Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 17, 1904, Image 7

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    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - . - - . . . . - - - - -
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Latest Novelties In the Shops.
The shirt wnlst haxeR in cretonne ,
which como fitted snllgly nway 1Iko
1 : bllreau drnwt'rs into a case covered
, r ;
with the material , ere now ItnllatCll
In miniature arrairs some four or five
\ Inche ! ! in height , These ere dCfllgncll
I tor n bnb"s bomlolr , tse. One drawer
\ contains safet ) ' pins , nnothpr sleeve
I or bib holders nnd other silvcr h'ln.
J ( ( ts , n third the wee socl , ! ! , etc. 'l'he
Imitation ! ! , too , nre covered with cree
I tonne. Each small ornament Is top-
I ped err with a bow of satin rl1Jbon.
t 'rho incollling st'los In rattnn , wl1.
Jaw nnd wlclter furniture for the porcI
are nltogellHr ! fascinating' . These sets
inchulo reading table , tea stand and
hamper , , in uddltlon to the IIsllal com.
plement or chah's , roclwrs and
benches. , /
Mnny of the French sets come In
n mixtllre of palo colorings which
catch the eye at once I\S somethln
extremel ) ' new , Other lovely olltfit1 !
are stained or ennmeled in the palest
of tints of lavender , plnl" blue and
the 11Ite.
A Pretty Linen Frock.
Linen fabrics u're flhown in nlmost
numbel'less varieties nnd are both
durable and smart. rhh prett ) ' dress
for n ) 'oung girl is made of etamlne
. in palo Jlue and Is tl'immeci with
white embroider ) ' and no\'elt ) ' band.
InS' , the ) 'oke being made of tllcklng
, nnd insertion eomblnetl. The waist
i. , is . simple one and Is made o\'er a
" fitted lining that can be cut a way be.
neath the ) 'olw when a transparent
. .errect is desired , while' the sldrt Is
straIght anl1 tuclred In firoups , the
. fullneES provIding flare where the
tucks fall free. To mal\C the dross
for a girl of ten 'ears of age wi11 be
. I
, , .
, rj I , . ,
c. < < o O1rl's Tucked Dre ! . to 14 , aU& .
required 5 yards of material 27 , 4
: rar.ds 32 or 3 ) 'anls 44 inches wide ,
o with Ih ) 'ard of fanc ) ' tucldng for 'oke
and 4 yards or embl'Older ) ' for frill.
A 1\la ) ' Manton pattern , No. 4440 ,
sizes 8 to 14 ) 'ears , will b mailed to
any address on receillt of ten cents.
, How to Clean Jewels.
E\'cry little while all brooches , rings
and such things that are In constant
use should he hrushed with a .tooth.
brush that has been dipped .n eau de
cologne. H the setting It ; open It must
be done fl'om the haGlr , and bo care.
ful not to loosen th stones. Then
, lay the things In a box of jewelers'
sawdust , which has been slightly heater -
er beforehand , and lea\'u fur I1n huur.
Gold chains m.w lie washed In warm
soapsuds , drying them on a soft towcl
by. pulling bacl , and forwurd. 'rhey
may also be dried in sa\\dust amI the
Iartlclcs can be blown or dusted out ,
afterward. Be sure and get them dr ' ,
. as they will lie apt to become worn
between the links If any dllmpness re.
Party Gown for a Girl.
An attractlvo party gown for a girl
of fourteen Is of blu vollo with full
skirt. shirred half a d07.en times at
the waist and agaIn half way to the ,
IOlCes. 'rho shirred waist has fancy
reveres of white cloth embroidered In
blue sllIt the shade of the volle , and
the sleeves deeply shirred at the top
have fancy cuffs like the reveres 11n.
Ishlng them just below the elhow. A
Fott ; white sash with long streamer
ends con1flletC's a chic costume.
When the smull malll shows a ten.
dency to outgrow clothes , Instead of
letting out the hem of I he slrlrt. when
maldul ? the dress cut the waist two
or three inches 10nJJr. : then lengthen
"f : ; ' the frock by changing the helt ,
- - -
Coquetry In .Fur Sioles.
Stolm ; In ever ) ' sort of fur Atlll con.
tlnuo to encircle fllir. slellllm."throals.
