Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 10, 1904, Image 2
> t. ' " , \ \ , . , I ( USTH ( OU IY RIPU UCA1\ \ , \ " - - - - - - l3y D. M. , SDERRY. DROKEN DOW. - NlmnASIA - 11 Ne s i Brief I 'fho nnh' I 111 lIort lint hulepUllllent r1 ntl'lI noW rCl1Inlnlng In Africa uro Ab's/llnln / nlltl J .Iberlu. 'rho fltrllw or conI mlnel'lI nl. glls , worth , I'll" Is ( JIIllcll , the c0l111111ny nr- < "Cllln to the 1I0l11nndll (11 the mono Wllhltl a mlle of .Iohllnneshllrp ; hulltllng cOlltrnctll to the 1l1110llnt of u\'cr ton millions 111'0 belllg currlcd Ollt. Ollt.Dr. . mnll't. a IU'ullllnollhcw of Uoh. Nt gmm1. the Irhlll IlIItrlot , hllll JUII\ \ . . , plebrntml hili guhlol1 wedlllnl ; In Now \'urlc cll ' . l'onJrlSRmnl1 ! WIIIIIII1I A , Ue'd'r wus l'l'nollllnntt'll hy ncclu\IIullun hy the repllhllcunH of the Sixth district ( If Innlllls. I'allf'l' 1I 'who11I 01'0 comlnp ; tntu IIse. 'rlw lon811u IItrcnpth ; ot 11I\lll'I' II > pnor- mulls , hunce IIH ul1\'untngc o\'CI' 11'011 for Uti FI 11\1 I'HlSC. OUI' O A. llroolw of I'hllndolphla ' ' 101\ the I'nclllwt chnn1)llol111hlJl ) of the UnIted Statcs by dl'foutlng QuIncy A. Shnw , jr. , of Beaten . .John Phlllll1l , lIecretary of the nn- tlonal organhmtlon or huttoI'll. nil II well Imown In InbOl' clrcleH , IlIcII at Now York , agcd tji ) 'ears. At Clnclnna" the convention of In. dellendent tclelhono , compnnles 111 the Ohio Vallo ) ' convened with O\'l.1' 100 exchanges reprosonted. Switzerland Is Innugurntlng a s 's- tcm of IIlnornnt school teac\ora \ , who wlU ylslt nnd SIIOlIlI Homo UillO In the i8111atell outh'lng vlllagel ! , W. ' 1' . Stead hns hrolton down under the 8trllin of publishing hIs now dally ) H1\lCr in Lonclon 01111 has stnrted for South Arl'lclI lor a COl11llleto rest , , \11\:01' Arthtlr : \ kClcllanJrother \ of the lnte Gelwrnl < : eor1o n , McClollan and \111010 of the l1IaIof Now Yorl. , dt'd ! HIHlclunl ) ' of henl'l. lsenao at Dr- ! ton , Pn. Itnrr ) ' A Zlllarro was hmigell al mt- Innning. Pu" fo ' the lnlmlor of his , . . .1 fe , Zl11nrro , who was curcely 2 ' { ' rH old , wat ! coul allli ccllected : ou ' the scaff 0111 Wllllul1I11101' : , JH'ohably the oldust I'nglneer In servlco In the Unltoll Htutt's , has just heon lcllled nel1r Lond- , ' 1111. ' , Colo. I1IlOl'Jegun \ railroading I l1r-two ) 'el1'H IIgo. 'rho Sonnto Commltteo on Com- l1ll'rco lIuthorlzed 11 favornlllo report ) )1 ) the lwmlnatlon or W. D , Crum , to Lo Collectm' of QustOI11S ut the lort IJf Charleston , , S , C , John ; \llIl1cnn [ , the eldest editor In .ho Stnto of mlllnna , lI\'es In Crown point , In good heatl1 and at the ago Jf 89 years , 110 Is stitt connected with ( ho Lulto County Heglstor , - Advlces ha\'e been recol\'od that nn ! 'I1Ul'I1IOUS tonnngo of exhlhlts Is now . 'nrouto to SI. Louis. Within two ' \'colts this freight will begin to arrl\'o .m the grol1\Ul8 III grellt hutt" Prof , W , Blorgun , late of Rich- rnond , In'l , unu ot the rorE.most : of Qualwl' educatlll s dlml ut I. mvell , Kns , lIe waH lromlnenl In the mo\'oment that hrought about co-e ucutlon lu Uualter schools. nopl'lng In the House of Commons , ( \\0 \ Chancellor OL the l xchequer , Aus- ten Chamberlain , salcl the fO\'ernll\Oll : hall uo intention ut Ill'csent of rolm- IlOslng the tax on gl'llln , which was . nhohsllecl last ) 'eur Irs , lll'll lo-l\Inrtln , the socloty leader , who Is now malclns her homo In l nglal1ll , lIas or orcll twont.sovon JIll\rt \ ) or shoes mndo to her own las. from lUIU1ufucturer or women's foot weur . In Lynn , Muss , The RIght Hov. Joseph C. Hartzen mlslonar ) ' blshol ) of the : \lethotllsl ch rch , mUJ just I''turned to Lo IHI 011 1rom n tomof the Afrlcnn missions , cxtoullIug ovel nine 1I1Onths un lI'u\ ' lIn ! ; nhout : .HIOUO mlll't. 'rwo men were lost by the stenmer Yot'l ( Castle , which 1lI'l'lveci nt Nm\ Yorl < from DolagrJU buy , In un uttemp' to l.lve aid Slmdu ) " to the Amol'lcar 8t1l on01' . Willie I. Newton , : ! OO mllel south ast of 8u11(1) ' lIoolt. 