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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 28, 1904)
' : " ' - = - : : : = = ' = - = - . ( USTrR COUNTY R PUBLICAH - - - - - - - - By D. M. AMS ERRY. - - - - - - - nnOImN now , . . NlmHASKA . - - a:1 : l B1.ief T c g , T. ; ' 1. IIn ! nl11rltl , th < , f(1"11I1(1f of Con. ( 'ordln , I\n8. , 10 deall lit the age uf 7.1 ) 'l'nr8 , AI1jlltnllt Gelleral , Johll S , SnlllHl'rn of the j\lIryltllHlnuliolllll ! Gunrd Iii dend at AltltrlllUlltl , The denth of 1erlllnn [ I , ' . A , HadC'II , i IlI'ollllnollt III I11l1l01l1C Grlt : 11 Arm ) ' ( ' \1" \ , ( 'Il's , Ol'rllITe nl Pellll , 111. Hpllnlar Qun ) ' Introdllcell II hl11 111'0' \'Idlll far the IHll11lsfilon of Oidaholllll , nll.I 1IH1II\II Tel'l'ltor ) ' ns 0110 stili ( I , The dlrerlors uf the 1011'1(1 r:1l1l'Oad : l1C'roll\rrd n. : ! 1101' cent seml-lIl1nlllll dlv. Idl'11I1 on the IIrst Ilrlf red [ llol'I" A tlJnmlrh ! from Poldllg snys that mlHlllonllrll'1I who 11IWolITl'pd / thl'l'O Tf'port thnt Prillco TUUII Is ! WI'lolIsIy . III. It Is rOllol'ted t hut II serious hatt 10 has tallOlI III ace 1I0twlen the govern. nll'lIt troops alld the 1I11111rgellts III Urllguay , the IIIs1I1'gellt8 losing hlav. \1) \ ' , , Senlltor PellroRe Intro llced a hill IJro. hlbltlng the IsslIlng or IlIlylng of money - ey orders or the registerlllg of letterll on Sunday. 'I'ho Northern Pacll1r dlt'octors have del'lared a 1 % Iwr cent qllarterly dlvl. denll , comllarlng with 1 % lCr ! rent rog- ulnr nncl an cxtra holt lieI' cent for thc Ilreceding qUllrter , Se'I11 < rlr : H. Chllrch , who form 01'1) ' controlled the IJlg 11'011 huslneoH In San I 'rnllrlnco , fIIecl IL potltlon In "lsol- venr ) ' , Ho Illacos Ihll1l11t1eH at $ .H G- 000 nncl aBsols at $ H2.fiIiO , It Is given out nt the Inlorlor cle. pnrlment. thnt the reslgllnt Ion of George I. 1Iarve ) ' . sUl1lJrllltendent. of the Pawnee IlIcllan s < , heel , han heen 1'0. ( ' 01\011 ancl will 110 accolltel\ \ . Allclrew Carnoglo has gl\'en $1IiOOO to build a I1hrnry nt ' 1'1L1Iull'sa : collego. 'l'alladl'gn. Ala , Tullacll'gn. college waH foulltlCll In 1 SGi 111111 111 11evotoll to the eclucat Ion of the negro , Urlgncllor G011(1ral Frotlorl < , k D" . Grant aAS1I111ecl command of the de. partlllent of the 101\08 In acconlonco with the terJ'ltorlal reclhilrlctlng nl'lII ) ' nct recently passell lIy congl'lSS , An addltlollnl $10,000 haH heen asl. . od of the Fl'Olll'll < , hamllol' of dellntles to adel to the $120,000 nll'ead ) ' IlIJllrO- llrlalell for an agrlrultmal ancl hOl'tI- < , ultmlll exhlIJlt Ilt the 81. Louis OXIJO' altlon , Postmaster GOlloml Pn 'lIo saltl there WIlS nothing to liar Ilostmcsters 01' ether federal omco holllol's from serving as delogntoH to 1 > 011 tI cal < ' 011- vlnllons , whether national , state 01' < , ounty , . : \lujor General Iln < , Arthul' has h . sncll nn 01'11(11' to the effect. that no ox- tcndod lel1.vo of abconeo will IJo gl':1nt. : ( Ill to nl'my olllrerH HCI'vlllg In the Pn. ( ' 111 ( ' division of the nrm ) ' until further notlco , , luclgo WlI1dn of the Illinois SUIJremo < , ourt has gl'nnled n UIJerselloaR III the mso of S , HlIChl'ls ; , rerlllth' cOl1\'letod of IJfiRSlng a fOI' e(1 ( dICel , on Postmm'.tOl' 11ull of Poorln nnll sell- ten < , eel to the penltonllarr , The hrlclc Inyors' and mnAonR' Inter , national lInlon at ItR eonvlllllo:1 adopted n rcsolutlon IlI'alslng WIlliam n , Hearst , mcmbrl' of congl'OSIl and owner of ! Il'vornl newsnaperR , for his chamlJlonRhllJ of org'nl'l7.od labor , Accorcllllg' to the testlmol1Y of Captain - tain nl'OnAOU. RIIJI < , rlHtendent of the naval I1radomy , 1I0fOl'a the hOIl'1' ' " < ' 0111 , mlttce on 11llval affnh'R , the UnlltcI Statcm will have uavnl offirers ( \ } " lIgh In 1 ! lOi to man all navnl vos8 < ,11I. The Unltell Stntes has the Iloor'st hllllclln road s 'slem of nny cl\'m1l'd < , ollntr ' ou oarlh , a < , col'l1lnl : to Hora , tlo S , Earlo of Dotrolt. 