Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, January 28, 1904, Image 7
. ' . . " . . . < . ' . . . . , ' ' " . , I . _ - " : : : : : ; "I Veteran JORhul\ Hellor of 706 S. Walnut sh'eet , Ur. bana , IlL , sa's : "In the fall of \ IS ! ) ! ) after taltlll ! ; Do a n's Kidney Pills I tolll the readers of this paper that they I1nct rellevcd mo of Iddnoy trouble , 1 . d I 8 P 0 sell of 1\ lame back with linin ncl'oss my 'i' ' loins nndlJUncath i the s h 0 u III 0 I' . . _ .u _ ' _ u'L bllldes , Durln the Inten'al wUlcn l1as elapscd 1 have hllll occl\slon to resort to Donn's Kidney P1IIs when 1 noticed wvrllings of nn nUacle. On each nnd every occnslon the rmmlts obtained' were just ns satisfactory ns when the pllh were first brought to my notice. I jllst as emllmticallY en. , \ dorsn preparation to'day us 1 did over two ) 'ears ago. " , Fo'ter.1I1bul'll ! Co" Durtalo , N , y" proprlotors , For sale b ) ' nIl dl'UgglstG , ' prlco 50 cents pCI' box. r General MIIs' ( Savings Deposit , ! In his speech nt an Evacul1.l1on ay dinner In Boston the other e\'enlng General 1\II1es mentioned that whllo worl llIg In thnt city befol'o the civil Will' he save up a dollar and depos. Ited It In n sllvlngs banle , 110 had not thought. of It for many yellrs , but his visit. to Boston recall cd the mat. tel' , The officlllls of the bank loolted over th lr books nnd 8uro enough found thllt the dollar was there In the nnme of Nelson A , l\II1es , Unfor. tunlltely for him howver , 110 deposit of less tnbn $3 drnws Interest , so ho might as well hnvo had bls treasure bidden In n stocltlng , Cruelty In the Germ < 1n Army. Cases of cruelt ) ' to privates In the ' dall ' . The German army mulllpl ) ) most recent are that of Frnnszlc1 , a non-colUmlssloned officer In the Eight ) ' . fifth Infantry , who was tried on 1.520 ' \ counts of crueHy and convicted on 100 of thcm , lie got ten ) 'ears , ' 1'he In. terestln ! ; IJolnt of the case was that Franszl,1 hud left the arm ) " and was ' " . In IIamlmrg sel'\"lng as n. policeman when the accusations wore made , Another - other interesting case Is that of a pr [ . vate who was trIed for esertlon In Koenlgsburg and sentencedo 11lne months' Imprsonment [ , After he had be.un to serve his sentencc the case was reopened , It was lellrned then . that he had deserted through fear of his lifo , Once n non-commissioned of. ficer had threatened to run hllU through with his sword. The original sentence was quashed nnd the sol ler I restored to duty , No less than ten "non.coms" of his rcglment are being tried for cruelty , Words of Algonquin Origin. Alexander F , Chamberlan [ has d13' covel'ed that there are 1n : words of Ahonqllin erlvatlon In the Engl/sh / if , language , The Algonqulns occupied . \ \ n considerahlo section of this countr ' before they wel'o aslted to move 011 , Dnd some of the yerbal heirlooms they left are : Chlpmunl < , hlcltor ) ' , hominy , menhaden , moccasin , moose , mu [ wump , musqunsh , pemmican , per. simmon , pappoose , pone , porg ) ' , 'pos- sum , IJOWWOW , raccoon , samp , slmnlt , I squash , squaw , succotash , 'l'ammlln ) ' , tautog. terrapin , tobogglln , tomahl1.wle , totcm , wigwam , woodchuch , Let us haDe the winter will be.a failure Instead of the coal croJl , if f i Some men would b witty if they knew how to be brief , , Lo@king far a Hosue'l Then why not keep In view the fnct thnt tl10 farmln ; ; lands of vVestern j Canada lire ufhrjcnt to supvort a population of .5OOi.IUOlIO or ov'rl The Inllni rntlon for the past all : : ) ear. . . lias I > eell puenomenal. 