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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1904)
f' . , , ' ' . . . , . . , " I - , , - ' ' ' - ' - ' : , ayers One dose of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral nt bedtime preveqts ni ht coughs . of children. I No croup. No bronchitis. A Cherry Pectoral doctor's medicine for nil affections of the thront , bronchial - chial tubes , and lun s. Sold for over 60 years. "I have uled Ayor' . ( . 'horry peotoralln my family for elKht Jearl. 'rh re I nothln I'quill to It lor rouKhl and colli. , especlall , for chll. drell.Mlu. . . W. II. JlII\"WKn.lhelbl. AloA. 211c.60c..I1I.00 , J. o. ATEn co. . All . \rllllith. .4 for LO'telll Mal' . Night Coughs Keo the bowels open with one of .AW'S Pills at hodtlmo , Just ono. The Underground Rai 1 road. } ' Hr. C. Pickett. ' . . . .CIlAPTl K XVI. . . . At the time that Led Cofiiu and many others were el1gaged f in giving shelter , food and rai- l' ' me rte the slav hat eRcnpecl , to the free states there was a I man by the name of Jones , who l' was in sentimcnt a strong abo- \ lit onist an who did not always : ' wait for the runaways to cross the line dividing the slave froUl I ' t4 free states , but who like f Admiral Dewey by the Spanish \ fleet , took charge of them where- 'ever ' he found them. This man I t lived in Louisville , Kentuckv. p. 'fhe colored people of Louisville I learning of his kindly disposition towards them frequently applied to 'him for counsel and assistance , w e1 i ? perplexity r distress. LOuIsvIlle wa the headquarters Kentucky for slave-traders , ' b ying negr es in Kentucky for the southern marcet ] and comes I . of slaves were ofteu brought ill froUl the surrounding country \ I preparator to being shipped on the packets for New Orleans and other southerp ports. Occasionally - ally husbands or wives , who had been separated from theiriamilies would escape from these comes and make their way to som safe hi < 1 ng-pace ] among their colored fHends'where .Tone would be summoned to hear theu sad story and to devise some plan of aiding tbeUl to escape After waiting , till pursuit was o\'er he would - - - - " ) InVBlllnble . beilIU uilltu. ; i . . I ha've been s fferi g for the past few years with a seVere attack - tack of rheumatism and found that Ballard's Snow T.iniment was the 0111\ ' thing that gave me ' satisfaction' tet1ded to al1\ ' - ; ltc my pains. March 4th. PJ02 , Johu c. Degnan , Kins111 n , TI1 . 25c , 50 and $1.00. Sold hy Ed. ; McComasBroken Bo\V , and Merna. . . , - . ; ' Attention ; . " . . ' .t. ' " . : Fanners . . . . : ' . , I : . . ' Why remain in Ule North i ( - - , an stuy in doors six months In 'J ' the year consuming what yon : mise urinK the other sx , . 'Iilontbs ? . , G Sontb where you can work out'doors ' every month in the , : year , . un where : yon are pro Iiucin something he year , I . 1 rOl1llc1. If yon are a stock raiser ) ' 0\1 know : your stock are now "eating their healh ; off" and. I besides , have to he \rotectell \ froUl the rigors of wmter lIy expensive sheller. Economical . stock feec1in ( { reo i quires.the comhination of both llelh fonl1ing aUll fat.formiug foods in cerluin ) ) roportioul. Alabama and Flonda produce in abundance the velvet beau uud caSSIlva , the first 11 flesh . producer , au the latter II fat producer , an they are the cheapest and best fattening mil- tennIs known to the wor1l1. More money can be malh : anl\ \ I , with less labor. in