1'ho Irlvnte cnr usell b ) ' Presllll'n Lincoln durhlg the CI\11 wnr , antJ whlcb carried his IJml ) ' to Sllrlngttehl rot' burial , hus been loancd tu the 8t Louis Exposition or oXl11hltl0I1 In tht Lincoln MU80u1ll by the Union Pacini rallruad , Emil Kuchncl \anchestor : [ , N , II. , 111\s a clock which It Is belloved \ ' used In the U ' 8 of Columbus , On th' upper I1I1rt oC too wood on face I. carved lllct\\l'e or the great ItlSCOV erer , wlhle on the lowcI' lJart Is neut ! ' carvell "Anno HJ ! : ! , " The hN\\'lest man In the British om- plre Is dead from IL cuncer , sn's a dispatch from London , 110 wns 'I'hom 'as Longley of Dm'er _ His wehht ex. ceeded GOO POU 1111 II , wblle ho was sb : : teet ono Inch In Ilehht. un had a cbest meaS\\l'Clnent or se\'ont ) ' Inches. John Drltt , or Il'dora , N. D" has written to the : tuthorltieK of the Lou , Islann Paurchaso expolltlon thut 1113 can secure fOl' the l'ul1' a lo cubl : ! In which President Roosevelt onc' Ih'e on n rnnch In Not'th Dalwta. ' 1'ho PUIIO haR sent a manlttccnl chased golcl ehnlle tu the chul'ch al Quero , U town In the Yenotlun 111'0\ ' Inees , to tnlto the Illaco of the OIH wMcb hall h'en used there Cor a century tury , but which wus reCl.lItt ! ) ' stolen Captain G'lIl'go lll'OOIllO of the Ullit ed Stutes anll ) ' , now stutloned III Porto to nlco , filed In the Unltl'd Stntt'S 8U 1)fOmO ( 'ourt a slIlt for . . $ : ! OOOO dam nges al ; lnst Jl1l11eS } < , Hal'bolll' lUll his wife , Annlo D , Barbour , for allcfOI ; alienation of the nffectlons of Cal1tuh l1roomo's wlfo. . - PRESS OF RUSSIA - SATISFACTION AT TONE OF AMERICAN DISPATCHES. REGRETS THAT THERE IS STRAm Deprecates Effect of Estranged Relations - tions Detween Two Nations : md In' slsts Prudence Must Ultimately Surmount - mount Impulse. WI' _ pgTICHSBUHO-'rho UIIIIsiun prells hall ! ! wllh greut ! ! nllllfaetion the Amerlclln IIISIIRlehes of the last few da's all hllllcnllnJ ; a ehllngo In the IIISJlOsltlon of Iho WnshltlJlon goVOl'll' m01l1. to\\'nrll Hussili. 'I'ho Bourse all- l.olt u 1\1111 the Novoo Vl't'm'u I rlclay moruluJ ; dlsCIISH In a Hoher-mlnded fllshlon HURso.Amerlcnn l'ellitiouH nncl the clangfJr or It permllnent estrange , ment , 'I'ho Ollzcll { ' lIa1I Ihol'o III something' II1'ooulllll ) ' I'egl'cltuhlo III thu 1lI')8ont rolatlollH tJOtweell thfJse t\\'o wmlcllowors \ , " 'Phey h'anllccnll the houllds of com- mOil logiC' . 'l'ho IlOslllon talwn by Amorlca "Inco laflt .lIme'ancl thu lIntl , Husslan lIeWtlllpCl' ! ( am\lnhn \ In the Unllt'cI StntcR nru 110 Inoxllllcnhle thnt the ) ' Reem 1IIw n nhhtmnl'e. Since the hcglnnlng or lis hilltor ) ' AmorlC/\ lIns IIlslIt'ed the liveliest feelln ! ; or fl'lendllhlll nncl 11IImirntlon nmon HilS' alnns , IIncl dlploull1t1c nud Ilolltlcni ex- Ill'esslons of those rcellugR have heen cOUtllluoUR nud constaut , III HllsBlan ! : Iuclal circles there hits ever been a \'erllahlo wor8hlll or the classic lanll of lI1Hrt ' nucl the Amorlcans have aI- wn ' 8 heretororo mnclo HURllinu Meud- ship tl.e corncl' stouo of theh' I'orolgn Ilollcy. . "SllIlclonl ) ' , all If all 0\11 sllrlt hnll hl'ol\Oll loose , the A1I1C1'lcans , desplto their IIrnctical turn of mlucl , 1HJnll ! to do e\'er'thlng to stl1l1111ntu , Iapaneso ngl1resslnl\cslI ! ancl flcom uow It ) be anxloulIl ) ' nwaltlug Jallllueso victories In Asln , where hnl10rtant American commol'clal Interests are centered , As . a multo ! ' of fact , hostility hetwcen the united stntes nnd Russia would bo as great a mlsforllllHJ to civilization In the twentieth cont1ll'Y IUI was the rlvnlry hetween l l'Ilnce and Germany In the nineteenth. The duty of ( Ivery rlght.mlnded man Is to an'est the growlh- this anlmosltr , "Uusslnn 1IIplomno ) : owes It to the Amorlcans and to the whole cl\'llIzed world to do Its ulmost.0 are not t nlled upon to reeeho hOfltllo sounds coming from bO 'OI\(1 ( the Atlantll' , he. cnuso unfriendly sontlments 110 not exist among us , 'rhe latest advlces pcnnlt tne bollof thnt It will he much ( ! aslel' to remove this mlsulHIerstand. Ing than the enemlos or Russia may think , " I 'l'ho Novoe VI'elTl 'n says I docs not Imow whether the WIlIlllngton cah , Inet Inttuonced such Incidents as the flrt : of $10,000 hy Charles R , Crane ot Chicago