Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 04, 1904, Image 4
. . . . . , ; . ' . . . . , . . L. : . . : . . : . I QIuotcr o. JcpubUcan ! Pllbll.htd eery Tburrday - at the . County CBt. ' ' n. M. .uummmv. . . Editor , e.t\11co In On wr lIIock , 10nfth n.1 I I Bllterl'd ntille poltomco at Uroken lIow , Nob. , AI sol\OnlWlll\I\s mRtler for tunemlulollthrongb the U. ! \ . ! :1IlIl. : BUUBOIUl'TIUN I'ItIOB : ODe flllU In adnl1co . . . . . . . . . . . II 00 AD\'EHTISINO nATIt\ ! \ . I Olle colllmn , . r month , S7 00. One. half col- I amn , . per mouth , ! IOO ( luarlor column , IICI' monw , sJ.W : IA1 than qUllltcr colullln. W unt. fII'r Inch pt'r month Oalcll on I1ret laRo GO cents pal Inoh. per monlh 1.ocIlI.d'ertl 11I1l1I cou siler line each h.or. , Uon. Notice of rbnrch , soclllbics snd IIn'er'sln. mrnt.8 wbere monf' ) ' I. . chnll'd nUI.bnlf tlIte . ! < < Ielel , nollCc. IIn,1 le "lullon . olll.hlllt lull' . . We\IIlug , , fltleeS froa. bait pIlcf' for pnbll'nlng lilt of "rcltf'uIJI " Death nollcc. free , b,1t , pIlc- for pnblleblng obltulI11notlcl's. end cllrl. of thllnke. IAKIII notice. . at UhS r'hlcd h1 . 'Mntes of Nebrllska. Thursday , February 4 , 1904. Gov. 'Vi11iam A. Taft toole the oath of office , Monday as Sccre- tary of War , successor to Secn- tary Hoot , resigned. The democratic press of the tate is quite unanimously in favor of R. L. Metcalf , editor of I the World-Herald for delegate to ' the democratic national convention - I tion instead of Congressman Hi tchcock. It is asserted that fifty per cent of the democrats in Minnesota believe in Hooscvelt. That ratio will doubtless hold good the country over , but the party lash will doubtless pre vent fifty per cent of them from vet ing for him , but they cannot control aIt of them. Senator Dietrich introduced a resolution in the Senate Monday , asking for an investigation of the charges against him in the Hastings post onice dcal. 'l'he resolution was adopted and a committee of five , consisting of Senators Hoar , Platte , Spooner , Cockrelt and Pettus were appointed - pointed as committee to investi- gate. The I upunLIcAN publishes this week the verdict and immary of the edence before the coroners - ners jury of the railroad wreck that occured in this city on the 28th. The coroner and jury are certainly entitled to much credit for the time they spent and efforts put forth in trying to determine - termine to whom the blame for the wreck should attach. 'rhc jury was impannelled on the afternoon of the date of the wreck and did not reach a verdict until 'ruesday. The \'er < 1ict may not be as aIt expected , but when I we take into consideration the ability and honesty of the members - bers of the jury , there is but one - conclusion and that is the verdict is warranted by the facts. The summary of the evidence which we publish in connection with the verdict would indicate that while the jury would not havc been justified' in finding the col. liiion was "icllonious , " the fact remains and may be read cleart ) between lines , both in the sum. mary as well as in the statemenl of Messrs. Jewett and Kay , th a1 while no one can legaIty be helt responsible , that the manage' ' ment of the road is 'not morrallj guiltless in this matter. Th4 officer of the road , who is re sponsible for over loading No 48 , deserves the greater censue Then the one whose duty it wa to notify the crew of 46 that 41 had been six hours tryingt 0 makl the distance from Anselmo tc Broken Bow is not without blamc The management that presists il working its men from 15 to 41 hours without sleep may expec to payout more for the destru ( tion of life and property by ovc loading and overworking the ] men than they save and if the presiat in that practice after t11 numerous collisions in the pa year it is time that the publi should take the matter in han and see that those who are respol sible for this practice are hel amendable to the law. 