Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 04, 1904, Image 2

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- - - - - - - - - -
DHOlmN now. . . NJiUllASKA :
'rho 111an wlto wenrs tlt'a ' corset "c t
tnllHt not lIu offended JC renl men cull
him slHtor.
- - - - - - -
! tIlMSIIl Inn ) ' tlot lIIeo Ihe loolts or
I he hIl81 { ' IIersolls thfit fire Imtllng
, llIllI\n on the lwcle ,
- - - - - - -
Whnt Is Wo 11110 of IL vnC'nLion Ihnt
nnl ' lIIenll8 hnr.l(1r . worle unol'ward 10
( 'nlch 1111 with 'Olll' worl ! ?
- - - - - - -
Loole olll for the 1II10111110nin g(1rrn.
which Is hldlllg llI'OIl II 11 the crner
I'f'ad ' to II0llnco IIpon 'Oll.
- - - - - - -
'l'ho Chicago cow who hnd RI loon
IIlIncos of 111119 cOllcC'nr'd ! IIhOll1 hel'
person wns 111111nl ) ' It ) Jerff.'ct Inti ) ' .
l'J'Ooauh' It wOllld ho 1'11.10 . 10 In.
Iflliro how milch Allred A list In hnR 10
IJI\ ' to get these thll1 s of hll : ! printed ,
- - - - - - - -
111\11 Cnlno hns ner\'OIl IlI'oRlrnllon ,
OllerhnlJs he IlJ\o\\'s huw mOHt of
111 ( ' 1100110 [ who hl\ve soon his Illa 'u
I\ITeJ'od. \
- - - - - - -
, ( Jen. Urlho.Ul'lho thl' < Jutons tu
IIIl1rch against liS , hilt wo shall 111'0) ) ) .
ahl ' ho nhlo to mal\O a stanll ugalnst
! luth of hll1l.
- - - - -
College sOllgs , It seelllA , 111'0 not II ! !
) Jolmlar I\S college foothall. 'I'ho Yl\lo
glf'e clllh lost $2.-100 on Its ChrIstmas
trill Ollt weRl.
A Ileal' Is running at largo In Now
, lprAe ' . ' 1'ho cltl7.cns uro III hot 111I1" I
lIlt oC the alii mal IInll If caught It will
he hlcol'loratlHl ) ,
- - - - ' - - - -
\ Uavlll l\lIllholwhualdmol\Oweonah
hUB hC'ell alJpollltcl1 a IJOAtmllster III
Hllwall. 1.ot liS hOIJO that Dave's
uelmlllistratioll will IQ 0 , K.
- - - - - -
So nJ:1IJ : ' UIIIOIJlohllcs seem to be
1I1'1 ( > l'llIlnol ( to Hoal' IImonl ; the stars
Ihat some oC thom might , IICl'huIIS , UO
1Ii'ClIlJ : ' con\'ertell Into all'shlls ) ,
- - - - - -
A West VlnllIln marlesman hus
l ) ( > ell flnoel 2j [ fol' 1\llllllg his rival In
In\'e. WhIch suems a rousolHluly clwall
Ilrlcu whell j'OU ( omo to thlnle or It.
- - - - - - - -
A Carmer's wife at D-llfield : has
given SO\'clltuun HhllllllgS to the dl11rch
mlHslonur ) ' socloty. "llI'oc ( > cels or eggs
Jaill on Sllllllu 's-Lonlloll Dully
Iall ,
A Chicago womlu \ cluh has In
SOI\\O \ mysterlolls way 11lscoveroel that
mOlleJ'JJ ) ) OOtl' ' In all elown at the IJ ( ! < J1.
I'Ot'tBJ'O , ur COIII'SU , seltlom woll.
IweIeel ,
\VlwlI a womall guts so she eloOSII't
( 'aro ahout the lze of her feet 111111
IIII'IIS hm' attontloll ulltlrel ' to her
Houl , 'Oll clln sot It dOWII that aiel use
Is creeiling ou.
