Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, January 28, 1904, Image 3
. . . . . . . . ' . . ' , , , , . - ' ' ' ' " " , , . _ _ _ _ _ . . . - . - . n _ _ _ " " " " ' : . - " " _ . . - - ' : _ _ _ _ . J y . ] . " 'hcn Bctsy IImdns ) 1\lnrrlc \ , " 'hen Bet r lInRkllli'C ' lI\1rrlt'tI [ } . AIIII ! , Aluclt tile time : lror mUIIc ! I ( ) t Itl mcnl'l'Jro ' ! \IHI 1OtI. ! , Its I'h 'ml' : ' 1'he him' Hldl'I hhll'l'C thl'lr nmre , 'rho dAII. cloudll ne\'er tUrI'lell , Bul e\'er ' 0110 If ; , I Cumo on till' 1'1111 - Tn hilI ! ) fJIO SUI ) " I > ' \\'hliu HelJ > ' lluikl:111 : manlcll , , - 1 " "len n'tllr HOHltlll:4 : mart'lcll , AlAS , m ' jlt : WA9 Ull , A 1111 nil the wille or II\'III 'rllrtlc.l . hllter III the CIIIII 'he lIummer limo row wlllt't' , , ,1 A grlovou'l'IHhl : I car1'1ell { , J ' _ IIIr ! the wuy ' 1 HI" nlghl : tnll Iltn' , A I blnde uIIlI1'1l ! ' , \ \ 'holnolllY 1l0sldllS m\tt'IOI1 . ; < 'Ie , ' , Sic ? ' - Will 1:1.111 , J , Lt1111)lon , I , : t I I , . JJ J J , ! , . ROBERT GRAILE , HERMIT' ny GlOlWl ; : Tltruon. : COPlIrigMtrJ , 1903. bv 7'M Author , 1'u Ii'hifUJ Cornpa1j1l , , . - - - - . . . . . . . . . - - - - ' ] ' 1101'0 stood 11 rude I1nd dlngr hut leaning I1gaimt the eaves of 11 Imoll , nnd built of sticls I1nd boards thrown UI > IJy the tide , A tIo.ring light IJurned \ within , I1nl ! gleamed through the crev- ices I1nl ! the jagged hole that servcd I the purpose of a window , A man disheveled - heveled , gro.y aud dccreplt. came Ollt :1Iul carefull ' drew to the rlclwty door " after him , lIe paused awhile In con- " templatlon of the night , I1nd listoncd to the mournful hroathing of the surf. 1 ' 1'hon he climbed to the topmost point : oC the lenoII and gazed long ever the stretch oC water to the disto.nt hl1rhor where shone the mrrial ! lights of the , city , and in musing , so.ld : "Ye're there , somewherc-I Imow , yoI' must bc-drinldn' and rcvelin' and spondln' YOI' bit oC mone ' In a fool's I paro.dlse ; whllo the neglected wlfo and . wce ono seek as 'lum of 'Cl' decroplt fo.ther , " 'fhen he clenched his bonr hands nnd muttered , while the night IJreezo plo.yed alJout his tattered ro.itllent. Ho ] ool\Od awa ' along the ribbon of wind. ing white beach and descrlod I1n atom movin < ; at the watel"s ode ; , growing ] argor as It advanced ; und he watched It until taltlng the oC 0. . 11111n , It I 1)01'0 around the foot of the ImoII 111111 : disappeared beneath the overhanging crags , The watchel' descC'uded by the path ho had C'omp ; l1asslng the hut , ho wnlto in the shadow untl ! the man again , then 9telJiled out und IJloclwll his war , "What cIo ) 'ou want hero ? " Ills tone s ho.rsh anll stern , The other hesitated , "What have ye done with the wife ' 'ii' ) and woe ono' ? " ho continued , hnrsh 1 and st01'll as before , "Sho left my bed and hoo.rd and tool , the ) 'ollngster with her , " I "Bocauso 'OI1 negkcted and i1I- treated her , and because ) 'ou wi1I network work , She came to mo yostonlay in her trouble , 110t Imowln othorwhol'e , " "It's a Ijo-I can g < : t no work to do ! " and the ) 'oungor man tried to , " 'fhe lio's your own , " rejolnell the older , e\'er hard and stern , "Not so faft ; ! " and he gripped the other by the nrm , "Sho wants not 'on , she's 111 , and wants rest and quiet , UI1II she shall 1I0t. he disturIJod , " "I wl11 see her-seo what she means , " and ho thl'llst the elder man l'Oughlr aside , "You cannot harbOl' a man's wife , Thore's a law , Bcsillos , ) 'ou quarreled with 'Olll' own wlfe- Ilon't fenot that , " and ago.ln ho to , Stlln < ; b ) ' the taunt , the elder 1110.n strllcl , Ollt a hlow , and ) ' ( 't again. Then ther grappled and strllggl.'r ! lIercely In the moan or the surf IJonC'ath the ' , - - - . "Ye're there , somewhere-I know 1 ye must be-drlnkln' an' revellln' , " t t1tat's , until at last hy n. mighty effort -r the ohIoI' man lIung off tho. 