Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 24, 1904, Image 6

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, 'j' ' :
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, l'
, ! .
. T\vo severe cases of Ovarian Trouble
" 'and hvo terrible operations avoided. Mrs.
Emmons and IV1 rs. Colelnan each. . . tell
'ho\v they \vere aved by the use of
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable .Compound.
. CI DEAR J\nJ. ! PI rmAr : - I nm AO pcl\Rcd ] with the f 'SUltS obtaincd
from T..ydla l . Pinl"uun's V ( ! etl\hle Compoul1cl that I feel it a duty
I1l1cl n. privilege to wrilo you about it.
"r Aufrored for moro than five years with o\"arlan troubles , caus.
lng an unplemmnt disehar c , a grcat weakncs2I , ancl at times 11 faintness
'WOUlll ' como ovcr mo WhICh no amount of l1\cclicine , cliet , or exercise
RCCllll'l1 to ( mnccl. Your Yeg'dablo COltllOund found the weak spot ,
110wever , wilhin a few weeks - nnd Ra'ccl mo from au ollerntlon-
, 'lolL my t.roubles . hacl disappeared , und I found myself once moro healthy
. , nmhvell.Vord.i ! fail to describe the feal , true , grateful feeling that is
in my heart , and I want to tell eYery sick and suffering sister. Don'
! ' I dally with modieine yon know nothing about , but take I. 'clll .l inc-
IlIun'R Yegetnhlo CUIUIUHllld , and take my word 'for it , you will ho :1. :
ditfercnt " ; volllan in a short time. " - Mns. LAun.EmLOxs , 'Valker.
ville , Onto
1/ . .
: , ; . , Another Case of Ovarian Trouble.
. .
l " Cured Without
an Operation.
" ;
"DE..n : Mm ! , PnmrrA- sovcral years I
wn troubled with ovarian trol1hc ] and a painful
" ' . and inflamed condition which kept me in boil part
of the timo. I did so ( lI'ead n 8ur ieal operation.
" I trir.d different remedies bopmg to get better
" . but nothing seemed to bring rehef until a friend
who had been cnred of ovarian trouhle , through
, . the ,1H e of your COlllIJOUn , induced me to try it. I
' "r took it faithfully for three month , and at the end
' \ . . of that time was gln ( to find that I was a well
, ; I I woman. Health is no.tul'C f1 best gift to woman
\ , , . and if yon Jose it and call ho.yo it restor a. )
I :1. : . through J.ydia. E. Pinkhnn Ycgetabl Com-
, , I , : i\ , \ I feel that aU. suffering women should
. .
. . . .1.\ . . - . . . . . : I , . - mow of thi . " . -l\Ir : . I. unA , BELT.Jt COLE-
l ; : : .i' ' " ) IAN , COIUmcrclal , IIotel , : NashvIlle , 'l'enn.
- It. 'swell ' to rcmemember I\ueh letlerR 11.5 abova when some druggist tries
to Jet. yon to buy 80IDIJthiug which ho bays Is . . just as goo " ' ! 'hat Is Impos-
lilblo. ' 118 no ether medicine has such a record ot curea as LydIa E. liuk-
hiLm'a Vegetable Compound ; accept no other and you wil111t gla .
Don't hmdtnto to wrlto to l\rrs. PInkham if there is anything
n1out your Klclmc."H you do not understand. She , , , 'ill treat you
, vlth klndnesi IUHl hcr Utlvic is Cree. No womnn evcr regretted
\Vritlu { ; ' her und Kho bus hellcd thousands. Address Lynn , Mass.
$5000 FORFEIT . - It we cannot forthwith prodllcfI thll orlilinal JIIUOfl anI ! .llfIIatarea of
"bo u to.LlwoQlab , .whlch 11'111 prove th lr absolutll IIlInlllllllnll83.
, " LIdia l .l'1nkh.m Modlc1na Co. , L'nu , UJu. .
Many JUen talle delhht In cnlllng
; attentIon to' the'gooll there s In them.
Seele no OlllltJI'tU:1\ly. \
, Why It la. the DFst
: be'c \ o rondo by : Ull ontlroly different
, :1 pr ces. . ' , 'Donunco ' Sturch' 'unllko auy
! t er.blHor \ ! and ou1t-tblrd were tor 10
, n ! & . . . " : . '
f .1 , 1- ' _ _ _ _
. . . Girls who make fools of men uSUI111y
" , .ao ! ' stln.l ; Imll1osslons. ;
. - .
