Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, January 28, 1904, Image 5

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    , ,
. . : . . . . . , . . , . . . . .
, . , . . . " ' . . - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . - . -
0 , Ayers
/ ( '
I For coughs , colds , bronchitis ,
, asthma , wenk thronts , weak
( lungs , consumption , toke
I Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.
; Cherry
' \ Pe.ctoral
I Always keep a boule of it in
I the house.VI e have been
I \ saying this for 60 years , and
( so hnve th ( : doctors.
. .
) t have med Ayer' . Cherr ) " I'eetoral In m ) "
tamllv for 40 ears It Is the \Jest me lrtl1e
In till ; , rorhl . . , [ knuw , for nil thruat nmllung
\ troubll' . .
I Mus , J. It l' < OIlCIIOSS. Wnllhnm. ; llnu.
' .50e..E1.0i1. ' \ . ,7. f' . AYCnco. .
1 _ All tlrlllIII . . . . . . . I' . . .S , Zt for _ LOWI'LI. . . . . . . . . ' " .
' ; The L1UJJ11lgs
: I't n.tTV."N'ftt'CC
Dolly nctlon of the ( } owcls 10 I1CCCS.
I sary. Aid nature with AYol"S Pills.
> > _ . _ _ _ _ : . - = --:7" : = - = : " "
the ) ' looked about like 3U cents
I \ and felt 1ike they had had a
dollars worth of ride. They
were taken to the next station by
thc man who received them and
was forwarded to Canada while
their hunters WEre : barking at
r , the wrong hole.
There was a dakie in our county -
ty who had escaped from bondage -
. ' age by 50me means and settled
\ down a few miles from \Yinches-
ter. He was in the habit of
taking a Httle "buge" now and
then dul" ng which he abused his
, family quite a good deal. IIe
was a l < ind of a doess ] fellow but
managed to have a little for his
family to eat and such c10tbes as
most people would not wear even
in those da"s. People generally
1 went to miil thcn on borseback
taking their "grists" and waiting
ti11 it was ground , and if:1it : was
, I' wheat they would take au empty
sack along to g-et tbe bran. One
day this "Nig" briddled his old
gray mare and putting on 1 rj
bushels of when t he went to.h
mi11 at Winchester. While waiting -
ing for his grinding he got pretty
wen "shot" and returning to the
mi11 b gan to find f uH with the
mi11er for not gi \ ' ng him enough
of bran , so tbe miller filled his
sack full and told him if he
would pull off his breeches he
would till them too with bran.
t 'fhe fellow was just drunk enough
to think he was g : ! tting the best
end of the bargain , hauled off
his pants , tied the bottom of the
legs anl had thcm filled tip.
When he got home be was ju ! > t a
. 1itt1e chilly as itvas a little bet -
" tt low the. freezing point and his
whiskey had about died in him.
Not ] ong'after ' this he was adsed
that it might be hetter to leave
that neighhorhood as his old mast-
cr might comc after him ( he would
not hil\'c had much if he had got
, him. ) While this adc < : ' was
: given him by somc of the otlicers
1 of the Underground Hailroad ,
they did not offer hi III transpor-
= - - - ' . . . . -
! Attention
f Fanl1ers
Why remain in the North
and stay in doors six months iu
the year consuming whut you
, . raise during the other six
I mouth ! ! ?
. f' Go South where yon can work
out door ! ! every month in the
year , and where you are pro.
ducing something the year
roun . If ) 'ou arc astoek raiser
, YO\1 know your stock are now
"cuting thcir heads off" and ,
lJesidell , have to ue protected
' from Ue ! rigor. . . of wl11ter hy
J' expenSIve shelter.
\ Economical stock feeding re.
quires the combinntion of haUl
, flesh.fonning and fat.forming
: foods in certain proportions.
Alaba111a and Florida proc1ucc
; in abundance the vclvet benll
: and cassava , the first 1\ flesh
producer , and the latter a fat
producer , and they are tht :
cheapcst and best fattcning materials -
terials known to the world.
Iore mone ) " can be made and
with less labor , in general fanll-
ing , fmit and herr ) " growing
. and truck gardening along our
road ill the S.\th : ) thall in un ) '
other sectioll of the Union.
