Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 10, 1904, Image 6

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Miss N ellie I-Iolmes , treasurer of the.
Young Woman's Temperance Association'
of Buffalo , N. Y. , strongly advises aU suffering -
fering women to rely , as she did , , .upon
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
. . DEAn MM. PmnnAY- : : Your medicine Is Indeed nn Idcn.l woman's
medIclno , nnd by far the beat I know to restore loftt. health nnd strength. I
6ufforcd misery lor scvernl ycars , being troubled with menorrhagia. : My bacle
nchod , I had bearing-down pains nnd frequent. bead aches. I would often
ualto from restful sleep , nnd in 6uch pain thnt I suffered for hours before 1
could go to slcep a.raln. . I dreaded t.ho long nlght.s :1.9 much as the weary days.
I consu1t d two different physicians , hoping to get reUef , but , finding that
t.helr medlcino did not scem to cure me , I tl' cd your Vegetable ComlOund
on the rccommendntl ( , > O of friend from the Enst who was visiting me. ,
"l : l.m gtnd thnt I followcd her ndvlcc , for every nche Bnd fo.ln is gone ,
and not. onty this , but my general hcalth is much improved. have 0. fine
appetite and have gained In fiesh. My enrncst ndvlco to Buffering women i9
to put o.wny 0.11 other medicines and to tnlco Lylfn. E. Plnlc1uun's Vegetable -
table ComouUll.-MlSS NELLIE llOL11ES , 540 No. Division St. , Buffalo , N. Y.
niss Irene Crosby t prominent in Social Life in East
Savanah , Ga. , adds her testimonial to the value
of Lydia E. Pin\ham's \ Vegetable Compound.
, DEAn Mns. PnOmAY : _ " It always gives
mo plensure to find nn nrticlo of rea.l vntue
and un uesttoned merit. I ha.vo found
LydJn. E. P1nltham's Vegetable Compound -
pound well calculated to l'clievo nnd cure
the various troubles arising from irregularities -
ties nnd menstrual pains.
"Much Buffering could be spared If wo ere attention to proper Hving end
diet , hut. as long ns women do net. do this ,
your Vegetable Compound 11ns come to
the front o.s a true friend in need. I have
been very pleased indeed with the relief it
has brought me. I find that. I have perfect
l1ealth now , nnd that. my mind is nlso moro
clear nnd nctlvo since I used your Vegetable -
table Compound. It hns been of grcnt
benefit. to mo , nnd I gladly recommend it.
Vcrl sincerely yours , 1\IIS9 \ IRENE CnOSDY . ,
313 East. Chat'lton St. , East So.vnnnnh . , GD.
Remember that every woman is cordIally invited to write to
Mrs. Plnklmm If there Is nnythlng about her case or symptoms
8he docs not umlcrstal1d. 1\lrs. Pinkham's address is Lynn , 1\la99.
Her advice is free , aud 1.s cheerfully given to any aUing woman
who nsks for It.
0 R F E I T If wo cannot forthwith "rodtlco tbo or/gtll' / " 10Uora nntJ alen&tnru 01
S 5 0 0 OF \ ' tcsUmowAlI , "blch , ,111 provo tbolr absolutogMulllonou.
. LJ'dla E , l'lnkham Med. Co. , J.1DU , M" . . .
- - - - - - -
\Vo clln eave YOI1 mltt < lIoman'a llrollt by hulnlt our
"u wllrllhllu.ea Ilnd tecdlnl : 13rlls , ADd etturlDIr
bllhrat : 1'08,11110 I'MCro tor ynur , ralu and ItlXL
6ell < t for lIur ltUF.I' ; "Uunklnt. "
Farm.r . , ' Grltln and Llvo Stock Commlulon Co.
\ : lJ010111 , 1IIUdlIlS. ChlC410 , 1Jl.
