Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, January 21, 1904, Image 7
f I . . . How's This ? We olfer Ono lIundre" IInllAu 1I0w"rtl for any < < : A-O , ' ! vatanh tbat caUl10t bo curell by lIall' , Clltarrb Cure , F , J , CIIEXJ.Y : . \ : CO" Toll'lo , 0 , t WI' . tbo un < lrnhmod , hA\'o known \ - - , .1. Chrnl'1 fer the lut U frAr. , IIIHI lJelle\'r hllll I'l'rfl'elly IllIn. ( , rAlIle In all lJu lneu trau.Reth'n And nn nelallJ I able to CRrr ) ' out All ) ' oblltAllon Ina'o ' It ) ' hl.OrlU , WALBINO , "I SAN . . . IAnvIN , , Wlllllo'l\lo IIrnK 18t. , Toledo. O. , IIAII' CRIRrrh Cure I. tnkon Intcrllally , AclinIC dlrcctly UI"'II Iho blood nn,1 , nl1leOllo 811rfllce of the ' 18telll. T"Alllllonlal .Cllt free , l'rlco i5 conti per 110\111' , ! lohllv ! nllllrUICIhU , 1 ' 1'1110 111111' , 1-'AlUllr l'l11 for coutllatluOl. - ' - - Parker Decomlng n Statesmln : : , ( Sit. Gilbert Pnrlwr , the allthor , hUB \ nchlovel1 n Ilrominent plnce In the house of commons In n short time. A I gooll Ileal of this Is due to the \111IIsunl , , magnetism of his personalltr , which i\ " alwa 's nttracts JeOIle. I , ) \ It DEAn Mr.s. PINKJI..ur : - I Bufere with stomach complaiut for years. I got 60 ba. that I could not carry my chilllrcn but five months , thcn would ! Imvo II. miscarriage , The last time I became pre'nant ( , my husband goot mo I to L 'din E. Pinlrhmn's Vegetable - table Compound. After taking the . first bottle 1 was relievcd of the sic1- ncss of stomach , and bcgan to fcel better - ter in e..ery way. I continucd its uo } nnd WlS enabled to caory my baby to ma.turity , I now have II. nicc , girl , and can worle bcttcr than I e'l"er , could bcore , I am like a ncw woman , " - Mns , FnA Z : TIJr.n , 2 S , Sccond St. , I Meridcn , Conn , - $5000 forfeit If orlJlnal ( of \ above letter provlnJ ( genu/nencs3 cannot be produced , , FRJiE l\IEDICAL ADVICli : TO \YOIUAN. Don't hcsltntc to write to : nIrs. , 1 Pinkham. She will uJUlerstand ( I yourcasoperfecUyund will trea.t J--ou with Idndness. Her mh'ico is free , ntHl tIle n < l < lrcss is Lnm ; , 1\lass , No woman over re rQttcl ImYinritten her , and l1o haa helped tllOusands. Some men Ilrlnl , to'drown their sort row , Of course drink brings more ser . row , but tlwn there's more drinks , " - Do Your Clothe : ; Lool , Yellow ? ; , 'I'hen U : < I ! Drollanc ( ' Slarch , It will 1l'cl tlH'1I1'hllc16 oz. for 10 cents , - - - - - - - 'fho art of restful convCI'satlon con . slsts In allowing the other pel'son tc . . . . , . " ' cllrr ' the big end of the load , "li ) r vr.r..LOW CLOTUr.S Aln u-rSIGJlTLY. Keep them whlto with Hed CrO"s Bull BInI ) , All grocers sell largo 2 oz. package , cents. - - Opportunity comes to many per , persons , 'et JIOW few recognize thll chary ylsltor , Motb r Omy's Sweet Powlerll for Children Succelsfully usoo b - l\lother Gray. uurse In the Chlldren'K Home In New York , cure Constipation , FeverL'Ihness , Bad Stomach , I Teething Disorders , move amI rl'gulatc the I Dowels nd Destroy 'Vorma. Over3U.OOOtcs- , 1 thnonlnls , At nll Dnlgglsts. 25c , SlImllo i FREE , Address A , S , Olmbtcd , LeIWyN.Y , I _ r Persons who are extremely careful or their Ilignity usuall ) ' hllve yer ) ' lIttle to spare , , Plso's Cure tor Conumpllon Is nn tnfnl\lbl. \ i medicine tor coughs ami cod-N ! , W , . S..UtuxLo Oceaa Grove , N , J.l ob. 17. Woo. \ Only n. smart man can con coal from ( \ woman the fact that ho Isn't as smart ns hu would wish her to thlnl. ho Is , The Bct ; RcultG ; in Starching can bebtnillcli ollh' by uslllg' Detlnnc' ) Rtnrclt , lIefJldc lettll1l I oz. more for tnllH ; ! 