general farm. ing , fndt an bert ) ' growing Ilnd truck gar ening along our , ro d in the South than hi auy otJ.1er section of the Uniou. If you are intereste and de. . ' ; . . f ' , . - sire'fuiUler information on thl' . . \ : mbject , , . ddres $ a.A. PARK , Oan'l. Immigration and Industrial - dustrial Auent , Louisville ' - ' . ' , - ! Nashville . R. R. Co. . # , . Loulttvllle. Iy. . . - " = : - . . = ; ; . . u" , " " ' 1--- proceed to the Louisvil1e and Cincinnati packet lying :1t the wharf , and in his own or some fictitious tlame , engage a state- rool11 for the passage to Cincinnati - nati , and get possession of the Ice ) to the rool11. A short time before the boat started and while there was a great bustle 011 the wharf , and along the angway he would have the fugih\'es come on board wih ( their bundles ai ! if they \vere servants bringing the baggage of their master or mistress - tress , and would direct them by a prearranged signal to pass into the room which he had engaged. Here they found the 'l < ey on the inside of the door and in1tucdiate- lY Jock themsel'es in. After a state rool11 had been engaged , the fare paid , 110 ofiiccr or servant of the boat had a right to go into - to the room and the passengers would be unmolested on their waj' to Ciucinnati. Jones was. . always ver ) ' careful to eng'ag i and pa ) ' fm' both berths. of aI I state-room so that no one else might occupy part of it. Of- times Joncs would go to Cincinnati - nati on the , same heat , that the I fugit \Ies were on aud then COll- ; cluet thcm when ( here to Cof n's or some other place of safet y. Th packet heats left Louis\'ille ill the morning and reach d Cincinnati before daylight next morning , aud whel1 Jones did not come himself he would teJegraph to Coffin to apprise h 1u of the coming of the fugitives and request - quest Coffin to look out for them. 'L'his information was conveyed in a manner that meant nothing to others but was all important to Cotlin-Jones et al. Sometimes t he message read , " 'go to box- at 1he post office and take care of my mail which JOu will find there. " A t other times it would I read "pay 40 dollars t ? J. U. Bard n m ' account ; " d1fferent number. : ; be111g used at ( liffierent times and on differegt occasions. Coffin always understood that the number designaed the number of t be stateroom occupied bv . the fugitives and also that he .could tell whethcr it was in tbe gentle- men's or ladies cabin. Cofl n arranged - ranged for some. Ol e to go when the boat touched the wharf and tap at the door of the state-'room in a way that the fugitiv s would understand , wait t ll the door opened enough for him to be recognized - cognized , then walk awa ) and the fugitives wonld follow him. A colored person was generally chosen to perform this mission , and passed unnoticed amid the crowot \ \ colored porters" dray- men and hackmen , wl\o \ went up and.down the gangway , carrying baggage and assisting the pas- sengers. Sometimes the fugitives - tives had a trunk of olothing and as .Ton s saw that it was checked rr ; . Wbeaty Flavor You shoul ent brea raisc with Yeast Foam , It has a wheaty flavor ! Iud Hicious aroma nll its owu , and r taiu9 sweetness , freshness un moisture louger than bread made WiUl auy otl er yelst. ! Ytast Foam parl1ally predigests - digests the bread aud prt- serves in it all the murl. live qualitit1 of the wheat. . . . . is made of pure vege. I table ingre ients. With proper care it never loses