A Now Yorle mnll cOl\\lI1lltl'll \ slllcltlo
rathel" than unel < Jrgo an ulJeralion Cor
I1Pllulllllcltls. Ho n\\lHt Imvu huen
aCmhl the doctors cOlli II do something
WOI'SU than 1\111 him ,
- - - - - -
What \\'al" costs 1I0waelnys Is shown
lIy a ' 1'oldo IlIsJluteh which sa 'u that
the , InlI\nuso goveJ'JJmullt has on hunll
$3UOUIIOOOO-"enollgh to slIstaln a
Hhort , shal'l ) cOlltOSt. "
' 1'hlrt ' thousllllll orders Cor-lIt tomo.
hlles hnvo 1I0 < J1I Illnceel \ th Amorl.
rlln mallllfactlll'erS COI' thl. , 'car. The
horseless a o 11111) ' not ho In ; Ight , hut
thu gooll roalh ! ago Is ,
: \11' . Howollll thhlls that authors
ollght to .form a 11111011 , Whell the ' elo ,
l'\'ury momhol' will douhtless huvo to
) IIUllgo hlmsolf 1I0t 10'OJ'I , more than
t welltfolll' hOllJ' a da ) ' .
The Kow YOl'le jllllgo who hos reflls
eel to elechu'o th/lt / a ml\J'J'loo ! Is Illesa !
hecnuso It Is loveless wlll , uf COIIl'se
he condemned , r < Jgal'llloss of contelllJ1 )
of courl. hIII / I'olll/lntlc / Iwople.
- - - - -
{ "hp.l'e IsI / 'olln , ; mall III Pcnns 'I\'a
nla who hUA attelldeel SlIlIdu ) ' schoo
1,300 limes without missing a Sun
da ) ' . He ought to he ollllhlo Cor 1
good jell In the Stullllal'lI 011 omce.
Preshlent Hal'wl' ) , who sa"s tltn
"tho lIrlght stlldellt Is almost III way :
lnzy : ' llrolll\hl ' fcels thut ho roull
) lOllIt out a numll(1oC \ students whl
are cultiyatlllg I"l'lmtatlon for lJrlgh1
Loulsvlllo , K ' . , claims IIrst rani
amollg the cities of the wUl'ld as
t < lmcco manufacturlllg c < Jlltor. Pc
orlu concedes this. hilt IlIslsts tlm
tolJacco Is ollly one of the necessal'l < J
ot life.
A I"l' < Jllehmall on 1.01l Isalld ) hl1
: lIscovl'l'oli fin "llIfal11l1lo ollJosltO" t
I ho mosquito , whIch ho IIromlses , wi
I'xtermillato that ) Iest. After It h
' ! 3ton UI all the mosqulloes , what wi
It do next ?
_ .
- - - - - - - -
Out at : 1111101' . S , D.I / womfill de
) ! Crtllo : has aW < JII the tow II anll Iell
nailed Wlluul' Qulrl" a drill , ; rlork. \ \ '
extelld lII' s'lIIlmth ' to Wllhur nIl
l'lI1llhallc 11) ' llrotost that the l\1I111
woman In 0'\1'1'111 : ' ; the lea)1 j'eal' hm
ness too far.
Now It Is annoullced thut the Spa
Ish sailors , /lnll / not Dowey. Sl\l
SpaIn's shltls at 1\1/lnlla. / Presumah
the Spaniards saw that Clno 0 ; 11
tleets must lJo sunle aliI ) wlt'o tl'l
Cl\tltll1an courtesy docldod HInt
Ihould not lJo that o ( the YIGttors.
I. \ '
. ,
, ; \ . , " , .
- - . -
. ,
. . - ,
" " " . - . ' "
- .ur. - - - - _ ' . . _ _ _ . _ - . . , - _ - - . _ - - - w. - . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . - . - . _ - _ _ - _ . , _ . _ . - . . _ _ - . _ . . - . . - . . - _ - _ . . . - _ . . . . . - - - - - - - - . - . . - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - . - - . . . . . . . . - . - . - - . - . . - - . - - - -
; - ; , ' ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; : ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
r . . . . _ . . . . _ _ . . : ? : ( : : . . . . : . . ' : . J
' "
m , II
I McmorlLlI Temple to 35,000 Iliinol s Soldiers to Be Erected In the NLltl onal Mlllt ry PLlrk at Vicksburg.
