Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 17, 1904, Image 4

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    " >
< < u ter o. epu . icnn
f'Rblllhed ITor ) ' ThuudA ) ' . ' the Oount ) ' fleat.
. M. AMBDEl1J&Y. . . . } dltor
UoOtDce tn Outer Block. Fourth A" .
Ru&ered a\ the &oIllCO a& Hroken Po , , ! . . .b'J
U IOOOn\.ewa maUor tor uanlmlllion uu-onRn ,
'bo p. 8. Malla. ,
aDO Year. Sli adyallC : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11.00
Ooe columo , per lDonth , ' 7 00. ODc.balt col.
u. , U : moll\IJ :14,00 : , q r&er , cobamo : : ,
JDIUlih , " ' .ro. WB thail , quarter 'columD , IO !
Cllllte per Inth per mooUl ,
cardl 00 liret PAID. cO ; conta per loob , per
Locll adycr lnr 1cent. \ . per IIn8 each 1010r.
tlO .
I Notlcc ot chnrch talr. , .oclnblea and lIolorllln.
tu6 tI wbero moner 1 cnarJed. one.balt rmea.
Ioolet } potlce. and reanlu&oDB ! , ooo-balt rawI' .
Weddlag , oUce. tree. hatt price tor publhnlng
IIMot preeeote
'Deatb boUcoe tree , haU price tor publllhing
t otftlu&J'1 notlcee , aod cardl at tbanke.
LtlaJ OOUOo4 at U&U prulded br I'.totea ' ot
Nebra , a ,
. : . Thursday , , March 17 , 1904 ,
- .
"i'rhe decision of the supreme
- court in fnvor o { the government
ii'Fihc..Morgan-Hill ' merger' case
is victory of which tbe admin.
i fration may well feel proud.
" ,
. ' ; I.'he senatoria comthttee n-
v stigation of Senator Dietrich's
edged crockedness in the lI st-
1iJS postoffice does not cl _ llnfy ;
tHe situation. It is evident. that
tlle witncsies on one'side at least
ar lying. ' '
, (
Warden Beemer's montbly re-
rt shows that the 287 convicts
1his institution have been fed
c1itriug February at 'au average
d'1y ' cost to the state of seven
c itts and six mills per capita.
Bread , meat and coff e is the
i gulation menu at the prison
nd each prisoner i supplied
, VXih a generous ration of a g-oOtl
< ality and well prepared.
. ,
County assessors are requested
t9'observe that the credit ecis.
i n of the attorney-general ap-
pJes ) ; to all annuities , bond ,
n tes secured , by mortgage , book
accounts due , all moneys loaned
and not entered elsewhere on the
s 11edule , certificates ot , purchase
at tax sale , building and loan
stock and all credits not otherwise -
wise listed.
'l'he state bo'ard of aS5essments
and equalization has decided that
d pnty assessors must repOrt the
exact amount of pro erty owned
by telegraph , tel ( > phone and other
. li e corporations. 'fhis does not
tucan to rCPQrt so many miles of
pples and wire , but to state the
ex ct number or poles and the
number of lines strung. All
other details must be as conscien-
tj } sly hsted.
, TWo ckct8.
'l'he issues of the city election
re now squarely before the pe -
pIe' . Two tickets she ld be
s . , fficient to satisfy everybody.
The question of license is the
main issue and the citizens ticket
gives you an opportunity to
choose as to cand1dates and at
t1ie same time eXJress your opia-
io'n on the question of license.
Unfortunately for the high licen-
se'ticket a vote for their candia -
a t is a vote for license. But
s'the issue is squarely , drawn
there will be no excuse for a per-
sohal camPaign. , ' 'l'he candidates
rl(1)oth ) tIckets are business men
fl the' city and doubtless each
will have the best interests of the
city at heart from his view. If
your views do not with
his , vote for the oUier f l1ow.
. Meet the issues squarely and
vote as yo'ur conscious dictates. !