its life Ilud strength. It's III ways fresh and ready for use. Dread mnde with it is never acid , ur .or he:1VY : i it's IthvaYIl goOl1111 long It ! ! it lasts. .The secret is in the yeal. For sale by all grocers ut 5C "package. Each package - ; age contains 7 cakes- enough for 40 loaves. "HowtoMakefJrea , " . ml\i1ec1fru. NORTHWESTERN YEAST CO. , Chicago. ' - - - lIer marI1 gro\\th NEBRASKA'S HISTORY fift ) ' ) 'el\r from lirs seUl 1I1tnt , A true al1llIItere : ing book of 144 pages al . o\'er 200 illustrations institutions aUtl men who made the State , 1'1Ie co\'er is in hell. scenes public with , an appropriute aUll attractive design printed in three colors , just } 1ubI peT ' ' ed y lbe Nebraska larmer. Single copy , postpai , soc ; or free with Ii ) 'ear'S'l ! ! o riptiott to Nebraska lanner at regular price , I.oo. Write for terms and how , i J,1 ( fn : trip to the World'l ! Fair at St. Louis. NJtDRASKA FARMJ\R Co : . 1505 Howard St. , Om a. Nebrus1 .1' , . ' ' . . . , Ii , . . . . . , , _ _ T- - . be ore 1eaving T-4ouisville , there I was no trouble in presenting tb.e I check in Cinoinati after tire rugl-I ti c were housed safely , and Ob- ! ta1l1U1g the trunk. B ' these ' mcans alone twentr seve Ii sla\'cs obtained their frec om during one spring and summer. 'l'bey were sent to Cannada where many of them had relativcs , who had escaped before them. s- caping-dctection in all the ea es in which he was implicated , JOl1e was finall ) ' arrestcd in a case wherc he was entirely tmo- cent , tricd and convicted on false I evidence. ' Aiding a fugitive I slave was at that time a grave offcnc , and hc was sel1tcnced to I three j'ears in the penitentiary. I On account of some Haw in the evidence or illegality in the pro- ccedings his la\V'er obtaincd a new trial. He was again found guilt ) . by another jUf\ ' but hig scntence this time wa ; ; lessened to two ) 'ears. Some new witnesscs having been discovcred whose evidence it was thought would pro\'c his innocence a pcti tion was made for a third trial and granted. His bail bond was one thousand five hundred but he could not reach that amount. He was a weakl ) ' man and during the winter - ' ter be became ver ) i11 and his physicians thought that he could not survive long unlcss he could go home and b properly nursed. Finally his bond was reduccd to one thousand dollars but it was not expected he should have man ) ' friends in a state where ai ing slaves to escape to freedom - dom was considered worse than horse stcaling. So all the moncy that his wife and daughter could raise was a little less than $600 toward indemnifying a prominent citizen who offered to sign his .bond if the money was placed in the bank for him if Jones did not appear. So Levi Coffin was writ- t n to and the letter found him without an ) ' read ) ' money on hand , but he in turn wrote to Thomas \Vistar of Philadelphia , a friend , and he secured all the balance of the money except 50 Qr 100 dollars which Cofiin " 1ade up and knowing that. what was done for Jones must be done qu'ickl ) . 