Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 18, 1904, Image 5

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" . . , " . . , . " . J
' . " . . _
of' : "T : - -
. - . . . . .
: : I'
Feed your hair ; nourish it ;
give it something to Jive on.
lif Then It will stop falling , and
, " " . ' will grow long and heavy.
j " Ayer's Hair VIgor Is the only
; ' \ "air Vigor
, hair food you cnn buy. For 60
k years it has been doing just
, r' . what we claim it will do. It
.t will not disappoint you.
r\ \ . . . Mf hllir IIlfll to bo vert allort. nut after
! Ulhlt , er' . IIKlr Villar short time It lJCItRn
to Krow , "nd now It II fonrtron InchU 10111 ( .
I ' TIlls 108m. a .plelldld rea nit to me afterlJehl"
'Blmolt without Hllf haIr. " I
: Uns. J. U. } 'li'Cn , Colorado Springs , Colo.
" I 1.100 ' . a bottle. _ . J. . c. . AT'CR . . CO" , , , . .
. " . All . . .lrUJll1lot 11 for R I.n".II. A" " _ ] If _
. , Short Hair
. .
She was nearlv 77years old and
t she began tea hing in the sum.
mer of 1846 when I attended mv
first term. I owe an immeasurable -
able debt of gratitude to her for
t i he it was' that confirmed me in
my thought that all people
should have justice alike. She
was an unfli1ching advocate of
I the freedom of the colored race
, ' and their plifting by education-
. . I a1 means. She lived most of her
" ' \ life in or near the town of Newport -
port , where the head office of the
1'\ Underground was situated. She
. was a worker side. by side with
Ievi Coffin and wife for many
. years in assisting the slaves to a
place of security. A great many
I of the things that I bave written
and will yet write , I obtained I
from her in regard to the care
the people of that town gave the
ugitiv s. It seems strange but
I ' every.few days thing come to
' my mmd th t she told me a half
1 centuryagQ. Ruth Ann Egeton
Ji was the womans name , but when
she began teaching her name \\1' >
: Rogers. She. was born in Nonl1
I Carolina but left there when a
. . child , 'but went back and attended -
, ed school there for a while and
; , . , , she oDs rved the effect of slavery
j on th communities where it ex-
} , isted. I well remember an in-
. . t . stance that proved her sterling
I . . integrity and love of right.
I " In those days we went to sub-
j , scription schools , vhere the par-
. , . ents paid tuition to their teach-
I. ers. This was before the advent
. .
of district schools. to any great
I extent. : At the old Quaker meeting -
ing house we had this kind of
: 4 jj schools and the teacher was
" . .rr. somewhat under the care of a
committee of the Friends as the
patrons were mostly member of
that church in thaplace. There
was in the settlement and close
. to the meeting house where the ,
school was held a colored family
by the name of Rice. 'Whether
old Mister Rice had ever been a
slave or not , I do not now re-
I , , -
k. . Attention
t. ' , Farmers , , _ IJ
' . . . . . .
. '
; : 'Why remain in the North
nd stay in doors six months in
the year consuming what you
raise during th other six
months ?
Go South where you can work
, out doors every month in the
I I . . ear , and where you are pro.
iluclng something the year
. round. If you are a stock rr.iser
rou know your stock nre now
, 'eating their heads off" an ,
, , . , besides , ho\'e to be t > rotected
I' " from the rigors of Winter by
1. . . eXpensive shelter.
Economical stock feeding requires -
. . quires the combination of both
: i' ' ; : esh-formlng and fat.fonnlng
, , . foods in certain proportions.
; ? Alabama and Florida procluce
: in abundance the velvet bean
. " , and cassava , the first a flesh
producer , and the latter a fat-
, . producer , and they nre the
, < cheapest and best fattening ma.
. , terialil known to the world.
More money can be made and
witb less labor , in general farm ;
, ing , fnl t and berry growing
atJd truck gardening along our
. , road in the Svuth than in any
other section of th Union.
. If you are interested and de.
I' . sire further Information on the
' 5ubject , addres ! !
' .
: . : . G. A. PARK ,
. . , . al n'I. Immigration and In-
" ' : dustrlal Agont. LoUlsvlllQ
. . . " " & . Nashville R , R. Co. .
" \
'if.ttt. : ' _ Loulsvlllo. Ky ,
. . . \J \ ! . . .