Knowing the scnti'ment ' of the
ity s w believe we do we have
uo doubt of the success of the
anti-saloon ticket. Later we
wi1J dsscuss the issue as we view it.
Cold Winter lu the Eost.
G. N. RawsoU handed us a
clipping from a Bo\ton ! paper
that claims the p ; st winter has
\ken the coldest there in 114
jear . The paperts elated March
nd and says :
"Today wakes the lIixty se\'tnth day
gf continuous sleighing since wiuter set
jp and there is still between six iueheli
an six feet of 1i1l0on tbe gr und
througb New Englllnd. Si" f et amI a
) jo.lf f snow ( ell in Doston during the
, winter , more tho.n twice as mucb as
the norwo.l snow (0.11 for the past three
winters. The snow fall has been the
eavieat ever recorded bere aUll the win.
. .
" , ' ' ' -
F. w. HAYE8 ; ,
3 eweler and Optician
West Side .quare ,
roken Bow ,
Nebrask" .
ter tbe coldest lln e tbe awful wtuter of
79z1' : '
This record is quite a contrast
from Custer County , Nebraska.
It has been tbe warmest winter
here we ever saw and we hav
I'h a prnctically uo snow , as t here
has been but two or tbree tunei
that the ground has been covered
with snow nnd then it Jnelte4 o.ff
in a few , L urs the 'following ' day.
Vlear Your Uccord. ,
If the law and instructions are
complied with in the entire state
it will give U9 th < ; most complete
list of taxable propertr every
made in the state. One requirement -
ment m d of the county assbss-
or by the state bOard is to furnish
a list of th property sold in 1902
and 1903 , and the valuation to be
used in fixing the valuation of
land and , city property for state
and couuty taxes. As many have
doubtless made tbeir deeds of.
conveyance represcnt ficticiouB
values the report will not be a
very reliable guide , but it is
the best that can be furnished
and will doubtless serve as a
warning in the future. 'l'he
purchaser will see that his
deed does not represent more than
he actuallv paid for it. There is
another requirement tb t iR of
importance to many. 'l'he assessor -
sessor is required to make a list
of all mortgages of record for
taxation. Doubtless there are
many mortgages of record that
should be released that have been
neglected. Parties having mortgages -
gages of record that have beeu
paid should see that they are released -
leased at once or they will be assessed -
sessed on them. 'l'his list include -
clude both chattlc and real
estate mortgages.
Gballcug'r' Trluwllh hus Doometl Ne' .
IJr sko. . DaIrying.
Following closely UpOIl the
triumph of the steer "Challeng-
er , tI a skim-milk calf , comes an
arhcle by Prof. A. E. I-Iaecker ,
of the State Agricultural School ,
calling attention to the great
possibilities of Nebraska as a
dairying state. The Burlington
Route has published the article
in convenient folder form , with a
number of Nebraska farm and
dairy- views , and is sending it to
the East to arouse interest there.
Our people here at home might
do well to write J. Francis , the
general passenger agent at
Omaha. to have copies sent to
the addresses of such of their
friends in the east as are think.
in of coming to Nebraska , or
ml 'ht be induced to come.
Dauyinl { is a good safe business
proposition and Prof. Haeck r
appears to have' treated it con-
s.cientiously and from a business
standpoint. He says : 'IDen.
mark , with an area of 15,00C
equare miles , is just one-fifth as
large as the state of Nebraskal
and yet this little country las !
year marketed over 124,000,00C
pounds of butter , which brough !
$31O OPOO. , This vast amoun1
represents only what was export.
ed. 2,500,000 people had tltei1
share of butter , cheese , crean
and milk before they sold theil
surplus. Nebrnslm can do evel
better than Denmark , as it has c :
richer soil and a better climate t (
grow stock food. It Nebrnskc :
were making as much butter n !
