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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1904)
. - ' . USTER OUNTY . EPUBLIC N ' . ESTABLISHED 1882. THE OFFICIAL PAPER OF CUSTER COUNTY. ' LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY PAPER IN THE COUNTY. I ' . . . VOL. XXII. BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , FEBRUARY 251 1904. = EIGHT PAGES. NO. 37. I . f . - : " . I , f. . I . ' . I "lit , ' . . . . \ , ) 1 . . . . ; . e" , . , . \ .t , " . . . . . , ' ' 't- " . " . \ . i ' . : ! . . . . . ! . I . , ' . " . . ; , { - . . . " ; ' , ' ' . ' . \ , ' l . } f . : , t' Ahead of Time . . or behiDl time , may mean dis- r aster for one who should be on . , . time. A steady time-keeper is ' . \ " , . an absolute necessity. You can't , \ . ; , , get along with a watch that runs ; . : I slow one day and fast another. . There is no reason to get along r with such a watch when I urn . here to repair it for : ) ' 0\1 and at , ' . reasonable prices. 1 repair all . . \ watches from the simplcst to the ; ' - finest and most complicated , in I a thoroughly workmanlike man- : , . ' i . . . . . . . . . . . . . , \ School Books. Tablets ' , -um , School Supplies. -AT- J. G. Haeberle's ; , . t' " . . . . , \ \ , ) I ' 1 ! i . _ . When You G'et ' a'Check S you are sure to regard the sender ft with respect. That is exactly how people wilLregard you ifou pay 81 by check. There is noth1UR that insures n 'man's standing like a bank acconnt. The I , Custer National Bank I will aid you to attain this standing. R .Ifwin open nn account with you. i ! After that yourfeeling of selfrespect N and iD1 } > ? rtance will lead you to - " - c e It : I is handy and safe , in-I H. LOMAX , Cashi'er. ' S . : - . . . . . . . . " " - . . M. ASH , J . . \mC : n@ JmmlU1o ! Ot tblrty years upericllco. crlc8 lIa1e8 811d make . 'llecialty ot auclloneerlDg ot .11 . : laFsel. 0.11 011 or wrlle me ae UrollentJow , Nebraska J .FOR SALu-House and' Jots. and brood sows , Enquira of Concannon at Star Grocery Co. : : : : : ; : : : : : : ml Enos Scott of Anselmo took in the institute Tucsday. A large numbcr of women accompanied - companied their husbands to the institute Tuesday. E. L. Perry of Merna , called Monday and had his subscription account advanced. J as. .Henry of stop table , was in the city 'rucsday attending the farmers institutc. Phil Campbell andJohnCavene of Georgetown. were attending the farmers institu te Tuesday. Jerome Steer of Iowa 11'alls , has been in the city several days \'isiting his mother , Mrs. H. Walton. 'l'aylor , son of Chas. Chrisman of Elk Creek , died last Saturday night with kidney trouble. He was about 21 years of age. F. H. 'Walton of Lee Park. was a city visitor the first of the week. He informs us that their rural mail route was started the 15th inst. J. R. Orvis of Sargeni , kindly favored this office with a social call Monday. Mr. Orvis is one of the substantial citizens and pioneers of the Middle Loup Valley. The chairman , C. H. Correll , has called a meeting of the republican - publican central committee of the : ) ixth congressional committee to meet at Grand Island , this , Thurs- tlay evening , at 7:30 : at the Koeh- ler hotel. Mrs. Hattie Talbot. who has been at Tekamah for several months , and but recently underwent - went a surgical operation for ap- pendecitis , came home Sunday morning. She is steeping now with her son , Dr. W. E. Talbot. Mr. Johnson of Boston , is 01lt here visiting his brother-in-law. C. W. Lincoln of Turner Valley. Mr. Johnson is very favorably impressed with this climate as compared : with the snow-covered and ice-bound regions of the' 1 Bay state. M. M. Steele , government inspector - specter of Rural mail routes arrived - rived