Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, January 28, 1904, Image 1

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    It lat Librarian Soolel7 .
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VOlll' Eyes Will iell
wh" " YOII IIced Irlas\c5. ! 'l'ltc " 11
i c VOII wan'llIll ) ' 011 will realllh'
1I11 < 1"rs.al1ll If 'Oll dOIl'1 cltoo c I"
, Il1nor. ' It. llen' art. a few of th
hilll : Headache , dllZIIl'q . avcr.
Ioll to brhrht light , slecpl..eJlng
\\-hlle rca < lllllr , blllrrlrtil of obi ( 'tq
. . . , . \ther \ at c1o\c rani ! ' ur < I 1\1:11I ce.
o Cruwnillll or 8Qllllllilll ! . "martllll ! or
y llltrlliute qCII'1lo11 In 01 aroulld th"
" ) ' . ' Catlllll < "d rolllli"'nlcnl of
e . .lrOIIrCr ; Jlorht \ \ hell rullllir. dark
QllOl' ; 110atiuLf nt ! Jrilhl Jlllht" 11a81.
. . . . . . . .
' ' .fhe. lIlIt
IIIII' the " \ ' ' ' ' arc
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aS l1r" ) Olt tlti : h ( ' t IIla"8111 : \\1111111 !
lit. . reach ( It humall 1C110wl ( ! I/ ' " :11 : :
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Supplies ,
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: : r'-- li
I The Amount Grows S
S ljuickly aftt'th { ' first depusit. ! {
\ ) Uefore the a" ount 'yas opt > IH'd
8 moncy was speut without thOlWht. i\
Now it i' ! , cnt to the
Custer "Jational " Bank
utilI such um , ; a < ; may be required
ii : are withdraw1 UPOll prcscntution
C of cl1eque. This is u check on ex- . . ;
R pen iture" and reduces to a miniR
S ilium the possibility of error" in i.i
f.l account' ! , TIH' l)11 < ; iness of th ( ' 0
8 Custeratiollal : Bank i. . coudll tcd 8
' on safe lines awl the inh n l-ot of
epositors fully safep-ual'lle .
H. 1..0MAX , Cashier.
- .coror..r. ; : : : O"t"J : JJ .
. = r. , :
M. ASH ,
J.M. .
I . \'IDm ' ] Wr : Jg1rnlml !
I ) Of Ihlrty y afl ! Ur.Clict co. nlC8 81\1C8 anclllJskr
a 'peellfy of IIUCI onccrlug or 1111 , 'IIsc8. . ( JIlII
, \ au or Wilio alllrollOl1 \ lIow. N'lIrt\sl.ll ;
' ; .er.- :
I CI" " . . . . .
11. U. CIIUmJI.
, $ tl'\'iCCS ncxt S\lI1da ) ' morniug uud
evening. Morning uubject , "The World
for Christ. " Preaching at Custer Ccnter
at 3 p. III. All other sen'ices at the \\su-
al 110\11"5. . L. J. . EpIc ) ' , Pastor.
Wc bhall ellllcll\'OI' to lIIake Ihcs ! : :
scrvlces helpful nud endifying to ) ' 011.
Choice and nppropriutl' lIIusic is iustru-
II1cntnl in ollr worship. Bible : School at
10 a. III. Conllnllnioll lUld sermon 11 II.
I m. Young Peoples pm'er meeting 6:30 :
p. 111. Prac lca isc.oursc 7 :30 : p. 111.
Pru'er UICCtll1g at 7 :30 : en.ry Thnrs ay
evcning. YO\l arc cordially invite to he
pre cnt tit each service.
, Jcessc R. Tcngurl1t'll , Pastu. . .
' . : of ' ; ; - ; ,
UilJlr : School at Iv a. JII. II U. III.
Dh'lne Worship , topic , " 'l'he Cultlm ship
J of the Cross : " , \ JI. 111. the Jnnior B. \ ' .
II P. l' . 1'he SocIety has purchased a
! , spleu hlllhmQ' for the use uf its IIIcm.
, I hers m\ll the hook lUI\'c arrh-ed 11I111 ure
nlrcnely in use. 6':30 : p. III. The IJcvo.
. , tionul hOllr of the Senior B. \ ' . p. l' .
7:30 : p. III , Gospel 110111' . Topicc , "Re-
storell to Rank.'ednesdn ) ' 7 :30 : p. III.
I Pra'ertime. Thun ; ay 4 p. 111. 'J'he
I.a ies 1\lission Circlc will 1\'e a l\1issio\l' \
, Iry 'fea at the home of Its President ,
Mrs. DEI ) '
[ : : : : : : : : J
M. B. Egglcston of Hyno,1l1adc
this otlicc a husiucsR call Wed-
ncsday. .
