Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 17, 1904, Image 8

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    ' . - . -
, - -
: > '
. . .
.r. : & ; " ' ' ' .
: ; : : : ! - -
. : ' . - .
. Baking Powder
Saves Health
The use of Royal Baking Powder is
essential to. the healthfulness of the
family food.
Y cast ferments the food.
, : ' . I Alum baking powders are injurious.
. \ ' ' Powder health.
, . Royal Baking' saves
,4 : . , .
. . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - . . - -
ClUzans ( ' UCUY.
In pursuant to call the citizens
: caucus met at the coutt house ,
Monday night. Th meeting
was called to order by Ner Hart-
ley. L. H. Jewett was elected
chairman and R. D. Pickett , sec-
retary. A committee of three ,
, consisting of A. Morgan , John
Lewis and R. D. Rockwell , was
appointed on resolutions. Tbe
chair appoin.ted Eastham , Lem-
ing and C. R. Luce committee
on order of business.
On motion of F. H.Young the
caucus proceeded to take informal -
mal ballot for mayor , while wait-
inVr for report of committees.
rbe chair appointed as tellers
Dean , Skillman , Reynolds , Morris -
ris and Denker.
Tbe candidates were Apple ,
20 ; Teagarden , 20 ; Morgan , 9 ;
Dean , 8 ; Trites , 14 ; R. B. Mul-
lins , 10 ; other candidates receiv-
i g from 1 to 5 yotes.
The committee on order of
business made report of follow-I
ing order : I
Report of committee on Resolution. .
Nomination of cnndldate for mnyor.
Nomination of canc1ldnte for clerk.
Nomination of candidate for treasurer.
Nomination of candidate for p01lce
Nominatton of candidate for council-
mln f r each ward.
Committee on resolutions made
the fonowing report which was
adopted : .
IIWe , the citizens of Broken Bow , Nebraska -
braska , in gene-ral caucns assembled , do
make and publish the following resolutions -
tions as the basis of our platform for tbe
coming city campai n. Be it resolved
IBt-IITllat we bl1eve in our chY'1i 1.11-
ing governed of the people , for the peo-
. pIe and by the people.
2nd-IiWe believe in tbe economical
' expenditure of the city finances and tbe
'equitable dlstrl ution of public improvements -
ments and tbe continued repair of itreets
and sidewalks.
3rd-IIWe believe in Ule municlpnl
ownership of public tltillties and therefore -
fore wish to compliment city government
and approve their act iu tbe purchase , of
. I
It Saved Ilia l.eK' .
P. A. Danforth of LaGrange ,
Ga. , snffered for six months with
a frightful running s reon his leg ;
I but writes that Bucklen's' Arnica
Salve wholly eured it in five days.
ForUlcers , Wounds , Pilesit's the
best salve in the world. Cure
guaranteed. Only 25c. Sold by
Lee Bros. , druggist , Broken Bow.
the Broken Bow Water Works Plant and
in the purchase of the lots upon which
the city building now stands.
4tb""IIWe believe in the el1courage-
ment of beautifying our city homes , lawns
and p rks and wish to cOlUlliment ? our
citizens UpOI1 the neat and tldy appeur&
ance of the various homes. We would
ask our City Council to appropriate sucb
funds as it can afTord to the improvement
of our city parks that they may continue
a source of pride to ourselves and places
of pleasure aud resort to our visitors.
5tb-"We compliment our officers up.
on the universal good order enjoyed ( luring -
ing the last fi\.e rears and more especinlly
during tb'e year Just past and believe it
is due to the absence of licensed saloens
in our midst.
6tb-"We bellve in the submission of
tbe question of license or no license of
saloons to the vote of the people and we
pledge our nominees , if elected , to abide
tbe result of tbat vote.
7tb-IIWe authorize tbe Chairman and
Secretary of tbis caucUs together with a
committee of one from each ward to be
selected by tbe Chalrnlan to fill any
vacancies tbat may occur on the ticket
nominated tonigbt. "
On motion convention proceeded -
ed to formal ballot for mayor ,
which resulted as follows : Apple -
ple , 45 ; 'feagarden , 25 ; Morgan ,
24 ; Trites , 14 ; Dean , 13 ; Mullins ,
10 ; other votcs scattered. Total
vote , 145.