, . -
. ,
, .
member , but they were very good
people add several of th ir children -
dren attended the schools and
were bright bOJ"s and girls.Ve
never thought of anything wrong
in going to school along with
these children and in all our
classes and iu all our plays the ) "
were admitted withont thought
on our part as they were nicely
behaved everywere. But during
one of the schools there was a
mall named Taylor , who moved
into the settlement and sent his
children to school. These children -
dren were not near so well behaved -
haved s the colored children ,
bu t Miss Rogers was a modle
teacher both as an instructor and
diciplinarian and we all got
along pretty well. It was not
long hover till Mr. Taylor ( who
was from Kentuckey and could
smell a darlde from afar , ) came
to the school and requested that I
the teacher should send the colored -
ed children home and not let
them come any more as he did
not waut his children associating -
wtih ' . I well
ing nigger' remember -
ber how Miss Rogers rose to the
occasion and when she had asked
us all to put away our books for
a little while , she walked up and
looked face to face with 'l'avlor
when she gave him such a rebu1\e
in kind but firm words that hc
winced un er it like a whipped
puppy. She did not desist until -
til she had informed him in plain
terms that those darkie children
was just as good as his children
or any other white children in
school and that unless the patrons -
trons forced her to shut them out
she should not do it and if they i
did she would quit at once as i ,
she would not disgrace herself
by teaching in a neighborhood
wherc.there was any difference
made between white and black
pupil ! > . She knew very well that
the other patrons would not tolerate -
erate such sentiments and she so
informed Taylory , and further if i i
he did not like the manner and
malie up of her school he .had her
permission to remove his children
at any time. My brother and
several of the boys and girls told
her after Taylor haG. gone that it
was thc proudest day of their
lives to be blessed with a teacher
who would stand for the right as
shc had done that dal' In a few
days Taylor complamed to the
other patrons and there was a
meeting' had which was attended
by l\fr. RIce and all the old
Quaker patrons , who iuformed
Taylor that they would not be
dictated to by such a man or any
man instead. He , Taylor threat-
ed to use what he was pleased to
call a bull dog on them , by which
he meant a pistol , when Daniel
Hill arose and walking over directly -
rectly in front of him said :
"Friend Taylor , thee need not
think to scare US with that bull
dog as we have heard more dan.
gerous dogs than that which i
persuing the poor colored man I
I and harked on by such men as' '
thyself. Now I advise thee to
go home and when thee thinks
over the matter tonight and finds
that thee don't want thy children
with these good children of
Friend Rice's thee can keep them
away , if however thou should'st
think better of it and wish thy
chil ren to have a better education -
tion and be taught better man.
ners than thou has manifested
today just send them on to school
for Ruth Ann will be herc to.
morrow and the school will go on
as usual with or without thy con-
scnt just as thee will. "
The result was that he soon
removed his family to Deleware
county where after a few years
he killed a man in cold blood
without much provocation , if
any , was sent to the pell for life
whcre he would not work so they
used the water cure 011 him com-
peling him to pump Qr drown
which latter he chose. And so
perished this feind in human
shape , I was told that by the
good influence of their mother
the children became pretty good
citizens and free from the miser-
a ble prejudice which like' a canker -
ker ate out their fathers life.
Ucla-I < < I. . J'urlu. : :
E. T. Lucas , \Vingo , Ky" writes
April25,11JU2 : "For 10 to 1
vears I had been afilicted with a
il1alady known as the "itch. " The
itching' was most unbearablej I
had tried for years to find relief ,
having tried all remedies I could
he r of , besides a number of doc.
tors. I wish to state that one
single application of Ballard's
Snow Liniment cured me com.
. ,
. ' lIer marvelous growth 1t1
. , NEBRASKA'S H ISTORY fifty years frotu first settle.
ruent. A true and Interest.
, . : ; " ing book of .144 pages : am ]
. . ' - - over 200 11lustrutlons oj
scenes , public Institutions and men who made the State. The cover Is in hea. ' )
"f\ \ pl1 r wlth an appropriate Bud attractive design printed in three colors , just publish
1\ " ed by the Nebraska Farmer. Single cop ) ' , postpaid , SOCi or free with a year's sub
- .cription to Nebraska Fanner at regular price , SI.OO. Write for terms and how t (
i't. . ree trip to the World' , Fair at St. Louis. NJtDRASlCA. } ? AIUutR. Co. ,
, \ / 'J 6 J505 owlm1 St. , Omaha , N.braak
. . . . I.I
. . . .
