Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 10, 1904, Image 4

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    . . ,1
. ,
_ _ ; v' ' ; J : : . ' : : : ; . ' ; - : - : III
fIti tet ( lto. icv t J : an I
- j. blllhIl4 'l'IiUfldAI. t the ' 'Jilli ; , lIoAl
- - - . " . 01' . - . - -.ti- . ' . - . . . . , - . .
. ,
_ .HIttY . , . . \ dltur
. . . . \'Inco III tJDI\4Ir Jl\OC \ 1 "oun" AT. . . . , .
_ . _
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
811 rd . , thl \ > Oitomco at , lIroktll 110" , tillb. }
al "IOU.4.4IIMA manor tor\ranlmlulob , broullb
. _ ' , IIO . . , I ! . ' :
Ollot..r.lhll4n , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11.00
- ' WJ6 ' . ' ' .
, t1'18JNct JI.\'l'18. .
On. COIOlllb , ltr ruontlJ , ' 7.00. OUIt.bAlt 001.
IUIID P" 11I01.1 ( II t4.W Qulltl.r ( 'oUlamn , II I'
11I\1' \ ' ; ( ' " , " ' ,00. IlOti ) Wait / ' . . , .CO\IIII1O. \
uen , " ' . ( 1006 I.r II/Dr' , . , ' . j If"
OMI uh 1I.t ' ' ' .0 ; CIO ell. I'or DOli , per
/UtAtb . . . .t"I.4nrU.11I1/1\ / . per IIno .ath 1010r.
\Iou. .
"qloo of el.qrch . , ' . . And tlQIOrlalu. :
.IINtIl wbero anon. , t. e arKod , olll.balt " " .
" 0101) noUoe. aut " 'IIUlloo. , , . , t"1" ' ,
W , lh'II"oUO" Ir. . . halt 1.10' , for allll.nlni
ItIi. , IlrOljlbUl
D"Ih ' 111t100/l / tree. hair , Ilrl e tor II\ib1IahIDI :
o..tlt . . Qotlo , . , Ind card. or11.)11. . . .
I ooll ' I' ra , . . 1110.1404 II , I'"tolo. ' of
.tW kl , .
Y - 'rh'ur day , Mar 1110 , 1904-- :
! r.he iC Ub ' lC4. < < ( It peMc4 ) , to
note thnt' ' UIC 'Snpt me Cb rrt ll1i
.fo ( hd tlmt the 1 Jiera ' niou ,
oVer which there hn9 t cn" . : some
c j rovcroity of Inte is sotvc)1f.
Wci'nrt" not n' men llcr f thnt
o ' r , nt 'f ' t the suJce 01' thc
tlitmsnnltn thnt 'nTc ' , as well as
t1ii'pcr onnl rcgnrt ! we hu\'c lor
h r. . Sp Jmc ) ' , its } > ron'otor nllli
Ptt9hlcnt , we e the'
Dinke A Uuin be.como pnc Qf the
sft ng finnncinl lli. ! itutions of
. 9tatc. '
our. .
. . . .
' \ . -
: : . Urokcu Duw l'rolporollll. !
. . - . . . . .
The Alliuncc Grip of thc 6th
0 ( . februry , Iln ! ) tl1e .following . in
referencc to Broken. Dow :
'k. R. lnrceU , wlt tot the Droken
DOW CLld , arrived In the elt ) . 'his morn"
iUl"to lu'run.-e . - with Col. EYIUIU for gett.
111g0llt & \ Ipeel..l . mllltrn l edition for
keIlDow \ , He fnvored thl" office with
Q 11cnslUlt vilit tQlkelt1very cmtertnlll'
flU ; y upot ! mntters pcrtlllnlllg : to nnmlcl.
pl\lgovC'nttuclit. : 11snYIi thnt wbell . be
\ \ " , , 'e1cctrxml1)'or : of llroken 110rnve
dtn , ta cxlatrxl ns to wbct1\ : tbe thool I
c \\hl bco kept \lP wltbout tbe revenue :
deryirxfrom \ lI1luor IIcellllc. : bllt'u.perien.
