I . , _ . ' , . 'J. . . . ' . . f . ' J IlL. " . ; ' . - GOOD POINTS 01 , ' I'01'm 1Y. I - , I , . I do not curM my po crty , ' " It hRR Its h'ltcr points : tit t Nn lIut hu ! ! e\'er come m } ' way r . ' 1'0 surren UII III } ' joints , - " 1'.1 . . . n t , nil the 10nJ : , Innl ; nIght r. , I All nllxlou/f lie I\\\'ullo . . " ' . And \\'Ollilt-r what the chnllcel ntl ! ' " " 'ro" , . ' . For the Cool bank to breul ( , , fh : ; . , ' , , , . . . ' I rlo not o nhout wHh blnt'lc . " I. ' " , ' lIelt gog/h 1I 011 my IIOlC- ' . 'f \r My coat uC Urms a tnonltey wrend ' I ' J\ntl tl\loIIIIY clothes , ' . , ' . , . ' .1 , , . . . i ; ' ! . , . I do .1I0t hove to 'drells nn1 1:0 : . :1' . ' . 8lJmcwhctl' 0' nlghtl ! Rnt ! IItay 'I , . . . . ; , 1'111 12 o'l'lack , ntHstant \ ! It whlla , . v . . . ' The } ' talk 1110 olt ! anlt gray. ' . . , , d ; .I'JI" , . Ohol I IJut m ' Cc upon ' ! " \ ' : \1 ' old t'llowrltet' IIII t : , ' - , .I ! 'molt. ! myllpe and thalllc In ) ' start i ' 'l'hat I can Ull erstullIl , ' I , . , . 'Wh } ' Pro\'lclcncc nll-wlc ! hnR cast : : I1y lot wherc lIunbcamR full : " A tORllt to ) ( } \ ' ' ) ' It ha ! ! . . . It" goat ! poln1 nrt'r alii I ; , ; : f'i" -San FranclFco Bulletin. . ' . ' I'M + . . . , , , . ; . . " . . . . ; , :1 : ; ; , ' ' ' ' , " 'r S tfJ.'f. . ; r ' , . ' . . . " ' ( ; ; " ' " 1' ! : " . ' ,1- , ; , ' , , , ' ' . ' " : ' " \1" . "joJ , " , " : : . " , " : .1. ( " ' " , . . ; _ . K. 'I ' I ' : ' , , { , I : ' : . . : ; . A STUDY IN VALVES ; , , ; Ur Kt.ltA.NOlt WEST fa" : : > I l1opyrJhtd , 110bv TlI , , iutllor , J'ublihing l1ol/lpclnV I' ( . " - . " , , ' . . " \ . : ' , " . . , . , i The train came to a standstill In " : ' , fl'ont of the little , ul\palnted \ depot. ' ' ' . Only cno man steppell art' , aud with I' 11ut n mommit's pause t1 o tmln steam' d on again , 1 . The stranger stood a moment , I. \ Jlanclng half C\lrlouslr down the line ( If old , wooden buildings that fonned I the one street , "S me old place : ' he t thought with n haH amused smile. "If old Rip Van 'Vlnl\e \ had comeback back bere after his twenty 'ears' flleep ho'd never have known ho'd , 1H.'Cn a81eell , It's the old town that baR taken a twenty years' nap this time , though , " ho solllOllIlzed , "There JH not a new bllllding and hardlj' a , change of any kind since I left : ' I As he picked up his grill and turned 10wards the old weather beaten hotel , " 110 bl'came conscious I hat he was the < : enter of Interel't ' ! to the loafel's loung. ing about the platform , An hour later ho sat by the open window of his room meditatively mollng , The half amusell smile reo turned to his face as he thollght of the' greetings he had just received. "I , wonder who all the IIld codgers are , uyway , " he refiected , " 1'\'e a dim idea that I used to Iwow them , hilt 1'\'e had too much elMo to thlnl { of in the last twent ' : rears to remember them now , . - . "I wonder If Jacl { Stron Is stili In this little one-horse town , " his thou ht8 ran on , "Poor old , Jacl" I JlUven't thought of him before In ) : t > al's , . I used to think the s1In revolved around Jack , 'Ve1l , I suppose he has ve ltated here until h Islite \ the rest , { ' ; or those old fogies do..n there , It's a , , CP hame , too , for Jack was as bright , ambitious R bor as j'ou will otten 1Ind , If It hadn't been for that conscience or his that wouldn't Ict hIm leave IlOme after his father's accident. he might have made hIs war In the . world without anr tl"Ouble , " ' 1'he lawyer - yer IHlfied his cI ar in silence , for a while , Presently the ( ioOl' ollened and the landlord entered , with a pitcher or water. Grey lazily turned his head and Inquired. "Does Jack Strong live here yet 1" "Jack Strong ? You bet he. does , Brownl\111e wouldn't he Brow11\111e 'wlthout Jack , Poor fellow , be's been lla\'lng hard luck this last year , th01lJh , " The gosslp.lovlng landlOl'd perched himself on the edge of the table , glad or an eXCUKe to talk , al d rambled on Cor the next balfhour , , , , . By the end of that time his guest was in possession of the pl'lnclpal c\'ents ot Strong's me during the past twen , ty : rears. "Hum , lost evel'ythlng he lJad but the old home In that ! ire , did he ? Had to mortgage the homestead to get , funds to stocl , up again , had his own ! fa m II ) ' and the old foUls to sUllport. hIs old father and mothI' heart.l1ml , . cn : it the Idea of lea \'Ing the home. \ I . . - - - - - . . ' - . - . . ' : Same old place , " , , I- stead , Wh ) ' Isn't he just the 1I1an I'm , 1001\ing for In thIs IItlle deal1" he 1I01l1ol1IIzei1. "I can make good use of him and rlo. hIm n good turn at the I I fal11e Ume. " Ho smolil'd on thought , I full ) ' for some tlmo , then loolwd at his watcb , "Guess I'll look the old follow \Ill , " he concludtJd , AH he rose he , glanced complacently at the p1'osper. OUII , elegnntlj' attlre:1 : ftgur rel1ected 1 the cracked mirror and thousht 01 ! . I ( i . _ ' _ , J , the probablo' contrast between his allpearance and that of his old chum , He sauntel'cd down the street end Into the OIJen door tindOl' the mo est sign "J , II , Strong. " A man In a worn , fll-1lttlng Bult ltasteucd for , ward and Wl'Ung his hand heartll ) ' , ex nhulng , "It does eem good to see 'ou again , Dlcl" olll her , I heard you were in town Ilnd 1 latew ) 'ou'd drolJ In , I.\'e watched the loOl' for the last , hour. " Grey cordlall ) ' re urnOll the Jreot , In : , For the next half hour the two men recalled oil ! Umes , ' 1'ho , lawyer enjoyed a senDe of conscious SUIJerlor- Ity o\'er his old chum , "It's a pit ) ' he wasted his life here , " he thought. pityingly stud'lng the other's care. worn face. At last he pulled out his watch and tUl'11lng to the merclmnt with n smllo rel11arled , "Now may I tall , business to you tor a tow moments ? " Stl'Ong led the way to the little oC- I fice at the back or I he store , Ills trlend cal'efully closed the oor be- I ,1m"11oJ . , " ' : n _ . . . . . "But I ain't so poor that I need to sell my self-respect. " fore he sat down ; then ho spo1e In low , earnest tones for Rome time , care , fully explaining hlH scheme , The mel'chant listen ell silently with an expression on his face that Gl'ey could not fal hem , "Do rou see' ? " Grey asled at ) ast , "You sa ) ' , " Strong began In a Iueer , constrahed , 'olce , "that this Hender- son has founll Ollt th3.t thel'e's a'eln of coal running through the old Hames place , Old l\lr. Barnes don't Imow It , a 1111 Henderson has offered ) "OU a big fee Ir YOI1 can get the place fOl' him cheap , You've got Barnes where ) 'ou can crowd him fOl' money and compel him to sell , and you offer me n. , cleal' thousand ; 1011ars If I'll bur the place lUul then turn It over to HendonOn ; fOl' you think maybe ther'd guess about the coal If Hen , derrmn tried to 1J1 ! ' It hhnself , an thel'e are reasons whr you don't want to appear In It , Is that the wa ' of It ? " GI'e ) ' nod ed , Jack was riflIng to the bait quicker than he expected , lie had been a little doubtful about dls , closing his hand , Strong was so I1Ieely to have queer notion : ; ; , Hut he seem , ed to comprehend the situation , It he did state the case somewbat bad , h'- "Do ) 'ou rememher when old llarnes lent ) 'OU the mane ) ' to' start out In lICe ? " Strong llresently Inquired muslngl ) ' , "Cortalnlj' I do and It was paId bac ) . with Intel'est long ago. I've loaned a good many people money In the last ten ) 'ears , but I don't expect them to hold me In everlasting gratitude for It : ' A lI\rdonlc smile flitted over his face , No , the people be loaned mane ) ' to didn't usuaH ) ' hold him In grateful remembrance , lie didn't lend It to penniless ) 'oung challs without Becur , It-such as he once wa ! : ! , either , bul It was not necessarj' to eXlllaln that to Jacl , . "It would hreal , the old peoplo'f hearts to have to leave the old place , and they're too old to hegln lICe 'OV01 again , It would mean the Ilool'hous { 1:1 a few ) 'ears. " Strong stili 61101e Ir. . constrained \'olcc. " 'Dosh ! ' 1'hat hUH nothing to do wlt1 : the Question , M ) ' dear tellow , yet must 10nl'l1 to lel1\'e sentiment out 01 busluesfJ or you will nc\'er rc all1nt ' " , , . , - . - ' . , . In th\1 worM , A11 tlla twnddll' nltO'Ut heart slt'ln s nud bllfhtoll lI\'os nncl the reRt of that stuff dousn'l count when It comps to n matter of business - . ness , " Orn ) ' IHnllell IlRtronlzlngly I nCI'oss nt Strong , with his mdst world. 