Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 11, 1904, Image 2

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I Mrs. I-Iughson , " of Chicago , ' , vhose
letter f llows , is another woman in high
"position " , vh owes her health to the use of
. Lydia E. 'Pinkham ? s Vegetable Compound.
U DEAn l\Ins. \ P [ ImAU : - I Buffered for severnl with genernl
weakness an bearing-down pains , caused by womb trouble.1y ] \ appetite -
, tite was fitful , amI I wm cl lie awalO for hours and could not sleep ,
until I acemecl morc weary in the morning than when I retirod.fter
reading one of your advertisements I decided to try the merits of J ydlr
E.lluleham's : Vegetalle ComI' und , nnd I am so glad I did. No ono
can describe the goocl it did mo. I took three bottles faithfully , and
besides bl 1cUng up my geneml heo.lth , it drove all disense nnd poison
out of my body , atHl nm e me feel ns spry and nctivo ns a young irl.
: i'lIrs. Pinkham's medicines 11.1'0 certo.inly all they nro clo.imed to De.-
: n-fns. M. E. HUGHSON , 347 East Ohio St. , Chicago , Ill.
DIrs. Pin1cll1un Tells How Ordinary Tasles Produce Displacements. '
, Appn.rently trl1Ung incidents inVomnn's daily Ufe frcqucntly produl'
dsplaeements } of the womb. A sUp on the fitairs , Ufting during menstruation ,
flta.ndJng at II. counter , running II. scwlng mnehlne or attcndlng to the most
ordinary tnsks m'lY result in displaccment , nnd II. train of serIous evils is started.
The fir8t Indientlon of such trouble should bo the slgnnl for quick nctlon.
Don't let the condition become chronic through ne lect or a. mistn.leen idea.
that you eo.n overcome it by exercise or lea.vlng . it alone.
More than II. million wOIVcn rcgained hcalth by.tho use of L 'dla.E.
I Plnleluun's Vc etablc COmlW\l1ul. -
I If the sU 1l test trouble appears wlllcli you do not umlerstnnd
, vrlte to IUra. Pln1clmm , at L 'l1n , l\IUHS. , fnr ller ad\'lce , nnd 0. few
I timely worls from her wm show you tIlC rlrht thing to do. This
Ildvlcc costs you nothing , but it may mennllfe 01' hal'llncss or both.
Mrs. Lelah Stowell , 177 Wellington
St. , Kingston , Ont. , , vrites : t- (
"DEAn l\Ins. \ ! "nmUA1r- indeed n
godsend to women if they all knew what
yon could do , for them , there would bo no need
of their dragging' out miscrahlo lives in ngony.
"I suffered for years with heo.ring-down pains ,
t womb trouble , nervousness , ( \ncl excrucin ting hend-
ache , but a few bottles of L 'dia E. Pinldlnm's
VCA'etn.lle Comlwuml made lifo' look
new an promising to me , I am lig-ht o.nd
. happy" and I do not know what siclmesD
I is , nnn " I now enjoy the best of health.u
t Lydia E. l : indunn's Vegetable
, I Compounl enn ulways be relied upon to rcstoro
health to women who thus Buffer. It is a. soverclr-n cure for
the worst forms of female complaints ; -thnt bcm'lnlfrdown fccllng , weak
bn.clcl fn.lHng . o.J(1 dl : > plo.cemcnt of the womb , Infic.mmo.tlon of the ovaries , and
nIl trouble of the utC1'US or womb. It dlssol\"es aml expels tumors from the
uterus In 'the co.rly fitl1ge of de\"elorment , and chec1es any tendeneJ' to cancer.
ous humoll ! . It ubdues excitahihty. nervous prostration , nnd t : > ncH up the
entire female system. Its record of cures Is the greatest in the world , and
should be relied upon with Ionfidencc.
. I
FORf1'EIT If we OI\nnot forthwith product ) the orl lnl\11ettera and Ilgnaturee 02
$ 5 0 0 0 abvII teAtfmoulau. which \l"11I1Ir.yO their absolute Ienllinenois. J
Lydia E. l'lnklJu.Ull\1tullclno Co" Lynn. 1Ir. . . .
