Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, January 21, 1904, Image 4

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    t. :
i ! : " =
( HuDler o. ; Ucpu Hcun
Pullll.ned eTery 'l'buuday aLh. . CO bL ) ' tc ! l.
- - - - - -
D. M. AMMUlUm\ ' . . . l tlllr
\\fI1cc tn Oo Ler Ulock , i"onr\h ATe.1i
Bntered aLbe pOltomce at Broken ! low. Neb. .
II lQOOnd-tIIUlO maILer tor tnn mlpelon thrlluKIJ
\be U. S. MalhI.
One YOllf.lnlldvllocO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 1.00
( ) oe column , 'It f month , tl7 00. Ono.hlllt 001.
amn , pcr mOllthJ 1J100 IlullfLer column. pcr
1II0nh , Il.OO ! IAJIII Ihllo quarter colomo , 50
COIIIII per locb Ilor month
Oanl. on Irlt : l'lgo. 60 conla per loch , per
Local8dTorllllnR ! 6 Cl1U I I > or 11110 cach If .or.
"Notlco of church tar ! , oclnlllel nnd "nler/Illtl' /
mpnt where mooor I churlll'd lIoo.hulf rllle/l.
80c101) noUce. 110(1 tl'p"lutlon " . one-holr mlc/I.
Weddlullf'ollce rroc. baIt prlCI' tor . , ublllling
Uet of IItCll lltll.
Dclllb notlcD/I trf-o. hl\1r prlc. . tor publl bln/ / , (
obltunry notlcc . "nd cnrrle ot IhIlDII. .
1.ellIlnollCoe 1f LU lr"Tldl'd , b" I' atotcs ot
- -
Thursday , January 21 , 1904.
Friday Governor Micke ) ' goes
to St. Joseph , 1\10. , where he wi11
be the guest of the Republican
Editorial associatioll of Missouri ,
and the ! \IcKinlcy and l ooseve1t
club of St. Joseph. At a banquet
Friday evening Go\'ernor : Mickey
will respond to the toast , "The
Middle West. "
. -
Oil Inspector Church's month.
ly report for December shows re-
ceiph $1,63.70 , expenditurc:5 :
$958.02 , paid to treasurerer ,
$715.68. Prescnt indications arc
that Mr. Church's annual report
will be a record breaker. Usually
the epartment returns an an.
nual profit of lcc ; than $6,000 ,
but in the eight months of Mr.
Church's reign somet hing over
$5,000 bas been turned in , leaving
less than $1,000 to be secured in
the remailt ng four months in
order to break a11 previous reo
'l'he first fruits of the new revenue -
venue law shows the wisdom of
the legislature in the clause relating -
lating to foreign' Insurance com-
panies. A few days ago the New
York Life paid into the auditor's
office $8,330.68 as its proportion
of the state burden. As this is
the first money ever received from
such a source and marl < s the da wn
o an era in , vbich foreign cor.
porations , each having no morc
than a few hundred dollars' worth
of property in the state , but each
doing a large amount of business
under the protection of the Ne-
brnaka laws , will he forced to
bear their just proportion of the
load , or Itay out of the state.
The following resolutions was
passe'd unanimously by the Executive -
ecutive Committee of the Nebraska -
braska Vice-Presidential Committee - .
mittee at a meeting in Omaha , !
January 7th , 1904.
Resolved : " 'rhat we favor and
recommend to the l epublicans of
the State an early State Convention -
tion for the purpose of unequivocally -
vocally pledging the support of
the State to the Candidacy of
Theodore Roosevelt for President
and John L. Webster tor Vice-
President , and that we favor and
recommend the selection as delegates -
gates to the National Convention
of such persons only as are lmown
. . . . . - - -
. : r.I. ;
Jeweler and Optioian i
West Side Square ,
Broken Bow , g
Nebmsko. N
: " . " . . . . . . . ' . : o'r..rJ.r..r..oJ1
- - -
. . . . . . . . .llcrtl 11"'IH1t.1I . . : \ . . . . . . . . . .
CrimlOU ScoLt. NI' . 17,0.35.
, . .