to the Young Czarina's fund f01' Rllsslan soldiers nnd sailors , , the Ilro-Russinn Irish domonstl'lltlon In Now York and the quieter tone of thu Drltlsh I1ross , but the l1aper holle\'os It notes Iln hnpOl'tnnt clll\nlo In Amerl , can o/l1elnl / tuctlcs , llOglnnlng with a disinclination to fa'or tlO ! Japnnesu cable Il1'ojoet followed hy the roporl of Secretnry lIay's 11Issatlsrnctlon with the antl-nusslan IIross cnmlll\lgn , Whloh dIsposition wr..s rm'ther IIroved b ) ' his not IIlslstlnjt on dlspntchlng United Stntes consuls to Antung and lluldon at tbls time , which qullu agrees with Presldont Rooso\'elt's docl- slon to allow 1\11' . 1\1orgnn , nl1Polnted United States Gonsul at Port Dalny , to remain at home ror the present , nnl ] not , . send the battleshhl Kentuclty te the scene of the hcsUlIties In the far cast , NEBRASKA WILL SWAP LAND. Interstate Commission Flies Report Relative to Doundary Line. LINCOl.N-Nebrasltn will oxcbunge 1.IiOO nCI'es of Iund with South Dnl\Ota for GOOO aCI'es , In bl'lef , this Is the 1'ellOl't of the hOllndal' ) ' commission , (1111)olnlell ( by the leglsluture of the twe statos. 111011 on F''lday , 'rho cummls810n I1xod the bOUlular between Union CO\l1Ity , South Dalwta nnd Nebraslm at the mhhtlo or llll 1\1ls80url ; rivel' chnnno1. Renlger'f cut-off accordlngl ) ' shifts to South Du leota , while Ball's SU1'\'e ) " nnd Siom Point tra\'els Into Nobrnslm. ' ( 'ho report of the commission wll have to bo ratified by the leglslllt1ll'0 ! of both states I1nd then by congrcsi fore It will be legal and binding. The members or the cOl11mlssi0l were : J. O. Itoblnson of Bnrtlngton E , A. Lunberg of Wa'ne nnd C , J Swnnson of Oakland , representing Nt ! braska , und E , C , I rlcson , S. 11 , Dlxol and J. I. , Jolly for South Dnleota , In the Natlon's Strong Box , WASHINGTON-Today's stntemen of the treasury bulances 11\ the gell ol'nl funcI , excluslvo of the $15,000,00 goill reser\'o In the division of 1' ( domlltlon. shows : \'ul1ablo cash ba nncu , $22 ,4i2G02 gold , $10GI.19,431 'rho mlll'o ) 'OU sa ) ' the less Ileoill remombel' , England Gets Tobacco Trade. nl'II [ eND , \'a-A lIeal has bee : con8umnmlell whol'el : ) ' the Brltlsl Amol'lcun Tobacco company acquire the eXIIOl't lJuslness uf Alexl1nllc Cameron & Co. unci William Cllmet'o & Uro , of Petersburg In the Unlle StuteN unll 'tho ' lolbournu , S'dno 1\1111 Aclolnhlo , Austrnlla , tJrunc hOiISOll : , Concornlnl ; the terms of th IhnIOl' Alt'XUllIler Cameroll 1:10111 : tht ! ho could ! ; Ivo nol. del ails , as hi ne)1hew ) , ( joorgO Cnmel'on. Is now Cl route to San I ranclsco : fl'om Australl , , "th all l1al'tculars ! , FAIRDANI < O FOR SECOND PLACE. Will Not Resist Movement Regarding Vice Presluency. WAHlIl O'I'ON-1'hn Star HII'S : "HII1I\tOl' ! I'nll hUlllts will 11111. . refllst 11 0 multi ! ulm the \'Ice III'OS' IIlelltlnl IIIImllleu of the 1'0publlcu11 pnrty , If the clln\'l'lIl1ol1 nominates him , he will Ill'ceili. Moro 1111\11 that , ho will 110t nttcl11llt to Illscournge ef- fortH 1001clnJ ; to his nOlulllnlllln. "ll Is only fnlt' 10 sa ) ' that no ex- IllIcll. clooln1'lltlon by SOl1lltor 1.'nlrJ htllits to thai. uITout has heon mallo. ' 1'ho Indlnna delegation III ( : ongrcsB was convillced 10dl1Y I hut. Senator FalrbulllclI 111111 yleldod to the sollelll\- tlcm or men hhh h' the council > > out , sldo of Indluna 10 take second place on the nutlonal IIclwt. "Almost. without mccelltlon his clos , esl. ) lollllcni "rlends have IId\'lscd him , 111 hlH OWll Intereos ( , I1gulnst ac- cOlltlng the \'Ice Iresillency. , InfluclI- tlal rCllllhllclins In the ! : Iennte , t1uC'h as SpoonOl' , A 11Iso11 anet Platt , have IIrJed him 10 tlilie It , on the ground thnl. he woulll Htrellglhen l'ellUbllcun tlclet , ell)1oclnlly ) In IInl1nclnl cll'clcR ! , mill Ihul. . his 11l'al. dut ) ' III to his Illlrty , rllther than to hlH own political fu , t u I' < . " FOURTEEN LOST AT SEA. - Steamer Queen Takes Fire Off North Pacific Coast , POn'l' 'J'OWtSgND , Wash.