'ollnser nnll stooll alolle , "I'm yet ) 'OlU' mastol' ! " ho crlod , hrcnlhlnr , ; shurp 11111houvil ) ' , "Novel' 'ot 111111 son the right to judge hl8 futltor , far less tallllt him wllh what ho lmows nallght ot , YOII speal < of It In w 'gainst hnrhOl'lnJ ; ) ' 0111' wlfo , I Imow anotJwr law , and 'uillo hy It. It ) ' 011 ( , I\lInot do fOl' them I call , cerOlJlt IHI I am-and wiU Go IH''UY ; and como nQt nigh ml' , else pl'l hups no lu w nlllY 6t'C you : " , Aud hu walll'I' , ! [ . - - , - - - - - - - - \ 'fhen rose the GrovoIlPI' to his feet ant ! turned to go , "Stop ! " The elder ml1l tone grow ealmC'r , "Hol'o , : ro muy see thom , hut o not waliC'n thom , " and ho tm'nC'11 I alld led the war into the hilt and softly - ly dl'ow 1181110 a ! 'IlIlely hllng cUl'tuln where the mother ( mil the child IllY swoelIr sleopillg , 'I'hon ther turned , pusser ! Ollt. und the ) 'Olln/01' / man hung his heat ! while the oth01' spolw , "Go and maliC ' ! ' n way YOIII'SOr I'lght with God , I1nd soar'h , and when the cho.nce comes , though smaIl It 'bo , tallo it and IJldo IJr'lt uncomplulnlng , 'fho chance wl1\ \ grow , and nod's IJounty come. . to those who fil'st malw them , . "J'm yet - ; - : : : ; : : : : , bre3thlng sharp and heavily , ! ; clvcs WOI'I hy. Ll't me Imow where you go and whal YOII do. and when the ; limo ( 'omes I'll toll h01' , and wo'Il 1 'bldo hy h'I' d'lslon. " The 'oungor ! man then tUl'lled and the othel' watch. : et ! him walk awar , and I&ls stel'ness softonel ! . "Edward ! " The tones had hrocen ! , and agl1ln , "Edward GI'o.lo ! " 'l'ho othOl' turnPI ! nnd cume , "Let's uot II\rt : In lIugel' , ) al ( : wo Imow nol what lIIay COIIIC , " anll ho hold Ollt his haud , 'fheh' hands mot I1n ( ! IIngercd a sill'ut 1II0mout , thcn gdwal'll Gralo was gOlle , ' 1'heu ! n the dU 'R that followl'd the 0111 man sll'O\'o with 11t'CllI'rgy to fill tbo cxtra 1110uths , Ho 11sllld and Ilug I cll1ms and )1011dlcll ) thom. lIe galhOl'cd ' rags aUll old metals fl'om the 11umlls and sol(1 ( t hem , aud did o.n ) " old ( johs ho coulel , : lIIll heeded not the jlIJes of 10w-hol'l1 wits , Thl ! pllro salt all' revived the womun : Rhl' galnell strength un(1 ( coU\'age , and W'l1t nhout trying to do lItlio things In hOl' houscwlfely WilY for the old mlln'lj comfort , whllo the child gath. l'I'pd flowOI's on the lmoll. I1nd 1'011111011 and sJlllshell ) In the surf. anll lauglHHl and grew ; IInd tIll. ! old mo.n 10011ghod , too , In his 80mlwr Yill ' , The summer wllned IInd there came a day when th ( old man wont not 0. way to wOl'I , , Hc lingered ahout the hut. 01' climbed the knoll along the winding hoach : then sllontI ' roiraccil his stJS ) and Slit within the hut , whllo the wife and lIttle ono hung alJout the Imoll. and often she , too , wOllld pause and look along the stretch of so.nll , Anon he came , I1nd she tUl'nod a way 111' face and called the chilli , who nn- 8\\'ered laughing , and rotUl'l1ed with spoils gleaned front the heathOl' . Then they laughed , allli the womnn told him of the many ) II'anls and witty sa 'lng of th chilli , while she studlod the lights anll shalles that tIed across his fa'C' . By and hy the child tuggeli the mother's hand : "Tul1l ! tel1 dampll 111\pa tU111 , " IHld urged I1gain , until at last. the ) ' turned :11111 : dosc0l1l)011 ) to tl1 hut. The ' found hl111 laid upon the rude I1ffah' that had served him rears 1'01' bed and couch , with his fingcr8 clapod ! upon his hl'east n11la salntl ) ' 1001 , upon his fl1co ; 111111 " ampa" wOllld not wallon when the wee ono : ll1od , SOl'O pressed 111111 Weellng , the ) ' drew liw child aWI1Y , 'fhen a fall' , gl'll.v woman , Talror : n many who wcre 'ounger , cam\ ) and loolt' , f nd gl1zell far elf , and , WI\1t. SOluod \ Robun Or l , t c l U ) ! 