Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 03, 1904, Image 7

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Mrs. Elizabeth n. Thompson ,
of Litlydalc , N.Y. , OrandVorthy
Wise Templat. , and Mcmber of
W.e.T.U. , tclls how she rccov-
\ crcd by the use of Lydia E.
\ ' ? inkham's Vegetable Compound. 1
. . DCAn Mns. I'IitaIAM1 am ono I
of the many of 'o\l' gratctul friends
who hnvo been eu : , < ' . 11 throur.rh the use
of Lyclln E. Pinkham's Yegetablo
Compoullcl , lInd , vho em to.dny
, thank : \011 for the fine health I eno ' .
Wh'n 1 ' as thirty-five ycars old , 1
suffered se cre baclcache nnd frequcnt
bearing.dO\"I'n paina ; in fact , I ld l
womb trouble I wc.s "I'el'J' anxious to
Het well , anll reading of theeurca J'our
Compound h:1 < 1 mnde , I decided to try
it. I took enl } ' bix otUesbut it built m'o
up and cured me entirclyol my troubles.
& < My family Imd relati"l'es were
\ no.turally M grntiflcd as I wns. : My
niece had henrt trouble nnd ncr"l'ous
prostration , and was considered incur-
roble. She to l. your 'Yegetablc Compound -
pound and it. curell her 10 n nhort thee ,
nnd she ccamo well and trol1g , amI
, her homo to lieI' great jOJ' and her hus-
I llam1's dellJrht. W:1S blesscd with n. baby.
1 know oC a numbcr of othCl'S who
hM'C been cured oC differcnt lcinds of
, , female trouble , and am satisfied that
; : \our Compound i the best medicine
for tiiek WOI1en.-Mnl. ! : EUZADETtI II ,
I ' .rUO II'BON , Box 105 , r.ill 'dalc. NY.-
$5000 forfeIt If ( Jrl lnal 01 above leU" UI4IlIg
penuln"c& $ clL not be , roduced.
Disorder In II. political m'etlng sel.
dom begins until after It Is called to
In Winter Ute : Allen' : ; Foot.tace : ,
A powder , Your feet feel uncomfort.
I able , nen'ous and often cold and damp ,
If you have sweating , sore fcct or light
shoes , try Allcn's Foot-Ease , Sold by
all druggists and shoe slores , 25 cenls ,
Sample sent free , Address Allen S , Olm.
sted , Le Roy , N. y ,
The mnn who hUj's and smol\Cs
cigars ovlde > ntlr has money to burn.
Experience tal\Cs dreadfully hhh
wages , hut It Is the hest teacher.
DON'T spon. YOUR CLOT I:9 ! : ,
Use Red Cross Doll Blue Dnd keep them
'White WI snow , All grocen ! , 00 , a PIlCklliO.
The world will forgive a man almosl
anj.thlng except failure ,
. WaG Officially Dead ,
A curious Incident occurred In ant
English lJOlice court recently whore a
, man named Tl'avls was sentenced to a
t ' , , , l month's Imprisonment for obtaining II.
postal order hj' , false 111'etelHles , He
! pleaded that he was "officlall ' dead , "
nnd his storj' was that when with
the British army In South Africa he
deserted , o"talned some I'lothes from
the Kaffirs , made iris way to the coast
and worle1 ! his passage home , Ho
t hen discovered that he was reported
dead , and thouh he sUbseCluently
gave himself up as a deserter the war
otl1co gave an official assurance that
he had "died at the front" nn woult !
not .rrest him.
He Wac From Ncw York.
Re\ ' . George C. LorlmOl' , when ho
was pastor of Tremont temple , In
Boston , onteret ! one venlng a Boston
hall where a lecture was In progress ,
; : , 1\11' . Lorimer stood In the vostlbule
II. IIttlo while , listening to the lecture ,
, and the janitor , a colore man , ap.
, ; preached him respectfully. "A fall'
; lecture , sah , " said the janitor. "Oh ,
t , , more than fall' , don't 'ou thlnl. ? " de.
. ' " , murred 1\11' Lorimer , "I would call this
. , ' lecturer a hrllliant man , " "Sca'celj' a
, ' IJrllllant man , sah , " said the janitor ,
t I' : "Ah t'lnk ho's a fairman , sah , but
: i" not 0' do prima facie class , Ho's II.
'j " good man sah , a well mennln' mnn ,
r hut not II. talento mnn , He's a New
( , ' f , : , York man , sah , "
t '
, : ,
r [ ' f How the P 1stor Saved a Life.