CommissIon to Pass on PILlns fer
Vicksburg Monument.
Pillns for 11 $1 fiOOOO 1I10nllment to
bo OI'ectell 0) ' the stlltO of Illinois In
the 1I'1t1onal military Imrl , at Vlcles.
hurg , l1AB" In hOlloI' of the : : [ ; ,000 sol.
dlefs atHI sallorA who IlI\rtlclpated In
the , ' ( ego of that city from March 2 ! )
to .July 01 , 18G3 , have hoen completed
IInd IIJ'esent(1 ( for final allll'O\'al to
the state commission ,
'rho monument w111 ho In tlle shalle
or a rotunda 01' clrculnl' temlle. ) con.
stl'llcted of whllo nmrhlo 01" granite.
with ul'on7.o ornamelltatlon. Sur-
mounllng- the malll ) IO\1I0U \ , which
w111 lIe forly.elght Ceet In 1lIllInetOI' .
will ho a hemispherical domo. the
CroWII of which w111 ho I1fty.clght fect
In helgl't. In the lulIment ) ( oC the
Jlorllco will ho scullJtul'etl a scrlIJo.
which , with lIg-ures of Fame a 1111 Val.
or , will represent History rocOl'dlng
the de < Jds or the lllinois s01l11 < Jrs as
the ' ) lass , On ul'onzo tahlet In the
Illtorlor will lie lJas.rellef rOlres ) ( > nt-
Ing Hlchlll'd Yates , the war govurnol'
oj' lllhlOls , presenllng to U. S. Grant ,
his commission as colonel uf the
'l'went ' .flrst Illinois. Olhor talllets
will represent the gUll boats runnlnl ;
I ho hlllt ( > l'leR at Vlclshurg on the
night of Alrll ) 1 n , 1803 , : UII ) the surrender -
render of Vlclsburg lJy Gen , Pombol"
"With malice toward none , with
charity toward all , " words j'rom Lln.
coln'o seconll l'UlII gll I'll I , will ho en.
gra ved II ro 111 II ) one slelo of the extorl-
or of the dome. On the 01l101' shlo
will ho the last phrnso from Gen.
Gl'hnt's farewell ordol' to the army.
" us hnvo IICaco , " On tllO grollnds
wu'ro the temll ! : ! will hI ! located will
ho eight ) ' stone marlwrs to deslgnato
the ) Iolnts where IIfty.l1vo Infantry
r < JginH'nts , fifl cn haltHrles of arlil.
cavah' ' ad.
lery and ten troops of
vancoll nearest the worls.
'rho SIJot Is one of the most con-
slllcuous within the limits of the mil.
Ihlr ' lIarl < , anll wan Iho ) Joint 1I110n
which the i\IcAlllstOl' hn.ttm' . ' was
stalon : ( > d dmlng the Riege. It Is wllh-
In sixty rol18 or what was ono of tlto
strollgest fortresses of 11O COllfutPI'- !
ate strongholtl. which WIlD deslgnatell
hy most of the unlou soltllors us fort
1111. .
1.0an'8 ; 11lvlsloll oC the Seventeenth
ormy corps was strllng along this
posilioll , allll the 1I10st falllOUS SIII
1'111I II ) ' the soltl1el's In I.ogan's com-
lI1anll IJfiSSeA the ImolllllHIII which the
state will erect the momorlul.
Pastor Gives Up Salary.
A mild sensation was caused In
\Vanen A venllo Uapllst chllrl'll , 1Il.
wfillkee. by the annollncemcnt that
for three ' < Jars past , a 1111 ntlrol ' IIn.
Imown to the groatlr part of thosl }
who hubltunlly altellll the chmch , the
) JIIstor , Hov. Hm'hurt S , JOIIIISOII , has
Ilollllted every cent of his sulnr ' -
'el1l'-towul'Il derl'a 'lnp the
$3 , OO a - ;
cllrrent eXIll'nsus of the church mill
carr 'lng on Its InovolentVorle. ) .
Brakeman Becomes Millionaire.