J. h. BRENIZER , Breeder of
l'u , . Scnlch . .nrt Bcoleh TIJPPI'C\ f l'ort 1I0tll C'at
tie. M. , h , rd "nmbpr. 40 oIJW" . wtll 1''lI'llar
In bre..dnllind ! qlullhYtlt en , Wl'8t ot Pohtc" ! ! "
H"f'rpffllll'c- : t.uRht 11'0 Ihat to ptvo I"O' '
" , 'I"r.ctlon. hrtpdlnlt calt'o luu't t'n rn Isod II
this altlludo. I Ullpct to ralso then
here \tIe equal ot nJthlu rahrtl III .he . U
8. I D " bnn bull II lIollablA lor Ihl . aOI
upxt feu' " IOnlce. Mv CO" . we'gh ' trom HOG I ,
pound. . Come and roe tbem ,
. _ _ 0"
t , e arnc9Uy nnl aggressively ,
favorable to the Candidacy both
of Prcsillent Hooscvclt and of
Mr. We ster. "
'rhe opcning of the Hosebud
reservation in South Dalcota to
Homcstead entry seems to be in I
a fair \v.l ) ' to an carl ) ' consuma-
tion. 'l'here is 41 , OOO acres in
the resen'ation which Congrcss-
man Burke's bill of South Dakota -
kota , seeks to segregate. Hpro- :
vi des for a payment of $2.50 an
acre for the land and that 50
cents ghall be paid down when
the application is made , 50 ccnts
within two ) 'ear after the entry
is made , SO cents in three years ,
50 cents in four ) 'car3 and 50
CClIlg within six months after
the expiration of five ycars from
date of entr ) ' . The scttler may
commute his cntry by paying
full price and receive patent as
provided for all homestead en-
tries. 'rhe eastern haH of the
reservation IS said to be desire-
able land for farming while the
western half is better calculated
for pal ture. The rescrvatiot1
will providc a quarter section for
only 2,600 homesteads. 'l'here
doubtlcss will e ten applicants
for evcry quarter scction.
_ . _ u
Wit } Xut Bur ( ) fill' Oil :
For ) 'ears there has becn more
or lcss talk in favor of boring a
hole several hundred feet in thc
ground in this vicinity in search
for oil. Bu t up to the presen t no
one has manifested sufficient in-
tercst to inaugrate a plan of pro-
ceedure. A plan might be organized -
ized , it secms to us by which a
large number would bear the ex-
pen e of the experinient without it
bcing a burden to anyone.
Possibly neither gas , oil or
coal would be found , yet there
are evidcnce in several localities
in the county of oil. If nothing
more an artesidn vein of water
might be struck that would prove
of grcat value.
E. J. 'rbomas , who formerly
lived'lI1 ' Indiana where the gas
belt has been discovcred in late .
years , feels very sanguine that !
gas could be found at a reasonable - i
able depth hcre. This would be
a matter worthy of consideration
by the Business Men's Associa-
tion. All that is needed is for
some one authorized to appoint a
committee to take the matter in
charge. A public meeting might
be called for that purpose , but as
the Business Men's Organization
is organized for all matters ofI I
public interest it would be better
to have it take charge.
DI. U. A. Meeting.
The regular meeting of the M.
B. A. lodgc will be held li"riday
evcning January 22. Officers for
the emming year will be in-
A Cnrret'tloll
In making a list of the deputy
assessors last weel < , we in advert-
antly omitted the names of Herman -
man lartin of KilfoilV. . S.
'l'urnbull of Custer , Lewis Kim-
berling of Arnold , and 14ars
Blixt of Elim. Jas. Chittick was
credited to Elim when it l hould
have been \V ayne. Tb official
list appears in thc board proceedings -
ings this week.
P. II , IlInkfR n'mllant Snlo.
Biggest remnant sale ever
known in Brolten Bow. Come
everybody. Sale to commence
l'riday ; , January 29th , and to con.
tinue until over twelve hundred
dollars worth are sold. Most 01
these remnants arc direct froll'
eastern factories. First come. .
first t > erved. P. H. MUNK.