The point was raised that somc
prescnt were voting who had
participated in the high licensc
caucus. The chair held they
bad no right to participate unles's
they would endorse and support
the platform adopted by tbis
caucus. H. W. George appea lcd
from the decision of the chair ,
and the chair was sustained. As
a result the next vote dropped
from 145 to 123. .
Teagarden and Morgan announced -
nounced their , vithdrawal. The
second formal ballot was Apple ,
64 ; Dean , 23 ; ' Teagarden , 13 ;
other votes scattering from 1 to
5. Total vote cast , 123. Apple
having received a majority was
declared the nomince.
On motion of Hartley , the
n les were suspended and R. p.
Pickett was nominated for clerk
by acclamation.
On motion of Eastham the
rules were suspended and J. M.
Kimberling : was nominated treasurer -
urer by acclamation.
Moved by Morgan that the
PalACe Barber Shop
For first.class work , call at the Palace
Barher Shop. Everytbing up-to-date.
LEO DEAN. } ) roprletor.
: ! ' ; - : ! ! : : ' ; fJ'f ; .llJ'lri"O : : : ' : " , : , .o : : ; : !
: ; " ' : : : . rtif ; ' : . , . : " 1J1r , , ' . tt -7
1i : ; Ji.Hii.JIJi ! ; : J ( ! fi Y tif.ii'J : ' 'J [ 'i ) . fJ'Ji ;
, .
j ( . ! : :
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. . . 1 4\ \ UI 1I'gOA ; ; ' ; : . '
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! ' , \ : I. ' . " . '
\ . . . - tf r I . . . .
. J B " 'U"OU' ' . . , ft ! , . ; . . . .
. ' . uy. ,
tr.wof'.i : ! 1 i.i ! 'J.t { t/i.t : i ' . 1I..j .
' . .
LJr ; ' - . ! Jji : f i"fJ. Ii' ; .
: . ; Fish of the Larest Fish House I ! ,
: t in the C.ounty. _ I
' FOR LENT. , r
. . .
ft' ' :
: . . I' :
" Maclrel ,
ff Clams , j. i
. . l2 WI' te fi IS b , : H ! r
: h Cocfish , !
a Halibut. ; : J. !
Lobsters , J J
i' . ; \ ! Salmon T . , It.f ! 1
i' 1" \ 1" : I er , nr {
' . :
t'n Bloater
I , ! i.1
. Sturg on , , :
. I
! ! . , I \ Sard1t1e9. .
. .I .
. I i
. : "
ij e - , . ' f. i
' . Our pickled codfish is delicious. , f
Trade Mark-Pure 01d Cider Vinegar. !
' :
Yours for Pure Food ' if i
: " A' . . , .
t . . rY.i'r : ' ! ' . ' , , ' : . m'l
' : Jf- iJ : ! : : m . i' :
: -
. . f "
r t , Ii. . . " .
. . 'J I , \ , . : - ' .
' , : Broken Bow , - - Nebraska. : ' " . \ \ ; ' .
, I ? ] . _ ? " : flft JC. l l.n 't. J.rJWf1t : . , ;
: . : 'WI ' . vif'i'i iJj ' ; , ; ' ( ; iJ I\i'i
. - . . . . . . - _ . . . . ' - " ' . . . . , . _ - . . - " - - . . . . - - . . . . . . . , - . . - - . . " , . , , - . - . . , . . _ . . . _ _ . . . h. . . . . . . _ _ . _ . . .
. ,
rules be suspended , and E.
G'Schwind be nominated for
police judge br acclamation.
Vote in doubt and formal ballot
taken. Ballot resulted G'Schwind ,
48 ; Holcomb , 23 ; Shinn , 35 , other i
votes scatteriug. Total vote cast
126. The second formal ballot
resulted in Shinn , 88 ; G'Schwind ,
34 ; Holcomb , 13. S11inn ; having
received tbe majority was declared -
ed the nominee.