-Afler suITorlng' the most. harrowlnJ ; experl , cnco fl'OllI Ih'o nnd storm that hus over befallen II. erurt on the North Paclfls conllt , the flteamc ! ' Queen 111I1. In here Sundny to l'e)1ol't ) the losll or fourteen Uves. Ahout a.jfj : o'clod , Sliturdny morn- In , while olr the mouth of the Colum. \JIll \ rlvCl' the Queen callght fIre in her nHet' saloon In some unoxlllnined wa ) ' . With Imlescrlhablo fwlCtness ; the fIre gained hendway and th1'entenod soon to en\'elop the whole shll ) , ' 1'0 a d to the horrol' the hoa\ ' ) ' seas rnllnlng monnt death to anyone sent aWn ) ' III the lIfehonts 'rho 11ames hecame more nn more threatening until , when It seemed IL cholco of deaths , Cnltnln Cousins orderell the lifeboats 11l1111ch- ed , 'rhey were mannecl b ) ' the crew ullcI o1'llerell to rem alII close to I he shl)1. ) Illto thc3e the women and chll , dren were Illacel1. lInl' < tl ) , howe\'er , hud the bents been cast loose than. un. I1l1le to wcathet' the fIerce wa\'os , two I o. them were cnllslzecl' with the loss I nbo\'e hutlcntell. I SOME BILLS Y NEDRASKANS , C ngressman Hitchcock Introdues One for Relief of Marines. WASHINGTON - Congressman GIl : bert 1Iltchcoci. . or the Second Ne. hraolm district has Introduced a lm for the rellor or the 11Iem1ers or the 1.'lrst , Second and Third mnrl 10 COI'IIS und for othet' 1)\11'loses \ ) , 'fhe text of' ' the bill Is as follows : "That the clnlms for pay of the members OL these corps who wore mils- t red Into the ser\'lce oC the United Stnt s undm' thl' ord I' of ' Major General - oral John C , I.'rcmont. dated Septem. ' 12 , 18G1 , nnd nlso the 111\0 claims of le/nl / representatlves of the doceas- cd 1I1embet's ot the salll corps shutt horoartor be rorel'red to the cOllrt. . of C'lahns of the United States fot' xnm- Inatlol1 ailll nlljudlcatlon. " The bltl ' full authOl'lt ' nl1l1 gl\'es ) jurIsdiction - Isdiction to the court or claims to lJear , 1\1\(1 ( Iletermlne these clnlms aud 10 en. tel' fInal judgments ul10n all oC the qllestlons of Inw nnll fact In\'ol\'ell eroln. RUSSIA ACCEDES ONE REQUEST. , I United States Officers May Accompany - pany Army to Oblerve Operations _ I W ASHINGTON-Tho Itusslau arm ) ' " formally has ranted the request of the Unlled States that certain o/l1cers / of the American army be permitted to accomlmn ) ' the Husslan troops anll witness Utlr ) operations In the wnr with Japnn. AmlJnssador 1\1cCormlcl" In n. cablegram Inrormlnl ; Secretar ) ' Ha ) ' of this fact , states that the offi- ( 'ors cannot join the Husslan army beroro April 15 , of the HussltUl calen. , Ilnr , 'rhe omcers who have lCen deslg. natell ror this ser\'lco arO Colonel J , B. Kerr or the general sta ! ! , Captnln Carl , Holchman of the Se\'enth Infantry , Caltaln Geol'ge Gallo ) ' anll Captain William Judson ( If the engineer corps. All or the above are In l\InnlltJ. except Captain Judson , whp Is in this elt ) ' anll who lea\'es at once for SI. Petersburg - burg , Chinese Troops In Field , ST , PETEnSBURG-A nusslnn cor. 1 respondent of the Associated Press at , Shanghai telegrnphs that It is report- , ell nt Tlen Tsln that 4,000 ad ltlonal iChlneso soldiers have been posted In :1 : northern China anll that the Chlneso gm'ernment has recently Illnced large orders for guns and ammunition , Marcus A , Hanna Memorial. CI.E\'I'LAND : , O1'hoIarcus : A , Hanna [ emorlal association was In' corpomted at Columbus by se\'eral prominent citizens of Clo\'clund. The IIUl'pOSO or the association Is to cstab , IIsh a chait' of Ilotltlcal sclenco ate o Western neser'e1nl'erslt ) ' In mem , 01' ) ' of the late Senator Hanna , Japan Has Plenty of Money. PAHIS-The Liberto quotes Baron 1Ha'nshl , the .Iullaneso minister tJ Grt't\t nrltaln , us 8ayln In regard tJ llie I'ollort thnt the Unltt'll State . Iloe : ; not t.avor the 110allng of n .1up nnost' loan In Amerh'a : "Fortunnte' ' J ) ' wo hn\'e no neoll of a I'orol/n / loan , nil aU I' own tlnnncial re80urcos are 8uf , tlelent. " 'rho French Rell Cross so. clety has dechlol1 It has been stated to send to Jnpnlt , bosldos two cnm pnlgn 11Osllilals , a lal'fo ; quantlt ) ' 01 linen nnd cloUllng fOl' the Jallllncs ( wounded. - - SWEPT BY FLAMES - - - - - - PRAIRIE FIRES DO DAMAGE IN OKLAHOMA. A TRAIL OF RUINED HOMES A Number of Persons Perish In the Fire and Hundreds . of People Along the Dlack. Trail Are Destitute from Ravages of the Eelements. I.A WTON , Okla.