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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1904)
- . ' . . . . , . . . . C - : - - - I Ayers Doctors first prescribed Ayer's Cherry Pectoral over I 60 years ago. They use it i tOdCh : ; ; ; hey ! , re p : ! I , b ron ch iris , consum ption. They will tell you how it t . heals inflamed lungs. . . I halt a very ball couth : : tor Ihree yens. I Theil 1 trlell AYl'r's Chcrry I'cetoral. M80re IUlliu were 800n healelland my cough lIrol'l'eli ' . " j awa ) ' Mns. l'EAJ.L II\"DE , Gulhrlo Cenlro. la. . e. , We . ! ! I.\I \ ) ) . J. l' . A YIIt : : CO. . I All 11I'lIllllhto. 1.0\.11. : lIRe , . . . . . - , - - - - - for - - - Old Coughs Ono Aycr's Pili at bedtlmo Insures n natural action next morning. - - - - - utes after the conductor had report - port from the dispatcher that 46 was on time. When this report was received stating that 46 was on time , the conductor immer1 - ately took steps to clear the main line for 46. The testimony shows that ! .md the 33 cars been puiled east to the east end of the switch upon which the IS cars were placed , that the capacityof the engine was not sufficient to back the 33 cars together with the 15 cars up grade into the clear on the passing track. That when the report was received that 46 was on time th rear brakeman immediately returned to the caboose of trai No. 48 to take such steps as might be necessary - essary to protect the train. That within 5 minutes more of time train 48 would have cleared the main line and been upon the passing - sing track and that the company rule is thlt S minutes before the. . leaving of 46 fro111 Broken Bow the track must be clear. These findings constitute the facts : \3 \ disclosed by the testimony which contribute to the immediate . cause of the wreck. further find that the crews I on each train , with the exception I of tbe engineer and fircman on .18 , l had not been oyorworked' ' 1 bat prior to starting east with tboir re- spectiyo trains tboj' had had from 16 to 23 hours rest and had been in Borvire wben the wro'k occured. . the crow 011 train 4G about f ) hours , and tbe ( 'rew on train .18 ubout 15 hours. That the engineer and fireman - man of train 48 hud been in fHu'yice about 28 hours , hut wo connot in l ) anj' WilY see where they contributed to the accident. Upon the indirect and remote crmsos which contributed to the wreck anet caused the loss of life of the fonl' mOll aboyo named , the jury 111'1' unnblo to ngreo. As to placing the hll11110 of the wrocl. and the I ) HH of lif(1 inrident there to , upon - on uny ono indi vidnal 01' upon the I'ew or either train , there " . di.i- I : Attention Fanners . , , . - Why remain in the North and stay in doors six months in , tbe : year cOllsumin what ) 'ou raise during the other six months ? Go South where you can work out doors every month in the year , and where you are pro. ducing something the ) 'car round. If you arc a stock raiscr ) 'ou know your stock are now "eating their heads off" aud. besides , ha\'e to be t > rotected from the rigors of wll1ter hy expcnsivc shcltcr. Economical stock fcedin rc- quires the combination of both flcsb.forming aud fat.forming foods in certain proportions. Alabama and Flonda prouce ( in abun ance the