1 FREE Homestead Lands easily acees51hle , while other lands lIIay I > e purchased - , chased from Hallway and Land c : onwanies , Tht' crain and razin lands \Ve.tern Canadll are tile I I > est on the rominent , produrinll the I > e t rain , and cattle ( red all crass alone ) rea y for lIIarket , J\lurketH \ , "rhoolll , nullwlI1'I ' Ulltl ull otlllr l'ulltlitlulllI multu'I'I'Iru ' Cu.lllillu un ouvl- Rhlu IIpot rur the Kuttlor , , Write to Superintendent ImmlrratlonOttul'IlCan' ada , for. . descrsptiv" Atlas. and olher Inrurmnlion. or to the authorized Can.diall Government A ent- W , V , II' nnett , bOl New York Lifa llullwull. Omaha , Neb , Ct\PSIGlH \ VaSELH E ( I'r"r1' 10 ; 1'00.IAI'OIIlt n 'ITIIES ) A substltuto "r nn s"pel wr to ml'lari , or Rn , . other pt..qer , an.1 will not I > IIt"r the IIIO.t ellrato . .h'I , The 1'3111 alla'in an curalh' " tlunlati. . of thl. ntlrlo a'o wOIHJuI..I . , It will Mop the to"lharhe at on. . . . . , end relieve h'ad- ad..IJ . ( , nl" , 'dlicli.Vo r" , omne,1 , it as the best .md aft.t ( 'xtcmal , 'ounl..r'IUIIDnt known. al o as an'mul rc ledy fol"'l'OIllS In the chest anl &toma , h and all I h'umalic , nenrnldc and \lOllty romplant ! ! , A trid will pro\o "hat we claim fo , II , 3nd It will bo founl to he in"nlll" able 111 ti , , , h"ubchohl. lIlany puoplo s'y "it Is tll best or oil ) our "re\Jnrlll on ' I'ri..o I/ / ) , cent. , al nil dr II : it1 or otl"r lIIale. . , or by sendll1 : fills un""nt to us in I'ostn " stumps We will s 11I1'ou n lube by mnil , No lIliel. . bholld ! be acc"I,1 I > Y Iho I'll ! olin IInll.s th. . 501110 , b caniuJ 1.111I1\1 \ , a. olh"l\vl > n II is 1I0t . nUllle , ' -r CIIESlmJl0l1011 MPO , CO. . ' a Ii btat" ' ) lIeet , ! ; w Y""K'CITT , N 1CI DIJIm , rfJany"hoformetly " , smaked lOt cigars nowsmo e t \f SfS JGtE ! tl 5'1'RAYGHT 5 CIGA. Your Jollbur or dlr c train FUClOr ) ' , I'corla , Ill , Wh n Answering Advertisements Kindly Mantlan hl. Pap" . I 1 . , - - , ' . . , . ' II . . ' - . . " ' " " . " - I < - . . . _ . . . . . . . _ . n'L _ . _ _ . _ _ . . . - _ , _ . . . . _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ . _ _ [ I EW IN NE IASKA 1 . - - . LIBERAL CONTRACT FOR BEETS AmtJrlcan Suar ( ] Beet Company Makcs Generous Dc,1 , With " " "mera. GHANI > Hi.AND-The [ A1IIl'l'lcan Del't Suglll' COll1llU1Y ! hils just. Issuud ' ' the ' of Its new cuntl'acts 101' I'alslng buets durin/ / ; the seaun ! : ! of 1 OI l\Iul 11. much Inure fu\"ornhlo contract than hns e\'er bl'lm Issuetl Is [ II'eaentell tu the fllrmC'I's , ' 1'he beet raiser hils , In. deed , the chulce of two contracts , uno the same as last 'l'al' and t he other Il 111lt rate contract , which. l'eJnl'tIlOSR uf the su ar content uf the hel.t- ! . 1I1'0\'lIlot [ enl ' , as alwtl.s , thnt It mllst lie 1souud beel-Im's $4,75 to the 1'armcr within hrmdl/ng / dlstllnco to the faclol' ' , with 20 cents : ultlltioulll for Buch of the heets which towal'll the I.nd ! of the season hllvlJ be on slloell beful'e dellvel'r , It. Is the eXllectation that. the boot ralsel'8 lu this vlclnltr , within hauln1Iistance / / of the factor ) ' , wl1hu'gelr \ tal\O \'Uutage or the IIlll 1'l1.te contract. It Is the first tlmo the choco [ of sllch favorable contracts us these have [ lCell submitted , Some of the farm. em have been favorable to the flllt I'llte IJrlce , owing to the fact t hut they could not wltholtt expeuso satlser themselves thoroughly us to the COI'- I'ectness of the tests , Others have pre. ferred the sliding scale , $4 Ier ) ton for 14 per cOllt beets ami 25 cent8 additional per ton for every addltlonnl per cent of sllgl1.r content 1'0111111 hy chemlclll Ilnlllysis made by the fllc- tory chemists , 'rho Jllll rllto contract. Is here regard ell as the most liberal ever made bj' n Nebraslcn. heet sligar com pllny , SHOT WHILE STEALING CORN William Lewis Prob < 1bly Fatally In. jured by Employe of State Farm , LINCOJ..N.