-I"I\'e lerSOns'ere hurned to death nnll :1,000 : sllUat'o miles oC territor ) ' In Kiowa mill Comanche countlell'ere IIwept hy )1mlrle fire 'l'h1ll'lIdn ) ' , Hunch'eds of people are homeless anll It Is Im)1osslble to eatl- mate nccurntely the tlnanclal loss , owIng - Ing to the wide extent or counll'y ef- fected. At lIohart , the county s'al. of Kiowa count ' , the fire alll'oachcll fl'om the cust , dcstro'hlg the stuhles anll fifteen race horses , tlrtcen I'esldences , two huslness honss ! IInll'Ilrlous smuH bnlhlln/-ts. / Sllrealllng to the lIouthwost , the tire swept 71 , UOO ncrcs or gO\OI'n- mont , mllltlll' ' IInll tlmhor resor\'C Indlnl1 ' ' ' dl'stro'lng 111111 Bchool rOSel'\'l' , ) se\'eral Inllll1ns' houses and rOl't ) ' heud of gm'ernment cattle , ' Spreading westwarll the flames' \ ' - ered miles of the homestcad district , Ilestroying house ! ! , hnrns IInd stock. In this district five pOl'aons are 1'e- pOl'ted to have )1orlshed In attempting to protcct their III'opel't ) ' , 'rhey are Dr , and .John Harmon , bl'others , nn a mnn named ] , ' 18ChOl' , 'rho ether two wel'c women and their numes hu\'e not ) 'el. been lenrned. I..ato at night the fire hegan moving sOllthwnrd to\\'arll this city , At 12 o'clo'I. , midnight , 5,000 people of this city were battling with the approachIng - Ing wlIll of flume , 'fhe advnnce line or the fIre was lullv two miles In length and came In a seml.clrclo rorm , A thousnnd men turned theh' efforts to checldng the grass herders or the reser\'atlon nt the city limits , Water from evel'y SO\ll'ce , cU1'l'led In evcry concolvable wuy , was distributed along this line nnd carded all around the city limits , 'rhls served the purpose of checldng the advance line of the III'e , , but WIIS of little avult In hlndm'- lug the continued rolling of the lire bl'nnds Into the strcets of the citr , In mot'e thnn 100 places flumes nrose rr0111 dwelling , barns ami outhouses - houses , but wherever a blaze pI'ew ; men wore Ilroseht to quench It with wutel' , As n result or the cool judgment - ment or the fIghters the clt-'S loss was onlr $10,000 , Stol'lps nre coming In or how raml- lies la'cd out on the barren \ll'I\lrle through the fl'cezlng night arter the fire storm had passed with only the thin clothes or their backs as remainders - ers of once prosperous honi s. Hundreds - dreds or people ure dostltnte and are suffering Intensol ) " In the cold and with the excruciating pulns caused b ) ' theh' bu I'll S , A DENIAL BY CLEVELAND. Calls Down Scott of Kansas for His Statement , WASHINGTON-In the house a let , tel' was read from Grover Clevelnnd to Itellresontntl\'e We\Jbm' \ of North Carolina denying that C , H , ,1. Ta"lor , a negro , dined with him at the White House wnlle he was president , as churgIJd : b ) " nellresentatl\'o Scott , of Kansas a few da 's ugo. i'll' , Ocott I1rolUpt1) ' oered ! his apolog ) ' to the former preshlcnt , sarlng he neVcr be , fore hacl hearll the statement which he had ma e denied , A discussion of the race question fonowed , during which 1hWUllams , the minority leader , crltlclscd Presl ent Hoosevelt for hnvlng In\'lted Booket' T , Washing. ton to a seat al. his table , Hepresentatlve Wehber said Mr Cleveland had been a friend or the nogt'O , but novel' had held out to him the hope or socIal ( ! Cuatltr , i'l' , WIl , lIa111a said that o jectlon. to the ap polntment of a ncgro to n position was met with the statl'ment that there could be no discrImination , but asserted that a Chinaman would not be appointed postmaster on the Pa cille coast , TOY WITH PORT ARTHUR. Japs Will Not Be.gln the Land Invest' , ments for a Fortnight , , I WASHINGTON-The landing In' ' force of the Jalmnese on the Lln Tunf : ; penlnsuln and the beginning of the land Inveslmeut. . or Port Arthur will not bo for n fortnight. according to udvlces received here from what are belloved to be rellablo sources , It was expected that the attack