I-t E. Phclps of McKinlcy ,
kindly remembered thiR ol1 cc
with an agreeable call. .
K .I. Powell of l esc Valley , i
Idndly remcmbered this ofiicc
with a social call ' ! 'hl1rs ay of
last week.
Dr. J. J. Pickell of Scocia , wa
in the city over Sunday. the
I gucst of hi-\ : \ son , R G. He rc-
turned home Monday.
J. H. Ulham of Milburn , rc-
turned today frotu Omaha where
he shipiJcd a car 10a(1 of fat cows.
He received 83.40.
' \Tesley McCaslin of Rose
\ allev. returned today from
: ) malia. where h ( ' shippcli his
. heep the first of the wcek.
'rhC' Prc-ident ! appointed J. H.
8\'ans postmaster at Callaway
Jast Monday , so says thc State
Journal's reporter at Washington.
'l'his ofiice acknowledges the
receipt of copies of tbe Annocor-
tes Sentinel. A new paper re-
' ently started at A nnocortes ,
Wash ington.
Mr. and Mrs. R G. Pickett are
the proud parents 01 a girl l > ah ) '
that ai-rived in their home last
Saturday. Mother and child are '
reported getting' along \'ery 'I
nicely ,
Claris , the oldest bov of Ur.
W. E. Talbot , had his face and
yes quite severely burned today
while playing with powder and a
match. Fortunately , the injury
is not serious. Burk has bought the
residence property of Dr. H. B. I
Mu11ins , west of the new bank' '
building' . Consideration , $ ( ,50. , I
This property was bought at a :
bargain considering its location. .
Supt. Lewis , who was ( luite. . .
badly shalcll up an bruised.
.lVcc"nssday ] of last week near I
E. M. Mosle"s , on Clear Creek ,
by his team running away , is
again able to attend to the duties
of his olTice.
At the meeting' of the count. , .
assessors it was decide to asscss
scbo\l land at its actual valuc ,
less the amount due the state.
Homesteads and timber. claims :
will he assessed after the date
when thl holder is entitled to a
Mrs. Hattie1'albot , who had
an operation performed at Omaha
last Mouday week for appendicitis -
citis , is reported as getting along
Vel"Y nicely D.nd is out of danger.
Her son , Dr. , Yo g. Talbot , was
with her during the critical
Col. Y. C. ' 1'al bet left last
'rhnrsday as a delegate of the
Nebraslm National Guar s to attend -
tend the meeting of the National
Military gathering at St. Augustine -
tine , Florida. He went bv the
way of Omaha where a special .
car was provided for the Nebras-
1m delcga tion. He ex peets to return -
turn in about three weeks.
F. A. Amsberry of Mason City ,
who was a city visitor recently ,
im'cstcd in the Central Nebraska
' 1'elephonc Co. , with the view of
extending the service in the
vicinity of Mason City. lIe will
take charg-e of the central office
at 1\1ason and superintend the
new construction work with the
view of gi ving his 10ea.1ity a
service second to nom' 111 the
Con Gibson 01 Anslev , who
went to Nevada , Mo. , on the 11th
for medical treatment died there
at that institution Thursday of ,
last week. 1\1r. A. Morgan
went to Nenulu on receipt of the
sad news atHl accompanied the
remains h k to A nsle ) ' where
they were entered. 'I'hc deceased -
ed'as for a number of veal'S a
residf'nt of Broken Bow , "hut of
reel'nt years resideclmost of the
time at Ansley where he was
cashier of the Ansley Bank , until -
til two or three rears ago when
he re"ignecl on account of failing
health and wcnt south with hopes
of re1icf. Nut getting the reher ,
he came back to Ansley where he
has since resided. He is a hro-
ther of MrR. Alpha Morgan and
Mrs. II. G. Curtis , formerly of
this city. He leaves a wife with
ot her rela ti ves and many admir-
friends in uster County to
mourn his death. 'rhe RIUUnr.l-
I CAN extends its sympathy to the
bereaved in their great miction.
} 'Olll' I.In s ( :0 : Ullt hy n Colllilioll ur 411
IIntl .18 " 'I'clght T1'Ilins
One of the most hocldt1g
affairs that this vicinity has
witnesse occurred jUt ! west of
the city corporation this m01'lling :
about 5:40 : o'clock 1)\ . the collision :
of freig1 t trains N . 's 4(1 and 48.
