Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 17, 1904, Image 1

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    . .
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, A Fair Inside Is a Good Com. ,
. . panlon for Outward Worth. . . . . .
Slhl'hth' altercll from urhrl alllncs .
I to fit the cut and fit the caqc. l > alnt )
rlnll's Cor Ilalnty weareni. . GiJoII
tastc. 1J aut ) ' . dcslra1J11It ) ' . scr\'lce
and tiny prices : thcse are the put'l
I that 11'0 to make the whole. at tllllI
jewelry store of mine and yours. It
III "trouble to silow 1I'00d8. " but I am
. In business to be troublcd. Uere'ou
. ' are :1lw:1Ys : : welconlc to look without
. . buyIng and to lea\'e without Impu.
d. . . 'm. . . " " " " "
i I
, I
. . . . . . , . . . . , .ev48 .
School Books ,
- ANDo -
o School Supp1ic ,
' . . .
J. G. Haeberle's ;
. . - . . . . . . .
. '
, ) ) ,
In Good Standing. ' S
Fveryone who has an account R
with us gains in business prestige ti
thereby. He is in u position to 8
meet all his debts in a prompt and' " R
business-like manner. Every man
of affairs respects his associates R
more if they make their it
Payments By Check. R
It shows a knowledge of the Droper
method of transacting busin ss. 6
' I Custer National Bank
, I H. LOMAX , Cashier.
, -
1 have moved-my office just
across the street , in the rear of
. the Broken Bow State Bank ,
where 1 will be pleased to meet
all mv old customers as well as
: , now nes. 1 do abstracting enl v
and am free to answer any ques-
Hone concerning real estate.
I J. C. MboRU ,
. 35 tf Bonded Abstracter.
[ : : : : : : : J
C. H. Cass of Ortello , was a
friendly ca11er at this office Mon-
This office acknowledges a
fri ndly ca11 from C. E. Stinson
This office acknowledges a
friendly call from J. O. Taylor of
Berwyn Monday.
1. N. Marquis and Will Frey : ,
shipped a car of fat cattle to the
Omaha market Monday.
C. E. Snider and Geo. 'Villing
shipped a car of cattle to the.
Omaha market Monday.
Dan Barrett moved to the cit } '
the first of the week. Mr. Rupert -
pert has leased his farm for the
County Assessor Haumont ot :
Elton , has fu.1ved his famth to' '
the city where they will t ale
their home in the future.
W. A. Brewer of Arnold , was
a city visitor a couple of days w ek , visiting' his mother.
This office acknowledges a
friendly call.
Judge Armour returned Mon-
day from Illinois where he was
called a. week previous by the serious -
ous illness of hismother. She was
better when he left. '
C. S.Martin has been placed on
the High license ticket for iayor
10 place' of Joe. Molyneux , declined -
ed and Ras. Anderson for council
man for Second Ward in place of
John Sqnires. . ,
Jas. Chittick of Etna ; has been
working in the'register of deeds
office the past teu d'lYs. ; helping
the county assessor copy the real
estate mortgages for assessment
Jap West was called to Syra-
cruse , Neb. , on the 4th instance
to attend the funeral of his faother
who died on the 3rd. His father
was a soldier in the Mexican war
aUf ! was 83 years old at his death.
C. W. Mott'inger , teacher at
Round Gro-.c , was visiting' wiUi"
Avalo Va 1Uice Saturday and
Sunday. Mr. Vannice left the'
first of the week for Colorado to
spend the summer for his. health.
Miss Vera Rupert was given a
reception last Thursday nig-ht by
the members of the junior B. Y.
P. U : at the home of Mrs. D. M.
Amsberry. The e\'ening was
spent in social games and re-
freshments. A pleasant 'time
was enjoyed.
