, , I - - - - - - - ( UST R COUNTY R PUBLlCAI\ \ i - - - - - - - By D. M. AMSBERRY. . - - - - - - - nROKEN now. - . NimnASl\A - ' - : [ _ ; : : gr s 11 tlllh' IH (1I\'O\'ahle \ to thl' 1"e o ( See- i'ttlll1111) ' . l\lorrnIJu C'OIOIlPR ( lire lo ho cstnll. IIslwd In Toha co , tc'X. SPCl'otllrr SIIIInsllcded the Ill'\\ ) IURtolllce building lit ChlclIgo. Of the H\'CII IlroHIIIC'l1ts PI'lInt'n hn hud on Iv enc hllH Iervctl ! 11 ( ull ( ( ' 1'111. ( , hnl'l8 ; Krlltz. the IIlIegPl1 St. I.ou ( . "rIIlPI' , hns : HJlwll fo\ ' IL 1'IIIIIIge of \ ( 'nllC ! . PIIIII W , Bllrtlett'fI 'herolc' olatll ( , 01 ( ; ( 'nl'Ol , loP ll1l Wllrell III IIClllg t'xhl" . 111'11 In Ntw Yorl , . Both hl'fllll'hcH of Ihl' leghllntlll'c IlIloJltefl r'sollltions oC regret on tilt tlPllt h oC SIII11\tor lIallllll. Bl'rgcant .lamM Ht'lIrdoll ' , the noted n1Idlm'-1l1atllCl11utlclnll , has jllst dlcIl al Fort. , Jl\'lJIl\\'ol'th : , 1\1111 , The l.ath\'OJI Pllbllshlng pompall ' of Boston IIRslgnclI , The cllpltlll 19 Hii IInd IInhllltics 111'0 cstlmatcIl lit 1fiOOOO. ( ' 010114"1 C , M. Whr\clon \ , one oC Gon- eml B , I. ' . Blltler's Htaff dllrlng thl' CI\'II Will' , Is 8't'nr : \ or nge. lie 1I\'cs at : \c. > wton , Maps. Sl\'llIgs IloJloslts III Chicago lIanlp : have paHSed the $100,000,000 IlIl1re. ) III the last 'cmr they ha\'e IIICI'Cns'cI moro tllII n 22OOOOOO , Govcrllol' A ) cxanclel' O. Brolllo 01 Arlzo IIL wc. > nt to Wcst I'oillt III J8GIi. 110 became IL milling 'cngln CJI' nCter I tier\'lng' scveml years In the IIrmy. I It 113 ollldally linn olin cell that Atl , mlral AlexlefC has IICclI IIllpolntecl to the SUIIICIlIU ; eOl1lll1arll1 oC the Husslan . . land IInd sea fOl'cea In the Cnr caat. 'rho flteel-lll\O gl'ass frol1l the \01- ( 'lIlIle Rlopes or Ol'all , Algcrla , Is so eli\J- tic thllt. It t'an ho uscel Instead or HIII'Ings In the I1I1lllUfllCtll\'C oC CIII"III- t III'C. C'oplmR : rains have ( alien over SOllth. l'rll Callfornht dl1rlllg the ) last fcw , In 's. relieving the apII'ohcnslon ) or fllrmcrfj and' [ rl1lt growcrs as to the crops , Dr. A. , T. l\Iagnln \ , the American phr' Rlcilln , who has charge of thc Amorl- ( 'all hospital In Paris , has hecn docor- atetl with the cross or thc Legion of 1I0nor. Asalstant Sccrotary Oliver , who only rccently rctl1rnpd to the Wur depart- n1 ( > nt. I1Cler a severe aUaclt or the grl\l , lias had a I'elallse IInd Is now cOllfinel1 to his bed. 'l'h(1 Allstro-Hungarian cruiser AR- peru has been ordered to leave her winter station as lIonglwng and pro- l'eetl to Chc. > Coo , so as to be nearer tI scene or war. A receiver hns been appolntcd fOl' the Peabody } i'lro Insurance complLllY of Baltimore. The company 10llt $ OOOOO IIr reason of the fire alltl it hacl assets 0 : only 300,000. In Dutch Guiana the women carr ' upon their IlCrsons al1 the family suv- Ings In the shalle or hcav ' bracelets , aUklets , ncclelaccs ancl even crowns of . gold alltl 8Ih'el' . , Walter WelJman sa 's that In the opinion or eXJCrts the p01'30111101 or the navr Is mOl'e vauable ) than the t 'll0 of ship used. ' 1'he UnltCll StateJ : is strong at sca , Cnrcllff expOl'ts 12,0:10,000 : : tOilS oC conI 11 'car , Newcastle abollt COllr million , OWlllJ\'t I1I1tI SlInderland each Hhl11 abroad about two million live huncll'etl thoasllnd tons a year. Dr. WllIlnm Foster , or the Depart , ment or Chemlstt' . 