'I1It. . . , . " . -0' - - - - - - - - - - - A PEAVt.HTED XM/\S PRESENi" . BuslneGc Inctlnct Highly Developed In Little Froc.ldle , It wn ! : ( 'I 'tlllUS B\'t' . } , 'relll1lo was on hi : : ; wa ) ' 111)\110 fl'om the SUIHln ) ' Rchool , whel't' ho hull heau II n' ulllr attolHnnt ) fol' se\'l'J'I\I we'I ( , Ills RII- nuCOu'CJ'slon : ! IUlIl bC'cll rcwarlled ill Il suhsluntlnl wa ) ' , fOl' h ! ' hUI ) not (111) ' foastoll upon the gooll things or this world , but he bOJ'n Ullller his al'lIl a hcnullfut hluo alHl goltl heel ; : that ShOWOlt him how to gl't to the olhel' wmltt Ho was well ) llouce ! , for O\'C'I' alHI IUlon ho WOllltl 1001 , ul the 11001 , alld fnlrly gfollt.'l'r It. At ! hc IJUSSOe ! the hOllso ot' all ole ! 1II0il1 , whose lIfo he hnll often mtHI < ' mlscrahlC' , thu olel 1011) ' ! loUl'cd how hl' rcgarlll'l1 hlH SUIl' dn ' school 1ll'CSCllt Illle ! rejoleod ox' ceNllngl ) ' , "I ulwll's said he WI1Rn't Il hue ! hey III heurt , " gho l'l'mlll'IC11 to herself , "Oh , if his rathel' allli J11othl'I' could ullI ' see hll1l this hloHfi 1II01110llt as ho thlnq ) of ' the home nIJo\'o 01111 n ' , " soh'eH to 1l\'l just Ill' ' ! the IItUe bO8 I1llcl girls In the hoole , " Bllt IIst'n , 1"l'elhllIA 13 also I'cmaJ'I- ill to hlmsolf. "This Is a Iroll , ) ' gooe ! bool" hr eo I It mllt ! hllvo stood the SIlIHla ) ' Hchool III'0pio in alul ) a Iiollal' , 1'0111' IIIIJs is I III gl'l'al IIlCI\ , I lI1ust hlll'I' ) ' al'ullIHI to I tIll' sel'OII1I.hmHI hook 5hll'O IJofo1'O It' ' ( 'Iosl's liP , I ollght to IJlJ able to trlll10 I a bool , I11 ( ( ) this fOl' hlllL' 0. . dozen 11'\10 : ' nooS ) lit least , " The Demon of the Pit , _ \ Illn ot'UI8 ! lltolllll1 hou' ; o , , \ whlt'l ur 1I1I1 ! < l1''tl'III'111'1118 \ ; . \ 11tll' \ I ruth , n IIIn-lH : IIf lip ! ! , . \ 1 < 1:01" of ( nlHl' ulal ms AliI ! : tnllllnIII ! / thl' ml sl or It " ' ( ' SI'O llll' VI'mull or lhe Pltl A 11\1I1Ill' ( , ( ] ( lIl..H. whltl' IIntl strained , . \1'1' 111'1'1'1111' to bpholrl ' 1'111' 1111111 \ \ hm. . . lIallH' throughollltlto Inn < 1 ] s hlllll'll Ihe 11'/\111'1' holll ; . \1111 HtHlHlIlI1 ; ' hI thl' 1IIlrl1lt oC It We lip ) ' the D'lIlOn of the Pll , Allolhf' ! ' < ' ( 'litlInlll'I' ! ( ' ( llItI JlJI1I1inJ : . Cenl'flll H\\'II\- 'I'h ( ' ] ( Ilig 0'1 YHIl'l'dn ' Hlics dO\\'I1 , . \ nothel' 1'111. . > \ lo-tln \ ' . Hill 1II011111'.h \ ' ' . " 1- ( Il ' " ( ) hu II t hi' DelllOIl oC \0 PI t , A ( , I'ullh oC wastl'll , hUghtel1 hOjJcs , A plHlol HllOt--n RI'I'Cum ! AIIOIIH'I' 1111' III 11'111ll 1111 ' 1'0 juln II" . a\\'llIl stl'ellm ; , \ /:1'111111111' / : In thl' mhlsl o ( Il " 'c s1' the Dl'mun or tllo PIt. . \ 1'111111 ] mill. wllh ( 'rumhllnG' WUIlIl , 'I'PII thollHHI1l Hlm'\'lnlt m'lI ; "JJO\\ l"IlH , ( ) LOllI ? How long ? " they ( TI' - , , " ] h"l1 ' ' 'lInn .1l1ml'H : tg"nln , . , , / I1t".tltl01'1' / nil o ( Il 1'1.1' 1'1111 ; h ; lkmon of 11\ \ ! ' Pit : - 1\l'I.anlllJul'gh Wilson , - - - - - - - - - P.t's LesGon in Golf. Pal hall uepn helIJln the gl'cens IP'Jll'I' ( 'onsll'lIet l'C'vcrlll tet's at. the nl'w golr IInls , a 1111 dUl'lngIho noon I hll\ll' hall Iloen gl\11 a few lessons in drIving' . A da ' 01' t\\'o latel' ho was t'lling his fl'ilJlltl Casey ahout It , "I"ullh , Caser , " he sulll , "lhls gl1me t hC'y call g01lllf do IJe a fUllny game , Y < , z havI a litllo white b0.1I an' a long sUe" wll ) 0. . Imoh 