. RESTORED TO HEALTH , Many weak , But. rerlu ! ; women do not linoW tbat. theIr kldne's ale slcl : . lJacltl1Qho tells ot sIck killnt''s , nd GO10 / UI'lnary dlsor. ders. Ste-Ie Ielli. ne's malto ball bloOll , atlll bad bioOlI maltes bad dIgestion , h 0 n r t palpItation , dIzzy headachesnervous. l1ess , sleeplessness , scIatica , rheumatic palus lud conslant , , dovresslon , Can't. bo restored to hea1lh until the Lddneys uro cnred. Road how ono woman was restorell by usIng Doan's [ { Idney PUIs : Mrs. H. A. Var. Slclde , : :11 : 6lh Ave" 8. 'V. Uoanolco , Va" says : "KIl1ey ) trouble was l1eredltnry In our family o.nll I ball been so coutlnually nHllcted with the disease that 1 began to es. paIr at even temporary relict. SometImes - tImes I sulero ! so severely that I was confind to my bed. The aching In my lH1cl was Intemo anll the Id ney dls' order caused an excess at uric Rcld In my blood whlcb ImpaIred my lges' 'tlon. I was compelled to deny lU'selt ot many of the lIttle ellcacles at let. The doctors lagnosell my case as congestlon of th 1ldneys. I hall about gIven up hope when I began usIng Doan's Kl ney PIls : , but t took nly a. few doscs when tholr curatlvo owerB were proven to my oatlsfap. tlon. I have never been without them Cn the house sInce , " Doan's Kld ey Pills are sold by all dealers ; prlco O cents : or mailed on receipt of I1rlco by Foster.l\l\1burn \ Co" Burralo , N , Y. 'Vrlto for fee J , trial. Candor ever the brlghtcst gem of true crluclsm.-vlsraell , A light heart Is a lighthouse ! or bearts. , - , InsIst on Getting It , ; Bome grocer SI1Y they don't keep De- I o.nC8 Stl1rch becl1uso 'thoy hl1ve 11 stockn , bond ot 12 oz , brand8 , which they know , cannot be Bold to customer wbo hl1ll once ua d the 16 0 : : ' pkg , Defluco Starch tor ( Same money. \ Love Is a great source of economy Ln a housenold-Halm'y , When n woman gets Into finances \ , ber ser ld dIsposition shows up , I am sure PIso's Cure tor COnllUmptlon saTed , my lito tbree years Djfo-Mrs , Toos. RonI1Ws ; , MAple Street , NorwIch , N. y" Feb , 17 , IIJ O. The w rld lIIees to crawl at the feet , of the man who never lclclts , . \ : ALL UP-TO.DATC nOUl'l1CItF.EPCRS ' Use HOO Cross al1 Blue. It malee ! ! clothes . cleau IWd sweet 118 when now. , AU grocerL , Men take naturally to c rd games , o.nd sDeculo.tlon , Reached the LlmlL ' , rhcn Herbert. Spencer was In the habit of dinIng out with his scientific nn literary friends , a lady of consplc , ) uous mental ability' and learning was generally one of the company nnd lpencer : ! was Inyarlably aslted to talto ' . . . . . . . . . . her down to dInner , Ills hosts thought . , .J the. } ' were payIng him a compllmcnt In givIng him the most brillIant lady at th company , but he resentell alwa's bemS' assocIated with the same lIldy. At 'last , when hIs host on one occa. alon sal , " : \lr. Spencer. will : rou taIte MIss - down to dinner ? " the phil , osopher emphatlcally replied , "No , ) . will not , " anll another companIon . had to be found for hIm. It Made Him Dizzy. 'Wl11.m Paul Me ) ' r , the new subcon. cerlmelster of the ChIcago orchestra , came from Hlgl , RussIa , he was not al. lowed to pIa : > , until he hall jollied the musicIans' union , The commIttee that examIned hIm proposed to have some tun with 111m , so the most tangled plcce of rag.tlmo they could find was , put on the musIc raclt before hIm. 1\te'er toole up hIs vIolin. studIed the \ music , then essayed to play It. Then - 'ho toolc It long rest. Twice moro he tried It , then exclaImed : "Was 1st ? " . I . It you have the menu at It ChInese res , . : taurant brIng It out and 1'1\ \ ) ) Iay It , ; , but thIs stut ! maltes me dlzz ) ' . " ' . . \ , , j , THIN DIET. , , \ " , : - . ' " r.