ct' tlll demollstrn'rx\ the Icbao\ not
onb Wtro kcpt U1 but thM in tbe htstOf ) "
oN1roken .Dow 'beN .bl\lI ne\'cI" n
known luch A boom In but1dlug aud busl.
lICN. 1h'tr ) ' b\\UUng Is Ultrx1 C\\n !
ry\Ol"i. : . b\\lP ) ' ami pros tou , . "
SbaH , , " 0 USaQ \ .lt
'l'he paramo\1nt issue i , sl1a11
we ngain \\'e open saloons ?
bOtM\'bo fa\'or the salQon so
declar ( \ by placing a city ticket
hi the nettl Momln ) ' uigbt. Wl1i1e
, ve (10 not a rce with them we
comnund theu' courage. W re.
specl those. who openl ) ' ad\'ocate
, hat thc ) ' believe Ulore than
tbose you never knowl1ere to
'l'hi the issue
Un\l. places
\H\fcly before \1S and there is
but one (10 ami that iG
to meet it. rhere is no q\1estion
in our mind about results , if the
nti..i loon element stand \utHed.
There can be no middle grouml.
\Ve should be : t9 brave as our
I 1ver ades and umth more so.
'Xe not onlylu\\'e Ut o < lds in our
f vor bul we Me in the tigbt.
'lllt : .r do not claim to be rigbt ,
b\lt advocate saloons as un e pe\1.
i l1t. 'rbe tb e councilmen thnt
Itold over are ple < 1gengain t
s loons. The. opposition umst
clecUlree councihnel1 : ttl < \ he
t \ayor to lu\\'c' a majodtj' . This
tbe ) ' cannot l10 if strong Cl\pn.
b1e. Uleu are sehcted for these
ition Let evefiQUc interest. .
e. < l aUend the cn\\CUS l-Tida.y
l gltt , prel ) red t10ou1 - \ ' to meet
tie. is.s\\t : bid ) , butte sehct
t . tN"t : men. pQS\ble : \ for th of.
: t\ , to . . fitled. .
} t&\U U. Uti. tN. ! (1 1taltt .
, -
! fhe Ute ting ot the Repub1icatJ
Central Comttt In Uh
\-it ) wa 1 r 1r atteude < l.
'l'be qlle tion' " of selectins
\1ele".tes fot" the. congressional
\n 'ntiotto re held at AUian\ "
Q.U'the. 11th , wa disc\nsed ai
1 ngtb. It was t nl.n : . couclde (
t)1at o ing to t e bert UU1e in-
tuvttung' tha.t it. would no\
cticato holl\ " lcc hl
C \ lUtton'eutio.n to elect dele-
" . , . Acomtuilt eof se'eu wa
1&ppQ\uted consbtiug' of oue fret ]
each'iuperso.rdistric.t \ to..sel c
t""euts tle tes. . Thefo1\ow\n1 \ \
is. Ust. of th delegates. s l te ;
a tll thttra1teru3.tes .
, : t..u S'r S'\U r.
. . . . Curd . u. CQFdC\ } , \ \
& 'Qtt. lttttI'rauk l'hUu \ \
N. CQ1L\.tt , . J. . IAtUll.u ,
. . .st1)lnlU .
1. Q. . ' 1'a tQ , : Low. : . llu'Qnt. . . A1.t J
Jr. W. HAYES ,
Jlwtlel' and Optician
, WMt I d. . Square ,
foken .ow ,
N l > fas k. ,
, . . . .
, - = - , . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; .t : ; , : ; . ; ;
nnlu-Jns. McGrRw , W.,5. Metcnlf ;
' 1'UUll > JH9'rRICT ,
A MorRRlI , 'A. R. nUlllphrcy , A , J ,
H11I0it. Allerunlc5.L..AV D. UnJl ! I , e. 11.
MilicI' , IIeur ) ' Heeller.
- Ifo nTH ) H9TJUCT.
It. C. WI1&OI1 , J , H , { " II. l { .
Atkisson. AllCfllntcs-l\1. It , to'ltcr , W.
J. ' Uce . . . , A. 141 lnzrllby.
' ,
tlU11' D19TJUCT
Irfl Ml11s , S , C. Wahlroll , A. Moolc.
