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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1904)
' . ' -'l - ' . . 1 . - . . . . . . _ . _ " . _ . . . _ _ . . - - ' _ _ I _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ < . CUSTfR COUNTY RfPUBUCAH By D. M. AMSBERRY. I _ Ii i I DIlOlmN now , - . NlmllASlCA , - - - - : Bdef T e1eg1'a s J IIm'nll/trlll / II ! snltl to ho ronlemlllnt. Ing' It fnl'owoll tOll1' next senson , un clul' the Oml11 , 'I'ho Unltl'll Stnlp ! ! 1)8 ) \ \ frol11 Cllbn thl'eo I hnes liS 1II111'h liS Culm hUys , fl'om I ho Unltell Stntos , Admll'1I1 W , S , S'hlny Is ronOnel1 It his hoUlo III Wllshlllgton h ' UII IlUnrl. . of Hl'lllpe , hut eXlleets to ho out In u fuw dn 's. A steel. IIIgl'asl ! from Ihe'olrnlll ( slop08 of Ornll. iCI'IIl , 18 SO 1.'ll\BlIl' Ihul It can he 1Isl'd ItIHterlil of sprlll ! ; III thn manllillcturo of fur II It 11I' ( ' . As It IOnHl'rtlll'IICO ) of the fnmlno I hnl's SludlllOllII Il'IHlutOl's ; : Ilrollose.1 n tux 1Ipon lit ! IWI'SOIlH wolghln ! ; 11101'0 111 un ono huuI\1'cII \ Ilnd twollt "fi\'e Ilollnlls. Secl'etnl'Y of thn Intel'lor Jlllchcoclc hils Issued un ordel' dll'ecllng' the ) )1WIS ) COlllllllsHlon to ISHIW 110 mol'c nllotnlmt : of land of InlllulIA who hllve he on nl'l'eptoll hy vurlous trlbcs IJ1IlIntos of SI. Asnllh worlchouse , III \v nlHs , possess n pony nnd phneton , a piano nI\l \ ( 11 IIhrnl'Y of mOl'e tll lI GOO \'Ohlllles , All al"O 1II'0videll hy goneI" ously dlslOsed IJel'sons III the dls. i trlct. Pl'of. llenjumln I" . Clnl'lw of Drown 1Inl\'ol'slty wns glvon a loving cup 1'0' cClltly by his colleagues III the fllculty In recognition of the COl11lllctlon of . forty yonl's of servlco hr him In the IInlv rsity , Rllssell Leonlll'11 'ollth of 16 ' , a , 1'0' sllJlnsOllth / of 'Wnl'saw , Ind" has cnm. ) lloted his secolld 'ear of slcellnr [ ; In \ the open Illt' In all Idnlls of weather , 110 Is huttllng (0hlH ( \ lIfo agllinst tll' , uel'clIlosls , General Ben .T. Vlljoen , Il Jenoral o ( the Doer fOI'les : In the war In the 'fransvnal , , vas Il gllest of the Ill'esl. Ilent at IlIncheon , 110 will have charge of the BOQl' exhlhlt nt the St , l..oIII oxpoBltloII. The AlIstrlan Pcace Bocletr hils sellt n cnblegram to Prosldent Roosevelt re. Ijllestlng him to InlOl'\'ono In the HilS' slan..Jallllneso cont1lct lindeI' the provl lions of the International Ilrbltrntlon trlhunal at The Haglle. 1\lInlstor Finch hns cllhled the state dopllrtmont thllt there has IICon a . chungo In the sentlmontln Montovldeo and thnt tnero Is now no fenl' of nn attack on the city , which Is helng IUal'ded hy. 1,000 well 1ll'I110d and offi. t cered men. I Thomlls JJ. .James , former 1108tmas. tor general of the United States , WnA murrlod In Shnl < ospeal'o's chllrch. nt I StraUord.on.A von , to Edith , daughter . . . of Aillermun Colboll\'no \ , of Stratford. oll.A VOII. Numel'ou rellltives nnd , friends were } Jresont. It Is suhl at the war dopnrtment that Cameron FOl'hes of Doston , who has been tondel'od the pOBltion of PhlllPlllno commission , wus soloetod \1l'lnclpally \ because of his oxecutlvo abllltios anll tochnlcal Imowledgo of englneorlnl ; mattol's. The lollof ; fund for the sufferers of the Cheswlcle mlno disaster now I1mounts to $33,759 , Revised stntlstlcs 0 : the dlsllstor to dute show total los3 of Jlfo , 18G ; . bodies accounted for , HI. Among Illto sUhserlptlons wns $2,000 from MnyOl' IIn : s of Plttslmrg , who Is himself Ill'ecnrlouslr 111. ! Jacoh Allen , a wenlthy farmer of Wolhngton , H.ns" waB swlndlod In Wichita by golll hl'lcle men , who sold him n worthless comblnntlon of tin nnll COIIJeI' fot' $10,000 , It had h on recommended by. a aU\1llosfHl \ govol'n. mont ! lasllyer who gave the name of J. E , .Stono of Phl1ullelphlll. 