011 the illll av Il , UIl' Yl'S )1111 ) the whlto hall 011 a little hllIJo aSl1Iul , Thin 1110 game is to haul aft' an' Imoel , tile ball so far yei : ltill nlvel' IInd ut nglll. " "An' (1111 ( ye ? hit 1110 ImIl whln yo ; : trlII ? " a.JiOd Casl'Y , "Dill Ol ? " said Pat , " 'Phot's the funny - ny thing ahout. gollur , Shut'u , the fil'sl tolmo 01 hit lit , 01 nl\'OI' touched lit ! " Symp < lthy Micpl < lced , Etlwnl'll I. , Adams , rOJresollling ) lIle , Unitpil Stalf's as conslIl gellol'al at Stoclholm , \\1'11 I'll , was 1'01' several 'eat'H C'ditol' of the Hochostcl' Demo' cmt nnll Cht'OIlIl'1. . , 'Vhile OCCIIIJylng that. } Iositloll he'l'Ote an ohltlllll' ' 110' tlcl' of a nelghhol"s chilli , whof'IJ tl'Ollsel'S ha(1 ( caught 110 ( durlug a Fourth of , ) uly celohl'l1tion , hut'lllnl ; the 1Itt11' fellow so hac l ) ' that he IIIPII III ( , OIWOfluenceII' , Adams elued ) hi" artlcll ! with the slatomont that the s 'mJathles ) of frlonlls would go out to the hOl'C'avoII vurents , Ills shocl , the next day mllY IJosslbly ho imaglnell when t 110 tnJCs malic him sar that "the s 'mlHlthlos of a hu'ga circle of fl'lends will go out to tIw IJIII'lIed Ilunls-row York 'rimes , - - - - - - - - - - The Fond Parent's Pride , A rl'lOI.t\l' [ was elHlea\'OI'lng to tIn Ollt t.ho ) JI1rtlcnlal's of an accillent. tbat had hcfallon It ho ' , I1nd was usl\lnp tlw questlolls lIeCOSHal'Y in such case ! ? of the fathol' of the injurell her , "Did the 1It1lo I'cl1ow stanll the 01' [ oration wol1 ? " :1slw(1 : ( the ropOI'lcL "I.ilce 0. . mnjor-clI11o : throll/h / It al1 rlghl. " "Dill he have to talw anything' ! ' contlu'Ioll the l'opol'lel' , "Not. It gel 11arn thing hut chloro , fOl'm , " was the lIroml 1'Ollly of the ad , mll'ln } ) [ 1I'ont , , Cure for Insomnia , Ono or the hest ami sill1plor. CUrQR for Insomnia Is saill to ho the odor of I'll w ollions , 'l'he ' should hA cl'Ushell to a iJ\llp in order to free all the jlllc'o , Smell this sll stl1nC8 for ton minutes aHol' roth'lng , It In said to quiet the most. nOI'vour. IJPr , son and relax the most O\'CI'w1'ou ht nOl'\'OS , } t Is hllrllir ) Jloo.sllnt , but is said to bo ollieaclous , - - - - - Took Eight Turkeys , Left $200 , ,10hn Kr1llel' , Il faJ'mor noar' Lehanon , PIl. , dlscovOI'od that his lIock of ohht turlce 's had hoon RtolC'n ono night weel" 1"11I'mel' " Kridor , hOWO\'OI' , 18 not mOUJ'lIln , for the 1'0IJhr ! dropped a wallet containing ten twont ' - ol1ar hll18 , It I" sUllposed the thief ohtailloll the money whllo I'I\nsaclllIg B01110 rosl. lIonce in the nolghlJol'hooc1.-GeOl'S < " ' - town ( I { ) ' , ) News , - - - - - - - - - - Christmas Box , 'rho familial' tN'm Ch'lstma8 , liOX ( ' 1nO : , from the olltlrncustom ) of pla'lng nlmshoxe In the churches Chrh.tnH\R morning to recel0 Ilona. lions from the ( 'ongl'egat Ion for the benellt of. Iho pour. AOI thl' IIIm6 WPI't ] net glvN\ out ulltll 1111' 111' > .1 liar , DN' , 211 c ' t _ be Itw\\ , ao : ; "Uoxlu , ; ; dar , " - - - . - - - - - - , - l'llE SA r IN l + .B'Al/l'Olt CHIEF CAUSE OF CONTINUED DUnlNUSS PROOPERITY , Vrlluc o { Prclectlvo Tariff Morc Thor , ouOhly Tried and More Completely Demonttrated Than lt Any Period In Our History , It Was th ( ' SIJrlnlIehl ! nC'puhlll'\t\ : which soill 1I1'II1'Iy six lIIonths IIS0 thnt "thoI'IIT i1-l now on tJ'lal IlS the t't'at cPlHmtl\1' anll SI'l\'III factor In ! Ol ( ! l'lIslllo4s ] ) ( 'OSlll'I'lty , " 'l'he HOJ\lIJ. ) IIcln was 1'IRht. How well nml flUC' cosNfllllr hnR thl' wl llolt1 of. Nelson IHllgIl' ' nUll hiK a ! loclatos Ill'on11111. \ . 1'(1 tl'll. 'fha t lIlIt' IJr'lIl'll t t a rllT WaS 011' gl'l'at cauKativo fll'tol' of CIIIJrOS' \ ! C'lIt } lrollel'lty ) fl'\\ ' C\'l'1l among free trad'rs will IllIelllloll. 