Denmark , per acre , it would have
$ ] 55,000,000 worth per year to ex'
port. Nebraska can produce
butter about seven cents pel
pound cheaper than Denmarkl
and on the otber hand , it can pu !
butter in Danish markets at .1
cost of less than half that differ.
ence. So long as such conditiom
exiit lh re need be no fear oj
over-production in Nebraslm. "
TIle DeNt COII.:11 ! twrUI ) .
S. L. Apple , ex-Probate Juuge , ,
Ottawa Co. , Kansas , writes :
"This is to say that I have used
Ballard's Horehound Syrup for
years , and that I do not hesi'tate
to recommend it as the : best cough
syrul ) , I have ever used. " 25c ,
50c , $1.00. Sold by Ed. Mc-
Comas , Broken Bow and Merna.
Desiring 'to Make a Change In Business
\Ve ha\'e concluded to g'e 'I'UN
PUR CUN'I' O1tl 110H CASU from the
26th of March , until July 10th.
OUlt S'rocK IS COllll'f.U'1'lt in ever ) '
respect , consisting of the ver ) '
latest styles of spring and sum.
mer , in : aats , Ladies Furnishing
Goods in Suits , Skirts , Shirt
Waists , in fact everything to
complete a ladies toilet.
All kinds of dress goods , good
trimmings in great variety ,
threads , buttons , and fanc ) '
Our Spring Openlngon We < 1'
nesday and Thursday , March 2
and 24. Come and see the lar .
est display of Fashionable hl.
linery we have ever yet placed 011
sale. First door north of P. O.
. , E. IDredmore.
. . . . - - ' . .
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" 1
Who study the hygienic interests of their families ,
, there is no subject of greater importance than that - "
, : , of the bread pi"oblenl-\vhat the ll1Cthods of lnaking ' "
' \ _ and ho\v baked "are questions \vhich have becom'e . \ ' -
' I
of from health standpoint. i- ;
greatest inlpo.rtance a , . ,
. . , rr" , . ' " - 'y' . . . ,
" . . : '
, . "
, : : \
. . , .
h . . ,
. . . \
. . . .
. ' I
. . : : : solved the problem of how to get a bread food . " \
. at once \vholesome and palatable. Uneeda
, , Biscuit contain all the nutriment of the \vheat ,
( \ .
! . . : . . " made in the cleanest bakeries in the world ; by
most skillful. bakers. . Sold in air-tight } 5'ack-
. ages--always fresh , always ready for use.
" ' ' ' ' 't Ji ' ' . .
- I
-'u ,
C a : . . . . . . w. . . . . . . .
) - -
Jas. Chittick ofElna , passed through
Uns city en Monday last week enroute to
Dr ken Bow. -
Geo. Fafleur and brotber , who is here .
visiting him , .ucceeded in capturing a
coyote with the bounds last Saturday
I Jas. Henry of Eliw , through
here Monday worning 0 fasse week for
Droken Bow , where he went to be present
at the meeting of Ule county central
committee. ,
. Mr. Witlltuhu , the entleml1n who
bought the M. E. Schnennnger farm jUbt
northwest of this cit } . , has arrived \\th
his famil ) ' , stock , farwing implements
an household effects , and has taken
possession of the place.
'I'hos. dwUlids of Drokeu Dow , has
opened tip u reStaurAnt and' short order
house in the old Callaway Improvement
CO.'s Uuilding in this'city. The l.mildinK
has been remodeled o.nd fitted up in good
shape , and the proprietor will no douht
lu\\'e u good husiness from the start.
'l'be families of P. P. Smith , J. 11.
Parrel. WItI. Ricker and Mr. Longmore ,
who have been under cJuarantee for
smallpox , IIrc no longer in Jail , , the quarantine -
antine ha\'ing been raised. The family
of Chns. Whaley. residing jllst' ; south of
tbis placc , is ! I III tinder stnct quarantine.