'at PI'lnceton Unl , \'erslt ' , has dlflcovel'oll a n W aclcl hereaCter to be labollcll with the Inter csllnI ; name t\'jsnllhoxYIII'senlc ) Ilcill. neprcsontallvo Wartier In Washillg , ton refllscs elthor to af1lrm 0dnt \ ! ) the Htol'Y that he Is to Hllcceea ClIllorl In the Senate IIntl that Lowden Is te hecome tha Helll\IJ1\can \ noclnee Co Governor. , Colombll1 is reportcll to ho menacci wIth a now rebellion hI 1301\v\l' \ : . Gcn 1'1'111 De Custro , dell0Sctl for l1g rcssl v llartlsanshhl In ! Jlllll101't or Heyen , I raising Il fOt'co to talto the olcl ) IOSt 11 Darranllllilla. Senator Anl\Ony understan s the Itl dlan langllage ) lerfectly anll acted II lnferpreter the other l y in Washln 1.011 when 11 crO)1 ) of Yaldma Indlal1 were presentetl to the Ilrcsltlent Ilt th White HOllse. Helmmrance or the Baltimore fil companies Is alreally nncler WilY. 1\Iu1 ugers are confident ratl's 011 confiagn lion bazartl rlsls throllghollt the COllI try will ho high as It reslllt of the DIl ttmore calamity. A l omlon paper , the Chronicle. sn ) that In the matter of clothcs the Hem of Commolls is the most correct a : em1)ly of legislators ill the worlcl , 11\ : the American h IIse of relrCSellhltl\1 ) the most astol1lshlng. It was annollncccl aCter the cab III meellng Tllcsday that W. Camel' ( J.'orbes or Dos ton had acceIltcll the 0 fico of Phillll111no commissioner v . . . ( 'atecl b ' the rcslgnatlon of Govel'l1l . 'faCt anti the promotion to the go ernorshlp of General I.uko Wright. The report that Hussla Is atlell1f ing to arango with ' 1'lIrltey to pern : the laclt Sea licet to III1SS throllgh tl DardunoIll's Is revived , anll it Is adll' ' that Hussla fs trying to HeCllro GI'C Britain's consent , There Is no cOlli mallol1 of the 1'01101'1. ill lIuthorltuti quarters. 'fhe Stl11Hlul'tl 011 comlmn ' of ( , Jerse ' has declared n dlvlclclIlI fOl' t . quarter of lG a share , a rorillctioll $4 a sll1l1'e from the rato' ' IJIIltl lit II lime last year. 'I'ho IlI'cvlolls IIlvldl ! ' Imlcl on Decomber' 16 last WIIS $12 IIhare. The dlvidencl Is pa 'abloIar : 15. , , . - - - - ' DEA"rH OF HANNA OHIO'S DISTINGUISHED SENATOR PASSES AWAY. A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH , ' _ _ .L 'hc Two Weeks' Struggle with Ty. phold Fever Has a Fatnl Endlno- Those Who Were Present When the Final SummonG Citme. W.S ) IlN01'ONlllrcl1s A. lianna , Untlcd StllteH HcnlltOl' fl'om Ohio , alld one uf I he fOl'o11loat figures In Amor. ICIlII IllIlJllc life , tiled \lO\uIIlY \ C\'enlllg In his Illlartments at the Arlington holel ut UIO : II. m , of t 'phloe ) fever uCtCl' all 1I1110S9 oC two weels. 110 ) H1HSCtl 11 WilY Ilenceflllly nnd without plIllI IIl'lel' lIolng IIn'on clolls Hlnce 3 11. III" since 'WhOli I he firlll oC a flerlcs . . - - - Will ! IIgaln 1'1 { ' ( t t ! IIl'nalor 10 "lIe'I' hhnHnJr. fill 1 hal ht t 1'1'111 oC ol1lel : 1I0W wOIIII ) lIot IIn\ ' { ' I'xllired 11 II tll : \Ial'ch , HIt 1. All ! nemhel't\ lhl' fllllllly with OliO or two eXCl'ltlonH ) WNU at the bet ! . IIhlo whclI the end ClinIC. 'i'he ) ' wert' Mr. ulldI's ; \ , ) ) all IIllnnll and 1\11' , and Mrs. 1\1cCormlcl , . Ir. and "h's. Pllr. IOIlB ! , l\tlss I'hl'Il8. ) II. \l. Hanna 111111 1\11' . DOVOI' , DlIl'lng I ho Inst hOllr ! ! life Willi ) wllt In hl8 1I0dY only b ) ' the 11108t. IIOW'I'CIII fllIlllnlllnts. TRIBUTE OF THE COAL MINERS All Will Close Work on Day of Sen. ator Hanna's Funeral. > : DIANAPOLIS , 11ul-'rho ( ol1ow- , Ing was ISHlted from Iho nl1l1onlll headlluarlerfl uC the Unlled Mine " 01'Ierll : oC America lJy the National ol1lcers : "INDlANAI'Ol.S ) , Illel. . Fob , 1i.