1I10IleIIO col1 < l1l1r required. The grievance of not n few women against their husbancls Is time the Inl. . tel' give them no ground for grieVances - ances , , The l"olldurtul CreRm SepRrRtor , Docs Its work In thirty minuteR and leaves less than 1 per cent butter tat , 'rho price Is ridiculously low , I1ccord- Ing to size , $ , j5 to $6,00 cach , and when you Imve ono ) 'OU woulll not pal't therewith for fifty times Its cost , JC\T BCSII TiltS NOTICE , with 5c stamps for lJOstalo to the John A. Salzer Seed Co" La. Crost'e ' : , " 'Is" Ilnd get thell' big ( 'atillog-ue , fully lIe. scribing this remarkllble Cream Scpa- rator. and hunelreds of other tools and fllrm cedH u ! > ed by the farmer , ( W.lU , ) \Voo unto the polltlcilln whoso nerve has hecome effete , - - - - - \ Were It not fOl' the fools the wlso gU ' 1 ! would get left , I Economr Is the I'oml to wealth , PU'J'NAPADEI.ESS : Dyg Is the I'oall to economy. - Business Is a ulIlIltol that eovors 11 multitude of queOl' transactions , . ' " - l.r It's n. tough turJQ ' that Is able to hold OVOI' fOl' anothel' tOl'm , I so When You Buy Starch ItU ) ' DCllallC'e CUH ] g.'t tlll' best , IG oz. for 10 CCllls. Once u l'd , IIlways used , - - - A man who Is for troubllJ can usuallr find It without trouhle. BEGGS' CHERRY COUGH .sYRUP cures coughs and colds. I NE\VS IN NEBRASIA. I i I' _ : - : - . - = - _ _ _ _ RAILROAD AGENT SLUGGED. Attacked on the Out5klrts of Lock. wood and Skull Fractured. . . LOCKWOOD-Clmrl s Ril ! ' ) ' , tlclwt nHet : fOl' t Ill ! Union Pacilic Hnlll'Ond comlll1n ) ' lit thlH plncl' , wns slugged by nil unl\llown man hN nnd so seri. II II sb' Injure(1 ( thut it is thought he w\11 \ die. Hiler boal'ded at a fal'm house. just on the oulsltll'ls of town , some six bloc1\8 \ fl'om the dl'llot. ] { e was going to SlIlIlll'r. shortly nfter ( j o'cloclt , and wal ! IIbout folll' bloclu ! from the depot , when n man jnmped from the wceds hl'sltl ! ' the I'oad IInll sl I'uclt Hlle ' o\'er the head , Imocltlng him down , fl'aetur- Ing' his slmll. hrealtng ! his jaw nnd cutting IInd bl'ulslng his head in It tel'- t'ible mUlUel' : , Riley sCl'enmed for help , and as he Iny Ullon the gl'ound , the mnn huat him IInl\l \ he was un. con8rloll8 , His SCI'eUllS : fl'lghtened the nGsailant nway , but not until after he had beaten his \'ictim until he was Ipft for dl'ac1. About nn' hot\l' \ after the assault nlley regllinell consciousness , hut was \tttablo to reach eithm' his boarding house 01' the depot. lIe IllY beside the road , culling for h lll , At last his cl'les WNe heard , and some men going to him found him halhed In blood and suffering terrlbb' . ] 10 was tnltcn ba ( ' ' : ' : to the depot nnd sent to Omaha entrain train No , 12" He WIIS tnlten to St. Josellh'J hosliltnl. After regnlnlng consciousnesfi , nnd lifter being tnlten to the depot , Hile ' Il1l1tCd froel ' alJout the assault. ] ] said Ihat a man jumlled on to him . from the weeds , and without sa .lng a word , struck him o\'er the head with n club 01' some other harll weallon , 'fho man allilroached from hehind , so that