in the city Saturday night and remained over until yesterday - day , when he went to Sarg-ent to inspect a route there. He inspected - spected the route petitioned for north west of town , but not having - ing received instructions did not inspect the route south east. He thinks the department will get to that route within the next thirty days. Chas. Edwards and wife had a close call last Friday while on their way to Round Valley. In going down a steep hill the harness - ness gave way and upset the buggy with its occupants and the horse. Mr. Edwardr was quite severely bruised about the hearl and face and was rendered unconsious for a half hour after- wards. Mrs. Ed wards got off with but slight bruises. The horse took them to the end of their journey , about five miles farther , but died from its injuries soon after. Charley was down town Monday and was kept bus } ' explaining the bruises and I scratches on his face , which the boys thought looked a little un. usual for a newly married man. I f " "IIIII'IIIIIIII'IIIII'II'II"III'i1II'II"I"'I" " ' ' ' ' " ' ' " " ' " " " " " " " " " " " " - - ' ' . . - . . . . ' . . . , . . -11.- , . . . " , . , . , . , . _ : : : - - I Look Herel , . ' E - - - EVe will I give the following prizes for the persons = = [ I E bringing us the Itlrgest amount of eggs betwecn this and = = ! E the first of May : = = \ . E 1st prize-100 pounds granulated sugar. = = E 2nd prize-100 pounds best fiour. = = E - 3rd prize-one case tomatoes. = = - ' . 4th prize-10 pounds coffee. = = . . . = = 5th prize-one dozen cans of corn. = = : : : : : : ' . . . : : : : : : . ' - 'A n d we .11 a 1 so g1ve t e one paymg us the most = = = = money on account , or for goods or both , between now and = = = = the first of July , $10 in cash. = = - : : : : : We also . have . a lot of nice Queensware in transit , that - : : : : : : : : : : : we are g01l1g to g1ve away to our customers , : : : : : : = = Yours for business , :3 : - - : : : : : - The Star Crocery Co. fi1iil11111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111 J. B. Farrell of Call wa } ' , wus a city visitor Tuesday. l ev. J. R. Teagarden is tench- ing for Prof. Scott this week. Roosevelt League meeting first and third Friday nights of each month. John Pirnie oflerua , ' was gnthering pointers at the farm" ers institute. W. P. True and wife of Georgetown - town , attended the farmers institute - tute Tuesday. G. F. Perkins of Berwyn. was one of the interested in the institute - stitute Tuesday. Rev. S. C. Cadwell of Lodi , was in attendance at the farmers institute Tuesday. A. C. Towel of Merua , was one of the participants in the institute - tute Tuesday evening. J. H. McCall and wife of Ryno. and Joseph HaefIele of McKinley. were attending the Institute Tuesday. . Rev.V. . E. Mathews of Merna , was a city visitor Tuesday. 'l'he Ri\PUDLICAN acknowledges a welcome - come call. F. l\f. Currie gave a splendid address on the horse at the eyen- ing session of the institute Tuesday - day evening. D. J. Briggs will return to Grand Island , Saturday where he expects to remain through the summer season. His family went last Saturday week. J. D. Shuman and wife of Ryno , attended the Farmers Institute - titute Tuesday. Mr. Shuman. gave an excellent talk on alfalfa. as compared with other crops. G. E. Cadwell attended the Roush Duroc hog sale , at Gra1d ! Isln.nd'Saturday. He bought a sow for which he paid $125. The Monk sow , (16 to 1) ) sold for $200. $200.W. W. B. Poor. who went to .Ca1i- fornia some two years ago. has returned to Broken Bow and aCt cepted a position in the county treasurer's office , where h worked - ed for several years under Lom x , and Sch.nes.inger. : - _ Clark Perkins , editor of the St. Paul Republican is a cat1llitIu.t _ for a delegate to the reEublican national convention from the 6th congressional district. Mr. Perkins - kins is one of the bright young men of the district worthy of the high honor. and the RJtPUDLICAN would be glad to see him get the position. At the U. B. church last Sunday - day afternoon there was organi1.