It malcl IItllo IIlffl'rl.'nce from what
nnlmal the soft , d'lIt'ato co\rlng Is
laln , and whetlH'I' It 110 hlucl , . rn ) ' ,
hrown or white , Nt'lther Iloes It 800m
to ho a mattt"r of great 1IIIIIClI't whelh.
er the stele Is lon or I > hort , broader
or narrow , If It be of tl1e circle form-
lbnt i tbe chief thtzlZ In regard Ie
- . - -
thlll hit or modlsltncsI lor the fAIr I
01le'll toilet.
The next thln consillered is the i
wa ' thllt It shall ho worn , Twlco
about the 8wlln.IIIo throat II ! the stele
wound nnd then
coquetlshb' ono end
Is thrown over the left shoulder.
- -
Homely Refreshments.
Perhnps It Is because thlll Is to bean
an economlcnl lIenson nnll man ) " are
not cntertalnlug as clauol'ntel '
, ) as In
Ilr\lous 'l'ar8 , 01' 1I00'haps hecatlse
fashions ehnngp a grellt Ileal in a
short tlmo : bu t man ) ' or the tlnlntles
sel'\'ed now nt lllnnel's 01'0 of shnllo
and homol ) " descl'lplion.
Ono oC the most popular ill the
sclool girl dellcac ) ' 1\110\\11 us fUdge.
llrolren.up fmlgo and cream candy are
fl'equent ! ) " served in place of ! , 'rench
'rable decorntlons are \'er ' simple ,
nud green and 8lh'er are the favorite
combinations. 'rhere Is " ( ! I'y little
show of elaborateness ill lny or the
entertainments. ' 1'he predl ecl on for
home S'\\'eots hils wrought havoc
among the confectioners und caterers.
Smart Trimmings.
Frlngo trimmings are considered the
smllrtost mode of dress embellishment
this season. Particularly effectl\'e 01'0
the fine glllc fringes made to ortler
with Imotlod headings : these oC the
sowing silk and twist vlII'lety are also
greatly In'ogue. . Large , fringed tas.
sols are seen on many oC the now
model skIrts and are ! l IJOIHllar means
this seasoll of garnishing the elabor.
ate e\'enlng wrap. Narrow strips at
frlngo inserllon are IIttra lI\'ely em.
plored as piping lit the edge of largo
tllclrs , alld also In adorning the cars.
age. 'l'hls st'le of trimming Is com.
monly Im\\'n " ' ' "
( \ as lhe 1'om Thumb"
fringe , anll when in whlto or dell cote
shade is especially chic und pret ) .
for the em.Je1l1shment ! 0 : evening
Worth Knowing.
A goolllOusC \ 'I1'e " ,111 never allow
an.thlng to go to waste. Instead of
bu'lng dusters 01' window cloths she
w111.malre use of her IUseal'ded pocltet
handkerchiefs , scarfs and silk'petti. .
roats , and will flnd she has some.
thing better thall she could buy any.
wa ) ' .
'rhere Is , 'er ) ' apt to he a Qtnrt at
the head of n brass or Iron bed , nnd
a little eurtaln of some pretty cretonne -
tonne and wl11 add to 'our comfort
anll improve the appearance of your
Use darlt green blinds In a bedroom.
It w111 p o\'ent the glare so tr'lnt : to
) 'our eyes. '
Bedroom Hangings.
Nothing Is prottlor 01' more da1nty
101' bedroom decoration than the up.
holstery dlmltlcs In Ihe old English
style. 'fhey can be got in many pat.
terns llntI launder beautlfull ) ' , so are
more durable than a fl1ms ' fabric.
The ) ' J11ay e used in the entire decor-
atfon o'c the I'o m for bedspread , canopy -
opy , window hangings and dressing
table covers.
At the windows It is 1)I'otliest to
hang the curtains straight down each
sl e with a fnll vallance across the
top. Cushions for chairs and corner
seats can lie made to : natch too ,
- - -
Wear of WeddJ'ng Veils.
" 'eddlng veils must bo put on now
so that nearly all of the hall' shows ,
and give a long , narrow look instead
of spreading at the sides. One of the
most effectl\'e lately seen was a scarl
about II. ) 'ar < < l wide and three und one.
half yanls long , edged with ! l little
real laco. Ono ) 'ard of It was turne
! .Jac1c at thu top to maim a short veil ;
with a If/ng / ono undOl' , It. ' 1'hls was
caught on to ! l half.wreath of orange
hlossoms , which Is now the proper
Hnlsh. ' 1'wo very small ostrich tips
ere sometimes seen. i
Butter for a Bump.