he only secured a IJ I'lial view of him , nnd thun only fOl' an instant. As he fell to the grounll he noticed that his assailant was n young man , Ilress. ed In darl. clot.hes. AithouUh HUe ' had consltlerahle money In his poclwts , no attempt wns made to rob him , His mOlwy Ilnd valuables were not m'olested , , Hold up AI'chltect's Cl < lim , Claims uggregnlln $41iGO cont.act. ed hy Stull' Auditor Tyler have heen held up by the I\ltdltor , and while they hnvo not yet been rejpf'-ted they will not be Imld until a thorough invcstiga- tlon as to the right of the state to pay them has heen Insti'tuted , Jt II , ; IIIwly the Ralar ' claims will not be palll as tlte Inw which creatcil the officn did not. malw an - aplll'Olrlatlon ) for tlto II 'nHmt of n salar- , though it did specify that tlte architect was to re , celve a salar ) ' uf $2r,00 a 'elr : and wnR to he allowell one aslstant ; : ; who waR to recolve not more than $ I ,200 a ) 'el1l' , : \11' , Tyler has nut received any salary , and he toolt the o lce with the Imowlellge that he was tu Ilepund UllOn the IWXt legislature fOl' it. I nrJane Patient Escapes , : Smith , an Insane farmer from Firth , escoped f\'Om \ the Insane as 'hlln at Lincoln while the ntten antH were ! \lIng \ a cOlulllnlnt against him , and was arrested hy the police , Smith is a well-todo farmer near Firth nnd haR a wife and a family of chlldt'en , For the Inst eighteen months he has been of the hellef that someone wns going to hnrm him , and as his rondilion grew worse ho was hrought to the asylum fOl' treatment. Wins Prize for Largest EarG. WEST POIN'I'-.Josellh Drahos , n locnl harnessmalwr , offurctl a IIl'izo of a handsome ritllnbl'ldle / 10 the farmer pl'Oduclng the two largesl enrs of eol'l1. ' ] 'he ) Irlzl' wns won hy P. C , \ \ ' cnllt , who hl'ou/ht / In two pal's of COI'II. t'als. cil on his farm cant or the city , which weighed flftyulne ounces , Sixty-one fanners made exhlhlts In the contes\ . - - - Tecumseh M : n EscapeG , TECUi\ISmI.-.Johu Stollard of this ( 'lty has received \\01'11 from his son. Bert Stollal'll. that the laUt'r was In the wrecl , on the Hock Island near Topelm , Kon11' ; , Stollard Is a tire- man and was firing on the passenger. He jumped In thnu to sa\'e his life , but wns tenlhl ) ' shalwn IInd sustain- ell nn Injllry 10 one of his nrms , Ice Hauler I < il/ed / , YOHK.-Arthlll' St. .Joltn , who IIVOR nille mUes Houlhwcst of this city , met wltlt an occldeut whIch cost him his life , lie was hauling Ice and when going down 11. hill the longlle of the wagon IJI'oliO and he wns thl'Own tu tlto g'l'mintl. 'rho wagon passed ever his chest. Farmcr ' Gr < 1ln and StOCK , : \ IINDIiI'eb.'I'he : annual 6tate mor > tng ! of lho Farnwrs' Co-operative Grahl and 1.1Stocl. . asso'lation will bo held lit Lincoln Jnnuary : ! U and 21. . - - - - - Frcmont'lJ New UnIon Depot , I REI\I NT.