Realty Block
lie" . curllHle I. . n. : tlurUn. L. I. . n
\Vaverly , Tcxas , writes : " 0
a 11Jorning' , when first arising ,
often find a troublesome collt > c
tion of phlegm , which produces i
cough and is very hard to dis
, lodgc > j but a small quantity 0
Ballard's Horehound Syrup "il
" at once dislodge it , and the tro\l
ble is over. I Imow of no medi
. cine that is equal to it , and it i
so pleasant to t lte. I can mos
cordially recommend it to all per
sons nceding a medicine fo
1 throat or lung trouble. " 25c , 50
d and $1 00. Sold by Ed. McCown
I ) I Broken Bow and 1iernn ,
. .
. . . .
, .
_ r
, .
- . .
' -
r rf&Yt.IrttAl : : " "WM 11
C : Supervisors Proceedings. ; I . I
z Z M
; :
. . . .l > IK)1BIUI or TIIII BOAI1IJ. . .
c )
: J T.AnTIlUR , I'IIIfIlPl'1 . , . . . . . . . . ml't. I )
. .
. .to , \ \ 1111 RRwALT. LI11\1Ut. \ . . . 2 !
. n II 'I'I/OllrR. llrukpn Do. . . . . . . . 3
. JOI 1'11"111)101111. ( 'Illy. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 )
: J. II. MolUIIIR. ( ' allawIIY. . . . . . . . . . 6 I
A. F'oSUt Ucorlto. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . )
C 001'1UIIIIJIKII.MIHonClt ) ' . . . . . II 7
C )
. . . .
'i : J.Q : w : : .k ( vvw J ; ( wa _ _ _ _ M 1t'
Jl1l1. 12 , 19(1.1. (
PUrt.lUl1nt to the provision Sec.
Art. Chl1p. of th , Revised Stat.-
utes of the Stl1to of Nebraska for
the year 1903 , the County DOl1rd of
Super\'isorB of Custer Nebr. , met
in rogulor session I1t the Court
hou II in BrokonBow at 9 a. Ul , nnd I
were culled to order bj' the Cllrk. ,
Upon motion duly ml1do I1nd
seconded G. H. Thorpe Wa ! ! elect.
ed rl'cmpomrj' cho.iruuUl.
Chuir mnn uppointed the following -
ing cOl1l1uittces :
COUlluittco au Cl'odentiuls-J. II.
JlcGuire nnd J. 'r. Arthur.
COJomittee 011 permanent orgau.
iZl1tioll-Geo. Greenwalt , G. H ! : Ier
Imll A. l"ondu.
Committee on Hu1es nnd Order
of business-A. Fouda. Jos. Fel1 i-
more ILUtl J. 'r. Arthur.
Committee on Credentials reported -
ed nH follows :
Wo your committee report that
we find following 111lmO gentlemen
111\vo been duly elected members of
the Board of Supervisors , thnt they
hnyo eaeh filed the propel' bond
with the County Judge I1nd that he
haw applOvod the ! ; Iamc , an thut
they have euch taken and subscrib.
ed to the proper onth.
Geo. Greenwalt , Dist. No.2.
J os. Fennimoro II II 4
A. Fonda , II 'I ( j
And that therefore they are entitled -
titled to Belds in this Honorable .
J. H. McGuire
} C om.
J. T. Arthur
Ioved and cn.rried that the report
of the committee bu accepted and
Committee ou permanent organization -
zation l'eported us folloWl :
\Y 0 your committee l'ecommend
that the temporary orgl1nizution be
made permn.nent.
Moved und carried that the tom.
porary organizl1tion bo made per-
Moved and carried to adjoUl'n till
1:30 : p. m.
Doard met at 1:30 : p. m. All
members present.
Ol1l1.irman appointed the f llow-
ing permnnent lommitteell :
li'inanco Committeo.-A. Fonda ,
Geo. Greenwalt and G. H. Thorpo.
Olaima Uommittee.-J. H. McGuire -
Guiro , J. 11 , Arthur nnd G. Hisor.
01licial Bond , Roaa and Roaa
Uln.ims committeo-J. 1' . Al.thur ,
J. H. McGuire , and J. Fennimore.
Erroneoua antl Delinquent Tax
committeo-G. H liCr , A. Fond , J.
rr. Arthur. .
Poor Farm , Court House nna
Jo.i1 Supplies eommitteo.-G. H.