While mothers' I < lsses are supposed
to take the soreness out of all sorts
of hurts and brulscs , e\'en this SO\ ' .
orelJ'n specific will lIot lweI ) a bump
from turning black and blue. If a
bump Is well buttorell soon after It is
made , the slln , It is Buld , w111 not
change color. A woman who did 1I0t
bellevo It , but tried it all the same ,
says her children have been saved
mauy ugly mars by meuns of this
simple and InexlQnslve remed ) ' .
- - . . . .
Readers ot this pnper can secure any Ma ,
Manton pattern lIlustrutccI abo\'e by UlUnICou ,
nil blanltsln coupon , nncI mcuUtc. with 10 ceuta ,
to E. E. Harrison. ! ; Co.j PI 'mouth PlllCt , OAI.
caco. I'ancl'u will be mallecI promptly.
NOIIIO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _
Town . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sla te. . . _ . . . . . . . . _ _ _ . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. .
Pattern o. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Waist : 'Icasuro tit tor sklrt.N. ) . .
nWl Measure ( It tor waist ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .N _
Ale ( It child's or ml.s' . " : lumul . . . . . . . . .N. .
Write plainly. Fill out nil blankll. Incloso
lOa. Mallia E. Eo lIanllO & Co. , Cl3P1ymou j
Place. Cblc iQ ,
I ,
I ' . . " .
Economy ,
"You've cut down 111 ' nliowanclI II
a'ho sold.
"Ye8 , " he admitted. "I'vo been
sC'ndillg ) most of m ' time at the club
l'ccenll ) ' , alld I C11I1'tlla ) ' boaI'll ill two
places. "
"Thell 'ou'd betler star homo , " she
8Rid , and ho dId. Hut III'escntl . Ulero
was the old complaint.
"YoU'\ ' , . cut down m ) ' 11l1owanco
again , " she sold ,
"Yos , " h nllll1lttN1. "I'm spending
Dl ) ' tlmo at home no\\ ' , mill lU ) ' com.
pan ) ' ollght L9 cOllnt for somcthlng. "
' 1'hen she 'lIII't Imow . . whethol' to
advise him lc:0 bnck to the clu of
- - -
rj lterlal Mourning.
Bl'Own-Smlth Is do\\'n with brain
fo\'er. '
Oreel1- You don't sa ) ' ?
llrown- . ' 1'he doctor sa's If
ho reco\'ers his mlnll will be n 1I1anlr ,
Ol'een-doe ! Hut i'm SOrl' ) ' to hear
that. 110 o\\'os me $10.-Detrolt ' 'l'r ! .
bune. .
- -
- - .
- -
- -
- . .
The Latl-"Hl'11Vens ! 'rho bo ' Il11s
swallowed a piece of that lend pllol
Hunl Hun for the doctpl' ! "
'l'he Plumller-"Aw , never mind ! I
got a lot more In mo gl'lp , mum. "
Natural Dcduetlon.
Brown had jllpt given .10nes a cIgar
amI after puffing away ut it for ! l few
seconds , Jones nslred :
"I SO ) ' , 0111 man , where did ) 'ou : ; et
this cigar ? "
" 'l'hat's one of a box I-pllrt'hased on
the qlllet from ' a smuggler , " repllell
"Ah , I seel" rejoIned Jones. "He
smuggled them past the health of.
fic los. "
- -
Warning to Others.
The leap. 'car girl had reached the
point whel'o un Interview with th
) 'onng man's mother wus necessary.
"If yuu w111 only ea ) ' that I can
have ronr son , " pleaded the fall' ap.
pllcant. "I'm willing to walt for him
1'01'over. "
"Ver ) ' well , " replied the maternal
parent. " , lust como aronnd when the
time's np nnd you can have 11im. "
- -
. Information Wanted.
.1\laml1la : , " said small 1Iarry , "when
t grow up I'll be a man , won't I ? "
"Yes , dear , " replied his mother
"bnt. 'ou must remember to bo neither
sel fish nor lazy. "
" " 'h ) ' , mamma. " ho asl\Cd in sur
prlse , "do boys who are selfish and
lazy become women when they grow
up ? "
Salesman Was Suburbmlte. :
The woman was doing her shopping I
'fhe conn tel' jumper handed her n
package and she slowly turned aW ) : I
"Do I need an.thlng else ? " she ab.
sent.mln ed ! ) ' asled.
"You have' jllst bought some lawn. "
yentllred the clerk. "Don't ) 'ou thin ! ;
'Oll111 need some hose-Princetoll
'figel' .
