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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1904)
, , - - , - \ - L i ' 1'0 A I.ADY. _ : tl\lnk of thf' wht'n mornlnA' IIprlnlo1'M 1 , 1'011I sllI' . with 1JIIIII1a , , hntl\t'll In do" , ' . . \nll IIkt' a ) ' 01111 : hI ! . urIS her wlng ot glculnl'8 Oil the wl'lhlll bill ! , . \nlt whnn. at nooll , the hrrl\th of lo , ' ! ! O'cr lIowI' Illld "trl'alll Is wl1llllorlll ; : fn'o , . \nd I'lmt III II1ml ! ! ' froln the "rO\'c , r thlIk ! of 111I.0-1 Ihllll ( ot thee , 1 thlllk of Ihrt' . whl'n. ! lort 01111 wldt' . 'l'ht' l'vnlll 1IIII'Cluia hl'r I'ohli oC light , . ' \ll , IIkl' 1'Ollng all < < 1 limit ! brhll' , . Sits blUshing In the arl11 ! ! ot nhht , , And whl'1I the moon's sw'ct crl's'cllt , In I \ ght 0'1"1' hOI\\'on'8 dCJp , WO"l'IOS8 El'a , AntI sto ra aI' ' ' forlh. like hlt's r" things , I think of lhcl-l thlnl ( of lhl'l' , J think of thl'l' ; Ih.\t 1" " " of I1l\ml' , 'l'IIm' " ' " ' ' ' 1' , ' ' ' fallll1 1'IIItlll :11111 : fr"l' , 'l'hut hrow wlll'rl' "HI'.llItr 'I/I. ! . hl'r 1',1111' , " ' 1 thllll { , )1 : hco-l Ihl'k or tll. . . . . . I -Ut'o//I' U Pr"ntl'l' ! . 1 < - tl t \ ' i THE LONE CABIN ON THE PRAIRIE lIy OrlVEIt l'I ItItJA " ( ) VJ' ; J ropyri'.1/i1cd. ' Iy T' ' ' A 'Jlh"I' /'Ii 1ii11i1 ( Oll/pany / , , , . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . . - . " " . , . , . , . _ . . . . . . . , . . . " " - 'It was the home or 1'.1rs , " 'IllHlr anll I Jlar daughter , On every side the I llralro [ " .lth Its dead gras stretched : l\vay for miles , lr , Wlluur had died the year uefore and left his wife and Kate to get along as hest the ' cOllld , The girl was eighteen years old ami a 1.1'110 daughter of the west. 'I'he IHlst season she had cllltivated the few ncres of land that hel' fathel' had bl'Ol.- en up the year before. " \Ve mll8t live. " she said , "and the nil' amI sllnshne [ al'e so healthflll , I thlnl ; : I shall matc qllite a farmer , " , Tonas Hosteln [ and John Klrlunan iJOth wel'o her sill tors. The former's horse was even now .at the hitching post aud he was loaming - ing his fate. " 1'011' ' , Holsten [ , " she said , "I have given you my answer , and you must , be satlslled with It , " "Dllt I am not satlsl cd , It was not what I was led to eXiwct. " "I have led : rou to expect nothlnl ; . I have treated you as a fl'iomt , not as a lover , " "You have permitted my visits and s'emed glad to see me , " "I have been civil to 'ou. anll am flail ; to see almost anyone In this lone- 1y place , " "But I wOllld talw YOII awa ' from 11Cl'e. I Imow It Is lonely , " "I have gven [ 'ou my answer. " she said , decRlvel [ ' , "au I shall not I change It , " " .John Krlmwn [ stands In my way , ' " ' 110 rotllrned , augl'll ' , "hill ho shall nevel' have 'ou , You I1eed not IJlJlld ) 'our hopes UlOn him , 110 had uelter I t , \ ) IDOl. out for himself , " "I tl1nk [ he clm 10 that , " she re- Ill1ed , cooHy , "but It Is hest not to 111al\O threats ; the ' are ugly thlIgs. [ nnd sometimes confl'Ont us when we least OXIll'Ct them , " "WeH , I shaH talw care of mine , alld wo shaH see how It comes out , " Without another word he lJastll ' , left her , amI the next moment had r mounted and was on a full gaHoll for the settlementl some ten miles I1ls- tan t. 110 had gone about six miles whell ho met John Klrlman ; : , who called out plealantly : : : I 1 "IleHo , , Jonas ; been to see : : \1Iss WIl- bill' ? " "It's none or 'our hllSlllPss whcre I've hecn , " was the sllrly repty. and lashing his horse Into a l'IIn he was soon out of hearing distance , I Ho hatl gene but a short lstance when he stoppetl nntl dlsmollnted. "CurRo him , " he said , " 1'11 fix him ; the wlntI Is just right , " 'I'hon lI h I n"g Iii ' i I I I I I r I 1 I " I , I I' ' , I , r ' " ' - - ' ' ' ' ' 1'V"II'4--'r'\ ' " have ( Jlven you my ; ] nswer , " I n mateh ho set fil'l' to the iiI' ) ' Il'a > , ' 1 , I . I A little. rod htazo 1''acOfI Ollt with lis t hot tongul' , 01 loapetl ahcad nnd I sIlI'cad ullll1 It hecnme IL ronrlng sea of 1Iamo , i "Great GCIO : " hc exclalmetl , "what I ha\'e I dOlle ? I did not think of SlIch I ' * " IL fire ; hut he Is doomed ; the wlntl will talw It right onto him-he Can nevol' I I esclIJO ! Anti the WllulII' cahln- I hnd not thollght oC thoU" His face hall j grown whlto ns death , I 1 l OI' a moment enl ' he hesltnted. then whe\l\ns \ his horse he followed the fil'o at fllll slwed , 1\II'I,1I1an : wns riding slowh' nlonA' , nPJlnl'l'ntl ' IInconsclOlIR of his dnnger. whcn suddenly ho heard a rourlng fiollllll. 111111 turlling' . snw a wall of 'tJamo leapln alonrr I11.P a Jrl'at mon- fltel' with a the l..a ,1 , rl' tungues ot tIre. . . . . ' ' " . - = < o. _ "n'P \ . 'I"'I.IP' 'l'hc sight was so allpalllng that for a nllHIIl'nt his heart almost ceaset ! Its hl'atln : "Grent hcn\'en , " Iw crloll , "I cun ne'/or reach the cahn [ ahead of It ; and If I could , I might not lJl' ahlt' ! to sa\'o Its Inmates , Oh , whal will hccom a of thom , " HR [ hOl'8e WIIS now at full spooll : the fiam's wpre roaring nnd Cl'IlcldlIg [ hC'o hind him 11Iw a. thousnnd f'lIgne [ : ! , ' 1'110 smolw was sweeIJlng ahcatl and hllllt ! . Ing his way-It was hot and stilling' . Stili he lIl'gl'll 011 his falthflll horse IIntll he cmlr ! go IHI flll'thl'l'-ho waf staggl'rlng IIllllel' his grpat exprtlon , _ - _ _ _ _ _ - _ u - , , , , ) ( , r.'f ' f "I I ' 10. . . . 1 11'Ii/l ' . . , . " l ; I.'LH. : . . ' . , - - . II ! : With the utmost cre he bent down and lit the match. IIo dlsmoulltell allll l'xamillcd his mlltc'h hex , " lr 0011 , " h ! ! ( 'rlell , "I'vo only on ! ! match Icft ; If It sholll1 ; fall , I : un ImU' \\'lIh the III most curc hc hl'lIt .10wn . ( Jill ! III the match : a IIlllt' htuc sprallg lip. wavered a rnonwllt 0\ \ ' two , then I'Ubheti forward with the wlllli throll h the dear ] rass. teu\ng [ a hlacl\Ullod nIHI srnoldng lm'p hchhlll It , III' caRlly stunl : ) lt Ollt a fl'f'pt of the "bllel. IIro" ulIII ICII his horse lIJon tht' hllrllell grollllli. following 1111 the IIr ! ! that was widening nil HI'olllHI hun. IIl1tll he was comlJUI'ati\ely safe -lIl1less he should he I5l1ffocatcll with the heat and slIIol\O , which wOl'e 111- tense , 'rho fire hehhHI came "urging on In goJ'eat hillows , hilI , when It strucl. the hack-fil'c , It fell hack In a smol el'lng mass , oj < . . oj < . . . . . . "lolhsaid [ Koto ' ' 'ilullr , "there Is a fire cornlIg [ dowlI 01 : liS from the north , I can hCllI' Il rourlng and see the smoke and fiames , YOII get some muthes and the stelrulw , while I get some water alld a wet sac I. , 'VI ! Ulust 'hack.firo' at OIII'f' , 111111 the wind Is agailist liS , hut we can tlo Il If'e are curptut It Is lucl.r wo ha\'o a 'flr- ! hroak' plow l1 , If It Isn'l a very wldo olle , " In II few millutes thc } ' wcro l'l'ad ' for thr > II' wOl'h , The l' OW ll 1\eld \ was 011 tIll' sOllth sidl' of the cahill , nlld the " 1\r-brcak" \ was to the north of the Illowol1 grolllllt , ( 'il'dingarollnd the hllildlngs from sldo tll "illl' . f'O they had to follow the ell'- dl' , II IIIs1anco of ahollt two hUlldred } .t1'lI > ' : hilt with the willd which \\'aR hl'I\\'lng. thlH was a dllllclllt thlllg to do , 8e\'el'l1l limes fll'O wns blowlI ; ' \I'I'OH' ; Iho "urca [ . . " IIl1t oaeh tlmo l\1rll , Wilhu" , with the asslstallco o [ her d.III htl'l' . put It Ollt. . . \s I\ate : 1\1'\ \ ( \ the grnss It hllrnell all ay a alllst the Wll1d , ullt e\'on when lifty yanls away , somotlllll's n. 8wlr1 , ) f wlnll wOllld hl'llIg the flro across 'hI' ' "hl'cal , , " I "It Is all right. now , mother ; see how the flames nl'o h'lns drnwn to the C.tllCl' fire , which will SOOIl meet thOlll , \\0 were none too soon-but , lIIothel' , what a lIs 'ou ? " , "I don'l Imow , Kato : hut I thnlc [ I'm g ttlng hllnd , " and she sanl , to the ; ; l'OlIlId uncollscOUS [ , Kato III aced hI' 1111011 hel' lwclc and hUl'I'led to hl'llIg' some waleI' from the well , with which she hathod hOl' mother's fncC' , Aftel' n few mllmtos she olJOllod 1Il'I' e 'os IUII [ loolcoll won. dl'rlllgl ' lH'olllll1. "I feel hottol' . now. " she Bnld : "I IIHltlt hllvo 110011 ovorcol11o with the hont. What n ! 1remlful fire It Wl\S , " "Bllt It Is Ims ! . and wn lu'e IInw safl' , Sit here uhlle ' u\\ alld rest rOIll'- ! ! l'It' . " 1 In a shurt tlml' she ' \as nhl , ' to wnll. ' " 'ho huutlo. 'rhl' hall IJut IJI'OI1 7 t , , , . . , , . . - Utero 101l wh11 thl' ' hoard 1horso - lIIan cOllllllg , It wns , Jolla ! ' ! 1I0lstolll. " ' } 'hnnl ; : God thnt 'ou 111'0 saCol" ho ( 'rlelt , "I foarol1 thnt 'Oll woutd lJo UIII'II0d to dealh , " "And so wo fenrl'd. " Knl. . . nllsworell. "Il Ig th'l'nllCull ' wlel.1'11 tll BPt ollt 111'0 111 a thlle 1IIil ) thill , 01' ut nll ' limo when thol'o Is ' the dalllWI' : U 11I1\11 011 IlI'nil'Ie unulwd 10 Ih'C' would lose hl9 lIre heol'o It , lIow tlltl It HtUI't , 1\U " " ' \11\ ' ' ' , 11:1' call tell rou how It stnJ'tell. " s\(1 : [ ( n \'oleo nt the doOl' . Ulld , JOhll Kh'\cl1\al1 \ stood hefol'O thom , "Jollns lIo1slC'111 Htnl'lOlt the I1n , hltl'llIlIlIg to tll'sll'O ' 11I0 ; Il't him ( II'II ' It If hl' dnn' , " "DltI 'Oll s'e nw tlo It ? CIIU 'ou )11'0\0 ) I hill I dill It ? " snpl'rl.'l1 Holsteu [ , " : -:0 , I dtI [ nol see 'Oll , 1101' can 1 111'0\0 that ) ' 011 tlld It , hilt crcllm- [ slances1'0 lI alnst 'Oll , nnll I will sh'e 'ou jllst thl'eo dn's to get oul ot till' sl.'ltiement. Go , 'om' sin has uvalled rOil IlOthII [ ! ; , " With muttl'l'oll eurso ho slrodo f'OlII ! the cnlJllI nlltl left Its OOCIIlI1ntH ) to cOllgmtulnt themHch'l's Oil thor [ ( ol'tllllato l'SelllJe fl'om n honlblo death , - - - - - - - - - - - WOULD QUIT OFFICE FIRST , Myor of Montcry HD Std Experl. ence with Fourth of July Cnnon , Hl'lIr AIIIIIIl'U1 lIelll'Y I'nlllsl'r of the flagship IIIIJcrll'lIso ) , l'Oml11lUllleti the I BI'It Ish sqlladron 011 th ! ' PaclIe ! , The i Ellgllsh gO\'I'I'lIment 111111 jnsl I11UltO I : .lontpl'l'Y , Iho 0111ll'xlcnll alld 8111111- I bh CU11it1i1 of Catlfornla , II SUllpty sta' ! 11011 , an'l till' admlrnl WIIK ong' [ In Ihpl'l' fol' Ihp IIl'st tlml' , Dl'sll'olls of hl.nOl'lng tIIIttlo llOrt , Admlrat Pal. IIsl'l' SPlit an olllel'r nHhOl'l' to IIsk the mayOl' If till' war8hlll IIred a IIIII sa- IlItl' coulil : .lolltel'l'Y retllrn It. 'I'he ma 'OI' wns greatly Itlstllt'Ul'll. To for- I i fell thl' snlutl' to the AmCl'lcan illig' WIIS not to hp thought of , but how I was thl' comllllment to he r'tm'nell' ! I I1110n the hill ovel'looldllg the utJ ' WIIS I all anplclIlIoclean : cannon , remnant 'of ' Spanish I'lIto , It was IIsed I'\'er ' I' ollrth of , ) lIly , 1\1111 the mllYOl' con- ( 'hiliI'll It wOllld do , But the mllin dlf. Iklllty t I ) o\'ercomo was to ( 'ollect Il , Sllllpl ' or powder ] argl' enollgh 10 fire i t Wl'lIt "onl' gUIIR , 1 [ O\\'I'vcr. hy two I o'docall \ was I'\adr , ,11111 the mayor H'nt worll 10 thp admlml thlltIon - I I II'I'PY WIHl IJr lJII'l'll. : 'l'hp flagship hp- f.un ; 1I00mlllg' 1)1' salllte at Interyals I of IIst'ronds , I1IHI III a I'olllle ! of . ' Ih. . flag slIlute of t'entono UIIH had 1Il'l'n IIrell. A large crowlI , hal ) f.atht'I'l'd ; oil thl' hili to wutch Ihl' : pJ'OAI'I'HS of tJJ ( ' senmtoonth ( 'entul' ) ' I II I callnon , "Boom ! " wont thl' IIl'sl re- POl't. ! lnd a cllCl'r wellt liP , And thcn I sOl1)pthlng ) hnppent'II , The 0111 can- nOli ot so hot and aeled < ; 0 lueel'ly [ I hat flllly fifteen mlnlltos elapsell hp- I fore the secolld shol wan atlempto ( ! . But the ' detcl'mlned maym' was , BO I I jllnt at SIIllS't the t wonty-lirst shot to I thl' BI'itlh lIai ; was 1I1'ed , As the I m:1)'OI' left the hill hl' waR hpurll to , HIlY : "II' allothel' l'OI'elgn lIagshlp ( 'omps here to he SlIllItod I'm going to I' I'l'sin ! , olllrl' , " . - - - - - - - : Men Doing Women's Work , ! I oh8el'\0 that ' ' \ 'Oll repeal the chal' e I ; o often mllde against md ) 1'1I women that thl' ' "UI'O Invallng [ mall ) ' callings i 1I11pp sacl'prto \ thE' mlilp SCX , " lar I 'nil ' attentloll to the fact ' ( Y01\l' , VPl'y sl'ldom r"cognlzell. that the case Is rllthl'l' the l'eVOI'Sl' ? If a few womcn ha'CJ h'come doeton . SCOlltistS [ , all- thOl'S , etc" UIIII ha\'o taen ) ; : 0. small amount of WOl' ] ; : from men In thosp llrofesslolIs , thn [ ] . of the thollsands of woml'n who ha\'e lost their OCCIl11l1- t Ion hy hclng oURted II ) ' men from callings "oncl' sucrl'd" to the femal. ! sex , Not EO muny ) 'l'lIl' " IIgo the ordinary - dinary home wor ) ; : of women Inct1l11J(1 ! ( thl' hrewlng' of hem' , IlIstllllng es- I 8el\'I'H , hrellll-mallng' , ) Jre8C1" } ng. slllllnillg , weaving , malcillg' elothes 1\1111 othl'l' things too innllmcrable to men- tIolI , Now all till'S ! ! things UI'O mad\ ! a \\'a ' from homo , In factol'os [ owncd IUIiI munaged hy mpn , anll worlwll lannly hy men , 0111' cal\Os. jams , IIcl\ll's [ , and- most sacred of ull-oul' Christmas puddngs [ nnd mincemeat are made In wholesale qllantltles chl'apCl' than WI' can maim them at hume , YOII havp left liS nothing hilt to 01'11(11' the dhlllCl' and dam the f'oel\l3 ailit Btocltlngs-Lettcl' In Lon- dun Telegrallh , - - - - Ambssador Saved His Hea"i. " I In the Ilays or King' GeOl'g'o W. or Engllnl1 the Persian al11hl1ssl1lol' 10 I hln cOllrt Iemandpt ] ! hilt was delliod IJI'l'l'cl1enco ever all other foreign rcp- J'l'spntatlvcs , ] J e J'pfllscd to go to C'OIll't , calltllll ! ; It to he reported auroall tJlIt hI' was III , III ! 1II0t the prince re- g'cnt at the house of the Llldy Salls- uury of the tlmp , "I alii'er ' SOl'r ) ' to offent ! yo III' l'Oyal hl hlJ'ss hy not I g'ons [ to eour ! . " ho sal , "Now. sll' , 111 ' sO\'l'rcgn [ , ho tell 1110 I go 1 1'lIt ; YOUI' lIeolllc BUY I l11ust go laMt , Now , this Yel'y had fOl' me wholl I go hllclt to PPI'sln , " So aylng ho macle a sign I- ficcwt I1I1S11 towanlR his hOl ( } IXIJ'I'SI ! ' Ing dl'capitatloll , 'I'he 1II'Ince trlell to aIJpeas ( ' him , "Bllt sll' , 'OU stili angry with mc ; ) 'OU not Invltoll me to your 1I111'ly to'lIIorl'OW night. " ' 1'111' prlnre lXllll1lued that It was only a ( 'hllth'l'I ; lIarty , bllt the ambnllsaliul' might come If ho chose , I [ I' tllIl cho0ge ; fOl' ho wont nnl1 , hl'ln 1 h. . enl ) ' nmbassadOl' there , lOll nil thu I gUOHtli , thm. seorn [ ! ; hel'Wy 1'01' Pr-r- lOin. which ml1 o him comfol'tlllill' about the llC'clc anlll. ! Poetry , 'ro mf' I hI' world't ! Iln open book , or W"l't IInll 1II"Il81lnt Ilnelr ) ' : 1 I'.all II In thf' I'unnlnl { brouk 'I'hlll , ,11I1t118 / WilY luwurd. . . Ihll ! " 'I\ , It whh'jlf'r" In III. . Il'u \ ' ( > S or tr'M. 'I'hl' IIw'I1I1 , , ; 1II'II1n ! , thl'Va"ln" , fir'asol. , \n't III 11\1' { 'OO ! . Irl'.h t'\I'nlnJ ; brf''Zo 'rhat crl ! < 1'1i Ihe wI\\'clots us thl' ) ' I"I' ! . " 'l'II ! ' I1I1W" " " 111'10the IIIII'M "ho'l' . In 1111 ttwlr "Innrll 111111 IIrhchln. fill 1\'I11. , \ , " . III" . t h , ' all rd"IIt. . . IIf I" " " I'h , 1' ' ' ' I I \ . .I' " ' . . " 11 , , " < 1 h",1\ " 1\ l'l l" , " ; , I'II'N ' \ , , ' " , , > : I , ! . . . , , , . . , , \111'11" the ' ' ' \ " 'II' ; " ' . ; 11 ( , ' , I , . .d. . . \ ' " hI" " , . II' ; II I , \ I J . . : 1 11'1 ' : 1\ . , ' J \II' " I" , " ' " - . h 