velvet bcan and cassava , the first a flesh produccr , and the latter 11 fat producer , and they arc the cheapest and best fattening ma- I terials known to the world. i More money CRn be made and \ with less labor. in gcneral fllrm- . ing , frltit and bcrry growing : and truck gardcnin along our road in the South than in any other section of the Cnion. If ) 'ou are interested and desire - sire furthcr information on the subject , address a. A. PARK , Oon'l. Immigration and Industrial - dustrial Agent , Louisville & . Nashville R , R , Co. , . : ' , \ Loulsvl1le. Ky. " ' , ' " , . - . I sion o ( opinion. It is contended thnt .16 wa ! : ! l'unuing ahoml of time I nd in OXC ( > RS of hol' Hchedule , whidl ( . 'ontentiou in HustaiuOl by the tcsli- mOll ) ' . It i ! : ! contemled fUl'thol' Umt ,18 , while occup'iug tb track of the ml\ill liuo after they know that .10 hl\d 10ft lt'rnI : , w ro doing' RO at u grel\t risk to lifo ulld proport ) . . And while tIll' crow of ,18 were , in all probabilit ) . , within the rules tImt I the compl\ny ht ) ' ! ! down to Hufo- guard its train , ut the I1U1110 time the holding of .18 on the main Ii no at II time AO l1'ar the dopl\rting time oC ,10 from the Htution at Broken Bow , wus taldng hazzardouH dll\nCOH , unless - less the real' of .1H wus protected from approuching trnins from the west b ) ' torpedoes and lIag , which the tes timony shoWH waR not done. L'lw eXCIHiO ghon for not pl'otocting . tIlt' roar b ' torpedoes nnd flug iH that : the time in which 48 had to deur : the tmck as ngainst 4G'8 , 1\ Hched- I ulo time waR not up and that bo- forI' it. . would expil't.18 would bo on the passing track and the main linc clear , and this from tlw testimony would hllvo occurred had not.W exceeded - ceeded hol' ! : Jchedulo time and came into Broken Bow probabl ) ' from 12 to 15 minutes uhOlul of time. H is contended aguin und the ! testimony bears up the inference , I tl1l\t it is nothing uncomll1011 for , W I to exceed her highest schedule time , ! :30 : miles pel' hour , und t hut the run. ! Ilillg of .lj ( in ( 'xceHS of her schedule it ! winked at , if not oncourngod , by , the dispatchor. Of this the crow of IH kuewawl Imowning it , should , hlL Vi ! c1elu'pd the t1'llck for .W us . , ; eon fiR they Imow .10 had l'ft. \lol'Uu. ,18 1)eing au inferior trnin to .10 , it wus her ! msiuess to got ut of the wuy for .W , und .Hi know- Illg her suporiorit . oYor 48 , run wild to Broken Bow from Morna regardless of chanceR. ' 1 he testimony showH that the I rew of.W recoiyod no report at A.11'olmo concerning the whore- .tOOUt8 . of .18 although 48 hlld boon 'iomothing like ti hours between Ansolmo uud Broken Bow. Hud the crow of 46 hoon. notified that they would paSR ,18 ut Broken Bow , the chances are thut they wou1 < 1 huyo hoon 011 the look out und no wreck would have occurred , but un- dol' the rule .16 WIlS on her schedule - ulo und the coast should huye becn cleul' . It is upon those indirect and 1'0- mete causes that. mayor mil ) ' not huyo contributed to the wreck , that muj' or may not indicate negligence 01' carelessness 011 the pltrt of those to whom the moving of trnins is given , thnt the jury filiI to IIgl'OO , alid failing to agrco , they make no finding other thnn the t nding