, Begin the Year .by Figuring
a Lima on the Futurol
If 10n are loolttDII' fot" opjlortunlt , or Involt.
ment try tllo Soutbwol1. _
' - ' , .AU the olllel
over tlouthwolt , and townl are
< < rOwlol : up , espaDdlDlf , ItequlrlDI ( de.
wandlnr ; Inore'Ipeopled by eager. moroh Inl ,
wldeawalto c1l1leDI. wbl > > lee tile virtue of en.
coul1\lflol ( en1erprllel of everr kInd , the neel.
tUIDen \tettlng more and better t&clIIlIel , I
and moro blndl to develop the couutr , .
, Drlon , . the condillon II tblll 1'bo 80uth.
welt II reall , In need of notblng . .ve people.
Uoro mon are wanted. In tbo Soutbweat are
Jut aroll of unllI\J1roved land-klDd lIot 7lold.
, Inlt the cropl of w1l10b It II clplIle. ; Tbe lamD
tblnll' . In a dllferout way , II true of tbo tOWUI.
I'ew linea of bUllne. . are adequatel , . reprelented.
Tboro are openlDl1 of all IOru-for mllli aDd
manufacturIng plantl. for Imall atoml of all
klndl , for bankl , now.papera and lumber , . .rd .
teeblnlCI and protel.lollal mllll , boLh are 111
Tell UI what you " , "nt , how much you hno
to IDvnt. and wo'll belp 70U "ltl1 Intormatlull
about a iood openlog.
Gon'l Pass. Agt. , Rt. Louis , Mo.
nlpanl Tabnlel ere tbo belt dy.
me < lIclulI c\'er made. A
COPIII Inlllllna of them h&\'o
bcen lIold In tbo United IIlalre In
n Iloi/Io roar. Conltll" " lOll , bear. .
burn , IlclC 110adacbo , dlnlno , . , bad
breath , Ire : thNIt , and OTer ) III'
ne. . arl410lt from a dlaor < lerd
. ! omach are rellevcd or rouNd hy ! IIpanl 'I'abul ! ! ' .
Ono will enerall ) glvo relief wltbln twont ) ' mIn'
utea. The IIve-cent p"ekago II euoui/b tor oNtuary
( oCIculolU. All drUIiItII. . lell tbem. _
820.022 N Street , . LINCOLN. NEBRASKA
ANNUAl 5 eoo 000' '
Your 'obber ' or direct trom Factory , 1'eorla , 111.
, Larttlll".l olarD trowrl i" , , , , lvorlJ I
) OI : ant ItOCk : . Tl't'wendoul , .Ield. .
lo'lOm 400 to 1000 busbelJS I'or ACro.
FOR 110 CEttiTS
and tbls not't'OYO lIend you 101101 farm
10..llamllle. IIU11 be ! calAlolue , telllnlf
nlJ Inbout TtIOSlnto. . Spd"t , I't'&OIt. Alrld
: 4 d Il&rll , , ntaCAl'Oul \ l1eat. Dromua ,
&rllcstCauocW , "cndtureamo y. I
, .
When Answering AdvertIsements
J 1 < lndly Mention ThIs Paper.
. -
Inexpensive TrimmIng.
A new and most InoqlCnslvo I1S well
ns clTecUvo WilY of trimming under.
garments , shirt waists , sofa pillows
and children's clothing Is the brier
stitching , which can bo easil ' accom.
pllshcd IJY the woman who has deft
fingers. The garment should first
ha\'o a pattern tmced lightly -n It
with a pencil , then the worlter may
proceed to feather stitch with lustro
fioss or any of the wash silks.
NIne Gored Skirt.
Many gored sldrts mean much fiaro
and flare Is necessary to prcsent fash.