If ) 'ou are intcrested and de-
: lire further information ou the
liubjcct , ad rcss
. j . a. A. PARK ,
i Oen'l. ImmIgration nnd In-
dUlltrlal Agent , LoUlsvlllo
t & Nashville n , R , Co. ,
I. . .r Louisville , Ky.
" . . - . -
- - - - - -
. . ,
- .
. .
4. 4
tatioll oyer the roa , but he took
to his heels an left an staid
left , and whether he. went to
Cnnnada or not "deponent saith
not. "
One of the greatest calamities ,
seemingly , that has fallen to our
share was the advent of the
Asiatic Cholera of 1849. So
severe was the disease and so
great was the alarm that it is
be1ievcd that many pcrsons were
frightened into a state of collaps
and some were buried before it
was ascertained whethcr they
were dead or not. In the cit.r of
Cincinnati for many days all
business was suspcnded except
burying the dead and there could
be no conveyances secn on the
streets only those carrying the
dead awar to thc gra\'e yards.
As bad as this condition was it
had its attending blessing , for
many a panting sla\'e secking to
bc free , bra \'ed the danger of'can-
tracting' cholera , prefering death
to further cxperience a a slave.
Perhaps none came through the
ci ty bu t \'ery many csca ped
through the country and they
could then pass without fear of
being pursued so great was the
dread of that fatal disease by the
white people. Let us here note
one remarkable fact , viz : No
slave was ever refused admission
into tl1e house of enc of those
taunch abolitionists through
fear of cholera or any other di -
ease and we be1ievc that no one
c\'er contracted the disease from
that source. ' 1'ho e brave men
,1IHl women who assisted in this
humanc work feared nothing but
went forth in their work with
that entire confidence in the
right that always emboldened
them to action.
Here again is shown thc power
of mind o\'er matter and also the
I fact that these persons were far
above the idea of rewards for
their work but did right because
it was right. Onc of their number -
ber on being told that if he would
quit the work he could have any
office within the state , replied
'Inot for any office in the worM. "
Therc is no ofi ce that can honor
, > uch a man.
In Grant county , Indiana , a
few miles south of Marion , the
county seat , there has been for a
grcat many years a large colored
s'Hle ment. One of the pioneers
of that neighborhood was an eccentric -
centric old darkie , but a good
man , who if he had never been a
sla\'e came fro111 where slavery
existed and was richly endowed
with the southern darky bronze.
He was a man of ster1ing good
sense but his language would
mal < e a dog laugh. When the
old man was getting pretty we ] }
along in years and his eyesight
was rather dim , Mrs. Pickett's
brother was in the darky settJe-
ment and he and old Pleasant
Wea\'er ( that was the old darkies
name ) were walking along just
in the twilight when they heard
something that sounded strange
and the old man wanted to know
"What is dat a butten butten
buttene he head agin a rail. "
This tictded Mr. Pemberton.
who had a good laugh and said
to the old. man , "It might. be
spirit rapping , " who said "trau
don't tell me dat spirits don't
bump their heads against rai1s
to get throijgh de fence. " It
was a rabbit trying to crawl
through a crack in the fence that
was rather to small. On another
occasion in an earlier day when
deer were plenty the old man got
out his old fuzee and at a distance -
tance of five or six rods banged
away at a eer and missed it.
He said he was so c10se to it that
the bullet did not have timc to
get to g-oiiI straight.
One old ex-sla\'e that I was
acquainted with was telling his
experience in deer shooting.
When he got in good earnest his
eyes stuck out til1 you could almost -
most hang your hat 011 them.
He'ollnd up by saying that he
sbot a deer once and "when de
gun cracked de deer jump 20 feet
annually. "
N ar our home in Howard
county , Indiana , where we lived
after ieaving tbe p1ace where I
was born and partly raised , there
was a sett1ement of colored pee
pIe former ! \ from North Carolina
but who hld fir < ; t settled in Parke
count ) . wherc they hat ! ] earned
farming and were very thrifty
fellows. Howard county was
a part of the Indian Heser\'e an
with several other counties was
not tal < en by the white folks till iI
long time after the 1and all
around it was setUed upon.
