Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 24, 1904, Image 5

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    - . . .
" . . . . . '
. . , . .
, : =
For hard colds , bronchitis ,
nsthma , nnd coughs of nil
kinds , you cannot take nny-
thing better than Ayer's
\,1. JPectoral
.f )
. Cherry Pecroral. Ask your
own doctor if this is not so.
' He uses it. He understnnds
'f why it soothes and heals. .
'r. ' "I hnd II tCI rlhlo cough ror wlleks , 'rhen 1 '
'i ' tonk Ayer's Vherrv l'I'rtor,1 nnd only ono
hottlo . cllted me. "
I , : lIM..1. 11. JlAn'on1'U , St..Joseph , : 'Uch. i
. o. . We. . SI.W , .J. IJ. A YKR CO. .
_ Jn"ell , : lrA.A.
, for
You will hasten recovery by tnk-
It'g ono of Aycr'o Pills nt bc tlmo.
'J'lw D cllOol.
: :
\ Miss Clara .Jeffords closed 'a
very successful term of school at
Dale school house 011 March S.
Quite a number of friends and
patrons gathered about n0011 and
'surprised Miss Clara with their
well filled baskets , to which all
did ample justice. After
a well prepared program was
" rendered b" the pupils ; also a
( ) n\1mber \ of pieces of music and
I ; L speeches played 011 a ' grapho-
I ph ne under the manage'ntent of
( our good-natured friend , John
. Fleishman , added to the pleasure
-of the dty. ; 'rhe pupils presented -
ed Miss Jcffords with an autograph -
graph album as a tel n of re-
mernbrance. About 4 ( ) c1oclc all
departed to their homes after
bidding Miss Clara good-bye and
opin.g to ha'e her wi th U1 ! as
teacher next year. .
ONn 'VIIO WAS ' 1'1I ItH 1\ .
t .1.
A HOIIII n ( IOl'll.
I . 'l1'red and Claud'c 'Wallace m't\ \ -
; brers of the 5th and 6th grat.l ,
th ral1k ( . , their respect \ '
I .
& ade1. ! 'l'hclr grades ha" been
, so goo l during the several quart -
t rly examinations U1a they will
- not be requiried to tal { ( final ex-
aminati ns , except Fred who will
have to takc xal1lil1ation i'n the
rudiments of music. They are
the only pupils in their room. that
"wilt be excused from final examination -
amination hecause of t11eir t X- '
cellent record.
. _ .
. . , ; luvl\lnnhlc . ' r _ hc.n.n'a 'huu ,
t \ ' 1 have been suffering for' the
\ past few years with a s vere attack -
tack of rheumatism and found
that Ball rc1's Snow Liniment
was tht > only thing that game
sati ! > faction iUHI tended to allc\i-
. ate 111) pains. March 24th , 1 < .102 ,
Jolll1 C. Degnan , Kinsman , Ills.
25c , 50 and 81.00. Sold by Ed.
l\1cCoinasBrolcen Bow and Merna.
- -
, -
. . . , \
. . , Attention
. " . .1\ * . . \ . ' . . , ' ' .
' .
FarnlerS _
Why rcmaiu iu the North
I , lIud stllY in doors six 'mouths in
: lh year cqusuming what ) ' ( ! u
I ' . rUlsc dur1l1g the other 1'1X
i months ?
I no South wh re ) 'on can work
, - out doors c\'cry month in th
1 year , and where YOU are pro.
' tlucing somethitig the ) ' ur
'I round. 1f ) 'ou are n stock raiser
) 'on know ) 'our stock or now
I "cliling their heads off" and ,
I . hesides , ha\'e 10 he protected
! . . . . . f 1'0111 l1C ! rigors of wlliter hy
\ . eXpenSI\'e shelter.
cQnolllic l stock fecdinR te-
the combinlltion of hoth
j \ e.h-forming : atHl fat.forming
foods in certain proportions.
Alabamll IInll Floncla roducl'
in nbUlllloncl' the vch'cl ! lelln
111\(1 \ caSSI\\'II , Ihe first II Jlesh
ploducer , allll tlw latter II flit
producer , IIUll they ar the
lIud bcst fattening ma.
leria s known to the wor1l1.