A a result of the co11osion four
H\'cs were hearlded into etcrnitv
without a moment ! ; warning. it
appears that the crew of 48 ,
was running a au extra had
pulle(1 ( into the yards from the
west but a sltOrt time before the
schelnlel ( ( time of 4h , which WtS
also coming from the west. 'rhe
crew of 4R was compelled to bring
its train in two sections from
Merna 011 account of its length
and heft , there being ' 7 cars. II
waR making the trip back to
Merna to bring up the secon
section that bronght the trains
< ; 0 dose togethcr. ' [ 'he conductor -
tor on 4S , on reaching the depot
received notice of the near approach -
preach of 46 and at once started
to get his train on the side track
by hackiug" to the upper switch.
Hc had succeeled in getting back
to the ! > witch and had entered on
the side track when 4 ( " under
fu11 speed ran into the wa ) ' car.
The car was reduced to kindling ,
the locomotive completely demolished -
molished and landed on a bank
to the north with the engincer
under it. 'rwelve or fourteen
carR loaded with lumber , coal
and such merchandise werc bad Iv
wrecked. 'l'he engineer wag held
111 his position for five hour before -
fore death relieved him of his
torture. His body had all heen
freed except o e hand , when
death came , which was afterward
amputated in order to release his
body which was found to be
terribly mangled , Supt. Calvert ,
who wm ; on 41 , came np from
Ravenna with the wrecking lorew
and gave his personal aHe-utioll
to earring for the dead aul having -
ing the wreckage cleared. Supt.
Phelan of Alliance , al'ri\'l (1 later
from the west with a wreckil1
crew aul leut his aHsislanl'l : .
No. 41 was detained at Ra\'ertlHl
until evening , when it received
orders to mo\'e on to this city
and transfer its passengers an < l
baggage around the wreck to 42
which was held at Merna.
Dr. J. H. Morrow of Merna ,
impanneled a jury and took the
bodies in charge to holtl an iu-
quest. As we go to press this
Li"riday morning the work of the
Il1\'estigation has not been com-
pleted. 'l'he personel of the
jury asures ! a thorough and impartial -
partial il1\'estigation. 'l'heyare :
L. H. Jewett , Jas. Whitehead.
Jt1 < l Kay , J. J. Wi1son , W. W.
Cowles , Geo. Willing.
'rhe dead are . : 'Thos. Kelley ,
engineer ; .T. Ii" gaton , liremanj
John Akers , breakman ; and a
passenger by the name of Whit-
tenberger or Lorwill , Ind.
It i e\ ' dent the engineer failed -
ed to see 48 , as he had not reversed -
versed his engine or thrown on
the breaks. His conductor , W.
J. Buffing , thinks the steam from
his engine must have prevented
him seeing ahead. Just where
the blame will he found is still
with the jury.
'rhe Broken Bow newspapers
was represented at the State Editorial -
itorial Association held at I in-
coln this week b ) ' C.V. . Beal , : g ,
R. and W. G. Purcell and D. M.
Amsberry. Mrs. Beal and Mrs.
\\T. G. Purcell accompanied their
Hoos""el t ( } lull.
All u journetllllccting will be hehl ill
the court house Fri a ) ' night-to completl : '
tbe or auization and elect officers. All
repubhcanR ure c'pecially invitt 11.
Arm 'l'orn un' .
J. Jt' . Balcer of Ortello , had his
arm torn oil to the elbow today
by a corn shredder. ' 1'he mlfor-
tunate man i < ; a son of J. N.
Baker , the well known anctioneer
of Ortello.
OIlITU All. " . .
Oran Wells li'ay wa ! ; born in
BulTalo county , "NebraskaIa ! ) '
the 17th , 1882 , and died Januar ) '
'Ith , 1 IJO , aged 21 years , 7
months and 23 ( lays. lIe had
lived in Custer county since he
was 1 years old.
He le'a\'es a father , mother and
one sister to mourn his loss. He
was taken suddenl ) ' sick with I
pneumonia at the home of G. W'I
, Mulligan , for whom he had worked -
ed for four years. He was sick
only one short wcel ( , nnd at mid-I
night. Januar.r I ) , camc the death
a ngle's summons. lIe was aiwa -
wa .s a.thoughtful boy , especially
so of IllS mother. He was he-
100'ed by all who knew him , he-
ing mild aud pcal e 10f1g iu
character. He lca'eR , man ) '
friends to mOUl'n his loss , as he
was nlways a fa\'orite among his
) 'on ng- friends and associ a tes.
He will he greatly missed by one'
and all. 'i'he iuneral serces
were cond uded hy l e\ ' . II. 1\1.