'Ihe OougrcsslouBl VOUTeUUOD , There is a J ; > reposition sugges ed by the chairman of the Sixt : Congressional District , to hol the Congressional convention : : Lincoln on the day previous 1 - . . JO ( F. W. HAVES , Jeweler and Optician West Side Square , Broken Bow , Nebraska. - . - - ' state convention. He sug- I tcsts that as a rulc thc dcleg-a.tcs attcnd the state com'cutlOlI attetul the congressioual con\'cn- tion and that it would he a sav- iug of time and l'xpeuse to make one trip serve for both. As a matter of fact Custer county usu- I a11y send a different set of ele- g-ates to each of the conventIOns. But should there be enough candidate - didate ! ; this ) 'car to require a different set for each of the conventions - ventions , it is doubtless true that they could go to I-4ilicoln as cheap as to any p.oint in the district. the conventIOn would be likely to be located , unless it was held in Broleen Bow. In a11 probabilitv there will be no con- test. It is generally conceeded that Congressman Kinkaid will be renominated by acclamation and the the convention mar be hcld where it is most convcnie'nt without prejudicing anyone's interest. But we would not fa\'or hoMing the convention out of the district , if by so doing it is lia ble to establish a precedent for convcntions in the future. The district is entitled to what- 'eer enthusiasm or Impetus the assembling of a convention may give , and as a rule should not be held outside of the district. C..I.I. . " " ' , , , ' . S. C. Waldron , the Over catl1eltllln , was upon our streetS' las Satur ay. Rcv. Schank drovc over to the llow Tue ay to mect his wife , who ha < ; bCl'n visiting relativcs at Arclldia. P. ] . Dnllll , who has ueell dangerouslv il1 the past month with rheumatism , is rcported much bctter , IIlId expccts to be able to come own town in a fcw da'l. ! RclIoldermnll , of thc E\'angeHcal church , hils bcen suffering the past week with a cnse of influenza , and \\'IIS unnble to fill his pulpitlnst Sundn ) ' a' ! u COlI l > . ( { ucncc. : \Ierchnnt Shelby pent ! ' : c\'l'ral Ila\'i along the main line of the l'nion Pacific lact week , rcturning homc Saturday evcning. lIc rcporLc ; business somcwhat dull all along thc line. Con sid crable sickncss reported all over this part of the county , l1tu ) the doctor. . are on thc go early Rtu ) Inte. Thc troublcs sccms to be 1Jnc ) colds , I.uGrippe anll pnclltnonia hrought on hy thc sUII- dcn and numcrous changcs of the wcather. Roy Lowc , a former Brokcn Bow young mnn , nnd whosc pnr nts rcside in that cit ) ' at thc prcscnt time. we arc iuformed. has bought into the Oliver restaurant , and wil1 hcrenftcr bc idcntificd with the Callaway husiness mcn. Mr. I.owe is n plcasant gentleman , atlll we ucspeak for him a good husincss. 'rhe restaurant will bc ovcrhauled , anel a lunch countcr will be addcd. A gooll stock of cigars , tullUccu , confectioncry , ctc. , will also bc addcd to thc busincss. One of the snddest affairs in the his. tory of the town was the death of Charles Sut1Clstorm on Priday cvening last. De- ccascIl was taken il1 with pncumonio on the previous Sunda ) ' cvcnlUg. und gradu. all ) ' grcw worse until the end came about scvcn o'clock Priday c\'cnieg. lIe WIlS a young man alone in this country , havin 110 relatives this side of the watcrs. Ills relativcs arc all residcnts of Swcdcn , and no word could be obtaincd , although e\'cry cffort was madc to find someone who could tell somcthing of thc young man. lie Cllllle to this cit ) ' some six months ago and has since hcld a position with the Gilchrcst I.umber Company. lIe made few acquaintanccs , allli as hc belonged to no order , but little was known of him or