1) ' wlflo a It" "lJesldl's. " ho went on dler a moment's l\\1Sl' ! , "when It comus to n qu'stlon of heart 8trlnls ' ' fathl'I"oi nllll nllJth'cr's I g\1CRS ) 0\11' arc twlnell about ns secllruly nbollL t1ml old llaco ) of 'ollrs as olll names' nnd his wife's are nllollt tholl's , nncl I nnderstand tllat ) 'our place gocs If ) ' 011 don't tale thlR thl\nco to save It. " Then ho addcd : "Well. do ) 'ou tale my offel' ? " ' 1'he merchnnt's { ace haeI g'rown white. 110 Hlowly rose to his reet nnd stood loofclng down"ut Ore ) ' , mens- \Irlng hl1l1 with honest , Indlfnnnt o 'es. Grej' climb' " 'omlet'ed wh ) ' ho seemed to'lther up muleI' thnt ch ar gaze ; why he who had towOl'ed so fnr nllovo this country storoleol1er when he en. terell the door had somowar shrunlc until he seemed n 111gm ) ' beside a giant , stl'on 's volco was lo\\ ' and con' trolled. thouth InlelUlC when ho spolee , "No , " he salll , "I won't ! Yes. I'm poor , but I ain't so 11001' that I nced to sel1 my so1resllCet and every finer feollng In my uature. " Stllhlenl ) ' his expres\on : : ! \ changed , He helli out lls hanlls with a qulcle , Impulsl\'e mo\'e- ment townrll the mon who had been his bo'hooll's chum nnll hero , whHo his tace tool , on a loole o [ 'ea1'11lng Jlltr. "Oh , Dlc1" old chulI1 ! " That was all he said , hut the words held a world of IIhll\polntment , They were the roqulem over a hattcI'oll hleal. Grer starell wonl1e'ln I ) ' , 'I'he man \who should havc heen awed 1.1) ' his manifest sUllerh\rllr nnll have envied ' ' loolting at him him his 11roKpel'll ) was with ] lIt ) ' struggling agaInst contempt In his face , SOll1ewar , he couldn't adjust hIs. thoughts to lhelr formcr comlJlacpnc ! ' , " ' 1'hat's nil those cmfounded : "ll1ag , ers Imow about ImslOlss , an 'wa ) ' , " he thought , contemptuous1) ' . as he reach. ed tot' his hat. BEAUTIFYING A STATI ! . Two Californians Im'ported ' Birds and Turned Them Loose , "Wheno'or , I sec auy of these prop- agandaR 1"01' belllltlf 'llIg a clt ) ' , " 'sald Senator Perllns or California , the other nl ht , "I alwa'sthlnl , of the worlOlle to beaullr ' the Stale or Ca1\t'o1'11la \ hj' a citizen ot Alladcna , whIch Is hurll hr Pasadenlt , ' 1'h < < 3 man's name Is Anllrew l\lcNal1y , and. . when he came to California. there I were few hlrds at Altadena , and those few were hurdl ) ' what we would call beautiful , McNallr made up his mind that IJe land needed birds , so he built him an n"IRry and Imported man ) ' htmdreels o [ his feathered friends , Once a 'ear he wou1l1 olJOn the oors of his a"lary and let the younf ; blrljs fir whithersoever ther would , andln a short tlmo the whole cOllntlT " 'at ; llOllUlatec1 with feathered cI'eat111'es of ever ' val'ietj' of hue and song , 'IIIII example was fol1o\\\cd hy , Joseph Grinnell and l\I1's , Grlnnel1. hoth or whom were ardent orl1ltholo. giRts , so that no\\ ' the counlry around Pasadena It ; n garden SJot fOI bh'ds' ' of heautlful plumage , 1\1any of the' blrlls that were l\1\pol'ted came from , Japan and China , SO } 'OU Ree there ' ' than or beautlf ' . arc maI'o wa's one Ing a , city or a state-Phlladelphlt . : \ Press. BETTER LATE THAN NEVER. . How Pastor's Rebuke Was Robbed of Its Effectiveness , ' 1'ho pastor of the' IItl1e counlry chul'ch had been much annoyed b ' .Imving the members of his congrega' tlou straggle In long