Degree of Honor , A. O. U 'V. ,
meets 'l'uesda - v evening , March
2to close Charter. Parties
wishing to join should make a
special efi'ort to be at this me t-
ing. Mns. MADT.H GILr.INGS ,
C. . of JI.
WII.US CADwnLL , Recorder.
lllore atlot" ,
Disturbances of strikers are not
nearl.y as gravc as an individual
disorder of the system. Overwork ,
loss of sleep , nen'OU5 tcnsion will
be followed by uttcr collapse , unless -
less a reHable remedy is immedi-
atelyemployed. There's nothing
so eft cicnt to cure disorders of the
L \'er or Kidneys as Electric Bit-
te s. It's a wonderful tonic , and
effect \'e nervinc and thc greatest
all around medicine for run down
systems. It ( lispels Ncrvousness ,
Rheumatism and Neuralgia and
expels Malaria germs. Only 50c ,
and satisfaction guaranteed by
Lee Bros. , druggists , Broken Bow.
"tt"'t'ttt'ttt"tti""t'11't'tt'tttt'tttttt"ttttttt"tttttt " " " ' ' , ' , " , "
_ " " " ' ' ' ' ' , , " " _
o : : : : : . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . , , . : : : :
. . . . . . , . . . . . .
: : : : : & ; ; JL. .aa. ; " " - ' = =
. I Look Herell
- -
- -
- -
= = 'We will I give thc following prizes for the persons :3
E bringing us the largest amount of eggs between this and :3
' : : : : : . the first of May : . : : : : :
- > -
= = 1st prize-IOO pounds granulated sugar. . . :3
: - : : : : 2nd prize-IOO . pounds best flour. . , . - : : : : :
: : : : : 3r d pme-one : case tomatoes. : : : : :
: : : : 4th prize-10 pounds cofi'cl' . - : : : :
\ . , . \ , - = - - = 5th prize-one do ei1 cans of corn. = - =
I = = And we will also give the one paying us the most : : : : :
, , : : : : : money on account , or for goods or both , between now and : : : :
= = the first of July , $10 in cash. : : :
= = We also have a ot of nicc Quecnsware in transit , that : : : :
= = we are going to give away to our customers. . : : :
= = Yours for business , : : :
I The Star Crocery Co , I
lil11il1il1111il1111111111111111111i 11il1111111il111l111il1il111111'1111 '
John Pirnie , superintendent of
the county farm , was a friendly
caller Monday. .
Leo Dean has bought Claude
Wahl's interest in the Wahl &
Dean barber shop.
H. M. Pickins and Wm. Kay
of Berwyn made this o ce a social
can Tuesday. .
Mrs. Jacob Cool of west-table
died yesterday of typhoid fever.
She leaves a husbnd and four
We are compelled to lea\'e out
a number of items this wcek in-
cluding' the obituary of Mrs. 'V.B.
Moody of 'Vesterville. I wil ap
pear next week.
John Govier of Elton , was a
friendly caller Tuesda ) ' . For
the past week he has bcen at the
bedside of his mother near 'Vest-
en' ille , who has been very ill ,
but a change for better set in
onday evening.
Mrs. J. A. Owens of Deer
Crcek , who has been 'visiting at
Wayne , Carroll and other localities -
ties of Cedar county for the past
two weeks with relatives , returned -
ed home Tuesday morning. She
reports having enjoycd her visit
very much , but li1e most Custer
county people she was glad to
get back to old Custer again.
MARRIltD--On Wednesday ,
March 16th , at the Globe Hotel
in the city , Mr. Fred H. Anderson -
son of Ortello , and Miss Mable
M. Liqdley of Anselmo , were
married by Rev. S. P. Morris of
the First Baptist Church of this
city. After the ceremony the
weeding party partook of one of
Landlord Izzard's famous dinners.
The bride and groom will make
their home in Ortello valley ;
The RnpuBLIcAN extends con-
cbnrc r"tc " .
There will be services at'the'oocbuan I
Hall next SunrlL y eyening at 7:30 o'clock. .
All are cordially invited to come. !
, . _ H. Haycraft , Pa4to.r. . , ; J I
U. D. ClJUltClJ.
There will be preaching Sunday morning -
ing and evening by Evangelist T. D.