. ' DI lcretion Is the aftermath oC rool-
IlIlmeHFI lhat hus C ( ) t too dear.
t -
, ,
or the BlCe. It. ' bulhlhll : ' nrllla'lcr. c < Itllcr
111111 hnlllhotnor lhall UlhU or IUlY I'revtou
( [ l'o ltlon. ' 1'0iCO It. 11'1 It wl\l \ be. ! tilt n
"Iealy" Album contnh\llI ! : view ! ! oC 11\1
. I'rlllcll'l\lll11l1dlng\ < 'llrOllucl't , In color'llu
, , till ! IIIRhc"t typl' ! or IIl1lolCniphluurt. 1.t'IIVt'Ii ,
G x : 10. tlctal'bublo und /luHablo lor [ rumlul { .
. / . . KAcT" . .
Box 6'4. ST. LOUIS. MO.
. The FREE Homestead
. . Are the STAR ATTRACTIONS for 1904 ,
j Mlliluns of acrea of II\llnlficonl GraIn an,1 Gra '
I III' : lallds lu be Ilad U Ii free ! liCt. ur hy 1'lIrcbue
flOlli Hail"I" ComPlnl , Lan < ll'orpolilloul. ele.
Uood Crol'S , d.\1chtrul \ d""a ( . . , " 1'1"1111 < < 1
IIcbllol 1118toll1. Ierr.t 'lUdal (101l1Iitioll. ,
. , . . . . 'IIUUIIUllouUw"y aliwlul\JIC'tlB , lAut ! , wealth
antll\lUUtlllcu "cqulr"ll " , , "Ul.
Thc ' , ; ol\ulaUon of ' ' ' 'esl 1 n Canada I crelled
1 , OOO by ImIllIC" < llolI durin& & : Ibe PUI ) 'ear. over
60,00\1 beillC lI\erl all .
Wrltt' to nearest aUlhorlrcd Canadl'ln ' GOI'ennen !
. .
. .Kalll rur Canadian AlIW5 anll ulhlr IIIurmallon-
( or I1dd'elS SIIPI , olllllllll ratlonOllawa.Canoda- )
W. V. ) lenDcn. tIOl Not' York LUo Uuildillr ,
OPlallll. Nab ,
CURBS catarrh of the stomach.
When the fi'lng machine Is pertect.
od wo cnn vIsit. our cnslles In .the all' _
. 00 Ba. Maca'ronl Wheat Per A.
Introduced by the U. S. Dept. or .Agr.
It Is u lremendous croppel' , yielding In
good land 801m. per acre , and on ( jry.
Mid land8. Buch as are tound In Mont. .
Idaho , lhe Daltoto.s , < ' :010. : . etc. , It wt1l
yield ( rom -CO lo liO bu. Thts Wheat and
Speltz and Hanna Barley and llromu8
Inermls and BUllon' Dollar Gra8s.
makes It possible to grow and tatten
bogs and cattle wherever 8011 Is tound.
to the John A. Sal cr Seed Co. . I.a
Croll9c , Wls , . and they will Bend you
tree Bnmple or this , , " 'heat and other
farm Bceds , together with their great
catalog. ulone worth $100.00 to any
wide-llwalte tarmer. ( W. N. U. >
Most men thlnlt they arc quite a
shrcwd as most. other mon.
Every hOlh'\\keeller ' IIhould 1tno
that. 1l they will buy Defiance Colt
Water Starch tor laundry use lhe
will b'lVe not only lime , because I
never stlclcs to the Iron. bnt becausl
each p ckago contal1l11 16 oZ.-one { ul
pound-whIle all other Colrl Wale :
S t1rehe8 I\re llut up In ' 1101ll1l1 pacll
ugellIld the llrleo Is the salllO , 11
cents. 'l'hen I\galn beCI1\18e Defianci
Sturch Ii tree trom all Injurious chern
leals. It your grocer lrl s to sell ) ' 0\1 2
12.oz. 11I\01agu It Is heca\1se he 111\ :
a atoclt on haml which he wIshes t4
dispose or herore he putll In Denance
Ho knows thl\t Del1nnce Starch hn :
printed on ever ) ' Ilficlmge In IIlr/e / lot
tOl'S alld figures " 16 OZI. " Demanl
Defiance ntlll sn " 0 lUuch time aUI
mono ) ' aud the alllloYl\lIce oC the Irol
stlcillug. Defiance never sticks.