'I'hls 1'01111I , t Ion ho conshlers 1111to a la < 'lc of UIl' tlonal. Atnto nntl local cool rnllon , At 01dnhoma City , OIla" Ihp lIIoth ( II' of Th0111ns QIIl'enan. the wlfe.ml1r. dorer , whoso ox clition was Rol for I 'cll ruary 12 , has 1'0ceh'lcl II. lctt 1' frurr Go\'ernor FCI' IIHon slating that h ( would commllto the scntenl'o to lIfl Imprlsonmon t. 'I'ho hOllse commltl'c on 111\r < 'haul marine nud I1shal'l's by n Rlrlct l\artJ \ yoto has ordel'lJd , a fnvoraillp r\JIJI' : to hn made to tha hOllflO on the Glml ner hll1 IJrovlllln fOl' a c01ll11'II > ' 111II to Investigate the whole qllostlon 0 shin suhsldy , The IJreslllent has Rl'ut to the /en / ' nt the following nomlnatlOlIR : Con suI general , } . 'Ilmlng n , Chl'sl h'e 0 New 1'01'1nt MIIIlIen , Chll1a : COII' > 1I18 , lllmes 'V , Davlclson , lhll1Iola , nt 11 Tllng. China : Edwin ylurgnn , No\ ' Yorlc , at DahlJ' , China , A RIIT1IIIe111enial estlmnte for nl1 n [ : . IlrOlrlatlol1 ( of 3H , OOO fot' "nrmn mont of 10rtll1catlolls" waH t l'allsmll tell to the hOllso b ' Seer'lal' ' Hoot. 'fho Detroit 1I0ard of ( ' 0111111(11'1' adopted 1'C'solutions declnrlng till ! "tho joint high commission shollltl b roconvenell. for the 11UI'IISO of 11(1' = ( t latlnp ; a new l'eclll1'oclt ) ' tl'oat ) ' wit Canada , " Thh'l.l1vc hllndred OInplo 'es of Ih Illinois Stcel co 111 11111) ' Ilt South Ch cngo returnclt to worl , with the 1'1 oponlng of the 011(111 hearth , 1118tl nl1 slab mlllt3 , which have heen Idle 111111 ( ' hofol'O Christmas , 'rho mon acoC'pte a rQdllction In wages from 10 to IJCI' < , on t Congrus man 1IInshaw has 1'1011 momlell Charles Lurenlleol to bo 1108 ' mastol' at WIlIams ! , Thn'et' cOllnt ; Neb. , vil'e W. A , Eellwlts : , reslgnod , It Is annollllcot1 In a dispatch fl'OI Montovldeo that the Urugua'IU1 TO\ " UonlstB have IIcen tideated after sansulnal'y battle at 1II0scas. . . ' : r - - " - - ' ' - ' - ' . " : ' " - - - , " : " , . , . - - . - A TORNADO SOUTH AT LEAST THIRTY PEOPLE ARE I < NOWN TO I3E KILLED , AN IHGREASE IN LIST LlIEL ( Y - - - EIHlre Northern Portion of AI2Ib 1m 1 Swept by High \'Iinds-in Addition to LOIJs of Life Great DanH1ue Rc. suits to Propet'ty. - - - ' 1'USCALOOSH.IIIA IIiHoSt1'OIlIl : tOI'II11c1oI'l.'llt uvn' loul1dvllle , AIIl" n lown of ; : to Illhullllllnts , IIlt en miles ! lOll I h ul' ' 1'I1culoosa , early Fri. du ) ' IInel us 11 result thlttyso\'OIl Iwr. SOliS Weru 1.\11otl \ IUtel mOl'e thll11 IOU IlIj lII'od , very hllshwlIlI huu e , with the exceptio II of 1Hmnll Ilurg IItm'o , wns rompleLoly dostro'o . SIII'eoIlH , wmo I'Ilshell to MOIIIIII. \\11c ' \ from Grcel1Abol'O tlllt ! 'l'I1Bcaloost. : IIlIcl 1111 lIosHIIJlo wnB clone 10 allovilltu the sul'fCl'lngi : ! of I ho Inj1ll'ccl. By the ferro of I he storm \lC'rRolIs \ WOI'C IIlown hlllllll'cdH of fl'l't from Ilwlt' hNls III I ho hlnclmcs of the night. 'rhl'OlIgh tel'l'OI' , II falhl'I' , molhcr llnel three : ( 'hllcll'ell 1111 from their homo tu scek I refll"c " nncl In tholt. cxcltmnont left u Ii.rear.oltl 1I0y In hecl..ntCI' \ . ho was l\1l1ccl \ from lI'nl'ath Homo tlmhm' a11l1 thUH far It Is Iml10881hle 10 I1nll uny other mom lieI' of the fumll ) ' , HOlltllng , carlletH lIuel wparlng alllll1l'ol are Hcat. Lered for a distance of tOil mile ! ! thl'ollgh whllt WIIS a forost. , hut which Is now as cloul' as If Cllt 11) ' the I woodmllll's IIXO , , ' II10wII to s\llln. Frl'lght cars WI'O \ tel's I he t rUCIH from them lIelng hllrl ! d hlllHlreds of feet from the t raclc. The dellot , I he hotel , wore- hails ! ! , gills , thlt'Ly homes , f1ve slol'o hOIlSOS , togolhOl' wtih the stocls , WOI'O ( ! omillolely destroyed , Whel'o they slood It Is Impossible to fil1l1 0\011 ' the pillars ullOn which these Htrllc- IIII'OH rl'st I ! I ! . BelcH of collon , which \\01'0 stowed In warehollsls , were. torn to II10ms , the frlgmenls ! of lint 101lglng In tros. mallng It 1IIIIICa ! ' liS I hough that Hec. 110:1 : h atl hoen'IAlted by 11 snowstorm , 