AllernRtea-R. R. Uarnnrll , O. Nnnacl ,
Jal. Chittick. . . I . . ,
" I JXTU J > l TltIC1\
J. It. ltoxworlhy , 1,011 Davis , Wm.
\Vanell. Alternnte-A. POlllla.
. 'rom WriIoUI' : ' , Jas. Fnlrlhh1 , ' W. S. De.
Inllo. Altermltca-T. ' 1' . Varney , W. II.
Dryall , O. IIllIcr.
.l'hc dnte of the county conv n.
lion wng sct for May 3rd , wIth
recoullnendattons that tl1e prim.
nries be heM. April 30. ' .r.he
IJnsis of r pres ntntion is bnc
delegate for every tcn votcs caM
f r lIon. G. 'W. Whitmore for
Regent , or frnction thereof uml
enc dclegnte at InrE { for each
H. B. Glover oITered tl1c follow.
ing' relilolutioJl nnd mo\'cd its
ndoption : '
J n OINItU , 'fhllt Ihe HcpubllclllI .
County.COUlmltte of Custcl' CO\ltIt ) ,
Nebrn.ka here I\ssembled , docs hereby
" ' ' \ ' tltl nctiotl of the Rcpnbllclltl
S \'ll1'O\'e \ COUllulttee 111 reCOllllllelHl.
IlIg the 1I01lllnllUoII of a cnUltldnte for' U.
S : Qcuntbr , tbereb ) ' rderrilt lhe sclec.
tiOIi ut United Statcs : lennlor direct tu
Uw'OleN of tlle atnte. We : recogllize III
11011. n , J. Dur ett , the high peraonnl' '
aUlt officfn ! qunlltles wblcb cntirely fit
blm for tbe relpouslt"le nmhouornblc
l > O.Gltlou us II member of the U. S. ! lcnnte ,
uUlI npprovt of bt . , . prolllotiolt to tbnt
F. M. Currie oU'crcd the follo\ " . .
ing nmemhncnt : :
We reco n\zt \ the h\Rh \ persoial cbur.
ncter nUll offictnl lutegrit ) ' of lIon. J. II.
l\lIcke > ' unll endorse h\9 \ cl1Jlllncy for
'l'he resolution was ndopted as
IIIlth L1l'nl1l ) ! ( 't\UCII .
A high liccnsc caucus was helt !
n the cit ) . Monday night. It
wns the first caucus ever hcltl in
the city where the nominees were
tUl\\lc on the dircct issuc of saloon -
loon license. Formerly thc ques.
tion of license hus been left to u
yote of the people. 'rhe mceting
was called tCI order b ) ' C. S. Mar-
tin. An or anization was effected -
ed b ) ' electmg J. S. Molyneu
chairmau , and C. S. Martin , sec.
retar.r. A , comUlittee on ordcr
of business , consisting of Fred
Ml\U1ick , Wm. B. Schaefer and
JolIn Benr } " , were appointed.
Ras. Anderson , H. H. Squires
nud G. L. Tmner , wcre elected
committee on resolutions. Harr\ "
Dangs anll Rav Gadd were elect.
cd tellers. 'I'he committee on
oder of business recommended
the nominntion of .malor , cit ) .
clerk , treasurer , pohce Judge and
engineer in tbe ordcr b" vcn. The
report was adopted. The committee -
mittee on resolutions were but a
few minutes bringing in tl1eir
report , wl1ic.h wns adopted. On
moHon of Ras. Anderson un in.
formal \'ote was taken on major ,
with the following , \'ote : Mol\ " .
neux. 7 ; Apple , 9 ; Martin , 6 ;
with 9 other , 'otesscnttering. On
motion of Martin , the informnl
, 'ote was < leclared format.
An infonnni baUot for clerk re.
sulted in Apple , 4 ; Hutton , 5 ;
Willanl , 6 ; Leonanl. 15 ; Holcomb ,
3. The other votes were scatter"
el\ among3 other persous. Jns.