J ' . a strip 3 ( , miles wide
- - - - - - - . - - - - - - - -
' t'\ Her IIlIn'elous growth in
N EBRASKA' t'H : I STORY fifty ) "cnrs frulI ! first seltle-
e.J ; : ment. A true : md inlerest-
ing uook of J.I. pages and
, . over 2uo i1l11stration ! 01
- . scenes. public instittltion and men who madl' tht : State. 1'he covcr is in heavy
puper with an appropriate and altrnctl\'l' tlesign printed in three colors. just publish ,
ed by the Neuraska Farmer. Single copy. postpaid. soc ; or free with a ) 'ear's suu ,
: scription to Nebraska Farmer at regular price , I.oo. Write for terms and how tc
get 11 free trip to th World's Fair at S1. 1.ouis. NltDRASJ-A FAn mR Co. ,
; 12046 1505 Howard St. , Owabu , NebrI18\:1l. .
. . , - -
. . . - . , .
and perhaps 50 miles long aud
was noted for thc richness of its
soil and its heavy cent of timber.
'rhese sturdy darldes were attracted -
tracted to this part. of thc COUIl-
tr ) ' on account of the cheaper
land amI they settled in the
thick wood and ill a few years
the countr ' where thcy were
blossomed 111 < e the rose. ' 1'he
older ones were not educnted and
the wa ) ' the ) ' did bring their
southern language or brollge into -
to use was a fright. One old
fellow would sa ) ' to his son ,
"Dick did ) "ou carr ) " dat hess
down to water , " anothcr would
say when they were oil1g to
h ul a big log-"it jist amt wuth
while to carr ) " two hosses to dat
log.II 'l'here were two brothers
of the older set who were Baptist
preachers but the ) did might ) '
like a.little of what we would
call North Carolina "Juooll-shinc"
or Kel1tllck ) ' "overjo'ful , II which
one of the ministers declared
made him fee ] so "storng in dc
'land" hut with all that the ) ' were. .
for education and several of the
younger ones became eloquent
preachers and lawyers wlio did
not need any of the spirit spoken
of abo\'c. ' 'hey were friends of
their el1s1a\'ed brethern and at
one time when a runawa ) ' came
along and took shelter with one
of the old preachers , who knowing -
ing that the punwrers were near
took the blacl < fellow and put
him in a large barrel and headed
him up and when the hunter
made his appearance to look into -
to the preachers house for his
slave the old man said , "yes hunt
all you want to , II and turning to
his bo ) ' about 12 years old who
was onto his job , "Dick you take
that barrel out there and ro11 it
to the barn and when you get it
there take the head out and set
it.1p for the old CharI ) ' hess to
eat hay out at. " The boy went
r01lil1g the barrel along but he
was nol in a hurn' to take the I
wooly . head out ant , so when the
other fellow was gone the old I .
man went to the barn opened the.
barrel and said to the darkie ,
"you look 1ike a hess , " the drakie
said "why. " "Because I see you
have be ll r011ing , now shake
yourself aud 1'11 think you are a
hoss. " So he crawled out shook
himself to the entire satisfaction
of all concerned , went to t1.1e
house , was fed and c10thed and
sent on to Canada without any
suspicion that he was a hess , a
mule or a jack or even that he
was a runaway nigger , o we ] ]
was hc dresse ( } and hehaved.
Of course when he was placed at
the disposal of the officers and
operators of the Underground
his idenit ) ' was known or they
knew at. sight what species he
belonged to.
( 'ro BI CON'I'INUHn. )
'l'ho Ue"h' \ICItngB. l ; \ ! .
Meetings continue at the M. E.
church. A number have been
converted and severa ] added to
the church. Prof. C. S. Colburn
is with us and is adding" greatly
to the interest and helpfulness of
the meetings. I am to ] < 1 that
there never has been a finer interpretation -
terpretation of gospel song in
the cit ) than he is giving. Sunday -
day at 3 p. m. he wi ] } conduct a
parents meeting. Meetings wi11
probably continu next week.
\V e.1 rge YOlt to comc to these
meetings and to Christ.