1Icavy lI'on rJafos , the dOOI'H of which In some Instances wore torn from theil' IllngeH , were cllrrlod aWII ) ' by I he force of the willi\ \ . A YOllng clcl'k OntlJlo'ed 1IyV , P. Phifer , heal'lIll the lelTllllo roaring ol Iho storm , lot himself Into a well In the con Lor of the store , 110 had 110 ! : IOOIll'r f01llHI this Illace of Hafoty thlln I ho stOI'O was coml1letoly demollsh l\ \ . ' ' , I 11e waH IInlnjlll'C'd 'fhe to\\'n of 111111 , four nules nOI'Lh of lolln.lvlllo . , sllffel'l'll l'Om ! the tor- naclo , The Bates Lunthol' comllllny's IJlnnlng depllrtment was ( ; Omllotol ! ) ' wl'ecloll antI the negro fil'oman cl'IIBh. od , 1"0111' rOEltlences ntHl ono ehl1rch W(1I' ( ' dl'mollshel. ( nnl\IING1IA ; I , Ala , - Tornadocs plllYl'll havuc lit r.evoral Illaces In Norlh Alahama , rmmlllng , us fur as Imown , III the .10ath . of ( wor thlrt ) ' IlColle ! anll Injlll' ) ' to mnny moro , 'rI1C storm conLOI' was ut anll al'OlInd lonnd\'lIlo , a smr.1I town In the norlhern portion of 11alo connty , where heavy losn of lIfo and gl'eat do- stl'l1ctlon of IJl'ollCrl ) ' arc 1'0110rlod , Becal1S1' of the fact that. the wires were prosrnl (1 ( r.elnllR of the 11\sa \ tor I'O meager , HCIJOl'ls l'ocl'lvod at 'rIlRl'l1loosn. Intllcnto that no less thun thirty IleoplO Wl'l'O 1\llIod at 1'lound. vilte anll ' ' ' . man ) mOl'o Injlll'ol1. Tile RIoI'm 8Wollt all of the nOl'thorn IJOrt Ion of Halo cOllnty IlIHI .10stroyocl . many farms , II. Is roorell that fnller relJOrtA will show an InOl'easc(1 ( loss of lifo , COT ON REACHES WAR PRICES , Dr , I3rown Snr1ngs a Little Surprise ( In th New Orle < lns Ring , NI \lHLEANS-DI' . Brown AliI" prllll : : ; the ring at the Cotton exchangl' Prillay 11) ' toiling tr:1II01's : to go to hlo hrolNH end give thom ( lvor'thlng thly had fOl' sale 1'01' 1\IIIY ( lolln'y at Ihe mUl'lwt prlco , 110 salll ho was . w.Jlln to huO'ol''thlllg : offered 1111 to hnlf a million lIales , Before he mlltle this offer ho 1I1l1 11i,18c for : Jr.OOO I lIall's of 1\la ) ' 1I1s 1I\II'cha3es wel'o . holY : ) ' , 'I'hl' marl\Ct romalne(1 ( In llenllhY c01HlIIlon In sllito of the 10vllR UIIt ha\'o IlOen attaliloli. Thc IlI'osent } l1'11'ls are the hlgheHt Hlnco Will' tlmos 111111 , Ineo the fnt\ll'o 111arllt has IlOon erllIlIlIshotl. ' 1 here allpearH to 110 no weal , long Int'rlst In tllo market antI hrolH > I'H nro o'actln , ; hoav ) ' mlll'gins on ull l111rchasos , Leaves of Absence for Printers , \ \ ' SIII-\GTON-Senutor Platt ( N , \ " , ) , from the commlttoo on Ilrlutlng , rOllorll'd favol'l1hly the 11111 rogulatln lean's of nllsonce of omllloyos of the government IlI'lnling olllce , The 11111 gin's the emplo'es who rocelvo an nual salaries leuves of : "hlrty daye euch , l'xeluslvo of 8undl\'s , thus 111It tlng them on the SI11110 footing fi ! emplo'l's In olhol' 11011l11'tmonts of th ( go\'O\'nmcnt \ , A leller wns road fl'on the IHlbllc IJrlnter sarlng that the IItI dltlollnl cost to the gO\'e1'l1lnent wOl l1 he abuul WOOO 1'oar , l3ank President Convicted , 'fUENTONI.Albol't D , C 'l'wlnlng , forme ) } ' Ilresident of thl de funrt 1.'II'st National baul. of Auhur Pal'll , WUK convicted 111 the Unite ; StMes dlall'il't COUl't on Frhln ) ' on th ( 'harge of mal < lng faso ! certlfirates t the r'ollllltrollol' of the ClU'l'onCaG t ' 11' UIO hrmli's condition , A 1111m1191' c : t ' , , otllo1' Indl < 'tu1tlIts are still hanllln : ) 0\1' ' 1'wlnlng. The mll11111ul11 ponalt fOl' the Cha1'IO for which ' 1'1 11 In In has hoen fountl gu\lt \ . Is I1vo'OUl' . ' 0' 1\1111 I he maximum II ton "oal's' In a l'I'lsonmeI ' , - ( j . - . _ _ " _ ou , _ _ " " , _ " ' , " " " , , , " ' " " ' ' ' _ - - - - - - - SOLDIERS COERClrD DANKERS , Testimony Glvcn at Ml1nll" ncg lrdlng I mport1'ltlons. ' I IANILA--\tnnnfo'I' : ; ( , lours of Ihp ( ) KOllg & ShanJohal hl1nlt , during Iho IlIIhllr IIISct\fllon \ now going Oil , tlcclllrccl that , Ilrlul' 10 th IHlo ago of the 11I11111(111wntal r'urretll'Y nct , the Imnll1s hnt ! It Il'tll'l' front nOIle/'ul / Ml" ! ! " rltt , upnn the Ktrl'nglh of which llH ! I1nlllll'lnllon oftNI'ntl : colllu's ] Wa3 r08u111Od uftcl' t weuty YOUI'S' 111'0hlhl- tlOII , 'rho Imporlatlon of thl I'oln WIlS 1I0t volttlltnry 1111011 lho 11t1.1'l of tit. . 