John A , Bunting , whllo II hl'llico
man on the HOllthern Pacll1c a fo\\
is 'ears ao , lJought some lanll III tIe \ (
o 1\ern river district uf ' 1'oxas , Whor
II the all oxcltoment arose In that RCC
lS tlOII ho secured OlltiOIlS on some mort
II lalld. which ho held unl11 It hocam (
the center of attl'lIctloll , Tholl hI
soM lit his own price , retlllnlllg Ronll
s. of the most valuuhlo , lie Is IIOW lIe
( I. 1I0ve(1 ( to ho a mlllionalro ,
ld Mr arrlson'a Good Deed ,
r lillI's. Bonjamln lIul'rlson reconU :
II. visited the l'eCm'm IIchoul Cor lJo 's I
Plnlnllold , 11\(1. ( . nnd bC'camo Intereste
In a colored 11\11 named A10\011110
11 nukeI' , who hl\d . 'Ecn ! sent there /IS / n
III Inc01'1'lslbl(1 , lrJ , 1II\rrison wns COI
I ' vlncol\ \ that ho wonltl respond to Id11l
10 I ) ' Illfluonco nnll when ho Waf ! )11\1'010 )
10 toole him to her home , \\'horo ho wI
It bo lralu ( > d UB a huusl' servant.
What has Uncle Sam acluall ) '
honght or contmctell to bu ) ' I\t Panama -
ma ? Lot us tal\O accuunt of stocl"
'fhose arc the Items :
30,000 acres /1'0111111 / at terminals
ancl alolll ; the ronte.
2,431 bnlldln s. Includlllg ollices ,
quarters , storohouscs. shol13 , hoslllals ,
and terminal she dR ,
An Imll1l'nse coll'ctlon of dredges ,
tugs , lJanes , exca vator , cars , locomotives -
tives , IUlll other machillery alld : Ippll.
ancl's. lIot considered or mnch ) II'esent
valll ( > .
\\01'1. done by tlto old and the lIew
FI"cnph companlos , with all esllmatecJ
rUnoml ! of auout : WOOOOOO cnhic yards
of matorl : ! . ! at a C03t of a little more
than $88GOOOOO ,
" , IIIIJS anI ! drawings. anll tlto l'OCOI' < 1S
athel'od hy the 1 < 'rollch englneor- ; ,
valned at $2,000,000.
The Panama railway , Inculllug ) 1ill'ee
For these neveral Items tlte second.
01' now , French compnny is to recolvl'
$ ' 10,000,000. Twenty-four millions of
this amoullt , loss obligations , will ho
turned ever to the old comlJIIIlY , which
hall Slent at the tlmo of Its ( 'ollullse
ucarl ' 2jO [ , OOOOO , lal'1el ) ' In IImmo-
The Hopuhllc of Panamu Is to 1'0-
- - " " " " J
" " ' " " >
Hugh McLaughlin No Longer Brool , .
Iyn Dcmocr 1tic BOS3.
Hugh l\lcLangltlln , tlte'elleraule
Broold 'n democratic Ipallpl' , has gene
to Florilla for his allnual vslt. ( 011
snch occaslolls In former Y'lIrs a
greut crowd of retaillers IICrOmlJIIIIIC'd
him to the heat , hilt thel'e wr.s 110
such domollstmtloll this j' < JI1The
old man hns lost his pollllcal grip
anll now thel'l" ! 111'0 few "so ) Jeer to do
him reverence , " Two or tllI'ee of hs (
oiliest Crl\I1IIs went alon , ] In w111
1I0t return until ahout AI1\11 I , and
Democrats who Coli 0 \ \ ' the ancient
louder's movements with some Intl'l'-
est tool , the fact of his nbsenco 1\111 II
thnt lime as all Indlcalloll.thnt ho has
no IlItl'lItlon of IlI\rtclpalin : In the
SI1\'lug ) Jrlma-Ies 01' 1'01l\"ClltlOIlS to
elect delcgates to the JIIltiollnl cen-
- - - - - - - - -
Mlnh.ter Deplores Entry of Women
Into Commercial World.
Dr. l llwlll 11. Dplle , lJaRtor oC St.
lalthew'H Lllthumn chmch , Phlladl'l.