1 By a bill which Imssell the Ken , tucley 10giBlatul'e co-education In Ken. t ' t ucl.y must ceuse , It romalns onlr I for the go\'o\'l1or \ to sign the meas. 111'0 to mlllo It a In w , I1nd then Berea t college , ono of the most famous odll' ( 'atlonnl Instltutlolls In that IlIIrt of the country , mllst pass Ollt of oxlsl. enco. RoA , Grant Evans , proshlont f Henry KOIu1nll college , l\tuslwgee. Is In Washington to IIrgo the remo'\'al of rostrlctlons In the Bale of lan In the Creole natlon , , also In tlto Interest of.1l1l'Ovlslonnl . \ school system on the lines of the bill Introducoll h ' Hellre. Bontatlvo Stewart of Novndll Inst week , Dr. 1\1 , M. .Johnson of Hartfol'll , Conn. , has hrought 8111t aHlllnst MrR , J. Ogden Armollr of Chlcngo for $ G , 000. Mrs. Armour Is the mothel' of the lIttio girl who was opornlol ! 011 hy Dr. Lorenz , nnl ! fol' which 1) ( > wa said to ha\'o recolved It fee of $30,000 , The Bult Is brought for motHclt1 SOI'\ ' . Ices for Mrs , Armour's Rister , Second I..olltonallt Frllnl ( Prntt , 011 duty at Fort Warne , Mlch" hns hron dotaillod In this country Ilftrr having hoen ordered to the Philippines he. cause of moro serloUB charges thUl1 these profcrret ! agnlnst hltn IIIIanlln ! whIch ho WitS relul'lling to face , 1I Is charged wllh gambling In Manlln alld with bolng shott In his filllds te the amount of $7,5UO. Cl1lltaln George A , Armc ! ! , Unltel1 States arm ' , retired , has uddl't'SRCt ! lottoI' to the presldont chnrglng unjlll1 treatment at the hnnds of the mill \ tllry nuthorlt1eR , Tlo nssel'ts thnt 1m portant documents h'arlng on his 1'l' ( ' 01'11 have m 'storlousl ' dI8allpearl'l ! from the office ot the I\CUlltant gencl'IIl l < ivo hlllulred 01)OI'atl\'e8 ) I1t the Franlc Diesel hranch of the All\l'I'lc \ 11 Con compnn ' , Chlcaro , strucl1 1 'lnp UJI the plant. Roductlon In wates WII the causo. 1\Iost of the Btrllcors arc girls , who operate the cuttlur ; , stamll Ing end soldorlng ml\ch'urB. ' ' 1'ho p'.nnl ! is plckoted .b ) ' slrls. - - - - - - - - - - - - - THE LAND FORGES JAPANESE GETTING READY TO MOVE FORWARD. ARE AFTER RUSSIAN POSITIONS MIlitary Experts Believe Japan's Next Effort Will Be on the L.and-Prepar. atlons that Must Be Mode Before the Army Can Go Forward , LONDON-New ( Yorlc Iicrald Cn. I hlegrnll1-Gamo In made hy Homo. . Bugllsh } lI1llOrS of the lIuhll8hol ! 1'0' Ilol't that the Vlalllvostok SllUlllll"01I has put to Bell alld captured a snmll .ll1ll11no"o l1Iorchl1nt stellmer off the northern const of .lal1un , 'fhlH In Sill" castlcally cllllod a lIrllllrml oxplolt , hilt I . the Imllorlallt fact Is rocognlwll : to ho I hilt the Vlndlvostol ( RllIllIlron ) Is now located , Gonoml opinion here Is lhl1t It cnnllot I1chlovo IInythlng' of COIISO' quonce. l1l1larr nnll II a'Ill mcperts hm'e agree wHh the ImlJrOHSlon re\lartoll \ to ) ll'o\'nll In Now Yorlc that the Japllllese 111'0 alread ' . III'ellIwd to mo\'o III force on the HllssllIlI lOsltion Oil the Ynlu. It Is Iuestloned ) first of all whether the whole stOl'y of the concontrntlon of any consldel'llblo Hll sllIlI arll1Y 011 the Ynlu Is not It 11101'0 1I1 'th. In that case It mny bo that the Japanese will fllld It worth theh' whllo to brush aside , with division rUIIIIy ] ) IHlshed forwlll'd to the scenc , the Husslan t rOOllH which Ilrosull1llhly cover n con. silloruhlo nccumulatlon of BtOl'eS such liS It mny ho well worth whllo olthor to Bolzo 01' dostro ' . 