Ions. This one Is peculiarly graceful
and allows elthor a habit hack or In.
verted plaits or , again , can be gnth.
ored at the bacle
gores. The model
Is made of nut
brown brondcloth
stltchod with cor.
tlcelll sllle , but all
gown and sldrt
materials of the
heavier sort are
approprlato and
the flnlsh can be 4G20 Nine Oored Skirt ,
plpel1 seams , braid 22 to 30 waint.
or applied trimming of any suitable
The skirt Is cut In nine gores , all of
which flare frecly below the knees ,
hut fits with perfect snugness over the
hips. When hnblt back Is used the I
conteI' hacle gores arc cut otI at Indl.
cated Hnes and the closing Is made i
Invisibly at the seam. Plaits can bo
stitched as Illustrated or pressed only
as preferred.
' 1'he qllantit of material required
for the medium slzo Is 8 % ynrds 27
Inches wide , 4 % yards H Inches wide ,
or . . % yards [ i4 'Inches wide when ma.
terial has flgme or lIap : 4 % ynrds 44
or 3 % yards [ i.1 Inches wide when ma.
terial has neither flguro nor nap.
' 1'he pattern 4629 Is cut In sizes for
a 22 , 21 , 20 , 28 and 30.lnch waist
measure. I
A lltchen table can be ltept clean
and white by sproadlng over It 'a thin
contlng of chlOl'lde of lime , letting It
remnln11 night and washing it otI
next day.
When malting mustard for table use
aHer adding a lIttle 'salt and sligar , 1f
boiling water Is IIsed for mixing the
mustard will he cooJ\Cd , and the raw
taste eliminated.
FIne coa ) ashes nre most useflll for
cleanlll the bl'ight SIJots of the ltltch-
en range and the fendCl' . Dip a piece
of sllghUy dnmp Hnnnel In the ashes ,
scour the steel and a brilliant polish
wlll result.
To Pro\'ent Window Glass Swcatlng
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
and Freezing-Dissolve two ounces or
gl'cerin 111 ono quart of G3 pCI' cent
alcohol. to which a IIttlo amher 011
may lJo ndded to Impart a pleasant
odor. When the mixture llns clarl- ,
fled , rub It with a soft cloth on the i
The Latest Coiffure.
The softly waved hail' is drn'n bacle I
loosely and twisted In 1\ long coil from
the nnpo oC the neck to the very top I
of the hend , where It In arranged In
two or three pulTs , ahovo the pO 111 IIn'
dour. In the hulentntlon mode by the
coil Is lilaced Il slimy of small fiowers
anti foliage , pinned close ! ) ' to the head
01' u long narrow comh , exactl ) . nt
right : Ingles to the way back comlJs
have lJeen worn for 80 long. A VCl'Y
smart woman wns seen the other dny
with her masses of fair hall' one in
this new manuel' , and a hair Inch
band of amber ran from the top of ,
her pearl colinI' to the crown of her
heatl.-Montreal Hemld.
Dark GownB In Favor.
As Is always the cuse when light
colors have been fashionable Cor some i
time , there Is a re"olutlon In favor
of darle ones , 80 thIs year there will
bo many dark costumes worn. llllt
there are some charming browns and
greens and purples , and ono shade of
red In the AmerIcan lleauty rose color ,
and all of these are thought very
' 1'ho blaele cloth or black . . . .elvet coso
tumo , howevel' , or the 'ver ' darle
lJrown , will be the most popular of
an ' , and the same cclorlng Is carrletl
Ollt in the afternoon and evening
wraps. But In these days so many
gowns are requisite. and nlso so mnny
wraps , that It would seem posslblo to
the woman of wealth to havo. all the
different colors In a wInter outfit.-
Hnrper's Bazar. '
A 'hot Iron removes putty Crom
glass without allY Injury to the win.
dow frame. I
In starching doilies with fringed
etlges it Is well t(1 dip the frlngo or
lace Into salt water before starching.
In buying cnnned vegetables or
fruits r.onsiderablo saving ma ' ho
effected by purchasing by the dozen
I It Is generally thought that a little
starch In pillow slips and handker.
I chleCs l\Oells them clean longer than If
not stnrched.
White \'el\'et , or broadcloth , cnn be
clenned hy rubhlng with fiour or corn
meal , brushIng It off and renowlng It
as often us necded to remove the
When mnllng boiled starch add to
It a smnll qunntlty of gum nrable ( pl'e.
vlously dissolved ) find snlt. Clothes
starched with thIs will not stlele to
the Iron.