Thorpe , J. Fennimore ma J. H.
Dl'idge and Dridgo Claims com-
mitteo-Goo. Groenwalt , G. H.
Thorpe and A. Fonda.
Judicil1rj' committeo-J. Fenni.
more , G. Hisor aud Geo. Greenwalt.
Moved an aeconded. that the
count . assessor bo allowecl twent . -
five de1mtios to aSSiist him in tbo
work for the 'car 1904.
The matter of county supplies
'then ' tn.kon and the
was up , committee -
mittoo reported as follows :
"r 0 , 'our committee on poor
farlU , court bouso n.nd jail supplies ,
bog to report that we ha\'e ox-
mnined the bidR for furnishing
count . supplies for the 'oar 1H04.
There are tbroe complete bids as
pOl' estimate published , n.s follows :
State Journal Co. . . . . . . . ; ; 1.2 o 7. .
D. M. Amsbcrl' " " ' " " 1,1 O aB
P\\1'coll Dros. . . . . . . . . . . 663 95
Pm'cell Bros. bid being the lowest -
est complete bid we recommend
tbn.t they bo awarded the contract
and the chairman of thia board be
inatl'ltcted to enter into contract
wHh P ltrcell Draa. as providetl bj'
G , H. Thorpe ,
Jos. Fennimore , } Com.
J. H. McGuire ,
: \o\'ed \ and carried to accept and
adopt the report of the committee.
. 'l'he matter of the emploj'mont 0
n jlmitor fOl' the court house for
. the 'ear 1904 , was then taken np
nnd the committee l'oported as fol.
. lows :
'Ye. your committeol l'ecommeud
tho.t W. 11. Osbor11o Jl' . , be awardCll
_ the contmct fOl' janitor wode at the
il court house for the 'ear 19M , at n.
, _ salnr. } ' of $ O.UO pel' month.
G. II. 'l'horpo ,
I ! os. lo'eJl11imre , 1 Com.
, T. 11. McGuu'e ,
l\Ioved \ Imd curried , to accept nUll
adopt the ropol.t of the committee
Committee also l'eportetl aa fol.
' _ 10w8 on the emplo 'ment of supor- -
the count . ' farm
r intendent for pOOl' :
c I \Ve , 'our committee , l'ocOUUllell
s thl1 the eoutruct with John Pirnio.
I the priiient liuporiutendent , e reo
- -
Ilowed for the year 1904 , nt the I
Harne 1111.1nry , to-wit : e1,200.00 pOl' ,
G. H. Thorpe ,
Joa. Fennimore , } OOUI.
J. H. McGuire ,
Report of eouunitteo accepted und
Moved nnd carried to adjourn till
o a.l1I. tomorrow.
JANUARr 18th , 1904.
BOllrd met at 9 u. 111. , all mom.
bera presont.
Judiciary committee reported us
followl : ! :
'Ye , your commi tteo , rocommentl
thl1t the following claims be allowed :
C. T. 01'1' , costs in foreclosure
suits , brought to torcl0ge tax liena ,
JOB. Finnimore , )
G , Hiaor , COtIl.
Geo. Greenwnlt , 5
Moyed nnd carried that the 1'0.
port of committee bo uccepted and
'l'ho requetit of OuoJ' L. Pike and
r. . . . C. Pike for all uppropriatiou to
ropllir road on the east side of See
21 nnd W , in Tp. 20. Rg. 20. Wt\B
then tI\ken up.
: iUoycd I\nel Boconded , that the reo
quest be gruuted UUll an amount
hereinafter to bo determined , bo up.
propriated for said purpose.
Voting uyc-GreoIlwalt und Mc-
Y oting uuy-Adhur , Hisel' ,
li'ennimore , and Fondll.
Chulrman declnrcd the motioll
'rhe following commuJ1ien.tion ;
from the county nrsessor wn.s read :
' 1'0 the Count ) ' Board of Custer
County Nebr. :
I would respectfully recommend
the fol1owing mea for Deputy As-
sesors in the , arious precincts of
Custor County.