upon the fortress would take plac6 ) 'esterday or today , but Ules\ ; : later ad\'lces , with , out explaining the dela ) ' , show that there has been a change In the original plans , Army officers heel' think thnt the Japanese have dcclded- that with the rallrond connecting Port Arthm' with the outside world cut , thus pre\'cntlng sUllplles from reaching the pia co , two weels lrl\'a1l0n wUl render I1nnl us' sault cl\sl r , i\oreo\'er , as PorI. Arthur can be safel ) ' lett as It Is ror the time being the Jal1meSe ! troo1s may bo employed Instead In Northern Korea and near the Yalue rl\'er. where ther arc most needed , Senator Gamble Loses Drother , \ ANK'1'ON , S. D-Hugh S. Gamble. brothel' or Senntol' Uobert J , Gumble. tllell In this city 1'I1 < 'sduy night. 01 \l1loumonla und other comllllcations , I'ollowlng severe attu'l , of grip , He Is 5\11'\1\0,1 \ h ) ' n wife , two Iinught rs , \ -Jennie und Edith-and two sons- , James IUlII Hllgh S , . jl' , ' 1'he latter IE. at the Tome Institute , [ uryh\llll , nnd Fl'Ida ' with hIs \lI1tle , , Is eXlleclOlI ) , \ ! SQnator Gumhlo , Hngh S , Gn111ble [ hns resldelt here fOI' twenty 'enrs , ! 1 comln to this vlace fl'om I"ox Lake , Wls _ , "iF _ _ n _ TCnt RRNT nn RAT.1 On CroT' l'a1D1ent& BEVERAL OHOICE J'ARMS. tleac1 ( gr tI.t. oJ. MVLIlAII" Sioux CUr , luwa , Do whitt isIrthy of rewnrll unci deslro none-Clnlldlus. Pntll'nco anll enrnestncss 111'0 pass words to succcss. - - - - - - - - flrmanenI11IUrl'd. ! Nt nl. or nt"tu'ntJjlatt fiTS n..t d&1'O of Ur. KIII1 ' " IIr , , , . Ne"to , , " or , Rend for FUI' 8 .OJ trill botll. Clod t ltlo . , IJILo 11 , H. KLIU , Ltc1" 131 Anb : 11rt et. , l'hUll1elph1a , . . Not She , "Whnt's thaI. ' ( ) u are putting on the ( 'handellor ? " ablcc hel' old lJnchlor uncle. "Mlstlotoe , " she answered. "Oh , I soe. Bul. aren'l. 'ou afraid of mlcrohes ? " "What ! " exclaimed the prett ) ' girl , In urtless 8urprlse , ' 'In the mlsUe- toe-Chlcllgo 'rrlbune. ' . . , The ORt 'Wonl1er. The Editor must tell Its rcaders ot thl8 marvel. It originated with the farm ! Iced growers In the world , John A. Sulzer Beel ! Cp. , La. Crole ! , 'VIII. It ha ! ! stiff stmw , IItand9 up like IL stone wull. Is white. heavy , 1\1111 has long ears , filled to the tip \\'Ith fnt. plump Itcl'nels , It Is great stooler , EO Atocks from one Itel'1lel. IF YOU \VB.Y. SE"iU : " TJUfI 01'ICr. A D lOc I 8l'Am's to abovc nddress. ) 'ou will get n. f'nm- pic of this Oat "Tonder , which ) 'lchJcd In 1903 , In 40 States from 2 O to 310 bu , pel' acre. together with other farm Aec > sllmpleB and their big catalog. ( IV _ N , U. ) Opportunity Is the cream or ( hne , It. Isn't necessar ) ' to eroet a monument - ment when ) 'OU bury animosity , ARI ! : TUUR CLOT liES FADRDf Use Red Cross Ball Blue I\nd : nake them white agaIn , Large:3 : oz , packB&\ i conts. A cltlc1111 that ono 11110 u III never waste Is the stronghold of a good conscience - science , Some men are too \Jusy \ to talte a rest until the ull ertalwr gets them. PUTNA\l FADELESS DYES produce - duce the brightest and fnstest colors , Self-conquest Is the greatest or'Ic. . torl.os , Cheap Excursions to the South. On Februar ) ' IG , Mnrcb 1 and 15. th Knnsas CIt ) " 8011thel'11 railway wIll offer to the public the extremel ) ' low rate or $10.00 ror the round twlp to an IJolnts 011 the Port Arthur Houte , In. chullng Beaumont , Port Arthur , Lake Charles. Shre\'eport. 'fexarlcnna , Fort SmtUl , Mena , De Queen an all inter , medlato points. , 'fho return limit OD these tlcJwts wll1 be twcntr-one IIay ! ! tram date of sale , with , stopover prlvi' leges at aU points south of Knnsa : : City on the going trip , Any Inrormn. , tlon desired by the public rolatlve to those cheap excursions will be cheer > tully furnished tlPon uppllcatlon to S , G , Warner , G. p , and 'r _ A. , 'ICan1IJI : ! City , 1\10. The more ) -011 sa ) ' the less llCo1 > le remember _ 'The-Odd Korean Flag- ' . . . . The Koreans , who hlwo latchre. . ' called tholr mlnl3ter In Washington , attract nttenUon for ono reason if ror no other , Theil' peculiar fiag adorns their legation bullcllng , The boll ) ' or the fiag Is white , and In the c nter Is a design about the slzo or a foot ball In reu and blue , 1001lng'ery much lI\e \ huge cntwlned comma marks , On the' top , bottom and tides arc short lines of dots and dashes , rem.ln lng one of the 1\Iorse co o alphabet. May Subpoena Roosevelt , It the suit instituted b ) ' W , A. 