, '
! , t' , A mnn near Fort Ga ' , 'V. Va" made
. '
f. nn entlro failure In getting strength
from the lelnd of food ho ate and not
\ " Imowlng that the trouble was with
the foot ! lCpt on losing health until
, the doctors gave him up to die ,
It was supposed to be consumption
o becaulle ho wns wasting away stead.
lIy ant ! slowly dj'lng , Ills minister
called from tlmo to time and one day
brought nlong a II clwge ot Grape-
l\uts , thlnllng from what he Imew
of the famous food that perhnps It
. might help him , 'rho sick man toole
, to It nt once and from that daj' lIcgnn
to get well , In writing he lJaj's :
t , "I wall\Cd to town to-daj' 3 miles.
Have gained o\'er ,10 pounds In nhout
t 2 months 'and my nelp-hbors don't
Imow what lO say , I frequently nm
told It was as If I am raised from
. ' = the de > ad , Everybody here Imows of
my enso , j'OU can toll people to wrlto
to the Postmaster 01' Hev , I. , D , Br 'an.
I will mal\O u sworn statement that
GI'alc.Nuts savcd my life , " Nama
glvcn by Postum Co" llattlo Creole ,
Thl8 Is another illustration that
where nll other food falls ono can
ho brought baele to health atlll
: strength on Grtpe-Nuts , "Thero's n
reason. "
Loole in ench pl.g. . for the famous
little boolr , "The Road to Wellv11le. "
- -
Rumora of VIctory Spred Far and
Wide Over St. Petel'rburg andCause
Mueh Excltement-A JpancGe RUGe
Whlct : the RusGlans Overcome.
ST. PI 'J'EHSBunn'Irt ) ! \ or n.
Hlsslnn'Ictorr at Port Arthllr WCl'e
elll'l'Nlt lute Wedncsday uftcrllcon U\1I !
-clulj' - 11\ thc cvenillg , nnll nhol\t mid. I
'night the ' sl'Incd to ha\'e ueen defll1'
Itpl ' { : onf1rmecl hut In the absence
of un otllclal alinollncl'ml'nt , which Is
momcntnrlly expccted , the stories of
the 11Imenslons or t his \'lctOl' ' w ro
llIost conf1ll'tln ; nnd confllBlng In
character. 'rhp llIost l'It'culllstuntinl
J"l'pOl't was thut the JIIJHII1CSO hUll nt.
Il'mpted to bottle > 1\11 All III 11'Ill St3rk's
IIcet In Port AI'thlll' by slllltlu ! ; two
stollc.laden'essels at thp 1't1lt'Uncc of
the hUI'hor , elllploj'lt\g \ the tactics
whll'h were consldercd , but uot ex'
( , ( 'lIted hj' the late Admh'al Snmvsou ,
lTulted Stntes nnwith thc1er. : .
rlmuc at Santlngo ( ll1rlng the 811an'
Ish.Anwrlcan , According to this
ueeUnt two .Juvancsc Hhiptl appeared
off the irnrbOl' with Il Juvancso lIeet
lIehlnd them an oston : lbb' In 11111"
fJIIlt , 'rhe Hllcslans , howo\'el' , f\lSpect- \
l'd 11 I'llse and thell' hlps steamell out
funk the stone ladcn vcssels , enguged
: tnd defeated the cnemy I1nd tll'O\ ' ( '
them ofr , The rCpOl'ts of t he loss In.
flicted , howo'Oure conllctlng ! ,
All thc stOl'Ie3 Incll\de the featl\ro
of t he'essols - load cd with staues , bl\t
aecordlug to some \'crslons the , Japan-
e ! ! ( ! Heet was convoying tl'unsportR
with the 11111'110130 of effcctlng Il laI\I'1 (
Ing at Pigeon hay , 11\\(1 ( nftel' the fall. :
I\re or this pl'ellmlnar ' 1I1IOuel1\'or. the
HlIslans played ha\'oc with hoth the
, lap:1I1e8e wal'shll1S and the tl'unspol'ts ,
slnldng fem of the formcl' und two of
the latter , ,
One accollnt'l'n gl\'os t he name of
the hattleshlp Het'Izen IUJ the \'ossel
whlcll llarllclllnrly tllstlngnlshed her. ,
self by l'ammlng and slnllng one of
I hc Japanese Hhlps ,
Humors of this \'lctOl'j' spreacl fal'
unll wide o\'el' the clt ' 11UI'Ing the
early pari of the e\'enln ; ; l\tltl the
( 'I'owd9 which hall g1Iht'I'e,1 , In the
stl'eet ! : ! In sllit e of the IO\'CI'C : : cold
to discuss the news wel'O gl'eatly ox.
cited , Ono neWSllallCr 111'Illted an ex.