'rIncture of lodino Is valuable for
sterilizing water ; foul' tlrops In a
carafe of water Is sufficient to render
the liquid Ht for drlnldng pUrlJOSes
withIn half an hour ,
. . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . - - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . "
, , . \
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\ , "
, I , , ' . ,
. . . ' r'I l.
, . , \ , ' - '
Frocks of plain materlnl with trim.
mlng of llahl are alwa's elTcctivo Ilnd
just now are In the very holght of
st 'lo. This one combines bllle serge
with plaid showln much brlllilmt retl
Ilnd is exceedingly handsome , bllt
fancy bmhl can be substltutell when.
over preferred , The dress Is made
with n. blouse and sltlrt whIch
joined beneath the belt. The lJlous"
Is ml\llo over a fittell foundatton which
closes at the center front. Tuo sllrt
Is cut with 1ful ! length front gore
nnd circular IJortions thnt nro lcngth.
ened b ' circular flounce , nnd Is laid
In tucks nt the front which IJro\'hlo
additional fullness and flaro. 'fho
quantlt ) ' of mnterlal rcqulred for a
Irl of 10 years of ago Is 7 ) 'ards 27 ,
31A ) 'I\I'ds 44 , or 3 ; ) 'ards 60 Inches
\\'Ido. with 11f.t 'ards of bias sillt to
trim ns Illustrated.
A IayIanton ! pattern , No. 434 ,
sizes S to 14 yenrs , will ho mailed to
an ) ' address on receipt o ! tou ceuts.
. .
Tucked Blouse.
Tuclell waists malte a feature of a11
the lntest styles and are shown both
In the cotton fabrics of spring and
the wools nnd silks or the llresent
seanon. 'fhls one Incltldes a gradu.
oted box plait ut the front which Is
exceedingly becoming anll If ! suited
to all thq material ! ! , hut , as shown , Is
made of IHllo grcen ) Jean de c'gno with
"ollar and culTs or vel\'et and Is held
4619 Tncked Blouse , 32 to 40 bud' ; ,
by gold buttons. The tucls at th8 ,
back give becoming and tapering
Hne to the figure , whllo these at the
front provide fulnes below over the
lJust. To make the waist for a woman
of medium slzo will be required 41f.t
yards 21 or 27 or 2 % yards 44 inches
wide , with 1,4 ynrd of velvet.
A 1\In ) ' Manton pattern , No. 4619.
sizes 32 to 40 , and will be mailed to
any address 011 receipt of tcn cents.
Tucked Blouse with Fnncy PoInted
Drop yoles cut In deep points ara
exceedingly smart ant ! allow n variety
of combinations. The waist shown
Includes one of the newest sort and
Is mnde of pale blue crepe de Chino
with 'ole of bands of the material
held b ) ' fngotlng nnd trimming of lace
medaHons. but all
the senson's materials -
rials are approprl.
ate , and the ) ' 01\0
can be of lace , or
embroidery or of
lJands as lIIustrat.
cd. ' 1'he full length
UOX plait at tllo
lJaclt Is a feature
ami gives a be.
coming long Hne ,
while the tucks In 4630 Tucked Blouse ,
front and sleeves 321040 bUet.
IJl'ovlde fuHness below the stitching.
'fhe waist Is made o\'er a smoothly
fitted foundation and closes in\'lslbly
at the bacle beneath the edge of the
box plait. The front Is tueltcd to 'olte
depth , the bacle for Its entire length
atId the sleeves nbo\'o the elbows , all
the tucles being stitched with corti.
cell ! silk. The ) ' 01\0 Is frce at Its lower
edge , but Is joined to both wnlst and
collar at the necl , . ' 1'ho sleeves are
snug above the elbows , Corm soft , fuH
puCfs at the wrists where they are
athered Into stl'l1lght cutIs.
The quantity of material requlrcd
fcr the medium size Is 3 % yards 21
Inches wide , 31) : yards 27 Inches wIde
or 2 % yards H Inches wIde , with 811. :
'ards of bnndlng and 2 medalUons to
trim as Illustrated.