his relatives. lIowcver , he was given a very nice funcral , thc rhurch bcing crowdcd with sympathizing fricnds. Rcv. Schank. assisted by Rcv. Ducklcy held short serviccs over the rc. mains , after whkh thcy wcre bornc to the Cct'lctery in the hcarsc , and laid to - rcst. The case was madc doubly sad b ) ' the abscnce of any relativcs. It is certainly - tainly a lcsson that all young mcn who arc knocking about thc world alonc shoulll idcntify theUlselves with some good frntemal order. nOUN. . GI < < 'O"IJ ; . L. C. Smith , who has bcen visiting it1 York for the past week rcturncd last Saturday. ] . R. Llln and August Miller of thi ! vicinity anel L. II. Thomas of Litchfiehl left for Indian 1'crritory last Tuesday They took advantagc of the cxcursiol rates to see thc cOllntry. Will Zimmerman , the real estate denl cr of Litchfield , was in our vicinih' do ing business last week. While iti till house at Mr. Lang's \ > lnce a snow squnl came up , which frightened his tcan causing them to brake loose. The ; overtumed the bugg ) ' IInd soou brok , loose froUl it and running through thre , wire fcnccs lIIade their way back to tOWl1 The horses werc unhurt but had los lIIost of the harncss. Thc buggy WI1 quite Ladl ) ' wrecked. II H , \ , 1.11 Means the abitityt do a geol day's work , without undue fat ttigue and to find life worth living h You cannot have indigestion 0 ld constipation without its upset It ting the liver and poltuting th to blood. Such a condition ma ) ' b - best and quictest obtained b Herbinc , the best liver regulate that the . world has evcr knOWtl Mrs. D. .W. Smith writes , Apri M 3 , 1902 : " 1 use Herbine , an fi find it the best medicine for COt1 stipation and reg-ulating thr. livc 1 ever used. Price , SO cenh 81 Sold by Ed. McComas , Broke Bow and Merna. 8 Htcuk 01 ; - ; ; I- - C - 1II1-IIRn' ' Good. . Itor ttl\le. 18 Due to the fact that 111 tim and my attention is neeled i Ii other business , I will sell m stock of second-hand g-oods. Sci J or write me , JUD KAY , 34-35 South side of square . - T- . . . . . . . . . . . , , - . , . " . . - . _ - . - - - - - - - - - . - - - . - - - - . t For the man who works I from sun to sun- " - , ! . " , f Uneeda ' ; . Bls.cult : , ; ' - , ' , For the 'tQornan fphose Work i ' netJe-p done - - - . . - . Uneeda BmI f ( " ' . t ' . . . I CUi . . " \ . . . . " . > . . . . . , ' . : ; ; ; The clean , fresh , crisp food that is alr : . ' ways good , and good for all. Good for , . . " I. - } ! r. . the \VI or ker because they are sustaining. v . , , ' Good for the housewife because they are convenient. Good for the children The Crackle because they are wholesome. , . " Yau Hear , Is the Sign ! ' L , 'they arc : fresT1 - t ATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --vimIH ' ' l'OUO I ' -JUH\ ' . I The .Jul' } ' lit Ihe Corollor'lI IlIlluest or Ihe Halll'Hllll Wreck , Suhmlt' ! the 1-,1. lemln ! ; VI'flllcl 1\1111 Sutlllll ryor . the E\'hltlIce ! 111 the Cilse. " 'rhat'l'homas Ielley. C. F' . Eaton , Jno. Akers and S. C. 'Vit- tenberger came to their death in a rear end railroad collision 3,030 teet west of the clepot at Brol < en Bow. in said county , at 5:40 : a. m. , January 28 , 1904 , and that the ldlling of the said Keller , Eaton. Akers and \ \ ittenbergcr was accidental and of such a nature - ture as not to warrant a finding that the same was crimnal in its nature or felonious. A history of the actident and direct causes that lead to it are as follows : " 'rrain 46 left Anselmo 15 minutes late and was 2 minutes I I ahead of time at Merna , a distance - tance of 11 miles , where it slowed I down by conductor's signal and left Merna on time at 5:28. : It if ; . 