Precinct Deputy
Ausley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tom Wright
Arnold. . . . . . . . . Lewis Kimbeding
Algernon , . . . . . Geo. 'V. Mulvaney
Broken Bow City. . . . . . 'Vm. Boyce
Broken Dow . . . . . . . W. } 1. Vannice
l\Iyrtle . . . . . . . . . . . . . Francis Marsh
S'I.l'gent . . . . . . . . . . . . .E. , Yo DaviB
Elim , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lars Dlixt
Cliff. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0W. . J. Rico
Triumph. . . . . . . . . . . . 'Vm. Wnrren
Douglas Grovo. . . . . . . . C. R. Sims
Delight. . . . . . . . . . . Lewis lUofireary
West U Dion . . . . . . J. C. Predmore
Lillian. . . . . . . . . . . . .1)orry Metcalf
GI1l' old. . . . . . . . . . . . .J. D. Knight
Westerville. . . . . . . . . . .C. T. Leach
Derwyn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . J. O. Taylor
Elk Creek. . . . . . . . . . . . J. L. Smith
Loup. . . . . . . " . . , . . . . . N George
Wood Rivor. . . . . . . Henry Brown
Victoria and Hayes. . . M. R. Foster
CUB tor . . . . . . . . . . . W. S. Turnbull
G1'I\nt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W. O. Nixon
Wnyne. . . . . . . . . . . . James Chittick
Kiltoil. . . . . . . . . . . . Herman Martin
Jules Haumont ,
County AsseBBor.
Moved n.nd carried that the ap.
pointmonts be confirmed.
Repol.t of Soldiers Relief Com.
l'arm ; Lease , Chattle Mortgage
and Warranty Deed blanks at
this office. .
A Hpeclnl CUer.
We have been able to secure the Globe
Democrat of St. l.ouis for clubbing pur.
poses with the RUPUDI.ICAN at a discount
of 20 cents over former prices. Owing
to the Worlds Fair being held in St.
I. < > uis this year everbody will want the
greatest St. I.ouis newspaper. The
Globe Democrat is published twice a
week and we will furl11sh it with the Ru.
PUDI.ICAN to all new or old subscribers
for 65 cents. The price of the two I
papers. the RIU'UDt.lCAN nd GlobeI.6s. !
"I wu troubled with IItom-
&ok tronblo. Thedford's Dlack-
Draught dId mo moro good
In one week thlUl all the doo-
tor's modlclno I took In a
: roar.-MnS. SAnAII E.
BIIIIlFIELD. EUottav1l1c , IDd.
Thedford's Dla.ckDrought
9uicklr.invigorotcs the ne-
bon of the stomnch and
cures even chronio CAses of
indigcstion. If you will
tnko Do small dose of Tbed-
ford's Dlack Draught 0cca-
sionally you will Kcep your
stomach and liver in perfect -
fect condition.
More sickness is caused by
conliUpnUon than by any
other diseaso. Thedford's
Black.Drought not only ro-
lievcs constipation bu'ctu'l'3 .
dinrrb a and dyaentery IU.
beps the bowels regular.
AU .ell
: III-oont packqca.
' bedford 'II
Draught is the best medi-
cine to regulate the bowels
. I I hnvo ever used. " - MRS.
A. M. GRANT , BnNds
, , 1'arrr. ! N. O.
. . . . . ( , ' . '
, . .
. " I.
, . . . . ' ' ; ' < . .
. . . . . . , . ' . . .
' . .
- - - . _ - _ . - - . . - . T . . .
pili , .
It is with. . . . . . . . . .
Pleasure to Us
and 1 know that it will also
make the. , . . . . . . . . J
Housewife Smile .
When she reads that we have sccured
the agenc ) ' for 1904 of tbe. . . . . . . . . .
Celebrated Te8 leaf Brand of Teas !
They are Superior Quality and whcn
in the cup the ila\'or is 50 rich , aroma
so fine , that the scowl will never
come on-only. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
11,50 Cents a Poundul
Your ior Pure Food Products ,
Pure Old Cider Vinegar. . Broken Bow ,
MARK Nebraska.
t . . - - 'iii . . . . - ' . . - "GA .
. . - - - "
. - .
mi"sion waB reud as follows :
Superintendent's ofiicej
Broken BOIV , Neb. , Jun. 13 , 1904.