When a IIIl\n hns hoen mnf1'led
few yeanl ho loses hIs I1lIorty ir.
IUra.Jl1llow' " ' ' .
IUra. " 1'I00thtnl : K.rrul'
For eblhlr. . . IlIelblDl ( , aufteDI Iha Kuru , ruducel ,
I1&mUlallulI. alla11 pal . curea wlAd collu. 2.)0 a txm :
Every " , , 'oman fecls she Imows lu :
to fill & llluco In the socIal world.
Mutual Insurallce ht the must por.
I\r. ! 'l'OIJ ) 'ears : & & 0 there was aho ,
$10,000.0-00 In lho atate. Now , ov
$ IGOOOO.OOO , one.halC oC all the PI
1118\11'U11OO In the stale IH In 1I1u1\1
COn1pnuJes. It Is also the oldest ]
sllrnnco In the. worJcl , and Is c1leallo
safHstud best , lIlId no cOJ\1lmny hi
tor t11 ' the STA'l'E J. AnMlm'S 1\1
Omah , . Nohr. . D. P. Stouffer , Bee
Stable Ventilation.
At the Jast slate llnlrymcn's con'
Tentlon In WIsconsin. W. D. Hoarll
mid : A few ) 'earll ego when 1 built
t cow stable I pllt wlnllows In It ever ) '
threl : ! fcet to let In the light. I [ llso
; 1I\t. In a vcntllatlon lIystem that coat
flGO. : Ouo or mr neIghbors sahl to
1:10 : that ho , dIll not. see how 1 cOllld
afford to Ilo that. I rei'lied that IC a
man sholl\r1 \ como along atlll give lhe
= ows oC any man'lIarls green r any
; Jther ltlnd or animal Ir vegetnble
polson he would be pro lecuted. Dill
Ihe farmer hlmse\ \ [ will 1I0ison his
w s wIth bnd all' ntlll thlnlt nothing
oC It. We must wale to n realization
oC thIs fact. Now the expenditure oC
$3GO for a good ventilating s'slol11 Is
not a large matter. The Ihterest. ou
that amount nt G IJer cent Is ouly $21
per ) 'enr , and that. Is , vhat the ven-
tIIatlns s'stem really costa me. If 1
Illlln'l have the money myseU I coulll
borrow It from my nolghbor at G per
cent. 'fhat 21 Is a very small sum to
pay for the ( urnlshlng or pure air to
n. stable 142 teet long and 3G feet
wide. 1 have tound that this costs
only a lIttle over 40 cents per nulmal.
We keep cows In the stable for about
200 Ilays out or the year , and shoulll
wo reCuse them the oxpenlliture or 40
cents each to lteep thom In pure alr'l
I am sure tbt I get. bnclt at least ten
tlmos 40 cents In the Increased ef.
fectiveness oC each cow. I do not
thln1t that lover made an expenditure
on my farm that , paid a bettor Interest
than that. ventilating system. All this
winter the temperature In my stable
has not droppell below 50 to GG do-
gt'ees. 'I'he bodlps of the cows give
olt enough heat to ltcep the tempera.
ture right for the cows. By the King
aystem of vontllation , which I have ,
you talee off the foul cold uit , aud
retain the warm air that Is Datut'nlly
at. the top of the barn , anll your stable -
ble Is lcept I\t nn equltahle tompem-
turo. It will not cost. most oC the
fnrmers ns much to put In a ventilating -
ting system ns It dill mo because most
of them have not. stablcs as large as
the ono I have.
- -
Cooking HorDe Feed.
One or the early 1"reuch ! investigators -
tors comparell oats and an equal vol-
tunc of rye boiled until the grain
burst. The results wOre not { avor-
able to cooltlng the feed. According
lo : l.Iother or his tests , 30.8 pounds
oC mashed steamell potatoes could not
replace 11 pounds oC hay. The potatoes -
toes WCl'O mixed with cut straw and
fed coM. It Is often claimed that
cootdng feed Increases Its palatability
and digestibility. The general conclusion -
clusion drawn froDI tests with farm
animals Is that this belief U not warranted -
ranted , and that the cost r cooltng !