'I'ho fact wns ' ) JI'o\'cd 1U1il settl'd IOIl IIgo , 'I'hat' ' it is the gr'at savlllg factor of 0111' I IJI'oRll'rlt ! : , ' hus I\l o been ) JI'o\'ll1 ! anI ! : Sl'ttl ( ' , 1 l'al' of allY fhmuelnl 01' ( , oll1l11erclal 11\1110 : Is 110' " ) JIlSt , althollgh wo ha vo l'XIIC'I'll'IH'eli C'mst' : ! : ! ( 'nollgh to IJI'o\'olw n dozell crises hall It 1I0t hoen for the tH'cat savill l'aC'tol' of ' ' ' ; ' ; 0111' )1J'ot'etlve ) tal'l IT. 'I'ho trial has hl'l'll III'olollgol ! ! ' , lId thol'ounh , 'rho l'l'sslmlstlc ' fl'oo trnlo : press has made the 1I10St of I'\I' ( ' filII III thl' IJrlcos or our seclII'l- Ilel'l'r ] ' pett . falhll'l' . 0\01' ) ' shut clown of factorr or inl1l1Rtrr , lJVOII though cansell hy n I1trl1I' , : \Iost alm'lnlJll ; HtatcnH'n I K hn't' IJI'C'n mOllc. some contatnlng hut a smaIl ) ) OI'tOIl ! of the tl'uth , anll 'et the 1)01110 ) havlJ 1 l'dnsl'l ) to bo frlgittollec1 , thl' commer , clal worM haB not uhatell Its cOIlIl. lC'nco III the situation , I\lld Ilroslcrit ! ' has lo-.t ! . 110110 of Its holll , slll1lllr : mll solelr 1Iccallso WO 111'0 IIvlll nnl101' a III'otecli\'o to.l'ilf that was not ollly the cluRath'o factor of 0111' IlJ'osllOrltr , hut 10 ; also tllo saving factol' of that ll1'OS' lwrlty , 'l'hl'rc lias ! teoll no similar lIerlol ! 111 the exlstenco or the nation when wo 11\\0 : heen sorcly triol ) , commer- cll\lI ' anll financially , as during the ) tast. : ; Ix mOllths , I\nd yet so 1'111' ns the tariff lias nny InUnelleo npoll the situation Ilot a sllIglo man has 11l'C'n - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - rr ' - , . . ' - . . . . - ' " . . . . . . . . . . . . - " - " . ' . , . . . . - . . . . . " . . . -v'V" . . . . . . . - _ _ _ _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . thrown Olt of WOI'I { :1I1Ii not n single waHe has 1IoC'n 1'1'111111. ' 1'he Htl'ilces , Jlal'tklllarl ' In thl' building hHhuitl'les ot the country , haYf ! rplIultod In the , IdleneRs of more Ihan a hlllllll',11 thou- : 6J III ) men for Il rroatm' 01' II's ! ' ! ) lol'llon of tlmo dtll'ln till ! lJaHt few months , The oxorhltnnt. high 1II'Ico of I'IlW cot. ton has made it" IIS0 almost iJrohlbl. tI'e , al1l1 it has IJl1ol1 n ( COSHlr ' recent. I ' to meet this I'nlmnced 1II'Ico of I'IlW matcl'lal by a sll/ht / I'I' uctioll In the wages or ol1ornt h' ( s , ' 1'ho fl\Il. In off ill Imllding nu(1 ( constructlvo 0l\torpl'i80S haK reduced to s mo ox. tent the dcmo.llIl upon 01\1' Iron 111\1\ \ steel hHlustrllJs , alld : , 'ot the huslness ) IClng 110110 is vel'r Rllt Isfnctory , The rnlIl'Oo.lls of the countn' ha0 hl'en for months , allil nl'o stili , uuablo to handle all the huslness ol'flrpl ! thorn , an < 1 the groBs allll not oal'llins of neal'I ) ' or ) ' roall In the countJ' ' Is still arounll high Wl1tCI' marl , regarl ! . less of the fact that , I he qllotatlolls oC the stock of those wnds 11I\\0 Callen in some cases froll1 20 to O IJ01' cent , It may ho that the liollla ! ) ' bllsiness will not ho the greatest wo ha TO known , Ilm ) mar fall off a trlflo fl'OlI1 that ot la8t rOllr 111111 the ) 'ear 01' two ) JreclIng , ( , It will , howe\'or , ho tremendous - mendous 111 velum ! ) , and \:111 show that the incoll1o carners of the coun' try ha0 still a lal'go surplus to spcnt ! in hal'lnon , " with the sOlltlment of t.ho soalwn , ' 1' . . . . . outIoolt rot Ilnothor Yl'ar Is hrlght Indol'l ! , With the IIromlso that 110 fmthor change shal1 bo made ill our tariff law hcrollli the Cuhan rechJ1'oclt ' trent ) ' , wo 111'0 611I'0 of 11 hugo volume of fJlIlploymcnt 111111 11 111alntonmco ot tile hlSh wllgos now onjoyoll hy IlIl , Navl'r In our hlstor ? WIlS 11 tnl'lff 111V so thoroughly tl'lcd I nnll so thoroughl ) ' vludlcatod as hns loon the hV undol' which we nro now , Ih'IIJ . 