1)11111(9 , hI' Bille ! , hut Will ! ! f01'rpt ! 111)(111 ( th0111 lIy thl' mllltu' : ) ' I\lIthol'ltles \ , ' - 111'ac-1 tlrall ) ' lit Ihe Iwlnl of till' lIa 'onot. AII1J1'I,1111 sollllOl'a 11Itel'l't ! III < ' ImnlH , tl1Il1nnlllnr ! local ( 'tIl'1'l'IH'y fOl' golt ! , Homo l'\'pn going Lo the IplIgLh of nil. forcln thclr clomllnlhl III Iho 111111.1.10 of 11. rpvol\'l'l' , 'J'hl'l' ( ! WOl'(1 : ! , OOO Iroops lancloll wllhln three 1110nths , 10 IJI1 ' wh01l1 I ho quurtl'I'IIt\lii : VI' I1l1tl IHlYlHllo\- \ t l'I' Ih'ow It'IIl'I's of l'I'l'(1l ( ! fOI' C fOnOno , whlrh ,10111'11 Oil hili IJIII'fOllul1 \ hhnAcl1' IIl1alllo to l'onvHt lute ( 'oln , Illtel ( 'on. 0 [ > 1)11 ) < ' 11 tI ' f'lmwll I hI' hall I" (1onornl Greeuo I h < 'n IlislJ'll UII ol'/h'I' / t hat un. less the lIuulwl'H < , hallgecl th'sI 1I'aftn ! lulo 111011l'fOl' 1 he II'oollS hl' wOllld place , IOUI'S IIntlOl' gUIU'lI IInll throat. ( JIwtl to 101'1 ( hlll1 1111 , 'J'trJ : cll cIIs lon will ho ( ' 0111 11111 C 11. IS DE FACTCO GOVERNMENT Minister Powell GlvCG Recognition of Moralcs , S N DO\IINUO-UIIt'tI : ! Stutos ; \lInlsll'I" PO\\'ell l'ocog'nl7.ell th ( ' 1)1'0' ) vlslol1ul ; ; ovel'1I111ent of UOllel'HI10' : rnleH as I hl 110 facto go\'ornment. of Sunlo Domingo untl ho has Inforl110 the l110mhOl'8 of Ihe dlplomallc IInd conHlllul' CIII'llH 10 Ihls PUll. ' 1'1w oll1rel's of Iho Unllod SIIltl'H cmlsor Colu1I1111o IlIlIcl an olllcllll visit to IIw pa1lcl' : and WlI'l' ! recelvetl with mllltnl'Y honOl'H , SUJIIl'quently ! t h ( ' ) ' ' were IllloWl'd 10 view I h ( ' rtlIcs ! of COl1l1l1huH , which m'p ( ( Cpt III 1I1l' CIl' thellml hl're , Il11cl they I hen visited the fOl'ts and plucot ; of Intm'oRt. 'I'hel'o Is stili no ch ngp In till' political sit. IJIlllon , Ann lIacl , on Slll1 L.otll'O do 1\lacOl'IH Is oxpecloll ancl the Unllotl Slutes gunJoat ! NOWIWI'I hus proceed. Ihel'c ' Amel'lcan IntoI" e(1 ( 10 J'I'otoct oslH , SIOUX CITY.ASHLAND LINE. Slendr : PI'ospect of Building It Thie Year. I.ICOL.ell'I'h : ( ' , lolIl'llal says : It may II ! ! [ mid on I he authority or It Bur1ingloll . .mull011 Imown In No- b1'llsl.a . , UIIII now enjo 'lug a Ilosltiun whore ho sholli/l / ! wo\\ ' when I he com. Iwny Inlen(18 ( hllllcllng , that the : Sioux Clt ) ' line , llrojecle(1 ( 10 1'1111 from Ashland - land to'a conneollon with Ihc Great NOl'thol'll in 10WII , may not. he hullt IhlR coming souson , ' 1'he IIghtnoss of I lIl' nHJ1ll'Y nHu'lwt 111 the ' ' , hullltll east may III'o\mt tne ( of many ( Iws III Ihl' wpst , notwlth- slandlng 1 hl' IlIwlnesB of the west \\'I\1TIU1tH l'xtcnHlolls , ( 'ol1l1ocllllg lIr.-os and ImlI'O\01l1011ts ( , Notwithsta11l1lllg the pl'osont. ( Jllllool" Sioux City Is mm'lug III the 1I1at I Cl' to Inchlcl ,1\111 \ 11111 to build the line at. once , nnd if l'epOl'1 s from hm' IIl1slness men's COlli' mlttoo a 1'0 not tLO highly colored 1I1l'1'0 Reoms to lie some IJl'Sllo : t of success , BLAIR OWED HALF A MILLION. , He Carried Life Insurance in the 3um I . of $1,000,000 , ST , LOUIS , 1\lo-Tho 110licles holtl by the latl' .Jamos L , Blult' , fOl'lnol' gonoml counscl for I he wOI'II1's fall' , who dbl at gustls , Fla" last Satur- ( lay , are rUIIllll ) ' beln 1111t1 IJy I ho In. sUl'anre comllllnlos , It If ! stated that Ihe totll : amollnt of h' , Blair' ! ; inllebtctlness , InrlUllll1g' the mOl1e ) ' aclvun'c(1 ( fOl' him b ) ' fl'iendA and I'l'l:1I1\'o lIming Ihl' Inst year of his life , haH heen of1lclally 1101el'mln- oIl :1.1 $ Gt : lOOO , It IR furl hel' Htatld thnt OVlJl'Y clol1m' of this U1l1ouut will 110 Imltl from Iho hWIII':1I1l' ( ' now comIng - Ing In , 10llvlng $5.