80 miles from Merna to Broken I Bow. 46's running schedule when 011 time is less than 20 - miles an hour. 12 minutes after 4 ( , left ! \lerna the collision occur- red. 46 was running between 42 and 43 miles an hour at the time of the collision. No evidence i\ ! at hand to show that 46 slowed down. whistled for Broken Bow , or applied the air-brakes before the strike occurred. 'l'hc train was cquipped with air throughout - out and could have been handled either from the engine or caboose. 'l'rain No. 46 is due to lea\'e Bro- . leen Bow at 6:04 : a. m. 'rhe col- Hsion occurred 24 minutes bl'fore _ .I"s leaving time. " 'l'rai It No. 48 , ru nning as extra - tra No. 373. l ft Seneca. its dhi- sion point , at 3:00 : p. m. on the 27th. Its regular leaving time from Sencca is 6:40 : a. m After running east as far as An clmo. train No. 48 was 12 hours latl' , and under the company's rules a : r trai n 12 hours late looses its plare on the time card as a regular n train and becomes and extra. Hunning out of Anselmo then ; this train was numbered as extr. . d No. 373. 48 left Anselmo ahout 11 o'clock p. m. on January 2i. When it arrived at Merna the en. gine pulling this train was un. able to make the grade. and leave the town. The testimony show that the theoretical pulling ca. pacit ) , of the engine attached to ) - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - train ) io. 41 ; is 1.600 tons. When II it lcft Seneca it consisted of 48 cars , 42 being loa s and 6 empties' and carricd freig-ht amounting to .1,770 tons. When this train reached Merna and could 110t make the grade , the engineer attempted - I tempted to "slack" his train over the grade and in so doing broke his train apart. 15 cars behind the engine. His engine' also run out of water. The conductor then placed the 33 cars 011 the passing track at i\lcrua and pult- ed the 15 cars on to Broken Bow. where- thc eng-inc took water and i bac1cd the 15 cars on to the side track at Broken Bow. The conductor - ductor arrived at Broken Bow with 15 cars at 2:25 : a. m. on the morning ol the 28th , and departed - ed witn hi" engine west at 3:00 : a. m. to pick up and bringto - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - . A' . . HEALTH "r don't thIn ! : ' 1'1'0 conld keep bonso without 'l'hedrord'a Dlt\clt- Draught. Wo Imvo use ! } It1 \ the family for over two Y"\r with the best. of rcsult . 1 h.1\'o not bud n 110etor In the b0l150 for tht\t lonclh of tUJlo. It 191\ doctor In It " 1f nnd nlwl\Ys rcady to 1I1t\ko pcrson well Bnd haJlJly.-JAlIIWi U.\.LL , Jac- , . aonv111o , JII. Bccause this great medicine relievcs stomach pains. Tce9 tLo constipatcd bO\7,1a and im'igor- atcs the torpid liver IUJ weakened - ened kidneys Mo D@CTOR is necessary in the homo wbero Tbc ! ord's H1ack-Drau ht is kopt. Familie'i Ii vmg 111 the country. miles from anr phrsi- cian , liavo bl'CIl kcpt in health for 'eari with this mcdicino os their only ( hoelor. l'hl'diorJ's Dlack-Draugbt curl'S biliousness - ness , dJ'Mpc [ > sia , col s , cbills and f \"erL bad bloo l , ca ache8 , dlarr ren , constIpatIOn , colic n almost every othl'r ailment ccausc UO ! stomach , bowels I'cr BntI kldno 's so ncarI ' control - . trol the health. THffDfOR5 i 6lACI- f'DRAUG"T I - 1' . . . , ' , . , . . ' . . > ( * " _ ' . JUo ' 'JI. . , . . . . - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Broken Bow the 33 cars he left at I ! \lerna. By order from the 'dis- patcher he attached his engine to an extra going west at 3:00 : a. m. and pushed thc extra to Merna where he detached from the extra - " tra and attached to tbe remainder of thc train and pullcd for Brokcn I Bow. The sccond section of tlll I , train arr'ed at Broken Bow' ' I about 5:10 : a. m. where 01\ ' engine - gine was detached and run to the tank for water a second time. 'rhe conductor and cngineer thl'n went to the depot where they n'- cei\'ed a report from th ( ' di" . patcher that No. 46 was on tinll' and for 48 not to dela ) ' her. 