-Wllliam LewIs was shot and 1Irobably fatally Lowls was shot state fann hy A. \ \ ' . Strlltton Ol' Bon Tuylor , employet > of the farm , Fur some time com hatl Icn missIng - Ing from the barn and the two men were etallelj to sleeJI in the hal'll and catch the thief [ f Ilo'slhle , During the night they were a wlll\CnCll by someDno In the harn and ua w Lewis. who hall nlt'eady carried out I wo Haclm full of grain anll rcturnl'd for more , They closed with Lew8 [ and Imoclwd him elown , hilt he got. upon his feet again alld ran , The men fired a1\(1 ( Lews [ dropped , The ball , a :12-cnl\her : \ , cntereel just helow the heart. Lewis was brollght to the city a1\(1 ( Drs , Benchley antI Slatatery WCl'O summOlu t1. They lire of the oplnon [ that Lewis' Injuries ure fatnl , though therc Is II hare chance for his recovel'r , Complete Railroad Schedules , T..TNCOLN-Socretary Beunett of the state hoal'l ( ofequallimt Ion has com. pletetl his schedules for I he nssess- ment of railroad Ill'OIJCl'ty and It In c1udes pvel' 'thing In sight. nnd wl1 : glvo UlO statp 'hoard )11enty ) of facts IIIJOn which tn hfl e I ho valne of the 1'l'I1n'hls ( ' . 1\11' , Donnet t eXllocts gre 1 resnlts from Iho n1C'etingH of the county assessors 80011 to he hold , 'rlH'se will he held in the senatl' Plmm- hel' , but the limo has not yet been del ermined. Ofllcl'rs w111 ho electell alld an organization w111 he effect ell. Tl w111 he hnlJl'essedupon the msessor3 ; that they arp responslhle for the worl , of their dOluties ) llIill the law will he discIIsscd with them In detail , tnsurnce Solicitor 1 = lned , PLATTS10UTIIJ. . ForrestIars : - ton was arraign'd hefol'e , Justice : \1. Ar'her nllll ) llent1ed guilty to the ! ' \mr \ e of havln sollC'ltl'd life Insur- an'e [ n Ihls stnte iIIe al1y , The court flnC'd him the sum of $50. Not havng [ thf' money to ) JUr the fi.10 hc was talc , en aclt to the ( 'ounty jail , LcwiG Di G from Wounds , LlNrOLNWilliam Lewis , who waR Rhot h ' A , "r. Stmtton at Ih ! ' state farl11 Sund:1\ : ' night while thought to be steallllg' ( ' 01'11 , 111 pel 011 Tue dny. At UIO eoroner's I1HuC'8t ) Stratton was exonerated from all hnme ) for the shooting , The eall man lell ves two sister ! ! ! lvng [ [ II Omahn , ilII'SIary Camllhell uf 2003 NOI'th 'rwenty-sec- ontl street anll a ilTlss Lowls , Young Girl Found Dead , SUPERIOR-Eunice , the 11. 'ellr.olll dnllghter of Rohol't "I ann , WIlS Ills , cO\'C'ed to bo tleael when callell to get up the othOl' 1110 mlrlg. It Is Ihollght the death tlue to ' WIlS a 1'111' t urotl blood vossol. Thie < 1 Good Year for Fruit. YORK , Nob.-H , H , 3ehnelbley , ono of the Illrgest I1.nd 1110st succC'saful fruit gl'Owers In Yorle countr uutl It close Ob el'\'Ol' of conditions , pl'otlcls [ thllt the cOl11lnS' season will bo 0110 of the besl fmlt ) 'oars , A ml1.l'l'lcd l111.n saj's bo objects to gl VIII ! ; his wife SIIOIHIlJ1S mUlloy bo- I'UUSO silo ' ' Irn'lIl'iably spends it , Dcnles All Liability , The Union Pacific Hllllway company tIle In the supl'ome cOllrt a brief th [ l'InJrnlng Ilny liability for the death of Michael Smith , 11. Woodlawn tm'm. 1'1' , who Wa ItHled In Oetohol' , 11) D. while ell'lvlns homo from 1..1I1coln , The plalllllfflar : ' SmIth , who nct d ns allmlnlstmtrlx of the estate of her husbnnd , sllod the COmIIlUl ) ' 011 the g'l'olU1t1 that It Was Ilf > gl/gent / In not 1'l'ncJng Its trnelt as roqulrod hy stat lito , anti thol'eforo ought lu be 11l'hl liabo [ fOl' the tleath or hl'l' 11118- hanel. .u _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ THE STATE IN RIrF , ' , I - 'rIll'tlmlOlr1 : 1'llell1c will ] 1U hI 11. n'w tll'lwt at. A uhul'n , hlmc Stanlll'wlcle , one oC I ho 1110' nl'l'r I'l'sldl'nts of Doollo count ' , died lit his 110111 ( ' In Albon [ last wwle. : DOllge cOllnt ' will silellll $2,000 11101'0 for hriliges this yoal' than last. ' 1'ho ( 'ost of hl'hlgo wOI'I { fOl' the ) 'l'ar lEI J l'stlmuted lJ ' the ! Jotl'tl ! of slillOrv1801'8 lit $18,000 , While , Jaco Baller , livIng' two miles sOllth oC Blllo Sllrlngs'IlR 1 shelling' corn his foot WIlS caught. In the ! ; oarlng , mnshht/ / so that 111111)\\ ' tntlon was necl.'ssarj' . The cnso oC Iho 8tate vs , Lou 1 , ' , Woodrul hils heln on trlill In the tllstrlct court at 1'01'1" ' 1'he JUI' ) ' aftol' helng out two tlaj's nnd nlghls couItI not agl'oc ttlttl Juelgo gmns Ilischargell them , 'rho Omahl1. Gas comlllln ' ) Jaltl n ro'altr of $15'IOH Into the city tI'OIHI- ' lilT for the Ilrvllege [ of doing bus- [ ness In l10a ! , ' 1'1Is [ amount Is $1.1:12 : 11101'0 than lllst year amI the largest In history , Hlslnl City will have IInother hllnlt- Ing Instltntlm : In the nOllr future , the orgllnlzatlon or which was mllde w'eIIt will bo Imown liS the fnrm' ers' Stnte hanle of Hlslng City , Ne. hrasltn , with IIn lIuthol'lzed capH . : of ' $ :10,000. : John Romherg , living eight miles west of Pender , while dr\'lng ! cattle neilI' his fllrm foil under his suddle hol'so Ilnd fractured one of his logs In three ! llllces. Althouh 11. sel'ous [ Injury , the leg will not have to be nmplltated , The stllto hanl < lnl ; hoard has tU1'l1ed down n IIl'ollOston ! [ or the I1nthron : \ulul\l ) ComIJl\U ) ' \lInnelllOlIs : ) to liS- sumo the olJltgations of the Debore Dlllmond ' , ' 1'h18 lutter comlllln ) concern - corn WIIS 11. tontine COltlIHII1) ' and the board helll that the IIl'st named WIIS too much on the saltlo orllel' , William J rust , n leullng stochman at 'J'ecul1lseh , has hought the mother of "Challenger , " the Chicago ) Il'ze- [ wim'lnsteel' / , of Lawl'oncoIul'ph : ) ' , west of town , antI tlw ( 'ow [ R beltl shlp)1'll ) to Lincoln , whore she , vIII ho used al the state expC'rmentlll [ farm ror judging 11III'pOSOS , ' 1'he farll1 hought the IInlll1ul. Uuy L , COOIll'l' ant1V , \\'I1\a1118 \ [ , two well Imown 'oung lI1en of limn- holdt , have a out COmlJletel1 arrangements - monts to aC(0111)Jnn ) ' a ) Jart ) " of Old \\'orld tOUl'lsts In charge of a state unlverstIlrofessol' [ , 'rhoy l'XJOCt ) to leave IJ1 the eUl'ly summer and \'Islt the 11rlncpal [ ponts [ of Intl'rest on the guropcan contlnont (1lll'lng ther [ thl'eo lI1onths' ahsence. Clt ) ' Clerk 'J' , H , Hurlof lleatrice hils received word of the eleath of his hl'othel' , Alvin Burte ) , which occurred at LOR Angeles , CIlI" on , Jnnuary t 1. : \11' , llurle WIIS horn In Beutrice fOl't ' - three yenl's ago. For u time he was engaged in the Ilrlnting IlIlslncss there , but lateI' went to'yomln / ; whel'e ho ( , olltrnctell the tllsuaso which cause(1 ( his deatll , 'I'ho Dwight State hanle of Dwght [ Is a new Instltutlun that was l1.uthol'- Ied to do IJIlsl1H'Hs h ' the stllte hutJI- Ing boaI'd , Its cllpltal steele [ s $20.000 , Charles JEl'lclwon , a wealth ) ' fllrmer