acter the tlervlce had begun , One Sunela ) ' m01'lllng , when he felt that further forbearance with this , fault was Impossible , he decided to rebul\C some conspicuous offendel' , About twenty minutes lalet' Ulan the p'OP r hour , there enterelt a mild mannered little woman , one of the regulal' attendants of the church , hut Iulte Incorrigible In hel' tardiness , 'l'he mlllllltel' loolwd UJ , fixed lieI' with his spectacles , an remarltcd : "Slster , 'ou are "ery much hehlnd time , I hllpo you will not bo so late In ettlng Inlo heaven ! " ' 1'lw little woman 1001\011 up , smiled swoel1r. and , without a trace of con- fURlon. replied , placldl ) ' : "I shan't care about that. doctor , so. long as I got there ! " Anll now the pas lor fees ) that the smile that went rounel the r.hurch somehow spelled the effectiveness of ' ' . his l'elll'lnllulll. - - - - - - The Allusion Classical. The asrlcultural apPl'oprlalion hill was before the House. Hepl'es'nta' Uve nixey of VII'I lnla was a""ocatliJ an Increae from $1,000 : ; to $ : ! , OOO for the experimental farm owned b ) ' the govel'l1ment at Arllnfton : : , He salcl the smal1 amount allowel } was not enough to produce ImlJRtanUal results , Represcntatlve 'Vadllworth , In eharge or the bill , pointed ( Jut that $15,000 was appropriated for the farm nnnually , and that ) 'ear after ) 'ear thIs mounted up , anll In tlmu would have become fonnhlable , "Homo was nut built In a da ) ' , " hI ! added In conehl sian , "No , " rellHell11' , nlxer , "Uonw was not built In a 11a ) ' , und It' nlmUhlH and nemus hall been momhct'i be the com mlltlw on AgI'lculture Home wOIII , ne\'ol' hare been bullt-WashlllghV ' 1'lmes , - - Looks Suspicious : . A Ch Ica o 1I1an rlCuses : to tCHtIf ' conrt ' " otler ! he hnd a hanl. accr.c. of $2,000,000 "r not , on the JrolUuJ that he mIght Illorhnlnl\te hlms' { Must not ha\'o halt It , Anj' man \\ff that muc" mone ) ' It. In no dans& ; ' bl1lm : lucl1mlnal4. . . . , - rHI IIEARST J300M. - - - - - MOVEMENT FOR FREE TRADE BEHIND IT , Calamitous Results That FolIC'wed the Adoption 01 This Polley In 13:12 ! : Woultl Repeat Themselves-Work- Ingmen Will Do Well to Remember. 'l'he hoom oC William nnn ollh ) Hl'al'flt rill' Ih ! ' Uemocrntl Pre'lhlen- tlat nomlrJlllolI ; In 110. ! ( ma ' be salli to hl11(1 ( > 11 launl'lwd at a JJlaSB meut- In hclel In Washington on the 13th o { AugJlst , 'J'he ambltionH Imll\'hlnal In whmH" hrJhlltr thlM n\o\'emont has bcen ( ) r anll'll : III th ( rCllllted IlJSSeSH01' era a { Ol't unl ! o { se\'I'u I millions of dol. IlIr , l'cIIl'eHl'nlccl , In gr'at pal't ; b ) ' 1\ nllmh'r or dall ' nOWRIlI\lJl'rM. WhOHO collmnH allll'OI' to be clllell ) ' conHe- cmtee ! to the dl'H l'llction or wealth bl'lollgl1to othl'l' Jwollle , It Is1pon t hlR ilia tt'Ol'ln thll t 1\11' , lIearst hopcs to rl'ach the PI'cshh1Il' ! ) ' , At present he Is m.rC'h' a 'I'amman ) ' Con , ress- man from 1\ Now YlII'C ! elt ) ' dlstrlcl. In jOIll'llallsm ho enjo 'a the distinction of Ilsultl ! each day In four different cit les i ho VIH' ) ' WOI'Rt lot oC newspn' llel' ! ! of lur c Ct'cllilithm ! and vicious Influence l\1\oWI1 III any 1181'1 of the cl\'lIlzell world , Upheaval , rc\'olutloll , anal'ch ) ' , aSllasslllation If nced he , ! welll to ho the gullling princIples In these pUblications , 'I'hl ) maSH ) lleetlng or Au ust 13 In Washington wnll oRtcnsll.1lj' engl. . nefred hr IICl'lions claimIng to repre- ! lent \Jl'ganlzed labOl' , In the 1IIuno or Amcl'lcan labOl' the lIeUI'Ht Ill'cshlen' tlal hoom 1M thl'nlit [ ol'wat'll. H ' alJ' Ileallng to the ulll'cason nnll the pas , slonM of Am'l'Icun wngl"eal'nm'lI It Is hnlH'lI to l'callzu the lolllical ambition of a man who e ) Jt'ogl'am mill rJlntorm 1n\'oh'e the ruin ot ) abm' unci hulnstrr. I'Down wllh All ' 1'I'lIlIls ! " 'l'hat Iii the hattle 1'1' ) ' of the lIeuI'Ht hoomOl'S , How shall the Il'IIsl s hl- dowlt'IlIy \ the r\loa1 \ of lho Dlngl ! ' ) ' larlet ami the