'fherIs IJO rOl1son wh ' , rOl' n I fCI'acI' ! 0 ( ' 1'\'L'n fOI' a S''lIl'ration to " ( , lIIl' . la ) llt. . , of 111prt'l'c \ rnts.0 qbuultl r.ut cuntlnuo to , .njl . ' 1 > I'OS1 > l'l'- . _ w . _ _ _ _ It ) ' , ) II'o\'llIlng that W3 O 1I0t further rotluco 0111' IlUtlC8 , MOI'OO\0f there Is I no roncon wh ) ' wo IIhOlllll not Qlljoy atlll 1I1cI'onsoil ) , r08pcr1ly Itvo ahou1l1 Incrl'aRO the lIutleR Ullnll C0Il11110.1I , I tlos , which woutl ! Insllre homo ) JI'O' ductlou 111FtOI\l1. : or IInportnttolls on commOlllti's I\I1I0unting to Itl'arlr ll\tr : a hillim1 110llnrH nnnun ; : ' , illuch AS wo 1I0eil grl'l\tor protec' tIOI ) to certain indus trios , It 18 perhal } hotter on the whole that. wo tlo lIot chnllgo the tnl'trr in nl\ ) ' respect for some tllIIO tn COIIIO , 1.l't it remuln nl\ It Is , the Iront saving factOl' , ns it hns hel'u the causatlvo fuctor of our } II'Osperltr , which ueod not cense ao loug ! HI WO 1\1'0 wlto IJnough to let we ! ; enough alone , Nullification , " 'fo ur o t'l'cllrorltr , Is to COnf ! ! A that a forbidding tnrlff Is 110t good for nations , us comlHu'o.1 . with u lessor t'l'strlctlnn ; that the tarlIY which ox- eludes IR not SOOlt In cOIIIIl\rlson with the tnrllT which udll1ltR , Hoclprocltr Itclmowol1-tes ) ! the Ilisall\'Untnrcs and lujul'lNJ rosultlJlg frolll alJsoluto ' )11'0- ) tC'etou' ! or C'xchlHlon , It Is a < 1uulltIca' tlOJl-St , LOllis HOlluhlie , No fa\llt cau ho fOUJul with thll1 dof- Inltion IJ ' u fl'oo trnllo nOWSIIllIICl' , It is obvlolloly nnd unqueJtlouabl ! ' true that to enter upon the srstolll of recl , Ilrocity In comlJoting } lrodtlct 111 to do , clare that Pl'otoction is wrong , Pro' tl'cUon contemlJh\tl's the oxcluslon of cOlIIlJOt Itlvo } II'Ollllcts , III contoll11lutos that the H01JUhlic shall 110 its own worl" HcclJrocltr ) in COUl)1otltl\'O ) 11I'cHluctg l'ontul1Illlntos that an in- creasell Itnd const anlly i ncreasln share of the HoptllJIIc'li work l1hull bo 1I0no hr forelgncrs , 'rho two )1oIlclos ) cnnnot go hl1nll In hnnd , 'rhc ) ' com , Illctelj' nul1lf ' euch othOl' , Those Reciprocity TreatlcG , 'rho Illinois Manufactllrers' Association - tion hns unanimously ndopted resolutions - tions fnvOl'llIg rcchJrocit ' with Cnna- Ila , ' 1'0 ho SlIre , It Is not to IJo doubtoll that rocllJrocltr tJ'catlos , slIch I1S have bcen IIlsCIISHCIl , wUllhl ho nd , vltntagcouH to the IIUlllllfuctlll'Ol' , But woullln't it ho at the expense of the fl1l'nl(1l" { ltm't It ) lI'OiJOSOII to tm o to the Canl1dlan n Ulnrl.ot fol' his agrl. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I THAT ENTER ING WEDGE , - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ - culluml prollucts In retul'll for 0. . mnr , l\Ot fol' OUI' mnnufacturl'1I ) lroducts ? Thnt' " the way il lool.s to us , nnll that'l > wll ' wo are ollosed ) ) to l'p.cllroC' Ity tl'catlen with Cuul1da aH Its I1llvo- I catcR prosC'nt th 1'111'e UI'O not OIJ- , Ilosl'lI to 1'f'c1)Jroelt ' hut. ' ) , wo 111'0 01" ) Iol'lell ' to tlllJ llI1l't\cular \ f01'1I1 It as' sUInes In the case of Canalla , nnc1 lIn. tli wo are showlI that it does not )11'0' ) IIOSO to allmlt. Cllnudlnn hllllel' anll Canadian eggs and Canadll1n horses ancI Cunadlan hldcs I1nl1 othel' )1rol1- ) ucta In ( , OJl\lwt\tlon \ with the farmCl' wo shall ( 'olJtlnllo to OlIOIIO It , It is n stran e thing I hnt HOnte of I ho mOlll Htrl'nUUUH nd'ocatc'lof Cana. dlnn 1'01 prCJC'1I Y 0.1'0 also the most hlttl''I' In thl'J' ! dnunrllliion ! of the 111'0' tectlon which hl18 ouabled 011I' lIIanu , factures to