Ilhla , luldreHsol ) tl1l' YOllllg WOIIIOII'
Chrl tln1l assoclatloll or that ellr thl
\\'l'el < alld rather astolllsh ( > ll his heal"
ers hy saylll : "I regret that wOlllen
has pvcr ellter < Jd thIs hard mco fr
lIIalllIg monC' ) " , I alii s1lre that some ,
thlllg of the flllolless of her JIItture h
IORt wholl Hho Pllters the bal't ( > rlnp
wOl'lel of rommorolallsm , IIl'l' flllel
nalmo Is slIllJllerged In the strlfo Cm
mOlwr a111 persolllli 1111"IIIl'O lIIen I.
This \\'as 1lI\l'tleulllrl ' Unlll'al : allt cloc
h'llIo for Dr , De11'o 1I11111ence. . us Oll (
of the assoclatlol1'l1 chll'f olljects 1 !
to loole aCIl > r and IlI'olect self-sulllOrt
Ine women.
PLlderewskl LIS LI Host.
1. Padorowsl.1 Is thl' ) lOssossor 0
an estnto 1I0al' the little town 0
Im'gos , at which ho ontel'tall1s a va
l'let . of SlIosls , mllglllg front I'o 'nll ;
to mol'o OJ" less brola'l1 down I1l\1sl
clans , who , liS It wore. make his hOURI
thoh' home , Asl\Od h ) " an 1111111101'1' ( >
frlellll how ho 11IBIIwd ) of the IRllo
on such occaslol1s liS thot of a Ill1ml'
) JI\rt ' at whlC'h ro 'all - wes I Irelll'l\ \ 1
110 I'oplled : " ' 1'l1oso or my 0111 uoal' (
l'rs who hlv ( > dross sultl ! juln th
. . ' 1'110 others ' 1l1'lvon
pnrt (11'0 down I
n 1I0tol , whel'e a IJ'I\'Ilto dlnuer I
sel'vt'd to thom , at whlcll 1 nm , thoug
nbs'nl. stili 111011' lIost. 'l'hls the
IIJ'l'Cer to th ( con tmlnt nocos ar
\ \ hUll ro"nlt . Is III'esPI1t. "
col ve ImnwdlatC'lr $10,000OLO , and an-
nunlly , ufter IIlne years , the sum of
$2GOOUO , ' 1'he United States r < Jccl\"es
1'1'011I Panama the gmllt of a strip of
IUlul l1\"e ullt's wldo upon each side of
the cllllnl.Vo are ( Ilro to become
S110Hor8 for the cOlltllluanco of good
OJ'cPI' ! thl'Oughollt the now relmbllc.
TIll' totnl ( 'xca'allon 'ot to lJo dona
Is psl1nate(1 ( at about 9 , OOOOOO cuhle
ral'ds , not Incl1ldln1 ; the work at the
bohlo dnm and the Glganto sJllllway.
The COlllllletion at the canal to a Ilepth
of thirty-six feet fl'om ocean to ocean ,
a distance of fOl'tnlno miles , Is ex-
poctotl to cost ahout $1-I1i,000OOO , Vessels -
sels will navlgato this channel at a
mte. Including loclmge , of fOil I' mlles
1101' hour. All sailing craft will he
towed not onlr through the canal , hut
1111011 the Paclflc sldo for a long dls-
tallre Ollt to sea.
' 1'ho aggl'ogate Jlrobahle tonage Is
plnce. ! at all om 10,000,000 tons. Of
thlp business twenty lieI' cent will rOil-
sht : of coal. To what extent the canal
will prove 1l'Olitallle. aho\'o the cost
of lulmlnlstratlon , cannot now he
stntl'l ! . ' 1'he Suor. canal , under Brit.
Ish control , I'ela"s ) Its cost ever ' five
yearsFI'OIlI "What0 Are Bnylng
at Panama , " h ) ' Fl'Onk H , Taylor , ill
FohruI'y Booltlo\"e's Iagazlne.
' " "
M kil1g of a Hero In Ninc.Ye:1r.Old
Buffal , , ) Boy.