HOt out ubove. VERDICT OP CORONER'S JURY. State of Nebraska , } s s. Custer County , At an inquisition holden at Brolen Bow , in Custer countyon the 28th day of J anuary , A. D. 1904 , before me , J. 11.lorrow , coroner of said count } . , upon th ( ' bodies of rrhos. Kelley , C. F. Eaton , John Akers and S.V. . Wittenberger lying dead by the jurrors , whose names are hereto subscribed , the said jurrors upon their oath do say , that the death of 1' . KeJ1e ) , C. F. Eaton , John Alcers and S. C. Wittenherger was caused by a collision which occurred at 5:40 : a. m. , Januarv 28 , 1904 , at a point about 3,030 feet west of the depot in Brolen Bow , Custer count ) ' , Nebraslm , b ) ' train o. 46 colliding with the rear end of train No. 4S , running - ning as extra No. 373 , and that the said collision was an accident and not fellonious. In testimony whereof , the said jurrors have hereunto set their hands the day and year aforesaid. L. H. JnwliT'r. W. W. COWl.ES. JUDSON KAY. C. F.OltGF. NIII.ING. J A\ms WIIlTEIIl\AD. J. J. WILSON. 1'he following is the minority opinion : From the ovh1011CO gi'on , i i i our opinion thai ' 1' . Kol1o ' , C. li' . Eltton , John Akcrs , and S. U. Wit- tonborger CEl1I10 to their llcllth fr01l" : tt failure of the crow of K o. .18 ( part of whom WOl'O o\'erworl.od ) tc propcrl ) ' gUIll'll its unwiold ' tmir. from the roar. While wo consider UlfJ unwioldi. ness of trnill X o. 48 , catlfiOd hy ox. cossiyo tonnngl' to ho the primarJ cause of the \\1'00 ] . , wo also thinl roul' Bmkomltn Wood of truin o. .18llpscn'ing of fW\'Ol'O conHUl'O , llf o\'or .thing indicutll ! : ! thttt ho WEIR l good ph'sical condition , but ho gh'ol 110 Hlltisfuctor ) ' IIccount of wlmt III WIIS doing for Ht 10ElsL ton mtnutol prior to the collision , Imowing ful I - - - - - - - - " " ' Her murvelouli growth il N EBRASKA'S H I STORY fift ) ' ) 'ears from first scttle IIIcnl. A true and intercst - ing hook of 1.14 pages ani over 200 illustrations ; 0 scenes , public iustitutions and men who made the State. The cover is in heav paper with an appropriate and attractlvc design printed in three colors , just publisli ed by the Nebraska Farmer. Single COP ) ' . postpaid,5uc ; or free with a year's sul . \ . . , scription to Nebraska Farmer at regular price , I.oo. Write for terms and how t et a free trip to the World's Pair at St. louis. NnDRASKA lrARMnR Co. , 3:1-46 : 1505 Howard St. , Omaha , Nehraska I - - . - . . . - - - . - well that hili t1'l\iu Wtts oecl1 } > yiuU . 1,600 foot , 01' nt lenat thirty-thl'co. rlu' leugths , of maiu track wcat. of : YIll'lt limits Ellul on No. , W'H timu i from [ o1'un to Bt'okoll Bow , Ellul at the timu ot' the co1lision lw hall mlulo no IIlOVJ to put , out. . dungol' aignul ! ! . II It oecUl'S to us tIlIlL n H01l1npho1'o 1 . us dt'Hrri bed i u the C01l1 pnu "s book. of rllloH , 01' S01l10 otho ! ' system of aigullIR roulcl bo used ut this point to guu1'll ugniust , nccidoutH in the future , Bruhn Bow , N ObI' . , Pcb 2 , 190.1. IJ. JI. JlWl-TT , tTUDSO KAY. Altet A. n. ' ' ! : ! , HU1l1ph1'o ) , County Atto1'lluy. . - - - - - II. VNO. B. F. Hlllpfichl assistcd by J. P. Myers is putting up icc. Six weeks more winter alld coltl , groulIII hog saw his shadow. II. F. Hmpficld has invested in