More mone ) ' can he mode 11111\ \
with less labor , in genernl forlll-
hlg , fruit und berry glOwing
111111 truck gardening along 0111'
load in the Sonth than In all } '
, . other secllon of the Union.
If ) 'OU nre interestel\ \ and desire -
sire further infortitation nn lIlI'
- sulject ! , i\l1dre \ s
. . G. A , PARK.
. ' Oen'l. ImmlRI'alion ami In-
. ; dustrlnl Alilent , Louisville
. & Nashville R , R , Co. .
. ' . . . l.oulsvilla. ICY.
1 \ . - !
" .
. . .
\\'dlllng J'1I8. . '
- -
At tbe pleasant home of tbe.
bridcs parcnts , l\lr. and Mrs ; Jas.
Stockham of this city , a very
pretty wedding occurcd at ( , p.
lll. , 'l'hursday l\1arch 17 , 1904 ,
Mr. Fredrick Brown of Elba
Nebrasl { , to Miss Janie Stock-
ham of Broltcn Bow , Nebraska.
The bride is wcl1lmown in this
city , bcing the oldest daughter
of Jas. Stoc1dl alll , ex.clerk of
the District Court. She com pler-
ed creditable the High school
course and has since been enc of
the successful teachers of Custer
county. She has WOIl her acquaintances -
quaintances as fricnds , who may
gla ly congratulate her on the
choice of a companion for , life.
'Mr. Brown , a formcr resi ent of
this connty is now a succes3ful
hardware merchant in Elba ,
Nebraska , and his frie1Hls ma , ) "
be glad to kltow , of the' wisdom
of his choicc. L'hc only ones
presen t were Ir. Goodie and
.Miss Sprouse , both of Callaway ,
together with the omciating
minister , Jessie R. 'l'eagardc
and lady. 'rhose who have been
sen'ed t Mr. Stockham's t\ble
know better. than the writcl' is
abte to cxpress , the ability uf his
'good wife in preparing a feast
for the inner man. 'l'hi happy
couple will soon leafor their
new home at Elb , Nebraska ,
and the best wishes of all" will
be that their heautiful wedding.
day nm/be indicative of a life of
sunshine , a "joy as deep as the
ocean , and sorrow as lig-ht as its
foam. "
COlouIHtIt. , ' tC9.
! ) urilg ; Murch I pri1 the Bnrling-
lon will sel1 enc way tickets to the Pacific ,
coust at'cry low rates. .
Here are some uf them :
$27.40 to San Francisco 111\11 I.os
$25 to Portlaud , 'l'lIcoma :111SeaUle. ( \ .
$25,50 to Spokane.
$20,00 to Dulte IInd Helenll.
$16,75 t ? Big- Hem Basin , Wyoming.
Proport1Onal1y lo\ ' rates to hundreds .
of othcr points.
These rates olTer IIn excel1ent opportunity -
tunity to ! iee the great Northwcst which
presents unusual attractions to the home-
seeker. , It possesses the Iron and lumber
of Michigan. the wheat of Minnesota ,
th wool of Ohio , the fiisheries of New
England aucl II seahoanl rivaling the Atlantic -
lantic Coast.
If ) ' 011ill tell me where you are going
I shall be glad to Rive ) 'ou full information -
tion about rates IInd train service and
send you ad\'ertising malter descriptive
of these wonderful sections.
, ] . l'-RANCIS ,
General Passenger Agellt ,
38-46 dluaha , Nebraska.
Attention Co 31. , } 'lrst N , N. U.
There will be an inspection at
the Armon ; on Thursday , April
7 , instead of the 6th as per former -
mer notice. Every member is
supposed to be at the Armory at
7:30 : :1. : tU. By order of ,
Commanding Co. M.
Have you lost your bread
knack ? Use Yeast Foam ; it
will mnke your skill greater ,
and your bread better than
'ever. Your fami1y will
have sound digestions ,
and will praise your new
breacl as the best you
ever baked. .
makes swect , tight
and well-raised bread ,
ami brings out all the
fine , nutritious qUlllities
of the wheat , It is com-
IJosed of wholesome vegetable -
table ingredients , as mall ,
hops , COrti , etc. , and is tue
best und - purest yeast thllt
ever rllised hrC'ad ,
fIhc secret is in the yea sf.