Cannon. Sunday School at 10. Junior ,
V. P. C. U. 3:30. : Senior. V. P. C. U.
6:30. : The meetings .now , in pro.gress I ,
will continlle unlil Sundar night.
. LoC4te in the block west of Court
House. Preaching services I I a. m. and
7:30 : p. m. Sundar School at 10 a. tII. I
Junior Epworth Leagne at 3 p. m. Ep-
worth Leaguc at 6:30. : Il is our effort. to I
make these services attractive and help-
ful. We give YOU n cordial welcome.
Geo. P. Trites , pastor.
We woultl be pleased to ha\'c ) 'on al-
tend these services once and continue if I
you can find somcthing helpful in fluch
attendance. Sundar School at 10 a. III.
Sennon'l\I\l cOlllmunton at II n. 111. Y.
P. S. C. E. at 6:30 : p. m. . followcd by a
practical discourse at 7:30 : p. tII. Prayer
P1eeting at 7:30 : each Thursday evening.
Special music br church members is a
pleasant featnre of these services.
Jesse R. 'reagnnlen , Pastor.
. .
i Dible School 10 a. m. Divine Wor-
Jluip II n. tII. Subject of sermon\ \
"Strains of Melody from a Forgotten
Source. " 3 p. tII. Junior D. Y. P. U.
6:30 : p. m. Devotional hour of the Senior
n. V. P. U. 7:30 : p. m. Gospel hour of
prcaching aud song. I.'ely hymns ,
orcheslral accopanimcnt. Sermon topic ,
IIChnllenged. " Wednesday 7:30 : p. tII.
Prayer scason. Thursday 2:30 : p. tII.
Ladies Aid Society.
Serviccs next Sabbath morning at I I II.
m , 1'he v ning service will be devoted
to a lay service. The following is the I
program : I
2-Anthem , "De Joyful in the Lord. "
3-Scripture lesson , P. M. Skilhnan.
4-Prayer , Rev. Shetler.
s-Hymn , "He Leadeth Me. "
6-Ad ress , " 'Jhe : Social in Church
Life. " Dy Miss Seybolt.
7-Solo , Selected , by Mri. ! T. Edwards.
8-Address. "Why a Missionary Soci-
ety.Irs. . Ella Shetler.
9-Address , "The Spiritual Side of
Church Life , " Mrs. R. A. Hunter.
ro-Anthem , "Praisc Ve the Lord. " I
II-Address , "Giving , " the Effects on
the Indhoidual Believer , J. R. Dean. I
I2-Closing hymn , "I Need , Thee Every
Hour. "
Y. P. S. C. E. at 6:36 : p. Ul. The public -
lic is cordially invited to these services.
, -
WIIJuu.ItR-TREw-Heasell Wheeler
! and Miss Inez 1'rew , at five o'clock on
March 13 , 1904 , at the home of the brides
parents on the South Loup , Rev. Holmes ,
officiating. The ceremony was witnessed -
ed by number of the relativcs of
both parties and a bountiful 'repast was
'sen'ed which was enjoy.ed hy'nll. . 'flley I
received a number of valuable and nse-
CuI presents to numerous to mention.
The bride was dressed in white with
trimings of white silk applique. The
groom was dressed ill the conventional
black. Mr. Wheeler is a SOli of . Mr. and
7 H. B. DRAKE ,
. ( Successor to Wilson & Drake. )
" : , . = -
" r
By Contraction We Crow Stron
There is a strong confidence existing between this store
and its patrons-such as only results from years of honorable
dealing. Season after season we have endeavored to do better -
ter than in years before. To elevate the quality , increase
the variety and lower the margin of profit to the lowest point
will be our future aim.