a ne\\ ' incubator. Hope hc will raise lots of chickcns this year. Prayer mccting has becli organized at Custcr school housc ever ) ' alternate Sun- da ) ' at tlm'c o'clock. Hverybody wel- comc. G. \ \ ' . Headlc ) ' thrcshed somc rye rc. ccntl ) ' and J. P. Headley also threshcd whcat Saturda'j yicltl vcry poor but was bctter than the ) ' had anticipatcd. J. II. Smith is some impro\'cd sincc his accidcnt. His leg is ver ) ' sore. badly cut , \ruiscd \ IlUll discolored. It will be sOllie timc before Henry mounts n broncho. Mrs. H. II. Campbell visitcd her brother - ther at Anselmo last wcek. Shl''IlS ac- companicll to R'no by 1\IcKe , who spent SUllIay ] at homc returning to An- selmo on Ionda ) ' morning , W. D. Cameron and John F. Myers wcnt hunting coyotcs rcccntly with vcr ) ' poor succcss ; wcather too cold and coyotes - otes staid in thcir holes. Iycrs an Ulna. tcur artist took scvcral snap shots of Camcron which werc fine. On last Saturday Gcorge Grav's visit- cd at Charlcs O. Conleys. 'l'h ir baby , agcd about two years , had a sc\'crc attack - tack of croup anI ] spasms. Dr. McNult ) ' was called and prcscribed. At last reports - ports it was none improved. Nh'V UI ; ; 100o.A. Bcrt Cowd has been , .er ) ' ill but is rc- covcring now. James l dmunds was a visitor at l\lr. Brocks on Sunday. Rev. Dodgc left herc Tuesday morning for his home at Ansle ) ' . Dan Kinger ) ' of Ansclmo , visited at l\Ir. Edllunds last Sunday. Frank Ferritor , who Ilttends College at Brokcn Bow is at home now on account of sickness. I.izzie Edmunds and Herb Cutler were visitors at New Helena School last Wedncsday. Meetings are still in progrcss at the Robinson School house and will continue all this week. Abe Pl'mill ntll ! wife arc the proud parents - ents of a baby boy which was born to thcm Januar ) ' 24. A little snow has fallen here thl' pao1 week. We were glad to see it come , and wc wish for more. A Bartist Sunday School has been or- gani7e ( at the Robinson School House. Sunday School evcry Sunda ) ' at eleven o'clock shllrp. Hverybody come and heir make the SundllY School interesting all ( it will do ) 'Ou good. OR. T EI. , 1.,0. J. 1\1. l o gc was quite sick an d had to stay in the bouse. Ulla Day spent sevcral days last week at Ed. Days ranch. B. F. Edwards and Millard Hill were at Broken Dow Satur ay. Mrs. J. C. Baker was quite ill the last of the week , hut is improving. C. D. Day rcturncd from Omaha Fri. da ) ' , having had disagreeable Wt.ather for his trip. Mrs. Deals entertained several ladies week before last on the occasion of her birthday. Mr. Ingrahum's family have all bcen suffering with LaGrippe , but arc somc bctter now. Woo ard Davis camc in Wednesday from thc Western States , to stay with his parcnts a while. H wc have ! lIme no mistake in count. ing , thcre wcre scventccn snow storms the last week in January. Mrs. Fodge cclebrated hcr fifty-eightl1 birthday January 29 , only the family be. ing prcsent at an oyster 6upper. F. C. Embree's family have becn quite liick with LaGrippe. Milo Ilnd wife caUH over from Callaway and helped them ou1 a little with their work. The community was shockcd and grieved to know ot Fin Baker's sad acc dent which occurcd Thursday. W ( shall be glad whcn he reco\'ers and car be with