A11 grocers se11 it at 5C' :1
package-cnough for .10
10 tV CPo Il's always
fresh and r ady for use.
Seud for our book , "How
to Make Dread , " fru.
- . . .
- - , - -
- - - - . . - - - - - - - - - -
' Her mar\'elou Irowth ; : II
NEBRASKA'S HISTORY fifty ycars from first setUt
ment. A tme a11lillteres1
In book of 144 pages all
over 200 iIlnstrations (
sccnes , public institutions and mCII who made the State. 'l'he cover i In heav
I paper wlth an appropriate and attractwe design printed in three color ! ! , just publlsl
ttl b } . the Nebraska Parmer. Single copy , postpaid , soc ; , or free , \ith a year's sui
scription to Nebraska Fanner at reg\11ar frlce , fr.oo. Write ' for terms and bow t
get 11 free trip to the World's Fair at St. , mils. NRD'RASKA F 1 > I H Co. ,
32'46 Is05 nowarcl St. , Omaha , Nebraa1ct
. . . II , I
" .
. . ; 1' .
_ . . . . - ' T . . .
. The Baby's JourrilY. .
' . I
1.'he followng ; lincs wcr'e
writtcn by Guy'CE\se at Salt
Lake , ' 'utah , in' tnelnorv of his I
little nine month ol l .sister
Rosetta.of this ci.ty whose eath
wemenhol1cd two wcelcs ago :
Wo kllow tlmt HIO lJab"s jOllrne ) ' .
Ll' . ! flul tllrolllfil tile valle ) ' , UIIII
Ullt the loving Cllrl t was with her.
Ami we trusleItl.l1 to IIlml
Ao\l wc kllow tllM tllo Ro'aIIUOI ; .
'l'lIat leall o'er tllat rc II ( ! " lid ! ' :
1-'lIrever nro 1Jrlllht wltll tllo 11101' ) ' .
'rhat's Jilst 011 the olll J AI.I. "
Oh Little IlreclollR tra'cler. :
We lenow tllat your bab } ' fcct :
lla"o Ila qell the \I1 } tlc boulldarleq.
Wherc the earthalld \ hewenlY IIIl'ell
1.'ofirolclI our 1l0o,1 b1 ! IdseeR.
1'orllolen ollr l'asslonale tcar :
III Ihc beallty all. ! lIaht : uullllor ) ' .
'l'h:1lUel } 'OU heyond tllo iliaI'll.
No palll for the brow death Idsse .
No tearll lor the brlllht e'c'l to weeI' :
She h:1s lHqc. . ! frolU our earcsseq ,
' 1'0 thn c far \I1ore :11111 dC\'II :
1I11t be 1IIIni Lonl. I ( III blllllllllll' .
When the fllnntalll ! ! of : lIlIrulsh are sllrred :
" 'c forllrt fur a 11I0\11 ell I tll } ' 1llIltlcqq ! ,
. \lId " , lllh for ollr IlamlUR ! ! "lrl.
1IUle elUllt } . eradl ! ! .
'l'I'IasnrQ,1 tlowllh care :
' 1'houlI'h the preeloull bur"ell Rhe hall I1n\\'lI ,
t 1I110 to jllill the allilles :
Peaceful e\'er lIIore ,
} lIIl'n' Iii Ihe era.le. lIaby'lIlulle.
1\JI nN" .
Rufns Perry 1I10\'ell illto lown Ilist
dnr uuditorinlll is being filled up for a
mcot store.
Rev. MutUItws' fumil" havc : Ill heell
011 the sick ) ist.
1\lrs. K. Atkissoll WUJ ! Ollt IIguin last
Sundar after n long har\ \ spell of sickness.
Mr. pinkston IInd fumily ldt hcre
Saturday morning to make their home
on the CHIT tllhlc.
Mr. Do(1.on ( ! WIIS called to the Bow Friday -
day night by his wife on IIccomlt of the
, illness of the children.