Leonanl wtthdrew irom tl1e con.
test stating lIe was not a , 'otet
. in the cit } . Tl1e formal bnllot
gt\\'C B. O. Hutton s votes an
be was declnred the nominee.
The , 'ote fat" tresurer resultel1
in 17 for Kiutberl1ng' , 14 for Tut.
I ner. S for Reneau , 3 for HaYC$1
with tbe rest sc.1ttering. : Ou'tl1 ,
forulal ballot. Turner re eh'ed 2
. \'otes and wa declared elected ,
Mr. 'l 1rner "leclined to l\ccepl
the position. A motion was tbet
m \de to elect Kimb r1ing bac
clawLtion. Martin obj cted
stating that be be , lill not lie\ ' .
tbtt Mt" . . Kiw rliug was in sym
lX\th } ' wlth the mQ'e. The , 'otl
. was lost. 'l'he formal ballo
was ta.l. . n ami F.Y. . Ha'es 1111"
iug reee.'e"l tl1e mnjont ) " yet
was declntell the. nowine .
A wotion was wa e to S\1S UI
the uominde G'Seh winl
fo.r police iud by acclawaHQ
wa"oted dowu. 'l'h form : . !
, "ote was. taken which resulted i
' ) fot' G'Schwind , 17 for Ho1comt
H fox R. G. Moore 3 fot" Ga.dd
with other votes sca.ttered. The.r
bdag" no chotce , Mr. . Moore
d 1 d to a andidt.te. : : . On th
ne t. b. lot c. . II. Hokombe \
I : . the tuljonty'ote : IU\d was. dE nomiuated. The t\ ' :
, ( eresu'S nd.e an E. F. . No ,
Clute wa.s uomins.ted by : s.cch
tt1ilt.ton fOt engiu er. . . The se'
er. ' " .u ' $ then U01uu:1.ted. : tb
following- i < .b.tes. for CQuud
men : F1 t wud- : . J.yooo :
. .t1dYa..rdJ. . . S. . S < luire
Third \ { ' . .1rd"red Maulick. Th
following' lire the. resolutioe. :
u.w . . tb. citUtJ'i : ol B k BcJw. lox
. tJ. a. . th la.1 fQtr ) . . ; 1l ,
, t1no : th city' tiE BNk : BcJw. b. .
tD. . I&Q . 1Wl FJ'I : : .I1. Wt1" : c
bill : ' t1.Qt1. . th:1 ! : . pJ'lh1bitio.a. : . dQ.f " : t : , .
t : : .ib tut ! wb.tiL ! v : tO- < < J : C
" . .
. - , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . ' " ' . ' "
! 11' " .11 : 1. .L " "
. . .
'a\l'dnlls ) of lI'lUOU orc .hlpped in tram
cutern liquor houses to nil ) ' olle wlio
' \r.1lI oHler thCUI , evert 1I0)'s of 15 or 16
) . tirll of nge hnvc he ell fOllnl1 cIrullk ollel
lilled for the offcnse , And a\1 \ the : tuolle ) '
IlIIhl ( or 8RIIt liquor goes to some easten !
Iltu r hOllse nevcr tu return. And
\ylIRll1CAs. the city nud cboolsllrokcu
1I0W orl : badly III nced or r venue to
carr ) ' 0\1 \ ttle city overnment an to reo
pair Ibe str ct9 olld side \\alks. which so
long hnvQ becn neglected , we have corne
to tile conclusion that we11 reglliated
sRI on H to be llrcfcrred a great tleal
\1IQl'c lltan the preselll system on would
rcslccUu11) ' a9k all good citizens who
hnyu tile we11fnre of the clly fit beart to
/lup'port the high IIcellse ticket and tllcre'
by ItIcr ' use lhe revenue of tbe city about
$ JOuooo nlld 11 belter 'regulation of the
liqlUlr trullic. Am !
' .WuttnICA9 , our public pork unel ul1
olher public impro\'c'JJcnts that hl1ve al.
WOYII lieell the pride of ever ) ' citizen of
llrokcli Dow and QU whIch n greal denl
of IIIOlle } ' has nlrcady been expen ed
hUll of lute } 'catJ ! bccome dClI1oralftc,1 umi
delophlntetl amI cOIl.'Jequcntly II disgrace
to our proud cll } ' . AmI
"WUlilUCM , we wnnl it further \lnller.