'fhe pattern 4630 Is cut In sizes
for a 32 , 34 , 3 , 38 and 40-inch bust
Smart Things In Chatelaines.
The - smartest thing's In chfltelalncs
calUng card cases and shopping bags
are these trlmmcd with duchesse lace.
The bag or card cas proper Is of
white satin , with the lace the same
size for all outer coverings. The
mountings are of pearl , ' turquoise ,
gold nnd sll\'er. These novelties are ,
of course , too expensive to he an "
thing lJut excluslvo. The woman who
has In hcr possession bits ot
duchesse lace could put them to no
better use than to male one of these
dnlnt . card cascs 01' handlcrchief
Floral Tnscls. :
The most elTecth'e tassels of the
moment for evening wenr are made In
tne form of Rowers In different pnlo
l'Ihad ' . Not only f.uchsia deslens arB
emplo 'ed , blit cnrnntlons are much in
vogue and are very fanciful and pret.
ty , exactly resembHng the blossom In
e\'el' } ' respect. The stem is carrlod
out In twIsted sill , cord , whllo green
silk embroidery forms the calyx and
the petals are of chUron with button.
hole edges.
nenders of this paper can accure nny May
Manton pGttern lIIuRtrated nbovo by filling out
nil blnuks In coupon. nd m lllng , with lU ceuts.
to E. E. Harrison & Co. , OS Plymouth Plnce , Obi.
CIllO. PnUern will be mnlled promptly.
Nilme . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . _ _ _ . . . _ . . _ . . . . . . . . . . .
Totro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . .
5tl1to. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . .
Pnttern No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _
Wl1lst Mcnsuro ( It for sklrU. . . . . . . . . _ _
DU3t Mensuro ( It tor wnlstl. . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . _
Ago ( If child's or miss's pattern ) . . _ _ . . .
I Write I1lnlnly. Fill out nil blanks. EllcJo e
,100. MI1\1 to E. E. Unlrlson.\ . . eI ! : P1ymo'U
II'lnce. Chl' : : .
, . :
, , " ' .
- , . . . . '
, 1" '
, ,
- r
Tin Ore In the Transvaar.
It Is reported f\'Om Johanl\eslJur
thnt n. new and unoxpectetl of
wonlUt hns been discovered in the ter-
ritcJ" ' of the late Dool' relJ\\bllc. Ncar
tlto eastern border of the 'l'rnnsvaal ,
on the ledge of the lofty South African
plhteau , three \'alualJlo lodes of tin
ere hn\'o lJeen found , and the doposlts
ar apparently so extensive that pro.
dhtlOns are henrd that the now colony
mtj' : : 111'0\0 to lJo as rich In tin and Clip'
per as It is alrcady Imown to bo in
No chromes or cheap premiums , ;
but a better quality and one.thlrd
more of Definnco Stnrch ( or the same J. .
prlco of ot er starches.
AmerIcan Apples In Germany. I
List yenr witnessed Il great Increase -
crease In the Imports or American np'
pies Into German ' . For the first
eight months oC HI03 the ! mports
were 3GJ ! metric tons of 2,20,1 pounds ,
each , against 214 tons and 643 tons
during the ! : t'me months In 1J02 ! and {
1J01. ! Of American dried fruit , baIted '
nnd simply preserved , the Germnn 1m- \
ports Cor the same porlod were 25,251 I
tons , against 11J81 ! and 12,000 talis ,
respoctlvely , In 1902 and 1901.
Sille , Wool and Cotton at ono boiling. . ,
Fatal I3rltlsh Climate nnd CookIng.
The climate of England 1llIs halt.
the oppulatlon , according to London
I ' 1'rut , the cooldng ldlls the rest.
Throu hout the world , wherever there
is the sun or a spring , there are Eng.
lIsh men and women endeavoring to
repair their constitutions. The medicine -
cine bill of the English people-to- \
gether with Its accompanying ex.
penses-Is sufficiently largo to support.
a second.rato power and does m lnly ,
support many large and small town : ! !
on the Continent and elsewhere.