RcW. . C. Miller WIIS compellell to
discontinue his meeting at Ortello on ae-
connt of the sickness of his : , on Rohert.
who has heen 'Iuite..s1ck hut is now im-
Rumor has it that we are to have a neW
hal1 , our olll1all ( is IL poo'r apolog } ' . ancl
ver ) ' inconvenicnt. 'l'he linc , ll1rge lmll
nearly completed ut Allselmo otl ht to
stir tiS np to have enc utl\lerno , lit least
eqnal to that.
John lIipsley is nearly rnlll iug IL hos-
pitailit his home. Severnl clays ORO the
fa1ling of a sod wall hroke .his thigh and
the fonowing Ua ) : a' son C01 . make
his hem there. We ure glad to know
that they are all progressing favorably.
Mr. N. Jacquot has' heen visiling lit
Lincoln this last wcck , I.itl1e Nick , who
was so territly mutilated a ) 'car ago hlld
g ne to Lincoln nd had un operation
perfonned . hoped will set him on
his feet o in ) veU and strong. From ull I
reports .NIck i doing nicely. -
, MI' . K : ] o\1/1k : ! / of ] apIIII , spokc ill .the
1. E. churc11 on Missionary. work in
] ap-ull to on overflowing congregation 011
Frhlay e.vening , wherc the Ladies Aid
Soc et gave'au entertainm nt. 'The
progran1 waS well received. : Especial
menti n sho\1ld be madc of the Quartette
and the dlalog\1e. "VicR Versa , " which
exceptiona11y fine.
A 't uinb r'or young persoll ! ! . who w rc
attending a practice 'durin tht. storm on
last Wednesday. In the 1\1. E. church tried
make thelrl : ornc..several mllcs way. but
were compell d' to return. They were a11
housed aud car d for by Gus Schur and
the Fastor. Tueir parents were very
anxious that uight which was a111n -
necessary. Merna does not a110w nny to
close her doors on such a stormy night.
Slcclnl on'cX' .
'Ve have made arrangemens
with the Weekly State Journal
so we can furnish it and the Rn-
PU LICAN for $1.20 a year. This
arrangement will give yon the
state as well as the local news
for nearly the price of one. 'rhis
offer applies to renewals as well
as new subscribers.
Broken ) Jew l'lty 1l0SJllto\ \
'We have in our city a hospital
second to none in its appointments -
ments and where each physician
can take pati nts and treat them
himself. The ladies who have !
charge are fully competcnt to
conduct the institution and while
they do not ask an ) ' financial
support they wonl respectfully
sQlicit the moral support of our
citizens. I have no financial interest -
terest in t1ti institution what- '
ever. Du. C. PICKH1"I' .
' ' Horticultural
'l'he Custer County -
tural Society will hold a meeting
on Saturday , March 2Jth , afternoon -
noon and evening. We expect
spealtcrs from abroad who are
thoroughly verse in horticultural -
al matters and we knuw it will
be of interest to every fa-rmer or
owner of a home either in the
city or country to he present at
thi1 ! meeting. We will also he
pleaed ! to receive suggestions
from anyone in the countr.f in
regard to experience they have
hatJ in fruit growing in CURter-
county. We want to become acquainted -
quainted with e\'ery one intereRt-
ed in horticulture and we wish to
know their names and addref ses.
Programs wi11 appear in later
issues. J. D. Rl t\1\1 , Pres.
WII.I.IS Ct\DWRI.T. , See'y ,
'Vorklnl { OvcrUlne ,
I ight bour laws are ignored b ) '
II those tireless , little worlters-Dr.
! - King's New T ife Pills. Millions
l. are alwa's at work , night ant1
day , cur1l1g indigestion , Billious.
'y ness , ConsupationSick Ileudache
I. a'ntl all Stomach , Liver and Bowel
J. troubles. Easy , pleasant , safe ,
.0 S\1re. \ , Only 25c at Lee Dros.
, . drug' store , Broken Bow.
. . - - - - - . -
. _ _ h _
Just One , Week !
It is no\v enl ) ' one week until our Big Eastcr Opening , and we arc snaking great prcpar-
ations for this event. We are assured of a large and enthusiastic crowd , and arc only afraid ,
we will not be able to entertain to the best of satisfaction , We will certainly do our bcst ,
hoping you will pardon all courtesies not shown you at this time.