-- . . ' . No NourIshment In It. : ' It.s not easy to l < eep up when cof- ' , . ; : Ceo has so ruIned till ! stomach that ; ' Coed won't lgest. . . . " A Io , woman says : "I had been nn Invalid for two J'cars from stomach . trouhle caused b ) ' corrce , got so bad I " couldn't digest food and for qulto a , . while' ) ll\'ed on milk and lime water , . -nothIng but that-a glass of mille , ' nntl lime w\ter six times a day , ) n ' . ' \ this Wtl ) ' ) managed to lIve , but at , , ' . conrso dId not gaIn , . "It was about fi months ago I be- , f < ' san usIng Postum Food ColTec : I dId J " not need the milk anll limo watcr , ' after that , ' for I gaIned rapIdly and I : . , ! ! , can 1I0W eat a good meal and drInk If trom 1 to 3 cnps of Postum each meal nnl ! feel fine , ' . . ' ' 'I would not GO bacle to correo for . ti . . any reasoruble pay. I like Postum hetter th:1n r.olTeo now and make POB' , turn br dIrections on box and It Is : just fine ; never found a hetter way to " make It than on box , Now thIs Is all , true 2nd J'ou call easily provo It. " Name given by PostUI1l Co" lI.ttlo \.t Croel. , MIch. . .i ! Postum Is a brew trom field graIns . . wIth all the nourIshment left In , It makes red blood and rehullds 'lartlc. ularl ) ' well whoo corree has done damage as It do os to nearly all who drluk It. A 10 da's' trIal ot Postum In place ot colIce worls wonders. Thero's & . roaSOl : , . . , Get the little book , "Th Road to . : WoUvUlo" In ea.ch pki : , " . I , , I . " ' . , . . , . . . " 1- - - - - - II A 'l'.H.1l'r'ITli Atoll.Ll. , -t-- 1-- , , _ "r , , ' [ ( ! ' n 11'1 0 DI11) ' , ; Indo ll1ld thc IDwcrln : I'Ihno ' ! or forcsl dank nnd Il\rlr : . A 11I1 P\'cr ) ' ! ! ceelll crpnlllro lf'pt. For the gra ) ' ot .1n WII hnu' "carl'l'h' crePl O'er tha morlllll ! : , Ilk ) ' . 1IUl hark- , . \ml ! ! thc BlIl'lIeO therc mn ) ' IIn II "OI'lt 'rho ! ! rowl : < ) ' chirp DC ttle l arlr 1111'.1. , ' La , ( l 1\\1" thnt III's henenth hlH " ) 'l'S ' I or a 81\1\1111 npllcnrs to I'IIIII'III ! " , , AliI ! th"ro COlIIl'M fro III un er his \'ry feel , o A fnllli l1no I'oulltl thnt T "on'l 1'\11'01- \ ' : 'rhe'oleo ot lho I' n 1'1) ' Worlll ! ' AIIII the /Inll / : < , III slillcr Omll BtllI cnll be , At thollghl 01' lho comllll : trugl" ! ) ' , "It Is 1111 10 I11C , " "obb ! ' ! ! the woi'lII. "to , lIe ' , . \Vel't ! I not Buch n I'le < , p ) ' lhln ! : ' , " nUL the hll' < I' WaFl wubhl ) ' UII his rl'rt- " 1 nl1l far too dl'owsr , " ho Nighed. "to , " :11" : t An ! ! hl9 hea fell 1111l11'r his wln , . And ! 4wt'otlr 11I11111el1 , thN'O SOUII worn , h"al' 'l'holIIoros : ot the worm nllll lho rarly hl" , I j t -IlIlrA''s9 , Johnson , 111 IInrllel"s : .tt : u1.lne j'1'r. - for IJecomhe ' , . we-- : w , . _ _ u - - - : : . . . . . \ - ' " r THE COMPOSITE . 11 , OHA1JAU NOJtTIr. II " " " "g. ' ' ' ' , . . . . . 'gT ; " d" , , , " " " . " ' . C' P' " " , . - - Johl1 Patterson was 111 lo\'e. No un. usual thIng In the case of a goodlook. Ing ) 'otmg fello , , ' of five and twent ) ' . But strangel ) ' enough he halt never yet seen the lady oC hIs heart. Ono e..enlng he' was carelessty turn. Ing the leaves of his slster's Ilhoto. graph album , Bcannlng each face with the tlauco of R connoisseur , lie stopped and gave his Ululivllted atton' tlon to a page from whIch It lIalr oC cJ'es 100l\Od straight Into hIs own , The ' In st'lo plctlll'o was fiulshod a ) Itnfamlllar to hIm. A soft , dreamy haze surl'Ounded the Ceahu'es , malting them doub\ \ ) ' allurIng ; hut what lit. tr cled hIm most was the clear e'os. Thr : ) ' wel'e not quite 111\0 any OtlI'S \ he had seen before. It was love at first' sIght , or , to