Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 04, 1904, Image 1
ol3\1.\l L\\JtlLthm \ S\Glc 11\at \ ' . . . \ : : : ; : ' ' USTER OUNTY EPUBLIC N : ] S'I'ABI"ISHgD 1882. 'l'IIE Oli'FICIAL PAPEI 01i' CUS'I'EH COUN'I'Y. lAHGES'I' CIl CUI"ATION 014' ANY PAPml IN 'I'HE COUNTY. - _ _ - - - - . . U01 VOL XXII. BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , FEBRUARY 4 , 1904.--EIGHT . PAGES , NO.34. . I - - _ _ _ _ - - i - I , ' 'y I . II I . I ) J ( 'tlRl'nr- ' _ _ _ _ - - - - - - I i Different Times. havc llifIercnt tyle ! . ! Iud tnnclt.s ; . but then' are scvernl staplclIrtl- des ill our lillc that show little. b ! if any. vnrience. In siln rware for tabe ] this is especially tn\ ( ' alld we are showing SOIle of the tuakes that were famous years ago. But we havc thc new as wcn as thc old , and you wi11 find cvery worthy novelty here at prices that tell of very 1II0d- est profit e'\pt'ctalions What l'an we shm'ou t rct' , A.I ! # d : i " , , 9 f " 'S ) O ! " " ' " 3vCb ( fDvC . . . . . 1WII 1 UmC .c. IW'- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ! ( .f : School Books. , I , j " -3k Tahlrts { * I , .It ' 1' , I , --.Ulll- "r- , } I , , School SlIf > f > lics. ' " , I I - " " - , J. G. Haeber.le 's I \ I I I ' : r- 8 "he mount Grows 8 'lllldd ) . .Ilkl 1. " , ' _ 1I.t ,1"1' " II S I 0 Belore 'th .11 , 'CIl1I1t wu. ; upenell R money vas ' ' : \ \ Ithout thong-hI. M Now It 1i ! sellt to tlw I Custer National Bank S R and such nlJ1s a may he required ure withdr.\\11 upon presentatioll N . . 8 of cheque. This s a check 011 e- 8 penditu s and reduces to a mini8 I IIIUIII the possibility of errors ill S o accounts. The busillt'ss of the 0 S Custer l'ational Dank is conducte 8 R 011 safe Jines an the interest of S dl'positors fully safegucIHel1. ! 8 H. LOMAX , Cashier. : r.r.r.f : : ; : " :1. . : . . ; . -.r I r = . . : \1. A I1. J . .ill. ' [ J < < rIPJ11l1EJEiF : ! : ! ! ) or thIrty YI'nr I : l.pCI ) , ' 1 " 0. cricl. RQlo Rutllllllkcd .pPr.l 1ty "t III1cllol1l'01lnl : fit , .11 " ' 8S. . CIlII 011 or wrllc lilt ! lit IIrokt"n h.\\ . ClorlllJkll - - - - - - - - - - - - - - J. G. Lconard bondcd abstrac- ter. 39tf - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - An Estey Organ Free ! - - We will furnish all that will call at our store , pumpkin seeds free , and to tb ( > person bringing us thc largest pumpkin grown . from these seeds. will be given the organ. Contest to end on the third day of the "County Fair of 1904. " Ryerson-George Co. : : : : : if : : : : : . . . . . _ - - - - ' - - - - - - - - " - - - - - - - - - - - .J. g. .Johns of 1\Ierna. wa a lJusitte s call1'r at this ollice ! Sa tur : ty. I Don't forget the I h ion at the Episcopal church the 11th. 12th and 14th day of the 111011th. c. U. 'I'a vIol' of Berwyn. was a city visitor"l'uesday. -Iereports that his father , J. O. 'raylor . is improng slowly. , W. L. Woodsol1 of Ansl'lmo , I was a city \ ' sitor ' Ionda ) ' . He callcd at thig otl ce and had his name' enrolled for the l HPUIlI.I- CAN. 