We cannot help but thank onr patrons for helping us to build up' our present business ,
an l we bclie\'e you appreciat Ut effortto ! place at yonr disposal , a completa tine of" ev ry-
tlung. Our stock , now constshng of 'Q' . _ .
Dry Goods , Ladles Furnishings , Men's Clothing and
Furnishings , Hats , Shoes , Grooeries , Queensware ,
an l Hardware , Wagons , Buggies and Implements , ' "
is complete , with practical and useful , us well as all the novelties carried in the above lines.
'Ve will in eed be . gratified to see you. and your family , as well as all your .friends , wbet4cr
customers or 110t , ) .ou are welcome. , "Everyone attending , old or young , will receive a
little tolum of apprecIation ( rom us for beIng present. " I
Purple and Yellow Is the ColorVatch it , '
" ' .Youwillsceit everywhere. . . . . . . . . . , . . . . , . . . . \ ' 1' r _ '
' '
' :
. : l : : i : imz :
Q mm * m m w m mmmmmm ml : : m mm
L ! ! urd J ; ! ! i
m Music all the Time. m , Music all the Time. ID
i z mr. : : i : m SWriz.y.mmw \ i\t : : _
r' ; ; : ; ;
Commit suicide wl en
I you can have n 111CO : 1
m around yonI' nock ill-
! stend or It 1'01)0. ) See . ,
, ! .
! il 'Our lli
Display .for
L i
" \ r n on 11 II 1"lnn nnrl (
" \ ; ; " ' \1.1 U U\Hl' HUU. ; ; ) V.l.L .U' V1.1UH ! ' . .
Com where you eon buy everything' .
pu re ; o gT ; oa. - I . ,
. r ' :
- -
Good 8to.lll01i0 Bnd .Jacl : . I
Farmers looking for breeding
st ck should call at the old Star
barn in Broken Bow , north ofthe
railroad track. 'Ve have head
to select.from. . Percheons , Shire ,
Hambletonian , Gold Dust and
two good large young jacks.
4041V ANTZ & SIDWUI.L , Props.
: JErIer :
hhe 6 tpcelaltr : ; or Orown IInd Drldgo Work ,
1'.Ice reasonllble.
, \11 worlt ( { Ullrllnlend.
( 'all and see roe beror ! : going eleevrhcrl ! .
Ol1lco-\n \ DroKon Uow Itatll Dank nlldlng.
Broken Uow , Nebraska.
Physician Surgeou.
2nd Stairway from W8 t end In neatty lIIoek ;
reslllcnce , 3rll "ust M , E. chnreh. on IIlIme 81dp
or streot. lIrok"n UOIY , Nebraskll.
' ' ANI )
nj iii' } ; , " DYd } nrA ptllimf ) , NO Jhll C
\101 : > JUptiCIl ot the l'allco. Sp.clalstlpllt on Khen
to collections tcpop1\lons \ takm.llclIslon voneh.
31S IIClitly executeanel nil kinds or legl\lllaper.
wrllliln. OlUoo In the resr or Uank or Commorco.
Ihokon lIow. Nrbru ka.
IIIgllollt market price palll lor lIulhr M'at.
Light HunulnK. . . . . . . . . .
Empire Cream Separators I
1"or HaIti. 'Phoue No. 20 ( , .
H , U. JIlB 110 I' , Operator ,
IIroken Buw. NobraI"I. ,
- - - - -
Nil1 , ] ID "ID yt
T\\"J blocks norlli or OrsDiI Oetltral 1101111. l'AI.
rOIl&gosollclle. ! . I'rlcett reasouablo.
- - - -
X1ilI.y..tmelllfl.IJar.kti3f. ! !
. . . . . .
- - - - - - -
DH.V. . H. COT-4I ,
V eteri narian.
Fl'ecbllltteut.lon glv n to rolt. , calveaand pillS
thllt are In RU nnthrlry condition. ' .1'el. , .
, .bonl ! No 21) ] . Huldonctllwo "Iocka 9IeH or
Houlh Hide ! ! cbool 1I0uII :
Vote Contest.