Is not. mndo np for by the Increused
yalue oC the mUon. It has been stated -
ed on good authority that' ' boiled { od
Is useCul tor colts , brooll mares and
stallions If fed two or three times per
weelt , and that dract horses which are
belug prepnred { or sale or { or exhlbl-
Uon may be gl\'en cooked feed once
a day with a vantnge. An excellent.
Ceed for horses , It Is said , mar be
1I1Odo by bQllIng barley nnd oats In 11
) wttlo y.lth consldet'ahlo water and
pouring the mass over charted hay ,
allowing the whole to stand until the
hay Is well softoned. BI'au , roots and
II. small quantity oC 011 meal ma ) " be
dd d also-Bulletln 170 , U. S. Dept.
( lC A..lculture _
- - -
Aleutl n Island Ranges.
Several large stoclt gl'owers of
'Washington state arc plannhlg to con-
vert. the Aleutian Islands Into vast
cattle and sheep rllnscs , which wHI
surpass In extent the rapidly 1minlsh.
ing ranges oC Montana and 'l'exu& .
Ono company has begun the shipment
of 25,000 sheep and GOOO head 01
cattle to the Aloutlans , 11 first can ,
.Ignment. oC 8,000 llead oC sheep 1111' "
Ing recently been sent from Sal1
l < rancisco. The companr had demon
strated previously that. sheep will
thrive there , 1I"lng throughout the
, winter solely on the gmss of thE
I islands , by having lnnlled 1,000 heal
Ulct'e ahout. a. a halt ago ,
, . . . : : : : : . .
Anguli Premiums.
'l'he board of directors of the Abel' '
deen-Angus Cattle Breoders' Assocla
'Ion has voted to aplIroprlato $4,601
for a show at. the 1.oulsll\nl1 Purchasl
Exposition nnd $200 ( ; for un Abel
deen.Angus show at Kunsas CIty , II
case ono Is held there In 1904. Fo
the International Live Stoc1e gxpoHI
tion In 190. ' $ . wns set aside fo
8pecll\I premiums.
The cost oC tile drains wl11 , 0
course. vnl' ) ' with the IO nllt ) ' , ! : : om
eatllnntcs oC cost. mnde In the "Iclnlt
oC the Iowa'AKrlculturnl College mn' '
( lrove or "nille to funnel's Intending t
put. In tile drains.
Tile was tound to CORt. pr ) 1,000 fee
as follo\\'s : 4.lnch , $20 : 5-lnol1 , $27
G-Inch , $37 : 8.lnch. $58 : 10.lnch , $85
I ) 12-lnoh. $ l1G : 15-lnoll , $2i 5. 'rl1e co
10. of 111l111lug wns estimated at. $ [ ; IJE
IW 1,000 feet for lhe [ j-I1\C'h \ tile and
Cut'I'cspomlln Incno ; for the lnne ' 1'he dlttnnco hUllled In thl
IU- case wns 11\'e miles. 'rho cost ot In ;
ut InS' , per rod , vas 12 to 1 [ j cents for a
er tllo below S hH.'lus : ! In size. ' 1'hl
ro Ilrleo Includes digging ditch and In :
1111 lu till' , t\lJlrt ditch to hI" " Ilono b
In. OWler.Yhc'o a capable ( ' 11&lneol'
st , etl11110).tHI to' do the worl" his ! <
ct. . mut ! : ! bQ addod. '
Itb It. I a poor polio ) ' for the tarmer 1
roe sell off his best. birds I1nd Imep U
poorest. Such Q course means retr
! ; resslon ,
. . ' f' .
- - - -
WhIte Wyan.lotten. :
White Wyandotles ar'o unquestlon.
nbly the most popull\r hreed oC fowls.
111 exlstenco to.da ) ' , with Darrell Plymouth -
mouth Roeles n close second , I have
110 rllslIositJon to quostlon the Yl\llIe oC
the Darre.j r'lymouth Rocls either as
shew birds or as utility stock.
Th70ugh all the many yoal's they ha"e
been baforo the poultry buying public
the ) ' have been strong favorites. 'fhoy
Illsplaced the LIght Drahmas anll
other breeds as lIr\ctlcal utility anll
marlet bIrds. BelnJ ; o { better slzo
and shalle , also good producers oC
eggs , lhe ) ' morl ) nearl ) ' mot the POilU-
lar demalld (011 fowl havln ; these
! ( ualltles than any other bt'eell thut
hall como before. They consequently
I'eaped 1.1. harvest unequaled b ) ' any
other breed up to the time ot the in-
trodu\tlon \ of the Whlto W'andoltes.
