures. I ' - " ' . " , . , . , . . . - I NE S-IN NEBR SKA THE STATE IN A NUTSHELL. ONLY NET CREDITS TAXABLE. Attorney General Prout So Advises Board of Equalization. l lNCOIN-Atforne ) ' Genernl Prout -handed down an opinion holding that net and not gross credits are taxahlo under the now re\'enuo ] nw. 1IIs ac. tlon was talen at the request oC the State Board oC Equallzntlon , which will now Instruct cOllntr assossol'S to allow all OWners or cl'e(1ta ! to d < ! duct their Ilidebtedness when making Ollt theft. personalt ) . schedules. In elTect the holdIng will mean much to the wholesale and jobbing Interests of Omaha and Lincoln , wllch ! had heen protesting against the hca\'y burdena which would bo , Imposcd upon them by taxntlon or gro s credits. since , much of their business Is done on credit. ' Attorney Genera ] Prout follows thl' 1Ino o"r reasoning adopted by Commissioner - sioner Dumo In the ollnlon which ho wrote when .1ho law was attacl\Cd In the supreme court last fall. There Is some question as to the weight. which can be given to the commis- sioner's opinion. slnco the court did not In eX lress language approve of It , and Ohlet Justice Holcomb 11113 been quoted as sn'lng that the Duffie view or the mdtter Is Il mer dictum , not binding In ] nw. It was charged at the tlmo that the court had enough to do In handling the general ques. tlon oC the conslUutlonallly of the measure without going Into the credit ; problem. Howe\'er , the board having obtained an expression from the state's legal adviser , will follow that as the law until someone steps In to test the law by Injunction or man. damus , und tbere are at present no prospects ot any such HtlgaUon. LIVE WIRE CAUSES DEATH. - \ Wymore Man Drops 25 Fect After Receiving Heavy Shock. 'VYl\l0RE-Charles N. Johnson , manager of the Nebrnsta ] Electric company at 'Vymore , met with In. stant death. At the time oC the accident - dent he was engaged In cutting a loose wIre on Main street' and In H01110 way caugit ] hold oC a lIye wire. Being unable to let go , Mr. Johnson palled for help to these who had gathered below , and his nephew , Charles Phllbrlclr , Immedlatey ] went to his a'sslstance and succeeded In cutting him loose , but was unable to hold him allli tho' man fell twenty- lIve feet , 51 rlklng his head on the pavement. He was removed at once to Dr. GalTord's office and every effort made to revive him. but he JIved only about fifteen minutes. Typhoid Germs Are Abroad. LINCOLN-The capitol building o ! Nebraslta is suspected o ! harboring' ' the germs of typhoid fever and ma- laria. It Is asserted that bad ventilation - lation , the poor system of heating and faulty plumbing are responsible. At. tentlon has been called to the subject because' o ! the provnlenco of Illness among the olllclals anti empo'es ] ot the building. 'fhree clems of offices In the cast lI'lng of the building are now conllned to their homes with ty. phohl rever , and many others Ilre sut. ferlng from grip nd malaria. Secre , tary of State Marsh has just been tawn ] 111. Child's Body Is Found. KEARNEY , Neb.-The bed ' of the 2-'ear-old son of George Lauderbnch , who was drowned In the canal Il week ago last ,1\Ionda ) ' , was found In the laJee In the deep water. about an eighth of Il mile below where the chl1d met death. 1\1en worlwd mnny I hours breallng up the Ice with , dynamite . - mite and dragging the ] Ilke. 