-'rhe Union Pacific Imll : -orthweslel'll mJlwny c0111pnnies will move Into the handson1t ; ' new union. slollon , the ( Oilme ha\'lug' been accept- oil fr0111 the conlrllctOl's nnd being' In readlnoss , It Is a handsome bt'lclt slructllro uctweon Fit'st and South sll'eets on Main anll nuout 100 feet IHstn , t to the east IInll across : \uln [ street front the old dOlJOts. Ir , Jllcl < , son will ( 'ome from the Union station In Omaha 10 become Joint tlcl\et agunt 11 Ul' for the two I'oalls , - - - - - - - : . - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ ! . .I THE STATE IN DitlrF , - nt'oentl ) ' a "llelln ] ! ; .Tohn" has bee:1 fl'ight nlng wut1tl'n anti chiltln'n in thr east part of Bealrlre , 'rho othe ; evening' the fello" , was calltUl'ed , HI ! was rol ased after IlI'omlslng thnt ho would refol'ln. Plans arc on foot al FI'emont to senti an all hose team to the Sl. Louis exposition - position to comlcto ) with the teams from other states. The state firemen' ! ! convention , which meets there soon , will act on the mattol' . Albert PO\Vl'I'S was' found dead In hed \Iemphls : b ) ' his dnughter upon her return from a visit to the C01\11I1' ) ' , PowerR was last seen allvo Sundnr l'\'enlng' . lie Ilrohally ) Illedlonday : of apoplexy or hCl'lrt failure , William Knolles , who owns the tel- ellhono s 'l1telt1 now In use at Long Pi no. hns deC'ideti to install the Clarl. automatic ex change s 'slem , This 18 the Iatlll' , 01' Iimilnr , to the s 'stet1t now heing Installed in Lincoln. The : \lorton.Gregson Pa'ldng rom. l/lny of Nehraslm CIt ' is storing Ice for use next season. 'fhe ice is about fourteen im'hes thl'k anll of good quallly , 'fhls compnn - is also hay. ing 11ft ) ' refrigerator cars hullt OSII > - clan ' for Its uSO. At Callawny several petitions arc out anti helng can'fully filed for the prospective chnnge in the postofi1l't' nt that Illace , The omce has heen recently - cently declarell a presidential oll1c ( " and the numher of applicants for It are quite nnmerous , \Vhitlocl" who ran Il\\'ay from the farm of HlchardIoore ; at Wood Hlvel' with one of ; \ 11'loOl'e's best teams , nnd was later alllll'elwnded , wns glvpn a Ilrl'lIminary helrlng ! on the charge of horse stenllng und bound o\'er to the district rourl. Alex Karls , who escnped from the jail at Nelhh while under 11 sentenN' to the IlCnltentlary for cattle stellllng , more than a 'ear since. has heen ar' reste In Callfol'11ln for mnrder so information - formation to the sheriff stateR. ] f he Is not held for the new allegell crime he will bo brought hacI , for Incarceration - tion , 1.t n meeting of the Southeastern Nebra lm Poultry aHsoc\utron \ at Beatrice - atrice the followlnl ; o lcers wore elcet , ed : PI-esltlent : . W. Chrisman ; vice president , ] rank KlIllltcagen ; secrC" tary. H , C , White ; treasurer , .1. SIc - Cloery ; superintendent Qf shows , S. Whltcomh , The next ] louIlr ) ' show will be hel < 1 In Beatrice , Decemher 2i- 30 Inclusive. 'rhe 1'01'1. County Agricultural society - ciety lost Its case against the cOlmty , whereh ' It tried to get $200 Ier yen 1' , The ( 'ourt helll that as the money was not palll out In premiums therefore - fore the soclf1ty was not entltlecl to I the money. 'fhe society has now I'e. I organized and hopes in the future to be on a finn hasis , Erne t Bush. the youngest life convict - vict in the stnte , has aplleRlel1 to Governor IIl1eJwy for executive cll't1I , elH' " Bush wa convlctell of the 1I1urder of ' ] 'homas Bniloy , near Ben- hleman , nVe 'ears ngo , It wns charg- ell that the hay shot the nged man , tlcd 11 rOI ) ! ' aromul the body , dmggofl It to the river and threw it In. Congrcssman Hltchcocl , has select- cd as a comn lllee to holcl the com. petitlve examination of applicants for the cadetshlp 10 the naval academj' at Annapolis , Hev , .John Wlliams ! 