'fhe Christian mndca YOI' of the Presbrterian church will g \ ' ( ' a Colonial party on Fri . ay c\'ening [ i'ebruary 19th , in the Odd [ 'ellows halJ. l oose\'ell Cluh meeting ned l'ues av - night at the Court House. All that endorse Presi- llent Hoose\'elt's administration : ire invited. : \ . K. LCl' of l ound Valley , who has been west \Vashing- - ton , Idaho , l\lontanna and 'Vyo- Ilting for the past eight 1110nths returned to this city last week. Sunrise Prayer Meeting at Prcsbyterian church Febnr.u ) ' i , at 8 a. m. All young people are im-ited. l amah Rverson . , I.eader. W. J. [ ice of Rest. was a city visitor Monday. He reports that the patrons are very much pleased - ed wi t h the rural mail route in that vicinitv . that runs out from lerna. J. W. Scott and daughter , Hazle left Broken Bow Saturday for Humboll , this state , where Miss II azle goes to take a course of treatment. She expects to he gone six months. Leonard Hersh rdurued yesterday - terday from a two weeks visit with his parents \Villow Brook , 1issouri. He brought , . . .ith him some finc corn as a sample of \\-hat-they raise in that localit.y. Wl' notice in thc Knoxville Express , Oa. ) that B. Ii' . Crouch. \wl1 known to a number of the readers of thc I HPUBLICAN. . died on the 2th of January with c'r'bal . He leaves ( ( apoplexy. a dl'voted w ire and two sons to mount his death. . \ I'-armcr's ' 1 nstitu te has heen arranged for February 22nd and 23rd. 'I'he Custer County Horticulture - culture Society WIll occupy a portion oi the time of thc first day. State speakers will hp. present - sent and there will he papers from local tallent. Squires Bros. reali : ' . ng' the brnefits derivcd from a liberal e of printers ink planted a good advcrtisement of their husi- ness in the RnpuBLIcAN last week. If you are looking for bargains look up their advertisement - ment and see what they ot1'er. H. L. Ormsby who has heen absent from tlie city thc past month on a vacation returned home Saturday night and resumed - ed his position as station agent. lr. Ormsby "isited se\'eral cities of interest while g'one , including Gah-eston. Texas. Hl' reports having- enjoyed the rest the vacation - tion afforded him \'cry much. I Ryerson & George arc reaping I a rich han'est from a fine display arh-ertisement they placed in the I HRPum.IcA- week. I f you have 110t read It look it up thi. . w'ck. 'rhey are olTering har- gajn in which you are interest- ed. Among- other things th'y offer is a ticket free to the t. l.oui" exposi t lOn for tl1l' most popular young lady in the county. See the propo ition in this issue. i I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " - . - - - - - - - - - - : st"t"t"t""tt"ttttttttttt"ttftttttttt"t"tttttttt"t""ttttt" ! " " " " " " , " , , , " " , " " " " - - - - : "rhe Treat Of The Season ! - - - - - - - I : - : : : . The New Orleans Colored Concert Co. will giV\ - : : : : : : : : : : une of their ct"lebrated " musical cntprtainlltl'nts in till' : : : : - - . - - - - - ' - - ' - - . = = Opera House , Tuesday , February 16. : : : " . - . . . . - I . : : : : : ' 1' ] 11S , prolmuy ] IS one 01 the most .1- : un ert = = , I : - = companies 011 . the road today. It has among the . large - : : : , , : : : : : : : Itum b er'olces some of the most celebrated sll1gers on : : : : : I = = the stage. They give the old plantation songs. camp- = = ; E meeting hYll1ns and up-to-datc music with an enthusiasm = = : : : : : that. IIH.k ! s them justly celebrated. Churcbcs endorse = = I E and employ them. Don't fail to secure scats for this trca = = : : : : : : of the season. : : : - - 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111 . . - . . . . . . . . . " . - -ft' I i lJurgl t'I 1'I1I . ' w. g. Hushaw. cxpcrt electrician - I' cian of Woodbinc , Iowa , 'l'ues < lay completcrl the work of putting in- I to thl' Brokcn Bow State Banl < of this city , a burglar proof dec , 111 a nll fad ured by the > Amcrican Bank Proteelor Co. . of 1\linnca- polis. 