'I' ! : ' l' : \Ivt " :1. : , - - , . - - " , , : ; ; ; ; ; : : ; ; vi [ AND ' : ; : . : ' : : : : : : ' 1 ! - - - "hn tight "UII lIlnNI throll h Iho httll' ! ' < PRII" ! ' ' A'I It I'hlllnn t h"III. 1\1\11 I III' hl\lln\\'l'l1 door 11 thl" Hha llw 1111'flaw. ' . nl\l1 lhCl fltllin 1'(111)1111111 ) Of lh \\1111' thl' ) ' Rplllod 011 lilt' lInl ! ! IInllr , 'I'ltl' 1'1\1'1' thlll rllnac bv 0 , . . old IInll'A ' wnllac : \IIII'n1llrt'll III Ih"1I1 111'1 ' It 1II11fllll/l'I ! IIUW : ' 1'111' "olell'n Jlllw IIr till' "lInll1 fnll ! ! . \ " II rI'll fur II..nI. . nil ItHl1' , 011 rh'l'r 111111 hnl1xh : 'l'11i' hnll wlll'rl' 111 ( ' ) ' fl'nlltl'tI , till ! l'hurC'h \l'llI'rl' tlwy IJI II ) ' ( " 1. 'I'wlr ! " 1"1I.1h'fI. IIl1el ( 'lIl1mlll'r" . III1 rl\\'oo "tnlll'N ! 'In ) ' : Whlll' ! II.tllIl\l1 , " 11111'01'ol1tll nlld IIIft"I , lnl hl unci 1\,1) ' hll\l' : 1'IIv"ll IlWII ) ' , ' 1'heDOl'Othy VOI'I1011 of I [ III\1toll \ IInl1 who II' plrtlll'Pll 1\OW 111 ptay 111\11 RtOI'Y Is lIot II ( 'rclltioll of t hp IIIIIY- wrlgh l's 111\11 \ till' 1\O\'l'IIRl's \ flllley , 11 ad- d01IInll \ IR III'eSel'\'l'd to this Iiny III'ac , t It'ally : HI It WIIS 111 till' tllI\II whl'lI QIII'I'II gllznhl'th was n gllCRt lIwro 111111 [ ) ol'Othy Vl'I'1I011 wns the tonst of the eOIl1\tI' \ 'sllll' , 1I111\1tOll \ IInll haH for ( , l'lItul'lpl ! IIl'PII Olll' of t he how lIaC'I' ! ! ! of I1l'l'lJyshh'I' , allll Sct''l'S aR 11 ! l\ollpl \ or thl' II IIc\l'1I \ I tIIll ! lJul'olllal nHIIIslolI , ' 1'hl' l'OIlIlI1l'l' of Doroth ' YPI'II01l hns hOP1I'elalell 111111'01113 [ fOI'l1\s \ hy dlffl'I'l'lIt slory 1I'II1'I'S , who toolt Ihelr' IIII\tl'I'lal fl'OIll thl' ll'gl'11I1 lhat has hl'l'lI halllll'll lIowlI [ 11 t hi' foll\lorl' of DorhYllhlt'o IIltH'I ! that tillll' . UIIII nach hal ! ( 'oIOl'l'cl It aCI'orlllllg 10 hlH fancy , Bill till' fact rl'lIl1thlS that It was a rpal 1'0111111\0. \ 1'01' ' hy the I'ullawny 1II11J'/'lagl' of thp 11l'II' RS the l'Rtlltl'H IHlSSI'II Into tl1I' hIUII1 [ : ! of till' HlIlIallll family , who OWII tht-III to-Ila ) ' _ Om' of thl' 1II0Rt IlIt'I'I'Stillg' 11101111- 1IIl'lIts III Blalil'\\ ( 'hlll'eh Is that I ! > OROT.HY VE.RHOH , ( REPRODUCTIOtl OF OHL'i I'OR'iRAlT 0 ; : : HER It ! . . ( ! 15TEHCE TO'.DAY'e Ei. ; 't ; . - - CI'I'CI I'll at t hI' tlO1\t \ h 1'1111 of thl' I'illlpl'l 11\1'1' nil' tOlllh of DOl'othy1'1'11011 IUIII hl'l' hllshallll , Sir , Iohnlonlll'l's. : . WIICH'1' IIlso lhl'l. . . ( 'hlllll'l'n Ill' Iml'lcl1 , ' 1'hl' mon1\lIIellt \ Is Imposlllg 111111 hoal's the I\l'Ins of Hutlllllll allil Vel'IIOn , l1e- IIl'lIt h n spml-cll'cllhu' areh Is a llellos- ta , at whiPh 1\IIp ! 1I lIl'l's l'I'JlJ'eSl'lIt. IlIg Dorolhy Vl'I'II011 anll her' IOl'tl , Sit , .10hll Is attll'l'll in phitP 111'11I01' , whllo noroth ' weal's Il cloQ-1I ! ; ( ttl III ; IIl'ess with a largl' 1'111'1' at the noc1I11t1 [ 011 hel' heall a laJl : , 'I'hl' fll II1'I Is hy 110 ml'allS 1oOlI 0111' . alltl the Ih1l'III11I'lItS or 1110 fae ( ' al'n 1IIlwl 011 the 1HlIlIt ' of Dorolh ) ' . which was ( 'elnhmtell In IaIH lIa ' , At the li III I' 01' lIeI' ! Iloath ) ) ol'o\h \ ' was 1IIIItl' a YOllng wOlllall , nltllollgh shl' hall IHI'III' Irel' hllJhulIII ! fOil I' ( hlltl- rOil , who slll''I\1'11 111011I hoth , In the -eal' IS II. IIl1rlIg [ thp l'estOl'atloll of lJal\l'wJ1I dmrclt. Rc''oJ'al 01 t hI' 0111 to III lis WPI'(1 01ll'1H'11 , among Illom UJo [ lIg thnt 01' Dorothy Verlloll anll hl'I' hIlHllal'I'lli' ( ! I'l'mllns [ in 1 hI' eolltlls rU1JI1i1 In till' tOllllJl ! Wf'J' ! ' C'al'lfull ) ' ( Ox- alllineri. IIlItI till' hlmll 01' till' mall waH l'l'eo.mzl'll [ [ all that of Sit , .Johll from It'I'P lIlul' anll thl' ItH so 1111' W hat IIhalw 1II\I'I1C'tR It hol' ( ' to tlw 1CIII1tllrl'll l'I' , IIg ' 011 lilt' 1I10nllllwnt. ' ! 