On motion of Armstrong , seconded -
ended by Purcell , the chair appointed -
pointed a committee of three to
wait on Mr. Apple , the nominee
for mayor to see whether he
would accept the nomination on
the platform adopted. Thechair
appointed Armstong , Purcell and
Athey. Mr. Apple appeared before -
fore the convention and stated
that he was neutral on the license
question , but the last two years
had voted against license and
was getting more convinced that
it was the thing to do. He stated -
ed , if elected , he would carry out
the will of the majority.
On motion the rules were sus-
f.cnded and Ed. . McClure was
elected city engineer by acclama-
tion. 'l'he following candidates
were nominated for councilmen :
1st ward-A. P. Johnson.
2nd ward-R. D. Rockwell.
3rd ward-Jos. Pigman.
I The chairman appointed as
committeemen from each ward
to actwith chairman in filling
vacancies , E. Taylor , 1st ward ;
F. H. Young , 2nd ward ; Dr. Day ,
3rd ward.
On motion of Purcell the question -
tion of making a levy of 5 1Di1l
for the pUt pose of creating a fund
to build a C1ty hall , be placed on
the ballot an4 submitted to' a
vote of the people.
On motion , aucus adjourned.
UCllUbllcau Caucus.
f _ _
Last Friday night the Republican -
can caucus met in pursuant to
call at 8 p. m. and was called to
order by A. R. Humphrey. Jos.
Pigman was elected chairman
and R. D. Picke tt' , Secretary.
: Moved that a committee of
three consisting of Amsberry ,
Jewett and Morgan be appointed
on resolutions. Jewett declined
and Munk was substituted Motion -
tion carried as amended.
' ' resolutions
'l'he committee on
reported as follows :
"We , the elcdors ! ) f the city of Broken
Dow. Nebraska , in caucus assembled , do
make and publish the' ' following as our
resolutions :
Flrst"\Ve recommend to the incoming -
ing administration an CcolIOt.licallse of
tbe public funds , in rep'airing sidewalks
and streets , but believe in having said repairs -
pairs equitable distributed to accommodate -
date the greatest numberof , citiZens.
Second-"We take pride in the fact
we have bad no saloons during tbe pait
five years and tbat the splendid order
maintain d in the city is 1arge y duo to
that fact.
'l.'bird-"We oppos the licensing of
saloons but recommend thRt the question
of saloon license or no license be sub.
mitted to a vote 'of the people and the
officers elected at our spring election be
governed by that vote.
Fourth-"We invite all citizens regard.
less of affiliations but who are .in
favor 0 tbe above principles to join in
the nomination and election of a ticket
tbat will carry out these ideas.
Fifth-"We recommend that our city
parks be improved to the extent of
the financial ability of the city , so tbat
the same may continue as places of plea.
sure and comfort to our citizens and
visi tors. " ' .
Moved and seconded that reo
solutions as read be adopted.
Carried. .
Moved by Humphrey that th
causus proceed to. nominate a
Moved by HeartlY' , that we ad.
journ to Monday mght.
Moved by Morgan to amend
that we adjol\rn \ sine die.
Amendment carried. . ,
The caucus then adJourned ane
the chairman announced thaI
there would be a citi2ens caucus
hel Monday night to nominatE
a ticket.
" 'ruK " : - " , , , crted :
"Just in tbe nick of time OUI
little boy was savcd" writes Mrs
\V. Watkins of Pleasant City
Ohio. "Pneumonia had playe (
sad havoc with him and a terri
ble cough set in besides. Doctor :
treated him , but he grew worsl
eyery day. At length we triee
Dr.Iings New Dicovery ! for Con
: snmption , and our darling wa
sa ve . He's now sound , and well. :
Everybody ought to know , it's th
only ! : ure cure for Coughs , Colds
and all Lung d1seases. Guaral1
: tee.d by Lee ' : ros. , druggists
i Prrce SOc and Sl . OO. Trial boi
tles free.
: .
l Jtlurktt ucpor& .or Tuda : - .
- .
- : 0"11Wheat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '
. DarloJ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
uatlJ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
: UfO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. : Oom. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ln. BroolL-
l 1J0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ . 6 3.