'l'hewlt is lined with douhle sheets of stN'le plate with space uetwecn the shcets of stcele in which is laid the electric chords u. ) ' which the entire interior of the vault in- clurling' thc door are charged with I'lel'lricit.r. Six dozen batteries are used to supply the clectricity. ' 1'he machincrv and wires are so constructed alid attached - tached that no part of the \'auUs or gongs can ue tampered with without turning in the alarm , which would set all the gong in connection therewith to going. There an' some ten of these j gongs or hells located in and out-I side of the building and when once started they will not stop until some one entcrs the \'auIt and hlrns 011" the electric cufrent. Another intercsting feature is that should the cashier forget to close the door at 10 o'clo k p. m. , tbe hour the timc lock is turned on. tbe current IS automatically turned on and the general alarm is until the l'ashicr kept up appears - pears and closes the \'auIt. When once closed , not even the cbashier can get into the vault for eight bours without turning on the alarm. We would judgc from the appearance of the machine - chine that the mechal1ic ! un is not difl cult to understan and that it will produrahlo and highly sa tisfactory. C. . Martin , who thoroulbly tested the advantages of adver. tising in the newspapers last season , has again engaged the space in the RgPUIJLICAN he oc- cupiedlast year. Mr. Martin is here for lmsiness an he wants tb ( ' public to know it and has wisely secured space in tht > I l\- PUIII.ICAN to enlighten thl' people by te11ing what h ( ' has tos11 ltd what he can scll them for. He always has bargains. Ree his alh'ertisemcnt this week. Colleate Ne" ' , , 'J'hc studcnts ' half-holidCl ' WCrt' given II - ) Thursday 1II0rnin to enahle thclII to vicw thc wreck. Edna Rockwell rC-tmt red col1eg Mon- da } ' . She is taking the husiness course IIn(1 ( rc\'iewiug in shurthaIH1. 'rhe busiuess ] ctter writing class unclcl' Prof. Minick arl' doing well atlll seem to take u li\'ely interest in thcir work. Orcelia Lamphear has heen abscnt the last few uys on account of II severlt cold which has kept her a close prisoner. l\lr. Carlos' closs in arithmetic is wrestl- illg with commission and brokerage while the other c1as'i is hUIHHing parti- t i'e i proportion. ' 1'he commcrciallaw class arc preparing - ing to discuss negotiablc papers and business - ness transactions as thcy will filHl those things in the busine < ; s prnctioe ! class. : \Ir. IIane " a former student of the telegraphy ( epartment. was called as a witness at the iuqucst held on Fri ay. 111. took at1\1\nta e of the opportunity to visit the college 111 the lIfternoon. : \Iany pcople are of the opinion that it is not wise for chil ren to graduate too young. Herc is what two young grClllu- ates arc doing : Lee Gosseen ] raduatcd froUl the Ansley high schoo ] a Itttll' more than two years ago at the age of IS. came to the Broken Bow Business College and complete ( ] the husiness alld shorthand course in ahout 15 1I10nths. A month latcr he secured a position ill Emmerson. ebraska , as slellograplll'r , at a salury of forty dollars per 1I10nth. About four months later he securctl II position with the l' . 