us again. Charley Hercock's , who latel ) ' movcl : i into our neighborhoood , were called up. on to givc up their only bal ) ' . a little bOJ four 1II0nths old. Thc little one hal heen suffering from lung-fevcr and diel sullcnly Thursday n rning. Funera services were held in OrteUo Chapel Fri I cia ) : , after which thcy laic ! the bah' I away in the Cliff Cemeter ) ' . The par ents have the s'mpathy of thc cntirl comm un it ) ' . Itell-n I n J. : ' " ' " 0 rill. g.rl' . Lucas , Wingo , Ky. , write : c April 2S , 1902 : "For 10 to 1 : years 1 had been afllicted with , malady known as the "itch. " rrh , itching was most unbearable ; had tried for years to find relief having tried all remedies I coulc hear of , besides a number of doc tors. I wish to state that on , single application of Ballard' Snow Liniment cured me com II pletely and permanently. Sinc then I have used the liniment 0 : two separate occasions for rinl worm and it cured completely 2Sc , SOc and $1.00 bottle. Soli hy Ed. McComas , Broken Bm and Merna. . 'rhis office for neat job work. I . . . , - u _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - ' . . : _ _ _ . _ - - . . : : _ _ _ _ . . - _ . - : - J. I , tDia.- - : , A ROUN 0 TRIP TICKET : To World's Fair Free I to the Mo" POI' lJ ! . , ' " 14AI\ ' ill lhis sectioll of Nehraska , 011 the following cOllditiollS- : I \'erJ' 25c cash purchase entitlcs you to one vote in deciding for us who this lady will be. Con- I test to begin li'el > ruar1st , , 1904 , continuing to August 15th , 11)04. 1Ik:1Y"To : Mall Order Cus. tomers : In cndillg in mail ordcr ! hc sure and mcntion for whol11 you wish to cast your vote. 'l'he mll1lCS of the young ladies and the numbcl' of votes each has received will be published l'ach week. ' 1'0 further interest you wc oO'cr the following bargains while the ) last : Bargains in Ladies' and Dry Goods Depa.'tment. . I 10 and 12 / c outing Hanne ! , fancy pat. . . . 7c 15c Ilanncletts , fancy patterns. . . . . . . . . . . . Hc 10 and 120c Guinea Hen flanncl . . . . . . . 7c SOc cotton blankets , 1 0 7. , per pail' . . . . . , . . .10c 2Sc fascinators in fancy colors , each. . . . . .1Sc 35c 'I 'I I. t. " . . . . . . 20c SOc . , .1 . . . . " . . . . . . 3Uc 75c II " " .t II . . . . . .45c I . Iakc your selcction of Ladies Shocs from the most up-to-date and best stock of shoes shown in Broken Bow. Also best and largcst line of Ladies Walldng and Dress Skirts. Prices from 75c to $12.00 each. Bargains in Men's Department. 50c Men's fleeced underwear , all sizes . . . . 30c SOc extra flceced underwear , aU sizes. . . . .35c SOc stril'Pcc1l1ecced underwcar. . . . . . 35c 35 Onl. " le1's ! Ol ting Ker cy shirts , ( ,51 : , for 35c 24 boys OU tl11g h.erscy sturts , SOc , for. . . . .30 : : 14 pairs ren's leggins , all sizes , 75c , for. . .SOc 18 pairs l\lcn's leggins , all sizes. SOc , for. . .35c $1.00 caps , all styles and shapcs for. . . . . . .h5c 75c caps , an styles and shapes , for. . . . . . . .45c 50c caps , an styles and shapcs , for. . . . . . . 35c 2.c ; caps , all stylcs and shapes , for. . . . . . . . 15c 20 pairs Men's 81 mittens , pcr pair. . . . . . . 