Ira relating the \'Ictor ' , hasod on a
meagel' telegram t'rom London , but as
the night were on without official Information -
formation , the c\'Owds dlsl1ersed except -
cept from around the lIewspaper oC-
1Iecs. 'I'heso rcmalned t hl'onged with
olllcers and othcrs who werc l'esolvecl
to I1walt the otllclal announcemcnt.
, LONDONo-A .1I6111\tch to the Cen ,
tral News from St. Potosrburg gl\'cs
another vcrslon of the l'cportod Japan.
ese defeat at Port Arthm' , nccOl'dlng
to which the , Japanese plnnncd to sink
some barges In the strait leadltlg to
the Inner harllOl' of POl't AI'thur , tlnls
blooltlng the exit" 'rhc Russian gun
lire sunk the barges bcforo they art
rl\'ed at the Intended spot ,
What Viceroy Alexleff Sys of The
Rccent Naval Engagemcnt.
ST. PE1'EHSBlTHG-A telegram
from Ylccroy Alexlerr to the CZIll
sa 's :
"At : ! : .IG o'eloclt on the morning 01'
Foln'uarj' 24 , n\\lnel'OlIS , Jnlll1neso tor
pedo IJoats attc\JI11ted to uttack the
hattleshlll Hetvlzan , There WOl'O scv'
( lI'nl large steamers loaded with In.
lIammables , The Het\'lzan was the
IIl'Ht to Oh801'\'O the tOl'pedo 1I0uts atlll
openecl a strong Ilt'c on thom , She
was sUl1portell hy the laud butter Ie ! !
She destroyed two tonmel's near the
Imtrance of the hal'lIor ; the ' were
comln dl1'ecUj' toward 1101' , One of
them wont on the I'Ocls neilI' the
IIghthouso on 'I'lgel' l1enltlsula , and
the other sanleI1dCI' Golden lIlli , The
Het\'lznn ousen'ed foul' steamerH In
a slnltlng condition tlnd el ht torpedo
110ats departing slowly to rejoin the
waltlug .Tapancfo ; warships. Allor-
tlon oC the crews of the , I alHlIlcse'os -
sels was Ilrl\WIICd , The grO\\I111e
! ! teamer is still bunllng , The onemj'
Is oJsOl'voll ! In the omng of Port AI"
thm' In two lines , '
"Tho Japanel o crews Ru\'ed them.
selves on boats , and It II' ll HSlblo thut
some ot' them were plcl\Cd up hr the
cnemj"H torpedo heats ,
"lam preedlng : to oxamlne the
coasts , 'rhe entrance of the harhor
Is open , I nttrlbute the complete de.
rangement of the encmj'\s plan to the
hrllliant action l\Iul Iestructlvencss ! of
the Ret\'lzan ,
"Floating mlnos are stili vhlhle In
the roadsteall , I ha vo recalled the
three cl'ulsers sent hI pllrsult or tire
enemr In order , In the IIrt ! 111 ace , to
elenr the madsteall or floating mines.
" , e ha va no losses. "
Uncle Gam's Cash.
WASHING'l'OToday's : state.
ments of the treassury halances In the
general fund , oxclusl\'c of the $1IiO. .
000,000 gold reserve III the ,1Ivlslon
of redemption , shows : A\'allahle cash
halnnre , $224,41 Sjfj1 ; gold , $102,12-1.-
7 ( i ! ) .
Llvcly Times In Wheat Pit.
CIIlCAGO-Whe > nt for'Iav ! Hold
Tuesday at $1.UP ! : , a hushcl. jump
of 2)4 ; ) cflnts abovc Satt\l'llay's l1ual
1I/III'es / , ' 1'hl' cause was a sensation
n.d\'nnce In 11I'1 < 'e6 at ! "ll'clgll grain
marltets , n11J1UI'entl . due to grO\rlng
real' of Europeall complications O\'CI'
the Husslall.Japan08e war. A torrlfio
blutnp followed , : uo to IJI'olit tallns ,
Iny wheat mUllo a shool' descent of
4e , dt'Opplng to $1.0'11.-2. The market
do\'elolled an oxtraordhlllr ' whlpsa w
character , reactlug qulcllr u full cellt
to l,05 * .