- cd a Jr. Y. P. C. U. with Helen Osborne as President , Wayne Soper as Secretary. The society is starting out with great interest - est and will do a great deal of good. All children under fourteen - teen years of age are invited to be present at 3:30 : every Sunday afternoon. At the Roosevelt League meeting - ing last Friday night. a splendid - did program was rendered , consisting - sisting of a vocal quartette by Mesdames Adamson and Taylor and Messers Taylor and Lewis. A recitation by Mary Dumbell aull speeches by H. W. George , A. R. Humphrey , N. T. Gadd and H. H Andrews of Callaway. W. A. George was elected program - gram committee for the next session. Ladies invited at each meeting. . The Big Vote Contest. This Is the fourth week of the Dill Vote Con. test at RycrsonC eorlle Co.tlllilhere arc aboul 70 namcs enrollell , 'l'he followlnl' Is a partial list of the one ! ! receh'lnl : ' votes to February 241h , 1C > > , Nellie Ta'lor , IIrokeu pow. . . . , . " , . . . . . . Sl.6 1\1Innie Shinn , Droken Dow. . . . . . . . . . . . 3'11 Mary l\Iaylou , "roken I'ow. . . , . . . . . 351 " " " Pearl Jeweu , Hroklm Dow. . . . . . . . , . . ' . . 3-15 Mary Hains , Uroken ow. . . . . ' . . . . . . : . 298 Aurelia } , 'otllle , Drokcn Dow , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288 t-mma : Lambert , Droken Dow. . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ' ) Jessie Smllh , Droken Dow , . . . . . . . . , . . . . . ' 262 MaUle Needham. Arnold. , . . . . , . . , . . , 2-10 " Francis IIl1tou , Weissert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 lIannah Edmunds. 'roken Pow. . . . . . . . . . . H1 ! Edua Rockwell , tJroken Dow. . . . . . . . . . . . . , 1.1 Derlha Koozer . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' " 14S Jesle'Valerbury , Derwyn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 I Cora Swick. Galey. . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 < > > . Pearl Hunler , IIroken 110\ " , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 Eva Caywood , IIroken Dow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Nellie , Rector , Drokenllow. . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Marllery Campbell , Georllelown- . . . . . . . . , . 88 Florence Emerson. Droken now. . . . . . . . . . 1 ; ( , Grace'raylor , IIrokenl.ow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bl : DOrl Hound Valley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7S Ida Pern' , Merna. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . 73 Rosella ROllers. Droken Dow. . . . . . , . . . . . . . 71 Ella Dent. Callaway. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c.s MabellWiIllnll , I'roken Dow. . . . . . . . . . . ' c.s Eliza Doyce. IIroken Dow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ro CoraNoonanUrokcnl'ow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Louie Palnler. "roken bow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Emilia Miller , Droken . 'ow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 Edith Given. Merna. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Cora Iewls , IIroken I'ow. ' . . . . . . . . . . , . ' . . . . . 21 ! Clara Knudsen JUroken lIow. . . . . . . . , . . . . . 2-1 Minnie UOOIS. roken Pow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Am } ' Hillery. Cumlo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Effie Campbell. Droken Dow . . , . . . . . . . . . . . U Nellie Fuller , New lIelena . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . Gertrude Dean , WeBt Union. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -O ; ! Peul Lllrllett , Droken lIow. . . . . . . . . , . . . . 20 Edllh SleveUl , Callaway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : :0 : } . 'or further luformatlon read blir "ad" on 5111 : p..e of t1l15 paor. , Ihll8h ! lIarll. I Reports this morning sa ) ' that RUi sia sank fOllr Japanese warships - ; ships at Port Arthur yesterda } ' morning while the Japs were at. . j I tempting to bottle up Admiral . StarIc in Port Arthur. lU AIUU 1\0. HUIIrMAN-li'AHLUy-At the residence - idence of the bride's parent' , Rob-I crt Farle } ' , Mr. J. ' 1' . Huffman and Miss Maf ) ' Farley were unite - e l in the holj' bonds of matrimony - mony , RcHaney ofliciating. fter the usual congratulatiol1 , a b untiful table was spread with the goods things of the land. After dinner the crowd c1 votec1 themselves to s cial conversation. instrumental and vocal music. 'l'he bride is the daughter of Robert Farle ) ' , one of the oldest settlers in the county. She is an estecmable .y ung lady. She was born and ra1sed on the old homestead - stead and has many warm friends and , acquaintances. The groom has been a resident here for the past ten years. He is /oung man of good morals and is ll1dus- trious and prospering. The married - I ried couple have a large circle. of i friends , who wish them a happy and prosperous journey through life. 'l'he following are a few of the many presents received : Cow. Robert I-'nrle ' , father of the brldu ; $5.00. Grandma Sweet : berry set , Mr. : Indtl'll. . I rcd Sn'der : lamp. Mr. andMr . Thad I.eep : water set , Mr , and Mrs. Stc"c Dally : Itandomo stand covcr , I\Irll.L.Y.llulTlUan. mother of the ! Croom : pair towels. I.eo Huffman : pair towel ! ! and IUlle plclure , 1. : < 1. Huffman ; cake Btand. Emery UulTman : ! ! hetf lamberquln. Chico , Huffman : table cloth. Mr. and ! \tr ! ! . r.lvlnllstoll : CUI ) : lnd I Aaucer and butter dish. Mr. and 'l\1rs. U. w. Pense : Ialr lace wludow curlalnB.l\1r , and Mrs. Roc Freeman : cake stand. George WIlII/IIII ! ! : china plate. Clar GrolT : set Il11lves and forks. I Mr8 , Ella ! \teeks nlld 1\1I\tOl1 \ Llvlnllston : towel 1 and \llas9 water pitcher. C. J. Slalllnl18 : looth pick hohler , Ethel } , 'reenlan , Hn1\1PST ADV IDDAMANOn : Sunday , Feb. 21 , at the home of D. W. Widdama , the fathcr of the brid , who lives 8 miles west of Merpa , Wm. T. Hemstead was united'in marriage to Vera May ' \Viddaman by Rev. 'V. E. Mathews - ews at noon. Some 70 guests . had been invited , most of whom were present and partook of a : substantial repas at the close of the-ceremony. There were man ) ' : resents some of them being I costly and all of them serviceable to the young couple in tlieir new home. They will make _ their home'in Ortello valley , wh re , the bridegroom has been farming for some time past. . . ' 1' he g'ood wishes of their mnny friends follow them in their'career. A ( } urrecUou , Last week in alluding to 'rom Wright's candidacy we stated be was a candidate fore delegate to the national convention. Instead he is a candidate for republican elector from the 6th district. This is.a much more desire able position - tion than delegate and the Ri\- PUDLICAN would be pleased to see him favored with the position. DcalonVatcr Works ( JomIllctClI. 'rhe purchase of the water plant that has been under negotiation - gotiation for the past year has been completed and now only awaits the printing and issuing of the bonds , wh ( > n the transfer will be made. 