. , . . . : = -
, I
plctely add permanently. Smce
tben I have uscd the linimcnt on I
two separatc occasions for ring I
worm and it cured comPletclY"
25c , 50c and $1.00 bottle. Sold
by Ed. McComas , Brotcen Bow
and Mcrna.
. , .
- - - - - - - -
C , E. EntertalnUlcnt.
'l'hc C. E. Society of the Presbyterian -
byterian church will give the fol-
lowin program on Friday evening -
ing , l cbruary 19 , ' 04 , in the I.
O. O. F. hall. Admission , 15c.
Corollet Solo. . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . \ E. 'ra 'lor
Recitation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Grace Shetler
Vocal Solo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mr . J. I . AtlalllslIlI
Hcatlhllf. 8elcch.od. . . . . . . . . . . . Hc8. . P. Merrill
Dueu , Yocal..1\taurlc alld Halllah H'erHolI
! { ec\tat\oll. \ \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Luella l'ollllllllrtoll
I'lcolo Solo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . John Dalton
DueU. Yocal..1\trs.Ta'lorl\1lss Lelia Hulcomb
Violin Solo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Chas.\tlllllnll
Hecltatlon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lIIrlelltlno 81I1I1I1:1n :
Yoenl Solo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .John G. \ , . Lewis
I . C. Embree an J. Whittle wcre do.
iug business at the Bow on Saturda } ' .
K. Killenbarger reports tl1at his barn
is nearl } ' complented regardless of cold
weather for the past three wecks.
Although thc weather was cold GUll
raw , there was n numbcr of our people
attcn ed the funeml sen.lccs of Thoml1l } "
Berlin last Tues ay.
Pastor W. C. Miller has given notice
that he will begin a serics of meetings at
Ortcllo Chapel next Sunday e\'eniug , and
he expects some help a little later.
E. D. Beals nnd wife drove down to
the Bow on Frida ) ' rcturuiug Sunday
evening. They contemplate moving null
if they cnn arrauge matters will make
home In that place.
There is much sickness in our n idst
the past week. At this writing Mrs. } ' .
Johnson and Mrs. T. Waddington are in
bed , Mr. Hill , Mrs. C , D. Day aud
Auntie Collison ure all ver ) ' much im.
A number of the young men , who he.
long to J. F. Bakers Sundny School class
went and husked corn for him au Satur-
dny. No doubt but It cheered him , to
feel that in his misfortune he was re-
membered. And the boys were happy
in doing this little service.
A number our young people have organized -
ganized themselves into a Literar ) ' and
oe ld Society , nnd will meet weekly at
the home of one of its members. Its
purpose is mental and social improve-
went. Last Friday evening they met
with Mattie Fodge and completed or-
A lleCCltIOU.
'l'he members of the senior B.
Y. P. U. gave Mr. and Mrs. L.
D. George a reception last Friday -
day night at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Jos. Pigman. A pleasant -
ant time was enjoyed for several
hours in the playing of games
and social chat , after which
luncheon was served. It was
nearly midnight when the genial
party took their departure for
home. On leaving thev . all expressed -
pressed of h.a\'ing enJoyed - t
Joyed a very pleasant evening.
and wished the bride aud groom !
many .ears of happiness and
prospenty in their journey in life.
Begins wit the symptoll1S of a
common coldj th re is chilliness ,
snee ng , sore throat , hot skin , -
quick pulse , hoarseness and impeded -
peded respiration. GIve frequent
small doses of Ballard's Horehound -
hound Syrup , ( the child will cry
for it ) and at the first sign of a
croupy cough , apply frequently 1 ]
Ballard's Snow Liniment to the -
throat. Mrs. A. Vliet , New Castle -
tle , Colo. , writes , March 19,1901 : '
"I think Ballard's Horehound
Sirup a wonderful remedy , and
so pleasant. " 2Sc , SOc and $1.00.
Sold by Ed. McComas , Broken
How and Merna.
Drs. Davis and Farnsworth of
Grand Island , have in their office
all the latest apparatus used in
the treatment of Chronic diseases ,
including Static , Faradic , and
Galvanic Electricity and X-I ay
instruments. Vibratory Mas-
sage. Hot air baths for treatment -
ment of Chronic Rheumatism ,
Kidney and Liver diseases , Tbe
Minin Violet light for treatment
of Chronic Skin diseases and
every other insfrument required
in making a scientific esamina- : :
tion Zlnd giving proper treatment.