'I'he i ' body was perfectly pteserved. , - ' Action Under Pure Food Law. UNCOLN - Food Commissioner Thompson , In the cO\lrso \ r Il few dn 's , expects to cause the arrest of a llumVer oC merchants throughout the state for seHlng adulteratcd vinegar - gar for the pure arUclo. He hils de- la'ed making the ar'csts for some time In order to all\ ; , merchants to whom he had sent L'Dtices ' Hmo to get rid of their adulterated vlneg-ar. but he stated that many had not talCn advantage of his leniency and there. fore he' expected to begin active and vigorous prosecution. Applies to All Credits. LINCOJ.N-Secretary Bennett of the state board ot equalization dc , clared that the ruling of the attorney general applied to all forms of cred- ItH and not only to bool accounts alone. Brakeman Killed by Cars. FHEMONT-J. F. Drehn , a brae. ] mlln on the Northwestern , 1I\'lng In this city. was crushed between two rrolgh CltlS at Dwight and died a { ew mlnaien arter. Found Dead In Pasture. STEL.J A-Jacob Iann wns fonnd dend In the pasture of IllS brother John , with whom he had made 111:3 : home. Mr. ? tInnn was of un eccen. : trlc character and : IHcl left the farm. 'l'hough living within Il Q few miles or Stolln. fa I' a long period. ho had ne\'er bet1n seen In town and all his bnslness affairs h ro was loolwd ' acter by his brother. 111. . .tenth Is auppmmd to have I.JCon thet result of Jl\ra'Uc ] atruke. lIe was Il widow. er , a:1d SItICO his wife's death hlld snal1e bls home \vltb his tn'other. - Ht'cent rains III some llO\'t \ Ions or the strtto ha\'o IJeon gl'eatly lJeneficlnl tc the whcat. Pat ) ' tOilS of hn : Wl'l'e bll\'noll \ near Schu'ler , \'uhblslt 111'0 having got IJc Olld control. ' 1'wo ] let'suns recently brolw jail at Plattsmouth ntH } at this wrltlnl ; have not been C'aillul'cd. 'rho , 'Illago lloard or Hn\'c1na hns grn11ted a franchlso fOl. Ult Indell'lIll. ent telellhono C mll1ln ) . . HeWaltR of SIOUX Clt ) . hils nr. rived In ' 1'el\llmllh , where he will hold meetings for lwo wcols. The prellmlnnr ) ' 5\11'\ ' ) . for the elec. trlc rallwa ) ' from Sprlngvlew to Newport - port will M ml\lo ( about ta ' 1. The Tec\11n ch I..onn nnd Dulhtlng ns. soclntlon has been fOl'med , nnd nlt'cndy mOI'o than 400 shnres ha\/e hecn sold. Blint ! pupils or the school nt Ne. braslm City arc on n tour of the Rtate , glylng entertainments at mnny or the principal towns. ' 1'he thl'ee weelis' religious rcvh'al at Osceola has closed. All the me < > tlngB were II1rgel ) ' attentled anti much In. terest was mnnlfestcd. 'Tho FI'emont Commerclnl eub ] lias adollted resolutions fa\'orlng n bill In congress for the establishment of a commission to promote the American merchant. mal'lne. Scarlet ICvcr has again brolen out In Sarp : countr. 'fhe famll ) ' or Frant. Comto of Slirlngfield Is qual'antlned fOI' the disease and e\'er ) ' ( 'lTort IB be , Ing made to ) Ireyent the same rl'om snreadll'g. , In thlrt : "elght counties In which the appraisement of school lands has been completed and tabulated the valuation 1mB been Increased $1,200,000. This will men an Incl'eaRe to the temporary school f\md 01 almost $70,000 annually. A moyemcnt having ror Its object cJeaner streets , sldewaks ] and alle's has been started b ' the ' ) theVoman's club of Beatrice , and the committee 011 ch' , Ics and forestry has been Instructed to devlso WR'S and mcans oC securing oeslred en'ds. For the JOss ot a hand a Lancastm county jury In the district court awarded - ed Ulric Smith \"erdlct ror $6.000 damages. He Is a negro lad ! J : rears or age , and was struck b ) ' a. . sll'eet car while ] ootlng ] for a half doll r which he had dropped on the track. LlIllo D. Weed , a domestic In the homo of Adelbert W. Reddish , Lincoln. sued the latter for the sum of $894. Sbo nlleges that he hils not settled with her for five ) 'cars , with the exception - ception of $150. She fixes her bill for wages at $1.044 and claims the balance , due her Is $894. The largest warrant drawn tor sev. eral 'ears was Issued at Lincoln. tbe sum being tor the penitentiary coIls. The warrant was for $41418 ; and Is for 60 per cent ot the amount at tno bill nwed the Van Dorn Iron worls. , State Treasurer Mortensen bought tbo ' warrant and Issued for It thrce checis. ] 'rho Yoder settlement , composed of Penns'lvanla. . Germans , which has ex. Isted n. few I liles southwest o ! Ber- lrand for the past twent ) ' .ears , has , broken up , and all Its members , hay , Ing aoht their lands nnd belongings , are lellYlng Nebraska , most of them returning - turning to tholl" former hones In the cast. Congressman Burliett : tB nlLmel1 the followIng ) .OUng men as prlnclpll { i and alternates for the naval aClldemy at Annapolis : Noel B. Rawls , Platte , mouth. Ilrlnclpal ; Vance D. Cha.p1lne . , Llncon ] , first nltel'llate ; Thomas S. : Bridges. Sterling , second alternate ; H. Walter Stephenson , Lincoln , third i alternnte. ! Charles Baumgardner was ar-rested at Grand Ishnd on the charge of , havIng - Ing attemlltcd to assault Mrs. StaJford , Il formG : " acquaintance , tn her own home while her husband WBR abent. lrs. Stalford ucceeded In malting her escape trom the house and at once Informed the police department. The assailant was al'rested. R " . Ora Samuel Gra ' , from l\Iu ea. chusctts , deUvcred an Inspiring ] ecturp. before laIgo : mdlenco ! . In the oper : house at Crete. The sUbject of hlb ] ectr\1 ( was "Three P'R In Il Pod , " The three P's proved to be Purpose , Plan and Push , and from these ] tey words ho drew powerful lessons for the Inspiration - spiration oC the 'oung men of today. A little bolt slipping from the croan arm of an electric light 110le has caus. I cd a $50,000 damage suit In Ilncon ] , : This Is the amount William g. Thorn. as asls at the Lincoln Gas and Blec , trlc Light COmllan ) ' . Thomas Is a lineman - man and was Injured ahout two ) 'ears ago. The bolt slip II cd from the cross arm and he fell to the ground . , , brenlt. Ing hoth his legs. Hlchard Gould , the Central City preacher who Is sOI'vlng a term In the atate pcnltentlar ) ' fOl' abducting 1j ( , year-ohl g\1l Flint , the dnughter ot Lester Flint , at whoso home he board. ed while In charge oC the church nt the Merrlcle county town , has filed a brieC In the supreme court astng ] ! for a reduction or his sentence. As a basis for his ple'a he ur es that the girl , velt with him willingly anet though she had opportunities , she never desired to leave him. Mrs. Mutrle. whose homo Is snhl to be In Bnttlo Creek , whoso hushand reglstN d trom 'Iamora : , attempted to commit sulcldo at the .Jamleson hotel In Grand lsand ] , but has been saved for the tlmo helng. Bho stili , how. ever , declnrcs she has no further de. sire to live. In the district court at Strol11shurg Judge Arthur Evanfl decided the case of Oscar f'amUOlll6ii : against , JOlD ! H. 1\lIcl\O ) ' In 1'11.