-1'0 the 1Jmbc. > I's or the United "linG MARCUS ALONZO HANNA. , . DC slnltlng sllells came on , from the Illst of which he 1I0\'er ralllecl. : \Iarcus Alonzo Hanna. was 1I0rn in New Lisbon , Colllmblana cOllnty , 0. , Selltombor 24 , 18:1i. : Ii'lfleen ) 'oars later his ) lIlronts removed to Cleve , land , where he lived al1 the rest of hl8 liCe , lie WI1S odl1catell in the PI1U' IIc schools. first oC New I..lsbon and Ihen at Clovolund , amI linlshell at the " \'estorn Resen'o college at Hufson , 0 , . whlc:1 : later Institution grunted him the degree of I.LD. in IOO ! ! , Aftcr leaving col1ege ho onterell the whole- Hale groccry hOl1so of unna , Garret- son & Co" Cleveland. his Cather beIng - Ing the lIelllol' memhor of the fil'1n. When his father died In JSG2 , "larel1R relll'escnted tlto Intereat In the flr111 I1ntll 18G7 , when the bllslness was closot\ } ! ami ho became IL mem uer of Hhodos & Co" engagocl In the coal nnd It'on buslnesr. . 'fen 'oal'H later the title oC the firm was changed 10 1\1. A. lIannll & Co. , which stili exists. 1\11' , lIullna was closely and Ilctlvel ' Idcntlflod with the lale curr 'int Interest8. Iwlng In' tm'ested In the ownershll ) of vessels 011 Ihe 1111\0 IIIU ) In the construction of such ve8sols , lie was also IIctive In railway anll hanllng circles , being III'csltlent oC the Union Nlltional hanl , of Clovell11111 , Ilreslttel1t of the Clev- land CJy { Hullwa ' company antl wus lu 188 ! a overnmlJnt dlreelor of the Union Pacillc rallrolltl. being u\1)lolllt- \ ) etl hy Pl'eslllent Cloveland. 110'aR not reclwnctl a national flguro In po ) , Itlcs )11'101' ) to the l\lcKlnle ' eamlJl\lgn of 18U ! ) , although ho hatl IJcea tlele , gate Cmm Ohio to the natlonJ\1 conven , 1I0nr. or 188,1 amI 18SB , III ISG ! ! he ml1nagcd the preliminary clllnlalgl1 ) Lthat reRultetl In the nom Illation oj .9 William l\lcKinlo ) ' for IJI'esldt'nt , ant ; - then , as chall'lnl1n of the natlona is committee , dlrectetl the camlalgn ) Ula e resulted In Mr. l\teIlnle "s election. In 100 ! ! ho was made nallonal chair 'e man ( or the ) lIIrty ugaln , und agah : \ . mnnuged the campaign most succes 1- ( ul1y. Ono oC the Ceatures oC tl l , - cnmpalgn was Mr , Hanna's own 8wln , Inrouncl the weRtorn circuit on a tou of campaign specchmalelng. Ho SUI , 'R prlscel the Imowlng OliOS of his part 10 uy the enthll81asm ho cngenderel sand much of the Ruccess or the part Id In the douhtful western states hn s hcen attrlhuted to this oXlledltlon. ' 1 March , 189 , he was namccl IlS senate et from Ohio by Governor Bushncl1 , t 1\1 Rucceed John Sherman , who rotlre , f- to ontoI'11' : . l\teKlnlo "s first caulno a- In 18118 ho wal ! electcd sellator I lIr AOr\'O out the hnrt term , ending I V- IS ! ! ! ! . allil also for the fu1l term enl in ! ; IIIIar'h : , 1906. Last 1110nth II It- _ _ _ _ n _ lit Americans Would Help Russia. ho WASIIINC 'rON-'fho Husslan el cd lIasR ) ' Is ueln flooded with off rs \t ' In varlo ! : IlRslstalJC'o from mm'lcans ' 1'- walls oC lifo , I.ottors from t w l' \0 Ilh81'lanR 111'1'1\011 011 Wedllesda 'I'ho HURsian IIl11busSlltlor has uel w ohllgcll tll Ilhalltlon his ( } I'lIlnal Int < ; 10 t.loll to unl.wcl' carh oC these orte of wll h [ 1 IIt'l'l.onal ; lettor. hut 11 t ( lis Ilial IOlll'I' or Ihanla Is tWllt h ' t : I\tl emhl1s9Y to ellrh WI'IIOI" 1'ho oCfr ; a 111'1' Ill'I'Unt'll , as Hussla does D cll IIll11111 III IIl'l'll o [ nHHllcl\1 01' mllltu all ! . - - - 'Vorl\Crs of America : As 11 tribute to the memor ' of the late 1\1. A. Hanna , ancl