. "
' - -
: I'OIHuhNt 1-'lell1' ' , , who III\ ! ! ju t
Ill'on l'ccted ! to the 1I1'cslcll1n ( ' ' to HUC'
ceed loll : uet'l'au , IH a popular painter ,
who has two salon mCllala , If ! u chc\'Il'
ie ! > \ ' of the 1.C'gon ' ( of Honor , a till II !
tI\'ntlUlH'd fOl' tlw In'tltutf. ! ' , 'rh { ! IIO\ "
trait 1l1'lnt11 herowlth was llrawn lIy
himself ,
- - - - -
"urklsh Minister Says Advice ! : Justify
hls ,
WASH1-\G'I'O\-Clwldh ! Ber , thc
1'lII'ldsh mltlilltent WUHhlngton , bo'
lIe\'os Will' In the BallmlHl Is Imlll'nd'
In ! ; . In Il cOI1Verslltion with n C I' ! ' ! ; '
Ipondont of the Absoclutcd PI'OSS the
mlllister' said :
" 11111088 hus pro\'pntCl ! mj' trans.
mlttlng heretofore a'n Important com.
munlcutlon which I recelvod fl'om my
gO\'crnment se\'ernl cluj's ago about I
the rellOl'ted tronblo In the Houman'
lau III'o\-lnces , I hOlle to see the soc'
I'etlll'r of state Home time thl ! ! wcel.
atll , ha\'e a conference with him on
this sUbject. ' 1'0 correct the false 1m.
} 1rcslon which has , I fear , ulready
gained gl'ounll In thl ! ! cOlmtrj' about
the attitude of 11countr : ' towurd the
reforms lu Houmanla , I shnll gl\'o 'ou
the substance ! ! of the cablegram from
mj' forolgll ofJlcc. It Is to this effect : .
" 'Tho porto most strenuously dc ,
1I0\1I1ees liS mallcluusl ' falsc the re-
1101't8 v'hlch hu\'o been sh'en wide clt' .
culatlon In certain 1lIropeun ; : II IlCrs
that trouhlo Is hl'c"lnl ; HOllluanln be-
CaUHl ! of the fnlhu'o of the hnporial
gorcrnl11ent to carl' ' ont the promised
rCfOl'I118 there 'rho fal't ! ! In the case
al"J that tlw InJwl'lal } go\'ornmcllt Is
fulfilling to thc letter' ItH pledges , the
l'OrOr111S ' vl ' ,
al'o being ol'ously Illaugu
rated and therc IS no trouble browllll :
In that scctlon us rCIIO\'ted. "
or the Ballans : situation Cheldb
Boy , who hns had cUl1shleramo eX110'
rlence In that section , said :
"Although m ' ad\'lees al'o meager
the npws I get hltllcateG that \ho \ Bul
gal'lanH are a8sumh1 ! ; un uttitudc atlll
IImsulng II course to which It would
bo Imposslllio tOl' the huperlal go\'ern'
ment to suhmlt much lon er with 1111.-
tlen.-e , It Is l'el1ol'ted that the ' 11.1'0
al'mlng the ! nhahltantt ! , stilTing UII
stl'lfo In llIcedonln and doln H'ery.
thing posslllio to hllrass the Impel'lal
government , I hope this Is t\ot \ true ,
hut If the reports bo true hostilities
In the Ball\:1ns : cannot much longer b6
IIvorted. "
"Do rou think It pmbahlc that 'ful"
, ltey will addl'Css a note to the powers
on this sUlject' ! " the mlnlstcl' wau
aslet1 :
"I wat ! IntCl'Etcl1. " ho replied , "to
Ece l'el1uhllshC1 ! fOI1JO days II O the
note of Inst year , In which 'l'mley
cleal'ly IInnounced hel' position anll
cullc1 ! till ! nttcntlon of the powers to
the nnheam le conduct of Bulgaria ,
While not nf1W , the contentR or the
note wcro most tlmt'ly anll what waf :
balll then on this 1Iolnts can ho , with
truth , reltol'l\tcd ,
"Let me repeat that J hope the re.
ports of thl' IIctlvlt . 01' the Bulgarians
are exuggl ratell , lIut If t hey contain It
measurc of truth then the situation
thcl' is tl'\lly critical ,
Forty Thoue-and Disembarked at Che.
.rnulpo and Other Points.
LODOC'abllng : from Cho 1'00 ,
' : ! : J ' '
Fehrual'y , II cOI'I'esl10ndent of the
I lol'l1lng Post sa 's 40,000 mol'o , Jap.
aneso troops ha\'o landed at Chemulpo
111111 that hc has receh'ed confirmation
of the report that some , Jalanese have
landed ut Pigeon hay ethers at Ta
Lien Wan , : : .nll that an engagement
occurl'el ! the 1IIght of } 'ebruary 12 ,
Thc corrosponllent at Seoul of the
Dall ' tall reJlOl'ts n panic at Ping
Yang , Korea , which Is l'elt.1rded as
hernllIng ( the upproaeh of the oppos.
Ing armlcs ,
Acconlln to the Standard' " corre.
spotlllent nt Seoul , the , Japanese born.
hlll'led ! POI't .
Arthur at Intervals be.
twecn J.'chrnary Sam ! H , causing' ,
I howc\'er , onh' slight damago.