_ ( NIT v , , 1N OOLt.Aranr , , . TURn )
A subttllute for and superior to mustard or an ,
otber plasler , and will lIot blbler the most
delicllto akin. The paln.allarln. . : an.1 curallve
qualltle , oUhls IInlcle lire wondelful. It..1II
s.olltho toothache lit Olce , IIn.t relichead -
achellud &clatlca. WereC'ommen.lIt as the best
.md aaCest esternal coullter-lrrltaut I.nown , also
as an esternal remed , for pain. in tbe cbest
an < \ 5tomach IInd al : theUIlIIlIc. nellrllille and
1I0uty complalnls. A trial will provo " hat wo
claim for It , and It will be found toIn Invalu'
IIbleln tbe household. Many ( ll"oplo aay "It la
the best or 1111 ) 'our Nelllrations. " I'rlco 13
cents , at 1111 druEII lts or olher dealen. or b ,
sendlne thl. II1110unl to liS In l'oataloltRIUPI we
"III lend ) 'ou. . . tube by ruall. No IIrticlo Illouid
be IIccePted by the public \lulns the lIamo
cutIn . our label. as otherwise it ia nOl renulne.
1'1 State Street. Nllw You C'TY. '
looking for a Home 1
Then why not keep In vlow the
fact that the farmlnK tands of
are slIfficlent to aupport a population of SOOOO.OOO
or ovell Tbe Immlnatlon for tbo pa t als yeall
bas been pbenomenaL
fREE Homestead Lands
cull , IIccesslble while other lands may bo pur-
chase.1 frOIlt Hallwayanll Land Companies , 'fill ,
rndlIInd crazln lands or 'Ve.tern Canada arc the
beAt on the conhnent. lIIoducillC the besl uah"
anI ! catllo Ifed on Ira s IIlone ) reold , for IIIal
ntlukotl , dchool. , ItlllhYII.a IIntl ull ollu'r
oUlullUOIII I1mko " 'cllttlrll Vlalllull\ nil eo'l.
I&blo upoL tor the leUlur.
Write 10 SuperintelldentlmllllcrallonOlta"a.Can-
ad II , lor Ii delcriptivo AIIII , and oher illfurlnatlon.
or to the autbotlEed Cllnadiall GO\'emmcnt AIlt'III- '
W. V. lIenuelt. 801 New \'urk Llro 13uI1l1.lnc.
OIUBba. Nell.
- - -
- - - - -
W. N. U. , Omahti. No. 10-1904
When Answering Advertisements
Kindly Mention This Pilper.
- - - - -
/Iold / under II I'tftNDo ! .
. tm. Cataloli'uo tret ! ,
. . . .I. . .I. H. CREOORV & . 80N ,
. . Mnrblohond , Mnss.
S'CIAlr betier Quality thIn most 10f Clears
Your Jobber or dlruct trom l'aclor1. l'oorta , Il'
PORTRAIT AGENTS : : ; : : : ;
Our KOO.I the 108.1. l'rl e. tbo lolfPsl. } 'rompt sblp
mpnl. . Vellnrr ot 1I1I1'ort111111 Kuaranteed. l1IPlran' : '
umpln aDd roll. tree ! ; fllld tor calalO.KUe Addre. '
ADAK 1 , KROLL-CO. , N.w Eu Dullclillt : , Ohlcao
W. L.
$3. & ' 3 SHOES UJll
'v. J. . I > otlglns
S1100R 111\\0 by their
'exI'ollent 8t'lo
OI\8)-tIlUng , 1n Ii
sllllorJot' wOI\t'JnR :
( ltll\lIt1oR , 1\0hI0\011
the latrRcst : 1-11\10 of
I\IIY shool : 111 the
'I'hoy nro just I\S Joo.l .
as these tfrat cost ) 'OIt
IH Lo $5-tho IJllly
dlffcrcnco is Lhollflco.
SoloJ Everl/whett.
Look tor nl\tne 111"1
price 011 bottom.
1 > 0111(11111l1.H ( 'orona .
Colt.klll , wltl.,1t I. . ( wer' cOIltd"d to
botho thl"1 I'lltent 1."Htllrr yet Irnlillcod.
'aJt Color E"e/.t. uard. ' IihOfN II ) ' inall./lr.ntrr. ! / .
WrUCorealalolr , w.'f"VOIIKlulIrockluD , ) Ju. .
MARCH lat end 15th.