as an expression oC appreciation of the man ' Hervlccs rellclereclby him to our OI'ganlzatlo.1 , 'OI1 are request , ell to cease worlt at noon on Frida ) ' , Februar ' I ! ! . the day oC his Cuneral. " President Calls on Mrs. Hanna. W ASIIlNG1'ON-Prcsldent Rees l velt cal1ed 011 1\1rs , HannlL on 'Vednes , tll1Y afternoon to Imy his respects am ] to offer hlR eondolences , He remain' ed In the family upartments or the Arlington for nearly an hoUeonvers Ing with Irs , Hanna an other members bors of the famll ' . While there II ( was showlI the casts of the dealt mnslt made of Senator Hanna by U , S J. Dllnbar. the sClllptor. Bird was Released on a Writ. NEW YOnK-ln an atlclress to thl A3socla ted Pl'ess from Sail J uall , P R" under date of Octohor : ! , IOJ- ! ! : fact. was anllounced thut 1\11' . Hohul' S , llIrcl , editor of the News , had bcm sentenced to two months In jull fa libelling , Judge Pumos , and hall begu : to servo his soutenco , 1\11' . llIrtl mall an aploal ) for 11 wl'lt. of hahoas COI'\I11 \ before the SIIJI'eIlJU COIII't , which wa g1'lnted on the day following his al rest and ho was release from al'l'e , lIy O\'del' of thc cuurt. JIMINEZ HAS B N ROUTED. Calise of the Revolutlonilry Leader I San Domingo Is Hopele s. SAN , JUAN-'l'ho Cuban stelm : , Julia , which has anlved from San D mingo , and the French Hteamer S Simon from PourtlL Plata , Sun n millgoOth report that Gencra ) .JIr Inez , Dominican rovolutlonan' leadc has heen routed. tllllt his wheroabou are unlmown a1\(1 that his cause hopeless , 1'ho recent fight at Plljallto , ne San Domingo , was caused by revo ] tlonlsts Ilrlnl ; on 11 Ha ; ; oC truce ( 'r rled by Amorlcans , lan ed from warshll ) , who were gol'ng to consl wllh 11ersons ashore , 'I'ho Amerleal It Is assCl'tod , retalllntlJtl. and scall4 cd the Insurgonts. No Intel'lll1t101 : c01l1)llIclltl0I1K uro expected , Senor Eschllla , formerly Iovorn or San Pt'dro cle Macorls came he as 11 reCIIcu ! 011 board the St. SinH Ho will join Presltlont Wes ) ' ( HI , w Is JIving In San , luan , San Domin " ' from 1' < tRice t city orders ilK 11\"O\1810ns Rico tllroct , the tHlll1111es oC thllt CI Ital being exhausted , A schoOl loadell with Ilrovlslol\s sailed Cor S Domlno. - - - - - - - - First Trophy to Mikado. n , 'I'OKIO-Tho tla ! ; of the Russ c.C cruiser VI\rlag , recently sllnlt off LIS hnrbor of Chelnllillo , whIch w1l1 I'e presented to the emperor liS the 11 .y . , troph ' or the wal' . relcl1 : < .Jtl Sasollo ' ' the 1'lIlsOl' Ohlgotla n 'fllesllu on { , ! n' gothel' with the anchol' , a glln I rs ether souvonlt's of the destro ' ( Jl ( \1 Ir' shll. ) 'I'ho cl1)ltail1 ) oC th\1 crlllsl'r ( ho godl\ has beoll Rllmlnonell to ' 1'01\10 Irs 11ersonaIJy rcollnt : to the ellJIIOrOl' , ot l1 { tlon and oxpcrlenco of hlmsolf 1 ry crow. 110 will lIrlng the l'alltllred : wllh him )10I'sonuJly. ) I _ u _ . _ - i HANNA' JUNERAL REMAINS OF SENATOR PLACED IN CRYPT. LAST TRIBUTE TO nlE DEAD Throngs Are Too Larg" : for All to In State-Gtrlk. See the Body Lying Ing Marks of Rccpect to thc De. ceased. - CI..gVgl..AND , O.-Clo\'elulld WIIS r.hl1h1 a city oC mOllrnlng on Frlell1 ' . BllllltH'8R was llraC'tlt aIJY , , "sII\lleel ) : Inll a Iru'go IlI'Olortlol1 ) of the 1101111' latloll lurid hO\l1age to the mOlJllII'Y oC their IlIstlllglllsholl f'lIow { 'Itlen : , SCII' utor Marcul ! A. Hanna. .llIst U Ilawn he an to hreal , 0\01' the I.tt ' the doorH oC the l'hamlJ1' oC ( , Ol1lmOI'CO alldltol'lll\l1 , where t he body III ' . WOI'O reollenOlI 10 II113t throng oC pcoplo who deslrod to'Iew the face oC the dClul senlllOl' . 