Internal Revenue Collections.
\ \ ' ASlIINGTON-'rho monthlj' state.
nwnt of the collections of Internal
revcnue shawl > that. fOl' the month or
.Janlll1 : ' ' , 1J04 ! , the total receipts were
$ lli,8Ji,4S-I. ! a decrease compared with
Jnnl1al' ' , lUOI : , of $ lOiS ! , 4r .
1 < ' 01' the so\'en month& of the fiscal
year the I'ecelpts af.mrogated $1JfIHJ : ! : , '
931. an Inlrellse of $1.4f15JO : : ! , as com.
, , with I ho correspon1lng ! 1101'10(1 (
last 'ell' : ,
Men Al'e Needed for U&hers.
CHICAGO-Tho l'ol101't of the spe.
clnl gl'and jury which Investigated the
lroqols thealcr dlsastcI' will he Cram.
cd Ionllu ' hy a Ruhrommlttec and the
I juror's and will be suhmltte1 ! to J\llo ! !
Ch 'trae\l" on 'fuosdnj' , In tho' ! 'eport
will he Int'ludpl ! a recommendation
thlt : leglslallon ho cnucted Immelliato.
Iy fOl'hlc1tllng the employmcnt of the.
ateI'IsllOl's lesB than : ! 1 'ear3 ole ! .
The JUI'O-S fOlllld thut the It'OCluols
had l'\Jough ushers , hut that they wern
boys who dc'sel'ted thell' posts at tl10
first alarm ,
J rr ;
_ _ _ . - - !
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ " -
. .
i : . ; BVERY coulltry oC the ch'I1I ; ( ' ! 1
wOl'ld the Histerli oC Chnrity lire
Imowll , ot onlf do 1hl'\ minister to
t hD - ( l\Ill InlcHeoiunl lIeed ! ! or
the C Inrgl'I com mitt I'll to their curl' ,
lJUt thlY also llllulter ! to their bolIIy (
111" (1 ( .
Wh < : nl\'cr ! eougHI or l'ohl" In rlllpo
or IlIIeumonln muke thclr 1IllIl'lIrnl1l'O !
mnon/- / ( the chlll1n'u thc o. HIterl uro not
dl col1ccrtl'I1 , but kuow exactly the relU-
l'l1II'H to IIpplj' . '
\\'Ith HO ml\nvehlh1rrn 10 tl\ko cnro or
nntl to protect from cllmnto IIml dl tU ! O
t hl'so wise 1\ nIl Ill'ullent Sbters have
1'ollnll l'eruun r. l1e\'er-fnl1ln safesmnrd.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :
Slst'rs or St , Joseph , of the Dcaf : : 'Jute Iustitutc , 18-1U Cns9 Aye , , St , l.ouI9 , ,
Io"1'1 tc :
. . We cpprecJntc Perona "er ) ' much. It certnlnly docs good work Wltl.
cntnrrl'llnd also with colds and In grippe. " ' 0 lJn 'e faith In Peruna and
l.a1'e inspired mnny others wltl , tllC samc. We do not like to be Wit/lout It ,
It Ias cr/alnly kept us from belnS ( 1'cry sick. It did n world ff good last
winter for our IIJtlc oncs. TlJanklng ) 'OU foo' your klnCJ-ness tu us lJnd our
nfl/lc/ed ones , ' we Temal1,1 , ) 'ours gratclull.\ ' ,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dr , Hurtmnn lccph'eR1Unll'lcttcrs from
Catholic Sistcr ! ! fl'OlIIlll o\'er the Unltell
8tlltes , A reeommlIHl ! J''cent1r l'l'cc'h'Pll
from Catholic institution in J > etrolt ,
Mich. , remls us follows :
Dr S. . lIartman , Columbus , 01,10 :
Dcnr SIr-"Thc ) 'oung glrlwllo used
the Pcruna was suffering from laryngitis -
tis , and loss of'olce. . Tile result of tile
trentmcnt was most sllt/slnctor ) ' . Slle
found grent relief , and alter fortlter use
of tllC mcdlclne wezope to he able to
soy she is entirely cured.Ssters of
'fhls 'OUI1J ; Irl"I'M "Illler the cnre of
U\C Sisters of Chnrlty rmll " l l PI'r\\na for
rnturrh of tJe thront , with gootll'C5\JltSilS
the uho\'o letter te'ltlflcs.
From a Catholic institution In Central -
tral Ohio comes the fol/mvlng recom-
mcnd from the S/s/erSuperlor :
"Some fl'lmul of institution
y nrs ago n our -
tution rccommeudecl to u ! ! DI' .\U'K
lerul1l1 us I1n { 'xcellent l'emclly for tIll !