7Sc IS pairs Men's 75c mittens , pCI' pair. . . . . . SOc SO pairs Mcn's SOc mittcns , per pair. . . . . .3Sc 1 ( , pairs [ en's 2Sc mittens , per pair. . . . . .15c 18 duck coats , sizes 3 ( , to 44 , $1.65 , for. . . .75c IS duck coats , * ' 1.50 to 82 , calh. . . . . . . . . . 75e S duck coats , sizes 38 toH , $2 , each. . . $1.00 5 duck coats , sizes 40 to 44 , $2.25 , each. , 1.50 , I duck coats , sizcs 24 to 44 , 82.65 , each. . 1.75 14 duck coatssizes 36 to + , $2.75 , each. . 1.S5 i duck coats , sizes 3 ( ) to 44,83 , each. . . . 1.90 3 sheep lined duck coats , S3.65 , each. . . . 3.00 H Corduroy coats and vcsts , 86.00 , each. . 4.00 12 hoys' duck coats , S1.00 , cach . . . . . . . . . . . SOc ( , boys' duck coats , $1.25 , each. . . . . . . . . . . .75e " hoys' duck coats , $1.50 , cach. . . . . . . . . . . . SSe Don't fail to sce our mammoth display of 54 dozen len's Neckties , just rcceived-prices I 25 , 35 and 50c each. 'l'hc folJowing priccs are to move our surplm ; grocer ) ' stock : I I I 25c CIII California frllit. . 'xtra fallcy. Ier call. . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . Oc Peaches. pllllll'l , IIt'aaprlcot'l. . I1rale'l , cherries. ( white allll blacl , . ) ra'lpberrle'l. blac1cberrie'l. allli Ktrawberrlc'l. 20e call California rnail.III'rcall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 l'each.'I , pllllll'l. pears.I > rlcol'l. II'rapcs , chcrrlc'l , ( whltc allll blacl , . ) 15e call slrawberrlc'l. raspbcrrlc'l. blaclbcrrlcs. Itl'Icbcrrlcs. bhwberrh''I at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IDe lieI' call 35. : eall Califorllia peachl''I. I'er , 'all . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c Jo'allc } ' boltle plclcl. ! o allli olt'C'l. . IItr boltle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .We 'l'caIlIEthlll''I.2Sc per POIlIIlI. for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15c ' 1'casIEtlllll's.20ep.rI101I1I1I. for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I : ! e Choice Japall ' 1'ca. SOl' pCI' 1'0111111. for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : : :7 : I call h'c 10c , ) I pac1call'c Rllb No l\lon' . Sc I. ' " . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 'Oc . t paclcall'cSalolllclOc. I' t bolUelllIelllll' Sc J ISc call Hchtllhlil's lIestlalhlll' IHI\\'III'r , 1"1' mill. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 1 ( ' 10c call Ra\lblt } . 'oot baldlll { powIl'r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F. . 21. . . . . call Habblt } . " "It halchlll' po\\.lcr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IDe 25c call 1 > lalllol1,1 bal,11I1I' IJ\\'llcr. a prl7c with evcry C\lI. ; . . . .IFc H"lc l'er pOlIlIII rlc. ' . 111'1' t'OI1 1111. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rill pOlllllls R'ersulI.Ieurll' ; Cu. lIhrh I'alelll 1..10111' $1.00 } . " . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . 50111'11111111 lIalccr'll.'allc1..10111' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' } 5c SOPUIIIIII'IlIlIlTaloOItI Wheal 1..10111' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.00 12 III'ulIIl'Il.rahalll Jo'lour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5c Ii loulIIls IIrealfa'll 1.0011 ( tInc ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . 20c 100 1IIIIIIIIIs lIax H'ell. $ .SO. SlIIall 'IlIalll } ' IJer 11111111 < 1 . . . . . . . . . . 