'rho Illng litH'S of lleoplo IllrC'telwd aWIIY until tht' ' excoedl'liin length thc I1vo blocs ) n'lwhotl dllrlng 'fhl\l'lIllIl ' aflol'l\on. 'I'll { ' eal'ly hOIll' ! ! of ollonln I ho Iloors 10 the ehul1btJhrollght : thollHlII\lls of men with thell' tJlnllCl' IlI1l1s on thelt' WII ' to thclt' dallr toll. In sllch grcat nlllllhcl'S tlill they come. ltowoYtI' . thai mah ' wOl'lnabll' 10 I'clnalll III lit\ ( ' , garlY mornlllg trains brollght. mallY e\III'SIOlllst \ Ii from SIll'l'O\llHIIII ) ; towns. and they , too , helllecl to Hwoll the long line. 'I'he fll ne I'll I wr.s Iwlll in the aft l" lIoon at St. PailI'll EplcopuiIIII'ch. ! : ; \ . DlII'lng I ho sl'rvlco Clovolalltl wus a silent cltr , Nourl ' all bllShlOHS was SlIspOlltlel1. Strcet rallwnr and steam ' ' ' lIue In the C'itr road trallle Oil e\J\ \ was nlollll0d for fI\'c I1\lnlltc3 , 1'1'0111 1 10 l' or ; o'clock. At noon the Cllneral cortege left Ill ( > cham her oC commerce , hllildlug , Ilrl" { l'doll lIy , a Illatoou oC 1101I.t' . for the cl1ml'h , Following the 110llcn came troop 'A. ns gUllrd of honor : then t'ame ( ' : u' . I'lages with the Imll helI'er ' ! , the Washlu tm Ilplegatloll , the gove\'J\or'n staff , chamher of commCl'co ( 'ommlt- I tN' , LO 'III r.e l"n commllteC' , auet Ih.l , t < nllons 1'CIl'eZentin'I.rioll8 \ / l'l\'le HO' r.cte3 ! ! , 'fhe ehlll"l'h was fillell long lief ore 111t' honr 1'01' ' the servlcoa lo ( 'omUII'IH'1' aud thonsnd : lined the 3troet n bout 1:10 : ( ' ( lineC' . 'l'he 1'1\011' clantetl : the : : Oth 1:1111 19th PHulms. Presldeut. Pierce oj Op..mIJlcl' college an Institution 01 which ? III' , Hanna was IL hencfactOl' , reall the ) cssou , which WIlS from 1st Corluthlaus , 1 Gth chapter. from the tweuliet \'orsc to l1 c cud of the cll'll' : ter. 'I'ho choir , \lnder the direction 01 Pmf. C , g , Clemens , then sang the hrmll , "Load KIIHII ' Light. " Blsho ) Leonard Ihell dell\'CI'ed 11 culoy. : The ( holt' sang the hrmn , "For(1\'C ! with the LtH'lI , Amell , So Let It Be. ' nr , ( I. G. .llcGrew , rector oC St. Pa\ll'f e11\1\'h. followed with the CI'o Il aUl IJ\'a 'II' ! . 'fhl ! anthem , "I Heurd r Volt'o from Heaven Sar , " was 81m ! ur the ( ' 11011' , . Bishop l.eonard then read tilt' com . mlltal Hcn'lcc and ' III'O:101uced tll ( 1J0uodlcLiou. At the cemetery , whorc II lilln I Cl1re well of l1w dead \"a8 taltcu in 'Vndl rle1110r nl chClle ! , the Bel'vlcc cous st e.1 r11)11) ) ' or a ) lrarer II ) ' the IIlslwll 'I'he uodr was deposited In a I'I''P In the chalwl to a walt hl\l'lal at thl l ) pleasure of the famllr. Ou the way to the cemolery t WI strlldng mall\8 of rCSIHJct were show ] the dead sellator , At AtlollJort colle1 ! the stl\llelltfi IIt'cW 1111 iu lIue in fron oC Hntl'h IIllrlu'Y nnc1 stooll with ur covorell hNds a8 the ( , ol'te e IHlSSet' A aln , at the gllclhl a\'enuc car harl1l near the entralH"H of the cemlJtor severn I hunllroll omployes wem drlLw \\11 lu 11111' lLuel with hal'ed nnd 1I0\\'e heutls Ilalll theil' last respects to th Ilead , Durlllg Ihe t lm t hnl tIto lJOlly la In r.tato f\'Om 1W : : to ! ) : : O o'e1cll'l , 1 m. Thursday. aUII t'roin Ii In 1 o' < : IO'j , FI'lcla ' , It Is Qsllml1ted tlu not lesR thall GO.non Ill'Olllc ! ; 1C \ U\1011 \ the flatll1'C3 ! oC the tloall scnato ALL QUIET AT PING YANG , . Gencral Pilug Sends :1 : Report r' Alexleff. I : ST , I'ET1'RSBUnG-la.lor Gellt'I' Pllug. chlC'f oC staff to