\11000 \ fill' 1\11'8 , Blah' nnd her t\\'o sons 1l'Ovltling that a pol. Ic ' 1'01' $ : ! OOOOO , which ono C01l111\ny : , lI'gl111 to contest lIeforo.11' . , llIulr's cleath , Is 11:1ld : , CONSUL WILL NOT INTERFERE , Americans Will Carry th ! : Piercy 1\1at. ter to President. 11.V ANA-Unltod StatoR Consul Steluhart , ha'Ing 110t'llnod to Interfere - fero with gl'll'\'anCN ! which 11Amll" \ Ican resltlents of the 1tlo of p\tws \ have against : \la'ol' Sl1.ucho7. or NuovII Co- roans In connoel\cm \ with the IIITost of MOI'gan PI < , rc ) ' , thp son of an morl- can , Iiolition to PI'C'sltlent Hoosovelt Is IlOlng IlroIJ\1'o(1 : ( for the slgnatnl'l's , of the Amcl'lcllns , 'l'hls IIltition will allo w that the conduct of 1\1I1 'OI' San. chez Iq oPlu'essl\'l' and Intolcl'ahlo ann will pi'll : , ' fot' the alllJolntmont of an agent othol' Ihan United mates \I1n- . Istor Squires to h1\'estlsnto the case , with a view or usldug' the govel'lll11ont of Cuba to remo\'o the ma'cr , Judoe William Jones De:1d : , S'l' , LOUl . MO-Judge WIllln111 , lonos. fOl' flfl ) ' yonrlo1 rosldent of St : Loulsls dOIl\ \ . MIchlef Mi\kel'c In v.ore . W AS 1II NG'llO-\-'l'ho enl ) ' a < 1\'lco ! recolvod over night at tbo s\nte de Il1rtmcnt from the enst art' truul tIlln Isto1' Allen at Seoul , I1nlster AllU ! reports that Slolll ! Is In I panlr1tJ condition IInt1 thnt there Is npIJl'ehon sian of II riotous outhl'ol\l , lit all ) ' 1110 1Uconl. 'I'ho Intimation Is con\'e'oI1 11 the 11Ispnt < , h that Intcrostotl forelgl 0111181'1nl'I08 ' are at the hottom of hesl IlisturhllnrotJ , the result of which ma ho to IIn'OI' IIn excuse tor Intor\m lion nnll the Illaclng ofI'ge ] : 101'1'(1 : In Korell , " . . t . _ . . . . . _ _ . - . . . _ . . . _ . . - _ . - - EXPRESS HELD UP I TRAIN RODI3ERS LOOT THE SUN. SET LIMITED , DlSPLA V RED DANGER SIGNAL Tralnmrm ; ] re Overpowered 1nd , Ex. preas CM IG Forced Open-Officials . . . . Assert thL1t Anount . .nken by the Robbers Is Sm'lll : , . - SAN FHANUISCO , - Whlle the , Sollihern Pacilic C0111IHlI1)"tI Sunset Llmltl'waH \ clltniling the mountains IH1twpen SUII Luis Ollls1JO nml Sun Ar. do 'j'hUrHIII ' night a WoHs.I-'argo tI'elUJlIl'e hex WIIS 111ystel'Iously stolpn Ollt of the cllr lIy some lIOr80n or pl'r. 8011S , 'I'linothy Sullivan , the meHSl'ng- el' , waH In another crr IInd when 110 retl1rned ho I' all lid the sldo door of tlw CJxpl'es ! cllr ollell and thc safe mlHHlng , 'rhe l'oblJel' gained ontl'l1nco to thl' cnr through thc end door , the locI. of whIch had IlOel1 fOI'COI ! . Sulllvnn at OIlCP 1I0tllled the railway olltclalH or thl' l'Oubory allll a Hl'l1.l'ch fm' the miss. In Hllfe rlsultl'11 In finding It IWI11' 'l'Ul1Iel : No , : ! , It 111111 been 1Irol\On opl'n and Its contents talwn. with the exception of n vahlllhle 11\amond \ , some checl.s and ether paporH , 'rho amoullt of treasul'o thut was IJClng cl\rrlod In the Hnfe has not IJol'n dotermlned. 'fhe OXIII'CSB ofllclals state that It. was only n few hunclred dollarH. bllt that thore' were some vallll1.hlo papol'S , Istlmatcs ! : from thl' Rceno of the rollilory III ace the nmollnt us high as $80,000 , lint It \ ! ; thought that thIs CJstlmate Is gl'eatly exaggeratoll. The oXlll'ess car carried two Hafos , ono n' thl'ollgh safe , which Is loclwd at New Orlea.ns. anll the other a local safe , H18 \ the local safe that WIlH tul\On , One man IH lindoI' U1'I'eHt at Sun LlIls Ohlspo on slIsplclon , hilt the e\'ldenco ag'nhlHt him IH only cll'cumstnntlal. 