'l'hi" report was receivcd by the conductor - ductor at 5 : t5 a. m. The con- , immediately commcnced to clear the main line for 'l.J. ! ' 1'0 I cIo this he attachcd his engine to i the 33 cars brought from Ierna I as the second section of his train , I pushed thcm we t until the ) ' ' clearcd the switch upon which 'I the 15 cars first brought from \Icma had becn placed. He then i detached his cngine. ran h r east to the east end of the switch and I backed in on the 15 cars. coupled to them and pushed thcm west to the west cnd of the switch and out upon the maiuline to ouple on to the 33 car standing on the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u _ . _ _ _ . . . . ( ) ( 't'n. . . . . OI.U IN C ) : < n. n. " " l'nk" I.Ixntlvo ! Jlromo IlniniuIJ 'l'"I , . . I . .All rl1 lrl 'k r rllucl th. , 100' " Y If II f"l1 10 rura. IlJn'u' : , . . . . \ " t1 ! 1I11I1r'I uu .mll ho. ! ! : 25c. - - - - - main tine. The coupling- had bep.n madc. all except the attach- - itw of the air , when 46 collided with the rear cnd of 4S. which occnrrl' < l at . ; :411 : or about 25 min- I - lli The Boy's Art b 1\1 the 111.1.1 ' ILln "utlf our tual wcre 110 IJLlll r tll < lll )11" ) picture of n I mincr 1t \ \ oultl furnish prelly Slim Heat. The 1i11l1 wc do furnish will give the grcatst allJount of combustion for the least cxpcnse and that's the I real coal eCOllom v. If wc sold ) 'OU a lot of all sorts f unhurna1Jlc rub. bage with our coal , YOI1 might gel m it cheapcr , but Ll ton of it would I last only auout half as long as the 1M good , clcan coal wc dcliver. If ti1 i ) 'ou tenl1the fires YOI1 know this m I alrcady. ti1 I Dierks Lumber & Coal CO , m BROKEN BOW NIBRASKA. I aca222 : - _ . - : ' - - ' " ' ! ' ! : . . . . . . . _ . . . - I mgmmmmlllTnfi'i' : 'fu"ffii.nmmnnl1rmnmnTJJ" . . . . .1\\TIITirrm. -E:1 : . nT e : 1T'rmnffffi'immrrrmmmn1Tl E titlJl ! I j \ Iill Before You Build , Consult mWI I iillf i / . mrul : : eoJ Jiap1n.ea"U.l. , Milll I Illig Contractor and BllilJe. . . . Estimates IDlliI . I ! lo'urni h'd fn e with plans and spccilications. I , I "l.IL . " - - --'L.u'.l1"h"L.U"'U ' Wr : : : ; It. " ' ! .illJ. , , ! : .t'.w- = u.tJJJ.UWU.wILw.u1UW1Wl..i1 . : r : = 1 r : = .s - ; : ' : r = Jr = Jr = J . _ _ _ _ . . . . . - : - - ' _ W : - - . _ . . ' : - - - - : - _ _ _ . . , o 1 ' . . . iai . . . . . .w. : . . . . . . . . ( . . . . . ; . ' ; " . . . r..Aj . .tt , . 4" ; . i. . ' ! . . , : . ' . /J . . . : : . . . . . . , : i . . : t , ' : ; : . t . . . . . . . . ' " . 'i. . , . . ' . . . . ,0. . ' . . . " ' " . ' . ' ' . . ,0. : ' : . 'r . : . . ' . . . . . . . . . : i . . 'f. . > . ! . . . . . , . ' . . / . " ' ' . , ' : . ; . . : . ' . . : . ' 1 . " . . . . : . : i Y : l" : ; ; : l f . . ' . tJ'J 'VVE1f. ; < : _ : c.I : . , . ; , : : , . . n De . . III ' " , > . - ' , oJ. . FREEZE W HE YOU CAN BUY wl ; " ' ,11 , , - . . . - - . . " : ' ' oI. -n- ' 'I' : ' - ' q..v . . .A.n " : ' : I 'I'HA'l' WILl. . KEEP YOU WAH I. i 'I . .I " ! . : . . . l.'he G. . L. 1\1.1'11er .L1Unber CO" r- "h , ! } ; : I Successors to 'l'he P. D. Smith Co. ) M i. ? ; Agent for the eb. Central Buil,1ing \ : I..oan Ass'n. . ' , ! , . \ . . i\ ' ! . : ! o't - . . . . ! ' 1" : 41:0. ; . ' ' ' : ' . . . . " " , . . . . : . . . .f " 7'o' , : " 1 . ' . . . . : : . . : " : : " ' ' , ' ' ' ' . ' . ' . . . . . . . . " . . , , 'j'i . _ . . , . , , . . . : ! ! : ; o : " l'o'u''F.'t : : : ' : ' , .0 . . " . . ' : : " . : .hoi.i : ' ) . : , Ij ! . ; . " , . i.-.t.i' : .h " , 'L J. I.i. . . . . . , . ti' " . . . . . : . . " . : .boi'l ' ,0' l' . . . . , . i'r'OI . .boi. \ . , . . ' . , . ' 'tooI. : , .1i:1t''t . . . . .1'o0oi : ; * , : : . " . : . ! . ' : .r..iI. ' "t.J'I-'j : ! .1:0 . . ' : . ; : . . : ! . . . . . . , . : " . . : . . . : . . ; . . . " , - 't > 1 * ; .