Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 03, 1904, Image 1
J..uru.1 11 oo1ot ) . BIl.tQ ! 1U t . . ' " : ' . .USTER .OUNTY. EPUBLIC-IN.'C : ' : . . . . . . . . . " ES'l'ABLISHED 1882. THE OFFICIAL PAPER OF CUSTER COUNTY. LARGES'l' CIRCULATION OF ANY PAPER IN THE COUNTY. ' , . - - : VOL. XXII. BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , MARCH 3,1904--EIGHT , PAGES. NO. 38. - - - - - - - - - \ \ t I . ,1f' " ' rr . IIThey All Look Alike To Me. " . To be ! llIre. You : uc 1I0t a watch maker. 1I0w sllouM you IltloW the , dlfl'erence ? That hi jU5t whv YOII 8hol11d bllY that watch of a Bubstan' tlnl. located , home jeweler , a place - I where you know of wllom you are bu'I1I1I' . and lIave the assurance of a business reputatIon alld Iuarantcc tt that Iroes wltll every Bale. ' 1'lIe best advertlslnll' I have done durinII' tile r I yeats I have been In here , develops in the watches I have sold frolU montll to month. It Is UIY Idea of ! ltore.keeplulI'to malee people satls. I fied : they come all'alu. and licnd others , I think It pII'S. I I I . 'W8vO R . . . . . School Books. Tablets -AND- School Supplies , -AT- J. G. Haeberle's : . , , , . , ' ) ) - - - - - - 8 ----N B When You Get Check N ! you flIl' sure to tcganl the scndcr Si with respect. That is eX < lC tI 111)S I 'N peop1c will regard you if you 1'3) ' 0 i R by check. There is nothin that 8 U insures a man's standing like a (1 bank account. The 8 Custer National Bank 8 I will aid you to attain this standing. S It will open an account with ) 'ou. c1 After that your feelin of selfrcspcct g I and importance will lead ) 'Oll to increase - ( : crease it. . It is handy and safe. 8 H. LOMAX , Cashier. ( b.r..r..r..r . . : . . " .r..o : ' I : . - - : uO"I'J : ) . I have moved my office just across the street , in the rear of , the Broken Bow State Bank , , \ where I will be pleased to meet all m voId customers as wp.ll as ncw nes. I do abstracting only and am free to : ! .nswer any ques- tione concerning real estate. J. C. Moo HE , 35 tf Bonded Abstracter. This office for neat job work. I [ : : : : i E : : : : I Reese 'e1t League 111ectin ' first and third Friday nights of each munth. I Mrs. Maude Leming , nee t Hutchison of Lincoln , is here : visittn ' with her parents. 1\11' . and Mrs. J. A. Hutchison. A prairie tire , a few milcs southwest of the city last Satur- : ddY evcnillg' , burned over a large territory. doing considerable dam- age. Andrew Wcaver has resigned as teacher of the 'Prairie Center school and accepted a pO ! ition a9 instructor in the Broken Bow Business College. 'l'he supper given last Friday evenillg by the Relief Corps was quite a pleasdnt affair as well as a success financially. 'l'he proceeds - ceeds netted t wen ty dollars. 'l'he O. E. S. Kensington wi11 meet with Mrs. Wm. l . Bruce Tuesday , fllarch S , at 2:30 : o'clock. All members of the O. E. S. in- . \'ited. E. A. JOVNEU , Sec'y. A. B. Evans , a professional , boom edition writer for newspapers - : papers is here with the view of. . writing up the town and country for a special .edition for the : Cbic.f. II I I MARRIED-At the home of the : bride's parents , Mr. and Mrs. I Alfred SJoggett , l.'hursday , Feb- : ruar ) ' 25 , Joseph Loyd and Miss Bessie Slogget , Rev. Trites om . ciating. 'l'he RRPUDLICAN extends - tends congratulations. ! , I Rev. F. F DeLong of Ohio , ! stopped in the city Monday night , . with Rev. Morris. He and family - ily were on their way to Arnold and Merna , where he will assume the pastorate of the Baptist churches at these places. Jas. Waite has bought the old Checkered Front barn on east Maine street , which he is taring down with the view of using the 1 lI1lbcf' -build a. house and barn. on a five acre tract of railroad l nd he purchased from Ras. : Anderson. Amos Lewis of Custer Center , has accepted the 1111111111111111'I traveling salesman for the Stand- arcl Stock Food Co. , in the place. . of Ed Neth. resigned. 