be more exact , before first sIght. Naturally he wanted to lcarn 1111 abont the unlmown 111'1 wlthollt I1rOIlS' Inl ; suspIcion , HIs SlstOl' , to whom hIs affected I ) ' cal'oless InQlllrles were addresscd , with a woman's Intllitlou.ln such matteI's , anll 'with an equall ) ' feminIne delight In tantalizIng a ml1l1 suspected of Iwlng In Im'e. was 11I0st pro\'Oldngly obtuse to hIs C11ll1l8) ' SIIIt. terrll cs and strategems , And wlten at last , In shcer desperation , he open' Iy asl\Cd tlte larfy's name , she , IIR. played an Innocent sUfJrlse. and. aCtel' bailing hIm to hel' heal't's content.-Ieft hIm with no bctter satisfaction thall a vague promise of an Inll'oucllon ) at ' some futlll'e lime , Tltls was leer consolation to .10hn , but It was the hcst he could get. And so , commmed wltlt love anll cul'ioslt ) ' , he passed hIs dny : ; In SIlSllense , One thing , , howevel' , ho seclII'cd"that wall at the flame time a Jo ) " all a vexa. lion to hIm. namely the plcturo itself. It was gIven tlte Illa e oC honor among' his most cherhhell PORSt'S' slonll : , anll She became at OIlCO the , goal and the. cellte : ' of hIs though1s , And now began a seasoll ot mIse : ' ) ' for , John PattprsOll , lie had cunftded his se'rct to hIs most Intlmntc aHsoclnte , Han' ) " Fol- lansbee , lIan' ) ' prIded hImself all he. ing a second Sherlock Holmes , and many wOl'e the plans that he laId with hIs t'rleull to dlscO\'el' Hel' l eutlt ) ' : but all callie to naught , At the end of three months tne unknown still r ' 1 malucd obstlnatolj' IInknown , Thcy had not enm been able to find out whothOl' or not Sbo was a resIdent oC the cIty , . The strain hegan to tell on ,101m , He lost his appetite and rew hollow. I"yed , and when In Nan's presence he threw out hints of dl'cllnlnl ; health , Whothel' or not these tactics 1\01'0 Ins1runiental in bringIng matters to a crlslll ho cOllld not ttII ; hut one arter , noon just as BaiTY Follanshee was leavIng hIs hank , he met JollIt In a hIgh state oC excitement. Ills slstel' had at last rolentcl. She was to , ; Ive a whIst party that ovenlng. at which , to hlH InexprossllJlo jor. she assllrcd - ' ' ' I Carelessly turning the leaves of his sister's photograph album. ' hIm that he would meet the origInal of the Ilhotograph , SIx hours latOl' , while Folla11lbeo was Ilreamlng O\'er the adventures oC hIs Cavorlte detoctlvc , ho heal d 11 Imocl : at the doOl' . and John entered with a mOHt woebegone anll hewllder' cd tace , "You can Imaglno that I drossotl with extra care this evenIng , and so came down staIrs a IIttll' lotI' , Nan 1I0ll tCed on lIIe and dra gcd mo Inlo r. mom Cull ot ) ' 01111 ; : 1a.lIes , And thcu It hQga r. . " 'Mtils White. let mo prCflent mr hrollICl' , JollIl. " "No , It wasn't USFI White ; It " ,1\ ; Her ehlD , bSha didu't have a pUS , UIIe , - - . , 'Mlss Dlael , . my Lroth I' ! ' "NOI' 1\1I8s Black ; thollgh the cllr"o of the ( ' ) 'ebrows was 111\0 1Iel's , " 'l\t1ss Brown ! ' "Nor l\lIss Brown ; somethIng In her fentlll'es seemIHI familial' , hilt thell lieI' lnlr cOllldn't be rell. ' "Ami so It wont , In ever ) ' one of these girls 1 sa w sOlllothln to remlnll IIHJ of the face above 111) ' mnntel. Hilt not one ot thom 100l\Od exactly 111.0 It , Not OliO hall her ' eYt'S , 1 was exppct. IlIg thnt She 'wollid he the next. Bllt She W fIl1't there. At the entl of the list I hrOlIlht III ) wIth n mental jolt , and tll'OI1\I11 \ ! hll.o a chait' boslllo a girl wIth glasses , who ho an to t'haltl'r abollt cards , In a few mlnlltes the game began. YOII Itnow I ahomlnate whIst. How Intelllgcnt llooille can . . l . . . , . . . r- I/'That is not .so , ' I said , 'and you know It ! ' " waslo holtI'll on the