! Jlooll thnl we do not at all criticize or con.
tlemn the presenl clly nllmlutstrntlon for
thc prcscllt stnte of affairs as we nre confi.
,1ellt thnl they hnve eloliC 1111 In their
lOWcr with whllt lIIelln ! ! they hu\'e hatA
at their dispOsal. but Wl' cnrnesl1y usk.
thcm ulILI 1111 cltllens who huvc the pros.
perity IIIld welfare of the cit ) ' ot heart lo
lIupport the hi h license JUuvcmtnt : und
thcr ) ' illCICllse the rcvcnue of thc cit } , .
"We wnlIt it furthcr understood thnt
there lt ! 110 poHtic9 reprcsentlng this
\lto\'cmcllt but I ! ! for the sole purpose of
rnislllg lIIore rcvcnue'for.the ell ) ' and by
110 dolug , its oppeurunce nnd .
gener,1I1 coml tion ! ! . G , 14 , 'l'URN R.
U. II , SQUJR1\S ,
lUg . 'Irtut AlUIiOI1 City.
Last Saturday morning be.
twecn 1 and 2 o'clock , n fire start.
cd in Hcnr ) ' Sharp r's implement
'she s 011 the west si e of the
business street of the town and
burned his lJuilding- and several
others before it. was stopped.
'l'he " of water
supph" was soon
c l1nusted"and the buildings in
tl1e immediate vicinity was left
to the mcrc ) ' of thc names. Thc
losers were : Dierlts LumlJer &
Conl Co. , $15OOOj J. R. Davidson
Co. , merchnndisc , 8OOO ; AI.
O'Brien , hardware , $ SOOOjMeeks ,
confectionary nmi dwelling , $1 , .
500. All of the loosers carried
marc or less insurat ce. Dierks
Lumber aud Coal. Co. is reported !
to IHwe lJeen ful1y insured.
Shnrper l1ad $1,000 , insuranccj
Da\'idson Co. , $3900j ; O'Brien ,
$3,000 ; Meeks , $500 How the
firc started is not. . known , but it
is tl1ougl1t to l1av.e been the work
of an incendar } or from a cigar I
stub.Ye understand tl1at tl1e
burnt district will be reb ilt
with brick.
. .
Tb etUau1 . Urlit.
In speaking of'tl1e sale of the
First National Bank at Allianc ,
tl1e Alliance Grip.says :
For tbe p.u fe\\ months S. K. Wara
rick. or Bo , , ' . hu 1 > < < n figuring on
t ng into the b nking bU5in in
A11iU1 . Last Tbursdar night a deal
ws.s colDp1et wbereb } ' W. A. HSUlPOOU ,
prestd nt of tbe First a on3l Rsnk.
dtspo $ of hls bo1ding'S in the nk to
Chas. E. FON , : i wealth } ' bIulker of
Chicago , and : \Ir. Wamck. the co sidera
ation being p.1r"aluc for hi ! stock.
umounus - to Sooo. togetber with a
bonu of : ; IOJ. . Mr. r'ord ls president
of se\era ) banks nd has unlimited capi.
Tbat he bss 11.1 . $0-
t1lat hii comwand. > -
luh : roufidence in the ablUty of ) .1r.
Warrick h e\idwce\\ the ! set. that ; the
entire : lnanagement of tbe b.:1nb : at Bro-
, keu Bow.Ieroll. . and Alliance is : left in ge. . : \Ir. Warnck. an fsn lywiU
\k in A1han . R.\1. Hampton con.
tinu with th bank. ha\iug $ 3OOO.
stQcl ; . therein , although rctinng from
a th-e work \'Onnectrxl "ith it. on 1lC\"Ount
of having huge I interest : : ! de.
mantling hls : : Attention. W. A. H pton
e : q , < < ts to m : nt : . n his residence in
Alliance although he 1nS } " tr.Sl e.xten-
si'dabroad. . Und t' UI ni-.1 on
the. new o.ffi t'3 are tLli follows : Cha : : ; . E.