While four small children of Mr. uUlI
und 1\lrl' . C1mhnm , rl'licling ! east : of this
city , were returning home frolll school
in II onehorse rig Io. t I ric1uy'e'el1inH ,
the horse ran away , throwln the cluJ ,
dren out. Oue little Kirl recel\'e II frac.
ture of the arw , and a boy ; . \vho was
thrown on his heo.d , was remltired un.
conscious mltl remained in that state all
night. Dr. Gree.i was called and ; reduced
the fractured arm. After regaitiing consciousness -
sciousness the boy appeared to he none
the . wone for his experience.
The Callaway Roosevelt club lII.t at
the Odd I ellows' hall last Saturday week
aud went iuto temporary organization by
electin Phy W'Ulore tempory chnirnHlII ,
'and R. R. Uarnard teUlp < ? rary secretar ) ' .
A committee of five , consisting of W. 11.
Daily , R. R. Barnard , Jas. ShrQads , Chas.
IIumphrey an Fro.nk Smith , were ap'
pointed to draft by.laws , and themeetinK
then adjourned to meet' March IS , at
which time UII : constitution and by-laws
. will be passed upon o.nd the club will go
into permanent organization. 1'here are
, alreo.dy 79 members , awong which there
are se\'erlll old thne populists. , ,
- - . - - - - .
Mrs. B. W. Evans' , Cliarwater ,
Kan. , writes : "My husband lay
sick for three 1110nths. The doc-
I tor said he had quick consump-
'tien. We procured a bottle of
Ballard's Horehound Syrup , and
it cured him. That was six years
ago and since then we have always -
. ways kept a bottle in tb house.
. \Ve cannot do without it. , For
coughs and colds it hasnoequal. "
2Sc , SOc and $1.00. Sold by.Ed. .
McComas , Broken l Merna.
- nOl1ND . - GROVI' ; .
Andrew Weaver , who has been teaching -
ing at Prairie Center is o.t hOUle now.
George FO'iter , who hag been working
in the Litchfield flour roil1 west of the
winter , wil1 quit and prepare for his
spring wQrk.
Floyd Sharper of Westerville. visited
with his cousen C. W. l\Iottinger last
week and assisted with the musical part
of the entertainment given at the Muddy i
While other vicinities have beeu visited
by fires , this one has not been entirely
forgotten. About one week ago the train
set fire to a stubble field belonging to
Mr. I.ul1 , and but for the timely elTorts
of tbe neIghbors it would havc run over
large district. The wind at the time
was very high.
'l'he entertainment given at the Mudd ) '
Mills school was a vcr ) ' pleasant affair.
1'he evening was fine an a large and appreciative -
preciative audience was assembled. 'I'he
pupils all did well and reflected Il credit
to the school. After' the program u
"I was troubled mth atom-
, aoh tronblo. Thedford' BInck-
Draught. dId ma more good
In ono \\'ook tbnn all the doc-
tor' modlcloo I took In a
year.-MRS. SARAn E.
SWllPIELD. E1lettavWo , Ind.
Thedford's Black Drought
9uicldy : invigorates the action -
tion of the stomach and
curcs oven chronio cases of
indigestion' . If you "ill
take u smwl dooo of Thed-
ford's Blnck Draught 0cca-
sionally YOI1 will l cep your
IItomach and liver in perfect -
fect condition.
1Of IIlcJmesa 1a caused by
constipation thou by any
other disease. Thedford'lI
Blnck-Draught not ouly relieves -
lieves constipation bU'CurC9
dlarrh a and dyaenterr w.oi
bepe tha bowe1J nguJar.
All 4runtatll . .n
15-oea' paob a.
Draught f. the beet med1-
oint to regulate the bowels
I haTe ever used.Jams. .
A. ' Y. GRANT , &e e
'FtICrf. N. O.
ba ket supper was given for the minister.
About $6 was realized.
Labor D y Program.
The Broken Bow Political
Equality Club will meet at the
home of Miss Julia 'Villis , ThurSday -
day evening , March 24. The ol-
lowing program will be rendered :
Roll Call.