G o. P. THI'I'HS , Pastor.
ll'n's Iectlng.
'l'hc men's meeting at the
Gymnasium Sunday afternoon
wi11 be addressed by H. Lomax.
' 1'he song service begins at 3:45. :
Ien only.
. .Icnnnnt , Iud Itlflst Eifecth'ci
'r. J. Chambers , gd. Vindicator -
tor , Liberty , 'fexas , writes Dec.
25 , 11)02 : "With pleasure and
unsolicited hy you , I bear testimony -
mony to the curative power of
Ba11ard's Horehound Syrup. I
have used it in mO family and
can cheerfully aflirm it is the
most effective and pleasantest
remedy for coughs and colds I
have ever used. " 25c , 50c and
$1.00. Sold by Ed. McComas ,
Broken Bow and Merna.
Something from nothing-n gardcu
from a descrt. S lch is the history of ir.
ri uted sections. 'rakc land that sells fOl
fifty cents an acre , put watcr on it , aml
it sells for-what ? 'I'here ure quarters 01
laud in irrigntcll sections of Colora c
that cannot be purchased for $20OOO.OC
and which carn II mlm rati\"t : interest 01
that valuation.
AIIII ) 'ct ) 'ou cun purchase irrigutc , '
land where thc soil is perfect beyonl !
ueHef , where the wnter supply is plenti
fill ( lnd incxhaustible , where climat l
conditions are healthful nnd exhilarat
iug , wherc fllel is \lndant and chenp
for from fls an acre up. .
1'111ItVA : < ; O S.
The = -orth Platte Valley , extel1l1inJ
from Br tl eport , Nebraska , to Guernsey
Wyo..anll the Uig 110m Rnsin , Wyo.
have been but recently 11Inde available
for settlement by the cxtension of till
nurlington Roilrontl into those sections
I The Jrri ation Companies 111 list hl\1
settlers along their ditches amI they olTe
substantial inducements in the shope 0
- - - -
. . . .
i--- ! " "
To World.'s Fair Free
to the Mos , ' POl'UI.AH Yot'NG LAD\ " ill this section of Ncbraska , on the following conditions : .
E\'erj' 25c cash purchase entitle ) 'oto one vote ill deciding for us who this lady will be. Contest -
test to begin l ebrl1ary 1st , If)04 , continuing to August 15th , 1904. n6-To Mall Order Cus.
tomers : In sending in mail orders be nl'e and mention for whom you wish to cast your vote.
' 1'hc names of the young" ladies and the numher of votes each has received will be publishel each
week. ' 1'0 further intercst you we olTer lhe following bargains while the ) ' last :
Bargains in Ladles' and Dloy Goods Department.
10 and 12c ! outing flannel , fanc ) ' pat. . . . 7c
15c l1anlleletts , fanc ) ' patterns. . . . . . . . . . . . lIc
10 and 12Y6c , Guinea Hen flanncl. . . . . . . . 7c
50c cotton blaul < ets , 10 . , per pair. . . . . . . .40c
25c fascinators ill fancy . colors , l'ach. . . . . .15c
35c 'I " " II II . . . . . .20c
50c I I I I I' , , , ,
. . . . . . 30e
75t " " " " II . . . . . .45c
Make your selection of Ladies Shoes froll1 the most up-to-date and best. stock of shoes
shown in Broken Bow. Also best and largc t linc of 14adies Walking' amI Dress . .Skirts. Prices
from 75c to $12.00 each.
Bargains in Men's Department.