- - -
, "That's a IIrett noisy , passengel
'ou'\'e bet ill there , " I'emarlred thE
man who \\'IIS smoldng OIl the front
platforl11. "Is , he crazy , or enl ) '
drunlr ? "
' : Nelther one , " said the motorman.
"He's just got a tint wheel in his
head. "
Coming to the Point.
"Yoll lIa"o been calling on my daultl.
tel' fOl' some time , YOllng man. 'VI :
don't rOIl como down to the blls
ness ? "
"All right. How much are ) 'ou ! :
ing to leave her ? " . ,
Had Them Stili.
The meel , man. who had been "
Iortunato finallclallr , was te1l1ng It
" , lr creditors tool , everything , II I
Raid ; "hollse , lot , furnlshlngs-o\'c :
thing ! "
"Not ) 'our clothes , though ? " . ! III
the tuall who enjo's other peollic
misery. .
"Yes , " sold the meelt cllap' with
slh ; , "eYer'lhlng but my trOIlI'I' :
'fher-they were In m1' wiCo's IItIUl'
A Hard Fit.
"lIc's II\1Ilt in an awfully pecll ! ' . I
wa ) ' , ISlI't he ? "
"Yes , the only thing he can In : I
. .cadymadc is an umbrella. "
- - -
- - - - - - - - -
- - - - -
- - . - .
: '
C tarrh Robs WOlnen of liealtll and Beauty. .
Pe-ru-na l1ales W om n Healthy a.nd Bea..t ! ql. . .
Miss Flora. I1nusllr , 1032 S. New
Jerscy Strcct , In lnna1 > ells , In "
wrHcs :
" 1 tll/nl : 1 must hav" been troubled -
bled with clItarrh ever since I was
very young , Ilggr J'ated encll time
I CBugllt a cold , This did not
prove autllc/entl } ' Bt'rl us to be obnoxious -
noxious until last winter. Then
my bend and nose were so stopped
up that I felt I must do something.
Peruna mils recommended to me by
IItrlcnd , I used It for four weeks
snd found to my relict that It cured
me , I bave not had II bit of trouble
slnc . JUy he"d Is clear , Bnd I can
safely "fflrm tllat Peronll cured
me-Aflss : Flor" lI user.
HJndreds ! of Women Cured by
of Annoying Catarrh.
. HARTMAN bas probably done
DR. moro than nny , othcr physlcinn
toward popularzill ! 0. mcans of
escape .from the fal'lat dctermltlcs. such
ns watcry eycs , twi tcd 110S0 , oToDslvo !
brcnth , dry crnckcd Ill-'s , duo to the l'I1V.
Bging cfCects ef catarrh.
110 has made chronIc clltarrh 0. . life-long
study. HIs remedy , pcpubrly known as
Peruna. . , is the .most famouiJ romcdy for
ca t"rrh in existenco. .
Pro bably tbcre is not 0. . man or woman ,
, boy or .slrl , withIn the bounds of the
Unit cd Statc.'J that has not hcard of Po-
runa. By far the largest. majority have
Ued Peruna.
The multltudo of people tha.t . have bccn
curcd of ehronio catarrh by using Poruna
can nevcr bo kno\vn.
We cau uve YOII mHtdlem.o' . prollt by having our
DWO warehou.e. aod teedln ! : yard. , Rnd ccarlnl :
blilhelt pOlllhle prlceA tor your sr.ln "nd alock.
Beod tor our IrUKE "Hooklet , "
Farmllrs' Grain and Lbo Stock Commission Co.
1.11iolo1l7 lIutldJllC. ChJc lo , IU.
Trotworlb lady or tt./Jtleman to bll1nnte busl.
ne..ln thi. COUnlY and BdJolninr territory tor well
andtavorBbbknown house of .01111
Inr. ' 820.00 6Iralrht clIsll sslaryand IIIIpense.
paid each Monday by check direct tram hClldQuar
lers. lJpense : money advanced : position perma'
Deu EIPerienco not essential. Addre. .
T. " . COOPER. Menager ,
Como Block. CHICAGO. ILL.