'he hC'all of thC' WOlllall wall ( 'O\'l'I'l'tl with clllltl' a w'ulth of hr > allliful 11111111I'11 hall' , which waR 1I0nl' 1111 In mils and fastellcd with IIll1s 01'1 PI' tllf' fushloll 01' [ thm- h'th's 'I'pl/II. / Nol w1tllltalltlhl that SWIE't Jorot hy YCJI'1I011 hall Inlll In hI'I' tomh Hln1' IiX I Ihl' hunll of d ( > ( 'uy - - - - Mule and Man , I . . . . . . ho(1 ( I'ft , untollclll'II till' sltlt'nl1i11 hall' fOl' which she waH l'elttbratpl ! . It was SIIIIIIOHocl that 0.11 IIhl'lIl'RSCfI 01 Doroth ' Vernon hall rllsaPIH'al'PII , hilt lIarly fifty 'l'al'H Iutl'r .J. 10 : , 1\11111- tlm'l" who hnR WI'UOII [ 1II0St Illter'l'st- IlIgl ' the hlfllOI' ' or t10lhlnll lIall , IIIR- co\'orl'tI In Il ( 'lIrolaltl'I"H col III ( I IIn ' ' l'I\I'l'tlll'r ullcll'lIl 011 Imilltillg , 'I'ho \ ' told him tlH\t It hUll hooll l'I'lIIm'l'll with II lot or othl'I' "I'lIhh8h" [ f'Om ! 1IIIIItloII 11011 ; 111111 Oil tatdl1 It Ollt Illto till' SII1Ilight \ ) II'o\'ml to hp 11 lJOI'lmlt of 11 latly wllh allhllrn hnll' 111111 a r1lff of till' gllzahethan Ill'I'lol ! . 'I'ho fmll10 WIIR 1I11'll'lIt 111111 WOl'II1- l'I1It'1I 111111 the eUlI\jill atlllost hlarl. with thl' tlllsl alld JI'lIIl' [ 0 [ ' cPlltlll'l1'8 ; ' ' ' ' ' ' Imow 10 I hI ! 1I1'\'l'I'llll'll'SS , hy 111'II \ II 1.01111011 IlletllJ'o IIIJlllol'H , It WOS clI'lIl1- l'll 111111 ) ' ( lstol'PII so cUJ'efllll ) ' 1Io1 10 hrlIg [ to light II IIwlll , wOll1l\lIly facl" which WIIH 111"tllIl'lt as that of Dol'- othy'l'rnOIl , IIIH 01'\\(1 till' lJllltl' or Hlltlanl ! , hl'lIg [ COII\'llIcell of thl' nil- 1IlOntlelt ' of thin Jlol'lralt of his cl'II'- hmtell IIneesll'1311 , hllit [ t l'l'stol'l'11 COlli' 111l'toly , 111111 It now hllll S III till' falll- IlyIeluro \ [ galll'I'y lit Hetvoll' CaRtll" w.llch hus bC1'1I the 1'l'slllclH'l' of the HlltlU1II113 sillcl ! Qlle n J\1I111' cOllferl'l'tI IIl1ltPllolII IIIHIII thelll , [ 11 Dorothy Vl'I'IIOII'S tllIIl' the ) ' wel'o Eal's : of Hilt- IUIIII , , Aceol'llIng to 'lI\ont \ IICCOll1lls , Dol'- oth ) ' VOI'IOIl was thl' HOCOIII ; dllllghlol' of Sit , GOI'go'ct'1I01l , 111111 of the SUI\1I' fUlllltr UH that Allmll'l\l Vorlloll for whom l\lollllt VI'I'II0ll , the h01\11' of \VlI8hlllgtoll 011 the PotOIllIlC. was nluIIIHI. She hall all eltler IIllItOl' , IIU'- gal'el. who WIIS 1II11I'r1OtI to SII' 'I'holllas 811111Ip ' . SOli of thl' Enrl of Jpl'hy , whosl' fumlly Heut'flB Oil the lalo of 1\1all : hut Hhe 11Ielt wlthu [ a 'elJl' of hm' manlIgo [ , Il'a\'llI 110 ISRIIO. so to DOl'othr Ill'sconlloll ull the rich l'tates or I hlllton ! lIull. SII' Gl'Ol'gO. I\IIOWII as "Thl' 1\:111/0 : / ; of the Peul. , " was the I'lehoRt Imlght 111 Dl'I'hyshlt'l" 11Iprohahl \ ( [ ) ' Illnlltlllt nil 1'jIHlllr ( hrlIll1nt [ mutch fOl' DOI'othy , 'I'hel'el'orl' , It Is sulll that hp 10olcl'l [ with seOl'1I IIIon : a secoJHI SOli of the hOUBt' or Hllth\1lll , u1thou h I'llyal hloml I'I\U [ n , John : \ IUtllll'r'H'lIIS ! , - . It - . . . . , 'fL./I.JDOJ'l' HAT..I. , J HOME : O 'rJi VeRNON : ' - \\1' I atl , Il II a ) to. hI' I'l'a > , onubl ' SIll'C of Whlll I hI' IIIlIll' will do to liSt' \ III ! gel" 11- ; ill it ( 'UI'1I1'I' . This cOlIstl1utf'8 IIIC' III' II\C' I pILI dIO'cl'l'ncl' lJl'tWlII II , ' /lJllle alltl tHlmr' ml'lI. . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - Sand in African DeEertG , It 1'1 " 1I1'1I"'d 1111I1 1111' a \ 1'l'd I' lle'Iltl : III IIIJ.I III th. . ' ' ' ' :11'1'111 III't ' rle-a I" r'1I1 r"rl\ tll "I hl I 1..1'1 0111' of hlK IlIwestol'S hllli Iwell gO\- 1'1'111I1' of Nllrhnm Cu : lll' 111 till' IIrMt Yl'al's 01' 1:11\\111'11 ; [ . 