From Bt. LOllia and Kaneno City , 51:1.00 :
From ChlcORo. 525.00
From Des Moines. 51D.05
From Cincinnati. $20.40
From tndlanopolla , $2 .85
Tickets arf ! Iinl.cla\S an.1 PNml' Itop'oYen
on IO III : lIip , olllh ot Whllt.OI' , Mo. , wltbin
tranllt limit of IS . } ' . hl1al 111111 , I .IIIYd
flOll1 dale of ani. . . Nf' . . r hero. . . has Iher. .
beell surh a ehallt'I to "c Ihe oulhwl'\111I . .II
III I'ro p"rhy. One-wltY. .0"011 < 1-1.1. . . Ilc\ell
will b.ol,1 , ama "al al a r'duc" . , Nevllr
Q lIjn 1\11I the raled 1 > 0 'u low.
liO NOW I'or 1.altlculatl ,
. wrill ! or 1.1111 oil
o. I' . Jo ,
Koty BidS. St. Louis , Mo.
- - - - -
CURES ca : 1rrh of the stomach.
, .
, , , ,
, .
< t - ' ' ' . 't \.1"
- -
Asslshmt Attorney Gener:11 Says He
Would Hilven Been Glnd to Have
Brought Pro ! : cutlons-As to the
C:1se of Perry S. He:1th.
WASlltNOTON-The senate ( 'OlU'
mlttoo un pustofces ) ) antI IIORt roa s
henrd Assistant Attorney General
HolJh or the ) lostofllco epnrtment 111
lI vocnl'y o ( a hili to prohllJll jucHslng
eontcst.f ! , carrlcd on flY 1l0WSIH\IIOrS
111\11 clrculat's. 1'ho hili waH IIrcpnro :
In the Ilostomco tlcllRrtmont nl1l1 In. :
U'clliurod hy onntor Pomoso.
During the course oC 1\11' . RolJh's
stlltemont the suhjoct of the postomco
Invostlgation Was referred to , Sena.
tOI' Culhol'stJn naltlng IC somc mOil had
Ilot hecn protected IJ ' tiw atntuto oC
Mr. Hobh said thnt ho holloved thnt
tuch : waH the caso.
Sonntor Uulberson then nsltod IC POI' .
' 1' ) ' S. Heath was not ono oC these pl'O'
tccted lJy the statute.
1\11' . Hohh nnswered In the nmrmn.
tlve , adding that on account oC the )10- )
aillon which Hcnth occupied , hoth offi.
clnlly and polltlcnlly , ho would have
hecn glnll to have prosocutoll him.
Senator Scott , at this juncture , de.
clared thnt 1\11' . Hobb was going out.
side his rrovlnce in malting such a
statemcnt. Ho declared that the postmaster -
master Eteneml dIll not authol'lz him
to malte any SIICh statement and
\Vould disapprove his doing so. Sen.
alor Scott moved thnt all refet'ence to
ho mallol' lie sl\'leen \ ] f\'om thn ree.
Oft\ \ .
110 motion W\lS \ canled h ' a stt'ict
11I\ voto.
Sonutot.s Cut.\'son and Clar stl'on .
1r objecteel to the )1I'oJloslI ) Ion to sll'1\w \
Ihe stnlement 1II1\(1l' ( IIr Hohh fl'om
the I'ecord. Suhsl'qllenll ' . 1\11' . Hoh\i
statell t hili what ho Intellllpll to Hay
was that If I1IU l\'ltlenl'o hnd wal' ,
mntell the Inllil'tmcnt of lIealh , he
"wolllll ha\'e heon glnll to HOO him
take his 1IIotlleino. " on al'c'lIlInt of the
, high position he ( IIr.ath ) held. i
HohhlIRO Ilolntod ont thai In a IIl1h.
lie dOCII1I1Ol1t )1I'eHl'l1tell ) to the senate
hy Sonata\ ' Hale , It was sho\\n : that
MHohh oXllI'CSHOl1 the oJllilloll that
U slls\llC'lol1 \ lay ngnlllRt Hl > ath. anll
- thnt tlll'I'O was 1I0t slllll < 'lollt l'\'hlonc.
to WaI'I'ant nil hHlictmcnt.