01 St. Barnabas , Hev , Father O'Connor of Creighton university null A , II , Waterhouse of the High chool , nil of Omaha , The committee w\1l \ hollt Ti1Q New Yorlt Lifp Innurnnce com- IHlI1Y ha < ; Hent the sum of $ S,330,1i8 aR the lax for the concern unliel- the pl'O' visions of llw new rrJvonue law. This sum Is pecet : of the nmount 1'(1. ( 'eh'C'd from the r-'ehrnslm ; IlolIl'y holl. ( l'rs last year , the rpcelJts ) of the ( 'om- ) JIlny amounting to $411 , rJ.I. : Hetnrns from sC'vornl other companies have hC'l'n rocelvoll , but has not huen examined - amined , : \01'0 [ limn iO.OOO fhol'p : : are I-Ing fecI in the rountry immcIJlatoly snr , rO\lIIdlng Fremont this Reason.Vhiln this numher Is not milch in excess of tho' showing In an Ilverage year , It 1s not to he oVCl'loolwd thnt O\'orj , one who hns lIre pared feeders for marlwt In the Imst 111 doing so again this winter. 'I'hls shows the faith of stoel- men 11IIel farmcl's in Dodge rounty as a sheep reedlll region , 'rho CUdnhy Pa'I.lng companj' of South Omnha is ahout to start the shipment of 1 000,000 pounds of extra mess heer for the Husslnn govornnwnt. Some of the sllfclnily made caolts hay ! ' arrlvod r nd a large consignment wll ! be turnNl 0\01' to the milroad rom- IIl1ules 6hortly , Other shlpmonta wll ! follow day hy 11ny as the pucltlles : ( 'an be r'1t up. J\1l of this order must ht > In San I'ranolsco not IntoI' than .Ian- Ul1l'y 26. In a brier flIed In the 6upromo ronrt. Jo'nthorwrphy : of Seward doclarl' " that ho was excolt1lmmlcatell onel driven from the Catholic C'hllrd' ; . not h ' n fair and Impl1rtlal erlslQn of the highest f'lmrch court , but by the male\'olenro nnd enmity or Dlshop Uonacum or 1..Incoln , Acol'lling to t'oports recolved h ' Lnhor Commission or Bnsh , the wlnl1' wheat crOll Is 1I0urlshlng thl'oughout the state , Health ) ' growth with no nbnormal Ilryness has heen repnrh'll from neal'ly all tltl' sections of p. braslw , . . . . - . - - - - - - - - - - TilE OLDEST MAN iN A 'lERICA' ' Tells Ho\v lie Escaped the Terrors of Many Winters by Using Pearuna. . - - Mr , Brock's Age is 115 Ycars Born before the Unltfd States mas armed , Snw 22 Presldent elected. Pe-ru-na lias IJrotected him from aI/ sudden changes. Vete/an of four wars. Slwd tJ horse when 99 ) 'enrs old , Ahva's conquered tl1tJ grllJ wltll , Witness In n land suit at the agc of 110 ) 'enrs. Bel/cI'es I' t/w grcatest remedy of tllC age for catnrrhal diseases. . . . . . . . . . . . BHGCR , a cltlzl'lof l\lcLenll/lu / ISAAC , , 'foxnH , haH li\tl for lll ye/lrs / , : For mallY Yl'/lrs / ho rCHltlcc\ , H.oSIUO ( Falls , l'i-htl'l'u ! mill's west. oflCO / , hut lives with his ut Ynlloy : \1 Ills , 'l'exns , I ' 1'hero are man ) ' ) tlntls of tears ; none are shell from Indifference , - - To Cure It 00111 in Ono ( In 3-- , Tn0 Laxatlvo Brome Quinine 'ru lots , AU druggists refuu money if it faUt ! to curo. 21jc. - - - - - If tllero were no fuult-Hnders we should stagnnte. Many who formerly IImokell 10c cl aNl , now smokl ! Lcwis' " inglJ Bindel' " Atralght 5c cigar , 'j'ho hCilt com hi nation of the hest tobnccos. I.owls' FnotOl'Y , Peorln , 111 , Decorating Berlin Schools. 'fhe commltteo of the Dfrlln ! town council In charge of the pl'hnay" , s heels have talwn a novel decision I with rt'rltrd to school ecoratlon. 