'l'he terms oC the I purchase requires the city to pay ; : )12,000 ) in bonds with the ac- cumulatell interest since last July for which the city gets the plant , all accurd payments due I the water works company , the : city to pay the back taxes. 'rhis' ' is a good deal for all parties con- cerned. luo"F.n. - - I have moved m ) oUice just across the street , in the rear oJ the Broken Bow State Bank , where I will be plt ased to meet all m void customers as wp.ll as new nes. I do abstracting enl } ' and am free to answer any ques- tione concerning real estate. J. C. MOOH i , 35 tf Bonded Abstracter. Are 'lrou UCHtlCH8 at NIK'11t and harassed by a bad cough ? Use Ballard's Horehound Syrup , it will secure you sound sleep and effect a prompt and radical cure. 25c , 50c and $1.00. Sold by Ed. McComas.Brolcen Bow antI Merna. nVNQ. I Abbi Dean \isiting umong relat'es lit Boulder , Colorado. . G rge HoUman I moving in the . t"t""t"'t""t'tt'tt't"'t" " " " " " ' " " " ' ' ' " ' " + t"'t"f"'t"t" " " " " " " ' " " " ' " " " ' " " I Harness ! I - - E ne of the largest Harness Factories in the state went : : : : mto the hands of a receive1' a few weeks ago , and we = = with other parties , made a b1d on their entire stock = = and got itj and we are now in a position to sell you = = : : : : : Harness at Less than the Jobbers Sell the Re- = = E : t ilers. Here are a few of the man } ' bnrgaius I can = = : : : : : g1 ve you. . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : : : : : - - - - 1 ! . Inch l'en1ll , J : urness , Uegual' ] ' $20 00 3 = = prIce $28.00 , Our PrIce. . . . . . _ _ . . . . . : : : : : 1J. Inch rremll arness , Regular $20 00 = = 1 > 1'1ce $28.00 , Our PrlcQ. . . . . . . . . . . . . : : : : : : = Team Bridles , the best , per pall. . . . . . $3.25 3 E 1 l' inch Leather Halters with tie , each. . 75c E : l-b' Inch Lines , best made , per pair. . . . $2.75 = = E : Web Halters , best made , each. , . . . . . . :250 : = = E : Harne Straps , each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7c = = E : Wool-Faced Collars , each. . . . . . . . , . . . $1.00 = = - - = = ' 1'he1't is a lot of other things in this stock at corres:3 : = = pending low prices , such as Quirts , Black Snakes , :3 : : : : : : Buggy Whips , and there is not an article in the :3 : = = whole stocle that is not new and bright. Come in and. : : : : : : : : : look it over whether ) you intend to buy or not. . . . . . . . : : : : : E "The Pealer That Saves You Money , " C.S.MARTINMfAgt ! ! - - - : : : : : -AND DEALElt IN- : - : : : - - = = ANTI-TRUST . GOODS. : : - - 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ! 11111 11111111 . : : : . : : : : : . : ' - oC ( .cr..r .Mo" : t.f' . F.oa.oCCf.- E. C. HOUSE , 8 i Real Estate , . Loans' Insurance I have some of the best farms in the county for sale. I have some of the best ranches in the state for sale. S I have three good city residences for sale. S I have some of the most desirable city lots for sale. I have money to loan on good i prove(1farms in Custer county. I havc money to loan on good city property. 18S I bave the best equipped Insurance Agency in the county , R . representing' the strongest , companies in the world. . I R hold n certiticate of authority , from tne-'A dHor of .the state of ebraska , aurhorizing me as , agent to 1:1Jue : nd countersign policies for the following companies : S Ii Liverpool and London and Globe , plI.ld. , . . . . . $1,000,000,00 in BnUiwore fire R ( and subscribed $10,000 to'sufIerers ) Contincntal of New York , paid. . . . . . . . . . . , , $1,000,000.00 in Dl1ltimora fire li Aetna of Hartford , paid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . 500,000.00 in Baltimore fire R Aetna of Hartford , paid. . . . . . . . " . . . " . . . . . 