Alarming Rumors Set at Rest by
Statemcnt of Physicians.
: \mN'I'ONl , 1'I'allC'o.-Contnll'Y to
JIll' IIlnl'lnlnl ; I'III1IOI'S < ' , I\'Olllllt'd In \ ' ( "
1l\11 \ to Ihe hl'lIlth 111' 1It. . . 1\r1l l'r. for.
mel' 11l'O hh'nt of thl' ' ) 'I'anhalil. nr.
I1n 'sm\lnl. \ ! his lh 'RIt'lIII1 , , snys Ihllt
nol fo\ ' some 'eal's hils the hN1lth of
1'1 \ ' . 1\.1'1111'1' hl'l'n as good liS lit Ilt'csent.
P A HI S1'11I'Iuntonl : ! l'o\'l'espU\\I- ' \ (
enl of t hI' AHOeilltcHI'Pl'I'I8 ; Hays ho
SII\\ ' 1\\1' \ . I\ : \11 g < 'I' tllldn hlH IIHuul Ila1\ \ ) '
I \\\111 \ , "lIlay : u\l1 \ 111111Ihat / ho aJllll'ar11
In I'Xt'clll'nt hl'alth.
- - - - -
Grants American Request.
' '
WASIIINGTON-'I'ho Hmlslan 111'111) '
ro I'In nIl ) ' hns gl'llnted the 1'OlllIest of
lhl'Tnlled Stnte8 that OI'I'llIln ol1\CI'I'H \
of tlw Am rlclln 1I\11I ' he IlI't'
to IIc'I'omllllll ' the HU3sllln troul : : .
Filipino Tobilcco Workers.
WAS 111 NU'l'OS"C1'I'tllt. . . 'rart
: \Iunllnr suhlllill..lIlo till ! 110m ! ! ! tlln I'I"
tlllol1 1)1' tlltolJam'u WIII'I\OI's' f.ulill of
the l'hlll ppl Ill' IslulIlls. 11I'1I'ln fill' n
\'l'lhlC'tlOtl In' t hllairlff on tullwcu.'II \ ( '
Hulltl Is lIe'ln\'I'11 to'lIllI'I'sl'nt ( i.IIO/I / '
tohncrtl'ol'lwl'H. . 'I'lli' IJUHotl ) btutl'S
thnt theSl' W01'I"'I'H ' ' ' .
" nll'ph'I'11 t wh' ' till'
WUHl11i III III l' I' SI\III11ih ! : 1'1110 thnl the '
110 uow. th. . Itully WII O lit thnt thlH !
1wlllS iiO conts. l'rl us o ( thQ nel'OIi'
. - 1\1\I'II's of lIfu. It Is 8tlltOl1. hll\'l' , In.
t I ( ' 1'1'nl'C'11 thn > efolll 1111Ilet' AIU\I ! an
1 I'llit'
- . . . . . . . . - -
I. .
Rebels Att:1ck U. S , Consulate 3nd
Destroy Property.
NBW YOHK.-hllllcnllonl ! noII ! ' ! !
thnt thu Mornle govorllnwllt will will ,
since the slcgo o ( lhl' cnpltal ! taH bee II
ralscd , BUYS 0. Snu Domingo dllllllltch
to the 1Ieralll. 'rhe MoraleM forCl's
ha vc , hOWO\'CI' , mot rOVl'I'/ICS / at. OUl'rm
nnd Snn POllt' { ) dc l'olncorlll ,
Generlll Zapnta of the l'U\'Ollltiolllsts
hnll heun caught at Na\'arrnte aud hnn
IlOon Hhot. 'rhe InslII'gellts IIn\ ' ( ' 1' ( "
CluestCl1 alt ! IInd ammunition froll !
Hn'tI , which wnll refused. 'I'hey aI'O
nomnllng 0. forcct ! loan lit Azuu ,
10\'ln < ; upon forehn morchanlll ror
$200 nnd Hugar catatos 1'01' $1,000.