3c Wc ha\'c thc agcncy for I cx Stock Ji'ood , l4ime and Sulphur Dip. Our Dish Departlnent. : \ IIl'tH ( , 'rlllall Chilla 1 > illll.'r " " 1'1. : : : O.O. ( each. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ! ' 16.m hll"tHAII'ItrlaIlChilll1l11l11l'I'H"IH.$12.lIl1. : cache . . . . . . . . . . . . . : : , ' 1.0\1 .IIIIIIHlrlf'll 1III1'Ii'lh : lJ'corah',1 Wan' . SH.OO. . 'ach. . . . . . . . . $07.00 ( , \\'a If'r S..I . $ . ! .5tI. I'adl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.75 Balllllll'l allIl ! otallllallll''I at IIlIc.haU.l'ctalll.rlcl' . - - - - l. . Bringt1R ; ; : : ( ; ; 00.---- , . _ . . . . 17 ; ; ; : : m-n.t."m : : : fr 11' ' ; rnm1' : ' " - Cl. " --1'rJtrxr ; : ! l - Nut/C / ! O. H. S. 1'he O. E. S. Kil1gkensil1gtol1 will meet with Mrs. J. A. Armour Tuesday , February ( ) , 1904 , at 2:30 : p. m. All members of the O. E. S. invited. MRs. E. A. JOYNHH , Sec. Farm Lease , Chattle Mortgage and Warranty Deed blal1ls at this office. , . - - - : DE : r-w-rIST' R , B. . MULLINS. . M. D. llIkc II tpccl lIy of Orol'o'u Itlllt IIfld ! ; " WlIrk. 1'.lc s Tell801lllhlo. All work guafHnh',1. ( ' 101111111e" 1110 b..toTu ! : oln ! : 01 pwhcr1. Olllco-In II/oKon lIow IjI : lullaok BolltHng. Bloken Bow , Nebrask . , DR. C. B. JOB , , . ] IDD D n ] [ } D 1JJPill1b : Office In lIonlly lII"ck. firRt I lr9 foom , , 'ut end. HOBldence at the lIe tJllul. I HYGEIA CREAM STATION . Hlghe8t market IJricu I' \l1 \ for Buller .1"11' . Light HUllnlng. . . . . . . . . . Empire Cream Separators I For Halo. 'I'hollo No. ! ) P6. 8. D. 11I91101' . Opcrator , IIrokell Bow. Nllbrll kll. FRANSE MOORR , Rl fl IDnJlJ1 la IDpB'm ) . TW'J ' blocks north ot O/alJd OClllrBI Holel. 1'111. . Touege 80llcllod. Prlccs reasouable. WIIJLIS CADWEIJJJ e Xl1m" 'Qmm : J1lll ! I.rnCI : ! llieF. ROSS G. MOO HE , Helll c81111e lIed loan b/olwr. On1ce In leln Block , Broken Bow , NelJrastli. Aurora , Nebraska. First. c\.p \ , hel4llby atock Locllhlll rllit ! ! 11 IIblp 10 thl. country. Wrlle 118 'ur prlceH. BURT & BISHOP , Props. - SSe . . II II II " SSe . . . . . . S1.00 II II " II . . . . . . $ 1. 50 I. II II I. I' 90c . . . . . . . $1.75 II II II . . " . . . . $1.15 $1.85" II II c. " 1.25 . . . . . . 35c r4adies eeced vests alul pauts , each. . 20e SOc 'I .1 I. " " II . .3Sc SOc " .1 ribbed , each. . . Of. . . . Of' .30c _ . . " ' - . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ! S 1\1. \ DOIRI8 , , . ) ill3.lli : ! 8h9 lllil ! 'nTh ! . AI. kltllH ! ufIurk In onr line < 10110 prulUptly ud iu rflIuHII , mh'r. f ; > 1-lIotl HhoJl ( III the orner we llll the hose honBc. Gf" " . : ( ' . ' - 'I'nIAI. Broken 1I0w , . _ - Neb/allka. CITY B H ILI S110P , II , o.lIU'r'l'ON. Proprietor. F'lrHI."I ps worlt. Ionr Iloom or IIrnk"1I 11011' ' Slalu IIlInk. Brobcn lIow , Noh/Mkll. H ILL SIDE UEI FOHDS 111111 \ > 1101Iur c'y IIngolm'lIuml " "III. IIn.llJwud orlhelr clu e. ' Alllln"H , o. I' . V.UJI'I. . } " IIrokell lIow , Nehrll kl\ SI.\10N CAII ! ltON , Glll IJ'\Y \ 0UIJCell ; 0V AT JA \ \ ' . tfoOIllP B &nlilHellt / . 1Il0clc , Broken lIow , Neh. D RS. R 0. & W. E. l'A LBO' ! ' , PHYSICIANS SURGEONS. 