'rho slow IJl'ogress of the tralu wOllld have Ilol'mlllod the 1'0IJIJors entering the ox. IH'eSH car , throwing Ollt the 8afo and jllmliing off aftol' It wlthollt dunger , Hy , ChrlstlanRon of the Paclt1c dl'lJl1'tment of Wells.Fargo & Co , sa's that thol'o was vel' ) ' little In the hex lIut thor ( ' Is a rOllort thnt ono IlI1clmge sont. fl'01l1 Santa narhara was worth ahon $ , 110 ! mld that ' 1'lmotl ' Sulll\'an , the messenger In charge of thl' < 'ut' , was an ohl omployo ami thOl'oughlj' r'lIablo , On t.he aI'I'I\'ul of the train In this cltr ) l'SSenFel' 8u1lvun ! told the stOl'y or the I'obbery 10 Yardmaster Percival. lIe ralel lIU't shortly after the train loft SI1I1 Luis OblsllO on Its way north he left the OXlIreBS car and wont Into the lIaggago car , Immoc1\ately \ hohlnd It. IIIH hellJor wus In a comlmrtmont of onl' of the cars , The expl'oss was tem- Ilornrily 'mcant , 'and the thlovos , lIossl- hly hollols who had lI(1en Hteallng a rlelt' . cnt a halo In the front door and entcl'ed , 1'hoy thln forced OllOn the slelo door , throw out the safe and lIre- sUmall , ! ; . ' jumilll aftr.r It. This was an eallY matlt'r , as the train was 1110vlng \'er ' Hlowly on an lip grade. IRnlGA lON COMPANY LOSES , Coullty Hm ; Right to F'x Rate for Water. WASHINGTON , D , C-The decls. Ion of the circuit rourt of the Unltocl Slates fol' the norLhol'l1 district of Call. fOl'llla In the cuso of the count ) ' of Str.nlslllu3 ngllinst the San .10aquln & Kings myel' Canal and Irrigation com- lIany was rosel'\'ed In the supreme court : \Ionday , The case Involved the valldll ) ' of the lawII of Callfomln lIormlttlng the counl y allthorltles to f1x the ralo to be charged h ' the Irrigation comJany for water , The coml1l1n ) ' claimed the rale Lho county fixed was too low amI thut the laws pl'lor to 1885 , under which the compan ) ' was organlzod , wCl'e eqllivalont to a contract , IlOrmlt- ling the compan ) ' to fix its own rate , The cll'cult court aCCelJted this view a UtI decided that the nct or 188 couIII nut lie Invololl to Impair the contract. RESOLUTI NS , AGAINST SMOOT. Lincoln Minister's Take Action In Casc of Utah Senator. l.INCOLN. Nell-At the meeting of the LIncoln : \lInl8terlal association the mlnlstors 11I1ssod resolutionH and will send the following Instl'llctlons to the Nebraslm 80nutOl's to IJrOsent to Son- : Itor Burrows , chal1'lnun of the com. mitten on prlvlloges and oloctlons : "Uesolved. That , ar the lInlsterlal ASEOclation of I..Incolnvo pretest against Sonutor Smoot f'tlttnlnl ; his Heat In the United States senate , pro. vleletl If It 110 founcl by the senate com. mlttee that the oath of loyalty to the : \10rman chnrch on the iurt of the alJOstlll Smoot 811hol'l1lnatoR his aileg" " ' lance to the gO\lrnmont ot the tTnlted I' Stutos unll Intorfurls with 11 lo'al sup' port of the Institutions of the govel'n' mont , " 'rho I'osolutlun was :1I10ptetl IInanlmoullly , Wlthdl'awl1 to Manchuria. PEKI-\-'I'ho'dotachments o ( HilS' sian troops at Chlllg " 'uug 'rao anll Shanhal Kwan hl\vo IJeon willuirawn to l\1tmchm'lo , ' 1'ho HusJlan tl'oollS romalnlng 1\1'0 \ II small detachment al ' 1'lon 'rsln and legation guard lit Pol.ln , Lc\\tlon Guard Increascd , ISllINGTONTho nwy : depart ment on Sunda ) ' rocol\'OII advkos can - I firmat01' ) ' to the dlsllatC'hes of the As. i ! ! oclatell PI'e.s , toiling of the roln for'emont of t1w Amorlcnn guard a the Unltod States logatloll lit Seoul ' 1'wo 01\lC'01'8 \ and olxt.fol1l' mo : ! wot' ( Iwnt there from the United State ! stlamer'lclsbu1' / ; , which Is now al ChomullJO , 'I'he ) ' carried II ma < , hlnc gllll with thom , ' 1'hero are IIOOll ( hundrCl1 01' maI'o men from tbo stenl11 s ( It' Vlcl.sbl1rg nt Seoul gl1ardll r ; thl lejntlon , . - f' , , , , . , . . " ' . " . - / - - - - . . - -I.- . . _ - - - _ . . , . _ _ . _ . . . _ _ . . , _ _ _ . " , . " , , . . . . . . . . _ . . . . , . , _ : I SEASON OF PEACE ON EA.RTH 1 I I ' I , ( I , 1 _ _ -From the Chlcngo Dally Trlbullc. , PURE FOOD BILL MEASURE PASSED IN HOUGE BY mSING VOTE , PROVISIOHS OF THE MEASURE Fixes Standards as Regards Purity , Strcngth and Char : lcter-Penalties for Adulter.Jtlons and Mlsbr.lnd d Goods , W A8IIINGTO-\-Tlw 110uso Imssed the 11011I1\11'n ll11re feud bill Wednesday on a rising vote , : ! 01 to ros , Its oppon- pnts bEJlng unable I'J Sl.'CUI'O a roll calt. The amendment In ert lH the word "wllflll , " with rCC1'\ncl' ! to persons who solt udlllter tell 01' mlsbmnclod goods and whl'h wonld h:1\'e campoli. , ed the government to JrO\o ) Intent to vlolato the law lIy the vondel' ! ! , was stl'lclwn Ollt on r. 