: Cow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5) @ 2.
Chloken. , p"rwaDlI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
TurkeJI , per 1)00011. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. l'lIODUCB-
lluttor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Bgi' , per dozen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1aIll'OlU. ' N1tODI-
Potatocl.perbuabol. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
OnloDI. per "u.hel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
lIa" Pt'r ton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Itrt\w\tOr : ! cwt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I SUiU , UrlWulateli , Jlar owt..p.5Q II.
. , .
D. L. lIerrick shipped a car .
of fat cattle to the Omaha mar.
ket the first of the week.
The Baptist Ladies Aid Soci-
ety's social at Ule residence of
Mrs. C. S. Martin last night was
largely attended and a pleasant
an profitable time was had.
Ed. Royse , secretary of the
state banking board , and family
came up from Lincoln Tuesday
night on a few days visit witb
friends. I
Chas. R hinson of Fleming' '
valley was gi ven a birth day party
last Friday night. Fifty or more
young people assemlei to to join
with h1m in making merry over
the occasion. An excellent supper -
per and a good social time is re-
Annual School MectlUC' .
The Annual School Meetingof
t he electors of Broken Bow Sc heel
Districh will be held in the south
side school building on Saturday
March 19th , at 3 o'clock p. m. ,
for the purpose of placmg in
nomination two candidates for
members of the Broken Bow
Scbool Board and such other
business as may come before
them. All who are interested in
the well fare of our schools shuold
attend this meetiug.
Pres. , Broken Bow School Board.
t. . . e..f. .
- ! ' ! ' ! -t - ! - ! " ' ! : t " ' 3-3 : i'i ' ' ; ! ] Jf
J. C. Moore , abstracting. 2U
For ttale.
Good span of 6 year , heavy
horses. Cash or on time.
' 39-40 E. C. Homm.
- - - - - -
W'andott eg-gs IS for 5 cents.
'Phone 178. MRS. WIUSItNREDER.
Before buying your spring
pamts be su . see
38tf LR1 BROS.
The Easter Market , given by
the LadiesoftheChristianchurch
' pril 2nd , will be announ ed
more fully next week.
When you decide to paper your
, house go and see Lee Bros. ' fine
line of samples. 38tf
. Bring your beef cattle and
poultry to P. J. Simonson. 37tf
Insurance that insures.
38tf R. G. MOORU.
, FOR SAI.E-Tow.J lots and tI
few five acre lots in this dt ) ' .
; -Allen ReIner. .
FOR SAIE-Black mare , 6 years
old , perfectly sound , weight about
1,000 to 1,200 pounds. Cheap.
, 40-43 MRS. A. W. GANDV.
grade Percheon stallion , coming
2 years old , coal black , fine in all
i ; . points. Address ,
Mason City , Nebraska.
POR , : black
SAIu---'Large marc ,
or will trade for cattle. Phone ,
40:41. : A. T. SEVBOIT.
S. cream separator.
40tf A. ' H. STUCKEY.
FOR RENT - A cosy'house just
east of thc Uacket Store.
40tf . ' 4 LIIIIE KING.
For ttale or Trade . ,
- -
High grade , new piano , tOWI1
lots , farms and ranches. WilJ
trade above for horse ! ' ! , cattle ,
cash or good paper.
Good tUaliloll8 and .JaCLtH.
Farmers looking for breeding
stock should call at the old Stal
barn in Broken Bow , north of the
railroad track.Ve have 8 heal
to select from. Percheons , Shire :
Hambletonian , Gold Dust anr :
two good large young jacks.
r 40-41 WANTZ & SIDWELL . , Props
. c .
. , . .
. . , . . . . . . . . . . "
. ,
- - -
I riO = r-.blllia1lt : ! > > 1 _ _ MII I tlIDlLi/U / _ lif.MC
is the place to buy Velvets , Velvetines , Laces and Embroid- "
eries-they are elegant and will please yoti. 'Ve also have a
fine line of Toil-du-nord Ginghams , Percales , and Pebble
Cheviots , and Cream Cashmere dress goods. See our line of .
Shoes and Overshoes
For men , women and children , before buying elsewhere , and
let us save you money. Wc have a fine line of . .