. Ford , pr idlnt : R.1. . Hampton.i
ident..S. K. \ \ rriclr. : . C"\liier ; G. G.
f lampton. tl$1st&nt : : cUhier. : : Di tor $ .
Ch . E. Foro. So. R. WUTick. R. ) .1.
HIUl'ptQn. \ . S. R t lion" H. \\'amd : : .
Cu\ouhlt u..tcs.
During : \atch and April the Burling-
tuu win sdl one WI.'ic t3 to tbl" Picine
- CO < Lit IIot v'tt" tow r.itC $ . .
Here IIore Some of tbetu : '
$ : :1-4.0 tt.1 > San ' ! TJ.ncli'n t tOd
An les.
$ S to lVrtb : : . . TaIUCU and ltle. .
$ 5--50 to Si"J lUle.
$ ' :0.00 to Butt and HelenJ. .
$ t 1S to Bi 110m &sin , WYQmin .
l'wpodiou.ul-1-ow ratC0 bt1n
Qf oth .r l-.lnb.
Tb.'tS nt elI t' an e.xU t oppQl"
tunit . to SC'I : ' the gteIlt orthw t whiel :
pres nb WlI.SW : attrJ. < : tiu t\.1 > the bome-
: i < < k.t't' . U th ' ro.a. cd lccb < 1
oI ) li < : h . th whol1t.01 n ta
thtWNl E OhiQ , the fiis- : of e , .
l1gW1d and. seL\Ndr rl1g . theAt
bntk COIi.St. .
If 'o""U will t'tU m wh'uu U1
t _ s.b. ll tooSW t\ ) gi.'O lull. .
tton 'a ut t'J.te > IUtd tniu r. , , U
n.l you ad\"Ut ingm.Ltt r des&"riFti
\ t th nd < < $ C:1.'tWn..So.
l.las. .
Gener l r Ag'nt.
3 Ot : : : . . : .1 , etocub.
" " ' 1"Cd CU" "I1. pU .a.
t"S. B. . , v. E\"ae.s , Chuwa.t r
Ka.u. . w'Cit' HMT hu-sba.nd 1:1' :
, sick for thrt months. . The do
1tQt $ said he : ha.d . quick consucp
s. Hen , We : procured a. bottl 0
s , Bo1.lbri.\.s Ho.rehoun Srrt ; a.C4
l it cl.lre him. . 'l"ha.t W" ' a.r
ago ae.d thee. W
wa. vs k pt 3. . bQttl iu th hOttS
t ' \y Ca.I1t1ot do without it. . Fo
:1.coughswd : , CQd.s : it ha.s coequal , '
01 : ) 5c- SIX : s.nd. :51.00. : . Sold byEc. . !
ul k cCu = Bmt.l. Bow c.d
II ' , 'n I" , ,1' . . : : : : : : : : _ r " : : -----W- t'l'
\ . ,
, '
How To Buy , '
. . .
Graham (
, . . . .
Crackers " , "r : \ ,
. .
. , " . . : , . .
. . I .
. . "
CUT out dotted section and send to t ft-
, . ,
. . your grocer with your next order. .
, . . ' . , " . . . , '
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
In tile future send me Graham
. . Craclcers , only in air figllt packages - ,
ages bearing tllis trade mark of ,
the National Biscuit Company I' '
in red and wllite , on each end of f
the pack ge.
SIgned 1 I
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - "
.1011 llESItLlSSCO'l'r lHU.U.
. It"tber HraUl' ' ArD1Y Man GoUl' to At.
tentt the Geoerat , RoH Call.