Influemm of ' 'I'hlch1'0 then hl\ll Rl"crlll
WIes which threatened to be of serlo\ls
" 'Vo heltnn to " " 0 It nUll cqwreucl : !
such wondcrCul l'e ! > u1ts thnt toilice then
Exterminating th = HippopotamuG.
It seems that the hlppopotum\ls If ;
to he extennlnated , It Is. hardly 1lI'ob.
able that the hlllllollotamus will el1jo '
thlR , but It will he n goo1 ! thing for'
manlth\l ( , according to the London
Glohe. 'rho Intelligent animals con. ,
' nttnclCB heat ! lelds nntI '
ntantlj' ! ! , gal' "
dens , and "what he does not cat"
( snys an authority ) "ho sits on , " Xo\\ ' ,
he Is himself to he sat on , Wc trust
that thoBO In charge of the campaign I
will remember the ad vi co or one of
our fOI'emost naturalists , and "shoot
the hlllpcpotamuR with bullct ! ! made of
platinum , " For If they use the othe > r
It 11111 , his hide will Imrelrlatte'1 / 'em ,
Red Heads Seldom Bald.
Red headed IIOOj11e arc less suhject
to baldncRB than others , A doc.tOl'
explnins the n1l1tler thus : 'rho halt'
of the red heallel ! Is relatlvelj' thiel"
one red hall' helng almost IlH t hick as
l1ve fall' or three hrown hairs , With
30,000 rod hairs the scalp Is well
thatched , whereas with the same
number of fall' hairs , ono Is comlllll" I
atlvely bald , It taltCs nearly 1GOOOO
fall' and 105,000 hrown hairs to cover
adequatolr an ordinary head.
Got the Right Kind. '
Gaines lIIe , TexaH , j"eh. 2nd-Mrs ,
L. E , Dul'ton of 507 Glad street , this
clt . , wrltl1s the following letter :
"I have been awfully troubled with
my Klelneys : I was In n bad fix and '
hall lIeon doctoring with the Doctors ,
but was cttlng no botter. I tried a
remedy called Dodd's Kldnoy Pills and
I found they did me lots or good , I
had a slight return of my trouble i .
and I went to the Drllg Store and cnll.
cd ( or Dodd's 1ldne ) ' Pills , The ) ' salt !
there was 110 such 111111 ! , I told them
there was , Thej' Imld they had the
best 11111s that were made and POI" I
slIad1 ! me to try Ibex . oC another
Jdnd , not nold's ! , As I needed some I
medicine , I bOllgh t a box , hut they
did me no oed so I went elRewhoro
and gel the real Dodd'R Kidney Pills
nnd'flr ) ' SOOIl was cOlnpleteh' cllred ,
I took a box 1111 to the Drug Store and
Rhowed them tllIH there wnll sllch
pills and Itslwd them to ordcr somc ,
hut a 1 haven't needed an ) ' moro I
huven't called to see whether or not
they got them , "
If a man who rnlls III love at sight
'iR wlso he will talto a second 1001 , before -
fore IlI'olsoslng ,
Don't j'OIl Imow that Defiance
Starch , l'shJes 11C1n abMIll\tel ) ' 8UI1O.
1'101' tu an ' other , Is IllIt IIJI Hj ounces
in 1)I\t'knges ) and sells I\.t . sarno prlco
us 12-ounco 11l'lages o ( other kinds ?
- - - - - "
"l'ho fellow wlto wOIIIIl 111 a 1'1' ) ' for
money fin's it IlI'etty l1al'd to wOl'It.
' " '
- . ,
, -
, :
- .
< = ' : ' ---0 ,
- : " . .
, . ,
. '
- . \
" ' = - . : : . _ t. - : - , :
- = - : . . : : ; ; ; , ' ' ' , . . .
' ,
--"I _ _ - - : .
; 5 : ; ; : ' ' ' . . . ' ,
. .
- - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -
ICl'\mn lllls hccomo our flLvorlto 1\\l'dlelllo
fm' inl1\1cllzu , clltnrrh , cold , cough 111l
bl'O\1chltls , "
Anot/lcr recommer.d from a Cst/wile
Institution of one of tllo Centrnl Stntcs
written by tIe Sister Supor/or reads as
follows :
"A numhcr or v'ars nto ) : our attl'l\t.lo\1
' , " cnlle to 111' , HnrtlUlLlI'R Perunn ,
111111 "Ineo thl'l1 wo IIweI ! , tl it , , " ' h
\\"ODlhI'flllrl's\l1t'l ! for rlp , cough ! ! , collfI !
1\1\11 cntal'rhul dlseuse of tlH l1eud und
stomach ,
"For grIp l\&ll ' 'I'lntcr catnrrh especially -
cially It hUH lwcn of l'l'nt scr\'lco to tbo
iumates of this Institution , "
All Over , the United States Use .
for Catarrh.