I Amerlcllna 1\1'0 l'cCluestln thnt Iho
Irniuln shill Hartford he ! lent there
liS the Insurgent ! : ! are Ilcatt''lu 11\11 : >
and prullCl'lY. 1'hey ha'c 0\011 at-
tnclw(1 the A111el'lcnn couHulllte. UUBI.
nOSH hall heon ) larnl'zed and tt-Ie-
gmphlc COlUl11l1nll'utioll Inlol'l'Hlltcd.
Vol ASIIlNG1'ON.-Prcsldont l\lomles
or tho.lJolllnlcan . hlHI heen refusc1 !
} ! cwmlsalon to hloclmde his own Ilortl
to IWCII out the rcvolutlonlltl ! , liS
shown II ) ' the following 1'01101'l of the
Navy topartment ! , II ) ' Clllltahl Miller ,
commanding the cruiser ColumlJla.
'rhls 1ll0\'l11ng ( Fohrunr ' 18) ) the
American throe.mnstod schooncY. .
H. Perl\us \ came In from the eastward
alld 01\1' boarding heat went I\longslde.
' .rhe c ) ltaln Informcd me thaI. he h
been warned off l\lacorls , IInd 1I0t allowed -
lowed to enter by lho gunhont Pres I.
dente. anti \\'aa told that ho 111UStlro. \ .
coell to this port. Immedlntel ) ' upon
receipt of this Informntion'l communicated -
nicated with thc mllllstm' , reqncstlng
him to communlcnte with Pl'csldent
1\Iorales nnd Inform him t hilt l
wouldn't recognlzo his right to hlock.
- - - - - - - - - - -
I"IQII'.4D""e" ZIJ r I
fIlRIFU" \ / ,
l' I
\ I
Jr. ;
. t J
ndo II\'orls nnd refllRC entrance to
vesselslIylng the United States lIug.
"rhe mlnhtet. : Infol'ms mo t hut the
pl'esldent ' ' ' fil'st bnt
del1l'lIl'l'ed at , finally
a l'eell 10 the fnct.
SAN DO\IINGO. : - Unitcel States
: \lInl8tel' ] > 0\\'r.1I has bcen Infol'med
that the Insmgonts at Sun Podrq clo
, \ laoOl'Ihl"'o sccul'ed thc tllgboat.
Hnrl'll , helonglng to the CI'de 1lne o [
New YOI'I" und nrllled II. 'l'he UI'do
Line st ellmcr Chcl'Olwe hus gone to
Azuu lIe Con ) lolelln , cOllvo 'cd by the
United Statcs lI'alnlllg ship Hllrtford.
: \Inny arrests have been made hero ,
a 1111 sovel'al ) lo11t1clansCI'C sent out
o [ the cOllnll' ) ' toda ' on 1J0nt'll the
stellmet. .Inlla , of the Cnba lino.
I . C. RC'ell , Unitell StaleR con8111111'
ngenl lit San Pedro de MlloOl'ls Is 8ahl
10 ho In danger.lInlstor : 1'0\\011 hns
tlllen lel8 ) 10 secllt'e the \lrolecUoTJ \
of a11 Inlol'ests. 't'ho sltllatloll het'l }
relllulllR IInchangcd.
Enlisted In the United States Navy In
= , gW nmrNS\VICK. K .1.--01111
Huhy dlml 'rllC'sday In IIll' I'IScntI1WII ) '
I 11001' hOllse , of'hlC'l1 ho 111111 been 1111 .
fill' Iho ' ' II
ItaHt forly ) 'onl'8.
II\C' had livell until Alrll ) 1 next. al"
( ' ( ) l'lling to his own stnlement , he
\\'ollid ha\'c heen 1:12 : : onl's old. 1\ \ (
l'I1ulllc'chis \ memlll' : Ilnd011111 I'l"
m11 man ) ' ItwhllJnts of l is long ( 'uraOl
lint 11 \ ' ( r 1'I''ellll ) ' .