. Low Shoes , Slippers and Oxfords. (
Our notion departmcnt is complete. You will be satis.
fied.when you see them and pleased with the .price they. are
sold at. We have a lot of .
Men's Wool Pants I
that we will sell at a discount of 10 per cent. The highest
market price paid for eggs at .
E. . BEYI E & : CO. ,
Brok.ell B01M , Nebraska. j
) ; >
mm m
m m
- , I. . . . . . _ . . - . _ . .
See Kay for furniture of all
kinds , stoves , tinware , gran it-
ware , queens ware , stove pipe ,
dampers , coal buclets , shovels ,
pictures frames , frames made to
order. JUD KAV.
South Side of Square.
'When in need of an Auctioneer
see or write him. .
I"or H"te.
Three acres of ground , six room
hm se , barn , out buildings , well
and wind mill. Also 160 acres
two miles from Broken , Bow , 75
acres in cultivation , 40 acres pasture -
ture , fenced ; well and windmill.
36tf M. K. HAGADORN.
fHoClt . .r : "Cev . . . .n econd-HIIDd
Good. . Io''r ; o.c. .
Due to'the fact that my time
and my .attention is needed in
other business , I will sell my entire -
tire st.ock of goods. See or write
me. JUD KAY ,
36tf South side of square.
Ladley " , Id rtoelety.
The Ladies Aid Society of the
U. B. Church will give their annual -
nual sale and supper Saturday ,
April 23. This sale was previously -
viously announced for the Saturday -
day before Easter , as we had
held it at that season for .the
past two years ; but owinf to
conflictIng annoltncements with
the Ladies Society of the Christian -
tian Church , the date has been
l deferred. A general dinner or
snpper will be gh'el1 on that day ,
and the best of plain sewing and
fancy w.rk will be for sale at
reasonable prices.
w ANTBD-Se1'eral Inllustrlous perlton ! ! In
each state to travel lor house cstabllshed ele1"en
years and with a larlle capital. to call upon
merchants and a entillor successful and profitable -
table line. Permanent enlralrenient. Weekly
cash salary of n4 and all travellnll' npenses :
and hotel bills advanced In ClRh 8ach ' 'leek.
Experience not essential. Mention relerellce
and enclose self addressed envelope. ' .nCl
NATIONAL. Jn : Dearborn Strret. Chlcalro.
Legal Notices.
All adyonltemente under tble bead will be'
charged for at loval rate II , v\z \ : 51.00 ppr square
for IIrst Inllortlon. and Oc per .quare for eacb
lubaeqoOJt IneerUon. .
" .quare" Ie on linea or fraction 'beroor.
Unlttd Slatea Land OdJce. l
LIncoln. Nabraeka , Febrnar , 10 1901. f
Notice it hereby j\Yen \ tbal tbe followlngnam.
ed settler be. died notice 01 hIs Inteatlon to moke'
dnal proof In support of bls claIm , and tbat lAid
proo [ will bo made be forI" Olerk of the District
Oourt , at Uroken 80w. Nebraska. 00 Marcb 291
1001. vlz' IIfA W. SMITHlor tbe nw I Ot
Seotlon 14 , Township 16 , UaDle 1:0 : Weet. D. E.
No. 17838. lIe Ilomes'he ' foJlo.IDg wllnellU to
prove bl. contlnuons resIdence upon and cultlva.
tlon of ! laId land. VIZ : Frank Mank 01 Broken
Dow , Nebrapka : Cbae. T. Wrljlbt of 8rokon Dow.
" , .braaka. Tholl. W loco of Urokon Dow. Nebr. ;
Alrr.d Allen of lJerwD , Nobraaka.
35-40-15 W A. GmsN. : Reglaler.
Unltell States Laml Office. I
Drokenllow. Nebraska , Mnrcl1l4 , 1904. f
Notice Is hercb ) ' II'lven that tha lollowln- !
named settler has filed notice of his Intelttlon
to make final proof In support of Ills clahu'No.