YklJl'OY Ale al' loff , has Sl'nt hln. Ihe followln tel from I'ol't ' , gram Arthlll' : \1' Lr , " 0 UI' seoutR rOlort ) that 110 JalIlnOI ) n haYo beell lI OII lit 'fsolJ Chll , 01' lit Plllg Yang , Iorea , The pOIHllalloll IlIdlrtorollt towartl U3 , The Ice 011 tl IS r : ' \ alu 1'1\1'1' Is heslnnlng t 0 o out. N lal tlves sa ' thr.t If a high I lele com wlthlll I\vo \ da 's the Ice will begin lor < I , In , 'rho eoaHt or the I.Iao ' 1'\11 'ro IlenlnsnllL Is l'o\orl'll wit h ! eo for II mile alld IL hlllf to lilt' Sl'a , N llo ho the clJcmy'H shillS has IICon SI'OIJ III b' , 'l'herl' havc been 110 fl'elh ! : : SO Ill ! tempts to Ilestroy thu mlll'oad. " Palll 1.ussar. HURsiall minister 1111 ler Pulclll , has telcgrapholl that Yunn SI ian 1\.al. ( 'ollul\alulcl'III.chlcr or t hn C nose arllly. IlItClIds ! to senll JOIHII ! 111 Irom Pao Tlng to Shan lIal KWIII Don't Care Whlt : : 'ryan Says. Inr PHlNCJ.'i'ON. : N , ,1.- " ( dOll't t tin IIII ' 1II00'C ahoul:11111 1\1'\1111 Hn"f ; th ' b ' the wlllil that hlows , ( 'm 1I1II'1 It lie II'RI 01 not IInthm' IIW all ' , l. t him tl\l to ualel ( iI'm'l'l' Chc\'lallll on } , 'I'hl mc whcu IIHIocl whal ho thoupht ; 01' 11 , ' 11UU't ! 1'l'lIIarl'R In talIIH ; OX'ollllon hl whul Clc\'ulalJll sllitl r'ccnll ' In I tt urllclo III Iho Sut urdll ) ' l vcull\g \ p the Clo\'oland declIlIl.'d to co 111 III 011 t ( I1nel thur on the al'lIell > , 1Il : : 'II"I \ : Ihl nag the arllelo { 'xplnhlll Itsl'I ! ' , anll I )11 ) I 110thlllg 111 0 I'l' 10 say about it. " , . . . . ' - ' \ 1'1'- , 'SQUADRON ' IG ORDERED DACI < . I RussIan Ships - ; to Return I to Cl'cnstndt. PA HlS--'I'he SI. Potol'sburl ; ( 'O\"l' ! ! . 1III00ulcnt of th { ' Flgl.ro cnblos thot tJw HIIHt11I1I IlIluaelroll III , lIhutll , I"l'cnclt SOlnllllllll\ll \ , Oil Ihe gu ) : of Aden , hils hl'en OI'lIeI'OII to'l'II'n ! to CI'onstatlt. 'I'ho Husslall IIluOllron ) lit , lIbutil t'ollslsts , lIa fllas Imown , of the hat. 1Ie8hl)1 ) OSllldl1 'II , the erulsel' Allrom. the m'lIlscl' Dmitri DOIIHlwr IIl1d IIlum. . lieI' or torpcdo hont dcsl'o 'l'rB , It was ' ' Pott'rllbu/ 1'ob. I''ported from St. ! / ; 1'llI\I'r Hi that thin Blluadl'on has lwcn IIIHtl'lwtCI ! to IOmnln at. , lHmtll I1ntll further ort'rs. ! I It haa heon Iugrslod ; that. the stop. } JhlI ; of those warships nt , lIblltll mlpht. ; load to International comllllcatlons , Jllllltil being a nellt\'lll } Jol'l. Th'olultor ! ! II'all8110rt Saratoff and foul' HURsla\l tOl'\letlo \ ! loat destroy. OI'S Wet'O I'ollorfeel on Ji'l'hl'IIUrr IG II the Island of .Ichel ugl\l' , 111 the Het ! sat ! , nillet ' mllc5 h'lm thl' Stmlt ol Babel Mnnlou , anll Oil 1\10 \ 8al\l0 c1u ) ' the \'olllntoor l1eot I runlJlorl. } Smolonsl , und allothol' torpl'llo heat fl'slro'm' ( were at Dncdlllllfl illunll ! : In the Hed sca , : :011 : miles soulh oC Suez. DOLLAR WHEAT AT CHICAGO May Option Sells One and Three. Eighths Cents Above That Figure. UIIIOAGO.-Attont ! d u ' txcltcmont : not ofion oquallolI , wheat li'rlday IIcI , vallced noarb' 4 cents II. hushel. 'rho g'I'aln pits on 'chango were , Crom slart to fInish , In cOlltl1\\lOlI11 IHUldomonlllm , 'rhe lon covctod goal In slleclllated trudlng. $1 wheat , was macle 11 mere I'emlnlscence. May dt'1i\'er ' on Friday going as high aB $1.0 : : a lusheI. ! 'J'ho ) Jrlce namet ! was : : 'h@I ' : % cents aho\'o ' ' . 