A rt'commcnd rect'ntly reech'cll from n
Catholic Instlt\ltlon In tbe Southwest reads
ns folloWR :
A Prominent Mother Superior Says :
"I cnn 1cRtlfr from experlenco to the
e1l1cIency of PerunlL ns ouo of thl' very best
- , - -
- - - - - - -
'fhestj 13rands will guarantee ) 'IJU a Good ahoc for men :
Star and Crescent E. Z. WaU < er I
Comet Cock of Walk
It Our PRAIRIE QUEEN IC1 ; s all other : : In Women's and Children's Shoes.I I
. Su that (1111'llllnt : , 's (111 IIll' , , : , ilt'.o ; . 1'bO' ' . , I
B F. P. HtRKENDALL & , CO.Man t In
- - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . -
Take - Down Repeating Shotguns \
Don't spend from $50 to $200 'for ' un , when for so i
much less mo.ney you can buy Winchester , Take 11 ' .
Down Repeating Shogun : , . which will outshoot nnd.j"
outlast the highest-prIced doubJe-barrclcd _ gun"I I
' _ besides being as safe , reliable and handy. Your
' . \ : dealer can show you , one. They arc sold everywhere.
\ " " , FREE I Our 16O-Po1qi 1lluslr.licd Cot/d/ogue.
Llttlo whlto lies lIve long nnd pros'
Altalfa Clover.
'For the pdltor has bcen urclr.s
farmers tolOW AICl\lfa Clover , nnd
clad ho Is that thousands of wide-
awalce farmers scn ttered all over AmErIca -
Ica , are doing this now , to thclr creat
benefit nnd satisfaction.
A " 'alforlJVestlore Farms. Pa"
writes : "I have 60 l1ereR In Snlzer's Alfalfa -
falfa Clovel' . It Is Immense , 1 C'.1t
thrce crops this Reason and have lots
ot } lIuture ! betldcH. ; "
lIon , n , I" . Hunter , S. D. , sa 'R , "Snl-
? cr' ! ! NorUH.'rn Orow\1 Alralfa clover
cannot he beat. I ha\'e solved the
question or Etof.'lt raising here , Snler'e
AICalfa Is oed for 3 rousing crOIlH or _
liar , Haber s I:3jlc1tz : for 1)11 ) bu. of grain
Ilnll 3 ton ! ! or hll ) ' , Salzer's Mncaronl
'Vheat for Gl ; bu , befit hpg fattening I
wheat , an/I Salzer's Hanna Barley , for
IIl'ld , ry land , Is Jood for 70 bu pel' I
acre , 'l'hese are all greut hog , sheep
IInll cattle fatteners , nnd Il\.st . but not
least ,'s VldorHnpe \ ( for sheep , I
nnd Sf'lzer's 'l'eoslntl' , good Cor SO tonR
or f.'reen fooel for cattle , and Salzer's
Billion Dollm' Gmf's Bromus Inerrnl/l
for lots anl1 lotI' ' ! or gooel huy , 'rhrHe
things ml\lc It posf'lbll' for me to grow
live stoelt by the tlIOIUIII\1IH. .
lIavc ) 'OU heul'd or Iarlle/t ; : cane ?
GlveH Hlx mowlng a ) ' ( 'nr , uml T'o-
slnte , the 80 ton Ilel'.cre rolJdcr wonder ?
JUST SEND TiltS NOTtC ! : .A l > 1Uo IN I
to the John A. 1l1er Seed Co" I.a I
Crosse , " 'II' " and receive their big catalog - I
alog and 10tH or farm seed Immples :
Ct'cc.Y. . N , U , ) II I I
' 1'00 mnny men al'O hlcalmblo of ' 10 , :
In tholr own thlnleln ! : . I
- - - - - -
: ltu. " 1111108 rloothllll ; ' Syrup. I '
For rblltlrro tretbluK , wftrulbe gUrul , reducelno !
j t1I\IIIILaUon , & 111'111'111 , curCi wln < 1 colJc. c Q 1. > 0 , U. . .
mfJCl1clnc. , ntlll It.
( .tl VI'S' nllIlll'Ill11'O \
to mill my II\'ni1m to
that of tlionsnmls
wbo havo.I I.l It.