IInd son of , J.V. . Erclson [ , 1I\'lng seven miles north of Oaltlund , commltteel suclde [ Ilt his father's homo hy shooting hlmsel1' through the hl'l1ln wit h a : :2-callhre : I'l'volvel' . The Osceola aI\llItol'lul11 is nearl ' ( , ol11llleted 11I111 \\/11 / be one of the hest hulldnls [ of the I < lnd In the 8tatl. It will he olHmeel the IIl'st of 11l'Xt month. : \Ir , and : \11'8 , J , BIel'wln : came to Frl'lI1ollt and stopped at a hott'\ \ . ext 11I0rnin11' : , : \Iel'wln was Hone , I1H left Il letter 10 hIs wlfo stating that he was going awa ) ' alld would 110\1' live with her again , and enclosed - ed $2. O , Hurt 1'00I1It"S rllral ca1'l'll'rG challenge - lengo the world to heat S , A , Br'ant's I'un Satul'CIIlY Illst , 110 malle his route , twentr.thl'ee mlles alld fOl't ' - foul' hoxC's , III less thlln tlll'oo hours , 011 his hle 'cle , Ipavlng the ol1\ce \ lit D o'clocle a , m , and reaching the om co Ilt 11 : ,1& u , 111 , . .Josellh'oodrough of Omuhl\ hils aslWl1 the supreme court for an Injunction to III'ovent. the treasurOl' nnd count ) ' commlsslonors of Doug. Ins count ) ' fro III collecting tllxes under - der what Is Imown as the : ; cuvengel' tax law enncted hy the Illto 10ghlu. tUl'e , Ho also Ilsl < s that they bo 1'0' strlllnoll fl'um sJlClHllng an ) ' of the money of Douglas COUllt ) ' to enfOl'co t1w lnw , 1101111111. ; thnt It Is unconst [ . tutlonal , DIll 01' Is suhl to have a new bllnl < with a cllllltnl stocle of $50,000 , It was authorlzoel b ) ' t he state hanltlrl' ' bOllrd , The Incorpol'Utors are A , 1IIa ) " 1mI'll , .J. 'I' . Bell. 0 , .1. : 'tiayhorn , .J. \\r , 'routs , William S1Iarlts , , Iohn Tl'lm , B. L , ' 1'llIIngham , W. G , Smith and , J. G , N ( ' ( loy , At Prague the hanl < has Increased - creased Its capital stocle from $ ,200 to $10UOO anll at HclJron the banle or 'rhaycr county hnM Incrol\sell Its cnlb ital stock from $25,11'0 ' to $30,000 , Coro\l < > r ' 1'hllrston 1'0tU1'llec } to Dill'- well from the northcQsl . ' 1'll lJart of I he county , whel'o ho was called to holll an l11quest on the bad ) ' of Geol'g'.l Smith , n man of fifty Yf'ars of al-I' , who commlttecl slIlclllC' by plaf'lng his heall over the mmzlo of 11. shot- lIn nnd ( 'oml1elllng his son , n l'll Il'n , to JllIl1 the trlg er , Thn man'8 h111 was blown to plt'cos , DclmC'stlC' tl'on- blo Is the SIIPlJOsC'1l c'nusf' fOl' lIw ( lel':1 ' : T. D , Hlltes hns dlsJlose or his in- tor.est In the plntlBl1l0llth , Iolli'nul to l1s [ hrothel' , H , A , Blltes , and with h ! fllmll ) ' has 1"1110\1'(1 ( to DeC'lllm" III. whlc'h ib to uC' lo'wlr futm't , ' 1101111' , - . , ' . , . , " " . _ . _ N _ _ _ _ . _ J . Frcncl1 Ciimtcnvc9 lis. M , 111110 , the 1 < 'I'eneh Innt , salloll tha otlH'r day In La Sl\volo to have his Chrlatmas dlnnor I1.t holtlE' . 110 wolgh9 430 IJolltltln , Is 8N'n feet 111110 Inches tnll anti requt'es ! 1\ hell tOil : ot lotlg. so that thl' lIu'gest stateroom on the 8hl\l \ fallt'tl [ gnohl ) ' to meet the tll'tnantl , 'ro ul\\ the tllll1cultl , t1t : [ lfu'tltll\ll hl'lw'n I wo statoroollls WIlI1 . cut awnyllltl n peelal bl'tt W'iS COlt. strll'lell. g\'en at that , till' llInt Is III soltlethlng oC a 111I hl , ha\1t1g to 110llblo III' 0\1' ) ' tlOW Ilntl thf'tl to lteOl1 fl'om Imorlc1ng hs [ towel'lnG' IlOall agaillst de'le cO\'eI'III18 , while CO\1l\II. ) ) ) ' , tUning saloon chnlrs anti ta. bIos Ilnll nil of the aCl'ommotlntlons oC I the shIll 11.1'0 mallj' SZt'B [ too 8ma1l to cOl11forlabl ) ' ul't'Oll1tllOllato the l.'rench. man. 110 Is 2ii years olt ! , nntl sa's ho Is