1341. and that said proof will be made before
Rell'lster all R < : c lv ! r1t Drolcenl1ow. Nebras-
ka. on April 22 , 19 < > > . vlz ; CIIARLES S. TOOL-
EY. Droken Dow , Nebraska , for the nw Sec.
tlon9 , Township 18 North , RanlCo 20 'Vest ol
6 P. M. lie names the lollowlnll' wltncsses to
prove Ills contlnuons residence UPOII al\ll cnltl-
, . vatlon ol bahl land , "Iz : Robert 11. Dethretrc
I of Drolcenllo\1' , Nebraska ; MarCUR J. -
man of Droken 1I0w , Nebraska ; Chr1R-1
Slolfgett ol IIroken Dow. Nebraska ; l-zra
Jeffries ol West Union. Nebraslca.
. 4 S-22 J.UIJU ; WIIITEtiCAD , RelClster.
To whom It lIIay concern :
'l'he COlUmlssloner appOinted to view 'a road
petitioned lor by L. J. Smith et ai , a road COD1'
lIIenclnlr at railroad cro slnll' at sOllth welt !
corner ot Section 12 , 'l'ownshlp 14 , Rallll'e 17.
rimnlnll' east to one half section corner of Sec.
tlon 12 , thence south 80 rolls to railroad , 80 rodll
east , thence 40 rods south down railroad on
north side ol railroad rlll'ht ol wa ) ' to County
line belween Custer and Sherman Count ) ' , hall
reportcd Inlavor ol the eqtabllshment thereol.
and all objecUon" thereto. or clahuI ! lor daD1'
alCes. mllst be filed Iu the County Clerlc's office
on or before noon of the 25th day of April. 1904.
or Raid road will be established without reler.
encc thereto. In witness Whereof , I have hereunto -
unto selmy haud an seal of said county. this
24th day of Pebruar ) . . 19 < > > . GEO. W. DUWEY. . ,
37-40-111 [ ] .
COllnt ) . Clerk. i
To wholl1lt may concern :
The COlli missioner appOinted to vlela road
petitioned lor b ) ' Anton Pestle d aI , a roa\ (
commenclnll' nt the sonth eastcoruer ol Section
14 , ' ! 'ownshh ) 14. Ranlle 19. . runnlnll thence
north about 80 rods thence weanderhlll nonh
east to west of center ol Section 12. thence east
on hall section line to the uorth east corner of
the soutl1 east Quarter ol Sect 1011 12 , 'J.'own hll.
14 , RunlCe , has rCpOrled In favor of the ei-
tabllshment thereol , and all obtectlolll thereto.
or claims lor damall'es , must be filed hi the
County Clerk's office on or before noon ol the
25th day of April , 19 < > > , or such roall will be established -
tablished without relerence therelo. In WIt.
ness Whereol , I have hereunto set my hand and
seal olsall ! . county. this 4th day ol Pebruary.
1904. GEO. W. DEWEY.
37-40-17 ( SE.U ] County Clerk.
In the District Court of Custer Count . Nebr.
In the matter ol the estate ol William H
Dobllts , deceased. Sarah II. Hoblltb lCuardlan
olMlnor children. '
'Notice ' Is herebY'/llven that on the ' 22nd day
of March. A. D. 19 < 4. I will apply to the Hon.
Dnlllo O. IIostetler , Judll'e ol th District Court
ol the 12th , Jndlclal District ol Nel.raskl. at the
Court house In the city ol Lexlnlrt n. County
ol Dawson. state of Nebraska. for au order
conflrnilnll' the sale ol the undivided/one hnll
, Interest In the south hall oC the north east
Quarter. the north east Qunrter ol the south
east Quarter nnd the south east quarter of the
north weitUarler ol Section IS , Township 14.
North , Rllnlre 21 , west ol the 6th P. M. . Cnster
County. Nebraska. to Enll'ene J. Dobllts , heretofore -
tofore made on the 11th aay ol September. 1903.
All perions objectlnll' to nld confirmation w\l1 \
' appear before said Judll'e In Chl\wbersasalore-
'said at 10 o'clock am. ol lIald 22nd. day of
March. 1904 , and show cause why ! laid s l. .
Rhould not be confirmed.