estahllshment of free t mde , ' 1'hat Is the trust I"Jmed I hl'fly relied upon , almost whollr rell'd UIon. ) When the pl'otecth'o tarlft Is swept away the trllsts will dlsHIIIJCar. Such Is' the lIearst } ll'omlso allll ] llan , ' 1'al\O rree trade \lut of the Ilearst ] ll'Opaganlln anll nothing remains , " 'Ol'kln l11r > n who an' uow emr-oyed ! all the ) 'eal' ronnll at'the highest wage mlIJ ( JVf'I' ] mown In this or an ) ' other conl1lrr wnge earners whose delJOslls , In savings Imn\s \ ( hn\J Incl'easellln the past six 'e 1'S of a pl'Otectl'\'o tariff fl'om les ! thnn $2,000,000,000 to nearly $3,000,000,000 al'o eqlected ; to rally to . the 8ulillort of a politIcal movement. whose ultimate nlm Is tll wrecl , all Indllstry Hnll stoll all IIl'oBllel'lt ) ' . ' 1'he \\01'1 , ) H'o\llo \ Hnd wage earners did something of thlK Ihlll In ] 892 , and paid tlw ] lcnalt ) ' In lOlls of emploj'- ment and wages , In the melting away of accnmulatell HII\"lngH , In the ] lo\'er' .Ir , hungel' and - \tnlolll suffel'lngs of thclI1sol\'eH and theh' wives ancl chll- ill'en , Evillently the ] [ earst boomer's thlnlAmel'lcnn workingmen have I hort memOl'les.-Amerlcan Economist - mist , - - - - - - - SIGNIFICAN1 ; ADMISSION. British Acknowledgment of the Value of Protection , 'Ve con Cess that we ne\'er expected to see the officIals of GI'eat Britain dcllberately furnish the nepnbllcan arty 'ot' tls \ country with the most con\'lnclng In ravol' [ ' \ IIrgllInents o 111'0' tectlon , 'rhe Cob lion clnb Is Iwoel\Cd Into a cocleed hut , and the AntlCobden clllh of the Nlnetcenth ward-that patriotic - riotic band of Intellectu1\\ \ political cconomltlts , shoulll at their next meetIng - Ing mal\C a minute of the subject , 1m. pOI'tant as was the annonnccmrmL of Premlm' Balfour , the omclul 8tale' ments or the board of Iralle , which Is a goyemment institution , 0.1'0 much mot'e so. ' 1'hey announce that protection - tion does 111'otect : that. In spite of the fact that wages In this couutrr are more than oublo those III Great BI'It. aln , the amonnt or expol'ts or manufac , tured JomlH to this countr } ' has great- 1) ' decl'eased , while our mannfactured ex pertH to that cOllnh'y are IncI'easlng rallldl ) ' , ' 1'he same alllllles to all protected - tected nations , IHI that Great l'italn Is declare to bo In a dlsad\'antagcous 1Josltlon , especial ! ) ' all the "nlted States Iall : , so soon as there Is a ! tIll In local lIemand , 1I00d GI"eat lJrltaln . , . .lth goods at mnch lowel' rates. 'rho 11rst dut ) ' of a nation Is to look , Cler the welfal'e of Its own citizens , ! 'hat Is what wo have dono" In establishing - lishing protection we have not onlr I.ccomllHshed all that the nel1l1bllcan [ 1art ' ever claimed , hut ha\'e conrounll , ' ! ll 0\11' \ opponenls here anll abroall. ' } 'he British govel'nment ol11clallr. nn' nounces that our Iiollcj' has heen a slIccessul ono and w1lhe \ IIf grpat Injllr ) ' to Its own peorJlc unless retalla , tOl'y measures are taken , ' ' 'blch Is wh ) ' we remnrk oace morc that we nevCl' expected In onr daj' to 6ee Great Britain , the aJlostio of trac tmde. aclo.lOwlcll/e / its own defeat anll OUI' own II1CCCSH , What w1l\ \ the Democratic part ) ' sa ' to this In the uext campaign ' / It Beems crnel that the ) ' are del1rh"ed or their only : oclt argumm1 , hut facts al'e neccssarll ' crtlol thlngll when oPJloHeli to f lla. clous theol'les-l'hlladclllhln Inqllh'el' , - - - - - - - - Can the democracy Get Right ? The Dr.mocl'aUc partj' In Congress , ' ! Inl , l' the loador8hlp or Scnulol' GOI" rnan , has cngage,1 , In s'stC'matic oppo , sltion to lhe Increase of the V\-to ' anr Increase of the na v ) ' , ' 1'he DrHnc ) , . .ats admIt that their pol- hW Is futile , It .Is astonishing that they (10 not see that It Iii also sulci , da1lj' fool1sh , ' 1'iQ ! UnitOlI States has a greater ex. on af seacoast than nny other ua. tlon exccllt the British empire , Vurtb.ertlore. the United Stales Is . - . ' 1f' . . pledc ! ( } by Its ultvnryln ! ; poTter for throe'luarters ot a cOltlUr ) ' , and 1.11 the firlUe t convlctionA of Its people , to the malntenanco of the : \1onroo Doctrine - trine , I ' When the 1\Ionl'00 Doctrine IPI at- taclcll. 