Uwlllll'to ullr IImltcll SllaCwe will
lecl1 : l.CI'Ollllt of all'the lIameq reeol"11I1t'
votes at the fiturc 1111111 they hl.v" recch' .
e\1100 , 'otcs , tholl theY will lie 11ubll.hell.
} o'ollowlillf are these I'ccclvlllil o"er 1 ( . , :
111 a I' ) ' Mayloll , 1Il'ulcll How. . . . . . . 1855
1\11111110 Shlllll. : lrokclI 1I0w. . . . . . 1573
YI1ra Cla'loli. Brolell Bow , . . , . . . . 11411
Nellie ' .1'a 'lor. 111'0111'11 Bow. . . . . . \055
Hallllah B\llUlllHls. IIrokclI Uow. . . 75 ( ,
Pcarl Jewctt , UroltJlllJuw. . . . . . . . 735
l"I'\IICIII 11111011.'clescrl . . . . . . . . . ( ,711
A IIrclla 1'olllfe. IIrokml 1I0w. . . . . . . 57\
gmllla l.alUlmrt. HrolclI lIuw. . . . . ,5CJ(1
Hertha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5\J :
Ma ) ' Haills. IIrnlclI JlII\\ ' . . . . . . . . . . . .111
JCN"I. , 8mlth. Brukollllow. . . . . . . . . 401
Manl'cr ) ' Call1ilboll. nronrcIIlWIl. . . 341
1I1111nle BoutN. city. . . . . . . . . . . . . ; 17G
ilia Pl1rr.1I1erlla . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . 275
I dlla Hoclwcll. IIrolell 11,1\1' . . . . . 277
lo'iorcllc. , 1 lIIer on. BrullUlI lIow. . ; 147
Maltl. . Nretihalll. Arnoll\ \ . . . . . . 2411
Chlrn JeffunlH , elt } . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; 13
1'l\Ic : Campbell. Brok.m lIuw. . . . . . . 22'1
nrnce'1'ayllll' . Brolcil Dow. . . . . . . . 217
lo'iorclu'u 'l'hostl'qOIl. Urol'oll Uow. :1IH :
totle : Unnvcr. elt } . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IHI
JC'l le 'ValcrIHIf ) ' . lIerw'II. . . . . . 17 ( ,
CoraSwlcl , . GatcR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
I.lll1ln Pal liter , lJrolell lJuw. . . , . . . 155
gva Ca'wuo" . Droilcil Ilow. . . . . . . 117
HURcll1HOllers. . clt ) ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
1lIly lJallor , city. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Pcarllllllltcr. llrokeIlBow. . . . . . . . 101
, all ; n1nnn
. . -
SM. ]
' 1I1l..II.ltlla.
All klndl of "ork In ollr 1100 done prompU" 'D
and In llrat.cll\sa order. r.-ned . SbOl1 > on tbe
corner , eonthcaat 01 the oquare. -
DJken ( Dow , . - - - - Nobr.lka.
D. O.nUTTON. l'roprletor.
Flrat-olaps work. Roar Itoom or Droken . Dow -
BtGlo tJanlr , Droken Dow. Nobraska.
and Duroo Joreey lIogs bred and 101d. Best blood :
oUb lrcI8as. AdduJPII , O. R , O.\DWNLL ,
Uroken Dow" Nebra.ka
ft l'J)0Y 'tY 6ell l'
lIoom B ' 11U. . Ucalty lIIock , Drokc" 1I0w , Ncb.
D RS. H. 0. & W. E. 1'A LBO ] "
011111 ) Oier naoherlu'tI Drul ( IHoro.
rokc.n Bow. - - Nllhral a.
oU. 'r. IJ. l'AHNSWOLt1'lI. !
omCIl In tJOttblVCdt rOAner ncaUy Dloelc.
. CONTltAuTOH & nUlI.Dlm. I
W-P\1I8 ! : 1111.1 . osthuales on shortl ollco.
I'fakeu Uow , Nobrll81&11 ,
- - - - - - -
Physician & Surgeon.
o 111 co In rullr or Ihll 11.11I11 : or COlnm rce. H081.
dene" IIlh bOllso IVOst of tbe "aptht church.