Heroism Is not conllnell to grown
mell nwl women ; it fl'eqllontly crops
Ollt III children , llecently 1lltllo girl
In Duffalo was so hadly bUl'l1el1 that
It was necessary to graft 2.10 squal'e
Inches of skin on Iwr lJody to sa ve
h ( > 1' liCe , Muny or hel' schoolmates ,
hoys and Irls'olunteeroll to S1l1111 '
the cutlclo f\"Om \ their own hOll1es.
The IIrst voltmtoer to ho talwn Into
the oporatln room was II hey ! ) 'ears
0111. who rofuspd to gl\"e his name , He
said he wns " 1Ulo : ZIII" and thllt
"Bello wOIIIll IUlow. " 'rho 8UI'1eon
remo\"ed three Inches of sldn from
his arm and the hey almost fainted
from Imlll , whllo the tonl'E I'llshed 10
hltJ C' 'es , Then ho tllrned to tile Sill'-
I- ; < Jon anll saW : "If It will help Belle
yon can talanothel' slice oft' mo. "
"L.lttle ZIII" , has a hrave and Stollt
honl't. ' 1'lwr\'s the 1IIalelng' of a hl'ro
In that hor.
Citizens of 501:111 Ohio Town Stand
by Their Neighbor.
Hapkell 1111 hy the clllZ < ! n < ; of Char'
don. II lIttle lown near Clovelnnd
' ] homas HUAsler , drl\'er of an Inde
IlollImlt ) 011 waon : Cot' two 'l'arH , ha
heen cm'l' 'ln on war with the Stnnd
i ai'll 011 company , At dlffcr < Jnt tll1Il'
the mammoth conclJI'n has s'nt 1'1\'u'
wogonA Illto the lown , oirerlll to 81'1'
consltleralJlr helow an ' flglll'p 1I0HRlpi
could reach and malw a IIVIIl , 'I'hl
citlzons Htllel , to the Independent Il\al
OJ' ani ) In cach coso the Uocl\ffellel
oCtollllH hns hooll forcoll out of thl
smull ! I'ld. 1I0ssl01' sa 'R trllll1llhnnt )
I ' : "A 1IIall who has his nel hl101' !
hohl1111 him eUII't ho 11l'aten hy al
old mll1lonnlro. "
ff Is There Lire In Metals ?
: \ dlstlngulshod Hl1l1loo scientist
.Jagull1s Chllnd ( > r lIoso , professor 0
selenco In the Calclltta unlvol'slt ' . hll :
o nssl I'tl'd that the t I'UO test or IIfo II
t ( IU object ts Its calIclt ' to rCSllonl
" to ext ( > rna ) stimulus-III mh r'OJ'd
1"1 Ill ! 1rJ'ltnblllty or sl'nsltlvelless'-lInd I
t. Is < 'lnlmod that , according to thl
I. tust , there Is 110 esscntlal dlCl'I'enC'1
e between animals and motuls , that :
a bar of 11'011 , In fuet , Is us Irrllnbolnl ) /
8 sonslUvo 1\8 the hllmlln bed ' , FIII'n
h ( 1' , ho sa "s a bal' of Iron can lJn 1.11101
-llmt Is ' ' or Its BOlIslth'
) ' - , dopl'l\'otl (
y 110"111 forovor-just as nn 1\III111nl 01
gllnlslll cun ue I\llle-i.
- '
. . .
" " .
' , ' , , '
. . "
. . . ' , . .
, -
- _ _ _ _ _ . . _ " " _ _ . .A" _ . _ . . _ . : '
- - - - - - - - - - = - - - - - -
Gave SlgnLlls Against Yalt : .
A Cnct that has just Il'alcctl ollt nud
Is 'et UnI010\\'n to the thousands who
witnessed the last lIarvurd.Yalo
game , with the excl'lllIon of u. few
1IIa 'ers and coaches , Is thut Carl 1\1ar.
shall did not coptaln the Camhrldgo
team In that contest.
' 1'ho eleven acted under the orders
or Bowditch , and Bowditch alone was
rosllOnslblo for the slgnnls of pIn ) ' .
In e\"ery Instalco the IIttio quarter-
hack , whoso \\'ol'k had been so severe.
I ' crlllclsCII dllrlllg the season. took
the signal from Bowdllch before
shouting It to the hncles 1\1111 forwards.