50c Men's lleeccd underwcal' , all sizcH . . . . 30c
50c cxtra flceccd underwear , aU sizes. . . . .35c
50c fanc ) ' stripped lleeced underwcar. . . . . .35c
35 Only l\Icn's outing Kcrsey shirts , 65e , for 3Sc
24 boys outing Kersey shirts , 50c , for. . . . .30 :
14 pairs Men's ] eggil1sal1 sizes , 5c , for. . .50c
18 pairs Men's leggi us , all si es , 50c , for. . .35c
$1.00 caps , aU st'les aud shapes for. . . . . . .65c
75c caps , aU styles and shapes , for. . . . . . , .45c
50c caps , all styles and shapes , fOI" . . . . . . .35c
25c caps , all styles and shapes , for. . . . . . . .15c
20 pairs Men's $1 mittens , per pair. . . . . . .75c
18 pairs Men's 75c mittens , per pair. . . . . .50c
50 pairs Men's 50c mi ttcn , per pair. . . . . .35c
16 pairs Men's 25c mittens , per pair. . . . . . 15c
18 duck coats , sizes 36 to 44 , $1.65 , for. . . .75c
18 duck coats , 1.50 to 52 , each. . . . . . . . . . 75c
H duck coats , sizes 38 to 44 , 52 , each. . . , 51.00
5 duck coats , sizes 40 to 44 , $2.25 , each , . 1.50 .
4 duck coats , sizes 24 to 44 , $2.65 , each. . L.75
14 duck coats , sizes 36 to 44 , $2.75 , each. . 1.85
7 duck coats , sizes 36 to 44 , $3 , each. . . . 1.90
3 sheep Hned duck coats , $3.65 , each. . . . 3.00
8 Corduroy coats and vests , $6.00 , each. . . 4.00.
12 boj's' dttck coats , $1.00 , each. . . . . . . . . . .50c
( , boys' duck coats , 51.25 , each. . . . . . . . . . . .75c
4 boys' duck coats , $1.50 , each. . . . . . . . _ . . . S5c
. _ - - _ . _
I Don't fail to sce onr mammoth display of 54 dozen l\Ien's Neckties , just rcceivetl''prices : I I
25 , 35 and 50c each. 'fhe following prices are to move our surplus groc ry stock : .
I 25c call California fl'lIlt. extra fallcy. pel' call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20c
l'eadws. I.IIIIIIS. pear . apricots. grapes , cherries. ( while and
blacl , , ) ra l.bcrrleq. blaclc"errle , allIl Rtrawberrlcs.
20c call California fruit. pcrcall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Peaches.plulIIs. pears. aprlcols. Ilrape , cherries. ( white allll
\Iack. )
ISo : . : an strawberries. raspberries. blackberrIes. Ilooseberrles.
blileherrle at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10cpercan
35c can California poaclcq. per can . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25c
Pallc ) ' boltle 1)ICkle alll1 011'cs. . per boltlt\ \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10e
'l'easlftllllls.2 cperlOUlld. for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ISc
'rea lftlllis.2IJCJlerpOuI1l1 , for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 e
Choice Japan Tea. 50c per 1'0111111 , for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . .27 *
1 can I'e lOc , 1
1 packallc Rub No Morc. Sc l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "c.
I package Salollle 10c.
1 bottle bluehlll c J ?
ISc call HchllllnllR Best balonA' powder. per can. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 1Hc
tOe can Habblt I.'oot bal"nll poWder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Se
20c can Rabbit J.'oot bal"nll' pow < ler. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10e
25c call Diamond bal"lIlf powder. a IHlxe , Ith ever ) ' can. . . . . .Ix
8VcperJound rice. per pound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c
- -
r ) pOlll1lls Hycrson.Geonrc Co , 1IIgh 1'atont 1.'lour. . . . . . . . . . . . . I.oo
50 poulll18 lIaler8 Panc ) ' Plour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9Sc
50 pounds IIl1tTalo 0111 Wheat Flour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.00
12Jo ; poul1ll GrahaIllI"Jour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Se
5 poundslJrealifast 1.00(1 ( fine ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20e
100 I > ounds flax seed. 2.SO. sUlall Quality per pOllIIII . . . . . . . . . . . . 3c
\Ve have the agency for Rex Stock Food ,
Lime and Sulphur Dip.
Our Dish Department.
3 sets German China. . Dlnller sets. t20.00 , oach. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; 16.CO
6set8AustrlanChlnaDllllwrsots$12.00. each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9.00
4 Imported Enillhih Decorated Ware. SHOO. each. . . . . . . , $7.00
\Vater Sets. $1.50. each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.15
Banquet al1llsland lalllpII at one-half retail price.
IJri this paper and "Come where yon call huy everything. "
CO. '
. # I.