'fhe compal1 has tlJade a good ap- potnllllcllt ln.d wc predict for him : mccess in his new line of busit1e s. At the pl'cia ; ) scn'ices held last Sunday morning in the in- terc t of t he Ladies Library Association - sociation , 8pc cial music was furnished - ished by the 1adrigal [ Quartette , The attenlan c was quite large and t11c di"courie : by I'e\ ; : ' . Morris was an ablc presentation of the power and innncncc of good. . literatnre. Ir. R. E. Wi1liams of Omaha , is in the city representing the Amcrican Accidcnt Insurance Co. . of Lincoln , l\eb. 'fhe many friends of Judl C J. S. Kirkpat- rick , now of J-iin oln , but w110 so I long practiced law at this place. I will be interested in knowing that I he is president of this company. I We have examined the plan of i thIs company and think their policies snperior to auy we ha\'e I evcr seen in accillcnt insurance. 'l'he HEPunrIcAN , . . . .ishes Judge ! Kirkpa trick .much succmiS in his . new enterprise. -x . - - - = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ; " " ' 1't1"1"1"'t'tT1j ' " " " " ' ' t 't"tt' ' " ' tt'tittt'tt1tt'ttttt1ft'ttt1t'ttt't' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' - . . . - - . - - = = O. . .u-.zf " , . 0 Q &II III = : I Look Herell - - - -I , - - = = ' \Ve will' ' give the following prizes for the persons = = : : : : bringing us the largest amount of eggs between this and : : : : : - - : : : : : the first of May : = = - - = = 1st p'rize-l00 pounds granulated sugar. :3 : : : 2nd prize-lOO . pounds best flour. . : : : ; - - : : : 3d pnze-one case tom a toes. = = ' : _ : : : 4th prize-l0 . pounds coHec. : : : : : - 4 : : : : 5th prIze-one dozen cau : : ; or corn. : : : : : : : - - E : And we will also give the one us the most = = : : : : money on account , or for goods or both , between now and : : : : : : : = = the first of July , $10 In cash. : : : : : : : 'Ve also . have . a lot of nice Queensware in transit , that : : : : : : - - = = we are gOlng to gIve away to our customers. : : : : = = Yours for business , : : : : : I The Star Crocery Co , i 1tl1111111111111111t1111111111111111)f1111111t111111111111 ) 1111111111111111'\ \ \ . . . I A. H , Needham of Arnold , made this office a welcome \'isit 'y sterday. D. C. Konkel came down fr0111 the west last Saturday on a weeks vacation to visit hts family. A. E. Ellis is building a house northeast of the slock yards on property he purchased from the B. & fll. R H. Co. fliarch came in like a lamb , but 'yC'sterday was one of the most disagreeable days witne sed this j'ear fmlll wind and dust. A baptismal service wi11 occur at the M. E. church Sunday morning and afternoon. The pastor will preach on the suhject I of Baptism at the morning hour. B. R. Miller , south of the city is confincd to the house with a br ken ankle , which he sustained - ed some two weeks ago bj' a mistep while doing the chores about the place. MARRIED-At the M. E. parsonage - sonage in this city Wednesday , : \Iarch 2 , 1Y04 , Mr. Frank Bucl- ner to Miss Gertrude Nelms , both of Westcrville. Rev. Geo. P. Trites officiating. Mr.runk , a brother of P. H. flIunk of this city , arrivcdVed - nesday morning from Montana , to spcnd a few days visiting with his brother. ' .rIle brothers bad not met before in fifteen years. 'l'he Custer National Bank moved into the new bank buildM ing Tuesday. The building is not only a fine substantial structure - ture of modern design , but is elegantly furnisned and finished inside. Uncle Joe Skelton , wife and da ghter , Bertha , who have b el1 visiting in Milwaukee for the past four months , retunred home Sunday night. They re- tnr1ed ! by O lahoma , where they I . visaed relah ves. J. B. li'unk of Kearney , was in the city yesterday. He came up to , aUencl the marriage of his daughter , Miss Maqel to Victor BcCIC. The ceremonY"\Hi \ : ut 'N1i Presbyterian church last night i , It S o c1ock. Hev. Shetler ol1 ci- ating. Particulars later. H. B. , Andrews and wife of Ans lmo , were installed into the Mysteries of the Eastern Star , in this city Tuesday night. 