1lS It will he unll'sA the United States 11Ial,0 Itself so MtrOn ! ; anll rl'luly that nOlle will clare attack It , the nt- tltclt will be madu by spa IIO\\'CI' . To wit\I off such nUacl , the Unltell Stntos mllJt hnve sea 110wor , Yet the Unltell Statls to.dnj' ranlts ani ) ' lIfth al1long the nations ot the worlll In sea power , Ami of the { our nallonR , whoso fleets S\t1'PI\SS that of the UnltOlI States three would gain Jroatl : ' I > Y brcalcng ! down thu : Mouroe Doctrlte , These are Ihe CI11Hlanwntal tncls at the situation , 'rhes ! ) raetll'el'o no\'er 11101'0 whlel ) ' nllpreelt\tell hy the Amer , Ican peo\1lo \ , 1101' were the consoquNlce8 ot n ( allll1'o In sea po\\'r m'ot' mol' ' ' clcarlj' umlol'stood , tlllln the ) ' are to cia ) ' , I Yet t he national 1) ( > l1IocraC ) ' , through lis l'eprellentall\'oR In Con/I'cKs / , tlOW nUacl. the sea IXJ\\'llr of the lIation nml seelell to III'o\'ent Ils growlh. Under pretense of worl\lng ( or peace Domo' c1'llt\c \ Congrcssmon advocnlo po\lcy \ thnt woulll mal'ar cel'lulll , 'rho quesllon thut forcell IllleIt upon , . 'e\'orj" thlnlclng : American Is : Can the Democl'ntic pl\rl ) ' over pro\'o Itsel [ wodhy to rille this nation ? Clin the Democratlo lIarty 0\01' got I'hhtChlcago Inlol' Ocean , PROSPERITY AND SAVINGS , Deposita Have IncreAsed to Nearly Three Billion Dollars , There III no such thing as real pros- .lIcrlt ) ' In thlll country when the gen- el'l\l I111hllc Is short or Sll1'JIII18 mOllC ! ) ' , ' ! 'hcI'e Is no ahatement of real I1I'0SP01'- It ) ' when the genoml 11111.1110 goes on mal\lng mone ) ' anll sl\vlng some of It. ' 1'ho sl1eculntlve gamhlet. I1lU ' bo ro- ) lug In wealth ot' no may bo absJlutolr pO\'ct'lr strlcltcn , and 1\olthor the ono condition nOl' the other reflects the situation o [ the genol'lll lIublic nnd the countt' } ' , SOIuethlng that does , unfall , Ing ! ) ' nnd emllhaUcallr , hi the total of the Ha\'ln s banles dOlloslt6 the 8ur- IJlus weallh of the enel'lll lIubllc , when wo had "hal'll times" with the advent of the Wilson Il\w , savln's ! hanls dell081ls first ceased to hlcl'eaHe nnll then aclunlly decrensed , I'rom 1813 ! to 18H ! thur fell noarl ) ' ' 40,000- 000 , 01' to a total ot $1,7.17,96L,000. By ] ! l02 the ' had risen to $ : ! ,7 OOOO- 000. Controller lUdgloy'a rellort showed that the total of the slvln : s banIs delloslts Is now $2,93 ; : ! 0.l,84 . From the oXllerts who "went hrolee" In speculatl\'o eXCeJ:1ROS : wo h l\r that nl\tlonal IlrosllPl'lty turned downward In 1901. In that 'N1r thO' ' sayIngs banl\l : ; delloslts were ' 2)97OOO,000 [ ) , M ) that since that tlmo to now there has been It. gain or nearly $ -100,000,000 , This aln , since the "turn or prosper , Itr , " Is lal' er than the gaIn fl'0111 1893 to l818. ! It Is as lal'ge as the gain from 181 ! to 1891 ! , lurger than the gain from l81S ! to 1900. when the boom 'wall ' Inlleod booming , as no one will donj' , Noal'1y three h1l111ns of saYln s banlH deposits todar-nearly twlco 'what we hud In ] 814-doea ! not 1001. aH If the gen01'll1 pUblic were ret quit of IlI'osllOrltr , Nol' w11l It bo , If lhls nntlon continues n pollc - which Iteeps our lud\LRtrles protected against fOl" elga In uRtrles and OUI' wage e11I'nor8 aJalnHt : foreign wage , al'nct's-New York } ) ress , - - - - - - - More Work for the Policeman , The .T ut-nal's pI'edlction thnt the UnIted States would soon have to ex , OJ'clse ) lollce power o\'er the semI- savage repuhllcs of San Domingo and Hn'tI III being swiftly fulfilled , A dela 'ed cablegram fl'01I1 San Domingo - mingo sars that mal'lnes f'Om thB Newark and Columbia. ha\'o hud 1\ pitched baltle la9ilng three hours with the Insurgents , wbo wore routed without - out the loss of oven one American lire , 'fhe Insurgents benan the trouble 1.11 lIrlng on the launch of the Newark'and on a commercial st'al1lshlp owne 111 New York , Four hundred mariners were promptly landed under coyer ( It the unH of the Newnl'k and the Co' lumhla , which shelled the Insurgent lall1l1 ! ; and ther engaged the Domin. gans/ Who lost two of thell' generals Idlled , ono wounded , aa\'e1'll1 omcers captured , and slxteon men killed and wounded , After InnlctlnA' thl8 ] Jllnlshmont the UnIted States forcea withdrew an. : ! the Newarl , sailed for Gllautanamo , ] ; ; \llentlj' ! the situation In San Domingo - mingo Is hecomlng Intolel'ahe ) , 'rh , barharlan degene1'lltes who Inhahlt that pal't of the Iflland ure enl ) ' one de. gree belter than the nClI'008 who com , pose the poplliation 9f Haytl , ' 1'ho ) ' arc , not fit to go\'eI'D themselves , and they are becoming a menace to the peace 01 the whole Carlbhean region , The United SlateR rmn not Ion ! ; per' mlt this state of nflnh's to continue ai , most within hailing dlslance of Its Island poslI,8slon8 , It Is bound b ' ' consldOl'ation or Helt1Hh eyer ) Interest , as well I1H 1.1) ' o\'er ' moral obligation to the famll ) ' of nations , to put an end to It. Wo 11n not want the Islancl 01 Ha 't1. but fOl' Iho snl\O of 0\11' com. merce we must take such IJollc6 meas. ureB there as will lJre\'ent auy rurthm disturbances , It Is a satire on OUl' civilization thai at 0\11' verr doors one oC the fairest and rhhcst : lalunllll or the ! Jea Is become como the lIre ) ' oC sa\'ages In perlletual rIot , man ) ' of thel11 sunl { In superstl tlon :11111 bar1lar1. ; 111 not tounl1 lsc where o l earth outRide of the Austra \Ian \ hush nllli hie Intel'lolof darkel1 Arrlca , It Is time that. tha United States In terrel'cd to police this Islanl1 , Wo cal1 nol lIermlt. . an ) ' other nation to do so anll It wu..t bo done-C lca1o Jour. . paJ -I' ,1'f ; "r"lfIRV" ! " , ) . , , " " ' . " ' , . "Y" " " . , l CASUS BILLI A STRONG CASE - - Girl Justly Angry at Her r.lval's Joy Over Ghost Story. "Whnt a horrid erenturo 'MillY 'Smith Isl" snltl the girl 11\ the btuo 11101180. "Sho 111 , " assented the girl In era ) ' , 'bllt how- " "lIow clill I fil\d It OIlU" snl the girt ' n the bUd blouse , ' 'Why , wo spent DIll' ho\lda's \ at the same housel The , VI\ ) ' I came to grler with her was this. Wo dochlell to glvo a ghost pnrty ono "ISht. You sll In n dnrlc room n\1(1 tell hORt stol'Ie8 In turn , The Ilerson that .ells the rnot : hlooll'curcllln ono gets a prl7.o , or course the Incldel\t. are ; 1.\1 \ lIupposod to have hallpenell to ) 'ou porsonall ) ' , but-- " "Wh ' , goodness , Ilodellgh ( ull ) ' creepyl" , "So Il Is , ' or C01trfie I wantoll to create a good h11l1rcsllon , ospeclnl1Y ' as l1nrrv was there that weelc , 'nntl that. 8m'Ith girl wus folrly haun n his footsteps. Somchow I couldn't mr.11nge to thlule or to dream of a goocl ouo , Flnnll ) ' , the dllY o [ tho'Jarty. . I wont to 8CO 111) ' lau1\llreS8 nbo11t m ) dress-wo were nh to wear white , 'ou Imow , To my joy I founll oU her mnn , telpleco an old . log'carClI hook of ghost stories. I horrow d It nt once atlll tool , It homo trll11uph , nml that evonlng I told ono of the slol'les { rom 11 , ot course malhi ! ; myselt the 11'rolue , It bcgnn with m ' nrrlvlng at the country houso'lnto at night , 'ou 1m ow , and being gl\'en a bed In Ii hauntcil room- " "Ami waiting up consclolls thnt something wan In the room , I Imow. " "Yes , 'Veil , It was It great succesS , anll I { elt that the llrlze was mlno. whelthnt Smith girl stoplJcd talklug ' to Hurry aUlI bogalto ullplaud , Anti' whut do : ou thhlle she said ? " "Something awful , of c011rllo , " ' , . "ClaSIJl1g ! her handR , Rhe said : 'Oh , how dellghlful ! And IUd It nil real1) ' happen to 'ou ? ' .O [ course It did , ! I ' cllal'mlugl' she suld , 'How llerfectly cried , 'MyoId Ul1'IIO1sod to