. . . , . . .
- - - ' ' . , - " rA.
: : : ; ! " " - ' ) rI.1r = L. - - -ID" ' . ;
- . . " . . .
low pricell water rights and ) I\nds. I
110IO ( \\1I.f , TillS CO JJI'I'ION
NOlle JUay say surcly , hilt it won't he
for long , and the sooner ) ' 011 illvest the
cheaper will ) ' 011 ue able to do so , for the
IlIlvauce is just as slIre as hus heen the
Ullvauce in the price of similar lunlh ; ill
other sections.
For further inforlllntioll wrile lo
J. Francis ,
Gcnerul Passcn er Agcnt.
Burlin toll Ronte ,
33'36 Omahn , Nchr.
- - - - - -
- - - - - - -
- - - - -
ImrJsar : :
R , B. . MULLINS , MJ 0 ,
Mslles s Hpechllty of Crown IItIll Brldgu't > rk.
1'1Iccs reasonable.
All work gUatRlltpl'd.
( ' : \11 antl see me before g lng el ewher .
Olllco-In IIrolion 1I0w 8111te Hank 1I0lldlng.
Broken Dow , Nebrnska.
DR C. B. JOB ,
D n1) ) in } ; nfl ; ! ] ! 9n mn.
Omcoln HeBlty 1II0ek. IIrst lalr8 fOODl we.t
end. HeBldenct\ \ the 110'111101.
Jllgbost market Ilrlee Ialll for Bulter Yal.
Ilght Hunnlng. . . . . . . . . .
Empire Cream Separators
Pur Sale 'l'holl8 No. 206.
I : ! . U.IIIBI10I' , OperRlur , ,
BrokeD BDW. NehrMkl\ .
W H3i1 nrn : IDa ID Il .
T\V bloc1s norlh of Gunlt Oenlrol Hotel. Pal.
rDnllge solicIted , Prices reaRooablll.
112 VI 'fii1ll ! ! ! ta1JlllEh.l' ! ( ( J ) ta .
I R ass G. MOO HE ,
. Attorney-at.Law.
Heal ut. tt ! au. ! 10lln broker. 01l1co Inelm \
DlDck , IJroken 1I0IV , Nebra.a } : ,
- - -
Hamilton County Nurseries ,
Aurora , Nebraska.
. 1 > 'lrst cla 8. Leallll ) ' Itock LDcRlell rl bt. lu
sblp 10 tbl. counlrr.'rlto DS for prlccs ,
. . BUH'l' & BISHOP. Props.
. -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
8Sc " I' " ' ' "
. . . . . . 55c
51.00" " I' " " . . . . . .65c
$1.50" " I' I' I. . . . . . .90c
$1.75" " " 'I " . . . . : :51.15 :
$1.85 II " 'I " " . . . . 1.25
35c Ladies fleeced vests and pantR , each. . 20c
50c II " I. " " " . . 35c
50c II .1 , . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- - -
. ,
S.1\1. \ DOIUUS ,
Jllimllil13 ! mro. ' 1ln.
AI. klnlld of work III onr line done promlltly
anllln IlUt.oI R order. tyHod 811011 IIn tbc
orner west 01 tllo bOlo bOOHU.
IIroken Bow , - . Nobraska.
CITY llAH EH. snop ,
II. o. I1U'I"J.'ON , I'roprlotor.
FlrBt-ola 8 work. HeRr Uoom of lIrok n BolY
Stutt ! IIlInk. Brokeu Bow , Nehraska.
Rlltl Dnroe Jersey lIog bred Rnd "old. Bout blOoll CI6I1S. Addre 8 , O. I' ' : . U.1UWICI.I"
Broken 1I0w , Nebraska
S UI0N CAl\lEHON \ ,
lJf ra1)0Y u1)ccz.ll J.1
A'I' IA W.
Hoom t ! and II , HCBlly lIIock , lIroken BIIW , Nob.
DH.S. H. O. & W. K TAJ OT ,
o III colcr \ iiaoburl"/I ! Drug : : Iloru.
IIrOktD How , - - Nohra. a.