'fhls would , how. ever , not lIe a sOl'lous advnnco for do. cisl\'o nctlon ogaillst the Hussilln army ns such , but only a 1.1I1nell\'or fot' the advnntago of posltloll and to hamllOr Hussll\n movements hy destroylnJ ; the stores on which they hl1d calculatoll for tholr Inrgo forces , Previous to IIIIY ad\'nllce of the , Japnnese army for doclsl\'e nctlon , If they are In the IlI'osellCo at this } lOlnt of I'oally for. mldablo Hllssilln fo\'ces \ , there must ho a Vl1st accumulation of ammunition , hath for art1llCl'y and Illfantr ' . Th l'o must ho 11 collectloll of Immense Iunn. ) titles of melllcI11 stores anll all\1l1. \ nnces , All these , hesldes fooll , mUBt bo gathered In convolliollt depots near to the fl'OlIt. Latest repol'ts from the front Indl. cato thnt a hattlo on land Is oX\lectod \ hourl ' , 'fho , Japanese have massed troOllH Oil the Yalu riveI' , toward which n Husslan force Is hollo\'od to bo lIIarchlllg , alld 11 second IIno of defense Is lIolng fot'mod between the river Ilnd . Sooul. capilal of Corea. It. Is reported thnt 200 of the crew of the Husslan ship VarlaJ ; lost their lives dmlng the fight at Chem1llpo. A Germun crulsor hns been sent to tlllco Gorman women an chl1dren from Port Arthur. 'fho Husslan hattieshi)13 ) Czarov\tch and Retvlznn have IJCon fioated , but the cruiser Pallada Is still on the boach. Raising Funds for Japan , NEW YORK-Consul GOlloral Uchl. dn IJI'eslded on I.\'hlny \ at a mass meet , IlIg In Cal'l1eglo hllll , attended b ' ROV' oral hundred .Jllllllneso and mnny Amol'lcan srmpathlzors , for the 1mI" IlOse of furthorlng the Illan to ralso n fUlld for .Jalllln , 1\11' , Uchida an. noullcod thllt It waB Intended to rnlso $ riOOOOOO. III vi ow of the Iresldonl's ) \lroclnnmtloll \ of noutl'l\llty he l'xplaln. crt thnt It woulc ! only he Ilor01lsslhlo for American cltlzells to contrlbulo for the Hupport of the Japanese Hetl Uross soclot . , Army Offlcera Los Jobs. LONDON-In Il\1l'suanco \ of the army refo\'ms \ all the heads of dOI1l11't. mentll of the war office on Thursdar rocel\'ell lottel's of dlsmlssnl , nnll were noUnee1 that they will he emlilorpd elsewhere , I.ol'd , Roherts , conlmantl. ct'.III.chlof of the ' fot'ces ; Lloutenl1lt I General Lorll Grenfell , comlllnnlllng I the Fomth armr cor'IIS ; Lieutenant Genol'lll Sir , Jolm 1'I'ellch ; , In coml11and of the Fh'st army COl'IIS , 11\111 \ Sit , \\11 , lIam Uutlel' , C0ll1m1U1l1ln the 'Vest tllstrlpt , have heen Invited to join the 1I0W nrmy council , Reports of Heavy Firing , 'rmN TSIN-It Is rellortod from Chln Wang ' 1'no , ahout 1 O mlleR nOl'thwest of 'J'len Tsln , thnt hellvy firing has heen henrd at sea and It Is Inferred that another engagemellt has tnltcn Illace. Iowa Man a Big L.oser , W US'l'mll Cl'l'Y , la-Georgo II , HelnoelCI' , the WebstCl' City mllll n. alre , lost a lIuarter of n million dol. lars hi the lll1lt1moro fire , Ho ownoll the steel structure next 10 the lIurst hUllellng , In which the 111'0 stllrtod , 110 canled but $ 1,000 tnsurance , Witness In Smoot Case , WASIIING'1'ON-Sonntor Burrows , chnll'luon of the commltteo on prlvl. leges nml olectlons , haB suhpoonaed E. p , Critchlow IlS n wltnoss In the hlvesttgatlon of Senntol' Smoot. OppOl'tunltr , with nhlllt . , makes \'e. \ sponslbllltY-Blshop Hurst. Are Anxious for the Fray , V.\NCOUVEH , B. O.-DeSIlte the fnet thut no call for mon fmm Bl'lt. Ish Columbia has been Issued hr the Jallaneso goverlUnont , twont ' .five \'aneou\'or .Jnlll1nese ha\'o lIalled for Jalmn. 'fhoy 11\0 \ going 011 Ch' own Innlut1vo , und will lIe joillCI ! nt Vie tOl'11l h ' a IIJw numhol' of theh' coun' Il'ymen who desh'e to ho ( JUrly on hand to tulO pnrt III the host1llt les. It Is estlnmtotl that there 111'0 In this Ilrov , Ince hotweoll , t , OOO unl ! 18,000 Jnpall' ese and umollg them uro 3,000 or 4,000 liable to son'lco for their countr ' . - - CUBA CANNOT FL.OAT A L.OAN. The Prescnt Conditions are Unfav. era ! e. lIAVANA.