stln gl'owhlg' , J11 o'll Cure 15 the best tnCl\lolno ' 1'1'0 ever Cll ror ntl ntTccUI1I1s of the llI at nnlt hlU-WM. , 0. I ; DSI.VnUIJ 'roll , Ind" rob , 10 , IPOlI. Professional "W"kers. ' A'I'ltm' lu the LotHlou ( 'hroncl [ ( ' . noting 11. reCC'I'l'uco In Scrlhnl'l"g illn - nzluo to 1\ sign In a DlItch town , "I. , y , D , Zwaan , Mor \Velelcei' " ( whl'b means mOl'ulng wlIl'I' ) , notl's that th ( ' Indllsl1' ) " Is common In the tllst rlrts : " , hero Loudon wOI'llngll1en \ : \ ' ( ' , nnd alxllenco a wek from each cl/l'nt / IR the u8ellal "walC'I"s" wage , All O\'el' t.on on , too , policemen mnl < o 1\ little extra In waIting thORO whose worl , calls them earl ) ' , 110 tells of seeing n SOIlUl Kensington constahlo eIum erlng lIsplclousl ' Ulon a wa1. [ 'J'hcl'l' ! JIll pence officer caught lIw end of n rOlJO find pullell till I\n answerinJ : shout WIlS heard , The constllblo cx , ] 1ll1.lned thl1.t the other enll of the 1'010 [ WIlS nffixed to n balter's bedclothes , 8n1zor'lI Dome Duthlor Corn. So named becaulc CiO aCI'l'S prOthlcc(1 eo hell\'lIy thllt It9 IlrnceL'lls built II lovely home , See Salzer' ! ! cutao ) , , Yielded In 1003 In Ind" 1j7 ( bu" Ohto 160 bu" 'renn , OS bu. , and In 1\Ilch. 220 bu , Ikr acre , You l'an beat this record In 1004. WIIAT DO TOU TurSIC 0\1' Tllcsn TIItLDS 1'I11 J.cncl 120 bit. DeardesR ) Barlf'Y PI'I" ncre , S10 bu , Snlzer's New Nat , Oats-lieI' A , 80 bu , Salzel' SI1I'1tr.1llcal'onl ! Wheat , 1,000 hu , Pedhl'el ! Potatoes IleI' uert' , 1-1 tons of rich Blllton Del , GI'IlSS Buy , 60,000 Ibs , Ylctorln. Hn pc COI' sheep-acI'e. 160,000 Ibs , ' 1'l'oslntl' . the fodder wonder. ( j4OOO Ibs , Sazel" ) ! ! SUl1l'rlol' Foddcl' Corn-rl'h. julry fodder , IIC'I' A , Now sUt'h ) 'Iel ) 'ou clln Im\'I' , : 'Ir. runnel' , In IJOI ! , If ) 'ou wll1 plant Sal- ZCI"S seeds , Jt'ST S&SIJ TillS OTICr. ASP 100 In Btamp to .10hn A , Salzer Reed < ; 0" La Cro'sl' , " 'Is" anll I'cl'l'lvl ! thl'lr great elllllo11111 10t.s of farm scctl samples , ( W. N , U , ) .A genll'mlll1 does not havc to coin lIIlIl1ouliouahlo llluguuge In ol'tler to express hmself. [ At the Brool < lyn Fire , At the t1mo of the Brool < 1yn honor the J\ate : Clllxton "Two Ol'lllUn8" ) het acomb , tbe first mllll to leave the the nter remained outsltle , "Whllt's th ( muttOl' ? " ! mld I1.n Ilcqualntance , "Don'l 1I1w the ) licco ? " "Ver ' much , " wm the I'eilly , "but I somehow 01' ethel can't feel comfol'tahlo , I feel IIlw r hauntoll house , If I were UlOrstJ ) lious J'tI hellevo somothlng h:1(1 : ( Is o Ing to hll1l1l0n arolllul hero-an oXlilo son [ , a ralll'Oatl Ilkaster , a shll1\\'l'ecl. . or that sort of thnl [ : . " Automobile Slclmess , French physlclllns l'eJl't [ ) an In- cl'oaslnl ; numhel' of CIl'JOS of acute lH'r- vousness wh'h [ are tluo tI/rectly / to automohlllng , anti thor IIretllct that with : m Incrense of the SllOI't will como an IncI'cllsO In the number of the cases , 'J'he slclmess Is called the neurosis of anxGt [ ' , I1nll ma ) ' ho traced to the ex/lomont / alltl mental tension of I'UIJld travel/ng / nccessary to secnre reasonable feeling of enjoy. ment , while slioetling rnlJltlly , with rlsles and dungers constant1 ' at hllnd , Dr. Wllilamso. . Swenrn. Yorltown , Arl.Ian , IS.