'fho close Thmsdny's closing figul'es. I was wlthlll % Cl'nt 01' the highest. I ' ' } lolnt 01' the IhlY , 'rhe sharp ad\'allce waH dUl' to fellI' Ihat the Will' woulll not be confIncll to Hussla I1nd Japan. Bulges I : ' o\'el' 11 cent 011 Ll\'Cl'lloal and Berlin mlrlwts : werc the Imme late l- ate CuCtol'fi , Scarclt ' of rl1sh wheat sultr.ble fol' milling } lurJosl's ) was 1111 atIIIUonal ! element of strength , 'frat- ! IlIg WI1S cxccet1\ngly \ I1ctlve , Ihe uggre. gate of business for the day being CllormOUR1ay ; who\t ollencd at $1 to $1.01. and after tJIIl'hlllg' $1.0J % , de , cllnod B1111lknly to ! ) ! Ph cents tIIi 1C'I1- Ing by the ArlUoul' Inl'I'est. - - - - - - - NO CHABGEAIJLE TO WOMEN. Shafroth SJYs : Influcnce of Woman Suf I'nge is Good. W ASIIING'l'ON-Formel' Congressman - man John L. Shufroth of Colorado , , who resign ell hlR seat IJccnusC ! of elec. tlon frauds In DOI1\'er , denies that those frauds were' commlttell mainly hy women. In an Inten'bw Frlclay , It. . Shnfrolh said : "Of the Ilersons 1t1111I1catel1'ory few were women : not moro than one 1 in ten at Iho ontsltle , Frauts ! were committed In the lowest I1I1rts oC Den- \'CI' , where net many W0111en IIvo. 'rho Incident was nol charactorlstlc oC the women \'otlng 111 Colorado an It was ) lroJostol'C\\S ) \ to malw It a \ argument I ILgalnst female suffmge , Evel'ybod ' Imows there are had women as well as had men , but. what wouM an ' good mlln thlnli If It were proposed to tal\C his \'oto away rrom his lIc. > cause some bafl men had cheated at an elcctlon ? In Colorato ! IIJ ( ) won on'ote as gen , era\l \ ' as the mC'n , anll fraulI Is more . rare among thcm. As a'ulo , thelt' I. election melhocll. ; pre honora bl ! ! :11111 the Inlucwt' ! nf woman sllCrrato ; on [ J the ntato 1111 : ; beea distinctly for the good , " - - - - - TWiNC TALKS ABOUT HANNA. Ar. Gtudent . " Western Rsrvc : Unl , vel'sity and Labrcrs' Friend. ClIWAGO-Pre'lldcnt ' Chal'les F , 'fwlngD. . D , . LL. D , . Ilt n mceLing of thl' Alumni assocll : lon of the Norlh. n c1 west anel Weste'u RoseI've unl\'crslty here , sahl : , c "A t t his lime one do's not forget that Senator Hnnna wus fOl' I\ limo a stll ont of the old unlvCl'sty. ( Sen. I1tOl' Hallna was not a scholar , bllt hc wa3 11 thlnl\Cr , He also emhollied lhe IIno qualities oC Iho gentleman , bllt IlbOVl ull he was II great IlIIhIlc ser\'ant , As an cmployer of lauor hI : wished to ho jllst to the labo\'er , A Oll { ' who stood , In a Hcnse CDI' capital he wished to be fait' to cailital. He to Imow well that 110 sulllllon In the In , 1111strlal crisis cmld he or permane:11 al \alIo IInless It 11I'O\'etl of benefit te x. hoth callital ancl labor , Ho was a re e. IJUullcan 111 ) lollllcs , hilt desired tc \lse his partr affillatlolls for the ben efit of aJ ) . (1 Ilt IH . Japan Not Seeking' Territory. 110 LONDON-The , Iallaneso legatlol : a , has received IL COII ' of the note recel. . eR td hr Ihe Chinese gove1'11ment glvlnl to It in trllcllons In rOJard to the nm : I\ t\'l\IIl ' of China and the ropl ' or Jnlm ! : 11 which Is to the ofeed that .Jalmn i of nol seotlng allY I1nnexlltlon or terrI I ( ! , torr and will respect as fa I' IlS poss :11 : , hIe all tht ! Chlncse 1llIlace3 , mauso1c U111S IInd IJ\1uIlc hl1l1dlngs. at - - Inl 1.11'1' Is a good deal 11I0 a meal In hi. ( 'heall I't'stu\lranl. 1'ho things 'O en Wl1l1t rnll to 3howlp on the bill ( I , lare , I Bryan on Hnnna. 11'0 1'\LLAIIASSE . Fla-WlIllam , BI' 'an , when Info\'lneel or th , death t un : : ; om\lor H III11 saId : IOS "lIe was olin of the most ( orcofl " . " 1I lIreH III Anwl'lcan ) IO\ltleR. \ 11 a ' . \\'on the Ilosltlon as the head ' ry. , till' 11al't . III the Bonate UIHI In tl ' 11allon hy hi ! ! l'xtrnol'tIlnnrr I'c 1111 I t\o ; ahll\t \ . 