To the Chui nan und Dourd of
Custer oounty :
We the Soldiers Relief Commis-
Bion fOl' said county make the fol.
lowing report :
Bal. on hund last report $105.25
WnrrantNo.1..100.:0 ( :
" " 2. . . . . . . . . . . . 50.00 I I
" II 3 . . . . . . . . . . 100.00 I
II " .1 . . . . . . . . . . . . 150.00
Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fj05.25
Ois'mts a8 per receipts. . . . M22.37
Balance on hund . . . . . . . . . . 82.88
Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $505.25
Respectfully submitted
M. IC Hagadorn Sec ' .
Report was referred to special
committee composed of Supervisol'S
Arthur and Hiaer who l'eported aB 1
follows :
We your committeQ n.ppointod to
check up the Soldiers Relief Com-
mission. Report thnt we have examined -
amined the records , receipts nDCl
V ouchors and find the -report to bo
J. 1' . Arthur. )
. C om.
G . H. , J -
Report of Committee accepted
and adopted.
Adjourned till 1:30 : p. m.
. AFTEltNOON 8W3810N.
Board met at 1 :80 : with all IDcm.
bers present.
Committee on rules reported as
follows :
Your committee on rules recomend
tbat tbe rules of the pre\'iouB boar
in USli in 1903 be adopted an used
by tbo inoomin boar subject to
euch ohanges and amendmenls as
may be' herQinafter ogreed upon.
A Fonda
.JoB Fennimore ! Oem
J T Artbur
Report of oommittee accepted Bnd
'rhe ohair appointed the followil1C"f
committeeti to check up the offices :
County judge , Artbur aud Hiser ;
county olerk , FondlIm Greenwalt ;
register of deeds , l'IlcGllirelnd FtHi
nimore ; distriot olerk , Hiser anI !
Arthur ; county superintendent ,
Greenwalt and Fen lI.
Adjourned till 0 a. m.
Jan. 14 , 100.1.
Board met at 0 D. . 111. witb all
TO cunv. A COLI ) IN 01' ( ( < ; n. v
rake Lllu\tvo llromo Qulnlno 'l'ab1cte. All
rUFI18 \ I't'tund tbe Inon. y It II tlillll to rnfO.
K. W. Grove' , Iiualure lion ugh box. 250.
- .
. _ - - _
= = _ . . ;
members present.
l\Hnutts of Jan. 12 nnd 13 read
an approv ( ' ( ! '
Offici/ll boud , rOR and road olaims
committee reported liB follows :
\Ve , YOllr commitlPf' , recommend
that the bOlldof John Hinkley ,
jUl'lke of the peace , Rud R. R.
Welch , clerk of Berw'n townBhip , he
.J 1 Arthur
J H l\IcGuire
J 08 Fennimore
He port of committee accepted and
a opted.
illoved and carried ( hat J obn lul. .
vanry be and hersby is appointed BI I
a member of the Holdiers relief com.
mittee for the term of throu years i
beginning Jan. 12. 1H04.
Remainder at' day W S spent in
loved fUld carried to adjourn iI1 ;
o a. m. tOlDorrO\\ ' . ,
Jan. ] 5 , 1904.
Board met /It U . III. with all
mem hera prcsent.
\HnuteB of .Tan. 1-1 r\38d null ape
proved. J.
Moved ant ) eecon ed that the CU8. IIf
t r County Republican be and hereby
iB designated a8 the official paper or
' \
ill ;
Two Coal Dealers
may charge Qxactly the sallie price .
for thcir conI , while there may be
the greatest difference ill the goods.
For illstanre. if coal is clean nd :
well screened water willllot stick
to it. If the coal is dusty and dirty
it will absorh water like a sponge.
and the weight will be con idera.
bly increase . w
Do Not Sell Water
but coa1-just coal. No dirt. 110 I
dUllt. 110 water. no slnte. If that's
the killd YOll want , let Ull send . \'ou
a ton or more or leM.
higher than for watered stocl. : : .
Dierks Lumber & Coal Co. ,
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G-eo. Papin..ea"U : ,
I j Contractor and BuilJer. Estimates ,
i : Furnished frce with plans and specifications. \
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I. S. C. BRUNER , Manager. 4I1f
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