1' . railroad at $45permonth. Now he has heen promoted and comlllan s a salcHY uf : ' 75 per month. Howard lIall is allother young gra uute from the ( ' 0- lege. Scarcely 17 years ol , he has exclusive - clusive charge of the collcction cpart. mcnt in olle of the wholesale Ulusic houses in Omohu olul ii1 furnisht > ll un as- . , istont stenogrnphl'r. The Big Vote Contest has "pctlell ut Ryersull-Geoige l.o. : Tht : following atld the parties and the mlln- ber of votes reccived uJl to 'rhursday morning. Fehruar ) ' 4 , 1904 : I : 111 ilia LaI1l1j'rl. rokell Jlow. . . . . . . . . . . Jt. Pearl Jewett. Hrok.m Hllw. . . . . . . . . .15 1\a Cay\\ooll.lIrokell Jlo\\ ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 ! lora Houlld'allI'Y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 I'e 1'1 11 II Iller. JI rokclI Jlow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ 11I"1rod Ire. Jlrok"11 Jlo:3 . \I1I\.lIll1c.CUIIIW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! 3 S'hla Cool. Calla\\ay. . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . lIS Jl. , , " II' SIIIIIII. Jlroken Jlow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 1:1101 : IIcllt. Callawa ) ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 floren , . . 'l'lIo tesoli. Jlrokell 110\\ . . . . . . . . It. l'r.\lld. , 1I1ltOIi.'t'IIi"ert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ( , J""lile Water ! . > n ! ' ) ' . 11erwYII. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 I < la I'I'roIerna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 1:1" " 1I11\ce.lIroken 110w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 lle'nllaooler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'I : \Iar ) ' COllie ) . Jlrok'11 ! Jlow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Ho ell1 ; HOller ; . Jlloken How. . . . . . . . . . . . . . c. . . % / ' \ \ " ' ! \\'alworll1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lr : \10. . . WIIII..IIII un. Jlrokl'lI JlOIl' . . . . . . . . . ! < : \llIlIlIe SllInn. Jlrokt'll JlOI\ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 lIall'lul'Il'Lu. . : ! . . Jlruk"l1 Jlow. . . . . . . . . . . . . ' \01.1 ' 1'1101'111011. W. liler\'IIIe. . . . . . . . . . . . 1:1li1' : ( 'al1llloell. Jlrokell Jlo\\ ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cllln'II' . ' fl1lt'r..ulI. lIroken Jlow. . . . . . . . . . 2 lIalel J"I"1I. Jlroken How . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! : \Iallde 'I'llorniun. Wesler\'llIt' . . . . . . . . . . 2 : \lan'Cvone ) ' . Wc t lInlon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 1JaL'ljUol. : . Merlla. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 hn".CllaJ..n.lJrokenllol\ . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Nellll : . Hector , IIroken Bow. . . . . . . . . I IJelle Hbude . Mason elt ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I I For furthcr information , read big "ad" un th 5th pa c : of this pa r. Chal gngland has the sympathy - pathy of his many fricnds of this \'icinity in his bereavcmcnt. Hi si k mothc1' . whom he'isit - ed at Chicago a fl'w wcelts ago died la ! > t Sundawce ! < . TIer remains - mains were tak n hac1 < to her old home in l' ostol' a , Ohio , for burial. ' { 'he l e\.ie\\-Dispatch in spcaking' of hel' death ! 1ays : " 'rhe rcmains of the lall' "Irs. ] .t'vinll lin land atl h'cll this IIftt'rtloon hoUl Clllcago at 5:35 : o'cl t'k OVCI' thl' Nicke ] Plate and wcrc tllkul to till' homc of IIt'I' son. P. H. Englllt1tl , at 322 ulllmit t. "he funcral scrvices will be held tOIllOI'- row IIftcrnoon lit . ! : Jo o'clock flOIll tIll' 1\1. E. cnurch and interlllent will he IIIR e in Pountain celUcten' . 