The Doctors make no charge for
first consultation. 34tf
Public MaIO. ,
Pursuant to a resolution of the
Stockholders and the Board of
Directors of the Callaway Building -
ing and Loan Association there
will be sold at public auction to
the highest bidder for cash at
th front door of the Court House
in Broken Bow , Nebraska , on
February 20th , 1904 , at 2 o'clock
p. m. of said day the following
proprerty situatcd in Custer
County , Nebra ka , to-wit : Lot
20 , Block 41 , Railroad Addition
to Callaway and the buildings
thereonj and Lot 13 , Block 33 ,
Callaway and all personal proper-
I ty belonging to said Building
and I040an Association.
President Board Directors.
1-4. R. ANDRnws ,
3S-3 ( , Secretary.
. FOR SAI.n-All my lands and
town property located in and
) around Anselmo , Nebraska.
, 36-39 H NRV KnI.I.nv. I
. . : . " , : 1 - : ' : ? - - ' _ ' - ' ! : I - - . . . . . - , . .
: [ I E ; : L..A..s-r .A. : C
Deepest Cut of All
Fresb Cuts In Goods
0) Dry Department.
Don't 1 piece bome spun drcss fian-
forget we arc offel'ing
a nel. extra fiuc @ 65c for , 2Sc
Round 'I'rip Frce to Worl 's Far ! , ,
3 home dress fian-
pieces spun -
to the
section most of Nebraska. popular h1tly 1 n tIltS nel , @ 33c , for. . . . . . . . . . . l8e
Conditions of contest-Every 3 pieces plaid suiting , suita. .
25c cash purchase entitlcs to ble for childrcn , 3Sc , for. . 20c
vote in 12 pieces fancy cotton worsted
one deciding for us who
dress 1Sc for. . , . . . 6
t.his lady will be. The contest goods , c
continues to August 1S , 1904. 120 pairs corsets , including J.
In setHhng mllil orders be sure 'C.C.Kobo , 65 to$1.S0each 35c
3Sc ladies fleeced and
and state for whom wish to vests
cast votes. you . pants , limited amouut. . . . 20c
. 50c ladies Uecced VCdts and
, , pants , limitcd amount. . . . 3Sc.
. ' SOc ladics ribbed vests and
pants , limited amount. . . . 30c
We will fit out In tl " Latest Style Clothing j 60 pairs flceced lined hose at
you 25c , for" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lSc
Cheaper than any house In .raken Bow. J\lV New
20 cotton blankets 10-4
' ' pairs , -
Stock-JU9t received.'I. . ) at 50c , last sale 40c , now. , 30e
f .
. . ,
' , .
Fresh Cu't In , Men's Department.
\ " 1/ oIdIj
" ' , , . l
'IAII"K ti'i . I. : , , . . . . . .
SOc Men's llecce < l underwear , all sh e8 ' , r. ' , : 30 , " oIi
SOc extra fleece u ndcrwcar , all si es. . . i , , : 3 tJ
SOc fancy stripped fleeced underwear. . . . . ' . " 5Ci : J
3S Only Men'soul ngKerseyshirls , 6Sq\'for \ 5C : . '
24 boys ' outing Kcrsey shirts , 50c , fori' _ . " . ,30' : : '
14 pa'irs Men's legginsa11 sizes , 7Sc , fbr ; ' : .
18 pairs Men's leggins , a11 si est SOc , fof. . 1G5c . ' .
$1.00 caps , all st'les and shapes for. ' ' . ' ' ( tis .j
7Sc caps , all stj.les and shapes , for. . . . . ilS
50c all and for. , . . .
caps , styles shapes , ) , . c' '
2Sc caps , all styles and shapes , for. . . 'rr ; . . .lS91
10 pairs Men's $ t mittcns , per pair. . . . . . .75c
pairs Men's 75c mittens , per pair. . . . . .SO
Don't fail to mammoth f 54 d02cn Men's Neckties
see our displaj : , just - . .
25r 35 and 50c each. I
Fresh Cuts In Our Grocery Department. .