--'rho Associated PI'OSS Is Infol'l1)d hy a IIOl'flOII of Ulldollhted nuthorlty that the $ : JriOOOOOO Cuhl1l1 lonn will 1I0t ho floated until the 1I10llctal'Y cOlldltlons nro mo\'o \ fllvol" able limn at the pl'esellt moment. Pl'osldent Pahna nlld the secl'otary of the treasm ' WOI'O 1II'Ilctlclllly so III' formed of 11 conferollCO hold I"ohrullr ' 10.llt which here W"'I'O ! ll'osent 1'0p. resentntlves of the Nutlollnl Cit ) ' bllnle of Now Yorlf , the Kuhn Loch & co , Srl\IIClllo \ , Slloyor Brothers Ilnl ( other hanldng Institutions Intol'estml In the mnttor , 'I'ho fact thut the loan Is not to ho fiouted at this tlmo Is 1I0t Intended ns a I'ollectlon on Culm's cl'ollll , but. If ! duo to the wal' situation In the fill' east , the result In Wall : stroct growing' out of the Daltlmoro I fIl'e , and othOl' curl'ont CUUSOH , 'Vhen the situation hHcomes nmmal it Is oxpccted the Cullull honds will bo sohl wlthollt. Ilifficull ' , CUSTOM HOUSE IS RUINED , Contents of Bank V ults In Good Condition. nAL'1'I IOHJAB a result of an examination of the now custom house blllllllng , It IB almost certain that Iho whole Blt'uctlll'e must ho to'l1 dOWlI , BO great Is the dumngo done , 'I'ho building Is uow nearly Ull to the tllird fioor , nnd neal'l ' $ ariOOOO of work hns lIeen done. ' 1'ho lIulllllnJ ; Is abollt half completed. A careful exnmlna. tlon will he made later hefore the con. tractors , lien 1' ) ' Smith & Sons of Dal. tlmore , are nollfied what l11ust ho done under the contmct. Under the Illw the 10 s will fall on the contrac. tOl'S IInless congress ] Jnsse3 a I'ellof mcasure , ' 1'ho vllulls l1uve been found In good condit on III sovl'l" I hanls whel'o ox. mnlnlltlons wore made , ' 1'hls Inch\leH \ the \'uulls of the National Exchnnge hanl" whore It Is 1II1110rstoo(1 ( there nro $800,000 of United States go\'ern. ment. funds In the vault. EXPECT A RUSSIAN ATTACI < , Where the Vladlvostock Squadron Ie Believed to Be Headed For. WASIIINGTON-The best naval OlllIlon ) hel'o credlls the ropOl"t thaL the Russian Vlallivostocl , squadl'on of 1'0111' armored cmlsers has left VI ad. Ivosl ocl , ; 'lnd It lu holle\'ed that. It w111 attnck the two coaling stations on the northern coast of Jnpan. In nn. tlcllJ tlon of this move the .JnlJ nesa ha vo sevel'al warshills guarding these points. In Husslan circles It Is Ileliovod that. the munlcllml government of VIlldi. vostock will be tl'llnsferrol1 to a noar. by town , tOg'othor with the cltlzcnR. and the entlro place 1\\'noll \ \ OVOI' to the army for use as a fortress , From dlslll1tches rccolved here It Is thought the , Japanese will conOno tholr naval Ollel'lltlolls for the Ilresent b I the dostruetlon of the Russian fioet at Port Artlml' , BITTER TOWARD UNCLE SAM. RusGJan P < lpers Are In a Pugilistic Mood. LONDON-Specllli dlslH ches ru. colvod fwm the far cast and puh. IIshed 'l'hursday mOl'l1lng add nothing to the actual situation. The S1. Pc. \ersburg correspondent of the Dnl1y 'l'elogl'allh qUOtOB from the Novo Vrom'a as mal\1ng n. bitter oliitorial attacle upon the Unltetl Stllles , which he SUPllosed to bo un outcome of till' I dlslll1tch to the American consul to : \1 uleden. 'I'ho No\'o Vremya. accuses the Unl. ted Stales of a desire to win the trade of the entlro Ioho and excluo Europe of the entire Elobo nnd oxchlde I urop claros : "If , as It seems Illcoly. war breals out , It will have lIoen Instlgat. en h ' the Ynnl\Oos. " RAIL.ROAD PENSIOrl SYSTEM. . . PennGylvanla Company lsuc3 : State. ment of Operations. PIIII.ADELPIIIA-Statlstics com. Ill1ell hy the Iionsion dopal'tmont of Iho Pennsylvania l':111rond : show thaI In the f01l1' 'ears the orgnnlutlon hns been In ollel'atlon $1,224,087 has lIeell expended fOl' the rcllof : of these ontl , lied to conshlol'lltlon. 