Pinckney of argent , at the M.
g. chur h at Gates , and remains
laid to rest in the Gatcs Ce1l1e-
hlrj' . , We xtend.s'mpath.r . to
the fneluts In thclr sad herea\'e-
men ! .
\Ve miss the fr lII our homc Olall ,
Wc 1U ! : S thc from tit ) ' Jllul't .
A shadow o'er 0111' lifc is ca'it ,
We miss thc : ; uushiuc of th ) ' fat't" .
We IIl fS thy khul tIlHI wi1lin hIII1I : ,
. 'l'h ) ' feud anti 'IITllet : 1I1'l' . "
Our home is dark withollt tht > "
\ \ \ . lIli''i thCl' e\'el'ywhcll"
. .
- - - - - -
CarU 0' TIII.nlu .
We. . the unden igued , wtsh to
express our sincerc thanks to the
friends : llld neigh hors who so
kindly assisted us duringtllC'
sickness , death and hurial of our
dear belo\'cd SOIl and brother.
MH. J. R li'A\ ' .
l\l1u ; . A. CURIS'I'\ . .
l\IHS. F. M.Vl1 < n.
- - - - - - - -
Mr. Oshol'lle WIIS ubscllt 1111 of last wcek
011 nCco\lllt of PIll'uUlouiq.
Clareuce Hoffaker of Gcorgctowu , hus
just enrolled ill th ' Buslucss dcpartmcut.
: \liss Wiutluugle of tIll' Shorthaud dc-
purtm'ut is doiug ! Jam ! ' work 1'01' : 'IIrs.
Stu eul > that dOU'l compluiu of heml.
ache , 01' u cold , or n cough. or some ethel
ai1nlcut are not \lp to utc ,
'fhiIly lIew pupils llll\'c hcclI enrolled
since ChristlIuis. This makes the roB
one.hu1ll1rcd twenty-e bt.
Miss Dotu Bartlett , who has heclI absent -
sent for the pllSt week , luul returne to
her work in the Dusiuess .1epartment. .
Prof. Minick has invested ill II tt'aUi 01
bronchos. According to latest rcports
hc is fast hel'olllin an etl cicut "hroucho
buster. . .
Warren Mllrc ' of the
) tclegrapl1y e-
p. . ! "Ie'lIt hl'l t..el1 . olTt'l clla po'itioll ; ! Iv
lit. . g. & . \1. R. R. 11'0 helpcl III : \1\\\
Castlc , W > 'oming. I
} Jrepllrations ure heill lIlutle to stllrt II
class 111 Busluess Practice. All those who
arc fllr enough nlh'allced ill hOQkkeppillg
will he ahle to enter the class. The
work takell up will treat with thc Toutine
of cneral ol1 ce work and hankin .
Prof. Colburn allli ReTrites were
caBers ut the College 'l'ucs uy , Rcv.
Trites addressedn few well chosen words
to thc stu ents Oil thc subject of educa-
tion. Ill' also intro ucell Prof. Colbul'll ,
who entertaine the students with a few
wcll rendered , 'ocul selectious. Both the
all.lress . untlthe siu in wt're real1) ' 111'-
A nnmber of new classcs ha\'c heel !
: ; tarted within tbe last weck , olle hcin
the Conllnercial Law class , III charge of
Prof. 2ahll , ill which hulf of thc old '
class mcmbers re-cntered. The class rcI I
port this to he hne of the most interest-
IIIg ag wcll us prol tablc 'Itu ics. Another -
er class is the husilless lcttcr wriling
cluss ullder Prof. : 'Ilinick uud 8ti1l another -
other class in Civi1 Go\'ernwent.
CAI.I. " 'v ' " " .
Mrs. John Moran ( lcl'al'tl' 011
Monday for a visit with her
daughter , l\1iS5 Cora , who is attending -
tending school ut Council Bluffs.
She was accompanied by her son
Apparently the republican
ccntral committeeman at this
point is too busy running down
coyotes with his hounds to
organize a Rooseveit c1ub , or to
pay any attention to politics.
'rhe new pews for the Evan-
ge1ical church have arrived , and
have been put in place. The
l \'ange1ical people hav ! . ' the
largest and best furnished building -
ing in the town , and may . wen be
proud of their church.
D. 140 IIopldns , one of our
'leading merchants , met with an
accident last li'riday , which has
since laid him up. While lifting
a largc pole , in some manner the
same slippe , striking him in the
ic1e awl fracturing a rib.