Ho Is salll 10 hnvo boon ho\'l1 1t1
gatollto\\'n Untl's COllllt ) ' , NOt.tlt Cure
111111 , all AI\11 ) I , Iii : ! . In I8(1r ( ; ho pn
IhHl'd In tl1l' naY ) ' anll s\'vod on th {
I\hll : \ ) Constltlltlon nntl tlw ft'IJatl' Ut'at !
uy\\'lne. Oil the lalter of which Farl'a
gnt'U8 a lielltenant.
Ball for Anarchist Tnrner.
" ' . \HIII = , ( J'J'ON.-In thl' RIIIII'N1H ]
co lit' I of I ho Un lied St 11 t I'S l\Ionda '
I\n ( II'lh'l''IIS ! tHlIICII for the release 01
, Iohll 'l'IIt'nel' on hnll and Iwlling : the
IIlIlrln or his cabl' IJ ) ' the court fen
'AI\'I\ ) \ .1 nl'xt. ' 1"II'I\Ot' Is a Brit Isll
tl\hjl'ct ; , who Willi tnlwlI 11110 < 'IISltlll : >
, 11111111 IIrl\1I1 III : \ C'w01'1 , hUll Orluh1
uu thl ! ' chat' 11 of 1Jelll nn IInlll''hl/l1 /
I IInil his IIOlol'lnHou ) 01'110\,1'11. \ 110"m
1/\\1111\1'11 / \ lit BIIII : ! hI I IInel nllli IlIslltlltell
hulJl'Ils l'OnlI\S \ III'o < , el'llIug'tI III dtp ell'
I C'I\\I \ ' fol' till' ' ' '
\ ( ( lurt sOuthl'1'lI l1\otl'lll \ ul
Nl'Yo'l. . .
, .
' . . . , . . ' ,
, - - - ' .
' . . /
Pracllclng Physlclnns recognlzo the unlalllng reliability of Donn's ' ISldnoy Pills by Pre- \
scribing them for Backnche , Kidney , Bladder , and UrInary Disordorstrlbul : WM . j
by no other Proprlolary Modlclno. Four clles cllod from "Noles of His Pracllc , " . ,
Dr. Leland Williamson , ot Yorklown , Ark.
F'osnn-MILBuRN Co. , Duff:1\o : \ , N. y , YOR TOWN , ARJ ; " Mar. 1 , 1904.
Genllemm-I have been engaged in the practice of medicine inthis -
section for ten years. This is a very sickly climate , on the Bayou 'Bar-
tholomew , near the Arkansas River. It is particularly malariouJ nnd
miasmatic ; we meet with many and various abnormal conditions of the I
human family , prominent among the cases in which I have been called '
upon to prescribe is kidney disease. 1\Iany of these disorders manifest
thems lves by pains in the back , often extending to other parts of the (
body ; sometimes headache is present'caused by urremic or chronic uric .
acid poisoning , soreness in region of kidneys , cloudy , thickened and
foul-smelling urinel dischargl's of pus or corruption ; inflammation of the
Jcidneys , extending to the bladder , is caused by excess of uric acid.and I
decomposition of the urine. Hemorrhage is sometimes met with , caused
by high state of inflammatiol ] or congestion.
There is no class of disl'ases a doctor is called oftener to treat than
the variety of Jddney disease5 , in many of which the patient will have !
chills or rigors , followed by fc\'cr , a result of the kidneys failing to eliminate -
inate the uric acid poison from the system. Such cases require the Jdd-
neys restored to their natural functions. thcn the poison nnd.foreign substances -
stances are removed-shock to the ner\'ous system averted , and natural
health restored. , \
I have , for soml"1 time , been using Doan's Kidney Pills in these many
manifestations and with uniform succcss , curing most cases. I can
further say that even in hopeless cases where they have waited too long , '
Doan's Kidney Pills afford much relief and prolong life. I can recommend -
mend the pills in conditions of excessive or deficient secrction of urine , )
as also in convalescence from swamp. fever and malarial attacks , . .
verified by the ) following cascs in my practice.
CASE 1. ' CASE 3.