'I'ho report glvos the 1OIIowing 'early dlstrlbu. tlons : 1903 , $3GJ,374 ! : 1J02 ! , $326,403 ; 1901 , $ 92,2JU ! ; 1900 , $2H.OlJ. ! These oXllClHlltures do not Illcludo the cost of the dOllllrtment's opemtlon , which Is IJ hl b ' the comlJ ny , In the four 'ears' olJemlion of the ponslon plan 2l G omplo 'es have heon rotlred as pensioners from tl1e active servlcl' of the COmlJ\ln \ ' , Of these fi 7 11IWO died. Of the totlll number I'e. tll'ed , 426 were hetwHen the ages o ! GG 11\111 \ 69 'oal's. Of the totlll numher retired , 3.18 were rotlrod U\lon \ thell' own request and with the allproval of the OInplo 'lng otncer. Italy Will Not Mix. RO\tR-Promler : Glollttl nnnounced In the chamber of deputies that Italy would mnlntuln the strlctost neutrnl. ity during the war In the ful' onst , nnll would do all possible to othorwlso bl'lng nbout the re.estalilishment of pence , Missile Travels Fifteen Miles. W ASlIING'rON-Ono of the omeerR of the hattlcshll ) Uls80ul'I , which haR I . hcon engagel ! In tllrget Ilt'actice ort the Chesapealw capos , calllo to tha nllvy dopnrtmont with a rOll1lU'lmhlo stalol11ont. lie snld that ono of the twol\'o.lnch gIlliS , helng ole\'llted RO\ ' . on Ilegrees , h't fi ) ' n shell which the strongest glnss coulll not follow to the enl ! of Its I1Ight. LateI' a passln sleamer rOIIOl'tel ! that the shot hlld Ntruclc the scn within aoo 'nrls ! of her. I The stonmcr WUI3 IlIstnnt jllst fifteen mlieB. - - - - ! BOATS ARE SUNI { THREE JAPANESE VSGEL.S [ GO DOWN. WITH OREAT lOSS OF LIFE Japanee ! Attempt I L.andlng Near Bedzero-Come Into the Harbor Flashing RusGlan Signal : : : as They Advance. - CIJI FOO-Out of the f01l1' .Jalll1n. ese tot'llodo bents which mnllo the I IIl'st IIttncl , Oil Monllay night at Pot'l Arthlll' , three were sunk with gl'eat loss of IIfo. The fourth wns n 26.lmot boat IInd ellcapcII. ' 1'he .Japanose tor. podo boats erfectoll nn ontmnco Into the outer hllrbOl' hy using the Rlls , sian signal finsh.llghts , Consoqllontly the HUlslnns did not flro on thom , 'I'ho following of the first Bmlll'lses I from a Russian na\'lll omcol' : "Tho baltloshlll Pullalla was on the outside edge of the HusHlan lIeot and on watch 11uty tlmt night. The chief artlllory 01l1cor noticed fOil I' tOl'lodo ) boats a lll'onchlng , with full lights and In nil l'esICcts I1Icc Rusllan : tor. pedo hoats. " ' 1'ho of\lCer \ ! Infol'med hlR cnptnln that the allproachlllg bOllts WO\'O \ .Ja1 ' Ilnoso. The captain denied this and said the ' were built In Pot.t Arthllr , ' 1'ho artlllor ' officer Insisted that they wore .Japanese an the cnptaln became allgry , snylng : " 'I am In command of the shill , sir. ' "Dosplte this the artillery otncor ga ve ol'ders to prOlll\I'O for action. " It Is reported now' that the .Japan. tst attcmpted a landing near llodzero , olghty miles north of Port Arthur , but were relllllsed with henv ) ' loss , They again tried to effect a landing at ' 1'allenwnn , under the sholtoI' of the lIeot , hut owing to the strong' fort firing , they WOI'O unable to succeed , It Is said thnt ono , Iapancso ship has heen tOl'pedoetl. The llrltlsh merchant shillS In POl't Arthur have repelltedly applied for pormlsslon to leave POl't , hilt this hl1s IlCen refusetl , The 'I' amvltch was towed Into the harbor hol'o at a o'clocle on Tllosdny al1ernoon , It Is said only Its outer bottom was Ilonetmted by the .Japan. ese to\lOdo \ ) and the Russlnns are now hussy repairing It , It can ho I'e. 1mb'ed III two or three da's. Thl' Pallada Is stili outsldo and beached. It must bo sel'lously Injur. cd , but It Is now also being ropalred [ t ifj the only ono' of the torpotlo vos. sels now outsldo. A shell struclc II hospltlll ship out. sldo the bllsln liming the hombard. mont : The caltuln's cabin and the t hart room were blown ocr. but there was no loss of lifo , as the Bhlp