\01' at the plalntllT. The suit WI\S brought to quiet tltlo to n farm In possessIon of tM plnluUtr and clalmell by the e ! < mtlant unt1c" a deed which 'WI-II 'Mil to Lc a mortgage. , " . I 28 Army Generals Send letters of Endorsement To. " , , The Inventor of the Great Catarrh _ _ _ _ H Remedy , Pe-ru-na. ' Drlgadler-Oenerat King of Confederate Army , Writes : "I unhesitatingly IItnta that I I nm convinced Perunn Is n mcdlc1ne , that. will etrcct. all the cures thnt Is clnlmed tor ItB uao.-.T. l'lo'd - ! ) mnlr , Wnsblng- ton. D. C. Oeneral Smalls , Beaufort , S. C.t Writes : "I hno tu\cd Pcrunn for C3- tnrrhnl trouble anl finrl It bcneflclnl and bo nIl thnt It ' , , to promises , amI frcel glo It. m ' unqualified recommendatlon.-Hob- ort Smalls. Oeneral Abbott , of Washington , D. C. , Wrltcs : "I nm fully convlnccdthnt : your reroetly Perunn 10 nn exccllent tonic. Many of my friends Itno uSNl It with the most bencfc1nl , results for coughs , colds nn\l catnt'l'hnl troublc.-h'a C. Abbott , 1100 M. St. . N. W" Washington - ton , D. C. Captain Varnell. \Vnshlngton , D.C. , 'Writes : "Your mc lclne , Peru no , I be- 'lIovo to bo the bcst medlcilio for cat.arrh on the mal"ltCt. I hao takcn only small amount , nud can see vcry bcncficlal reo sults.-'V. G. Yllrne11. : J Llucoln street , N. E. , Wnshlngton , D. C. , Oenerd lcDridc of V..S. A. , Writes : "l have )10 llCsiLulion : in recommending - ommending PC1'una to u11 Jlorsou who are nmlctcll with cnt.arrhal . troubles.- J. D. McBrldo , 450 pCIusyIvunla ! . Avo. , N. W , . Wnshlngton , D. C. Oeneral Longstreet or the Confederate Army , Writes : III can testify to the merits of , Perunn , both us 1tonlo and cnturl'h reme y. ' } > c1'\1na cnjoys the grcatcst rCIU- tntlon ns Do catarrh reuiedy of nn ) ' mc l- clno yet doiscd.-Jumes LoIJEstrcet , ; Gainesville , Ga. ! Oeneral Noske of O. V. U. , ' Writes : "l commct1l1 , PerulIto tboso who uro troubled wlt.h . colds prorluclng cnturrh ns 0. most cfllcaclous C\11'O and as Do gooll genernl tonlc-Chas. P. Noskc , US B St. N. W. , Wushlngton , D. C. , , Oeneral Erwin's Recommend. . II'tInny of my frlcnds } lave uscrl Pcruno r..s n. . dyspcpslo'remcdy wlt.h . the most ono- , nclnl rcsults.-John B. Erwin , Wash- lngton , D. C. Brig.-Oeneral ScheU Benefited. IIPerunll. Is Indeed ! \ , vonderful tonic , t.nd for coughs and colds I 1mow of nothing bottc-F. M. Scholl , Washington - ton , D. C. Oeneral Duffield of the Union Army , Writes : III hno uscd Peruna In my fum- Uyand have found it \'alulI.blo medicine , and take plcasuro in rccommendlng It to 1111 , , 'ho suffcr from cntnrrh of the stomach br , vho rcqulro B tonlo ot efficlency.-Tho Cairo , Wnshlncton , D. C. 't56 . ON RAINY OAYS WEAR , , 't WEIlS Y'l\terproof' . , J I OILED , , . I1Sll Rr $ ) CLPTHING1 re , . DL lcIC Of' YEUOWJ n' ) - " ' . ( Y' ( J. \ f IT MAUS VfRY DAY COUNT ) . . _ _ _ cAo _ . . . . . . ' ( , .z- , pIaO".4. . oI , . . , - . " " . . . , r P. . , uJ . . . . . , , , , , . . . . . ( O' _ //If . , jf d.A IIWffooS..H. . . . HCHon. - ' . . . . , w.- - : ' . 