. -
John HenrLinscott was born
May 8tl1 , 184 , and departed this
life February ith , 1904. He
went as a sailor when a boy and
stayed until 61 when lIe offered
hit self to.his country. He had
visited all the large towns in t.l1e
east aud south. He had beeu to
Cuba. France and Germany. 'In
1862 he was sworn into the U. S.
ser\'ice as a na'.al officer. He
came to Custer County , Nebraska.
nbout 19 years ago and has made
two or three trips back to his old
110me in Mass. , since. He was a
a member of Samnel Rice Post
at 'Merna. He went to Cowrad
Linugston's on the 20th to make
a visit and was taken sick and
died Saturday. Funeral s n'ices
were held at the school house 1
mile west and was conducted by
Comra e F. M. Graham. The I
pall bearers were old soldiers. :
He was always cheerful aud lov.
ed to be with tl1e "boys.n He
was laid to rest in the Grand
vi w C metery to await the
Gener ; ! ! 1'011 ca.ll of the 'master.
l'nrmers 6nl11 Trust
Twent : . states were present d
by tbree hundred delegates at
the meeting of tl1e ational CoO -
O rati\'e Grain Growers and
Sto k Raisers Association , held
at Onml1a , March 1. A plan for
a tborough orgaJ 2ation : was ad.
opted. S.500OOO 'worth of stock
Dt'a-uuing nS :
2S'2S K 5 : . .
Cmt.LGO , lu. . , Cd. . 9. , 1.00'J. .
I 3 vith and .
. on c.f "WC:1b , wtth SleTeI'e
tu t.e . I S'C -
C = at th . ol emS -
S Q. blind g h-.d
axd c ! . to t ! : : brsin.
Wb : to try 1 ca" . 1Ct. it
IlNo th3 I lud tried all d
bi1 . but I b.d r..a . tried Wi :
c.f Ca.\i. bl . for
S 'tl"C' a I fQCSd it F t
t b.bI ud soon c.tb : 1 bd.
t ! : righ : , IT bleed
ta CCr:5t : ! h rlo1m.s
a = .d , ; . . ; btt : ! I
ws.rnll . waJ,2. .
. . . . .
3 a. JSu ! .s T 1 pe. .
. a tock TCl4 cl
Ca.i = -al diJcr..E'3 : ,
bM. 1r.I. pala a : . - .
1I' " " 'W.w. al c ! : .c
bW ! b r' he nli .
' , ad NI.'C't by t .
f W"eM cl Ca.l fa. _ 1cau-
'Ibt L"Jt : b.-ttit . . . . . .
po . . . et : Cw ta M&:2. !
.f _ . . . . . . .
" .1. ' . : .
1 cr T'oIH 1 % rft"
. . d : . zJI. s..k. . . Iiritl : !
$ . . . . \"D.c . . ! " . iltll. ! .Cf c.'C1
c :
' . ) { CQ. . . Cb . . T L
r . . . . . . . . ' ftiftoI. .
: t nOW'3WRftInn
J. .
- - - - -
- - - - - . . . . - - - " - - . - - - -
will be oITered for ale , the shares
being 'placed at $10. It is proposed -
posed to capitalize the compan ) '
with * 50,000,000 for tl1e purpose
of bnil.c1ingelevators , buying and
selhng grain and stock.
An Unusual f'amlly JUstOl' ) " .
F. A."Talton of Lee Park. re.
ceived a paper recently from
Bloomingdale , Michigan. which
r lates a remarkable history of
the family of lone of his cousins ,
Ir. Hayen. Mr. . and Mrs.
Haven 'located in .Michigan in
1854 , at Bloomingdale , having
moved there from Ohio. For
twenty three years they ha\'e an.
nuall , held a family reunions on
Christmas. At the first reunion
th r wer present eight children
and two , thirteen in
aU. At the reunion there
were 4 ; including grand children
and great grand children. Only
on three occassions were any aD-
sent , and only one death in tl1e
family and that was a grand-son
fh'e years old , AU the children
are ocated witl1in three miles of
the old 110me , either in business
or farming. The parents are il
years old.
Bad R llroad Wrel' , " at Xollen.
Last Sunday morning tl1e east
bound passenger 1\0. 41. , jum d
tl1e track on tl1 siding at
Mullens. killing one man. sides
throwing si't coaches off the
trucks that were filled with pas.
sengers and nm into one corner
of the depot. The young man .
k1lled was a Hagman and was.
standing on tbe stepof : the front
each at the tiUle the train become -
come detached froUl the engine.