'l'he question was how to get the money to Louisville. The means were not there as now for sendiug money and so Coffin took the money and attempted - tempted to cross the'river to apply - ply it and in so doing C lme within - in a' ' very , little of losing his life , so treacherous was the ice on the river , but he reached Ute pJace. and deposite.d the money ; but it was thought best for Jones to forfeit the ; bond which he did knowing lle could not get justice In Kentucky. _ Several of the abolitionists knew lie was innocent - cent of this accusation but guilt ) . of aiding slaves in many otHer cases. So wheu Jones _ had forfeited - feited his bond , remained in Cincinnati where he had gone and the governor of Kentucky sent a r qusibon to th governor .of Ohio for Jones' deli\'cry , but as the lord would have it Soli- mon P. Chase was governor of Ohio at that time and they'could I not work the scheme on that old abolitionist. I be1i ve I havc heard of a schcme of that kind by tl1e present governor of Kentucky - tucky trying to get Governor Durben of Indiana to g'e up one Tayor ] , but the Hoosier gov" ernor isn't built that way. After - ter sevcral ycars , that is after the war this same Jones , ( hut that was not his real name. 1 'could tcll it but I don t want to , ) this same Joncs or whatever his name was , entered the Electric Medical College of Cincinnati as a .student and there t.he writer saw him in 1870. . . He was as bright as a dollar ank took to medicine rapidly ; earned his diploma - ploma and become a prominent physician among the best familIes - Ies of the city. It is said you cannot keep a man down and especially - pecially one who wants to get up and so in this case Jones wanted to get up and see ever ) one else elevated whet.her hlaet ! or white. ( TO 1m CONTINUIm. ) l.eUer 1.1"1. - 'l'he JOllo\ving- ist.he deat . . letter list for th week endin Februarv . . 23 , 1904 : M. M. Blake , Wilholun 14ang Ela McCarta ) ' . Parties calling for the aho\ ' will please say advertised. 14. 11. Jnw1\'r'1' , P. M. Workln" o..ertltne. ! ! ! Eight hour laws are ignored u : In those tireles , little workers-Dr Ic. King's New Life 'Pills. Million it. are alwa's at work , night. ani ni da ) ' , cUflng indigestion , Billions y ness , ConsupatiouSick Hcadach i11- and all Stom\ch , 1-4iver and Bow ( lb. troubles. E sy , pleasant , saf ( to sure. Only 25c at Lee BrD ! : a. dru6 : ' store , Broken BoVt1 : . T . C-- , ' ' - . . ' ' ' " ' \ ; . " j C'Lo.i' ' ' ' - ' , " : ' - = - - . . . . . . . . . . . - . . - . . . . Fc > r . [ : . On..1y : ! - - - - - - . - . . . . . . - . . , - W e be to say to you men ( and the boys too ) tbat we bave received. and have fOl' ) 'OUt' Spring 111 pection , the ne\Ye t and nObbiest , line of. . . . . . Clothing , Hats , Caps , Shoes Furnishings , that ha\'c been ) 'our good tortune to see in Brolcen Bow , and at OUt. priceR amounts to mOI'c tl.lan 350/0 / cut on oM Htyles and goods. . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - We List a Few Snaps that Don't Melt. Iot ' I A MOils SnlUlIlorVohht Ollovlot. ( mlxl'll color ) @ . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . { O , I.ot 'J Mells SIIIIIUlorVehtht CoslIllllJro ( fnncy strlpo ! ! ) @ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'fi 00 I.ot , : \ lItoll ! ! Hummer \ VelghtVorstelt ( fallc ) ' 8trlp ) @ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fI 00 I.ot \ : l111I I\fhl' ul11u or Wol ht Wool Crn h ( ranoy Iray mixed ) @ . . . . . . . . . . ' 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 IJO I.ot Ii MOil ! ! \\olghlCt\HllllloroCnllcYYtrIIOS , ( ! ) @ : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ii rol\ ( \ I.ot I 11 110)9 Summer \VoIght Ohevlot ( Callc ) ' mIxed cQlorl ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , : l1i0 I.ot : ! ' ' 110)9 SumlJ\el \ WolghtVorltClI ! ( Cnuoy'paltorlls ) @ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ci 00 'j'hlIs ! only 1\ Cow numbers we Il1\vo III stol'le. anlllC YOII am the lenst bIt Chole ) ' 01' l'lll'tlcuh\r Wo call slIlt with 19111t. . Man's ' Dress Pants in Chcvi t's , CashCONSULT our Merchant 'l'ailOl' line fOl' mel'e , Crash 01'V0l' - I II correct styles and pattet'n" , . .sted cloth at from $1.50 to $500 ' . , pel' pair. Can fit and pleuse anyone Jr m our HllmplC'H. - - - - - WIlm - SHOWINU - SO IE - N. W - ImSWNSNH - UA'l'EIUAI , . IN. su unm. SHIRTS. PRIIOY strlpo shlrtSI7.09 ! froul 14 to 17. . . . . . . . . . . $ W 'I'ho } , 'nl11ous Mcllllrdle Ll\hllltrlcci Whlto Shlrt1 II'nllcy plJrcalo ! ! hlrts , sizes from 14 to 17 . . . . . . . . 7 (0050111 ( wlllllot bulge ) . . . . . . . . , . . , . . . . . . . . . 1 ! 'iO ' Puncy , ' l'IIa rns ! ! hh't . " ,17.os , from H to 17. . . . . . . . . . . I 00 ' 1'ho I nmous 1.lon Brnu CollhrR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 1'J 1'nIlC ) ' Mercorlz'll 8hlrt . sizeR Crom 14 to 17. . . . . 1 25 'l'ho Fnmolls 1,10n Branlt cums. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; I - - . - - - . . - . . _ - - - - - - - - - N eckwea r FOI' thc most fastidious , new , ncat an complete. li'oul'-in- . hands , Impet' nls , 'l'eclcs , Clubs , Migct ! ; and Boat \ \ ' ! at 10 to 50 cents each. . 'l'hG difficulty is 110t in getting Shoes , but in g-etting those that give ) ' 011 pI CH'\\trc : , Htyle and comfort. Our line cn1hraces these t.hl'ce graccs. . MOils Pntont CIIII. Bluclwr Cut , Oood'onrVolt. . slz:1 ! : / to 10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t : 011 : llolI ! ! VOIOIII' Culf , Uluelwr Cllt , Goodyear \Volt. IIlzOIl 4 to 11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , & 0(1 ( Mons PatlJnt Colt Tneo. Oood'ollrVolt , 0 to 10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a ( ,0 , 1\10118 Vlel JIIi. l nco. McKny Stitched , glcoq ; 11 to 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31)(1 ) ( MonR Cnl(9ldll. ( Loeo , Senlsk 111 'rops. Hoodyollr Wel t. slzos n to 10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i. . . . . . " : J ( , ( ) Mens Snnl1llellS Worlc Shoes , 1IedluIIIVolKh t ( wllll1ot wenr ollt ) IIlzM II to II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . : . . . . " . . . . . . . U ar. Men ! ! Soul1llcss Work Shooll , 1\Iedll1m Wolght ( wllll1otVI'nr IIlrt ) ! llzes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . i. . . . . . . . . . . . . ! . ! Jr , . . MfllI ! ! Pelt 8ultl Plnw Shoo ! ! . Mcdh1IlVolht ! , slzo ! ! 0 to 11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ' . M.'ns . Pel ( Solo Plow Shoe ! ! . Heavy \Velght. RI7.OS 0 to 11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \I \ ; ' Jla ) ' ! ! HllOes II : nil Stylclnt ! alrlen to Suit all. , - . - - - . - - - The Big Vote Contost. , j'ho following ar the on ! ' ! ! In the con. test who hnvo recl'lvod ever 100 votes : Mary Maylon , city. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l1i1J3 1\l\nnlo \ \ Shlnn\ city. . . . . , . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . 1308 Nellie E. ' 1'ny \ or. Mernn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 873 II nnnh Edmunds. clty- . . . . .1. . . . . ( )3.t Vera CII\ytol1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 021 A urolla I odto. ! city , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410 gml11n T.ambert. cIty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400 Perloy .Jmvott. elt ) ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41H Jmlsle SmIth. clIY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : \82 1\1ay HalnM. elt ) . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : \i2 lI rtha [ ( lIozlor , city. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I l rp.ncls Hilton , Weissert. . . . . . . . . . . . . : ! 5 11111'01'Y , MertllL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ! GO Mattie ! 'jclJdhn\1l. Arnold. . . . . . . . . . 240 gflo ! CalUpboll. dty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2'J.I ! Urnco 'l'aylor. cIty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 Edna Uoekwoll. city , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ! 01 Claro. SwIck. Oato . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 Marllery Campbell , OlJorgetown. . . . . . . 105 Florence ThoRtoli/lon. / city , . . . . . . . . . . . . 1113 .J csso Waterbury. nerwyu. . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Eva Cllywood , City" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Pearle lIuntorelty , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 1'lorcmco ! I mersol1 , city , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 _ -r. _ v Vllr , 'cllI. I 'L'he 1 1UUDr.ICAN has 200 packages - ages of garden seedR from the sccd department of the government - , ment , for free distribution , that may be had h ) ' calling at this om ce ' 1'his office for neat job work. - - - : DErISr R. , MULLINS , . 0 , MBk a tJileclal1y of Orowli aud DrldICo W.HIc. , 1'lcell r a80n llle. All work guarBntee" . ( 'all and lice IDO before going el e"hcre. OlUeo-ln Uroken 1I0w tilate lIank lIulh\lUI : . lIroken 11 oW , NebrR8l1.a. DR. c. I , . MUIJIJEN . Physician Surgeou. 2ml Mtalrway frOIl1 " 'O"t lIIullo l1eal1y Dlock ; r 811Ienco. : lnl Wilst M. K. church. ou lIaWII ldll of elrool. afr'lIrokl'lI : ; 1I0w , Nellrailla. T .T. SNYDEH , m 1 m.IiI"II' ) ; . : J " ,4\.1 , AND NOTAny l'UDL1C " : > Ju "l1co of thol'4I&eo. SpoelalliUllntou : Id"fllo 10 collectlooll Cel.o lIlouA 1&1c 1I. Ito lou yonch. rD Helftly 61OCUtod And 1111 klndl of legal palleu wr Ittt' II. OIDoe 10ho rear of ( llink of COlDulerce. Uoken Bow. Nobralka. H YGEIA CREAM S'I'A'l'ION Hlghe t market price paId ror lIutllJr Yat , 1.lghl llulllllnK. . . . . . . . . . I Empire Cream Separators For Hale. 't'houe No. 20 . 8 D. J1lHlOi' ! , .o/lurator / , Drokell tJo . .Nohra ka , - FRANSE MOORJ , Jilt taWi 'l'wo 11101"e : 1I0rlh C Orlnd Oelllrill 1I01 1. Pal ronlg6 ollcll 11II , Priced rououahle. t . . ' CADWELl , WIIJLIS 1.'W. . _ . .t .Jr. " . . DR. 'v. II. COI-4E , V eteri narian. pllellllllUeMlon given to toll. . calve. anll I * that Irll ln au ulltbrlfl conl\lUao. 'loll I'b008 No ' 2IH , Helldeucl' . two IIl0ek. , , "Mt , ' 80uth Side lIobool 1I0uKe. VENTS GOING ON A _ OUR STORE. 1'1 I ' 1'hn World l'l\lr ! Tlckot OOllto t IlrovO ! ! vcry oxcltllll ; nlill Intor. osting. Owing t the Inrge Dum. ' bor or n mos wo are compolloll to pllbllllh these ollly who have ever 100 vetO ! ! . See uoxt coillmn Annual Spriml . . .AND. . . ' " EAS TER OPENING. April 1 st 2d % . , 1904. . - - - - YBr8on-GBorUBGo - : . . . ' , . " r. . . . . . . . , . . . , s. 1\1 , DORRIS. IIlatdl.fl".fa. ! AI. klnlt. ol work lu our IInu done prowptly and in AfI 16 ONor. prned IJbop on tbo corDer onlbealt tbo . . , ot . . _ r GIVIt UK A. T1f.IA" . lIrokoo 110" " . . _ . - , Nebratka. CITY HAHBEH. SHOP , 11. O.IIUT'fON. I'roprlutor. Flnl-olall work. Hoar ltoom of lIroken Uow , Slate