grow flO wOIllorlull ( . - , ( 'au It. he that the ) ' ere wl1IllIg to joiu hand a with th080 whom t.hoy ha0 do. nOllncod as henetIelo.1'los of the I'OIJIJef tariff in 01'(11)1' that a breach may be mude in the } lfot ( ct\vo \ tal'lff walI IJ . hltHl which , as Chamhol'lain 110cloroo , this countn' haJ hulll 1111 Its InlItls' tl'lea-Cornln ( III , ) UnlonHolmb- I1can , - - - - - A Lost Argument , 'fhe D < > lI1oct'Utic 110.J'l ' in I1d\'ocntlnl ; fJ'te trade for the U nltol1 States hm a\VI1 'B polnlt'd to Englallil us the most cmmtl' ' In the ' prosperous tho'or111 hoeallso It waR a fl'eo trade cOllntl' ) ' But the growing demand in Bnglnm : fOl'lJ'otC'ctinn \ tnltes thut arSIJJncn awn ) ' from till' Democrats , Wher gngland , that 1m ! ' ! long prided ltsoll UIJOJfrec tradl' , turllM awa ) ' 1'1'0111 it the Unitol1 StatOR will bo wlso to ad h'l'o to lttl Ilolicy of protoctlon tha has wade t11ls country the most 111'OR rom-OtiS In 1111 the worill.-l"reelJOrl ( III , ) Joumnl , " - - - - - - Rough on Rats , Huw to ItIIl lu ustl'Y : Yote till dpmol'rnls inlo 1I0\\'PI'--\101'l\\ : ial J Jo'alIl : ( N. C , ) Ydlow Jacl\ct. - - - - - - PEACE PAtTY IS ASCENDANT. - - I Heads of Departments t st , Peters' bur ! ) Agalnot War , I ST , ! 'WnmSBlmO-'l'hl1l'o Is f1 , IIl'ol\K 1III1ICl\tl0l1 that lhrollgh lho CZlt"11)1'110110.1 ucts the IlOnco llIlrt ) . III COIIIIJIl'tcl ) ' III tht al'lC'ondol1t ' , l. ! 1I07.0hl'l17.0ff , the heud of the wal' } JurI ) ' , hllH gene Ilbroall ; } oJ'clgl\ lInIHtl'r Lanullim'f , who , from the IJl'- glllning hUH II\\'ored IIcace , is now ' ' ) ' rchohlIltaled , lUul Ylceroy . \Ioxlt'ff hns heel1 malle snbscI'\'lclIt. to the ( ort'ln ) omce III thc RIIHllo.JnlJ11n- t'SO Ill'gotlntlons , 1I1H OXtt'111'11\'O } JO\ ; ' " 01:1-1 : ! \I'II ( , ul'tallcll and he call lIIal , ( ' 110 11100'lIbollt. . the cZat"S ) Jcl'sonul 1tIIIJl'o\'al , In fnct the fl'esh Insll\JIl'P1 con\'e 'ell thl'OlIgh AmIJI18Hluior Casslnl to the allthorltles at. Wnshlngton ot' the recognition of the rights I\cqulrcli , hr Iho Chlnpllu tl'cat ) ' 110) Io.rgoly at' 1l'lhllte(1 ( to Count. Lalll dol'f's In , I ItIC II C't' , Ulillolllatic (1rcl's ( conlll ol' COlll1t l.nlllsc\orf'l1 \ IICCl'Kllon of IJOwel' ns Il hopol'1I1 slKn , \ [ ' Wllto , cOllncll of statt' , haH htl'11 ! counsolIng' ) IOaCO , At the I'ol'ont cOlll1cll of stalc1. . WillI ! , , with his 0111 tllIIO l'lol\uencl" \ Illo.I'd . . Iho callSl' of pence , ) ) olntlng oul till ! lllsnstl'OIlS COIISC'IIUenccs of war , RayIng - Ing Husslu Iuul f'\'er 'thlnJ ; to lese nl1ll nothlnJ ; to gain , It is thollghl If pone. ! 1)I'omlll1 ) III. Wttll ! will ngaln htJcolllo ! \ I'oat IHJWel' in the govornmont. TH ROSEDUD RESERVATION , The Dill of Congressma:1 : Durke Rela' tlve Thereto , WASlIlNGTON-'l'ho 1 > 111 which Congressman Uurl , , ' of South Daltotl ; Introllucoll and whleh ho.s hocn l'l'JlOI.t , ell fa\'ol'llIJlr from the hlilian alTalrs l'ommlttoo of the house Iu'ovldes tho.t tht' luud ! : ! In the Hmwhull 1'0sO\'o.tlOII shnll ho soil ) for $ .GO 1101' Ill'ro , ( it ) conls 1101' IlCI'O to IJo 1111111 when cntry Is maliI' , GO C'ont H within t.