Uroken Dow. Nl'braslllI. : .
. . . . . . - .
- -
DH. C. B. JOB ,
1BI i t1l fJ1 } I 1&I1iI & > > ! I.
OlUeo In 1IoaltyIInck. \ . r8t Italfd room \\'elt
end. ltcsldencc at t1l8 11011.111\1.
. -
m m mmmm m m . . f
' The Pumpkin Conlest
We have supplicd pumpkiu
I sced all over Custcr count ) ' allll ! ,
'sollle outside. Our 511pply of r '
seed Is not limited-Let u ! ! fum-
Ish ) 'ou. The conclition ! ! of the !
PUlllpkin Contest arcns foUows :
'I'his large pUlllpkiu raised lt ' I
this section of Nehmska will
, entitle the owner to enc of om' t
m clcg-ant $75 l stc ) ' Orgun . for . .
R1 which we are sole ngcnts. I t
To enter this contcst It will
he lIecessaty for YO\l to can nt I
our store. reRistcl' YO\lr nlllllt' I
nnd address. proct1r the Frel'
Secdltnd dclh'cr the ) I\ltllpkill .
to U9 b ) ' thc 31'11 lIlt ) . of the CIIS. .
f tel' Cotlllt ' Fall' Itt HIX"1kcu Dow.
We WOltt bc glnd to see cvcry.
, OIlC. especiallr in Ctlh'terCOt1nt ) ' ,
I tr ) ' for thc pr17.c. '
I " 'rm < I < ! < OI " 'IOO"'SI " ;
, -
- -
neat oltato .1Itlloan broker. ornC ! ) ' la Glelal I
lock , Droken Dow. Nobraska.
. ,
Up-to-date Pbotographs.
First prize winner at st'ate'as-
ociation 1903. I
: : > .
. . . . . .Dealer In. . . . . ,
'ompil Wind , 1011118 , Tllnke , Flttlngl , al1e 1t\I
nglnoll , oto. etc. .
Broken , 01V , NottTelka. .
. . .
I..I"coIII , nCllvcr ,
Oluullo. nclCI1 : ,
CblcUKO. Unttc ,
ht. .JOwCI.h. 1.0rtlllluJ. .
JtuUHAN City , Hnlt I.olt" ClrT.
Ht. 1..01l1H. A lid 811n l'rUllclllco
" 'II 1.01Ilt. . J1:0Ht : Alld All Point.
, "Dcl uoutll , 'VCIH.
o. -Votlbuloll oxllrose dally. Llncon } , Oma.
ha. st , J08IpD.liIDBaa : City , St. Loull ! . Obi
CAge and all polDt fOlt and sonth. . . . II 81 a.m.
: ; 0. 44-Loottl cxpress .IAlly. Lll1coln. omaha.
ChlcuctJ and nil points caet nod sOlltb.IO 3D n.m.
: ; 0. U-Vestlbuled oxprep8 dally. Holenll. 130al.
tic 11 U tlo , Portlan nnd ull Paeillc COlli
pOlntA. ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .004 am
: ; 0. .8-r.ocal exprt@d : dall ) . AlIlancll and !
Intermedluw voluts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I1 pm
, HloophJK , dlLlnK and rocllulng cbalr CArs ( soat. . ,
roe ) on throulth train" . 'flckeo sold and bag-
ago checked to an ) llolnt In. tb UnIted ttato. !
md Oanada.
Information , maps , tlmo tablel and tlckot
wI on ur wrllo to 11. L. Ormlby. agent , or
fl'ranol' , O. P. A. , onahv Nobrllllka.
. . I , . L. OnKsnv. ARunt.
- '
ITH Dr King's , .
New Discovery , ' .
! ; J
Price. .
FOR CONSUMPTION 60e & $1.00 \ .
OlDS Free Trial.
BurCdt an Qulcltest Oure for nil
, . - _ 1
. -
: To Cure a Cold in One' Dciy : ys. \ :
' Take , Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets. .A I'JJl " , Oft , cV ! "Y
. . ( ! } . , . box. ax. :
, I' MIllon . ea sold fa pat 12 JaORtIa. This signature ,
, I , ,