'l'he attendance was quite large and a pleasant time wa enjoyed. A lunch was served after the adjournment - journment in the new banqu't hall of the lodge room. 'l'he Brolen Bow State Bank Has extended its business by the purchase of the First National Bank of Alliance , which is capitalized - talized at S25,000. 'fhe deal was consumated by C. E. F rd of Chicago , and S. j.C 'Warrick of thi city , president and cashier of the Brolen Bow bank. Mr. Ford is president of the new purchase - chase and Mr. Warrick assistant cashier. DIED-Friday , li'ebruary 26th , .Laura Rosetta Case , daughter of fl1r. and Mrs. P. M. Case of this city , with inflamation of the howels. 'l'he remains were taken to Weissert , the old home of the Cases , where the funeral was preached in the M. E. church by l e. . ' . Ceo. P. 'frites. 'rhe remains - mains were laid to rest' in the Weissert Cemetery. Tl1e RUPu - IICAN extends the sympathy of the community to the parents in their great bereavement. RcpulJllclllI Cllncus. 'l'he republican clectors of the cit } of Broken Bow are hereby called to meet in the court house Friday evening , March 11 , 1904 , at 8 o'clock p. m. , for the purpose of nominating a city ticket and the transacting of such other business as may come before the meeting. By Order of Com. : Uorc 14 lotH. Disturbances of strikers are not nearl } ' as grave as an indi vid ual disorder of the system. Overwork , l ss of sleep , nervous tension will , be followed by utter collapse , un. : , less a reiiable remedy is immedi. idel ) ' employed. 'l'here's nothing , so efficient to cure disorders of the : Liver or Kidneys as Electric Bit. : , tel's. It's a wonderful tonic , and effective nervine and the greatest all around medicine for run dOWl systems. It l1ispels Nervousness , Rheumatism and Neuralgia and exp ls Malaria germs. Only SOcl and satisfaction guaranteed b } Lee Bros. , druggists , Broken Bow , . , l'rl p'ct Well. 'l'he scheme of sinking a well , as suggested by the REPUDLICAN , is beginning to take shape. Ner Hurtley has taken the matter in hand with the vi w of securing pledges sufficient to sink a well 3,000 feet if necessary. He is of t1 e opinion t1 at either artesian water , coal , 011 or salt can be se- cUred. If the quantity is sutl ci- en t to pay for developing , his object is to form a company for that purpose. He has the encouragement - couragement of parties in the city who arc interested in oil wcl1s in the east who wi11 contribute - bute to the enterprise. ' ' ' ' ' . 'l'lml\lS 01SUDSCHIP'l'ION. t.rhe following is a copy of the subscri . . ption proposed : We , ( he undersigned , agree to pay the amounts hereby subscribed - , scribed by us for the purpose of sinking a prospect well fOl' gas , artesian water , coal oil , salt , etc. , in Custer county , Nebraska. 'l'he same to be sunk within five miles of Broken Bow in the valley of Muddy creek. This su bscription is made on the condition that enough money be subscribed to sink a well at least 3,000 , feet deep , if it shall' ' benecessary to sink to that depth.I I If any valuable substance should I be discovered in such prospect I well , then we are to incorporate . under the state laws of Nebraska to utilize whatever may be discovered - covered , and stock in such corporation - poration shall be issued for the am.ount subscribed and paid by us. The Custer County AgriCUl. ! ture Society , will hold a meeting Saturday , March 26 , afternoon ! I and evening. Program later. J. C. Bowen , who was called to Ogdensburg , New York , last weel : tl the bedside of his father wri tes tha t his presence is greatly needed there yet. , \ Leap Yellr larty. ErWay evening , February 26 , Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Day , south i of .the city , gave n leap year. . party at their homc. About 50 were present. 