1'1f05. OULL , Dear , Ark. , age 60. BROWN EAXII , 'Vynne , Arlc" .p
Pain in badt tor several weeks , thell 21. Had scvere case of malarial
cb ill s , irregular lIomellmII , severe hremataria or swamp fever , Gave
rigors followed by fc\'cr. Gave good necessary liver medicine , calomel and
purgative of calomel : and padoph , pad pb , - and morph.-sulpb. , to ro-
and Doan's Kidney l' ills , After lievo pain , and ordered Doan's Pill.
taking four boxes of tbe pills , patient for the high atate of congestion and
up and enjoying good healtb { or one inflammation of the ludncys. Roof -
of bis aic. covcry resulted in two weeks. Prescribed -
scribed Doan's l\idney Pills , to b
CASE 2. continued untiJ the kidneys were
MRS. SldtTIl , T.arry , Ark. , age 29 , thoroughly strengtbened and all paia
mother of four children. Hall femllia in back subsided.
complaint and kidney trouble. maar- '
fest'by pain in back nnd urine irreg'u. CASE 4.
Jar : some limes very clear , changing EI.IJAtl ELLIOTT , Tarry , Ark. ,
to cloudy , and wilh much sediment tage 34. Pain in back and legs and
on standing 111 chamber. Gave Jocal headache. Uric-acid poisoning. Pretreatment -
. treatment Cor female complaint and scribed Doan's ' } { idney Pills. After
prescribed Doan's.PiIIs : aHer using taki g several boxes pain subsi ed
six boxcs libe regards herself II.S' . . -unno became normal. or natural.
cured. and patient able to resume his work.
These are a 'few of the typical cases in which I have used Doan's Kid..J
hey Pills. In a great many instances I use them alone with curative
results , while with some others indicated remedies are associated.
I believe that by the judicious use of Doan's Pills' many serious complications -
plications are arrested and many . hopeless and incurable cases of Bright' .
disease prevented. .
I have often found that one box of the pills is all that is required to
effect a cure. but in some c scs I continue their use until all symptoms are >
ntirely absent and the cure eHectual and permanent. Yours truly ,
Afrel ! trlalortbls IIreat Blad-
der Specific can be oblalned Bladbr I . /d& ' , . J
Folter'Mllburn Co" DuRalo. . Y. The , = 4' . .
rl&ular dill is SO cellt. ( ler bas , lr not for " .
utI b , . , our drolllt or duler. III he enl . . . . . . "
y ORKTOWN A. . . . . .
blmal cbarlll' prepaid. on receipt of pricl. , .
" 'I .
, It b the purest , tleanest starch made.J I
It Ls free of iniurious . chemicals. - t
It can be wed where ordinarily you would beafraid _
to we starch of any kind. '
That's Defiance. Your grocer'se115 it.
factory Loaded Smokeless Powder Shells.
It's 110t sentiment - ft's not the price- that makes the
most intelligent a.nd ouccessCu } shots shoot WinchestC1'
Factory Loaded Shotgun Shells. Il's the results they
give. It's their entire reliability , evenness of pattern and
unlformshootlng. Winchester uLeader" shellBload. .
ed with smokeless powder , arc the best loaded shellJ on
the market. Winchester "Repeater" shells loaded with
smokeless powder arc cheap in price but not in quality.
Try either aftbesc brands nnd you will be well pleased.
Be sure to Get Win c h cst c r llQCtory Landed shells.
i . . . .
. . . . '
. \t th. . 1''lIon-11I1 ; Prh' n..llver. . . . III IIl\1ahal
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . 15 I1RI'rt'11 ! lit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.00 pl.'r harrel
at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ! : ; per barrel 110 'mrrelK ' nt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : Ij per barrel .
GUM Drll ) 50111 n t I : ; a 111 0 Ilr\l'es \
; I OnAIiA , N B. OMAHA GAS CO. 20th and lIncoln Ave.
i I A man ( 'annaL SO where temlltatlon
- cannot fin him. .
TI'y me just O'1CO anc1 I am sure
to como aSIlIn. 1)el1anco Starch.
Do lovinS' , and rOil wilt 110\01' wnnt
for love.It's. . Crane.
Face nil thluSa : oven Adversity 18
110llte to II mn.u's ! ace.-Josh D11IIn , . .