'rh remuiu9l11a ) ' be vic\\ell during th forcnoon between the hOllr'i of 9 IInll It lit tnI' gt1 lal1tl houle. " - - - - - - - - Churc.h Her'.lc. . . . _ 1\1. CII1JHCII. . The IIIcetings thi'l wcek havc b'cll greatly helpful. 1II(11) ' have becn blc ed bv thcm ; sevcrlll converted ; thirtcen uidted with church. We hopc to make lIn lIY the b st of nl. ] We cordially invite - vite YOll to come Ulut hell' u lIIuke it so. ( eo. P. l'rites. PastOi. HI'15CtWAt. CIWRCII. Tht' new Arch Dcacou. the Rev. James Cope will hold C1 mi.sion in t. John' Hplscopal Church ne..t Thur day , Fri ay nn UlldClY. the II the 12th , lIul 14th of ) tebruary. Thc memhers of the church arc earn stly requestcd to atteud 1IleSl' services. An invitatioll is conHally ex- : tended to the pnblic tu heal thc / \ reh I neOl'On. IT. It _ cllunclI. Preaching by the pastol' next lIndllY lI1orninJ ; and evening. l\1orning subject. IIChrisltanH a llIessing to thc World. " Hveuing subjcct. "Seeking Go . " Preaching at Custer Center at J p. UI. The LadicH Aid Society will meet at the parsdnllge every \Ve ne.duy afternoon. All ladies are iuv le . , I. . 1. . Epic ) ' . I'U.tOl. ! I'Rl SD\WftRlAN clluncu. el vices next Sahbath morning Itt II u. 01. Evtning at 7:30 : p. m. In the lIIorn- ing the pastor will , Preuch 11 special sc'r. mon to the Christtan EdeRVLJI Society. "he evening will be devoted to It Christi. an I ndeuvor Annivcrsory in which thc society of the Christian Church will par-I ticipate. Young Peoples ( 'nion IIIccting 1 ut 6:30 : p. 111. 'fhere will also be a sunrise - ! rise meeting of the L'nion at 8 u. 111. The young people Utl' especially invitc to thest' ! 1ervicl' < ; . IIAI''l'IST ClTIJRCII. 1I1 illl' \\LJI.hip at J J a. III _ IUl'i.- , "Tilt- Mission of 11 Nobe ] Impulse. " J p. III. Junior II. V. P. l' . 6:30 : p. 111. el1lor B. Y. 1' . ti. 7:30 : p. m. gospel scrvicc of . soug allli sennon. topic , "A Peculiar. Power. " 'J'here will be haptislll at this We nesday 7 :30 : p. III. prayer time. Thursday 2:30 : p. 111. Ludies Aiel Society : It the Church. Boys Brigadc drills Mon ay afterttoon Itt , I. The Dible school at 10 on Sunduy morning is thc brightest place illla inahle to spcllIl u profitahe ] hour. CHRISTIAN CHUHClI. "Jelus : With lIis Disciples i 1 a Stonn. " will be the theme of the pastor's setlnon at II o'clock. Sun ay Schoo ] 10 a. m. There will be no services at the Christian Church Sunday vening. At 6:3u : p. III. The Young Peaple's lJnion will lIIeet at the PreHbyterian Church. At the sallie plac till" Endeavor Societics of the Christian alill Presbytcrian church will rendcr an excellent progralll during the regular church hOIiI' . At cight o'clock Sunday moming there will he a Sunris Prayer Mecting at the Presbyterian Church , RalDah Ryersons. leader. It \\ill pay you to attend these services. Jeessc R. Teagar cn. 1'astOi. Programme. A programme to be ' ' 'i\'cu the Endeavers of the Chri tian and the Presbytcrian churches at the Presbyterian church li'ebruary 7th , to take the place of the regular - ular evcning preaching services : 1I'IIIII ! . > y till ! COlllrrellaUOIi. I'rt 'er. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HeShetler Scrlplure Hetlillll. . . . . . . _ . . . . . I' " 1\1. Sldllmtn Duct. . . . . . . . . . . . .H3I11ah a 11I1 Maurice RyerMon Orilrlu allCllIl lor ) ' or the CllrIAllanl ndea\'ol' . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sadle'hltchead : II 'l1In ! . > Y Ille Coullrellalion. Recilalion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! lla ! . > le 1"11111 , Special music. Ililurplell"lrlhol'ledlle. . . . . . . . .11,1'111'1'1 W"IIS Anthem ! . > . IlJe Cllulr. What help I ! > ancllve I ndca\'ur SOClel ) ' lu 11IcChurcll ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1\Irti.lubauk Special musIc. Reel1atloll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1dnl Holcol1lb 'fhe Aelludcaor \9. ' 1'lIe Inlcllve. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .l1on. L. 11. " Jewell Hymn ! . > Y tlJe Conirrellauoll. Opel ! Parlimelll , I.ead ! . > y. . . .Hev. TCillnrden tlJrllskl1 ! Edftorll. 'l\h State Press Association at l04incoln last week had an unusual - usual large attendance. Between 135 and HO , we understand were enrolle . The sessions were all both interesting and protitabe. ] 'I'he local committec of I incon ] , who was in charge of the entertainment - tainment spared neither effort or expense in secing that the \ ' 8it- ing members were royally enter- tained. On ' { 'uesday lIight a fine banquet wa given them at the club rooms of the Elks. ' [ , h ( ' lo : al members of the Elks had charge , a ! > sisted hy the local Prl's , " , cotluniUel' . ' 1'ho. . . ( ' in at- tl'ndancc havc reason tu always remcmber the Elks of J.inwln with pleasure for tll ( ' royal manner entertai ncd. Un ' 1'ues- da ) ' cvening a larg-L' nUll1hl'r j acccpted an ilt\'italion from the manugement to visit the memori- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ; , , , , " ' " " ' " " " , " * " " " " , " ' " " " , " " " ' , , E : = = - - ! H 'arneSSLt , - - 1- - 1I I = = One ul the 1arg-l'st llarnes li'actories ill the statc wcnl = = I = = into thl' hLltll1. . of a l'ecc'er a few weeks ago , and we = I = = with othcr parties. 1I1u1 ( a bid 011 their cntire stock = = I = : and got it ; al1tl we are now in a position to scll .rOIt = = : : : : : Harness at Less than the Jobbers Sell the Re- = = i : : : tallers. . H l'e arc a few of the many bargains I can = = E - - g'1 ve YOll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . = = " - - t . 1.1l 'h , Teum f Ilrness , HoguIIlI' $20 00 : : : : prICe 28.0U , UUI' I ) rICO. . . . . . . . . . . . . : : : , u..I1l h Teum . HeguIm' 3 u. : n.m.tIeSS , $20 00 : : = pI'H'P 2H.I ( ( } , Our .1 > l'lCl' . . . . . . . . . , . . . = = - - - Tearn BC.idles , the best , per pair. . . . . $3.26 = = EJ J ! inch Leather. Halters with tie , each. .75c .3 E : 1 inch Lines , best nlade , per pair. . . . $2.76 = = . I E Web Haltet.s , best rnade , each. . . . . . . . .25c = = 'E ' I-'anle ' Straps , each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 c = = = = \Vool"Faced Collars , each. . . . . . . . . . . . $1.00 = = - - - - : : : : 'L'hcl'e is a lot of other things in this stock at corres- : : : : : = ponding' low prices , sitch as Quirts , Black Snakes , :3 : : : : : . Buggy Whips , and there is not an article in tl1l' : : : : E : whole stock that is not new and bright. Come in anI ! = = . : : - : : : . - look it O\-CI' whcther ) "ou intend to buy or not. . . . . . . . - : : : : : - - = = "The Dealer That Saves You Money , " :3 ' CaS. MARTIN Mfl . . , ! . Agt - - = = AND DEALElt IN:3 : - - : : = . N l' -'l'l lJS'T' GOO US. = = 1- . - 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111l11111kl1 ! ! 