spotn an IIIc1llres on fift.two gmulr squares oC pl1ste' bourd , Is a mystol' ) ' to me , 'fho game is well cnllllgh rOl' Alcl ; : Ilorsons. child , ren and Idiots , hut I tlon't see how un'hod ) ' , whom natllre has endowl d wIth hl'alns c'an Wlltlte hIm time over It , "Well , I plu'cd 111,0 a du 111 III ) ' , : : \j' \ C'fJS wcre I tlldyln the CaccII oC lilY pal'tners , and my thoughts wOl'e tr'lng to sol yO the I'lddle of that photo. gl'l1ph , I lell fl'om a sneal ; : . trumped my IIRI'tnel"s ace , plu'cd second hand hIgh and thIrd hend low , and in ShOI't , I lI'CJI\C cver ) ' I'lIle or the anlC , "At last the Intermls lolI gave mo a I'esplte , ) tool , my Ilstf'I' ! aside , while the ot.hers were hus ) ' with the rcfl'e l ments , " 'Seo hel'e , Nan , ' I saId , .thls non' sense hils gone' fa I' eJ1ollh ! , The chase you've led me rOl' the past thrEe months cOllvlllces me of that , 1 pit ) . the man who lIIal'1'IlS ! YOII If ) ' 011 treat hIm as YOII've trcated lIIe , You plcdJed yonr worll that a cortalll ) 'Olln lady WOllld he hOl'o to'lIlght. Now , unless 'Oll clln gIve me Rome good l'eaHon fOl' the .wa ) ' ) 'oll'\'e decel"ed me , I shall (1IIIt the 1I0uso ut once , a 11I1 I slla'n't he In a hurry to come bael. " "Ilia w that what I salll about dc , ceptlon had nettled her n hit , as I lu. tended It shollld : COI' It ) 'ou call aet a woman to lose hel' tompel' , the tl'lIth Is coming out , " 'John. ' she sllld , 10okln me 8tl'l\IIht III the yes , 'what were the I xact words ot my prollliso to ) 'ou ? ' " ' 1'011 tolel me that the l'hlnal ot that Jlctlll'o011111 ho here tQ.nlght , Alld she Isn't 1el'e , ! ' " 'John , ' she said ualn ! , IInd her eyes snaLlllCtl a lIttle , 'the OI'I llIal of thnt plctllre Is In lho. ! 'Oom this min. uto. ' "NoI've stlldlcd that photoraph , so ( 'amtlllly fOl' the last twelve wcelts that evel' ) ' ft.H lII'o It ! Irlnted Oil m ) ' momol' ) ' . and I'm sot'r ) ' to say I lost Ill ) ' OWII tempoI' , all contradlcte her Hall ) ' , " ' 1'hat Is not 10 , ' I Imld , 'and ) 'OU know IU' " 'I'hls was , of couro : , cxtrl'mcl ) ' 1m. polite. o\'ell conslderlnJ ; the plaIn sllcech ollr cnstoms allow among mcm. herll of the sam family. Bllt Illstead ot heln1 ; ver ) ' anlI' ) ' , a8 I cxpectl11 she would , an while I was foelln sorJ' ) ' fOl' m ) ' rlldelle88 , Nan beJall to Il1ugh , " 'John , ' slll. ' salel. ' [ "reRllme ) ' 011'0 100l\Od at that plelul'c once or twlcQ slnco I let ) 'OU talte It. DIIlnt : ) 'OU evel' notice nn'thln ! ; ' lIeclllllll' ahollt the ftu\lh \ ? I tolli ) 'OU I'd Int\'oducu ) 'OU to Its orIginal to'nl ht. nnd 1'\0 l\Cpt III ) ' wOI'd. That Is a plHltogl'uph ot the Idlel's' Whist Club ; } t's a CO\I. ' ' ' ' POSI'l'l' : ! "Well , you mIght hayl'11I0CI'l1 ' me down with Ii f'alh'r. X was In n duo ; ( the rest of the . . . onhl" " and as Imon as 1 could /et / a war , J cawt ! hur. . If . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - "Now , whnt In the nal1lo of commonSense /Senso / 11111 1 to do 1" "Wl'II , " snld l1arr ' . " { see just t'\Vo wa 's out uf It for ) ' /111. / ' 1\tnrr ) ' thom all , nnll omlgrnto to ! jOIllO Orhmtnl . . . l'o\lntr ) . "I\oshl" \ oxcll1ll11ell John. ' " 01' , " 'contlnuoll hIs lIIentor , "j'OU ml ht Illcle ollt the gll'l who eome tlearoRt to the plcturo , Ilnll sco It rOil can't ' : ; ct hcr to loulc Ilt th(1 IIIlllttlr In the Anmo light thnt , ) 'Oll 110 , " "U ) ' JO\'el" ahontcd John , "I'll do II. " And h ( ' dId. . . - - - NOVEL THEORY ABOUT STONES. . . . . . - Newsboy's Explanation as to Why - They Had Stopped Growing. Honr ) ' W. Oliver , the Plltshllrg cap. Itnllst. who tiled I'ooently , tool : n pro , fOllll h\torest In thc chlldron oC the