His name is Percy . Odenshaw of
Chicago. His.remains. . were
brongh to thlS city and prepared
for sh1pment b ) . Undertaker
Se\'eral iroUl Broken Bow were
au the tr-.1in on rdurning frow
Alliance. They got off witbout
injury but they bad not got O\'er
TO CURR A COLD JS 0:0&1' : DA. V
Ta.b : LusttT. . BNmo Q1 II..n" 'l'abfotI..L !
. rU b N . : < 1 thoJ mOlo:1 : I ! n bIb to fU
! : \1 ( in ; ' . . . . ! , tSt1lNLt ot f b.u. : x
- - - -
their fright yet when they got
home about 1 'clock judging from
the lack of color in their faces. .
Among tl10se on the train were
Alpha Morgan , J. J. and L. E.
\Vison ) , F. H. Young , Ras An. I
derson , E. R. Purcell , r
. I .
Card ofThankli. I ' "
We wish to exten our l1eart t .
fel t tl1anks .to our friends and - : '
n ighbors for their kind assist. .
anc and sympathy. during the t
sicKness and death of our darling . . ,
litHe Rosetta.
IR. AND MRS. P. M. C SI\ . . . . . _ '
. . .
Tbe De t COOiCb tI'I'rop.
S. 14. Apple , ex.Probate Judg . .
Ottawa Co. . Kansas , writes :
"Tl,1is , i to say that I have use.d
B l1ard's Horehound Syrup or
yeatS : , and that I do not l1esitate " ' .
to recommend jt as he best cough If
syrup I have e\'er used. " - 25c , . . . -
50c. $1.00. Sold by E . Mc. .
Comas , Broken Bow and Merna.
- - - -
i ,
- - - ' ' ' '
Well Provided.
Onc t.1.U IIc\'cr uluke a mistake
in haviug hi3 coal bin : lud wood ,
hed full , Those who put off bu ) ' . , .
lUg to the last moment : snd tbtn :
send out all emergency C3ll , must I.
I often purchlSC when market con. '
itions are unfavorable 3ml pri s
bigh. ,
Plenty of Good Fuel
m:1 : } ' bad now at our " , ud , . . We ,
. g \ iull me.\ure. and supply the
, best coal obWtlsble.
; Dierks Lumber & Coal Co. .
- - -
- - - . - - -
- - - - - - - -
, , .
- - - - - - - "
: ' Ip ; : BUI : : : = c ; : t 'h . . . . - . .
I I ! - : : E = > > - :
Greo. apin.ea.-u. ,
Contractor and Builier. Estimates i
' - . . . . , . . . . , . . . . . . . . : . . .r : . . : ; l : ptan " : ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " " ' " . . . . , !
I'm _ ' : ! if : : ' ' 't i ' = - . _ ' - - = ' = ' I
. . . . . . .
- - - -
. . . . . , , . . , . , . . . . . , , . _ . . . . . , , . . , . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . -
i : ' < ; ' : ; , " ; _ _ ; .r a , . , ' _ : . : . . .m. ; . . ; . . ; _ : " _ . _ : , . . . _ . ' ! . . : . . . : . . -.c _ - . . ; . . " - : . : . . . . . . . . . . . ; , : " . - ' ; . : . \ . . . . . . . . . : . " , " . : ' - _ . \ ' . . . _ . . . . . . ; . , : . . . .r"r . " . ; : . ' . ; : ; . . . , . ; 'a . - ; _ ; . ; , t. - . " : . : " . . . . . . - . ; . . . . . . . . . . . ; ; ; 'I" < ; TI ; . ' 4. . " . . ' : ; ; I t1
" "
, . . . .
. . .E3 : . . .
FREEZE \ \ HEX YOG eA Bey ' " .
C C ) .A. . : J : . . .
. The G. L. Turner LUluber Co. , . ;
: & Sa.\\ . . rs. to TEt P. D. Swith Go. ' ,
I. A\"ent for the b , C' Building " = Loan As 'n. ttI
-.r. < r.IJt. . . . ; . . 1. ' . : ! , . . . . . .t"t _ . , , : . " - . . IM' . : - . . ,
.a. ' ' $ "i-a ' " ; S
. ; ; : a ) ! : ilil l' : ; ; : , _ : \ .
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