Haled at llrolccn Bow. Nebrka. . thloi Sth d y
oll\Iarch , A. D. 1904. SANA. U. llOISLITS , ,
Gnardlan of the minor children "
ol William H.lIoblltlideceased.
3-4-20 ( ALPDA MONGAN. Att'y.
In the County Court. Custer County ' , Nebraska. _ ' . .
To the heirs and next ol kin ol 'Ruben Gor. " .
don. deceased. " -
You are hereby notified that Merit E. I Gordon
son ol said docea.ed. 110'1 filed his petition In
said court. asklllll' that Rosetta P. Gordon may
be appOinted administratrix ol the estate ol
Ruben Gordon. deceased. Said matter haa
been Ret lor hearing lor March 26. 1')4 ) ( , at 10
o'clock a. moo at the cou"ty court room , In Dro-
ken How. Nel.rallka. when \1l1lntereBted \ parties
nlay appear and be heard. 'I'hls notice I. or.
derell publlll ed for threu cOlIscCUtlvc wecks In
the CUSTER COUNTY : REI'UIlLtCAN. a wl'ekly
newspaper. published and of II'cneral clrcnla.
I tlon In sahl county.
Dated thl' 7th da ) ' of March. 1004.
39-41-21 COllnty JUlrde.
. . . . . . . . .Herd Hended By. . . . . . . . . .
Crlmlou BcoU , 'No. 171.035.
. . . . , ' '
' }
. . ' " 1
J. G. BRENIZER , Breeder of
l'ure Scotch "Del Scoteb Topped Short DorD Cat-
tlo. My berd numbers 40 OOWI. Will compare
, . . breedlcll 8ud qUllllt)1 with any west of nblc8lO.
My experleDce blls tuKbt me tbat to Klvo Jl'ood
Mtlsfactlnn , breeding catt'o inUit be ratsed In
this atttt.ude. I expect to raise them
here tllO equal of IIn7tblcg ralied In .be . U.
tI ( n"w haV" 25 bnlls sUltablo 'or tbl . loud
next ) 'oar's .ervlco. My COWi welgb from HOO to 'JJ
2000 pounds. Como and roe thom.
1 , J. . ! ; . . . . , ii-i'J.f..ff'Jf. . ; . . . . . , iif. . . . : r ; ! 'r.j . . . . . r. . . . . . . 'Jtj . . . - . : rt . . . J . . .it ; J tt . . . , : . . . . : 'JfJfi ' - ! " . f. : e' 'f " .t. . . . ' . . . . . ; JIi ; - " 0 . . . 'i . . . . .0 . . , : . . ' : . i"L ' . , . . . " . . 't ' . . " . : : . . ll . " ' . Y'i . . " . - . . . . " . ' . . . 'I . . m"1l" .
1 t. iri.P" ' - p- ; ; -Y . f ! w. , I l , .
_ : ! ! { : \ : ! ' . :
s il You must know by this time where your interests lit . It is certainly 1
t not to your advantage to use small , inferi.or .sires , no matter what class of 1
, , stock you are breeding. A rare opportunIty IS afforded you to secure some of J
l : # th b.est horses fpr breeding purposes that'\vere ever shown in Custer county. . :
I. w CurrIe & CummIngs of Sargent , Nebraska , have a .I I ;
; - tf ii CAR LOAD OF TH'EM 'j
. and will be Jleased to communicate with you or to show you these horses at
any time. ' ! lhey will also assist you in formi g a comppny and sell you a !
fo M\ \ , horse on terms that are within the reach of all. Call them up by 'phone 01' . ; ' :
:15 : uddess them at Sargent , Neb. , or what is better still , go at once and get your , ,
MchoIce. \ . 'rhese hm'ses are for sale. ! ' :
Currie & Cummings , I'
n . .Sa.rgent : , N" . .1
. .
. . .
" . .Jf , m . . . t , ! oo. m . . . . . . . . . . 1A . . . . mw2rl I1 ! Q Q : vtI.\"I.- ' ' ' . ; : , ; ' \II - t'm vt. . m I ) WJI.'tiS . . . ' ! b < < : 1'iHi