's I'elgll , 'I'hl' l'US' 11 ] ! wus nltal'lwII hy thl' Scotti 11:1 Ed- wllI'd's ( ' ( } I'ollat 1011 IIIIY. hll t SI I' Hohl'l't ; ; IIIIIII/lI'S mlllie such a stoul Ilel'l'lIHe as to hl'lIl thom 11ft' , I Ie'as nlso III'PS- I'llt at thl' hloocly IlUlUo of Ne\'lIIo'H Cross , 11I1111'1' Queoll PhllllIIIII ) , alld gahl11 great cllsllnetioll hy hlH eour- ago , Allotlll'l' SII' HolJl'l'l J\lallners l\1al'l'lell Elellnol' , dallghtlI' of I"JI'II HCl s. hl'llIglng' Into tlH ! fumlly grl'at eRtntl's. hWltllllllg lIelvoll' CosUo , Lutel' stili a Sir' 'l'honHIH j\lutlnerH waR 11I'I'Smlt. with HClII'r VII. anll hi ! ! I OIlMll'l al till ! eelohmted Iliterview wlIh th ! ! King IIf Frallcl' at GUSlIl'S [ , anti In till' 80\'olllnlllth rel11' or ] Jen. ry's I'l'lgli hI' WIIR c'J''ated ( Earl of Hut- IlIlId , DOI'Othy'R IIIYm' was tlw ; ( ' ( ' SIlII 01' I hlH IIrllt : oal'l , ulIII gl'l'at-granllson of a SiSlc'l' of Klllg [ dwul' ! [ IV , Bllt I I. . . . HlIlIalltl/l WI'I'l ! l'roll'stunlH and fU\'ol'lIl's at Ihl' COUI' ! III' QUI'l'n 'IWzn. hHth , whlll' the VI'I'II0llH ( 'llIlIg to the 0111 lallil. anti this III I'fl'rl'lI 1'1' of 1'1'- Ihtlolls olinh'll ) IIII1Y I III'P fllrthol' ! ! ( ' ' \ , ( ' 10 fan tlJ ( ! lIulllt's of the allelt'nl I'l'lId III'tWI'(111 the t \\0 1'aml- 11f'II , At allY I'I\tl' , Il Is all pstuhllhelt fu.t thnt Dorothy , ! I'spalrlllg oflutcr \ - lIal eOnRl'lIl to Ihp matC'h , r > loIIPII wllh . ] ohn laIllIPI'j-HOmn Ha ' 011 till' night of hpl' Hlall'l' . "ul'gal'cl's WlJtlllIlI ; ot hl'I'H on I hI' o'C'uslon of QUl'on ( lI 'a"l'lh'H fallllHlri vlllll to Halltloll lIall. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - . . . . . . . . - A Genuine MeEroac ! ] In a Settle , Six YI'al' ! ! Ilgo till ! IIrltlHh schoonI' Ethpl mYHtprlolllJy ! dlHlllllwlIl'ucl on I'OlIt ( ' fl'Ol\I 110m hay III I'm't Said , HOI' 1I\\'IWI't' , ! Jnrllfoo ! . 8 : Co. . of tIll' Illtter ) IOI't , IIVl ! l\Ir 11\1 \ ! 'Ol' IUKt , nnd sluco I hut tiltH' IIn.1I . Ifill ! I1IlInth hel' fate 1'0 , lIIalnl'll u IIIYIIII'I' ' tll t he world , It was an 1'111 fll Y nnd tlghtJ ) . eorltecl wino IlCIlIli. thnt Ul'UIiAht the slol' ' of hl'I' fatl' 111111 that IIf Cnlt , 1.00 ullcl his l'I'ew ' 11 lancl. 'I'hl' holt Ie > WIIS IJlBCO\- ( 'I'I'I ! lIy Cnp ! . Lumhal'd UII the honeh of till' hilaltd 01' I'ultu1' , ' ; ! llllllet ! )11 ) the 80llth SUlljoI , nllt ! till' note It contnhll'd l'I > ads nK follows : I "Will the > fillt"r ! IIf Ihis IIlfUl'm ll'jo\srK \ , ( Jurl.foot & : Co , of Purt Sold that tholl' lichoolWl' , [ m1l'l. fOllndorod II nhollt 1.11I111 1II11t's frlll1l 1I00uhny ? 'I'hls , IIIltl' Is wl'lllI'n Iy 1111' Ioll' , HIII'I'III'S , 'I ' ( 'liP ! . 1.1'1' allS..all.fllI \ ' 1'111111I11 , , who 111'1' In Ihl'll' III' " h..p. . : ; " :11"01 , ' J T I I , . , , ) ,11I . . I" :7 1..7 , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PAINTED STOCKINGS A FAD. PopulJr with Drltlnh Belles and Amar- Ican Dcautlcs , Whr > II\\r Dame Io' Rhlon finds hef' "elC lJUt to It for a novelty , she pCIU4 [ 11)1 ) her caRol nnd docs SOIllO expcn- sl\'o tJallttln nnll directly there Is 11 nt'w fash Ion fall , Lasl I1l1mmOr Rho palntell sashes : laRt wlntor , g'allzo froclul nnd In Ben' HIIIIH paRt fiho ImlnlPI1 soclR o.nd heUs ant ! hnlll nnd shews , hilt never before I1loclhl ; ' 1 , Ahout n mOllth IIgo. 0\(11' In Pat'ls , Rhl' IIlco\'t'r'llt : hC'r stoel. ot orlgillal 1I01onf11'1 ( 1'lInnng [ low , and that sOIlH'lhln hnd t,1 he lJanlell [ nt OIll'O , / ; , . ' . = .0.