As a result , rellevod of the responsibility -
bility of captain , 1\1arshall showed his
onr ] trllo form of the year , For this
quarter of undoubtellly excellent plar'
IlIg calluer It wns a lucltless moment
when he was chosen captain. Leadership -
ership hopolossl ) ' hnndlcnJllCd his
work and ho Imow It , antI gladl ) ' ga..o
up his authorltlJecause he lenow
that undol' Uowdltch there would he
a bolter chance of winning the Yale
Offer High PrIce for Racer.
A big deal Is on for the plII'chaso of
English Lad , the winter favorite for
the Kentllcl\r Derbr , which will he
run 1\1 ay 2 , Ellgllsh Lad belongs to
Fred Cool" the St. LOllis boolunalccr.
The colt Is now at Churchill Downs ,
and , John E , l\IalldC'II , the Lexington
t1lrfman , offered $20,000 101' the ) 'Ollng'
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
. 0 00000\-
or JCY7 . ' , ' 0 \
C QC1.z : : > / ZE4VljJ13BT
( )
0 , 0 C.rRtW : 0
ster. 1\laddell mndo the offer to W.
E. 1'hl111118 , who traills the colt for
Fred Coole , Several dars ago John A.
Dralw Is rOllOJ'tod to have made all
olTor fa I' English Lall , hut this \\'as
aflerwaJ'lI donled. Later .Johnrl ' Far ,
the L01llsvIllo turfman , tried to llU '
the colt , hut dltl IIOt slIcceed , All
\fantell the colt III 01'1101' to have a
good chalice to win the Kellt1lclQ' DOl" '
br lIext sllrillg , If Inddon seCUl'es
hun , howev < Jr , ho will selld him gast ,
and ho will lIot start In the Dero ) " .
- -
McCoy to Fight AgaIn.
From the East comes the report that
"Kid" McCoy will re' < Jnter the rillg.
"BIll ' " Plerco , George Gardncr's man.
agoI' , wl'ltes that ho hns practicallY
arranged a mntch for his man with
1\cCor. ) ' 1'he hont Is scheduled to go
flrtoon rounds , IInd the Criterion Cluu
of Uoston , hofore whIch Garlltwr and
1\larvln Hart fOllght , has made a hid
tor the contest ,
l\lcCoy waH loolwd UIOII as rotlred
whell , Jncl , Hoot heat him UII at Do-
trolt. ApIlrenllIcCor : ligures that
I ho has lJoen out of the limelight long
onou h , alld 1lIltlo udvertlsemollt
wouldn't eOl11o amiss at this slage.
- - -
"Prson's" f.cheme Prospers ,
A 11I0\'el1lont 10 organlzo a lIational
boxing asioelatloll to classlrr wolghts ,
etc. , which was Htartell hr CharIeR E ,
Dnvlcs or Now Orleans nnd ' 1' , S.11'
c1rows of 1\111 wallll'e two weoles ago ,
Is JII\elfllg with greater success thllll
oXIlocted , and the 1IIIIIcations now uro
that the nssoC'latioll will ho fOJ'lnod.
I'a vorablo rl'plles ha vo heon 1'0c ( > lvoll
fl'ol11 cities In the east. mlddlo west ,
sOllth and \\'eRI. It Is IlI'ollalJlo that
the moetlng will lJu called for Pitts.
but'g l ob. and 7 , A dol1nlte rail wl\1 \
bO sent out within Iwe'l , at' two ,
- - -
Trotting Necrology oC 1903 ,
Amen ! ; the host l'OCOl'd h01'SOS thnl
died during 190:1 : were : Arch W. ,
: 2 : 11 ; B'lIzl'tta , 2 : OG ; llIonda Hed
I wood , 2U8'4 : ; Blrchwood , 2:1 : j 13011
UII'd , 2:22 : ; Courier , 2:16 : ; Ednn
Coole. 2:12 : ; I1all'olntel' , 2:0H : ! ! ; Klllg
Charll'f1 , 2 : 08 % : Lou Vallghn , 2 : O)1A ! ) ;
1'Ixle ' . 2:0SYs : ; mhna , 2:0911. : : ; Seneca , .