1 only compare these two breeds be.
cause they are indisputably the two
most popular breeds In oxlstonce to.
dny. Other breeds and varIeties bave
n. good deal or mOI'it and some have
considerable popularity. None , however -
ever , at all compare with these two
In the estimation ot practical poultry
producers and fanciers. It. Is a strong
point with both that they so well suit.
the marltot poulteror and th fanclel'
and showman. The White Wyan-
Ilottes undoubtedly lead at. the pr9s-
ent time. 'fhey have had an uphl11
light , but the practical qualities they
posses ! ! In such large measure have
carried them to the front , and the
chnnces 'aro Ileeldedly good for theIr
retainIng that lead for some years to
come. No other breed Is In sIght as a
competitor. Probabl ) ' thQro is not a
weU lmown breeder of Whlto Wyan-
dottes In this country who Is able to
filJ ali the orders { or eggs and stoelt :
of this variety. In searching for the
source of this popularity ono has not
far to travel. In the first place .their
size Is right. They arc not too large
to be thrift ) . . O\'erslze In poultry
means stagnation , pOOl' breeding , small
egg production and dlseaso and loss
In hot seasons and climates. Great
size also means slow maturity and blS
fe < , t ! bills. The White Wyandottes
& 1 cw qulcl\IY and mature 01\ less food
th n any olher bl ced oC an.thlng 1IIe
equal value as marlwt poultrr. Their
shape , too , Is right for pr ctical pur.
poses. l"ull and deep In breast. they
lay on an extra thiclmess oC white
meat nn when carved the slices show
a prominent. point. In their worlh. This
is so from the egg to dOl1th from old
ago. A thin , sllm.breasted White
W'l\ndotte Is unltnown It the breed Is
puro. The ) ' are hardy and easily
wlthstnnd the cold of the severest climates -
mates and seasons. They aso do well
In all temperate and hot climates. , Un-
Itlw the largo and sl lle embed va-
rieties. they never suffer In egg production -
duction { rom { rested comhs and wat-
tles. 'I'hey h ve a small close and
neally fittcd rose comb , which delles
Cmal and cold. 'l'he coclerels when
dressed and marlccted as broilers and
rORflters , lresent 11 much neater ap.
prmrance when sold with heads on
than thQse of breeds with big , spread.
Ing or single combs which invariably
draw the attention oC the customer to
the waste and resultant ahl'in1\8ge In
food value. 'fhe color oC the legs and
sttln Is the rich yellow so much dc ,
sired. The sldn Is free rrom darll
pIn feathers. Mnnr of the disasters
In the poulll'y business have com <
through failure to study supply alll ]
demand. 'Would-be poultr'mon , start
lug on an uulmown path , Instcad 01
consulting the dcmunll where Ul (
'stoclt Is to be sold wlll , from somE
article , or from seeing bIrds in a sho1\ \
room , cheese what strllcs tIlC fancJ
aud go ahend-or mther .behind , rOI
It doosn't talto long to get. started It
the wrong direction In thl3 business
Onc" ) startcd It. Is frlghtCully cas ) ' tl
continuo In the' s me way and { ear
full ) ' hard to turn about.
. Blmer Gimlin ,
Chrlstlnn County , Illinois.
- -
Colored Rouen Ducks.
Colored Rouen ducl.s are becomlnj
everJ' ) 'ear more popular In this coun
tr ) ' . 'fhe ) ' arc supposed to Ita va bal
their origin \n the cll ) ' of Rouen 11
Nm'manll ) ' . At least they must hav ,
been ralsed , largely there before the
wCI'e exported to this countr ) ' . 'fh ,
Remen Iluclt Is [ \ fine market bird , bu
does not mature so early as do till
Peltlns nud the Aylesbur's. It I
hard ) ' nnd prolific and bas a quiet dls
position. The eggs. bowever , arc no
: IS lnrge ns .are those or the Peldl
duck , ' nnll lacle unirormlty o { color. I
Is bellevcd to ho closely relnte to th
: \11\111\1'11 rluel. , and this beller I
strengthened hy Its pluma&c. Th
standnrd weIght oC the drulw Is nln
pounds and oC the mahlre ucl , elgb
: t Swine Feed Points.