'rho prolOal Is to spend 10,000 marls ever - ' er , 'ear for eight years , with tbe object - r ject of painting frescoes on the walls of classrooms and corridors. These " 1Jletures r'1111 ho simple In character and will represent for the most part scones In German history , Before , however , the IIlall can ho carried out , experiments will bo mude In three lJelected schools. Monument to Bret Harte , To mnrk the resting place of the late Bret Hnrte , in I'rlmley ( 'h1l\'h- \ ynrd , Surrey , thm'e has just hel'ti erected It. massive nnd costly monu- ment. 'I'he authol' of the "HI'nthcn Chlnce" and "Lu'k of Hom'lng Camp" had r fided at FI'lmley for some tlmo Ilrlor to his death , which took plnco earl ' In 1\lay of Inst : rear , Around the grave have heen plante1 ! a 1Iumh'r of youug ill' trees , The monumpnt consists or a massive Rlnh of whlto granite , weighing two and a half tons , on which Is Illaced It hlorlt of Aher- deen granite , sloping upward Into the form of 11 cross. A Physician's Statement. Yorlttown , Arlc" Jan , l1.-Lelanll Williamson , 1\1 , D. , ono of our clm'erest physicians , has made a statement , endorsing - dorsing Dodd's Kidney Pills and 6ay. Ing that he uses them In his dally prnc- tll o In preference to any other Klllney medicine , His statement has created a profound sensation , as It Is some. what unusllal for 'slclan to Il Ih pub- IIclr endorse anything In the shape era a patent melllcine. ] )1' , WlIlamson ! sars : "After twenty ) 'onrs' practice in a slcltl ' and malarious countl' ) ' I hnvo como to the conclusion that It Is nl- wa's best to use the remed ) ' that will l'elloyo and cure my IlI1t.cnt6 , whether othlcnl or not. "I ha\'o used Dodd's ICIdney Pills 'with tlnlform , 6urC\8S In the \'arlolls forms of Kldno ) ' DIHease , Pain In lho Back , Gout , HheumnllslIl , InJlamma. tlon nnd Congestion or the Kldne's anll nil 1lndl'ell dlscl\ses : I alwnys prescrIbe - scrIbe Dodd's ] , lllney Pills In stich CIIBes and cnn testifr that the ' In. \'arla\JI \ ' restore the Klllno8 to their nOl'mal ntato nlld theroh ' relluvo the hlood of nccunmlatod Ilolsons , IIl'oduc' Inl ' nnd effect0 ! " ; IJI'OmlJt \0 cures. Wise Is the man who il ! able to Iwop his moulh shut when ho has nothing to say , .A IIhort. t line a o , by rl'CllI C'lt. ! , Unclc Y"I\IIC cllmo to \ \ ' I\I\I ( I'l\t , for hiH pic- tm'(1 , In his hl\llli II ! helll " IIUck cut from the rl\\'o or Oelll'rllimlm \ \ ' Jack- : eon , which 1InH heen c"rrl'll hr him l"11r "Inec , Mr , Brock IH 1IlI nlnri1 0111ten ! - tieman , showlnJt few sign ! ' ! of tlcCI'Clli. tudl' , His flllllllr Hihln IIIUIl ! PI'CCf\I ! ( , : \I ( It , sho\'l' thllt the illite of his birth WIIS wrlttcn 115 ) ' 1'111'8 IIgo. Sluely n few worlls from tlllH rcmnrkn- hlo old ( II1\lcl1lllll , who hlL' hllll 11 ! ) ' 1'/11'1' of eXlll'r l'nco to 11mfl'Olll , woulll ho Illterestlnl { I\H well I\S Ilrolltl\hle , A Il'ngthy hloltrl\llhlcnl III.etch iH given of thlH I'cmnrkl\hlo oM mlln III the \Vaco 'j'lmcH-lIcmlll , Decpmhcr 4 , H\I ; \ , A III III mOrl ! lIrl.t'ntous ! hlography of thl" . the oldest , IIvlnp ) ml\n , IIIIIHtratetl with " Iloublo column lICH'lrait , WI\H glvon thl' rculcrs of tIe 1)1\1IIIH Morning NcwlI , datl'll DccI'mhcr 11 , 1I : U8 , 1\1\(1 ( 1\110 the ChlclIgo ' ! 