'fhe evening was spent with games and music and at the usual hour luncheon was served , which was elegant and aU that could be desired. On taking- their departurc all wished Leap Year to comc oftener. Collcac NC'VH Pearl Zahu has charge . of thc C. gruUl- tuar class now. Olivc Griffith visited at her home froUl Friday ti11Monday , . . Guv Stroud visited at Westervi1lc from Friday till Monday. Seba Lee visit d thc shorthand dcpart- ment Wedncsday morning. Bob Ieelin ha < ; been abscnt the past week on account of illness. Miss Windnag1e went to Callaway Sunday - day to take tip her position there. Deb Farr tor. an old student of the collegc , was 11 visitor on Tuesday. Walter Herrick and Ira Spratt havc left college to prcpare for the spring work. Mr. Neff of Perkins county. an Mr. Adams froUl near Comstock , visited thc college Mouday afternoon. The business practise class enjoy 1m- ing and selling , and incidcntally , being sold once in awhlle. Orin Shaw has uot heen able to attend college this week , owin to the fact that his throat has been troubling him. Andrew Weaver will enter the shorthand - hand department ne t week and wi1l also assist in teaching severn1 branches in Ule busincss course. Dora BarUet and Edna Rockwell as. sisted in thc bank during the absence of l\1iss Sherbeck. the cashier , who has been troubled with the popu1ar complaint , thc grip.Two Two students in Miss Read's advanced c1ass have becn placed within the \\cek. They are l\1iss Marie Thostesen wilh Reneau & Leonard , and Miss l\1i1- dred Windna lc with Mr. Brega of Call- away. Miss Florencc 'fhostcscn has been working for the past week for ] ulpe Sullimu and Willis Cadwell , and 1\1ISS ] er.sie Rector has a position where she will begin working about the loth of l\Iarch. 'rhio ! places all of the advancc c1oss. ( , 'VCM Ileultil. " , . .r and Toue , . Herblne is a boon for sufferers from aneamia. By its use the blood is quicldy regenerated and the color becomes ' ' normal. 'l'he drooping strength is rev \'ed. 'rhe languar is diminished. Health , vIgor and tone predomin- ate. New life and happy activity results. Mrs. BeUe H. Shircl , I id < l1csborough , Ills. , writcs. "I have been troubled with liver complaint and poor blood , and have found nothing to benefit mc I like Herbine. I hope ne\'er to be I withont it. I have wished that , I had known of it in my hus- I band's lifetime. " SOc. Sold by rEd. I McCnmas. Brokcn Bow and . Merna. . l t"tt'tttttttt'tt"1"t"t"t " ' ' " " " " ' " " " + "t"1"1""t1"'t"t'tt'1"1"1"t " " " " " " ' " ' ' " " " i- - . Saddles , Harness and Horses ! - - , - - = = At the time I bought those Harness of tht : receiver : : : : : : : : : : of the Omaha Manufacturing Co. , I made thcm an offer on = = I : : : : their entire stock of Saddles , and which was so low they : : : : : : 1 : = would not accept at that timc , but about 10 days ago thcy 3 _ : : : : wrote me accel > ting mv . offer. I now have them here in _ - ' : : : : stock and can show YOlt one of the largest stocls of good , = = Saddle you have ever seen in Cnster county and at prces = = 1 = = that will makes you wonder how it can be done. :3 : - - arn.ess ! g ; E As to Harness , you know if you have seen theUl , : ; : : that I havc the largest stock ever carried b } ' anyone in the : : : : : : : : : : county and that I aut selling them at less than they cost = = : : : : the other dealers. : : : : : - - - - E J3orses : ! = = - - E I have a lot of good work horses that I am amdous = = : : : : : : : to dispose of , eit.ter ! for cash or on time to good parties. : : : : - - r > isc J.8rarro"VVs. . 