'ca all ( nay yO to In the honso , Several ah.lI1llts wora made to amend the bill , but no mater. ial changes were made , The 1111I flxos the standarci or foocs ] nnd dl'UgH as to thol1' ! llIrity , strength and clHwactm' , and defines who shalt ho conshlol'cd alllliterntions or 11115' IIrnnllln : ; of foods ancl drugs , It ulso prohlhltn Interstate ( 'ommel'ce , importation - tation and exportation of sllch mis- IIrandecl 01' I1dultorntll ! ! COlJO of the huroau of chomlstry t.o In < , Iudo the lIuroau or foods and l111jl03e Ullon It the duty of j1er1ormillg nil chomlcal worlc for the other 0xu lItlvo clopart- monts , ' 1'hls bnreau wil bo cHu' ell w\lh \ the duty of ! nspectlng food and drllg Ilroclucts which hllong to ! ntor. state 01' foreign comniel'ce , 'l'ho Becre- tl1l'y of commerce IH glvon auU10l'lt ) ' to omllloy slIch chomRts ! , IIISIJectors , clol'ls nnd laborol's as may bo necos. sar ) ' for the enforceme:1t of the act. 'Ono soctlon of _ te bill provldos l'en. altlos for the Introduction of adulterated - atod 01' 1111sllrantlod fee s 01' 1lI'lnls and another soctlonIulros ( the soc- k'otary or agriculture to IJrOscrlhe r'ules und reglliatiuns to gO\'OI'l1 the 1"11'oan of chemltl' : : ' and food ! ; In examinations - aminations of articles rl. ! < ! ull'od to he 1nslllcto < 1 unclel' the law , Violations or thl" law shall 110 reported b ) ' the secrotnry of agl'lcultllro to the IJropor district I1tlOl'nl ' of the United Slutes , \\'ho Is to 11\rort \ and cau.o ; proceodlngs without dolny , As soon as the hili was rOJorted ) to the house Ir , HeplJl\rn mm'od an umonllmont ollmlnatlng the amend , mcnt offered 'ostel'llay on motion of : \11' , SteJhons ) , 110m , ( Tex , ) , which malII' it necessary to Rhow "wllflli" In , tent on the ) Jurt of ! lersons Iwosecute(1. ( ? Ill' , lIelJhlll'n said that with the Stoph , ens amendment In Iho hili It wOlllt1 he entirely Incficaclolls ! tiS a Inw , The HellbUl'n I1monllment was agrocd tu by a vote of ] .I to 12G , The bill then was pasfled 11) ' a rlRln vote of 201 tu GS , thl' ) 'eas and 111)'S [ helng refusel\ \ . : \11' , Hull of Iowa , ohalrman of the commltteo on mlllttlry 11f1'nlrs , repol't. 'ed the army allJroprlatlon ) bill and gave notice that ho wOllld call It ut : Thul'sda ) ' , . Explorer Hubbard is Dead , QUImlW-Wol'd was rocelved hol'o from Chateau Ua ) ' , LobrnIOI' ( . thot 11 coul'ler hall 1I1'1'Ivocl there Frida ) ' from Northwest rlvor with the Infol'l11l\l\on \ that Loollidas Hubhard , jr. . of the eXIJlorlng IJlrt ! ) ' sent Ollt by the mug , 117.lno Outln ! ; of New Yurl" had Illed from stan'atlnn In the wllda of I..ah , mdor on October 18 , 'I'ho remains IlI'C on thlll' wny to Qllobo ( ' . so the re , port 8a'S , b ) ' do train. with the I olhOl' 1I10m1l0r8 of the oxpedltIon. Some men ou ht to bo thanUul that the world dpo:311't : understand thorn , Congress of Mother : ; In May. WASHl-\G'I'ON , D , C-At a mopt , . Ing of the oxecutlvl' commltteo of tlu : Nnl\unal \ Can gross \ttlers ! arrnnge monts wer" mlldo for the annuni me't : r , , Ing of the Iothet.s' congress at Chi engo i\la ) ' 11 to H , anrt ( or Mothers Congress < 11at the World's fail' , 8t 1.ouls , 1\II\J' 2G , A Mothors' congl'oll ! meeting Is nlso to lJe boltl I\t Dos tot : f'ebrunr ' 13 , : \11'8 , 0 , I. , Grant wus (1Iooto(1 ( as the , relll'l'sentnl\ve \ of Nela'nsln on the board , I STILL THE TOPIC. < ln Mattera Are Considered In the Senate. W ASHING'1'ON-'I'hE. : ; onate 1'e- ' qulred less than 1. minute ' 1'uesduy to I J dlsJose ) of the motion to refer to the- commltteo , on postofficos the various resolutions looldng to an Investigation of the 1H.'stofilco deJartment. ) Th " question had IJoln prl'vlousl ) ' < 101latoll " for hours nt a tlmo , hut Tuesday no senator manlfosted any disposition to " discuss It f11l'ther anll It was udolltell