- Last weole a statement was ) lIIhll8holl from 1..0. lanll WiIIlamon , 11. n. . oC this plal e , to the effect that DOll11's Killnoy Pills are the best motllclno for all Klelney DIseases anti that ho uses them with uniform success In his dally practice. No ono who Imows Dr , WillIamson will d01lht for 11. mument the C0Tl1111eto truth of his fearless declaration , butte to completely clinch the matter In the minds oC these who mllY not ha vo the pleasure of 11. )1orsonlll ) I1.cqualntanco with tltls colehrated Ilhysiclan , Dr , Williamson has aplleared before 1\11' . H , 10 : , Greene , J , p , for Montgomery Count ' , an made n sworn statement , In this IIWOl'n stlltement the doctor hils cited a number of cases whIch hllvo hooll comlletely ) cured hy Dodd's KIdney PI\1R. \ Hero Is case No , 1 : "lIenr , ) ' Hall , Sr" age 18 , nn Amerl. can , attaclwd with MIlarla [ Haol11a. turla , or Swam)1 ) Fever ; temleraturo ) ranged from 101 to 10 ; ; , hlghlr cOllted tongno , conRtltliatod howols , homor. rhl1Ho 01' ) IIlSSllg0 of blood fr01l1 IChl. neys ; used febrlfugo anti Dodd's Kid. noy Pills to rellevo the Inllammlltlon and congeslt d condtlon [ of Kldno8 ) nnel to render the urlno blllnd anll non. IrrltathtK , Heem'en' cOl11)1lete ) after two months' treatment of the 1'1\15 \ , " Intlustr ) ' and Ill'oRllerlt ) ' nro s)1elll't' ) dlffC'I'ontl ' , hut the ) ' mean ahout the same thing , - . . . . . . - - . _ - - - - . .tI - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . - . . " I a Lexington , of uterine . . nl An 1\I11r ! , PINKIIA I : - T have bo'n so blusl'cdl ' ! . helped Ulrou/.rh / the \1RO of T.rlIn. ; I . l. > > lnlt1uuu's Ye ctahle ComlHuuHl t.hat Ifec1 it hilt jllst. to acknuwledge . . it , hoplug that It llIay help some other woman Hllfferio/.r / as I did , For 'I'IU"S I cnjo 'etl the hest oC health IIml thollght that I WOlliel alwa1'1 ; ' do flO , I attended parties nl\tl rcetl1tions ! thlnlv elul. IImi woul ' be slIddenly chillrtl , hut I dltl not think of the rcsults. 1 caug'ht n had coltl oirrhteon months ILgo whi10 nll'nstl'llD.t. ng , allli this caused inllalllumtlon of the womb and cong'stetl ovuril'H , J Rulforcd I'Xcl'Ill'iatint.r. paiml nnd Iwpt getting worse , Mj' attcntiou was eallcd to your Ye etnhle CnmlHHlllll amI the wonderful cures it had pl'rfl1rmcd , amI mule up m ' mind to tl' ' it ful' two mont.hs nm ! Ieo what. it would do fol' me. Witl1lu ono month 1 felt much beUel' , nn at the close oC the second I was entircly wclht\ II I Il1wo nlh-ised n Illllnhor or my lady frlenlh to11'10 it , amI all. exprclIs thomselvl's liS wdl Hatifllllt ! with the l''sults alj I was-l\lIfjs ltom : : OIt llENN&fjS.10 . Broadway , Lexington. Ky , 'l'lw and of most notcel CXIcrlcnco testimony or some the , , 'omcm nf Amel'icn gn to lrO"e helIItl : n. clUCSUnl1 thnt 1. . ' ( lIn. E. Pinklllllll'R Vc' etnhln ComllUlIIHl wIll correct 1l1l such trouhlo nnd at nnCl' , h ' rc'mo"ln th ! . c atlse , and l'estu1'illl ; the uTg-alls to a. . normal ntHI hcalth ' cOlHhhon. . &I DI AJt 1\ng. \ PIXItJ1A : t : - About two 'years n o I ( 'onsuHrd a phy- nician Ithout 111) ' hrllllh whiC'h hnd become liO wl'ctl'hell that 1 wan no lon Ol' able to ho ahout. . I had Sl'Vero baek e1H' , hellrindown lmins , pains ncross the abdomell , was Yl'ry nervous tliltl irritah1c IUH this troub1o 1I'CW \ \ OI'RO each lIIont h , 'rho physieian pl'cHorihed for me , but I SOOll ( hscoycrecl that ho was tUmhlo to help me , 1\1111 I then decided to try T.ydln. I , Pinkham's Yc ctahl COlllilOlltHI , and Roon fotimi that it wm ; doing' me g-noll. My nppeWo was I'l'tttl'ning' , the pains disaltpear : ' ing , awl till' geleral hOlll'lIts wpro wclllllarkod. " Y Otl cannot reali7.o how pll'a:4l'll : I was , amI aftl'r taking the 1110111. cine for only three months , I fountl that I was COlltllotely cttl'cd of lilY trouhle , allll ha0 hl'l'll we1l