was on y recently purchased and was un , manned , KIL.LED ONE HUNDRED CHINSE , This i : : : What the Russian ! > Are Ch rged with Doing. LONDON-Special dlslJatches from ' 1'01\10 announce the arrlvnl of .Japan cse troops at Scoul , but heyond thll : the dlspat'hes IllIlIlished In the hOWS IJ porB hero this momillg' add IHO- tlcall ' nothing to the Imowledgo o ( the nctual situation , The Tlen ' 1'sln ' ' cOl'l'eslJOndont of the btandal'd sends In a report that th. : HlIsslnns have massacl'od 100 Chinos ! ! at Llao Yan , In consequence 01 which the 0111c1als at Shan Hal KWI1I\ are gl'elltly al1\rmed and nro appeal Ing to Poldn for III'otectlon. Othm tllspatches say that 4UO Fl'Onch tl'OOp have heon ordered from there to Seoul for the protection of the French le a tlon at the Kore:1I1 capital , the om , 1101'01' having talten refuge Ihm'c , These ropo\'ts \ lacl , confirmlltlon. ' 1'ho correspondent of the Dally 11alat \ 'flon Tsln says that LI , the CIl\'ol'lte conrt o1l1cllll of the downger emlll'eSR of C1ilna , has heen decoyed awn ) ' anl heheaded h ) ' o\'llel' \ of Yuan Shl Kal , commundel'lnchlef or the Chlneso lI\'my \ anl1 navy , 1.1 wns11'0 HusJlan : In his feelings. GO TO OBSERVE THE FIGHTING. American Officers Who May Go With Russian Army. S'1' pg'rEIlSnURG-ny Illroction of the authorities Ilt Washington Am. bassntlor l\IcCo\'mlcl \ , has aslcol ! the Russian otnclals to llCrmlt the follow. Ing officers to accompany the Russian army In the field : Colonel .Jolm B , Kerr of the genoml staff. Captain Carl Reichman of the Seventeenth Infall' try , Cllptaln George G , Gntley of the artlllory COl'ps. Captain William J. Jlldson of the englneol' corps , Lloutonant Newton A. McCu1Jocl" U. S , A" wlJ1 he Ilttnched to the Rus. sian fieot If the nocessal'Y permission Is obtained from naval authol"ltlos hOl'O , Rus31an Ship Is Blown Up. S'1' , PETF.mSDUHG-A report has been I'ocolvod from Vlcero ' Aloxleff sa 'lng that the Husslan torpedo trans , port. Yonlzl has heen blown up IlS the result of accldentall ' strlllng a mine lit POl't Al'thnr , 'I'ho Yenlzl sanl , and Calltaln StophanoIT , nine officel's and mon were lost. Operates In Milwaukee. 11J.WAUKI g-Al'thllr S , Slll'ncer , who was nl'rested In Plltsbul'S' on the chal'go of tr 'lng to sell Chlnu\l1pn I fnlo ! rl' lstratlon certillcates , wns In I : \tI1wauleo on .JalllJaI'y 2 , ) nntlI1ndo , the 1'00IIHls of Mllwaulc'o Ir.lllulrios In co 111 111111) ' with Iho dcpllt ' Unlletl StJttesI1tH'lIhal. . I\nd a nlllnber of Chlnamon were SOllt to the count ' jail becl1l1so the ' w rolI1alliU to PI"O' IhlCO certiflcutos Jlhowln tlto ' wore ontltled to resldo In the Ullited States. Some of the Chlnnmon Irolluced 11a. . pel's and were J'eleqsell. . . ' . , . ' . , . , . . . . . . , . ' " . . l I - . - , - . _ - - . . :1 : , ( ( i . ; " ' I , f " ! - - - - - . 11/// JCJrl _ J 0lE : CURE. FOR THE BOY BANDIT. . I - - / . ; 'O .wITk' 0'c..1/1 CAPTURE BY JAPS : I - I TI-EY : TAKE PRISONERS TWO' ' THOUSAND RUSSII\NS. CAPTURE THREE TRANSPORTS. . Russians Make Attacl < When Request. ed by Japanese and Offer Battle- Vessels Sunk In the Harbor. LONDON-Spoclal dlslJIltch from Toldo says the J alJllneso ha vo captured - tured thl'oo Hussll1n transports , hav. Ing on hoard about 2,000 troops , Dispatcher. to the Dally ! \lall f"Om ! Tolfo anll NagasalI , dated Fellnmry 10 , J'cport the ul'I'l\'al at Sasbo , , lupall , of two large HlIfslan bteal1101'S. One'l Is the volunte1' Fleet association i U'ans\lort \ Elmtcl'inoslav , . . cently lalldod troop , and arms at Port Arthur , and the other Is the stcamor Argun , belonging to the Chlneso East , orn Railway CO\l1lI1ny , lloth were cupturod by the Japanese crllisers Sal Yet and Hel Yen In the nelghllorhootl of Fusan Coroa , The EkatOl'lnosll1v Is of 10,000 tons dlsplacemont and Imtl boon fitted up as an auxiliary crllis. er , It hnd thirty rlflos on baal'll and waB on Its way from Vlatllvostolc , The Arglln was going to Cll1dlvostoJc from Nagasald , 'rho Russlnn whlliers Clorlg , Nlcelzal , Alexandol' and 1\l1ch. ael , captul'ed by the .Japaneso , have also al'rl\'od at Sasollo. Official dispatches from Tolclo 1'0' celvell lIj" Daron Hayashi sn 's the , Jajlllneso admlml , on arriving at Chemul110 , Corea , sent In worll to the two Rllsslan crnlsers , giving them tlmo limit In which to leave. Shortly aftenvnrd the Ruslsans came Ollt anti attaclced a .Japaneso torpedo heat , which I'elllled with a torpedo Illef. fectl\'ely. A geneml exchange of shots then I'ollowed , After a hot fIre the Ullsslans returned to Chomulpo Itnd SI1I11c at the ontmnco of the hart her , It Is not J'et kilOwn wlwther tholr shlldn-was duo to the Japanese 111'0 01' to the Russians' own acllon , hilt It Is holle\'ed to bo dno to the formor. ' 1'he creWB of both the Hus. sian vessels sOllght re1'lIro on a l'ronch warship at. Chemulpo , Thei'o wore no casllnltlos all10ng the .Japanese and their \'ossols sustalnctl no damage. " ' \'e were slow III negotiation , so we are making up for lost tlmo h ' qlllcl , . ness In action , " fald Baron I Ia 'ashl this mOl'l1lns' , " 'l'he ungagements at Port Arthlll' and Chemllillo were mere. ly In accol'llance with plans long ma. tllred , As soon as our for es are landed - ed In Corea loolt fOl' an 1\IIIortallt noet action at Port A l'thll \ ' . The HilS' sian vessels al"O not IIlcely lo glvo lip the allvantago they gained hy beIng - Ing under the COVOl' of their Illnd bat. tories , ll ' going to the Chlneso side , however , the .Japaneso noet , by hIgh anglo fil'e , can drop In Bholls which ' 3hould mlll\O It vOl'y uncomfortable fot' the UusHlan ships lying moored close o ono anothol' . Thereby It Is hoped to drlvo out Vlcoroy Aloxloff's forces , Posslhl ' , 111\0 Admiral Corvem , he may antlclpato fate and come Into the open of his own Ilcconi. ' 1'ho Ilresont 9vonts morolr go to show the utter IIsolosHness of Port ArUml' from II strategic vlow point. " A NEUTRAL.ITY PROCL.AMATION It Will Be Issued by the President of the United States , WASHINGTON-'rho president has decided to Issue n IH'oclamation of lIeut1'llJlt ' , It prolmhl ' will l11al\O It ; ; appearance 'fhurBday , The Ilroclnma. tllm Is In stereotype form and slmplr I'ocltes und deplores the exlstenco of hostilities hetween Jl1llan alltl Russia and olljoills Ullon citizens of the United - ted Stutes p strict regard und oll3el'V' anco of the noutrallty laws , Wants L.e ! ] tlon Arch Ives. CARACAS , Venezuela-Tho Colom hlan go\'ernment hns sent nollce to \ \ " W. Hussell , the American chl1l'ge d'affall'es hero , who has In hili pOSSO ! > ' ' 11011 the nrchlves. safe nnd bools be , 101lgln to the Colombian leratlon nt Caracas slnco tl1ploll1utlc relallons lIe. twcon Cololl1hla 11\111 \ Vl'nezllelll WfI'O SO\'ol'el ! , to transmit this Ilroperty to Bogotu , It hna been learlled here that lal'go cluantltle8 oC Ilro\'lslon8 rt : ' . celltl ' ha\'o heen hought at Cllra , cno and 'fl'lnhlad , to bo s nt to Sa vanilla and Cartngenll , Colombia , i L.OST HUNDREDS OF MILL.IONS. B ltlmore Suffers a Conflagration Cov. erlng Many Acres. BAL'j'I1\lOnE-Aftor \ fighting from 11 o'clocl , SlInday' morning until sun. down Monday , the firemen succeeded Ir. stopping the great confiagmlloll which swept thl"OlIgh the henrt of the clt - of Baltlmorc. ' 1'ho flames Rwept c\'er 'thlng heforo thom unlll thoJ" reached the smaH rlvor which flows throllgh the city , IIel'o the fire tug Catarcat nnd Ihe englno companies senl fl'Om Kcw York mode a stand. and hy the foothold on