03 ( - . , : JU/cfrt .aw&2 .u .7 ' " ; .zieoN Ma7.3' A man's capacity for worle hils no ' limit-In his mind. THE WAEASH I'IAILROAD. East and South. Special rates on sale dally to aU Winter resorts of the South. Halt : are round trip plus $2.00 on first anti third 'l'ueadays each month to many poInts South. The only Hne with Its own atatlon at main entrunco of World'lI Fair grounds. The Wabash runs on Its own rails from Omnha , Kansas City , Des 1\Iolnes. St. Louis and Chicago to Toedo ] , Detroit , Niagara Falls and Buffalo with through connections be. ) 'ond. AU agents can route you via the Wabash. l < or World's Fall' descrlp. tlve matter and all IntormatlQn ad. dress , Harry E. 1\Ioores , G. A. P. . D. , Omaha , Nebr. The sight at a wrong hi the only commission the true man nceds. More Flexible and Laatlng , won't Ihake out or hlo\v out ; hy uelnR Detlaneo Btnrch YOlt obtain hetter results tbln posslblo wfth ony other brand IWd ono.thlrd moro lor ti mo mODOY. It Is more prolltable to read one man than ton boolts. Man Il man bas lIved to regret some early faults. You can do your d 'ellig In haJt an hour with PU'J'NA [ l"ADELESS DYES. To withstand o\'ll Is quite as necos. Bary as to do good.h's. . Crallt. " 'A4b " . " ' ' ' ' ' 41 Oeneral Butler of South Carolina , Wrltcs : 1'1 cm reconll11cnll Porltlltor ( l'Sllc1sln nntl IItomnch tt'oublo. I have heen usIng your nlelllclllo for t\ short JI rloll nn\l I fcol , 'or ) ' mueh relle"oll. nls Inl1l'l'I.l a ' ' ' 011l1crtlll ll1cdlclno besl oo II. good tOIlI .tt- L C. Butler. Brlgadler-Oeneral Kirby " 'rites : "I can rccommenrl Prnmn to nU who are amldell wIth D. T. mrby , Wllshlllgtoll , D. C. Oen. Powell , Hecker Post No. 443 , 'Yrltc : "After 1151111\ ono bottle or Pc- rllnB 1 l > cclUno couvlnccll of Its curatl\'o qunllUe.8lIntllconUnllC\1 Its \150 to ( lnte. .AU symptoms or catnrrh hl1\'o dls p- ) 'tCared , yet I continuo Its t lollel"t\to U50 ns pt'evcnth'c , nnll an ohl Ulnu's tonlc.- W : II. Powell , DolloYll1e , 111. A r. N. . " W1f. . . - . . , 'SI1 I Oe . Sebring of the Confede'ato Army , Wrltcs : "I tnn cheerfully rccommenll your ' \'aluablo l"Cmcrly PlrUnB ns a "crr cxcellcnt tonic , ntlll also good for coughs , 'ooldll , cntnrrh. nnll Roncrn1 doblllty.- W. H. Sabring , 133 W. .Uh S . , Jachson- "mo , FIn , ' Oenerd Lumnx \Vashlngton , D. C. , ' ' ' 'rltcs : "I cau chcerfully recommcnd ) 'our remedy as a permanent , nnd etroctl'\'o cure tor catnrrh , ooIds ntHl to any olle who nccds nn In"ll\oraUng tonloto bulIll \1p their systl'm.-L. L. Lumax , 1003 1Uth St. , Washington , D. C , Oen. Payne of Washington , D. C. , Writes : "I join wIth my comrades In recommending Pcrullo. to m ' friends 69 an Invlgornting t nlo to b tl:1 up the 6)'S- tem.-Gell. Eugene D. Pnyno , 407 4th St. , N. W. , Washington , D. O. Oeneral Talley of pa. , Vol. U. S. A. , . : IIYour Pcrlllllhns becnlsed by mo end my frlcnds I\s ! \ rello ! for cntarrhnl tl'oublcB with 'the ' most bencficlnl rcsults. I om so con'\'lnccl of the emencyof Pc- runa that I do ! lOt llesltate to give It my rccommcnd tlon. " - Wm. Cooller 'l'nlle ) ' , 713 D St. , N. I . . Wushlncton , D.I C. . General lgetow Cured. Gen. , T. G , nlg'lo\T. llil 0 st. , N. W. , Washington , D. C. , " , rUes : IIPeruDn 111\8 mndo mo won and It 11M Itlvcn 1110 InOl'e than or lnary . strength an 8111rlt for \fork. " Oen. 0'8elrno \Vashlngton , D. C.t W1'ltcs : IIAII 1I1nny ot my friends Il ( ) ncqua-Intnnces lll\vo succosstuUy18(1(1 yom ' , l'crtln ns cnt rrh cure , I 1001 l\1nt It Is nn otrccUo , remedy , end I roo- Ctln1l1enll1t ns finch to these sulTorlng from thnt ( lIsclIse ns 1\ most hoporul 8'ouree of rcllof-.11I1I11'R n. O'Dolrno , fOO Droad. WilY , Washington , D. C. ) Oen. Chase , AlIs't Adj. Oen'l , O. A. R.t \\'rltc8 1I'1'ho eXl'cUcnco ot Peruna as n cnro or reller for catarrhnl ( lIsturbanros Is " ' 1111 cstabllshrll. Mnny et my trloDllt' ha'o i'mt bcnefited by Us1seB : F. Chase , ! ! S IJu1'1'lson St. , , Anneostla , D. ? - Oeheral S. S. Voder of Ohio , Wrltoll : "I hnvo foullll Peruna to be a womlcl'ful rcmcll ' . I olily used It 101' sltOl'to time nl"l om thoroughly 'satlsl1o ' ns to its mCl'lts.