'Imcs-Ilernltl of same dale , , R 1FLES . .c No m 1tter what your preferences ure about a riflc , some one of the cight differcnt Winchester models \ will suit you.Vinchestcr Rifles are made in calibers suit3- ble for shooting any game , from rabbits to grizzly bears , and in many styles and weights. Whichever model you select , you can count on its being well made und finished , \ reliabC ! in action and a strong. accurate shooter. FREE : Ou , r60-p.Jq { I/usr.Jr. / ! ( ' . ! { .llqut. . . WINCHESTE ' T NG ARMS ' CONN ' wWINCHESTE w . : . : , . ; . .HAV , " , , Money-Tho wlso man's oonvenl- i en co ; the fool's necesIJlr ! , Defiance Starch IIhOlll11 110 In eVl'ry hO\l \ uholll , none ! lO tlod , bcldcl1 ! 4 oz , murt ! for 10 ccntf ! thlln IIIIY othcr 11m " 'I ' IIf , 'old water Itnrch. SOIno men 110\01' IIcover ; tllat they uro on the wrong tacit \lntll \ they Bit Ilown on It , 1:11 : rJlcHt ( ] rrrn 01110111. The , Tohn A. 8al ul' Scetl Co" J.a Crossc , " 'I ! ! " nh\/l's have sOl11lthlnl- : : I IWpomcthlng valunhle , ' 1'hl8 ) 'eilr I they offl'l' nlllOnS' their new mone ) ' maklnlf veHela blt'H , IIn ] [ lrlll'st U reell Eating Onion , It In 11'Inllol' , Mr. Pllrnlfl'lntl { Ja rd'nlr ! JI'ST IND : 'fIIlt ! ! WTIl'IJ A D 100 , anti thl:111 : H'II11 YOII theil' ! JIg Illant Illld o'od ' lalug' tO ther with ( l'U , ; unull h 6CC to grow 1,000 lilli' , sol101 Cabbages. 2,000 ddlt lous ( 'IlI't'Ots , : ! , IIOO hlunl'llillg , nutty ( 'elt'r - . 2,000 rld1 , buttul'Y Ll'ttucc , lO O spll'nllill OnionI' . 1,000 rarl' , IUSC'iOUR Hn lgh ( ' ! ! . 1,000 S'loliousl ' brilliant Flo\\'rg. In 1111 O\'lr ] 0,000 rJlantH-thlu rn'pat orf.1' Is mndo to l't ' ( JU to test their warranted , \ " { ' ela lt ! Rcods I1.n AL ! . 1'011 m"r lfio l'Ot 'fAlIl : , pro\'l lnl { ) 'OU will rcturn thlH nottco , I\nd If ) 'ou will IIt'nt ! thC'l11 20e in Ilost- a l' , the ' will a'hl tll thl' I\lIovo a (1IIc'k- ( It ! ; ' ! ! of tile famuus lhrllncl' CllulHluwcr , m' , lU. . ) The experlen'o a mlllI huys Is sel , dom UI ) to the snmple suhmittell , . , . - - - - - - - - - 'fhls ccnlennrll\1\ nl1 I\rc1enL fl'lontl of l'cl'lIun , hnvlll tlfwd It mnny 'Cl\ril. ] 11 IIPI'lIldllH of hIli gooll hl'nUh 1U1I1 ex" trl'lIw oltl n o , h' . HI'oel. 11I1)11 : "Aftl'I'11111111 h/lH / Ih'cd III the \'forM al1 IOIlf.C IIH I 111\\\ , ho ollght , to hn"I ! fOlItIl\ flllt.- - 1In'at 11I1\11) ' thlllgs II ) ' cxperlctlco. 1 th III k I hll VI ) lIulio so , "Onc 01 tllC tll/ngs /1ave 10l/nd out to my entire smlsillction is tllG proper tMne for aliments tlwt nro due directly to tllc effects of tht ! ' cllmnte. Per 1/5 years I have wlt/1stood tllC changeable ellnwta 01 tile Vrlited Stntes. "I III\\'u IIlwnys hel'1l 1\ very healthy IIInl1 , Imt. of COllrl'fJ sllhjl'Ct to tllO JlttJo nffl.tlmlH'llIe'h I\'U 11.10 to 1IIIIIIhm l'hnllge 1 In thl' l'lmntu ! IItlll teIllIJnrntun ! . DlII'llig III ' 101l 11(0 I hllVII Imowt1 " 11'1'1It , 11I1111) ' 1'llI1l'lJlc ! for coughs , col ! : ! 11111IHlrrhll'l \ \ . "As for /fartman's relJedy , PCrUnLl , Ilw 'e found it to be tll best , If not tile only , reliable remedy - edy for t/lese affections , It1n. . < ) been ' stlmdby for man ' 111) ) years , and I BUrlbute lIIY goocl health lJml extreme old nge to t/1ls remedy. un t xnct1) ' IIICl'tl 1111 III ' 1'I'IJuinmJCIILR , It III"otects me from the I1vlI etTectf1 of ! mlldl'lI l'IIUYlJI'H ; It kl'eJl'i 1110 In gOUlI 1I111)ctlh' ) : It. give ! ! mo IItn'nlth ; It keep ! ! 