For _ yc . s I ! ; U -
reml wltl , cntl\1'\11
or the IIto ] l\ch ; nU' ' rCJlIOJ
llrovlug vntlclcHH ! for J'IlIef ,
} , nf\t Hprln 1 went to Colo- I
1'1\110 , hOJilng to be hlJlt.ttClI !
lIy elumgu ot ' 1lhulitU l\Iul
wltll. . tlll'I' ' ' n , tl'll'nl1 mh-ISf'fl
010 to fry 'lc1 1 i : - - ; tiri'5lnlit'Vl ( ' )
hnUlt.s J fennel mrBCU VC1'y milch 1m-
11rn\'pd , rho J'Cmllhll or myoId IIIRellRO
being now f10 HlIght\ I cOllRlch'l' mllr
cllred , yet Cor n wh \ 10 I Inh'llIl to con-
tiuuo tbeSU or Per\1nn , J lUll now
tl'l.'ntln another 111ientolth ! YO\l1' mCIII-
chw , HIli ! hils 1t'C\1 , sll'le with mllllu'ln
1\1111 tl'Onbleel with IC\lchorrhll'n. .L II/\\"O
nil 110\lbt that. n cure \\"IH bo IIllc(1I1y. , = ( , .
eITectl'tl , "
These nT snmples of lettcrs rec lved
by Dr lIarlman from the , . 'nrlolls
ordcrs of Cnthollc Sisters tllroughout
the United States.'H
'fho nl\mes nUll ntlttre" eB to thORO tet.
tOrR ! Jll\'O helm wlthhul11 from \'l\HlCet \
to th , ! Sisters , unt. will bo furnlshel { 011
reqllest ,
OJl-hlltf of the { 1\scnso \ which nOllct
n\l\nkhlll nm 11\10 to Bomo clltllr\'hnl do-
l'IIn emcnt at the JU\lCuIl mcmhmno lIn.
IUI- ; Homo ol'glln 1111SI\0 ( o [ the hOlly ,
A l'lJl\lcdy t1mt01111 IlCt hnmel1lntc1y
\\1)011 the con/\tcil / JnucnnR mtHlI brnllo
I"'storlnl ( It. to Ite normlllltnte , \\0\1111 '
eOn\l'llllcnlly c\lro nil t III' o dbeIlKcR.
Cllta1'l'h Is cata\'rb whm'o\'cr } Pentcll ,
Whl.ther it ho ill t1o ! hem ! , throat , lnugR ,
stomlleh , khhlC\'s (11' 11olvlo Ol'glUlH , A
rcml'tly that will cure It In one location
will C\\1'lllt In nll1fJCILUOIlS. lle1'\\U1I cures
cntllrrh whCI'O\'Cl'loclltcll ,
It roudo not .lcrl\"o f\l'Omllt \ nnll rmtls-
fllctorr reu1ts from tboI ! < O o [ I'eruDn ,
wrlto lit once to Dr , Hnrtmnn , givlnn /
full htntement of your caBO n1llI ho will
ho JIlelll'l'l to give yon } Ii vlliunbio lulvlco
gI'll t \re \ ! ,
Address Dr. nnrtml\l1 , Prooltlont. of
'rho l ! l'tman Snnlwrlum , Cclucbus ,
- - -
: . : EXICAN
Mustang liniment .
cures Sprains IllJd StrniJUf.
: ; ; f/
t . trl'Sh , 1'I'lInb1. , Cat"lolln" ,
. lt.i I , { ; reaur , of. : ! tun. . . . . . 'l < Jd.eud. u. . . .
The FREE H lnestead
Are the STAR ATTRACTIONS for 1904 , .
MIllions of arres ( If lIIa nllicenl GraIn allll Gr.z'
in ! : lanll0 \ " " hkrl a 1\ hell 1:111 , or , IlIlrcho" ,
froUl Hailw. . ) Clmlal1lCS , , Corr'oroll OIIS , 11. . ' , ' ;
Chlml C rlll' ' , lcllhtrlll dhllllttJ , IitltJllIlI,1
, ,1'1 lUll I " ) 'SIt'III. 1"'rtc'I't " IIcllI 1 ( 'OIlIIlUOIIII , ,
( 'XI''Jltlmllll "InI IIY IIlh'lIlIhllCII , IUllt 'fl'II" II
1111I1 IIIIIIICUCO 'U"lulrC'lI ' ( 'IIHtI ) . . _ 'I
Tits pUl'uhuloli uf W..sIL'r1i Cllnaa , ! Incr r.,1 !
12 , OOIJ "y hnmlH ti"u < 1uIIII ; : Ihll ( 'aU ) 'tar , \er ,
! OOOO belOl : Americans , "
Write 10llearest QUlhorired Canadian Glvenncill :
. \ IIn1 for CanullJali Atlaa "lid olhcr infdrma\ulI - ,
( or alllress 5111'1 , of Il1l1nl rlllionOllawaCa allu -
W , V. Uennell , bOt New Yllrk llle : UuU io ! : '
Omaha N\:1.