- _ _ Thu Il'Ollhll' ( 'ollllllg 1111 111 Parl8. h ' 1\ natlll'lli law 01' hlll'lIIony , 13110 deC'1I11'11 to 1I1'rOl'lltl' stoPtlllgH. ) 'fhlH Idea wns so 1I0W. so l'xpellsvo [ ulld HO unlqlle that It call ht the 11I11111c e 'o at oncl' . Though hilI a IIwllth old , It IH IIn 111- tOl'l1ntJollal fad , BrltlHh helll'R11111 Anwrlcll1 : hOIlIl' IIp [ > 8 11\\'l' 1I1I welcomed It with ellen nl'IIIS , so to slJt.ulc ! ; the DI'lUsh I11nlll 1'01' Its IInllluo OXllOlUllvolless : IIIlIt the AI11C1'leulI girl fOl' Its /llHlacolls [ co' ( Jlwtl' ' , With nil IhlP Il'omhllng , let It bo snlll I hat till ! IJI\llILcd stocldltl : ; [ s not I''nlly as effectlvo 1111 the lace al" " , pllllllO uor as lII'tlstic as Iho Illa1I [ gnllo Hllh , hilt 1fmt'K 1fall for a' that. It Is IlIw mllgnollc girl anll docn 1I0t Iwell to he henlltlClI1 OJ' HOII- sible to he POllllllu' , l vC'I' ' Hort or Ilesgll [ Is uS'II , hrds [ , , IIOWl'I'S , Illllnlllln , 1II01l0grUI1\II , college 11101l0C13. IUIiI OVOII the IIItlnls [ oC one's swol'tlwarl. A 1I0ck of tiny hlrds , Hwallows. lJlllohlrlls , hllJIIllllng birds , 01' canaries , al'o seell , that Is , 1\1'0 ) : ullltet ! on hoth hlaclc 1\1111 whlto gauze Hili. , the lIoel. IIlartillg' at till' illt ep Imll whh'lIn 1'011I111 IInll l'olllltI UII to the stoeldng helll , "he Skins of Sh'ds. A \\Tltel' II the Selelll\fic \ American sa's : " [ n collecting hrll [ sltllls I have ' 1IIIIIIIII00'IIbio HII' eollll ' I'olliul , fOl'l1l1l1g IL most Ilellcate IInll WOII II CI'fll I netwOI'I. , lIelwoon the hell ) ' nnll Iho sltln , In the pl'lIclIlI , ono of 011I' lru'gesl hrdR [ , thin IIIJtwol'l. of eellR Ilmetically co\- ored the whole hOllr IIl1d was Yl'l'j' 1I0tlr.eahle , Now If those colis work 1111 to 11111I call ) ' , 1IIw the hlllgR OJ' lilw the ell'culalion of the hllHHt , IJOlng' 11I1- tJ(1 ( with 01' ellliltiell of hot ah' , nccorlt- IlIg to the IIIU'llIlse of the hr(1 [ ( to I'lfl ( ' . ( jr lIollt OJ' Ileseellll , lI'n Buruly wo can helter IIl1der'slllllll thl' ease wllh whh'h hll'lls SOOI11 to llstllin 1111'111- . ' " ! 'el\'es In the all' Ilul'lllg their 101lg' : , IlIghts , " - - - - - - - - - - Portble Church , . - - , A Ilecldl'll lIovl'lIy In church con- strnctloll han hel'n l'l'leted ! recently /101\1' Now Yorlc. ' 1'110 strurturo 'Ii ' comilleto [ n e\'l'ry wny , and 'et may hl' llI1clwd 1111 UIIII removed to another Ileltl and f'rectotl IIgaln for ahout $76 , In this WilY the total loss of 0. hulld. Ing of the old I YIH' Is a voldod and the orlgillal Investment. saved , 'I'he ( 'dl , lice ha ! ! all the IHallt ' , srlllmetry II/ICI stahllit ' or the ' appurent ) orlllnal'Y st 'ICJ c hllreh , It lJ\t'aSIll'er. Ilfty-Ilvo 1'eot In length 111111 twcllty-livo In wllitll , - - - - - - - - - Hat : ; With Mirror Attchments , An ontCl'IJI'llIng : [ hnt IIIl1nllfactlll'l'r hllH introdueod a 1I00'clty Ihat Ilrom- Itlos to "C'atl'h on" among lovers ot sllortlJ , It Is IL minlatllro 100tlIg- ! [ slasA , whlc'h mil ) ' ho l'eullIly alllxl'l , 10 the hl'lm of a IIIa/l'R hilt 01' the vlRor of Il l'aJl , being 1'0 alljuslell that th , ' wOllrer ( 'an ohlan [ 11/1 IInohstl'uetcll \'Iow of the haeltgl'OlIIlIJ. The Ilo\ll'l' 1'1 fastencd h ) ' a ( 'oupln of S'I'OWS. the mlrl'OI' hohlp [ Alltolllohil- ; on Il IIvot. - Ists. h\c'ycllsts. \ H(10rtsmon , huntpl's anti drivel's al'o I'ountell upon as 11\1' \ chlof patl'Ons of this 11I'W desgn [ , Allot hm' wide-II walw hat hOllse hils Illac'od all lIw mlll'lwt an eXU'omo ( ' 1'1'- Iltlon 11n \ stmw hilt 1'01' the 1004 Sl'a. son , I t It ! ( 'I'llshahil' . lIIodoled ! lftp , ' the gelleral style of the ot , fashlonl'll OIII'l ! halo 'i'hIK mutO [ occlIllos [ hu ! lit II 0 spal'O In a Bult cas ( ' , and hy IH'I''Ishll Il RIH'lng It hecomos 11 full- faHhlol/'d / , \'olltlonnl stl'U w IUH , - - - A Wasted Search , 'The polloo or Woollsocl\Ot , R , I. . ( JI'mpd with gl'l1pllIng ) Irons , a'xos , cll' " WOllt to the 1'1\1' to look I'm' ahoy wlln hall fullell thl'OuHh the leo , 'I'hp ) ' W'I' ( ' ulII'owurdptlwro \ , hut latl'r found thp lad III bed a8leoll. - - - - - - Hunter's Reward , A Drocltlon man went hllntln ! ; In Ialnl' a III I. IIftf'r all all-\u \ ) ' trnmtl fOa. lowlllg 11'II1'I.s. Itwatelt what ho snp- ! lo"l'd Willi Il IIpl'r 1IJ1 a trN ! . 110 firl'd it 1'01shuts all bl'OlIsht down Il 1101" l'ulllnf'