Oank , Droillm Itow , Nobraalca. H ILT-4 SIDE HERFORDS ILnd Durou Jor ey 1I0gs bred and ' 0111. Belt 1110011 IlfUlclrclll88. Alldree . U. E. O-ADWIU.J. , IIr keullow , Nebraska SIMON CAl\I1CRON , lltl01'9 y i 8 U9crz.l1 P A'l' LAW. Ioom ! II aod U , Iteall ) ' 1II0ck. ! Srokon 110w , Neb. D RS. R C. & W. It 'l'A IBOT , PHYSIGIANS , ltR EONS. 011100 over Daohllrlo'll Drut ( ! ! lore. "rolloll Dow , . . . Nehralka. DIt , ' 1' . TJ. FAHNSWOlt'l'lI , DENTIST , JrOMee In norlhwoH COJOC Ileally Dlock. , W A. TaOMPBON , . CONTItAU'l'OIt & IIUII.URIt , & .rl'l\1Ia : ! lUlt o Umatoa ou .bortuollt. . l'rokellllow , Nellraeka. CIJINTON DAY , ' - Physician & Surgeon , omco In rllar of the Uluk of CowwerclI. Ito.1 deoco IIlhl.lonlll WuMt of the .IlpUtt cburch. Drokeo Dow. N"bralka. - - DR. C. B. JOB , ' ! lbl i1 oi IIJIHla OmclIIlIl1l1ll1y 11 lac II : Ilrlt IIIIIln tllOIU 'I\'el eillt. 1l0II"euoo at the I i o'pl1al. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The Pumpkin Contest. This lar est p.umpldn rnlsod in this sootlon of N obruska will entitle owner to ono of our 010' ant $75.00 Estey Organs , for whloh we Rre solo agellts. ' 1'0 enter this oontost it will he neoessary for yon to 01111 I\t , our store , register your 1111111" ' the li'mDJ 8EmD anel oliver the pump' kino to U8 by the third' day of the Custer , Oounty Fair at Broken Bow. Wo would ho RInd to see everyone , ospooially in CUrl tor County , try for the prize. _ 'r' . - ROSS G. MO'OHE , Ileal .Itate 1111110111rokor. . Olllcil In OIel/11 / Dlock. Uroitcll1Iow.Ne\ralkl. ! - . BANGS STUDIQ. Up-to-date Photographs. First prize winner at tat association - sociation 1903. o. 11 , OONRAD. . . . . . .Dealer tn. . . . . l'ump. . Wlnd. Mill. , ' 1'1 Ilk. . " 'IUlnlll , U.lolln. Ko lnclI , IIlu. etc. _ IIrokoll Jlow. Nllllrl kl. . IB ' ' W' " . i R' t .TIME TABLE BH.OI N BOW , NI B. 1.I"colu , . uenver. Oluulili. Ilelcuu. CltlcuK'u. uutte. ' "to .Jollleph. l-orUntU1 , ICunltalt cu , . . . HnH I. I , , , City , tn. I.oultt. A lid HUIII rnncll c' " All 1.01111. . l nHt Alld An Polnllf And HuUnt. , "Ve. " . , . No. 4JJ-Vollihuloll C.llJrc dallr. . Llncoln , Ollla. ba , In. Joseph. Kaola. CUy. tit. l.oull. Chi OAgO and all polotl EBlt and "outh. . . . tI : l1a.lU. No. 44-1.00111 exprolt .tall ) ' . Lincolli. Umaha , Cblcallo anllall Olutl oallt and loutb.10 30 a.JU. No. U-Ve tlbulod oJpren : daUy. 110101111. Bual. tlo 1I0Uo , l'orUand and 1111 } 'lIcll1c COlltt. polotll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6H I1W No. 4S-Local oJpre : dilly. Alllauell Itllll 10111rmedln1.6 1I01litl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .HIlS lU ! ! loeplnKIIIr.lng Ind roclInlng cbalr tIIU ( llill" free ) ou Ibrough tralo" . Tlckca IOld ! lnd IIl1jC. gage chocked to any point 111 tll Uolted tllIIlu. aod Caoada. . . 10fonnaUoo. map , tllDU table. Iud ticket. tall 00 or wrIte to U. L. OrlDab ) ' . agoul , IIr J Jl'ranch , 0. I' . A. , Oml1bvil Nebra ka. . L. OmUDY' . Allllnt. KILL THE COUCH AND CURE THE LUNCS , . - - wl-Or. King's _ New Discovery P lCD FOR CONSUMPTION 50c & $1.00 01DS : FreD TrIal. . Surest aDd Quickest Oure fOl' all THROA'.r an LUNG TROUD. It LES , or MONEY BAOK. . - - - - - - - s , To Cure a Cold in One 41 : r41'ake Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets. PH " on every , ( Q. C. box. aS . i , SeV8D MUIoa .ot81 soW In 13 EOBthS. This . signature , . I . - . ' 0 . _ _ 1 . . "t. _ _ . . . .04" . . . . - - . . f : . . . .J..I. . " . . . . ; ; .