: Jarn.e : : F-ashiCD. :
is always well representeel by this house. We' are offering
elegant lines of-- : . - . _ f ]
Fashionable Dress Goods , Fasllionable Skirting ,
Fashionable Waistings , Fashionable'rrimmings ,
-Laces and Embroideries , ' Tailor Made Suits ,
Street Skirts , and Nobby Shirt Waists in Silk , Wool
and Cotton Fabrics ; all fresh from the est mills , factories
and importers of the east , and will old at pnces nQ one
in Broken Bow can meet.
Here's a lime Special
( Just for a Starter. )
We have just received a consignment of five and one-
half dozen of the celebrated .
shipped to the old firm of 'Vilson & Drake by'an error of the
shipping clerk. Rafher than pay the freight both ways the
manufacturers have written us to sell them t factory prices
plus the freight. This wi1l probably. be the only opportunity
you will have the present season to secure choice of so high
a grade of Petticoats at wholesale prices. We will offer these
skirts at Special Sale for two days only-Friday and Saturday -
day , MARCil 25th AND 26th , at these factory prices , freight
included :
$1.25 Petticoat for , . $ .98 $2.1.5 Petticoat for. . 1 .83
$1.50 Petticoat for. . 1 .22 $3.00 Petticoat for. . 2.33
$2.00 Petticoat for. . 1 .58 $3.50 Petticoat for. . 2.67
O r Spring : Line of Shoes
is arriving daily and will be the most complete we ever had.
Satisfactory Shoes is one of our hobbies. There are shoes
and Shoes , but none but standard lines are good'enough for Ui. !
Always Selling the Most Shoes In Custer County.
nt't' ' ' n , n ; n" " " ntnt " , ntnt , , , + " , nt , , , , nn , , , , ntn , nt nn'tt't ' '
'Phone 77.
77 is the 'phollo to call up if YOIl'
= = want to btty a. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . ' _
14 Inch Strrn ! ! Plow for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 0.00
- 16InchShrnngPlowfor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.00 . -
' = = 14x16 Disc IIarrow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.00 :3 :
= = 3-Sectiol1 Steel Harrow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 = =
: : : : : Good Set of 1G Inch Harness. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.00 = =
: : : : : Good Set of lj. ( Inch Harne s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.00
= = Good li ( Inch Halter with Tie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75 = =
. = - = Good llame Strap. . I' . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 } C ; : : : ; : :
= = r ou will also find if you call up this tnunhel' = =
= = before buying and get our prices that we nl'P = =
E 25 per cent lower thun any other dealer in , = =
: E t.he . county on Buggie5 , I-Iarness , 'tV agonH , = =
E all kinds of Farm Implements. On saddles = =
- : : : : : : , ve can evell. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . = - =
- -
- ' -
= = Do Better \ T.han 26 Per Cent , = - =
= = -
: : : : : as we 1m ye one of the largest stocks ever :3 :
= = seen in Custer Oounty ; there is not un articl < . \ :3 :
E offered that is not fresh from the factory , 3.
E New and Bright and Fully Guaranteed. 3
- -
- -
E . "The Dealer That Saves You Money , " 3
C.S. MARTIN , MflI , Agt I .
: : : : : -
= = -AND DEALER IN- : : : :
- -
11111il1111il1111111111111il11111111 + 11il1111111il111l1111Al1111111111111
Mrs. W. R. Whee1er , who reside on the
. Gleason place , on Cat Creek. He has
lived in Custer for a number of
years and is esteemet by all who know
him. The bride is the only daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Trcw and has always
lived on the South Loup. She is respected -
. ed and a mired by all of her many ac-
I quaintances. Thc ) ' both have n host of
friends who will be glad to know they
will remain among us. And
We wish them lleaUh ,
We wl8h them Wealth.
'Ve wish them happlnes8 In store ,
We w1811 thcm a hOl11e tn lleaven.
What can we wish them more.
more.A FRI ND.
. .
. : OR'J'ULI.O. . .
1'he Sunda ) ' Sr.hool will observe Easter
in an appropriate exercise.
We i.ailed to el our usual itcms be.
cause of rush 01 work last week.
C. D. Day and wife were' doing business -
ness in Broken Bow last Monday.