the .Iumbol" 'ard and b ' the most heroic efforts succe l'od In ) ) I'ovontlng the fire fl"Om gaining a foothold on the 111m bel' yard on the fUl'lher lInnl , . The various com. panles thl'n commenced to fight their way into the firc swept area fl'om o\'er ' ide nnll the hundreds of streams soon had the fire subdued all around the ollts\lrls ] of the burned area. Though the ruins In the heart of the tract are blazlnz flercelr : , thel"O 13 no danger of their again galnln the mastel' ' . The estimates of the loss vary greatly , rnnnhl 611 the way from $100,000,000 to $300,000,000 , but no ono Is willing to maho an osthnate of the Im'lmnce. : Unlllco the grrd Chlcngo fire , the only ono with W111ch It can bo com- uared , tne resldenco district of the city was not invaded by the fiames , and there will be n ( ' ph 'slcal suffering except , ] 1erhl1ps , that food Bllpplles lI1a ' lIe 8carco for a few da 's , owlug to the tlostruction of r > ' : the great commission and produce lJOuses , The city Is under mal'tlal law , anll no ono except these who have lIusl- ness within the lines III atlmlttetl tp the tllstrlct covered by the fire , The , I/ ' best of order has heen } lr050rvOlI , lhl"Oughollt. aud nt all times the police - lice and mllltar ' have had the Bltua. tlon well In hanll and not a slugle case of looting has been reported , The local 110llco have heen reinforced by rletalls from Washington antI . . . Philadelphia , CHURCH HOWE UNDER KNIFE. Conul : : Gener..1 to Antwerp Submit : > to an Operation , ' " ASHINGTON-Chllrch Howe of Nebraslca , consul glnoml to AntwOl'p. Belgium , Is n very slclc mnn , accordIng - Ing 10 advlcos recel\'ed at the statl } delml'tmenl.11' , Howe hns been nll- Ing for sOl11e time and It Is thought ho has heen suffering fl'om appendicitis - citis , A few days ag-o an operation was Ilerrol'med , the I1ntlll'o of which Is not Imowll al the Rtnto depal'tmenl. Tuemlay , howo\'el' . Deputy Consul llalno cahled the delJl1rtment thllt the operation had heen folowell ] hy ncute Indlgostlon and 1111II'lsy , Bf'yond this the stnto ' dopul'tment has no Imowledgo of11' : , Howe's Illness , I Effect 15 Far Reaching , I S'1' , LOUIS-'rhe romliloto destl'uc- ! lion hy the rOllfiagl'lltion In Bulll- mor < > ; it Is Etatod , may have the ef- roct here of ( 'IHlslng the I'e-Inmrlng- of muny huslness houses In this l'ity ! locause or 11m enonnous losses proll- ahlr suffered by Inslll'anco comllllnloR. o far as cnn he leal"llCll , two Insul'- ance compaules doing hllsluess In Baltimore and having heulqllnrtors : hero sufforel ! losses estlmatell hy each at $ fiOOOO , 'J'hOl'e I1re 1:18 : othel' In. suranco coml1anlHs l'n\'l' \ 'lug rlslcs In. this clt ' , . - - - - - - - - Robbers Crack a D nk Safe , FOn'1' WOR'J'II , Tex-A speclnl fl'om Commerce , 'l'ex" sa 's lIews Is 1'0' celvell here I hilt balldlts have cl'ecl , . ed the sol'o of a hanl ( at navin , I. T , . and seclII'ell $1,700 , The I'lf Izells. al'ollsed by I ho noise or the eXlllos- Ions , attnclcod Iltl' mbllel's , Firing on. sued , hut no ono Was hurt. ' 1'h rob- 1 hers OSCaled , t Cuba's Proposed L.oan. IIA V A : > : A-lllcldel' ! for the I1ropos. ed loan of $ : IiI'UOOO : ) ( will submit 111"0"1. . . . . posals In a vel' ; " few Iln 's. In vip\\ , o [ the I1nanolal IIncl'rlnlntll'3 clllISt1 ! ! hy the wal' III the fal' < 'I1Rt It Is uol expected - pected , howevel" thnt Iheso III'ullos:1ls will be I'lisollllely 11cfinlte , 1'I'flJill ! < .nt Pulm1. hns IS > lu1'11 ! a IleerN' I hat Iht1 I's\'olutlonnl'r bonds of lSfl6 aud IS17 ! lI1ar ho lIreaenttl ! 11 . ' ' < 1'0 nft'I' the III'I'S- ont weel , fOl' examination nnll . recI ) ; ' nltion III'ellmlllal'y to the 1) ) ' ' ' 1l'lIt or accrued Intf'I'ost on Ihe Sl1mo nt that. time.