2Sc can California fruit in syrup , per can. . .1Sc
20c cau California fruit. extra fineper can,12
lSc can strawberrIes , blackberries raspberries -
berries , gooseberries , blueberries. . . . . . . .10c
35c gaBon can pie peach. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Sc
1 pound tea siftings 2Sc , for. . . . . . . . , . . . . .1Sc
1 pound tea siftings 20c , for. . . . . . . . . . . .12 c
1 pound choice Japan tea 60c , for. . . . . . . . .30c
25c can Diamond baking powder ( a dish
with every can ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1Sc
1 pound Japan rice , extra fancy. . . . . . . . . 6U c
Farm Lease , Ohattle Mortgage I
, nd Warranty Deed blanks at
his office.
DErISw.r :
R B , MULLINS , M. 0 ,
inke8 alJpccll1ltf : or Orown and DrldKri Wnk.
Plces rolsonablo.
All \York guarantcotl.
( 'III and sue mo betort ! g"lng ulee"hertt.
Onlco-In Droll" " Dow dilltu Dank alldlng.
Irokon now , Nebrlleli.lI.
Physician Surgeon.
nd Shlrw y from WA-t end In noalty Dlook ;
c ldcnco , Sr.1 wuat M E. churcb.on . . . 811mo 81d ,
, t stroet. . rokel1 UOIY , Nobra8ku.
T to J. SNYDER ,
AJ l : PiD > > , .t [ ) , .trr ill mJJ , AN OTA1tY l'UlII.IC
.1110 . JUfticu ot the l'oRco. Hpo II\IQttenton ! IIhon
o collections lblo hlonR tnk nllI'nflon vouch.
ir/l IIcaU , . cxocutoll aud ! III kinds or legal p6pOfl
vrltll'II , oruce In tbe rear ot nonk or Commerco.
Blokon Dow. NubrBaka.
lIIKhost JDnrket Ilrloo paid tor Dutter l"a' " .
Igbt UunuIDi. . . . . . . . . .
Empire Cream Separators
lI'or Balo. ' ' 'holle No.IP6. !
B. D. JIISHOP.Oporlltor ,
Ihoken uow. Nobra1ka.
Na ) ) } ID Jn ; ID IDp D1JtI.
flY. bloclra norlb of Orsnd Otnrrnl 1I0hll. Pili.
ronag" 101lc11OO. I'rlece reaB'Juabh. .
lID'11e 1bnmel1l' JrnJPlh ! : [ ) n- .
R ass G. IOORE ,
Utal Citato Bed loen broker. Ol21co la Glele
lock , rokcn Dow , Nchruka ,
Hamilton County Nurseries ,
Aurora , Nebraska.
} 'lfllt.cIMU. huslth ) ' atock Locllted rlgbt to
ehlp to lhlt couulry. Wrlto ue rot prlce ,
BUR'r & BISHOP , Props.
30 pairs Men's SOc mittens , per pair. . ' , ' . .3Sc
o pairs Men's 2Sc mittens , per pair. . . . . .1Sc
13 duck coats , sizes 36 to 44 , $1.6S , for. . . . 7Sc
10 duck coats , * 1.50 to $2 , eal.h. . , . . . , . . . 7Sc
8 duck coats , sizes 38 to 44 , $2 , each , . . . $1.00
5 duck coats , sizes 40 to 44 , $2.2S , each , . 1.S0
4 duele coats , si cs 24 to 44 , $2.65 , each. . 1.7S
9 duck coats , sizes 36 to 44 , $2.75 , each. . 1.85
S duck coats , sizes 36 to 44 , $3 , each. . . . 1.90
8 Corduroy coats and vests , $6.00 , cach. . 4.00
12 boys' duck coats , $1.00 , each. . . . . . . . . . .SOc
6 boys' duck coats , $1.2S , each. . . . . . . . . . . . 7Sc
4 boys' duck coats , $1.50 , cach. . . . . . . . . . . .8Se
1 pouud cboice Japan rice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 c
500 pounds evaporated peaches , pl'rlb. . . . .871c
200 pounds apricots , slightly damaged
12 c , at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5c
SO lbs. Hyerson-George Co. H. P. Flour.l.OO
SO Ibs. Buffalo , old wheat , Flour. . . . . . . . $1.00
50 Ibs , Bakers Faucy Flours. . . . . . . . . . . . . 95c
12 lbs. Graham flour , . . . . . . . U . . . . . . . . 25c
SIbs. Breakfast food , fine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20c
100 pounds flax seed , ground , $2.50 , and
in small quantities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3c
'l'he above items arc all limited in quantity.
this and "Come where ' . "
Bring paper ) 'ou can buy everything.