: Sprln < ; litters can ho handled to IH
: "antngf' , ns the ) ' can have the run ( :
it 1'aBS alllt ( 'Iovcl' lots. 1u addition t
! I' thl' Pl\stUl'ag , a little soft teed shoul
a be fed. and the C01'l1 mtlon should b
! r \\1' ) ' small. Bran and mldlllln < ; s , an
Is oil mcnl In small qUl\nlitles ( ma ) ' el
'I' tl'l' : Into the ration. " 'ood ushes an
11 ( 'hat''oal arc profitahlo adjuncts t
Is lhe teedin rl.lon. ! Chal'coul ma ) ' 1 :
y _ er.ill ! ) ' ohtahull from ( 'harred COI'
IY l'ohs. The ox .olllilve teedlng ot cot' '
Is flhould ho avollloll , as It Is certain tbl
o n vnnll frame cannot he hui1t Ul ) ( J
ul'h a onQ shted ration.
. \
10 It lleol1lo Imcw what the fullU'e ha
Ie In stem 101' lh'm the chief cbarw c
clstenco would be lost ,
. . .
, . ,
. ,
. . . . . - _ . -
- - - - - - - - - - -
" ) @ll1lJ ]
; r. . _ - '
A BurJlar ( "With Religion. "
1"01'11101' State Senatol' Gu ' OUCO was
asl\Od to defenu all ex.convlct who
\\3.9 ehnrgl'd with hurglnry , sdys the
Now Yorlt WOI'ld. lIe refused the
case , but had n tal1 , with the prIsoner
In the course oC conversation th&
Imrglar Hald :
"I had [ \ IIU1.tocr on co , hut lie got
relljlon. : "
"Indecll ! I } lfCSUI11. ! he Cultted } tbo
business ? "
"NlxJ' ; 1 jllst fired hIm , see ? What
could a l11an lIlco mo eXl1e t of a
chuml ) who nlwa'g wanted 10 open n
safe wllh } lrn 'ers ? "
- -
The Mistress Was ForgivIng.
n. C. Dl'ew'I' tcl1s of It colored maId
who c lI1e home ahout. two 110urs later
than she ought und burst out to her
mistress :
"Oh , entsljus ! I'so got. 'lIglon ! I'so
got 'lIglon , "
"Very wel1. ' said the mistrcss. " 1'11 '
forgive 'ou this tlmc. Dut. dou't let
It hnppcn ngnln.-Doston Hecord.
Comes to the Same Thing.
- -
- = . . dit. 5 !
' "
. - , I KJ
. , .
- . . . , - - .
\ tu. . . . . . . . . . . ' ' -
- - - _
Dlugs-Do ) 'ou consider It proper to
mlud the bnb ) ' ? I
Bangs-\Yell. I thlnle It proper to
mind the wlfo.
Now a Respectable Citizen _
Drummer-What became oC old
Tuffnut. who ormerl ) ' ownc a dls.
reputable 111\0 on Dlanlt all'eet'l
Merchant-Oh , ho r formed severnl
years ago und Is now ono ot 0\11' most
honest and respected cltlzcns.
Druml11er Whnt busIness Is ho In
now' ?
: \Ierchant-Nono nt all. lIe made II I
fortune out ot his dive and retired.
Two Methods.
"The averagc married woman , " said
IIenecl" ) "worl\ ! ; her game so as to
plar 'man-of.the-hollse' and get control -
trol o { the purse strings. "
"Oh. I don't l\11ow , " replied the
othcr , whoso wife Is a cute , cooing
little creuturo , "sometimes she pll\Ys
her game su as to worl. the man-C-
the.honso to the s me cnd.-Phlladel-
phla Press.
- - - - -
Signs of Progress.
"I think Arthur would have proposed -
ed to mo last. night if ) : ou hadn't como
In the room just when 'qll did. "
" " 'hat reason hnvo 'ou for bellev.
ing that ? "
"III ) had tal\On both oC my hands In
his. lIe hud never held moro than one
oC them at a. lime before.-Stray
I Stories.
A Cammon FaJling.
"lie started out to be the architect
or Ills own { ortunes. Did ho suc-
i ceed ? "
" 'Vell , he 5 the architect all rlgllt ,
l but he dldn't succeed In lUtUng up
. much oC a slructll1'e. "
"What seemed to 00 the trouble ? "
"lIe revlscd the plans tQo often. "
- - -
Queer Notion.