I I 1(10 r. Hence hh Ift 10 Plltaburg of Il lua lIlncont Pllblle hath. nn hence hIs freqllont Ilnd fl'lcnllly COU\'CI'SIl' tlons wllh newsbo's , bootbillcls Il1Id m'sscn cl' bo's. It Is sulll of 1\11' . Oll\'cr that 0110 IIny , nCtl'I' hu'lng n 1111) ( > 1' frolll Il'CI'y lit. tle chap , he thought. he would teAt the lad's Illtelllgont'o 11) ' llUttln Il few qllostlon ! ! to hllll. Accordlngl ) ' ho Ilolutell to a 1'110 o ( pavlllg' stones nnd snld : "How wore thccs stones III all 0 , son 1" " 'rho ) ' wasn't lIIadc ; the. } ' ! ; rowed , " l'OI)1\od \ t hc ho ) ' . " ' 0I'Owed'1 How 110 YOII menn 'growcI' , ? " salll 1\11' , 011'el' . " 'rho ) ' gl'owl'd lite same as' potatoes . I'OW , " tlte bo ) ' explallled. fill' , Olll'ol' shoo ) : hIs hoad. "No , m ) ' Ind , ) ' 011 ar(1 wren . " he sllllI. "Stones clln't g'1'01\ ' . If ) ' 011 WCI'O to como hacl : to thl'so Sh > lH1 ! ! five ) 'cal's , or tid ) 'e:1I'R : , 01' t wont ) ' ) 'Oal'S tl'OlII now , ther would sllll lJl. ' the sallie sl7.e , " "Of cOIII'se , " Hnll ! I ho little newsbo ) ' , snctH'lng. " 1'hor'vo hOl'n taliCn out 0' the g'l'OlInll 1I0W and ha\'o alollilell HI'owln' , Hltml ) liS 11otatoes wOl\ld. " Laughtcl' Reveals Character. "Jr , " salll n ! ; ontlol1lan whoso fOl'to Is the dollnelltlon of chllrllctt'r , "U I coull ! 1I0t gain a clllO to the tru na. turo of a lUall III 1111) ' othel' wa ) ' , I shollid wlllt until I Iteard hIm Illugh. " 110 might IIltl'l' hIs eXIH'osslon , hIs "olcI , and hIs Inannel' , but his laugli would Infalllhl ) ' II ( > tl'n ' hlH Inner salt. Lauglttl'I' , lu filet. ; ; I\'s Il l\1al'\'olOlls InsIght Into charactm' . If there Is anything false , weale' 01' l11allclous In II man It ahm'H ' discloses Itself In thIs dlrcctlon , 111111'e Itrl\'Q the Inane 'leo. llCo' of the fc'hle.mlnlled. the harl1h , I'\t\ng' \ Illugh n ( fno coal'SO , HOI'dll1 na , tlll'C. and the halfnplU'essed ! chllclde of ( ho plottel' . "It Is the IIIlIt'e cllrloll8 , becal\Re Cl'llft ) ' llcoplo often lUl\gh to co\'cr theh' real feclln s , hut to the aCllto oal , ' the false nolO Is l'eal1l1) ' allparent , whethel' the lallh ! he 1'0al or assmned. "Fran I" honest lallghtOl' Is a sign ot sterllllg' ch II I'll ct 01' , und cnn bo conl\ \ . tlentl ) relloll IIlIon , " Futility of Corporal Punishment. Floggln ! ; Is still 1Illowed 111 IIllgllsh : . prisons as a IIIIUhllIlIcnt ; fOl' mntlny. . or vJolence , hilt. . l'ecentl ) ' IHllJllshed stntlstlcs malc It doubtfnl whether even In thcse ! extreme caBes corporal punlshmont sen'os the purpose for whIch It Is IntolHlcd. It Is shown thnt slnco the 1111 m bCl' of prIson olTonses for which floggln wall allowed was rodllced In 188 ! ! , the nllmbcr of of. fenses allll1st ! prIson dlsclpllno has decrcaso frol1117 to 131 per 1,000 prisoners. while thol'o has heon an In. crease In the IlIllIIher or those olTenses fOI' which the "cat" Is 'Itlll ! the pen. alty. , - - - - - - Schools In Russia. \ AccordIng to the latest statlstl s , thl'I'o are g'iiH . public schools In the l'mlllro of Hnssla , dllt of whIch 1111111' hCI' 40,131 aI'O IInde : ' the jnrlsdlctlon oC the : \1I111f1ll' ' of Pnbllc 1' ' : ncatlon , 4iiSS : ! I1l1tlol' the jnrlsdlctlOIl or the hoJ ) ' H'uod , und the remalndel' lIIulel' otllOl' Ilepartments. or the pupil ! ! , 73" 1 Iii were adlllts , 3J1GJ.t : ! ! ! boys allll 1.OaJo : ! ! : ! h'ls , The toaehors nlllllber 172,000. The mulntenance of all theRe schools coStR more than $25.000,000 , ' 1'he average school tax ( or cll ) ' schools Is $9fiO an for village schools $5 a pnpll. . The Night Voyage. SlIplll WI ! sailed the phOllphol'"cp.nt 11"0" , Our 9hlll a ( 'rufl wltll ! thndow ) ' IIIIlHls nllli : C < lIarll , \\'hllo Iouml'd nhu\'o , III glorlouH al- . axlpH , 'I'he phuHllhorcHccll1 slnl'lI , . 