DH. 'I' . IJ , Ji'AHNHWOlt"'IJ ,
CW-Ome6 lu tOrtbwe8t COJnor ! leally 1II000k.
. CO TIIM.rrou & UILD R. I
crl'lJ1I8 and osllmaloll on llortnollce ,
I'rokoll 1I0w , Nebrallkll.
Physician & Surgeon.
omco In rel\r of 1110 Hank or Commureo. Hesl.
donco 6tb 110010 WOllllr Ibo lIaptlBt cburch.
Brotoll 1I0w , N'braska.
V eteri narian.
Ur8dll te Cblc.Joo : Veterinary Collcgu. Dli.
I'apo of . .II the I"wer ahlmllia I rcaled.Uce / In
Wllkln Drull > : ! lOr" , IIrokuli 1Iow , Nub. ' 1'010'
\lIon6 No . ! UJ II'Pidence.lwo ! block8VOit of
8uolll Sid" bell 'Dl House
. . . . . . . . . . . - - -
. - -
- - - - - - - - - -
- . - - - -
: E. J. CBll ; < JN' ,
Advertising agcnt and bill pos. .
tel' . Orders soH cited. Broken
Bow , Nebraska.
- -
DR. O. 11. , n1Ul r Ns ,
Physician Surgeon.
21111 StllirIVIIY from wo t end In Hoally lock ;
rosldoneo , : lrcl WU9t M. It. ehnroh ) on 8amo sldo
of strlltJl. arUrokl < " uow , Nebra.ka.
T'J. SN YD1 H ,
, ,
m AN
D llBJlp ! . ' ' o'l'AnY
tiJ : iliU W
ltIJ Jn tlce of 1110 POlice. 8110cllll al1entoll ! alon
to collections IOllo 1t lon t km , pen loll vooch.
erll 'leaUy exccuted IIIHI all kinds of legal )1aporll )
wrll1oll , 011\00 \ In the rf'lIr at Bank of Commercu.
llrokelillolV. Nebraska.
Photographs :
First prize winner at state association -
sociation 1903. . .
. .
. . . . . .Dealer In. . . . .
PUUllls. Wlnll , ltlllls , 'I'ankll , Flttlll\SOaBOlllh \ . ,
EDKlnell , ote. etc. ,
Broken Dow , Nohraska. "
I.'coln , Denver , ' : .
OfUn. . . . . IlelcliU.
Cl1lcnllO , Untie ,
ht .Jo"ep" . . .0rtlluuJ , '
ILUIIHI&H Cu. , . . , Hun I.akc City ,
Ht. 1.0u1H. And HUIIIl'runC1HC ( )
All l'olutH ItuHt And " 11 Polut. .
And "Uutll 'VCHt. '
I .
No. > CJ-VelIbulell oxpre dally , LIncoln , .Oma.
ha , SIt. JoseplI I\anus City. : : It. LoollL < Jh1
oligo a 1.111 1111 pollluastnDd south. . . . tI OJ a.m.
No. H-LOoul oxprCS1 .Inll , . , Lincoln. Omaha ,
ChlCII o IInllllll points east I\nll800lbIO .I\.m.
So. U-Vestlblilod oxprellsllally , 1I01enll , goal'
tie. Uotle , Porllaol1 aud ull l'aoll1e Coast
poluts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0 IH 11m
No. J-I.ocal Dxpre811 daIly , AlllaDco anl1
InterUll'dlato vonte ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .II68pm
8Ieopln ! ( , IIILhlg IInll rocllnlng cbalr cara ( Boat !
true ) on througb traIn" . 'l'Jckt8 ! 80Id and bag.
gage chocked W IIOY poInt In tb UnltOtl Itat08 : !
IIlId Canada.
IlIformaUon , map ! ! , tltuu table. r.n1S Ueko'
taU Dn or wrlto to 11. L. , agent , or J
Franch , O. 1' . . , Nobrlllita. .
omabvt . L. OUK8ur. Jo : nt.
{ I .mm
; To CIre a Cold in One Day ys.
Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets. AJ1I " JP. on cve
. { 9. : , rc. box.2Sc.
Seven Ml11lon bO'es sold In pat 12 months. This signature ,