Mustang liniment
Is n. positive eure for Pilcs.
g Lincoln , Ncbroaka g
g German ( each , g
g Perherons , g
g [ nqllsb Shire g
g french Draft g
g I aM Belgians , g
g The LARGEST Imrortrrs of FIRST. g I
o CLASS IUUions of nr coneun In aU thl 0 I
o FROM. On arrlvlnJe In Llneon ! uk. Ihe 0 0 I
o 51 ale Farm strul car which runl dirc lly 10 0 '
o our barn. Come .ond IU ul or wrlto.
o Lg. Dul. Tel , 575 A , I Sulllnn , nltr , 0
When Answerln ! ) Advertlscments
Kindly Mention This Paper.
1.11115 AmanllL .Tehnson , Fnirchllll , Wis. , writce ,
"I write to toll you ho'I" milch FeruM bonefitol1 mo.
n number ot ycars I hu pain In my hClll1 nrountl my1r \
nn I thought it wns bCO\1I110 my eyes noodol1 tro:1tmoh
(10 I wcnt to nn occullst lII1 hnd ttlas8c8 l1ttcI1 to my cca
nncI " , ere them for 1\omo time , bllt felt. no rellotvhntover. .
In fact , I felt."oro \ th\l1 bcforenn came to the oonc,1u.
IIlon that the trollblo9 110t. wIth my o 'cs , buL \ vith'mY'
11eacI nnl1 that it. must bo cntarrh. As 80 mnny of iny
frl0l1l1s 11nllIsoll PcrllHwith bencl1t for thIs trouble , I
thousht \'I"oulll trr , it. I W S not sorry thnt I 11111 soTor
in n short thuo I b'gnn to improvc , nnl1 , ilfOUl' "ecles my
eyes wcre in splcndld con ltlon , my gonernl lloolthUS
111I1Ch hnprovcll nntl nil the catarrh of the henllVM g 1u.
I WIIS gllIl to get l'hl of this trouble nllil nm glnd to entlOreD
such 0. . ( ; oed 111011lclno ns Pcruua.-MlsfJ AJUuu n. Johnson.
- . ,
o .
Can Dc
Dcautlfut or '
, ,
_ . . . ' _ . ' . ' . . . . _ . _ _ . _
- - & & - - - - - - - & - - - - - - - - - - - & - - - - - & - - - - -
- - . - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . - - -
Many n girl haB rcgnlncd hcr faded
bcnuty , many a. matron bas ICIIJthcned
the days of hcr comely nplCaranco by using
Poruna. .
Pcrun" produccs c1cnn mucous mcm-
branes. the base of facial sywwetrynnd a
perfcct comploxion.
' .rlto wo nen bavo DQt lieen slow to ( lIs-
covcr that course of Perml will O moro
toward rcstoring ) 'euthful beauty than all
the devlecs known to scicnco.
Whllo it is true that Pcrunn cures cn.
tarrh wherever located , yct. it. is advis.
nblo for everyone to use Feruno. . as
'preventivo and not \vatt. until catarrh
. - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - -
br.8 fastcned 1t3cl ! In soma part of thQ
aYltem. .
POl'una acts qulcltly nnl1 bcneflcl ; > .U , .
on the lunamcd mucous membranes
lining the dlTerent ! orgl\lIs of the bolly.
' 1'hu5 it.vill cure catarrh wherever
loca tcl1. 0 . . .
If you do not derive J1rompt nnd satlslnc.
tery rClllllts fr01l1 the 1I0 of POt'unawrlte
dt. ollce to Dr. lIul.tman , giving full
statement. of your cal\o , and ho will 1m
pleascl1 to glvo you hIs valunblo ndvico
Address Dr. Hartman , Prcsident of Tha
Hartmnn Sanitarium , Columbus , OhIo.
- - - - - - -
- -
- -
I Thcse brands WIll guaraatee ) .ou n Good shoe for men : ,
Star and Crescent E. Z. Walker
Comet Cock of Walk
Our PRAIRIE QUEEN Icads nil others in Women's ; Lnd Children's Shoes.
Stt tllat our name , 's 0" the sllOlS j'O" buy.
F. P. KIRKENDALL & . CO.MAn i'A ? In
i _ _ _ _ - -
" -
- - -
PORTRAIT AGENTS ! \ : : g : : :
Our Kood. the t'eal. Prlcea the lowell. ) 'rompt .bl ! ' .
, lDent. . 'Delivery ' ot an portrall. Kuaranleed. l-lell\Ot :
umpl. . aDII rolll fro" Rend tor cAtaluRUI ! Aldreu
ADAM J. KnOLL-CO. . New Era DuUdlnr , . Chicago.