'I'he bro ! ' : . : . . Ihat l1reall1ell' oul ilK hare the haltn or coral CU\'O fillll 11)n lal\l-19 kea' IU/OUII / : , . " 'hlll , ! I\"JlKIf'uNl 0'1'1' the tall , IInnae ( } \In \ 111I 'rhe l'arlhlll'ull 111001\ , A rlhllallt pharos from 11/1 hldll. . " hell\"h , \erOM" Iho wutel's . lIuna : Itll upclwnlna : uf'um , And ! On wo lIl1f'd througll the vlolel nllhl , } JIHulll for the hOllrn of drea , , ! , - ( ' 11111011 Scaliai'll , 11\ cw Orll'an 'I'lml's- J ) lIIoel'll t. New Ways to Whiten Teeth. 1T1I.to'dllte dpntlshl hnve several new wl'lnlles fOl' whillmlng and pol. Ishlng the teeth. One or those IA to first dIp the brush Into salty water IIn,1 , thel1 apply t Ilowtel' ! , which shonl" he of the finest 'lnallt ) ' , ACtc ! ' threu or four mlllutes' : ' rub little 111' ' ' ' 11I'1I8hln a ) salt o\'el'tho tc'th. anll In time they will becoma ' whltl.'l' . If percoptlhl ) you want to have It'eth illlIollhed \ 1\01' ) ' , talw n pll'ce or chamol ! ; iilllI. dIll It In leD10n jllico and rub the teeth IUtU ! t'Jt. ) ' t. e hot to the toul'IJ. Splendid Spelling RecoN. : 'IIIHa Deatrl'o ( ; cll'llon , llJcd 12 , of North Su 111 \ 'all10" : hils jllst won a IIrl1.c tor not mlsslll 11 word III silell. Ing for a 1011'cHI.s' t < "rm at seltool. - - - - - - Prepare for Future Event. At the hlrth of 11 child In C'III'US a I ve.Kol : ( It wIne I burled , to be ser\'ed up aftOl'wl&rd ut Itti marrlQI . - - - - - . - - . - - - - - - - - - ! CEnp 1VIIEA1. ' M A ItKET . . . - - - - - - MATTER OF SERIOUS MOMENT TO AMnnlCAN FAnMIRS. : : : - - - ChamberlaIn' ! ) Ide" III to Have CMada Furnish the Food Products for the Home Country-Would Be Serlouo Blow to Western Wheat GrowerJ. : . - - - On l cb. { j t:113 : ManItoba I..cgl9laluro \lnllIlnlo\ll ( > l , n(1lll'll ( \ ( \ ' l'esohtlnll strongly hulOl'lIllI1 ; 1\11' . Chnmb l'alll's ! lrcrerellt lal tariff schomc. 'l'h I all' pcnrs to he the first fnrmnl 11'181atlvo ! 11IlorsemHllt , of h' , Chllmhorlulll't ! 1101. Ie ) ' . It Wll9 , ; I\'t1I ! because that Imllc ) ' wonld gl\'o Cllllalllall wheat gl'owcra n bettor Brlt\ah \ mal'lwt lImll AlIIll'lcl1l1 \\'hl\1 JI'O\\'CI'a woulll ha vo. The Unlt'd K111 IJom Is the la"rest cUStOU1N' of A U1erlclln whollt Jro\o'ors. It tal's now lu'uct\rallj' \ ollohllIr of I\If oUt' whcat eXllortH , Bllt wo m'o lint no\\ ' 8uIIPl'IIIg so largo 111II't ot Ita dc. mlllHI ! ! , aH COmllltr'lt with ( ' 1\11 I\I a , liS We dId twelll ) ' ) 'ellI'H II O , In roulldgUt'es. ! \ . the Unltpd KlnJ ; ' dam Imllorled III 1882 1:1 : 1,000,000 hush. cIs of whont , Inchltln Hour , or'hh h 7 ,000,000 busholH came fl'om the UnIted Stnlmi , Illnl 0111) ' 5,000,000 hURh. elR trolll Cllnllllll. III 1902 tit ( ' Unltod Klllgdom Imported 1 ilOOnOOO ! huahelR ofVltellt , uf whIch 10Snoo,000 bUllltels came from the United Stales , and OVCI' 20,000,00 busholti fl'OIll Canl\du. COlIlIOlIn on equnl lenns In the Drltlsh murltct Canadian wheat gl'ow , CI'nl'o ! ! ; nllling IIpOIl Amol'lcan. ' 1'he Cl\nadlan hll\'o IlIcreaBed theIr ' \ ! ! \ tl'l1de 400 PCI' cellt , whllo Wo 11\\0 [ Increasoll ours only 44 )11.1' ) cOllt. It Mr , Cham. rlcl'lnln Rllcceells In gelthll ; Il tnrlff ot 6 cents n bUHhel Oil Antel'leulI wheat It Is cel'talll that'ollt btJst wheat l1Iarlwt will bo gl'l'nt1) ' c\I1'lItllell \ , nnll thnl Ca. l1alIal1 , whent ' ' will ' ! ; I'OWCl'H prollt b ) 0111' 10sH. 'I'hat Is what the Mal1ltohll Lclslaturo ! liecH , nnd that Is why It Indorscs 1\11' . Chal\lborlnill. 