tell mo that story when I was 1"or ' IIttlo gh'l , and I shall cnjoy It so milch mt'o now that lImoYOII W01'O the he- 1'oluol" " - - - - - . Just His Luck , , "I had no\'r bad an ' Il1cl , on , the raceH , " sahl 1\11' , J , II , Jonah , "nor In gumes or chance. In f ct , my 'num- bel" Is ul1 wroug ono way or another , nl1l1 If anybodY JII'olJOSeS u Rchomo whOl'o It'll win or 10SQ ) 'Olt can betsly t1u t It Is IIUle , Th1Ul1Y Jonab to 10110 , Just now I ( un roferrlng to ' 1'lvoll pool. E\'er lay It ? In thnt game , 'ou Imow , the table slunts ntlll III S1\lIt- derI wllh little 11rongs projecting about two Inches , 'fhore are thl'e holoH , through whlel , I ( the ball dl'OIJ ! ! , you al'o enabled to malee lar e scores , 'rhe object ot the pI'ojections Is to emba1'l'aSR the ball and to IJro. vent It from oln ! ; Into the holes. \ Hut there It ! no neell.to IJarUcularlze , slnco whnt I am talkIng about Is bael ' ' ! ' e\'enlng I met UI ) Ihek , 'I'he 01 I 01' \ with three South Side { I'lends a till wo hud several gameR with ' 1'lvo\ ) \ pool , 2 cents each In the pot , hIghest - est score to win , Well , Sir , ) 'ou shoot six times each during n game. and In IIlxtecn fames I held the lowest score , 'l'hen I got mad. loitered to go Into a pot at a dollar each. winner to he th IJer80n who made the lowest scorn. 'l'hey jumpell at It , Need r sny what ltappened ? Try as I would not to SCOl'e , I rolled the hhhest that anybod ) ' had made' In any game thai : . evenln , Lucie ? I can't figure It out anyway , " , H Is Prayer , Cnplaln : : Hale no longer a81s Sena- _ . .joln with him In relleatlng the l.ol'I1s ) J1'II 'er at the mom In ! ; devotions - tions , ' 1'hlR nrlBe8 from the fact that when ho did maleo the request thel'e was no response. This circumstance was the hasls at n rellort. p1'lnted In some nowspapcr8 , that none of the senators lcnow the prayer. ' 1'he rellort In turn became the lJOurce : of no little anxiety to Dr , Hale , "Can It be pmslblo that such a deplorable - plorable condltllln at aetalrs exists ? " lie aslted more than one senntor , nnll lie was aJ1parentJr much rellcved by the assurllnco I\'en him that the newspapel' repol't wnll wlthollt fOllnda- tloa , "I'll just lIIeo to see the tcst maclC , " said SenatOl' 'rlllman when ho heard the stor ) ' , "I fear they'd all ho IIIte two fellows the ' tell about down in South Cal'ollna , 'J'her were III peril or loshl theil' lI\'es by drowning , when ono of them Infllsted the othOl' shollill ) Il'ay , notwithstanding hIs companion - panion remonHtrated that he dill not l\I1ow how to ) ll'IlY , " 'Just } 1l'ay anyhow , ' said the other , whereupon the ono said : " 'Lord , malus ! thanlful tor what wo al'o about to recel'e'ailllng : , ton Post , , Faithful to His Friends , Onl ! thoucht had lie , to 1I\'e his life , TII IIlIlc with joy IlH utmo.H enI" ! , Hilt In th ! ' thll'kelCt of the Httlfe He WUII fulthl'UI to hili tl'lelJllI , Car , . ' not he Cnr rl ht nor wrong , lIollor'lI clIII 1I0r tllIlwuy : lie hilt lI\'l'rI I\mon t \ Ie throng' , 1.I\'el1 umOIl ! ; them COI' U , 111\ ) ' . 'l'hus lie lIVI'I ) nnd thull he died , Yet each 0110 1I0W hIli lIf" tlefcnds : Fill' we 11:1 : w thl' rull111'11111'11 110 WUII faithful hili tl'lellda , nou h nnd t'nJllest to ! ' ! ! ! ' , ) the roal1' , L'l'uolut ) ! Willihl' lIath he trorl : OCl he Ittn : Iel\'d 'llealh the loud , AIIII 1I\\'oru 10Ullly at hl'i Gotl , , Bllt urtcr RII hi.'arll'll ) 'enrs ' Nn 1'1':11'011 : ' he to mllko U1I1I'11I11I : 11' . . IrJCt 110 : ' ' ' III IlI'rIlI'IC , He WICalt \ Ifill tn hlH Crl'IJltI , , -lIl'/lry It , , Hrlb''s : , - - - - - - - - - - - Deer Make Pretty Picture. A l1dcl1csex , Vt. . fanner. while 6rawlng logs two or three da'H ago , Sll w Il gl'OUll of eight. doel' on a meu. dow ahout a mile and a haIC south 0' the vlllage , Ho deHcrlbes the anlma13 , I us sleelc ane ! In good condition , qnd. sa'S ther lI1de a 1I1clure well worth looklug at ,