111 ' hloUll illtool ! ! drculntlou. I IlI1vo l'omo to rei ) ' UpOII It. I\llIIost lmtrl1ly. ! . for I hu 11I/\11) / ' lIttle tlJiUjtI for \\"hleh I neell nJl'dlcine , " \\'hl'u C'lllIlullllclI of 11grlppo first heJtl\11 to IIIl\ku their IIIJIICarnnC\I III thl ! ! CUllllt ! ' ) ' I'nll IL HulTerer froUl this 11ItI- ou e. e."llwd sevel'al long sieges wltll tllC Krip , At first I did not know tlrat Peruna WllS a remedy for this discllse. Wilen 1 helJrd tlwt la grippe was epidemic catBrrll'l tried Pcruna for IB grippe lJnd found /t'to be Just tile tiling. " III IL lah r lettt'r dnh'll , Ju1I\1IIry 31,1003 , Mr. Brock wrltl'R : " 1 IIIJI well IIml fcdln ! ; n , veil mI I hllvo for ) ' 1'111'1'rho only thlnC that hottwr ! ! 1110 IH 1I1V IIlght , It I cO\lI IIl'O hottt'r I clllllci wnlk , lIlO\'or t.ho . form ml It wOllle ! eo 1I1U good. I would not bo witho\lt Pel'llnll1 Yours trul- , twvW [ f , I or 1fren hook 011 catnrrh , nlMrcs9 ' 1'ho ) ' 011111Meelclno ! Co" Cnl\llJlhlll. O. ] [ YOII eolot ! Ilcl'h'l1 Ilrtlm lIt IInflllntlg. fllntOl' ) ' I'cmlt : froll1 t.hulse . o [ 1'orunl\ , wrlh , lit ( \IIl'l ! to Dr , Ilm'tmltll , giving 1\ fllll Htlttl'lIIl'lIt tlf YOllr cn'o11111 ! / 110 will ho Illell l'11 tojlvo / 'ou hiH valul\blo ltd. vlcl ! J.I'IIUII , Alhlt'I'HH Dr , Hllrtmlln , Prcsldent of 'flte 1IIIrtnllltl HIIIItul'hnu. ! Columbus. ' Ohio. J If some men were \Vorms they wOllld bo too lazy to turll , All Up to Da'te Housekeepers 1181' ] ) ellullc ( ' CnlcVatcl' ] Slarch , beCItU8 11 IH IJlllCl' , line ] 4 oz , more of it for sam. . monr ) " , : \od [ st ) ' Is 1I0t ao casl ! ' Siloclwd as Ilrlldellce. ' HRIFTY F' ; RMiERS uro Ifl1It < \o \ relllo In till ! " 1110 of " "r'lnllll , where \I'y \ \ III ' 1IId" Jellh'f"l ' 111111 he..aly : "lllDnl".lIr t' CU' : . IliarkcI8 f , r lIolr , 1'.1 " l ' " " 11,1 , ph'nl ) ' ot lalld lit fI'II""nI > 1olrh'o" \ Mil' Itllel ' ' ' ' ' ' 'rlll\1\'u \ I' ml'll' leI. \ \ III II , ) .cut r/l'C" / ' " ' , " . . , : : H. ADENHOOP , Sec' . Slate Ooar : ! ollmmlgr.1l1o" OALTIMOne , MO , . ' lu- " " " " " " " " , _ " " " " " " _ , , , " fJ PS HH1 ! \ S IJ ! ! N E ( I''r 1'1' IV ( " 'II.AI""II II 11 fll'.J , \ 'tlbMitllu ( il.r 0'IIPC ' ' ' : 1 < > 1 10 11I11 1 ld Qr PO , tJlllcr ! ot"lcr. IWe' ' will nOI bll'I"r tmOSI \ .Irlicllu bin. ! 'nil ! rllll : I11..yin . IInd ccr iII\'e 'lllalu" ! ollhisnIL ro ! 0'0 ' " , : . .ttlrI , : , II will I . tup Iho toolhnl'\.u \ at onro , 11I,1 n'II'o I1ra.l- adlt ! I > 1It.LlalkIVIII ! : r..rUlnlll'aolll DB diu Lo"t .md f\f ( ' < 1 " Iomnl t(1l1nler'r r : nll'O" , " , al90 os nn ( ; xtHr.ol fellledy for IlalllS ill tll" chest 011.1 & ( oIII11'h "nd all fh"uru III" , "eund ic and l'oll/V rCJllIl'ldinu , A 111,1 wdll'fouVlnt ! WI ) ( ' 1"11I ' fUI iI , "lid itvill Lo fotl/"I to . . invalu- ohio III lit. . hnuseltohl , r.lnllY I"oplu sny "it h II , . . tll.t tlf nil Yllllr pr'parauuns , " Pka 10 I"elll' , lit 011 drll i.h , . , ' Olllef denlN' , or by ooIII' III.'Uh'UIiI . eo us in r"'a ' 1I01II1'S\\8 ' \\111 hI"1I1 ) OU R IU\oO \ b ) ' 0'011. to a/IIClo silould be ar"c'.1 hy the ludol'I' "nlrtila 81411I0 c rn"l\ aUf label. u. olhol\v15o I lIS not enulne. CtmsmmOUtltlrO , CO" 17 Statu Sueet , New YOnk CITT , - - _ . . . . . . _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ "h _ _ _ _ _ _ . . , _