3,852,023.00 in Chicago fire R Actna of lIartfrd , pa d. . . . . . . . . . , . , . , . . . . . J , 35,067.0011 ! Bostou fire ti German Amencan , paid , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . 500,000.00111 Daltimore fire. Q een In trance Co. of Ameri a , paid. , . . . . . 500,000.00 ! n Da1tl11ore ! fire 8 Nlagara l-ue Insurance Co. , pald. . . . . . . , . . . . 300,000.00111 Balt1more fire Traders of Chicago , paid. . . , . . . ' . . . . . . . . ' . , , . . _ _ 19 < > ,000.00 in J1atirnore . , fire . . , ' " Farmers can buy Insurance for lesswoney of the above . companies than they .pay ( experime tals. ) . . g I E. C. HO SE , Broken Bow , - - - - - - Nebraska. L "Jo'r : J : ( Oconto neighborhood. . Mrs. Charles Carter is confined to her bcd with typhoid fever. A. H. Amolll has moved on the Don- ncl property for this ycar. 11 , Empfie1 movcd to his farm last 'l'nes a ) ' , 2 lIIiles cast of Penn placc. Charlcs McDermott moved last Tues- day in with his fathcr , John McDermott , Miss Ti11ie Swcnson is on thc sick list , not being able to teach school this week. Davis I1eadly is none improved and rnan ) ' others are sick with colds fiud I.a. Grippe. C , E. Mccker hils moved on Milo YounRs propertv which . was rccently vacated - cated by Arnolds. B. C. Empficlrl of Anselmo , visited at Ryno Mondy night , returning hOUlC on Tuesday morning. H. G. Donnel will ship his Roods Wednesday to College Springs , Iowa , part of the familj' have already gonc. 'fhe first mec10w lark of the season made his appcarancc this morning. Presumably - sumably he came in on the new proposed mail route. Mrs. II. H. Cumphcll started Cor IIastingll , Neb. , last week to visit among relatives several \ \ eekl ! and then retum homc to Colorado Springs , C010. Un..I O. E. lJ. Beals , drove down to th How yesterday on busincss. The sick are gcnerally improving an 51) far as WI. ! know all those mentioned lust week are nble to be around again. Geo. IIugcs has rented the falln of E. D. Beals for the coming year , lIud we'll be mistaken if lw batches more than " month. , J. P. Baker is oin nicely with his aflliction , nnd his arm lS healing as well as cl1n be. lIe was enjoying abuggy l ride SlIn uy afternoon. G. C. Boyce of Dundy Couut ) . , Nebr. , . . . is yisiting with his sister , II , C. Fodge , having arrived this Tuesday morniu.B" after a stop at Broken Bow of hyo' wee with W. S. Boyce , ' Dick Hempstead is a prevuricator , and shamefully misled \IS when he said thai he would have his sistel' keep house for him this Slimmer , Cor he was married to iss Widaw"n , IL daughter of D. W. , ou last Sunday. Well Dick wc'll forgiv you this ti111 . F. C. Embree and wife arc visiting ou Spring Creek today. This beinR father Noah Embree's birthday 'anniversary , they are making glad with him , and ajj he passes down the slope of timc , his friends wish him a full measure of 1iappi- ness in this life. J. H. Catron of Nebraska City , purch. ased the farm of G. F. Deal last week. Consideration twenty three hundred. And we have heard that R. Sanders will soon take a "ife IIn "ill live on thlg farm the coming year and on sllspicion. We'll wish them success to fullest. - - Nelarly Fur" UtiUl1t 1lIe. A runaway almost ending fa- taUy. started a horrible ulcer on the leg of J. B. Orner , Franklin ( rove. Ill. For four years it defied - - fied all doctors and all remedies. But Bucklen's Arnaca Salve had no trouble to cure him. Equally g-ood for Burns , Bruises , Skin Eruption and Piles. 25c at Lee Bros. , Drug Store. An Estey Organ Freel We will furnish all Utat will call at our storc , pumpkin seed free , and to the person bringing- us the largest pumpkin grown from these seeds , will be given the organ. Contest to end on the third day of the IICount ) ' Fair of 1904. " Ryerson-George Co.