See , 2 : 11 Ys ; 'rho : 'Ilol'chunt , 2 : 131,4 : 'i
The Swift , 2:09 : % , nnd Vendor. 2:11 : % . ,
- -
Corrlgan'o FIne Bunch.
Thoroughhred hlood from the hluost-
\"C'ills of some of America's most noted
turr Jlerfol'ln < Jrs or the pllSt Is ropre-
st'nl cd III the list of unllamed 2'rear-
olds which Ed C01'l'Igun will campaIgn.
on'estel'll trocl\s next summer , a list
of which Is fUl'IIlshed br the nomlnn-
tlons mnde to theew l\IemphlR
, Joclcey cluh's staleeR. In addltloll to l
the j'ollngsters bred hy Corrigan him.
self from his own flne tUIIII of brood
mares , there are 80\"el'al colts alld flI-
lies on the list gl\"en which wore hred
In Ellglalld out fouled In this COIIII'
tl' ' .
Boxers and Their Wives.
YO\lI1g Corhott. It Is t'umored , will
marr ' and settle down. 'fltls , or
course , Is II commendahle resolutlon ,
hut can the young admirer at the
hrlght lights stlcle to such a resolve
for any length of time ? Probably he
can-If ho gets the right ) \Jnd of fI.
wle. There nrc man ) ' hoxers now
In the IIroCesslon whose wives govern i
their aCfalrs with rigid hand , nnd
these are the men who will have
ample means when the ) ' retlro.-Chl-
cage Inter Ocean.
Keeps Sk 1t1ng Championship.
Adollh C , G , Anderson sustained
his reputation as champion slmter or
Illinois by winning the feature e\"ent ,
the one-mile race In the tournument
conducted hy the Northwest Slmtlng
club at Garfie1r1 park , Chicago , Anderson -
son went the mlle In : : : 05 , nnd won
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
. _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
, I
. . . 1
. . . . . . .
. . . . .
from I1al'l'Y L , noddy , who flnlshed I
second ; Harry , Halvorsen , who
callie In third , and II. V , Nelson , A. C.
Ensll , lIud Edward Hllnsc ; } .
I.\thletics PLlY at MlchlgLln , I
That the University of J\l1chlsan
athletics are Ilrofltablo is shown oy I
the reports at the annllal meeting. ' 1'he i )
I1l1nnclul statement shows that from
Jan , IG or last 'eal' there were $ Gl , I
1301,9J ! tal\On III as l\llchlgnn's share of , \
gate receipts In all lJrnnches. ' 1'1\e to. '
tal expenditures were $ 'l [ ; , 63G7 , In.
chilling $20,000 set alnrt for the new I'
lJrlck wall allollt Ferr ) ' fleld. "
Gans Wins from Fitzgerald. ,
Deforo a crowd or 4,000 people at
the Armor ' nt Detroit , .1an. 12 , Joe
Gans of Baltlmoro defended the title I
of . lightweight champion against Wil.
110 Fltzgorald of Urooltl'n and won In
a common canter , It was a good bOllt
all the wa ' throllgh , lJllt the colored
boy was too clever for Willie , and I
scored a hnlf dozen Imocledowns ur-
Ing the contest. "
Fox to Coach Purdue.
Kegotlatlons uotwoou Athletic DI. '
reclOl" Clllts oC Pllrdlle and Captain
Jlmlll ) ' Collins of the Boston American
leagllo baseball team , huvo heen severed - I
orod , anti It Is understood that Col. I
IIns will cOIh another lInlvorslty
team , and Cnltaln } Billy Pox or the
Indlaualolls ) Amorlcan nssoclatlon
team will coaeh the uO\lol'Ulal < ors. . 1- '
World's Record for O"kILlnd. )
.101111 A. Scott. an outsider , wall tlto
Adam An l'ew selllns atal.os from I I
Jockey Cluh by a hond nt Oaltlantl
Jan , 10. and 01'01\0 the world's rocol'd
for six and n half furlongs. lIe CO\-
oro\ \ the dlsmnco In ' 1 : 18 1.2 , tllo 111'0'
\'IOIlS mnl'le lwlng 1 : 18 3. . n1l\1Io b ) '
Jnne Holly ut Washington pal'J { .