and hearty ( ' \1' since , IImL no 11101'0 fear the monthly pt.'rind , IlS it now passes without pain to me. YOUl'S very truly , MIss PJ\ltl. Ac.lums ; , :327 : North Sullt1l1er : : ; t. , Nashville , Tenn , " 'YIIPl1 n. 11\(1101110 hns 1)011 s1lC'c''ssflll in I'Ostnrill to hcalth mol'than . millIon ' call1lllt tl" ' it mol'\ ) n. womcn , 'ou well say witlwut 'il1g "I dn lIot Iwllev" It will Iwllt IIIC. " II' 'OU arl' 111 , elo not hesitate to goet n. hottle of 1. ' ( IIn. B. Pil1khul1 I VU c'tuhle ( JomllOllnl Ulul write l'Trs. Pinlcham at 1.\,1111. : lUass" few SIH'ial Itllv l'c. lIeI' uti. vice is free ! Lnel hcllflll. 'Yrite to.du ' . cla ' ma ' he fatal. FO R F c : 1" ( If wo CAnnot forthwith protlncB thB orlJlnnllctter nlll slgnllturos 01 $5000 IlL U\U tCSUt1l01l11l16 , "lilcu will IJIOVO tllOlr nh otuto gonnllU'nf'88 , L ) ' la . l'lukl1luu l\lc . Co. , Ipua : , l\IIUISo A womlu J fll\'OI'lto word is always the last one , II1Ieness Is the fool's continuous holltlar. , TUNE 'l'IN' ) ' lIU'I"'lm ( COLOR mnl\Os to1 } of the mal'lwt butter , \Vhel1 C I'U IIOIIS It tlll'US white. Sume way with 11. ha8hflll man , Onlr those get to hellveu who hell ! oth l'lI : get them ' Sensible Housekeepers will hnvo Defiance Starch. not nlono hecauso tl ey get. oncthll' 11101'0 for the sal11'1 m01l0r , but III so beclluso of sUlcl'lor quality , A IIont , 1111 [ Is the easiest thing hu'tgullhlo [ to find when ) 'OU arc not looking for ft , S'HIIH the Con h "JIll \\'oI'lCH on' the Coill L\Xut'ivo , llrowo Quinine ' ! 'uLJlulS , lrlco c. \Vhen n woman 1'011118 a novel she can't 111'11 tll'OI1IJln/ / tellr over the II I I 1I00'secutetl here , I Don't ) 'OU Imow that Definnl'c I St.'ll'ch , besides llelng ahsolutly GUpO' i rioI' to any otlll'I' , Is put up 1G oun08 In packages and sol1s at same prlro uo 12-ounco paclwgos of other Illnds ? Man would rather propel the hi. cycle oC Jlleaburo than the wheelbar- row of necessity , I GOOD lWUSI ltJ I I'I ltS , UtH ) tllo hORt , 'l'IInt'l ! why they Imy Rod CroblllluU llluo , , At luudilia { ; rOCUrli , cont. . . , I I Sin Is the uno thing that hns 110 ( 'x- ' ) cuso , hut It Is 1I0t slow In I11llltlng I thom. I - MEXICAN Mustang liniment curcs Cutal Duru ! : ! , Druilca. : SAN ANTONIO The r1hnnte's the thlnr at San Antonto. A rae J 11110 .Iny is 1I0t finer than th. , averace da , In Sun Anionic. Climate , aconery and th" cootl I.olels lIIak" It n pOI teet Winter reset , The cO'lIIollOlitan POIIl.Jutiono . the crumblltllr walls , ruins nntl tlm hl.torlo Illaces Dcar San Anlonio ale "spocially jntcro tin , Kilty's throllch l'uliUllL1I sleepers tram St , I.ouis , Ian : a Cu , autl &hrevCI'Ori malle lhe trll' cOlllrotal > lo , "rho Htory , ot II. . " Alltnnln , " a b l\utltull , II1notraled 1""lot ollollt tile clly , II. hl"lor , alld It , I'lirlcil IIttrH"UulI' , will he f'lIt any"here' ou re < 'otpt of 4c In &IOml'o , Bco Kat ) " . Aicat , or wrllo GEc1I1GE MORTON. Gon. Pnls. Ast. ST. LOUIS , MO. largosl grOYlerE of 0 N ION and Yegetable Seidl In tbe World , t. "J _ Our PrIces , range t."Om GO cenls to $ Ui 0 per pound , and no belter seed' is louod on carlh. Clhlo , 't , lor pOlI.p , OOeeDH I.iG8z ! OOOO 2 : : -J : oaGe9Ea oo o d U n. ' m . T Thousarllshavobecncured ! of It'dnn : S > > . ater LVerj formot POljll nd hiCflj O. EvcrYIJookandcorner 1iACO JRI1eE , matnsm of this Sind other coun. cJ 1l.J , . J I tI. tries has : seen embJa- an N 'elEn'OaHgia ! ! \ g f zoned the : words OIL "r 1 co . . . . . . . r . : , . , . . no. . . . u r : O . . , ! : ) OO OO 03 CC OOll s.a.W } e. . . . .d