1111ilil111 . : - - - - - . . al rooms of the Statl' University where luncheon was served. ' ' in charge have the exhibits - , hibits in much better shape than they were two years ago. but the. rooms arc cntircly inadaquatc for the purposc , and no enc visiting these quarters will regret thc day when a better place can be provided 1'01' the ITistorical Society of the State. An urgent invitation wa ex- , ten ed by Chancellor Andrews for the members of the Associa- tiull tu \ ' sit thl' atl' Farm , hut business of the association continued - tinued S0 late in thc afleruoon it made it impractical. An invitation - tation to visit the B. & 1\1. shops at Haveock ] wa ! > declined with' ' reg-rets for the lack of time. Wednesday nighl a theater II . party was given to all who could attend. 'rhc ol1icers elected for the ensuing - suing ycar are as follows : President - dent , A. 'V. LHlrl of thc Albion News ; Sccretary-'rrcas. . G. Purcell of the : Custer County Chief. Corresponding Secretary , Miss Chattic Colemall of thc Strongsburg Headlight. Vice- President. li'irst Dist. , J. 'C. Se lcrest of State Journal : Second Dist. . C. E. Byers of ValleYi 'rbird DisC , A. C. Pratt of Hum- phrey ; Fourth Dist. . W. J.Yatts of Exeter ; Fifth District. A. C. l eady of Hnyl' < ; Center ; Sixth District , A. B. Wood of Gering. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - An invitation to'isit St. Loui during the \Vorlds Press Con- ress in June was accepted. 'I'he lJ1vitation included both the editors - tors and their wives orVeet - hearts , for which a special train will he proVided. - - - - - - - - - . C OUI. Begin with the symptolu5 of ( : I common coldi there is chillincs , snee ng , sore throat , hot skin , quick pulsc , hoarscness and impeded - peded respiration. Give frequent small do es of Ballard's I [ ore- hound Syrup , ( thr child will cry for it ) and at the tirst sign of a. croupy cough , apply frequently Ballard's Snow Liniment to the throat. 1\1rs. A. Vlict , New Cns- \ tIc , Colo. , writes , Nlarch 19,1901 : "I think Ballard's Horchound Syrup a wonderful remcdy , and so pleagant. " 25c , 50c and 81.00. Sold by Ed. McComas , Brol < cn Bow and Merna. - - - - - - - - - - - F Hhlouuble nreHHIUaJUuU' And ' ' . tJJJ-'I'o-JJntc. I"adies , 1 make a specialist of ladies tailoring , fanc ) " dressmaking - making- , cutting , fitting , etc. ] also take or ers for the Accordion - dion Pleated skirts. sunburst , Berlin si e pleating , tucking , pinking , shiring , fluting , etc. All work guaranteed first class. Residence in Realty Block , south of Public Square. Pleasc give me a call.-I"ILLIAN HUtL. 34-39 - - ' ' ' = . - - - - - - - - - - - atIllS- : : : ti .r = : : : : ; : - - - : ! Tucnmm 1 fdd SQUIR.ES BROS. Furniture ! Furniturel Furniture ! fJ I A enI' load of Furniture will be received at Hqllil'es Bros. next weuk , which wil } be. . . . . Sole ] at Bcd.Rock Prices to convince the public that hereafter quires Bros. will be headquarters fOl : Furniture of all kinds.V p will make you. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prices on Furnitul'e that will not be Duplicated in Broken Bow 01' any other city west of Lin- coln.Ve mean just what we say-Givp us H trial. \Ve are aso IwadqulIl.'ters for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H RNESS OE' LL KINDe and ke ( p a HI'Ht-class harness makel' at wurk all tw } timl. A t'ullline of' . . . . . . . . . . . liurclwarc , Implements , Buggies and Wagons , itlwuy- : . 1111 hand.Ve win sell you H. . . . . . . Bucrkcns Wagon for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . $52.00 Spring Wagon for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42.00 A Road Wagon for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24:00 Y uurlur Businc s. I ! Mi1 : S BIOS.