, -IJ.-
Mr. Peel.-Jaclt writes mo Crom the
country that It's 100'cl ) ' out there-
regulnr par dlso , he sa 's.
Ir. Ujnl\H-H'm ! ! Did he talte his
wlfo with him
: \11' . Pocl-Shucls , man ! \Vhat's
) ' 0111' Idca or put'adltie , un'way' ! .
. .
- - -
Exch"nge of Compliments.
" ' " said tour'ear.
"I love 'ou. palla , )
old \lar le. as .sho climbed upon hel
father'f ; l(1lOe.
"And 1 love ) 'OU , dear , when YOII
arc a good girl , " rejoined her futher ,
"nut , IJnpa. " conllnltl'll ? > larglc , not
to ho ouldono , "I lore 'ou oven Whell
'ou aln.t no gooll. "
ForcD of Habit ,
lIo-What wOllldOU do IC ) .ou wor (
stl\rvlng , deur ? Wo II lit ) 'oli stel\l
lonr or hread' !
"She-Certalnl ) ' not ! 1'(1 ( wallt Into [
cafe ! \lilt set [ \ meal ami 'chl\rge It.
He-To whom ? '
' or conrse.-Dctroll
She-To 'Oll , -
rco Pres ,
- - -
Not an Everyday Occurrence ,
Cheerflll1IlowWh ) ' so dismal ?
Future IInsbnnll-1 1\111' atrald OU1
\\'eddln trill wl11 take a1\ \ the cusl
I have savC.tlIll ! ?
Cheerful Willow-What oC It ? }
wedding trip enl ) ' happcns once it
' 1\'e or sle : rears.
. ' '
. . . ' . I , : , ' ,
, , ' ' . 'c
. . . "
. '
, " , . ' . . . '
. ( 'I '
. :
' 11' , . .1IU'IIathe 'II'.rl < l to p , . . .
4oe. a roe , . proline. . . . . . , . Me
. . , .4 t.n . . , . .t , tblll 8I1her' .
110"11 lIulld r , ' 0 hllU < o1 b. .
ea.1I . . , . . , r Ihh c. . 00'11
, leIM" ' 0 " ' ' 'Ur\n 1".lbll III
r\t i : ; : ; : : : , : ; , , I : : I" '
n. , . are 10010 .f lbe ,1.ld. on ,
, . , Iom. . . " , , , .r tbh < 0'11 \ . . ItoJ I
IIr Jo , , r. . ' I' . r. : : : " lAd.
D1 O. ? 31 b r.\ \ ' , : . : ' : : . O.
(00 bl' . per . r .
IIrltleb.d IIplnh. L'.I Go , . 104.
J 118 bu. p..r . . re.
D , J. II. W.lke" 1I..hl.aa C. . .
T. . . .
11110 bu. . rfl.
111 . . . . , . . : X per < ll\ol. 0 , . " , . . .
1106 " . . p r a r" .
D1 J. W. )1111.1. tr""kU : e , . ,
. 110-11.1. per anfl.
1hy IItu''r hln..m C. . , N. D.
W. ; 4IJ'b : . , dy' ; ,
, . . , I willi" ' ' ' 100 1Iu. pe' ac , .
r.II. " _
National Ont . p"U . . 110. . . . .11
; ; : Z : ' : : ; t : ; ; 1 'T i : '
Bllllon'iiill ( i. Grass.
)1.,1 hlked.r I. . . . In A""I. . .
W..ld b. . .ba..d or . " .If It "
,1.I e.'I..tbaD . Ht. . , or 'rl."dl.1
blrl' < r I" '
For 10c.ln Stomp" -
IDolb. . nom , or tblo I'lrtf. w ,
: l 1 : : : . . : .r..l . ! I. :
& 01 . .tarl wllb. t.'b. ' , with oar
1lmmoll1 140 ' Illuolraled
at..lolf. 4e.lbln P'tn 1b D.I-
tl. . . . Arid b.d 111. ) ; . .aonl
Wbut. Two . 'OOIIJIII , r. . 0.1.
T..I.I. . 'V1.'rla
. . na" , . " , . .1
411. .
fREE to WOMEr\1
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o L.i' Dill. T.I. 675 . . . . I. Sulllun , nltr. 0 0
Wheo Answering Advertisements t ,
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Omaha , No , 12-1904
- - - -
. .