i I without negative \'oto , I Artor the IJ11Sf.ugo : of hrilf a ( lo1.en . I bills the senate returned to consldora. , tlon. of the Panama question , Mr. Quarles s\lol'O \ for almost two hours . ' In support. of the ( 'OU3e of the admln- Ilslration and was followed br ' -11' . Patterson. who crltlclsed the I1rosl- dont's course In Puuama , 1\11' , Pattol'- son was subjected to many Interrup. tlons an(1 hnd not concludell when tll senate udjoul'l1ed , Qual'l"3 contended that l1p to the' time of th l'ecGgnltlon of the inde. pendenco of Panama the Unltod Statcs had done nothing bo 'onll sending Itr. warshlJs ) to the haruol' of Panama. and Colon , Hc defended the presldont against tltc charge of undue haste and " I against the charge that he had he en derollct In his duty in falling to OIJCn the way under the SIJOoner act to the cmstructlon of the Nicaragua canal when ho did not succeed In his negotiations - tiations with Colomhla for a canal at Panama , lIe said on the latter ) Joint I that there was no Intol'vonlng tlmo he. twcen the failure In Bo ota and Lho convonlng or the American congl'ess. IL. 1\11' , Pattel'son op\lcsell \ the canal tl'eat ) ' , Ho suld that If the treaty shoult1 he ratlflod whatever wrong hacl I heen committed had been condoned. If not l'l1t1ftell our RlIl lS In Isthmian W"t I'S shol'1I1 bo withdrawn and the slatus restored. Ho defended Colombia - bia as being "not as bad as palntod , " satd that thf' ! ! flcesslon of Panama from Colombia was as atroci01ls a crlmo I1S wOllld he the rlhelllon of Wisconsin from the Unltell States , lr , Patterson chargell Mr , Spoonor with having abandoned his Ilrcvlous position rogunllng the right of the United Stales to inlCl'fero In Colom- hlan affairs In Panama , hut lr , Spoon- er < , ontondoll that his Ilosltion now wus he slime as at the lI(1gln l1ng , 110 hold that. If Cniomilia dill not protect , the right of transit II was the dut ) . of the .Unltell States to do so , The conlro\'ers ' botw'ell11' : , Pat- ler30n nnd 1\11' , SJolier ! was extended , The ) ' slood ( 'Ioso together In the main aisle of the senate talldng frool ) ' " 10 each othel' , though at all limes man. , Ifostlng the III most good will. The situlltion was ( 'ontrar ) ' to11' : , Pettus' Idea uf parllamontarr Ilropriellcs and i , he made the ! Joint that convcrsatlons I wore not withIn the rules , 'fho rhalr rappe(1 ( fOl' orclOl' , and : \11' , 81)00nOr , re- I spondlng , salt ! the sonatol' from Alabama - bama:1'1 : cntlrel ) ' right , The fault ! . was all his own , he suld , and tell1l1o , rarll ) ' I'ollrel ! . Not ten mlnutls afterward , how- " evol' , the I wo scnators oguin were stallcllng tOl elher In the aIsle , 'rho now rllscusslon was all the pol lit of the I'xtenl to whlrh the prosltlout waR l'esllOnslbll for . \slsstnnt Socl'etal' ) ' Darling's order to the ( 'Onl1nallder of the : 'ol1sh\'l\Io \ ' \ dlro'tlng him to prevent Lhe Inuiling of Colombian troops on I the Isthmus of PannmaIt' : . 81100nel' rontlndod : tlllt the prt'sldcnt WIlS 1I0t ne < , eRRu'lIy familiaI' with all the dl- I'octlons lve11 : by the depn1'IInontu , Prof. Paoo PaszcG Away , FnEEPOH'f , 1Il.-Prof , nobE'rt Stu. art rl1gt' , I1I1IJcrlntendent of tbe 1mb. lie lIt'ho'ls . . . ' : an. pl'omlnont In educational - tional clrce ! : > In I he west , tIled 011 t"rldn ' fl'om parnl'tc ) ) ! Btrolc , Thompl on Will Retul't1. . I LINCOl.N. Nl'b-D , 11. : ' Thomllson , J , United Stntes mlnl3ter to Drno\1t : , now ron - , on n leavE' of nIJse:1\'p : , Is expected to arrive In Ltncoln a'.Jont Febhtary S , 'fhe Sll'luuer Tennyson , on which ; ' , 'fhompjlol1 uUed fram RIo In.nell'O January 3 , h. due 10 arrlvot Brool , . ' .I'u 011 Wedne dny , Jan\1nry : W , 1m. 1 n1l' after landhig MI' . Tbomp. I son will go to Washlngtun to repoI't tu the jltute department , I rom W\sh. I In&\On he expects to go to Mlchlgnn 10 , 'lslI rl'lat\ ! ' ( ' ! ! , un,1 , 83m after to . ( 'on : ( ' to I.Ioln \ , ! . I