'Vltat CUll wo 110 to lu'C\'ellt thIs threatonhtl ; narrowIng- our best wheat marltol ? :1'\\0 : courses UI'O 01)011 'to lIa , Ono Is to I'clluco our tal'lff 'on manit. factllres to snch an extent that the , hrnal1b' , Ulcro 111 lIltlo " "al'rl1nt ror any ( " "r th\t ! HI1 lnnl1's thot\sanlln \ at mil ; 1I0lls of Ilollnrs' worth of manllfactllr'lf wnreA , r'procntt'd ! by Iter ) rom ! ! can. sumptlon ntHl h ) ' her eXplll'ts , stnnd In IIn ) ' 1\0I'O\l \ ! ! pel'lI trom the cmnpnt.ltloll or n tow mllllon8 of < lonnra' worth ot Amerlrnn surplt'fI ' " " "dllcts sold at 10\1 'rnit\ ! ' \ for apccltl : rensons , The AmerIcan hllRln ( > RR man dO ( , 1 not " \tnnltor \ nfter" an ) ' lIlarl't which pCI'munontl ) . represents on1) ' n loslt or at hellt no. I ) ro fit , Morcover , thl:1 IJrocCs. , 1111I1811101Ilcall ) ' alllIell a9 It Is. Iii 1I0t limited to the AlI1cl'lcan mt'r. chanl or mnlltlracturor. HIs English nnd Germnn comlwUtol's. talc lhclr oc. caslonAI flIng lit It , just as he Itoes , lIlt OVl1n ollr 0\\11 marltet Is occnslon. allv fll\l > jectC1 to t lc neells ot tha for'lgl\Ol' for It lIttle read ) ' caHh or nit ! ' ovtI'stocled warchou . . . . . roll'r or hn ! ! ! ! ! NIYOl'lt S'II1 ' , , - , Military Work In the Philippines. Utport ! ! lIltU thnt 1"ocol"ell cOIlCt'rn' Ing the whlng out or n 1111111l or l\loros } ) I'o"o thnllho } ) acll1cntm ! of the Phil. Ipllilles requlreH n constallt milItary watcUfhllllJ8S such It ! ! Englnn,1 , hall 11I'actlccll III her long CCltlt'O ; of colo. nlal eXl1allslon. It Is 1fact. . howevor. thnt the 110.1 COI' the 01l1111o'l\Iellt or fOl'co Is Btmulll ) ' dlmlnlnhlllg , There hnvof late beln'or ) ' Cow dlHturb. nlloe8 III the l\IorlJ < 'I\'llIzcd Islalldl1 ot the north , wharo our carller CI\I\I' 11111glls were cOluluctcd , anll there 1m8 been nothln at all resembling 'n 'con. eCl'tell general eITort at 1"ebelllon agall1st the Americall authorIties. So fl1l' na wo may judge CI'om the dlHpatchos , It would Boom tl at thoraces races who fell wed the londel'shll ) at Agulllnido or nctcd III CQ'OIICrIltCI\ ! wIth h1m hll\'o glvon 11 ( > . the Atrug lo. IC UIOI'O IA sUlI 1111 aSJ.'lrat 1011 for In"o. 1)0I111011co It doel ! 1I0t o'xJress ItseU 11\ the appeal to armH. Instead of an ) ' , thln resembling II natlonnl movolUent there IB enl ) ' the occulllonlli outhreale of BOIIIO fl'W ' dIsaffected persons who ' nru cOlllmonl ) ' chtHBod al ! ludrol1os. Canal Treaty Is Ratified. 'rho Hel1l\to ratified by a yolo or Gf to 14 the Jla"Yllrlllu , or Panalll:1 : ca. nal , treat ) ' . 1'ho ratification or the trcutj' mn9 . - . _ _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . - -v- - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . _ - _ _ WILL THE SEA SERPENT. BE AT THE WORLD'S FAIR1 . - - - , ' \ , , . - . , r : i\ , ' . . . { ( I' . . . ) . . . . . ' o' , < ' - _ d , , - Sr QV/S , /.904 , . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - British Ileoille , helng ahlo to exchange ! theh' mannCnclnres for 011I' wheat , mIght III'eCm' to l''joCt. Mr. Chamber. laIn's ) llan and go on as they ure. Butte to do that wOllld Injure ollr lIIanufac , tures anlt del'ange 011I' whole fiscal sya. t'lII. That plan Is Impl'actlcahle , 1'he Otll'l' coursl ! Is to malco It worth whllo Cor Canada to reject 1\11' , Cham. berlaln's plan alld I'cfllse to become merely the farm feeding Enland's , mills , hy olenlng to Cana"tfs IIIlnel'l1ls , timber. amI ether raw materIals : \ bet. tcr mnrlwt III the United States , : ' wheat ' lIas SInce 011I' own Jll'Odnctlon practleallj' reached the IImltll or 0111' now lands , allll cal1 he ! ; I'eat1y In. crease ! ! hereafter not hy InI'I IIHn oC area , but 0111) ' hj' belter cllltUI'O , wo might also alen , OUI' markets to Can. ada'a wheat , ulld IlIdll'o hOl' to IIOIIJ It hol'o Instead ot to Englan,1 , to blJ grollnd. B ) ' I'oasonahlo reclprocltj' conces. slons to Canada. promptl ) ' macle , wo can , wlthollt malcrlal Injur ' to 011I' . Ieh'es ! , prevent. hel' economIc alliance with Great BI'ltaln , hl'lngher Illto economIc alllanc2 with the Uulled Statci , an,1 , prevent the throlllenel , curtallmollt of 0\11' \ bOHt whent mar. lect. lect.'e cun lIIal\O Canada Ihe farm feed , Ing ollr mills ruth'r than the farm Ceedln ! ; gngland's mills , 1'he honells ! that sllch an arrall elllont wOlllel' to Ul : ! on both sIdes of the Atlantic 111'(1 cortaln ! ) ' worlh cOIIHlderatlon-Chl , cage III tcr Ocoall , " - - - "Slaughtering" Surplus Products. It n Iartlclliar nrltlah In lIstr ) ' , or a purtlclliar Brltlah cstahllshment. su ( . tors a loss oC trade , thol'o al'e th01o who raise the rr ' that the losA 111 cllle to slallJhter 1H'lces 011 oods trom the Unll11 Slatl's , ' 1'he ( :1' : ) ' wali rc. conti ) ' hoal'll In Canada whell AIIICI'I , st.l"ol ralls ' ' ' illI' ' , cun , Oil IHllllf' vel' e 01' er ! ! , wcre clllOtell at $1 to $ f pur tnn IHlow tht > mtcs IIHllntallled In the Unltod Stal's , It mil ) ' bo allmlttl.'cl that at certain tlm"8 allil In cortalll l\ne \ Arnel'eall ! goods havt' heen , arhelng - anll will he aold JII rorol n mal'tots at ) lI'icos whIch are below the rales llrcvalling at the same time In thhl coulltr ) ' , Bllt the arJlImeut , 88 an IIJ'IUment , oal'l'lel ! a atron& & : 01'0\01' of alJlllrl1llr. 1"alitw - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1ho trIumph In ollr leglslatlvo halls , of patrlotlllm qver partlsansh\JI \ , of st1\tos- , mllnshtl ! over political astlgnmtlslU. It means that withIn ten yours the ucelln/i / which wash the two coasts or Alllol'lcn .wlll be joined. It mCl\ns a douhllng of the strenJth or the AI11lrl. ) can na. . . ) ' . It means the AmerIcan .nag will II ) ' once agilln ever fleets of more chantmen , It means Increased pros. 11CI'ltr to the commerce o ( the whole wol'1ll , but es 1ecla11y or thlA nation. It 10wOl' rall'Oatl mcnns ! rates across this continent. It means a shIp canal I C'Om ChIcago to the gulf of 1\Ioxlco. It mel1ns the consummation of work whIch has botn In the mInds of mon Cor 400 ) 'eal'S , hut which has defied all orrorta uuUl nttaeled ; by the gonllis oC ( ho AmerIcan people. -Much cl'odlt Is duo to Theodore J1ooso\'lll HIIII to John Hay for the Amorlcal ! triumph. Without their do. tOl'lnlnol1 :1I\(1 : ( sl\louclous lI1anoemet ! of the IsthmIan crhIH ; It Is probable that wo should sll11 ho "welterlng In n chao8 oC III1COl'talllt ) ' " as to whothel' we W ( > l'f ! to ha " 0 n canal withIn the next halC cenlttr- : ' , , Shoes and the Duty on Hides , 1'he Hecord ralsos the question "ot the annual duties 011 raw niatOl131s with reference to shoeN. " 'rho Dlnsloy tarlrr put a dut ) . on hllles , and while the Record aqQ a number or othel' , papers , Ioclared that I hIs would 1:111 the expert of shoes , the ( orJl n dcmand fUI' 0\11' shoes has grown ovcr sllwo , What hI tht ! use of huttIng a lnst facts In thllI'U ! ) ' ? The eXlierloll ot the last sIx 'carl4 showI ! clearlr that a dntr Oil hIdes dOUN nothIng to prevent the IIICI'CIISO of 011I' eXIorts of bootH nnd Rho\H , and thIs Is the truth with other Ilullcs on I'aw materIals. in the ( 'n,1 , the ) ' Incl''aio the I'IUpP ' ) ' ot raw mlltol'lt\1 and dlmlnltlh Its lu'Sce- Phlludnlphlll Press. Not So Abusive. ! \faj'bt' the tal'lfT .showelt Its teeth to the tal'lft hatcI'I and ) ; frightened them ullt of thoh' tl'n'cQl1t soelts they could huy Cor nlnc cents under tarlrr rcorn\ -If the ) ' hall nillo cOllts , Thor arQ llot RO abusIve now of Its proven beneficence - ficenco nlld III'rlctlel\bllltr.-Sh"ffiohJ t ( Ala. ) Reallol' .