1\1111 hy his sl\lll III I ) 11. I ganlzlll ! ; the fun'o ! ! titat ( 'ontral thl ' \11' \ . I 1I.1I'tr , g\'ell his 1I011licai 011" 1111 : roall ctl the stl'ongth of h lVO ) lorsonnIlIY. and I1Inll ' aclmlrable q\H Itlel. " . . . . . . - . . . - . . . - , - . . - ' . . . I . , , I , ' . . _ " ' . . , . . i I _ - - < F ' - - , 1 f No Race Suicide Here. Behind two 'OIl'I ! ; women hinder. garten teachers riding In an eloyntecl train gilt IL drows ' olcl lrlshmo n. "How 1Jllnr : children have you ? " In. qulred ono leach'r of her compnnloll. "T\Vcnt ' , two , " was the rePh' . "How mr..ny ha vo 'Oll ? " "I have only nineteen , " was , the anRwer. . . "Pulth , " spol\C up the Irishman , 1 "Itls alllY to Bce ' ( ) u'ro 'none of them " race sulelclers.-New York Press. , - - - Chance to Get Even. 1\Irs. Gabbel-What do 'Oll thlule , Geone ? When the doctor called the other clay ho asled me te put out my tongue , ancl when 1 clld so ho qllito hurt mc , He- 1\11 : : Gabbol ( lnterposlng- he treacl on -Stra ' Stories. Would Not Hurt Them. Stranger-Graclons ! What rude conductors ! , Natlvo-'l'hls is the elc\'IIted roall , YOIl Imo\\ ' . Strangm'WelI , it wonlcln't hurt the eonclllctors to he 11 Uttle more cle. ratecl. ' \ Genuine Joke. . . _ _ . . . , , , - I . , b IlIh - ' J : Fl'a 'ed FreclclI'm a professional humorht hr tru e , 11\\111\ . LI1c1Then why don't 'ou worlt at it ? 1i' . F.-I do , m\l111. Ever 'whero I go I promises to worl , for me dinner. Hobson's ChoIce. Hi"TmgerdyWell , well ! I llever tho\lght ) 'oll'd condescend to tal.e so f1mall a 11art as the ono you're cast tor how. how.Low Low Comercl-Well , I have to live. Hi Tmgerd-Ob , was it Ulnt bnd ? Low Comedy-Yes. I c1ecldecl that a mall role was better than no breal ! . - - - Tocled and Roasted. "I told him ho'd ha\'e to choose bc. tween me allcl that bl mclng cllr of his. But he was infatuated with the machine. " "You throw him over , of course ? " "The ulg car saved me the trouble : ' -Automobile Magazine. ' I ( It Was , Indeed. "You look happy , " "Yes , I heard some goocl news to. clay. 1\1) ' uncle Is bolng to give me the mone ' I nce to start mo 1:1' busl , D - : ! ' ; , " " \h ! 'fhen that's reall ' what 'OU way call 'capital news. ' ' ' NnturaDeduction. \ . Hojax-I wouldn't be surprlse to hear that Wlndlg hacl blown his braIns out nn : ' day , 'fomdlx-Has he threatened to sui , clcle ? IIojm-- , uut ho purchase a cor. net last week. A Sure Thin ! ] . - . . . . rftP/r- 11 ' . ! ; Hoax-I sufrer so Cront shortness of I' breath. I , Joax-Go see the doelor , and h'll s soon stop that. I , - - - I. Truth Pops Up. } , "Thnt Is 11 c\11'lous looltlng cnne , major , " Hald the visitor. "A memento of the war or the rebellion , I suppose ? " a "Yes , " replied the old veteran. "It u was made from tbe 1I0J1olo I oc. I ! cuplecl at the famous battle of Bull Run. " - - - - A Fool and Another. J. "Ho wanted tu het. lIut I just tolel ) f him that 'betlln'aK ! a ( ool's arJI1' " 1 , ment , ' nnd that sottlcd the discus , III slon , " [ 0 " , Oh , I cun't 111'1Ie\0 thnt 'Ol\ shut 'f him up that elHIl : ' . " . . IC "I'll bet 'O\I I 11111. " - - II' II' , Winter. rlt YenstWhC'1I WO gC't 1'1'111 colcl 0 , weather tlw ' ga0 al'o roltln a 11'1 ' taste or wllltC'I' . Whut Is the tillite u : LI. l\'lnter ? CrlmsonbcaliWroy , ! t's when It Is lIltter. - - - - - " . - - - - - - - _ : - - -