\\'o 'el1rs 111'- tl'I' entl' ) ' , ( iO cents wltIlln three roartt artm' unliT , GO cC'ntA within four ) ' (11\1' ' ; aftCl' untlT , unll [ it ) ( 'onts within six months aflol' the oXlllrnlion of fi\'o 'OaJ'S aftlJl' onlrr , 'I'ho 5011101' may cOlllmuto his lJnllT h ' IJI'lng the full IJI'II'e anll I'ol'elvo llI1lont ns IJI'ovllcll ! fOl' 1111 homestellli ontl'lt'H , 'rhOSl' lanlls 111'0 to IJc IIlsposoll of 11I11\1'1' \ the gCII om I IJI'ovlsJons of the hOlllestl'llIl antI townslto IlIws or the UultC11 Stlllos UlIII shall ho 011011011 to ! Jetlllh mOllt hr Jlroclllmr..Ion or the Ilresl , 110111. Union Imlllll1's IUlll Hallol' ! ! of the civil HlIII SJlUlIlHh wars nl'C' to han' the 31l1\1t ! III'o1'oronco as III'cJcl'IIJod ! In the gOllll'al ! hOlllestonll la WH , Soctlon'i lli ulIl1 : lIi or caC'h towlIRhlJl are cCllo.1 . to South Dalwta fOl' school.IIUI'\IOS08 \ , RECONCILED TO WAR , RUI.sla'o Rejoinder Not Expected for a Week , but Japan IG Prep.ued . , , \'OKIO-.1ulll1l1 1I00s lIot antlclJlato nUBsla's rcjolnccr ) fOl' Ilt. leust OIllJ week In the meantime tllo no.ttoll IR JlI'OIHlI'C'cl lUll I gl'lml ) ' 1'0colIC'ilell to war , Political Ilnll othI' IlI thll'tII IH hll\'o IIlsaJlJlellrcl1 allll the ( oulltrr If ! 1II\II'IolIC'ulI ) ' I1nlloll , 'fho ovornml'nt In I'ccelvlllg mallY oITOI's or contrlhu , tlonH In the uvent ol wal' , amountillg ' millions of ' , 'rho , to 1U1l1I ) 'en Jl1l1all' PRO IWoJlle woulll welcome an hOllor- ahl ' Iloaee , hut arc resol\'ell to l1ght hol'OI'o 1'l''l'lllllg fl'om tholr posltloll ill OI'lntal IIrfalro , , , ( hp ) ' foal' the aggrossloll or Husslo 111111 110111'\0 If not. stoppel ! now it will 110 VOl' ho RtOJlJI1. ) ) ) 'fhoy Ilro I'on- 11110nt. that tholJ' 11'mnlllll1 are fah' anll molel'l\lo ( Ilnll tholl' 11Iplolllal' ) ' , \\'hl < 'h has 111''n IlI\tlenl , han gOllo to Il rea. sonahlo limit. ' 1'hpy'eXllect the WOI'ltl's symlHllhy In the struggle ami hlL\'o It HplC'nc1111 ( 'onlll10llco III tllC'IJ' 0 al'IIIY nn(1 ( lIavy , III the uvont of rC'- \'OI'IWS 01' a nl1t1onal 11I8aHIOI' It Is thought thaI EnJ.lund : alii ) Inn Unltl'1 { Slatl's wOlIlII Intl'l'\'enl to III'OSOI'\'O n ha lalll' of ) IOWOI' In eastern Asia , . CITIZEN TRAIN NO MORE , Dl'illiant but Erratic Genius Succumbs to Attack of Heart Dlse < l3e , NEJW YOHK-nem'go } "l'I\lIcla 'rmln 1I1C'1IloufllLY night. at1I1Is hotel No , 1 , whol'l' III' haH IIvoci 1'01' Rome yom'H. J Ipr.I't. IlIhl'aSI ! WI1S the cuuso or hl dPlllb. ' ' I"I'I\II'IR 1'l'alll horn in GI'OI' ! ! : " \ ( waf ! BOHlonlarC'lI 2-1 , IS : ! ! ! , 110 was or. IJhalwl1 III ] 1):12 : , his father , lJ1othl'r anll throt. HItcrs d 'lng at New Ol'loans of fellow flWOI' , 11 0 ol'gallizoll the 111'11\ ut' 'J'mln & Co. , HhIIJllln/ / ; agents with 011)11 ) in tills I'ol\ntry mill In Austr.- 1111 , 111111 stal'lell the I1I' < ; t cllllIOI' ) sh'II'i to Callforllia III ItHU , 110 IJt' l\lul u,1 IW"I"ul mlll'Lnd ! > nnll 111 all 0 an iutll'- IHlIl\I'nt \ race 1'01' llrcslclent in 132. Ho wa 1I0lOlI as a ) ll'olll1cT Ilo I' anll for his l' ( centJ'lcitles , Ill' haH a carcOl' which has oarrll' . ) him to nil lJaI't1 > or the wOI'hl anll left hit ! iIllIH'OS in wany lanlls , Ho ha been lll'ominollt Ill ! a IH'OIllOtOt' , lee , tllrr ! , ) lolltlcal sloalwr ) at III nllthlll" - - - - Nominations by the President , , \ \ ' ASH ING\'ON-Tho \ IH'osldont Hl'nt to the lIonato : the following nomina- tlonli : COIuml Gonol'lll-FlemluE ; D , Cht' . shin' , New 1'01'1" at i\llIluloll , China. Con8uls-Jo.lI1P5 \ \ " DavhlscJIJ , lill- ne80ta , at AnlulI ! ; , Chilln : Ellwin " , Morgan , Now 'lori" at DI1)n ) ' , China , , Soclallcto to Meet , O"AlIA , Nl'h.-'rho oxoclltlvo ( 'om , m 1111'0 of I he natlollul soclllllst lIarty , In IlesBion III Omaha , Issued It l'all for Il nntlonal C'onvontion to meet In Chl- ( 'ugo II1Y ] . 'rho call. after statln ! : the 1' ( ' UIt of the roferenc1um'oto on pincl' of meetIug , sa ' 6 the ho.s ! ! : ! or , 1''III'o entlltion ahall IJo 0110 11oll'gatn fOl' l'll < 'h hUlIlIl'l'tI mombol's In ootl III ! lndlng and olle delegate at ll\t' ( ' , fl'om cu'h : atate'ho \ hl1ihlln In whl'h Ihl' convl'ntlon Is to he 1\1'111 will I , , ' HnUOI\'ll ! : latl'l' by the IUl'1 ! ( "III : III i t 11" ' ,