The 'T'onderfnl Crc'lm Soparator.
Docs Itll worle In thirty mlnutell an I
leavcs less than 1 per cellt butter fllt.
' 'he price III ridiculously low , accord. ,
Ing to size , $2.7i ! to $ G.OO each , and
when you have one you would not part ,
thercwith for fifty times its cost. I
w\ih \ fie stamps for postage to the John ' I
A. Slllzer Seed Co. . La Crosse , 'Vis. , and :
get their big catalog , fully describing . . 1
this remarkable Cream Separator , and j
hundreds of other tools and farm seed ! !
used by the farmer. ( W. N. U. )
The easIest way to outwit a liar is I
to tell the truth. ' !
Story of a Missionary. I
A capital story hns lJeen told b I
an American missionary who has .just :
arrIved In Lontlon from Korea. 1'ho
dllllculty In learning the language of
that country Is Increased enormousl ,
owIng to the large number of words
which , wIth u slight inflection of the
voice , are usell over and over ngaln
with an entirely different meaning.
'fhe mlsslonnry In question was
IJreachlng to some natives , and assurIng -
Ing them that unless they repented
they woulll go to n plnco of punish.
ment. Amazement rather than terror
was wrItten on the faces of his orl'
ental listeners. Why on earth , If
they rejected , his advice and refused
to repent. should they be dispatched- " , ' Jt { ;
to the locnl postoffice ! On another
occasion a lecture was tlellvered , In
the course of which n beautiCul moral (
was being drawn from the gay ca- .
reel' of the tiny lJutterfiy which wa&
uddenl cut short In the clutches of I
the spider. The smile , however , Cell !
somewhat short of Its Intended mean. I
lng , an . 1t was not until thp laughter
had suhslded that the lecturer be.
eamo aware that the vll'tlm which
bad been fiounderlng amid the tlalnty I
sl11\On threads of the web was a I
donlwy , which In the Korean Innguage.
! t appears , Is synonymous ) vlth butter-
E\'en the Smt.covered umbrella has ,
Its ups and downs. ' I
That Coffee Was the Real Trouble.
Some people flounder around and
take everything that's recommended
to them but finally find out that cof. I
ice Is the real cnuse ol theIr troubles. .
An Oregon man says :
"For 25 years I was troubled with. .
my stomnch. I was n. steady coffee j '
drlnltcr but didn't suspect that as I
the cause. I doctored with good doc.
tors and got no help. then I took
almost atythlng which someone else i ' .
had been cured with but to no good. I
was vcry bad last summer and could
not work at times.
"On December 2 , 1902 , I was taken
so bad the Doctor said I could not IIvo
over twenty.four hours at the most
l\Ild I made all preparations to dio. I
could hardly oat anything , every thin , ;
distressed me and I was weak and sick
all over. When In that condition cof-
fee was abandoned and I was put on 1 (
Poshtm , the change In my feelings ,
came quleldy aCter the drInk that was
poisonIng me W 3 removed. ,
"The pnln and slclmess tell away !
from me and I began to get well day ,
by day so I stucle to It until now I am .
well nnd strong ngaln , can eat heartily
with no headache , heart trouble or the 1.
awful slclmess of the old colTeo days.
I drInk all I wIsh of Postum without
any harm and enjoy It Immensely.
"This seems 1I1eo a wonderfully
strong stor ' but 1 would rcfer you to .
the FIrst National Danle" The Trust I
Banldng Co. , or any merchant of , + . . .
Grant's Pnss , Ore. , In regard to my
standing and I wlII send a sworn statement -
ment of this If '
'ou wish. YOIl cnn
nlso use my name. " Nam given by
Postum.Co. . . , Dattle Creek , Mich. I
Stili there are mnny who persistent. 1
ly fool themselves "
by saying "ColTee I
don't hurt meI' , a ten dnys' trial of '
Postum In Its place will tell the truth r'
and mnny Umes save lIfo.
" , There's n renson. "
Look tor the lIttl book ' 'The Roa.d
to Wellvillo" In each packaEe.