Reapon e wltlt qllotatlons from Victor 111110. :
Current Events.
The IIeadquarters l\Iessalle.
WOlllan Suffralfe llislor ) ' . :
" 'I'he I ntrulce of 'VOIIIIII Into the 'l'rades aud
Profe slons-Mr8. Clara A.'OlllllC. .
Report oC the Arbltratloll COIIIIUlssou ( ,
! > aper-\Vhat Labor Delllands-\\'ritien ; hy
I. . Y. Guye , president Central Labor Unloll.
Debate-'Resolved. that SoclallslII III the he t
lIollitlon of tlte I.abor l'rohlelll-
Al1irmltlve-l\Irs. Jeffords , 1\1If1 Jlllly'lIIls. .
l\Irs. lIewey.
NelCallve-Judlfe Shinn , Mr. OeorlCe , J. II.
'l'he public is cordiall ) ' invited.
JUT.fA 'VIII.IS , See'y.
ASl' ! ! SOl'S l\1 \ cell II g.
Jules Haumont has called the
meeting of the .deputy agsessorg
for March 29. He delaycd calling -
ing the meeting as long as possible -
sible in order to get complete instructions -
structions from the state , hoard.
l.cUer ' .IHt.
i - -
I 'L'lIe following is lhe dead
, letter list for the week cndiug ,
1\1 arch , 1904 : '
J. D. ohh , If. P. Hoberts.1
TO cvnH A cOI.n IN 01'11' ; DA. . . .
Take J.uaUvlI Dromo Quinlull 'l'alJletJ. All
rlrug letn retuad tlill mont ) ' It \ & lII\le \ to Curll ,
H. \ \ . Urove'lll@uilure'a ' ou uoh lIor. 25c.
- -
Th s. Setheler , E. 'V. White. '
Parties calling for the above ' ' ,
will ple se , Sa.y adv.ertised. , !
14. H. J WUTT , P. : M.
' 0
This office for neat job work.
, !
. ;
Going up in Smoke.
'I'hat's what's happening to the (
monc ) ' you spend ( or fuel. If you
want to decreuse your outlay JIllY I
Good Coal.
It ma ) ' IOst a trifle more per ton. 1
than tht : poor khid , hut it contains
a much greater amount of fi\'l1iJable
heat Our coal I 1
bums with a : 'Iteady '
flame of intense heat. 'fry a ton
of it. It will last longer than th
other kind , amI ) 'ou'lJ ! la\'e hy it. t
Dierks Lumber & : Coal Co. , i
, I
" - - ' -
. - - - - - =
- -
, .
. : : ;
I ' * n
Before YOLI Build , Consult . ' ill
Qee > . : J:3 : apin.e au. . ,
Contractor and 8ui ! : tar. Estimates
li'nrnished free wi th plans aud specifications. t
III' 1U II luw uw IIW
- - j'Q ) 'cD1. _ _ _ _ _ " ' iWI1
po- . . . . . ' - .
. , . : -c . Ir-.t. . , . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . - ) . . . . : - . . . . . L. . . . . . . . . . . . ,1"4. . . . . , . . , . . . . . . . . " ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . , . . . . . . , . . . . ,
:1.\-1.\ : : ! : : Oo'I.ot..fiMt..m..e : ; : .I'.i. : ' ( , : . , . - : , . 'I"'l. : . . : . I.:4I..I"'I. . . . . ,
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: , \ " . . " .7"a. ; ; . . & . . : ,
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i' . ; 'm . . . : . . . I ,
The G. L. Turner Lumber 00. , ' . ' .
11' ' .
" . ( Successors to Tbe P. D. SWlth Co , ) I I :
. . Agent for the Neb. Central Bnilding & Loan Ass'll. . ' '
. .
. . . . . . . . . ' 00 " ; , - ' " . 4 . . ; ' . . , . . . . . . ' S . . . . . . . " . h = . - . , . , ' : . . . - h. " ,
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