0111\0 \ e.or fillohorf.'H ! UTIlr , : 81010. Ihoktll Bow , . - Nollrns.lI. ! OH. T. L. FAINR\VOI'I'II , D.M It'fTIS'l' , t. OlDco III tO/lhwC81 COJner H nI1Y lIlock. - - - - - - - - - - - W A. THO 1P ON , , eO STII 1'TO ' It , t UUILlIEIl. . .PtIlJl111111 : ( lh ! llcfl on shorlnollcu. JlrollOn Bow , t'olJrMIJI' . - - - - - . C1JINTON DA V , Physician & Surgeon. ODco ! In rCM fit thl ! Jlallk ot ( Jommcrcu. lto 1 I donee 61h houlo wu.t ot 1110 d I.ttst church. lIrokclI Dow. NI'br:1Dku. : DH. W. n. COIJg , V eteri narian. Gredu to ( 'hico ! . : " VllcrlUliry C'lIc ! , : . ' . 1I1 I I I'IlHUH of . .II Ihe ' "wflr nllllllllill 'rolilcd. t'lIIefJ ' 11 \\'IIIeI/I" IJruu 'Hor. . . llrulll" , Bu\V , Nt. . . . ' , l'elo IIhonl1 No n ItI'Hd. , " 1'1' . tIV ) hlvellB wc.t 0 Soulh SllIl' HI'I , " ' lIeu , - - - - _ . . - U - - , , -------.0- = " : : . . . . - - - - = E' . J. C H'A.Pt : : ' , Advertisiug' agent and bill pos- ter. Orders solicited. Broken Bow , Nebraska. DR. U. II. .l\tU'LIJENS , Physician Surgeon. : ! III , lalrw/lY / Irolll't 1111,1 In nClllty lIJock' rOHIIIlIICO , :11'11 : woil M. 1 : : . choroh. OU flllmo Ild ot htTJol. nrUrok"lI ! low. Nobralkll. T. .J. SNYDl H , . . i' . . r ' AND II : DPIIBJ' : ' & : 4 [ ) ilr ! D " NOTATtY 1 , ; ) " I'UIILIC 1111u JUHUCU of It" , PI/IICU. HllcrlalnUuntoD ! glYOu In coileellulJ'I 1 lI'II llluIIH lak n. llCnplon VODch. rllllll"tly ol'culml " 1I11.lIll1l1d8 ot lugal pallor" " , rllll'lI. Olllen In the rPIIf of U.nk of Corumcroo _ Ilrokull ! tow. Nehrnskll. - - - - - - - BANGS STUDIO. I Up-to-date Photographs. li'irst prize winner at tate ilQ- sociatioll 1')03. o. 11. CONHAD , . . . . . .J > ellicr In. . . . PUInJ18. WInd , ! II/lie / , Tauh ! ! , FlllIug.Oul\4lInll Ungillol' , olc. clc , IIrokou ! low. Nohrsaka. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TIME TABLE BHOKI N llOW I NEB. \ lltoeullS , nCllver. I ( ) Ilelc. " " Clalcull'o. lIutle , . . . . . I-ortlnlld .t .Jh'CI.h. , ICUUMIHI CII , . , liulIl. Ic cat.7' . HI. l.nnIM. A ud HUlllrrnuclHCo . \.11 1.01111004 Unitt And 4111.0Iut. . Alld " 'nulla 'VCHt. No. 4 - V'lit1hul 11 CIIl'reB : dRily. Lincoln , Omll' ha , M . JOI" t\lIlIdAi City , St. Louldt.Ohl ORlo and all \101'11. 'Blt Bnll oulh . . . .80a.m. . No. H-LoIJul exlre 1"ly , , Lillcoin. Ollllha. ( ) blcn o , anti nlll.olntii . OI1St Rnd southlO SO a.m. No. H-\pst\huloll \ e1lprl' O dally , Helella , toa'- ! 110. lIulle , l'orlillull DIIlI Idl IJac.1tlc 00111& l'olnl ' . . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6CHum No. 13-I.ocal ctl'/eH : ' dally , AlllftDc" anlJ In&ermedl/110 tJollltu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 58 pm SlulIl'lng , lilt. I 111 { unll recllnlnJ ( chllir CIIU ( Boatll Ireo ) un Ihrulloth ( 1 flllnH. 'flckIJ8 10111 and bag. gage clacckl'd 10 tlllY Iulllllll , UI United Slute. &ud Cmlldl. ! I Iofurlll.tlll'n. 111111' ' . ' & 11110 I blel and ttckot tull on or writ , ' t" H. L. Ormsby , ageut. III' ' J f I"rl\lIch.1I " 1' . A , Nobrll.kll. I . [ . . OIlMeal' , .Alen . - . . . . -.J. . . . - - . . . . . - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . _ e . - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n . I'i\m : l I To Cllre a Cold in One Iia ys. IV Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets. .A t1/ " " on every I Seven MI1110n bO'.cs sold In pcut 12 months , This signature , (9. : I'tf. ' . . . . . . . box. 2Sc.