-s' S. Yodor , Wasblng. tOll , D. C. Oeneral O'Connor of U. V. LcgloD , Wl"Ites : IIJC 'ou 1\1'0 utrorlng , lrom CI , . tnrl'h 01' } lh'slcalleblllty , hnmel1lntely commence t.ho . Use or PCl'UlIa. It ij 1\8 oc'Cn or the J.I'cntest ; benel1t nnll lIor'\'lco to II1nny oC lilY l1'lrl1lls.It-DcIIDls O'Conner , 7M 3 , N. W. , Wa hID t.on , D. C. ' Oen.Wrl ht 01 the Confcde , . tCl Army , " 'I.ItCR : III tnlo Jlenlllll'o In reoommelu- htll Ol.ulln. It Is II l'enmrknble medlolllo and should bo 118011 b ' 11ol'IIOns who arc'ln lIOcd of gooll tonlo and llY slltrel'orn from catll1'1'h.-1\Ia1'cus Wl'lght , 17'J.i Corcomll St. , Wushlngtoll , D. C. Oen. lInwlcy of Washington , D. C't " ' 1'ltcs : "I ha'o1l1cl1 ] > erllTln nlill fin it \'cr ) ' bonoficlal for 1,1I1110y trouble amI cspoo chilly goorl fOl' cough ! ! , : colds nU\I"ca rrhl troubles.ItAI P. I1llwl < JY. Oen. Urcll of Spanish War Veterans , Wrltcs : "l\1any of'my frlel1l1s 11101500 Perulla with bClleficial res\llts 1\8 D otrcctl''o 1'oltlmly for cat rrh.-l\II lI1mc' Ul.cll , tltu 12th St : , N. W" WashluSton. D. C. Othcr Army GcnoralJ : wbo lralso Po- rmm arc : Br/g.d/er.OenerlJl Cook ot /ngton , D. C. Oencral SyplJcrot Wnsh/ngton , D.C. Ocncral AJ/ddleton , l ancock Reg/ . . mcnt , U. V. U. , Wash/ngtrm ; , D. C. IC you do pot derive prom lIt , nnd Bntlsfao- tory results from the \180 of Pct.tlDawrlt , nt once to Dr. IInt.bnnn , giving B fun statctj1cnt oC 'our case , I\lId ho w111 be plclIsed to gIve you bl8 valuable all vice gratIs. A llrcss Dr. IInrtmun , President. ( If The IInrtmlln Sl\nltarlumCo umbu8 , Ohio. . NOW DON r . J FORGET Oon'fforget when"yo order starch to get the best , Get DEFIANCE. No more "yellow" looldng clothes. no more cracking or breaking. It doesn't stick to the iron. It gives sat Is- , faction or you get your money back. The cost is 10 cents for 16 ounces of tne best starch made. Of other starches you get but I ounces. Now don't forget. It s al : , " your grocers. nANtJ ACTURED nY THE DEFIANCE STARCH , CO _ , ME ICAN ! ! ! r ! ! ) n ! I M lnment nen In this Count ) ' anI..ljoitJ lJlllcrr ( OfY tor we ] ) U S tang I . ment andtavorabb knowlhouu , ot toll ; ' IJllb'clolsland- lilt : . 8 O.OO Gtralebt clI.h Ralnrv Bud ClpctJsn cures Cute , DurltHJ nruh e8. paid ench Monday Ly ChN'k dirvct froon bllnoJQuar lees. EIP nso money 11'1' ' ' ' ' < 1 : poWon ' ( jrmcr nen Espcrlcl\ce nor "u nlinl. , ' 'resll T. .I. COOPER , Mnnn er. , Como Block , CIIICAGO. ' .LL. ! HanyWhoro erlysmoked1O'cl ' ars now smoke PORTRAIT AGENTS aJu ! , : LEWIS SINGLE BINDER . Ourlto < Khthobrll. J'rfmlh h\ " , . dJ OI STRAI G HT 5 C I GA R meUls. , JlenYtry or all J'IJr""atlJumteec1. . . ; : t ltllall' urnI ' and rolle frN' 11..11' for c"'I'ue ' Addreo < e icur Jolilier or dIrect rraln Factory , J'lIorll& . 111. ADAM J , KROLLCO.ew Era Eu.I.tlnf , OhleRo. " .A" " " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' AAA AA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1'1 . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VV The Old Reliable Rigl\t Along St. Jacobs Oil A good thing lives and keeps right along curing takes on new life. nnd : ; 0 Pains and A.ches. Price 5c. and tOe. ,