'Vales , an nttorne " of Emghampton , against John \1Itcheli. Iwesltlent of the Unltell 1'o1ine Workers , for $200,000 damages , comes lip for trial at DIng- hampton. the defense may SlI:11mOn President Roosevelt. nnd Senators Platt , Quty an Penrose , " 'ales asserts - serts that In October he proposed the plan which resulted In the settlement of the strll\O and that for Ills sen'lces he has never been paid Louis N , Hammerllnp' confldenllal agent to i'll' , Mitchell , says thaI. President Roose- \'elt nnd Senators Quay , Platt and Penroso wilt bo called to testify that the plan was formed beroro Wales went to Wlllc sbarro ar.d ma e his suggestion. I DOCTO OFFEE' i And His Daughter Matched Him. Coffee drlnk1ng troubled the famny of n. physIcian of Grafton , W , Va" who describes the sltuatton briefly : "Ha.vlng suffered quite n white from , "orUgo , palpItation of the henrt an many other derangements of the ner' vous system and fInding no relief from usunl methods of trellment , 1 thought to see how much there was In the Postum argument aglnst cof- tee. tee."So "So I rosortotl to Postum , cutting off the cooo ! and to my 8urprlso an\ sltlsfactlon ! have found enUre relief from all my suerlngs ! , proving conclusively - clusively the baneful effect oC coeree and the way to bo rid of it , "I have tound Postum completely takes the place of coffee both In flavor and in taste , It Is becoming more popular every day with man ) ' of our people and Is having great emand hero , " : \Iy daughter , : \rs. Lonjt , has been n. . suerer ! for a long tlmo from at- tacl.s of acute Indigestion. B ) ' the dismissal of corree and using PostUn1 In its pll1co she , has obtulned complete - plete relief , "I hnve also heard from many oth. ers who ha\'o uscd ) 'our Postum'ery fa\'orablo accollnts of Its gooll orrects. "I prescrlbo PostlllD In place uf coffee - fee In a grent many cases nnd I boo lIe\'o that upon its merits Postum will come into general U50 , " Name glvon , by Postum Co" Battle Creole , : \Uoh. . Look for the famous lIttle book -.rho . Road to WeU\'Ille , " in each p1\g , - - . Cheap pcstal Service. The ( ' 11'all8t Iwstal sor\'lcl' In th. world Is thut or . ] n pan , where lettcrt are C011\'o ' ( ! d nil on'r the ll1J1lre fOI two ! ! on-uhollt se\'entenths of : \ penn - n ) ' . 'rhls Is the more wonderful con- shlcl'lng the dlfltC'lIltles or transport. 0\01' the tnonnlllinous nnd Irrogllln : cOllnlrr , while wagons can lIa ! I o\'e. enl ) ' n rew or the l'llief roalls and thl" ateam1' connect Imt a small numlJeJ of coust Htatlons , Beware of Ointments for Catarrh. that Contain Mercury , al mercllry will 'IIrrl , . delro ) the arnAII of 'melt IIn,1 < 'omplcltly drulillc tbe wlllllc oYltem wben CDltrlnll It IIIrollllll IIII ! IJIII OIlR 'lIfa el , SlIch RrlkJe. .bollld nrYrr I'e ' nRc,1 elcl'pt IIn prllcrlp- - , \Ion. from repliCable PIlY lclon. . OR IIUJ dlmRIl8 Iller will dq I. ten fold 10 tbo 11,1 YOII can 1"\I\lly de- rlyl'l ' ffom 'II rn. lIall' Calarrb Cure.lll1lnufarUlrc ( 1.0) ' 1.J. . . ' " . . ) UI1clley ( ; eu" 'l"olrdo. 0" no Iller. . 1'lIr"nil I. loken Inlernally , aclinIC dl"111 uron the 1.100,1 and IIIU IIII' , arfMeRII ! Ibe , y.lom , In bllrln lIall' , CRtarrh Cure bo .ure you ! let Ihe It nlllnl' . It II taken Inlemal1y 81ullllado In Toledu , Ohio , by 1'J. . CIIene ) ' & Ctl. 'fNlllllolllaltfoe. . ohl , ' , ' " ' " l'rlcl' , ; c. pcr boltle , 'Co1.o lall'll amll ' ' ) l'l1Is for conUfP8toD. ! Thcre are a few seIC.made men nl1l1 a lot of self-made blonlle women In the \\'orld , An ) ' girl who tlunics liS much of t\ man as she oes or hersol [ will do to , tlo to , S'ops tho.Conh' : Works on' the Colli. LnxlItive Uro o QulnJuo 'l'Bblet8 , Prlce2 There 'Is one school a Florlllt . hey dellgnts to get Into-a school of muI- lot _ The t'n commun ments are gooll oxaD1plcs of bl'Own ] English , llenance Ulrcn IS guaranteed big. . gost and best or money refund d , 1& ounccs , 10 cents , 'fry it now. 