Chas. Garten of Broken Bow , visited
with E. D. Dales a part of last week.
i Geo. Hughes madc one of his occas-
: sional visits at the Dow on Saturday.
I .
G. C. Boyce started on Ius return to
I his home in Dundy county last Saturday ,
after a brief visit with relatives al this
, place. '
I 1\1. J. Beals is improving slowl ) ' . Crom
a long seige , having been confined to the
homc , and bed for three weeks or more
and does not yet feul thllt she dare go
Uncle 'l'om Hill returned froUl "Old I
Missouri , " week before last , where he .
had visitcd for several months with re-
latives. He feels 10st back there , aud
cannot stay away from windy Nebraska.
Miss Mary l.eippent from near Ansel-
mo , one of Mattie Itodge's pupils spent
Saturday and Sunday with her at her
home. Although she was born in sunny I
Itily , she is a bright girl and is cager to I
learn the english ways and customs as
well as language.
RcEmbree of Hcmingford , Nebr. ,
who pronounced the words tbat made J.
O. Wilson and Mrs. Hircock one , preached -
ed at OrteIJo Chapel , Sunday morning.
Brother Embree is au uncle of F. C.'s
and owns a finc farm in thc valley. His
s mnon was well received by an attentive
The meetings were closed on Ule eve
of the 6th instant , after running intermittently -
mittently for two weeks , although the
'weather was generally good , the attendance -
ance was small and irregular owing to
prevealent colds cverywhere. The
preachers were complaining all the time.
The results were not what had been x-
pected and hoped for.
We desire to extend our heartfelt -
felt thanks to the m ny friends' ' "
who aid d us duritlg , the 'recent
dcaUi and 'buripl of OUr 1tu band , ;
son and brother.
MRs. GnRTIn WATnns ,
, .
GI"ea HenlUI. VIJur uuel Tone.
Herbme is a boon for sufferers '
from aneamia. By its use the
blood is quickly regenerated and.
the color becomes norma1. The
drooping strength is revived.
'rhe languar is diminished.
Health , vigor and tone prcdomin-
ate. Nev life and happy.adivity
results. Mrs. Belle II. Shirel ,
I Middlesborough , Ills. , writes. " 1'
have been troubled with liver
complaint and poor blood , and
have found nothing to bcnefit me
likc Herbine. I ho e nevcr to be
without it. r have wi hcd that
I had known of j t in m ) ' hus-
band's lifetime. " SOc. Sold by
Ed. McCnmas , Broken Bow and
, '
J : .
. 1JC ! 'Illl@ Jm1EJI ! ! o
Ot &hlr&y year uporier. ce. crlCH 8alo8 ftntlluafle. . .
a 8peclalty ot auctioneering ot .11 . : la 8e. . Oall
on or wrl16 mo at Uroken ! JQW , Nebraska.
- '
; ' . " .r..rJ""J"J""Jfr " . " # " # " # " " - # : : . ; : . . . : : .M
I Harnessl .1
, . . .
o . ' I .
We are now selling a Good 1 Inch Farm Harness , made'
of well selected stock , that other dealers would say are worth Ii :
$28.00 , for the low price of ' ' .
g $19.00. D
. . . . . . . . I'
A Good li ( Inch Harness , made of selected stock , it big
$25.00 value , but our price is only I ,
8 '
. $20 00 .
( ! J . . . . . . , A.
I R These Harness have not been boughtto sell at. these
I ridiculously low , prices , but have been selected with a lmow-
ledge of long experience of Harness Leather , and with a posit
g itive knowlcdge'that they will please our customers. We are "
making these sweeping reductions on HarneSs to protect onrIi. .
x selves against bankrupt stocks , which we will do at any cost. ' "
Don't believe that we will allow anyone to undersel1 us in the
Harness line. 1
I S On Saddles we arc right. '
See our line . of Cow Saddles for the , spring trade.
Our Motto-"UNDItnsnr.i. " :
' 1