3 - - E I aut now unloading my fiist car of Disc Ha.rrows , = = E : and I am going to make ) 'ou a price of = = - - : : : : : : : : = = $25.00 ON THEM. = = - - : : : : : : : : : : : E "The Dealer That Saves You Money , " 3 ; Co. S. MARTIN , Mf [ , Agt I = = - - 3 -AND DEALEIt IN- ANrI'I-T RUST GOODS. - - - - : f1il11111111111111111111111111111111111 + 111111111111111111111 11111111111111 - " . . . . . " . . . " . " . . , , . ' # : OG'r./o : : .a.Y. J"J".cf. : cxff. < E. O. HOUSE , 8 Real Estate , Loans 8J Insurance . . I have some of the best farms 111 thc county for sale. I have some of the best ranches in the statc for sale. S I have three good city residences for sale. S I have some of the most desirable city lots for sale. I have money to loan on good I provedfarms inCuster county. I have mone ) ' to loan on good CIty property. r have the best equipped Insura.nce Agency ill the county. . 8 representing the strongest companies in the world , I' N hold a certificate of authority from the Au.:1itor : of the R State of Ncbraska , authori l1g ute as agcnt to issue and countersign policies for the following companies : S . . . S Jiverpo011111l1 I.ouelou aud Globe , paid. . . . . . I.OOOooo.oo 111 lalttmore ! fire S. ( and subscribed $10,000 to sufferers. ) . . S Contl11entlll of Ncw York , paid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . IOOOpoo.oo In lla1tuuore fire 8 Aetnu of HurtfOld , pad. ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500,000.00 ! n BaUmore fire l\ Aetna of Hartford , patd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,852,023.00 111 Chicago fire o Aetnll of Hartford , pai . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,635,067.00 in Boston fire 8 German American , paid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500,000.00 iu Daltimorc fire S Q een Ituirance Co. of Americ.a , paid. . . . . . . 500ooo.00n Haltl1Iore ! fire o Niagara FlfC Insurance Co. , paid. . . . . . . . . . . . 300,000.00111 BaUlnl0re fire 8 Tra ers of Cliicago , paid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190,000.00 in BaUimore fire S li'armers can buv Insurance for less money of the above companies than they pay ( experimentals. ) E. C. House I . . , Brolen Bow , - - - - - - M Nebraska , ' ; - : . : .o" J"o'.Y'.r : = r.I' - - li'OR SALU-'l'OW.1 lots and a fcw five acrc lots in this city. -Allen Reyner. Insurance that insures. 38tf R. G. MOORlt. - - - - - - M. ASH , J.M. . \W'm IHm ! > : ro 1mmv or thIrty , urll rxr.orier cu. crlcs ! l81011 IIDd lIIake , a peclalty I'f ' aUCI oncorlng . or1 \ . :18 8e. . Qall on or wrllo me \lrollon \ Uow. Nebraska - - - - . : O'JCI. . : . . . : t.C.cI. : . . : , ff..crJ".r..a' . . : ' . . . : , ; . : . .r..r .r . Harnessl \ ) We are now se11ing a Good 1f Inch Farm Harness , made of wcll selected stock , that other dealers would say are worth g $28.00 , for the low price of i .SI9.00. . . . . . . . . . A Good 1U Inch Harness , made of selected stock , a big S25.00 valuc , bu tour ptice is only $20.00. ( m . . . . I 'l'hcse Harness have not been bought to sell at these 8 ridiculously low prices , but have been selccted with a knowledge - ledge of long experience of Harness Leather , and with a positive - itive knowledge that they will please our customers. We are ; S making these sweeping reductions on Harness to protect ourselves - . selves against banlrLtpt stoc1s , which we will do at any cost. Don't believe that we will allow anyone to underscll us in the S Harness line. : On Saddles we. arc right. See our linc of Cow Saddles for the spring trade. Our Motto-\\UNDHRSHLI. . " :1 : tt W. APPLE , : I lest Side Square , - - - Brolen Bow , ebra ka. . ' # r.Q'Jf ) QI ! . , . ,