'ro see what Is right nnd not to do It Is wnnt or coumge-Conruclus , True happiness consists , not in the muttltu e or frlenda , but In the worth and cholce-Johnson , , ! PI so's Cure cnnnot be too blghly spoken ot as a cough curc-J. 'V , O'lJIUItN , 322 Third Avo. . . , Minncapolis , Minn. , Jnn. e , 1DOO. Occaslonallr a. man mnnages to beat a woman In an argument b ) ' ] , eeplng his mouth shut. A man who puiS a. . new coat of Iml. somlne on his ! I st oCten thlncs } be has l'eall ' ' ) r'formell , )11'01' lU.OG MOhl'Y Orl10r. The John A _ Salzer Seed Co. , Ln : Crosse. 'Vis. . mall postpaid 15 trees , & consisting of Apricots. Apples , Crab ! , Cherries , Plums , Peaches and Plars ; , just the thing for II. city or countr- carden , Inchlrllnc Hie great BIsmark Apple , all hardy " 'll\consln Rtock , ar ! } sent } 'ou free upon receipt of $1.65. AND Fen IGc D T1l15 NOTICl : , } 'ou get sufficient seed of Celery , Carl - l rot. Cabbage , Onion , Lettuce , Radish , and Flower Seeds to furnish bushels \ or cholco flowers and lots or vegetables for a big family , together with our ' C'rcat plant and seed catalog.W. N , U , ) ; l , Kuowle ge Is a treasur6 at once j priceless and imlerlshable } , - Gladstone - stone , J ! ) 'ou hac1 $2,000.00 Insurance In tilE : STATE } "AH\1ER'S : l\tU1'UAL lNSun. ANCB CO. tIlO past eIght rears It cost you $34,00 tor Fire , 'lightning and Tornado , Do ) 'ou ] mow what Old Llno . Insurance wOllld have cost ) ' 011 ? .Why . . . not in\'est about 40OO or the savingJr. , In live stoc ! ; . , and soon buy anothel' If : farm ? Write to the Secretary for in. rormatlon. B , R , Stourrer , Secretary , South Omaha , NebI' , Borrowing I" not much better than begglng.-Lessinc , If tombstones are truthful the cemeteries - eteries contain more good people than ever IIvcd , You never hear anyone complain about "Defiance Starch. " 'fherc is none to equal it in quatlt ) ' .nd quantity - tity , 16 ounces , 10 cents. 'fry It now and save your money , - . Faith Is a smatter word tltnn genius , . but it is a better glllde , rest people would rather blame a mau , . . . .1' . what he Itoesn't th ivO' h ' : . . . lt for what he does , It ) 'OU wRh ! benntltnl , clear , . wblte c10tbee use Hcd Cre..s Bull Dlue , Lurgo 2 os. I puckago , 5 cents. . . . A mother's tears are the same In nil lallgur.ges , i It may he aU right to give credit to whom credit Is due , bllt S\lot \ cash is aJwa's preferable , I Try One Package. ' It "Defiance Starch" does not please you , return It ttl your denIer _ If it dace you get one-Ullrd moro to 1" the slUDe mon ! ! ) " , It will give : rou , saUaacUon , and will not sUck to the Iron , Truth cannot be expressed where sincerity Is suppressed. A good Is sometimes better than a new misfIt. , Balzor' . Dome Dnlhler Corn. I So named becaulo GO 3c > res prol1uced : 110 heavily that Hi : I1rol.'l'l.'tls built " ' 10\'e1Y home. Spe Sa12I'"s : ( 'utalolf. I' Yielded In 1903 InInd. . . 15j bU , . Ohio I 160 bU" Tenn , 9S bll. . an In Mlch , 22 ( ) bu , ppr acre , You eun beat this Heord In 1904 , WBAT no TOU TII K : OF TUE6G TIKLDS l'EIt''lCRE r ' 12 > bu , Deardlels Durle- per nere , 310 bu , Salzer'R N , W' at , Onts-per A _ 80 bu , Sah et' ll 1t . & ! llul'aronl Wheat _ 1,000 bu , PpdhI'l'c. Polatot's pl'r IIrrt' , 14 tonM of rid ) Billion Dol. Gmt's Hay _ 60,000 III ! ! . Vktorla Balll' ( ot' IIhet'l1-arre , 160,000 IhJ ! . 'l'I ( j lntt' . the toclder wonder _ . 6-1,000 Ibs , SnlzeI"M hllll'rlol' Fodder I 'ol'l\-I'kh \ , jUll'Y t'mll1l' ! ' , p r A , Now BUI'lI ) ' ' ' 'Id ! ! ) ' 011 can have , : \11' . Fnl'ml'r , In It101 , It' ' 'Oll will plant Sal- zer's Beeds , JIIIT 61\D TillS : \OTlCr. Lon 100 In stamps to John A , Salzfr Set'IJ Co. , I.u Ct'OHIH''IM , , and l'f't\\'e \ tlH'lr rl'l\t mtllloJ. ; IlIlIl lot : ! ot farm bt'td IlLnlllle. . : . ( \ \ ' . , U. ) It 18 1I11)105S11l10 ) to patch \11 a reputation - tation so the liatcltes wou't show.