O. D. James , residing southwest -
west of this city , who has heen
suft'ering with appendicitis for
several months past , has decided
to give up farm lit'l , as a consequence -
quence , and wi11 dispose of his
farm as soon as a huyer tan hr
Ahount an inch of snow fell at
this place on Sunda ) ' night ,
which is the largest we have hac1
so far this winter. 'rruly th ( '
railroads should run excurRions I I
to Nebraska from California so
that those people could enjoy our : I I
lline weather. ! !
'I ' Phy Wymore , who camc to this' '
country at an early date , and who
is one of our leading- carpenter
t1 : .11.
Thc Fourth Storm Period aIJ pre icted by Hicks hus been the most severe fat
th ! : 1I10nth of Jllnunr ) ' . The pnsl week has witnesse scveral fluries of snow but not
in great quantities. The themomctcr registere its coldest for the seaBon , sixteen
egtees below "Iollda ) ' morning. Sillcc. the wenthcr has gra ual1y grown wamler.
\irlt \ : 8t01"1II Pel'iOll of Februllry."Tl1e period extends flOUl tilt : 1St to tl1c 4tb ,
bdug central 011 tIle 1St. The causes bearing on this period arc Vulcan an Mer-
cur ) ' equilloxes , with full Moon in Perigec on the Celcstial Equator on the' 4th.
Things to he expected : Dy the Jut II marke changc to warmer will be passing
from west to east over thc country. 'fhe barometer will be fulling in the same or-
tIcI' Hud gcncral storm conditions will be apparent. A bout the : md to 4th general
mins ill the south \tIuy h , . cxpccted with winter lIgltninR } abou the 4th. Behind
Iht' Im(1 of warmth wit. . , I.llohllrollh lel' , n gel\ltluc hhl.anl : ! IIptlo COl1ll out of
tl1e northwest and follol\ ' the uuck. of u low balollletric pressurc fur into the ! ; outh
Ulltl cast. Bc 011 thc look.out for snow I1nd blizzard very earl } ' ill this period.
. . - . - - - - - - - - - -
is advertising his all for sale , and
expects to retl1ov ( to other climes
as soon as he can dispose of his
property. TIc has not decided
were he wi11 go.
M. It : . Sehneringer , who ran
for couuty trcasurcr on the populist -
list tickct last 1 aU , and who is
now cashier of thc Calla waj'
Statc Bank , has disposed of his I
farm , three miles northwest of
this placc to a Mr. Withthl1hn ,
of IowaT ( ' did 1I0t learn the
lonsidera tion.
But little has been heard of
the pesto icc light during' the
past week , owing to the turn of
affairs down at 'Vashiug-tou. It
now 1001s as if J. H. l 'vans
would get the plum. Mr , Evans
has always heeu a hard-working
- - -
rcpub1ican , and is certainly de-
serv1l1g of this recogn tion by
his party. He will certainly
make a good postmaster.
ncv. CurllHIc 1D. . JU..rUn. I. . L. D.
Of WaverlYJ 'l'ex al > , writes : "Of
a Illorning , when first arising , I
ofteu lind a troublesome conec-
lion of phlegm , which produces a
cough and is very hard to dislodge -
lodge ; but a small quantity of
BaHanl's Horehound Syrup " , ill
at once dislodge it , ilnd the trou-
hIe is o\'er. r lenow of no medicine -
cine that is cqual to it , and it is
so pleasan t to talcc. I can most
cordially recommend it to aU persons -
sons needing a medicine for
throat or lung trouble. " 25c , SOc
and $1 00. Sold by Ed. McComa\
IJroken Bow and : r-Ierna. :
. .
- - - - - - - -
. : - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u .
. . . . .
. AJIII:1D.11.11 : . . .
. . . . . . -
. . . u.urmaw : . I
l urniture ! Ir'1.u nitu et Fllrniture !
A ear load of Furniture will be
l'eceived at quires Bros. next
welk ! , which will he sold at bedrock -
rock prices to eon vince the public -
lic that hereuftcr Sluires ( Bros.
. . win be hcadquurters for Furniture -
ture of all kinds.V c will
make you Prices on F'urniture
that will not be dupHcllted ill
Brokcn Bow OJ' any other city
west of Lincoln.Ve mean just
what we say-Give us n tria1.
\V pan' alsu headq narters for
Har leSS of all Kinds
and keep a first-e lass harness
maker at wurk all the time. A
rull Jine of Hardwure , ImplB-
monts , Bug'g-ies andY ug-ons always -
ways un hU1H1.Ye willsell you a
Buerkcns Wagon for. . . , . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . $52.00
A Spring Wngon for. . . . . . . . , . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . , 42.00
A Rend \Yag-on for. . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . ' . . 24:00 :
Yours for Business ,
I ! :
. .