Ryerson-George 00.
. . , . . , .
- -'IIIr3II\\UD. : ; . , - ' _ IIk'L .1ttA _ I'
. .
's. ' 1\1 \ , DOHRIS ,
mn1lt'9himmal'Gk. ! ! ! !
AI. klms or work In oar line done promptly
lIud In ftrst-:18HI order. CrRod Sbop 011 the
orner WO t 01 the hOle bou80.
Urokon Dow , ' . . . Nebr"lb.
u. OllUTTON , l'roprletor.
Flr i-cln 1 u'ork. Hoar Room of Broken Dow
State Ollnk , Urokon Dow , Nebraeka.
- ,
IInl ) Duroe J oreoy Uogs bred and 10111. Dost blo < < ? d
olthclrclau. ddle o , a. K , O\DWKLt. ,
Droken Dow , Nebrnaka.
Gl1f re y $ 8 9Cell l1
A'r I.AW.
Itoome tI and I ) . UcaHy IIIock , Broken Dow , Neh.
ORS. H. U. & W. E. TALBOT ,
Oaloo OTU llaoberlo'a Draa : Itoro. ! !
Drokf:11 : : Dow , . . NehrallLa ,
DU , 'P. lA , Ii'ARNRWOITlI ,
w-omce In tOlthwelL COADer RullI JJl.ock ,
t1rPl1t8 ] Rnd CRUmates on shorlnoUce.
J 'oken How , NebraSk ,
Physician & Surgeon.
OI1lCO 10 rear or Ihu Bank or Commerce. noel.
dunce 11th hon.o weRt or the doptht ohurch.
IIrololl now , Nl'braBku.
DR. C. B. JOB ,
nD tm mnl m DD.
Oftlco In lIo\l\y \ lIock : , first ftalrQ teem 'Nut
Dud. JlcaldelJce at tile 1I ( ) ! )1t1\1.
_ _ _ h' W'M1'n" ' - -
- - - - -
- -
Advertising agent and bill POl6-
ter. Orders. solicited. Brok n
Bow , Nebraska.
Up-to-date PhotograpbB.
First prize whmer at 6tatB. . . .
sociation 1903.
. . . . . .Dealer In. . . . .
Pamp. . Wind. MIIII , TI\uka , FlttlDiIo Olllolll1.
Gngine . oto. eto.
DrokoD DoIY. Nebraeka.
1.1'\CDln , Denver ,
On..abu. IllIle'a. :
ClllcnllD , lIuttc ,
lot " 0101:111" : . . .ortiRnd ,
KunHAf. CIl ) ' . Hult Lake City ,
tit. I.oul. . . _ "nel Hun PrunelHCD
AU "olnt. . . . Unitt And " 11 JI.olut
Aud . .OUUI West.
No. 4Ve llbuled exprlJu dally , Lincoln. Oma.
ba. lit , JOfteDI'I Ihnua Olty. St. Lonl. Obi
cage and all poll'l . 'I1Itnnd .outh. . . . 8 IT a.m.
No.LocII expree. ,1"ly. , , LIncoln. umaha.
CbiC llo 110111111 polnta ceot and 10utbIO 30 a.m.
No. { I-Veellbuled cXllrere dall , . , 1I01611a , Meat.
tlo HuUe , Portland I1Ild uU l'ao11lc Ooan
polntR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1104 am
No. 48-I.ocal oxprelll daily , AlIIanct ! anO
Intermediate olnt . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . .1168 pm
looplnK , dlLlng and recllnlnl ; chllrcau ( IiOlt.
tree ) on through halns. 'rlckes .old end barr. ,
agll cbeck\1t to lIuy point 'U ' tb United ! 3tatOa
wd Cana" " .
Intormatlon , maps , Umu tnble. and tlckot
call on or write to U , t , Ormlby , agenl , or ; J
Vranch , O. I' . A.t ' \ Nehr J1ta. !
om'\bv1 L. OIIlUUT. Allon' .
WITII Dr II King's .
New Discovery.
. .
Surest and Quickcat Ouro for 0.11
. - , -
. u _ . _ _ u _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
To Cllre a Cold ill One Day
Take Laxative Brome Quinine TabJets. .A ml . f every'
Seven M1Uio bcy.ea &Old In swt 12 months. This signature , t9. " , .C uux.25 .