, Larttlllttd'Dlalo t'o trllIllrt dr/d I
Elegant sto < : k. 'J'rt'DI.ndou8 yields"
lo'lOm 400 to 1000 tlUab.l. p4.'r ACID.
anct tbls oollce we at'nd you 10iA 01 'ann
seed Blmnl. . IIna bIg calAlogut' . lelllnc
all about Teosinte , 8pc'ltz. ) ' aoAI , AtrIa
Land nul. , , Macaroni Wb At. nromu ,
( Earliest Cane , elO. jHna tor Damu too. , . , . ' ,
: $3. 50 & $3 SHOES 'irlg '
'v , JJ' DOIIJlns
shoes have fly lltolr
exceUunt Htyle
enl ' .l1ttlnf ; , n n , I
slIporlol' wenrllll (
( Jllolltlel , chlo\'l'll
the larJcst , .1110 of
any 8hoo lu the
They Ino Just M Jooll
a.s these tflut CObt ) ' 011
IH to S5-thu ollly
dlfferenco Is the price.
Sold EUIrJlVhere. ! . '
; i : '
I Look tor name nlH'.i : '
. prlco on 11011011) . .
0011&1118 I1" ( Jorunl ' \ . .
CoU ldll , , vhlch la O\'f\I'\\'llI'ro , cOIII'I1de.t 10
! Jolho fiuo"t ' . . . .
" r."nllwr ) 'ct t'l'tldtlced.
rast Color Eye/el , Uf"d , thou bJ'tn al/I/j / : / , . , extra.
Write ror CAtaloll. W.LI1oDI/1III , Jlrocl.toa , Baa ; .
When Answering Advertlsemel1ta
Kindly Mention This Paper.
- - - -
W , N , U" Omaha. No. 11-1904
CURBS cstarrb of the stomacb.
They ale settled and settHnE on the Grnln anlt
Gradnll' f.ands , and ala " 'USI'fI"ua nud sllilsfu'd.
Sir \VlIIred Laurler recenlly sRid : "A new sial
bill risen on IIIe horbon. alill ilia loward It Iha' .
evelylmmluanl who I . . \'es Ihl' Innd or his ance. '
lara 10 come and sf"ek a I.nlno . tor himself 110.
lurn. ' his rue"-CIIDada ; 'flllte ! is . ,
Room for Millions.
l'tnp. lIomestf'uds , ; " " " U\Tny. Scbool. ,
Churches , ! taU" , , , ) . . , Murkots. Clhnnt _ ,
evol'1thlul : t.o be tlealreoJ.
For a dcaclh > tlve Alh. un.1 olher Informatloo.
apply 10 Suparlnl ndt'nll"I"IErwlifJn. , Ollawa , Can'
ada. or aUlhorbed Canadlwn GO\IJrnmulIl Arenl-
W. V. lIennel801 New Yorio Uta 13uildlnCo
Onah. , Neb.
MARCH let nnd 10th.
From 8t. LoulB nnd n l" City , 51'.00
From CIIIC/lHO , $20.00
From DOB Molnoa , ! b1O.D'
From Clnclnnnll $29,40
From Indianapolis , 520.0'
ncllels are tirt'rlass and I'.rmll a\Opooen
on rolnr trip. &oUlh or , 1.10. . within
tran.1t limit of 15 days , I1n..1 lirtll , 21 .JayS
tram dlle of aale. Nrer \ > . 'for has there
been such a chanre 10 1"10 Ihe SOlllhwaatln 1111
Ita prospe.t , . On" . " " " arcond'class ticket.
will be .old .ame d lji al I r.luer,1 rale. Never
IIEuin " , iIIlIIe lilIes be .010. . . .
GO NOW. For parllcular. .
M wI , , . . m clIlI all
0.1' . . . . .
K ty Bldg , 61. Loula , Mo.
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11 It : . } Thompson's Eye Water "
IIDrnt" , 0'0\13111 \ and Sadt1ee
DB trad. mark : arc mad. tr m u. . "
o'-f..hl nod tanncd C.dJtornla lut" . . , '
With , arc will laat a utrUm. , .Aakyour .
@Wltb It Ibe , . do not lund' , 0\1' , oo.s. . .
:3cr. : 2ccnt etamp for CatalOOi : . , _ ' ,
Hamr. . . .04 S U , . .bleb aboW . .
. . . . , . I. buy tham.
BUCKBT.AlI'lJ' 111109. , The II1' eIlUeu.
L.ln oln , N.bra..k. . . . I